CF :: Volume #20

#1924: In diving real dragon

Three people do not have the strength to hit back under the Chu Yunfan flying immortal big hand imprint, almost can say that is the crush. 三人都在楚云凡的飞仙大手印之下毫无还手之力,几乎可以说就是碾压。 A palm of the hand cranks up the muddy flesh Elder of three universe boundaries! 一巴掌就将三个乾坤境的长老拍成肉泥! A scene piece dies general silence! 现场一片死一般的寂静! All people see this time, was almost scared, the scene can say on is falls the needle to hear! 所有人看到这一幕的时候,几乎都傻眼了,现场可以说的上是落针可闻! Nobody can think radically, Chu Yunfan can unexpectedly formidable to this situation! 根本没有人可以想到,楚云凡居然能够强大到这个地步! At this time, why all people came to keep an appointment to Chu Yunfan, did not report any has doubts. 这个时候,所有人都对楚云凡为什么前来赴约,不报任何疑惑了。 originally they also thought, definitely was Chu Yunfan results was insane insanely, otherwise, how can dare to seize the tiger to. 原本他们还觉得,肯定是楚云凡得了失心疯了,否则的话,怎么会敢来掳虎须。 However now looked, they responded, actually who was that fierce tiger, that was uncertain. 但是现在一看,他们才反应过来,究竟谁才是那一只猛虎,那还不一定呢。 That side of powerful originally they think, now looks like, actually also not necessarily. 原本他们以为的强势的那一方,现在看起来,却也未必。 Especially that Zhan Tai Senior Sister, originally Liu Wen jing also requested that she takes care of some Chu Yunfan slightly, being insufficient makes Chu Yunfan be killed. 尤其是那詹台师姐,原本刘文静还请求她稍微看顾一些楚云凡,不至于让楚云凡被打死。 Now her the red lip twitches slightly, whom must nurse, this Chu Yunfan strength tyrannical fearfulness. 现在她的红唇微微抽搐,到底是要看护谁啊,这个楚云凡一身实力强横的可怕。 The scene kills four universe boundaries continually, the air/Qi does not breathe heavily, the perspiration does not flow, without a doubt, fully. 现场连杀四个乾坤境,气都不喘,汗都不流,毫无疑问,还未出全力呢。 Is also not enough to test the Chu Yunfan strength depending on these four universe boundary Level Elder truly. 光凭这四个乾坤境级别长老还不足以真正测试出楚云凡的实力。 Even could not see with the method of any temporary growth strength, should be some originally strengths, this was very astonishing, must know, one year ago Chu Yunfan also just obtained the elite Disciple quota, can kill the True Inheritance situation to the present conveniently. 甚至也看不到用了什么临时增长实力的法门,应该是本来就有的战力,这就十分惊人了,要知道,一年前楚云凡也不过是刚刚获得精英弟子的名额而已,到现在随手可以打死真传的地步。 In more than one year, he far more than has realized shed mortal body and exchange bones, had the tremendous changes simply. 这一年多之中,他何止是实现了脱胎换骨,简直有了翻天覆地的变化。 In their flying immortal sect has emitted such certainly generation of ominous unexpectedly. 什么时候他们飞仙宗之中居然冒出了这么一个绝代凶人了。 Many people responded at this time, they were too as if few, the time of Chu Yunfan pay respects to join flying immortal sect Chu Yunfan understood was too short, even if there is a shocking performance, but the level was too low, resembled their this people, will not pay attention to interior door Disciple. 许多人此时才反应过来,他们似乎都对楚云凡了解的太少了,楚云凡拜入飞仙宗的时间太短,即便有惊艳的表现,但是层级太低,似他们这种人,也根本不会关注一个内门弟子 But Chu Yunfan after pay respects to join flying immortal sect, two years are also many travels outside, they know were less. 楚云凡拜入飞仙宗之后,两年的时间又多在外游历,他们知道的就更少了。 But now, just revealed the tip of the iceberg, so was then astonishing. 而现在,刚刚揭开冰山一角,便已经如此惊人了。 These external other Sect True Inheritance Disciple at this time also sit respectfully, treats as to be able Chu Yunfan with their mention on equal terms powerhouse. 就连那些外来的其他宗门真传弟子此时也都正襟危坐,将楚云凡当做可以与他们相提并论强者 But is not originally like that treats as a laughable monkey to be the same Chu Yunfan, has treated as the monkey play all these, this is completely different. 而不是原本那般,将楚云凡当做一个可笑的猴子一样,将这一切当做了猴戏,这本质上是完全不同的。 Especially that night of free of evil intention, restrains the facial expression that has looked down on the world immediately, looks to the Chu Yunfan look, has taken the a bit dignified facial expression, as if has approved finally somewhat the Chu Yunfan strength. 尤其是那夜无邪,顿时收敛起了身上玩世不恭的神情,看向楚云凡的眼神之中,带上了几分凝重的神情,似乎终于有些认可了楚云凡的实力。 In didn't expect flying immortal sect can have such character unexpectedly, is actually rare!” 没想到飞仙宗之中居然能出这样的人物,倒是难得!” The night free of evil intention corners of the mouth shoulder slightly, although is ten big Sect ranks, but the flying immortal sect in ten big Sect, is always that several of setting the base, to the bystander, naturally is still a colossus, but regarding ten big Sect interior, has the high under division. 夜无邪嘴角微微挑起,虽然都是十大宗门的行列,但是飞仙宗在十大宗门之中,向来是垫底的那几个,对外人来说,当然依然还是一个庞然大物,但是对于十大宗门内部来说,却也有高下之分。 And strongest three big Sect, the destiny sect, the overwhelming academy, the greatly easy god, these three big Sect strengths, possibly compare to other remaining seven big Sect to add to want formidable many. 其中最强的三大宗门,天命宗,浩然书院,大易神教,这三大宗门的实力,可能比起其他剩下的七大宗门加起来都要强大的多。 Naturally, in most outstanding Disciple, often is stems from these three big Sect, resembles this and other fierce invincible new people, often also stems from these three big Sect. 当然,在其中最杰出的弟子,也往往都是出自这三大宗门中,似这等凶猛无敌的新人,往往也都出自这三大宗门 But his night is free of evil intention, then stems from the big easy gods in these three big Sect, he thought naturally the flying immortal sect does not have anything to be great, the entire flying immortal sect can enter his eye, only has 35 people probably. 而他夜无邪,便是出自这三大宗门之中的大易神教,他天然就觉得飞仙宗也没什么了不起的,整个飞仙宗能入他的眼的,大概也就只有35个人而已。 This coming, to the king a sail face, rather, he wants to see recently the reputation in a big way chirp magnificence Xianyuan, but after sees, is very disappointed, magnificence Xianyuan the natural talent nature is uncommon, but the age was still shallow, in the short-term, is insufficient the striving for hegemony world. 这次前来,与其说是给王一帆面子,倒不如说,他想见见近来名声大噪的华仙远,不过一见之后,十分失望,华仙远天资自然不凡,不过年岁尚浅,短期内,不足以争雄天下。 In shallow water real dragon?” Night free of evil intention slightly smiled. “浅水中出了真龙?”夜无邪微微一笑 But at this time, a king sail finally could not bear, has stood, his laughed heartily, that is the smiling face that the anger instead smiled extremely: Really was good, I had not killed you before, didn't expect, raised the tiger to create disaster unexpectedly!” 而就在这个时候,王一帆终于忍不住,站了起来,他哈哈大笑了起来,那是怒极反笑的笑容:“真是太好了,我之前没杀你,没想到,居然还养虎为患了!” At this time, he acknowledged finally beforehand ignores Chu Yunfan is a mistake, although at that time, he under the situation, defeated in changed/easy Yunyao the hand, has to give up massacring Chu Yunfan directly. 此时,他终于承认了之前放任楚云凡是一种错误,虽然那个时候,他是迫于形势,败在了易云瑶的手上,才不得不放弃直接将楚云凡杀掉。 However fundamentally, he truly had not paid attention to Chu Yunfan at that time, even if later Chu Yunfan destroys his plan repeatedly, but in his eyes, is still not anything. 然而从根本上来说,他当时确实也没将楚云凡放在眼里,哪怕之后楚云凡几次三番的破坏他的计划,但是在他的眼里,依然不算什么。 He is solemn True Inheritance Disciple, Chu Yunfan is anything, but is only interior door Disciple, he copes with Chu Yunfan is also used to attack changed/easy Yunyao. 他是堂堂真传弟子,楚云凡算什么,不过只是一个内门弟子而已,他对付楚云凡也不过是用来打击易云瑶而已。 It can be said that his true goal is always repeatedly with changed/easy Yunyao who he opposes. 可以说,他的真正目标从来都是几次三番和他作对的易云瑶而已。 But Chu Yunfan is person while convenient! 楚云凡不过是顺带之人而已! Who knows, the ants that this while convenient aims at have brought the trouble of such big to him unexpectedly. 谁知道,这个顺带针对的蝼蚁居然给他带来了如此之大的麻烦。 This is being the person calculates that was inferior the day calculates. 这正可谓是人算不如天算。 How unable to see by his disposition, before Chu Yunfan, grasps him with the words, making him not facilitate begins directly, but before him, all methods have also used, naturally is also far has the softheartedness. 以他的心性如何看不出来,楚云凡之前只是用话拿住他,让他不方便直接动手,不过他之前所有的手段也都用了,自然也就谈不上有心慈手软。 Should not, then be only he does not have to begin personally. 唯一一点不该的,便是他没有亲自动手。 You think that initially was you have let off me? No, was I had initially let off you, at that time I can kill you!” “你以为当初是你放过了我?不,是我当初放过了你,当时我便可杀你!” Chu Yunfan looks at king sail coldly said. 楚云凡看着王一帆冷冷的说道 Said uselessly, making you live for one year, is your luck!” “不过多说无益,让你多活一年,已经是你的幸运了!” Good more than to say uselessly, although the vertical tiger creates disaster, but before your this time may not have, that good luck!” “好一个多说无益,虽然纵虎为患,不过你这次可就没有之前那么好的运气了!” King sail coldly said. 王一帆冷冷的说道 Good luck? You think that I am close right up against luck to reach this time situation?” Chu Yunfan sneered, his tramples fiercely, in an instant, an incomparable aura has released from his body, vigorous Magic Power first time had shown at this time. “好运气?你以为我是靠着好运气才走到今时今日的地步的?”楚云凡冷笑一声,他脚下猛地一个践踏,刹那间,一股无匹的气息从他的身上释放了开来,雄浑的法力这个时候才第一次展现了出来。 He cut to kill four Elder before continuously is casually, inadequately uses including 10% Cultivation Power, at this time, everyone truly saw the Chu Yunfan strength. 他之前连续斩杀四个长老都是轻描淡写,连一成功力都不成用上,这个时候,众人才真正见到楚云凡的实力。 King sail coldly looks, his aura finally has also released, terrifying Magic Power was similar to the difficult situation has released generally, split second on being startled cloud peak many defense Barrier will give to alarm, this also to prevent startled cloud peak by direct disintegration. 王一帆冷冷看着,他身上的气息也终于释放了出来,恐怖法力如同惊涛骇浪一般释放了出来,一瞬间就将惊云峰上诸多的防御结界都给惊动了,这也是为了防止惊云峰被直接崩碎。 After all these True Inheritance Disciple which have the strength to rumble the fragment these mountain peaks. 毕竟这些真传弟子哪一个都有实力将这些山峰轰成碎片。 Entire startled cloud peak high and low in shivering slightly, floats in airborne also during the unceasing vibration. 整个惊云峰上下都在微微的颤抖,漂浮在空中也在不断的抖动之中。 At this time, all these accidents, the startled entire startled cloud peak for it with amazement, these came to eat the banquet finally up and down interior door Disciple and elite Disciple also finally rushes at this time, saw a shocking war. 此时,这一切的变故,终于惊的整个惊云峰上下为之骇然,那些前来吃酒席的内门弟子和精英弟子此时也都终于赶到,看到了一场惊世大战。
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