CF :: Volume #20

#1920: Fights with the fists the dry corpse

Almost is surrounding everyone, immediately felt this fearful imposing manner, particularly many interior door Disciple, this fearful imposing manner was similar to a heavy hammer bombardment ruthlessly in their hearts, almost in an instant, must destroy their imposing manners. 几乎是周围的众人,马上就感受到了这一股可怕的气势,尤其是诸多的内门弟子,这一股可怕的气势如同一记重锤狠狠的轰击在他们的心头,几乎刹那间,要将他们的气势摧毁。 Even if many elite Disciple on the scene does not feel better! 即便是在场的诸多精英弟子也都不好受! Fu Heng strength, even if in many elite Disciple, ranks existence of front row, out of the ordinary. 傅恒的实力,即便是在诸多精英弟子之中,也是排名前列的存在,非同凡响。 Liu Wen jing has a mind to prevent, but actually cannot follow Fu Heng speed. 刘文静有心阻止,但是却根本跟不上傅恒的速度。 Almost is time suddenly, Fu Heng body advantage of terrain rushed to Chu Yunfan, raised Magic Power of whole body fiercely all of a sudden vertical, has pinched an seal Secret Art, in an instant, above Sky innumerable Thunder condensed. 几乎是一刹那间的功夫,傅恒的身形便冲到了楚云凡的跟前,猛地一下子将全身的法力提纵了起来,捏了一个印诀,刹那间,天穹之上无数的雷霆凝聚而成。 The innumerable electric lights in his whole body twinkle, are similar to only bird sound together surely, in an instant, changed to an seal type to pound to fall toward Chu Yunfan. 无数的电光在他的周身闪烁,如同千万只的鸟齐鸣,刹那间,化作一个印式朝着楚云凡砸落了下来。 „?” Chu Yunfan recognized, this was also one printing type that in the flying immortal sect spread widely, named Heavenly Thunder seal, once displayed, can the World strength between of Thunder change into oneself to use, was quite fearful. “雷法?”楚云凡一眼就认出来了,这也是飞仙宗之中广为流传的一种雷法印式,名为天雷印,一旦施展开来,能将天地间的雷霆之力化为己用,极为可怕。 This in realm, is very formidable, what a pity he has bumped into Chu Yunfan, actually sees, Chu Yunfan spreads out big hand, received in these thunder light the hand fiercely all of a sudden, then this big hand five fingers pinch the fist fiercely all of a sudden, a fist rumbled. 这种雷法在同境界之中,都是非常强大的,可惜他碰到了楚云凡,却见,楚云凡摊开一只大手,猛地一下子将这些雷光收入了手中,然后这一只大手猛地一下子五指捏拳,一拳轰了出去。 Bang!” “轰!” incomparable gigantic boom sound, this fist penetrated the air directly, has caused collapsing of terrifying. 一声巨大无比轰鸣声,这一拳直接击穿了空气,引起了一阵恐怖的坍塌。 However has not waited for Fu Heng to respond, actually saw in this fist direct bang Fu Heng chest. 然而还没有等傅恒反应过来,却见这一拳直接轰中了傅恒的胸口。 Bang!” “嘭!” everyone only listens to a loud sound, has not responded with enough time, only saw was similar to space Thunder God common Fu Heng unexpectedly is received a moment ago also the strength of complete Thunder by Chu Yunfan, in a fist bang chest. 众人只听一声巨响,还未来得及反应过来,只看到刚才还如同天上雷神一般的傅恒居然被楚云凡收了全部的雷霆之力,一拳轰中了胸口。 Fu Heng body was similar to the kite of line was common, fell directly the ground. 傅恒的身体如同断了线的风筝一般,直接掉落到了地上。 This is how possible!” “这怎么可能!” Some people have not been able to believe that Chu Yunfan so will be how formidable. 有人还无法置信,楚云凡怎么会如此强大。 Must know, Fu Heng strength, early strided in hole Void Territory Peak, although the card had many years in this threshold, enters one step to stride in the universe boundary very much difficultly. 要知道,傅恒的实力,早已经跨入了洞虚境巅峰,虽然卡在这个门槛已经有很多年了,很难更进一步跨入乾坤境。 However in hole Void Territory elite Disciple, that also ranks existence of front row. 但是在洞虚境的精英弟子之中,那也是排名前列的存在。 Now only one fist is defeated. This Chu Yunfan strong. 现在只一拳就落败。这楚云凡得有多强。 Chu Yunfan attack conveniently has not tried, this has exceeded beyond their imagination completely. 楚云凡随手的攻击还未尽全力,这完全超出了他们的想象之外。 Was too strong, was too strong, is not right, you look at Fu Heng!” “太强了,太强了,不对,你们看傅恒!” Unexpectedly, some people call out in alarm, actually sees to lie down in ground Fu Heng moves directly also motionless, what terrifying is, this fist has made into the dry corpse Fu Heng directly, was direct. 蓦地,有人惊呼,却见躺在地上的傅恒直接动也不动,更恐怖的是,这一拳直接将傅恒打成了干尸,直接死了。 blood essence of his whole body seemed is drained directly was the same, without a trace of disappearance, was an evil law seemed to be same. 他浑身的精血好似被直接抽干了一样,消失的无影无踪,仿佛是中了一种邪法一样。 However all people saw making a move of Chu Yunfan a moment ago, the open and aboveboard potential, any evil law, in other words, Fu Heng by a Chu Yunfan fist living the evaporation that hits blood essence in within the body. 不过刚才所有人都看到了楚云凡的出手,堂堂正正之势,绝非什么邪法,换句话说,傅恒是被楚云凡一拳活生生将体内的精血打的蒸发掉的。 This must to have the matter that the multi- terrifying fist vigor can achieve, this compared with also wants difficult ten times being split up that mortal body hits. 这得要有多恐怖的拳劲才能够做到的事情,这比将肉身打的四分五裂还要困难十倍。 On the scene, even if interior door Disciple, has fierce Cultivation Base, is not to be trifled with, naturally can look, all these had are astonishing. 在场的即便是内门弟子,也都是身怀厉害的修为,都不是等闲之辈,自然能够看得出来,这一切有多么的惊人了。 At this time they look at again to Chu Yunfan time, only felt that the look completely changed, no longer before likely is, like that only thought that Chu Yunfan was Overestimating One's Capabilities. 此时他们再看向楚云凡的时候,只感觉眼神就已经完全变了,不再像是之前那般只觉得楚云凡不自量力了。 Chu Yunfan one year ago just promoted into elite Disciple, one year later, can kill Fu Heng who ranks the elite Disciple front row conveniently, this progress, went to the situation of having shocked everybody. 楚云凡一年前刚刚晋升成为精英弟子,一年之后,随手就能够打死排名精英弟子前列的傅恒,这进步,已经达到了何等惊世骇俗的地步。 Gives him again several years, he strides in the universe boundary also to have the possibility, he so was no wonder self-confident. 再给他几年,他跨入乾坤境也不是没有可能性,难怪他如此自信了。 Many people as if understood, why Chu Yunfan dared to speak the last words with a king sail. 许多人似乎已经明白了,为什么楚云凡敢于和王一帆叫板了。 Is too weak, does not have the meaning!” “太弱,没意思!” Chu Yunfan has flung waving the arms about, said. 楚云凡甩了甩手,说道。 Battlefield that experience over several million people of fighting, even if were universe boundary expert does not dare to say the terrifying campaign that can protect oneself, again turns head now, this Fu Heng attack seemed like formidable, the regulations made the interest that Chu Yunfan made a move on own initiative not have radically continually. 见识过几百万人大战的战场,就算是乾坤境高手都不敢说能自保的恐怖战役,现在再回头来看,这傅恒的攻击看似强大,实则根本连让楚云凡主动出手的兴趣都没有。 You.... You such do, did not fear that king Senior Brother is furious!” “你。。。。你这么做,不怕王师兄震怒!” Some person of trembling saying, as if were absorbed by Chu Yunfan vicious. 有人颤颤巍巍的说道,仿佛被楚云凡凶厉所摄。 „A king sail? When he can live today to say again!” “王一帆?等他能活过今天再说吧!” Chu Yunfan shook the head, the corners of the mouth flash through several points of callous smiling face. 楚云凡摇了摇头,嘴角闪过几分冷酷的笑容。 At this time, everyone is some doubts looks at Chu Yunfan, but also nobody dares saying that again Chu Yunfan was Overestimating One's Capabilities, the light was only the strength that present Chu Yunfan shows, even if were inferior to True Inheritance Disciple, was not they can compare. 此时,众人都是有些疑惑的看着楚云凡,不过再也没有人敢说楚云凡不自量力了,光只是现在楚云凡展现出来的实力,即便不如真传弟子,也不是他们这些人能比的。 What trump card perhaps does he have really? 或许他真的有什么底牌吧? everyone unexpectedly cannot help but thinks. 众人竟然不由自主的这么想。 Chu Yunfan, you are careful, absolutely a strength of king sail is not you thinks is so simple!” 楚云凡,你要小心,王一帆的实力绝对不是你想的那么简单!” Unexpectedly, in crowd, together form row of numerous, if floating exiles the immortal to be ordinary. 蓦地,人群之中,一道身影排众而出,飘然若谪仙一般。 everyone looks, who is actually not magnificence Xianyuan is. 众人一看,却不是华仙远又是谁呢。 Many people are strange, one year ago magnificence Xianyuan defeats in the hand of Chu Yunfan, is it possible that two people relations already good to this situation? 许多人还奇怪,一年前华仙远败在楚云凡的手上,莫非两人的关系已经好到这个地步了么? Only then Chu Yunfan understands that magnificence Xianyuan meaning, magnificence Xianyuan will regard as the match, the life has been alive, the match is rare, he does not hope that Chu Yunfan such has brought death, that was a pity. 只有楚云凡明白华仙远的意思,华仙远将自己看做了对手,人生在世,对手难得,他不希望楚云凡就这么去送死了,那就太可惜了。 This is among matches pities clearheadedly. 这是对手之间的惺惺相惜。 „A king sail already strided in the universe boundary, is not Fu Heng this waste can compare, if not beat, might as well first lets one step, by your talent, soon a king sail was not your match!” “王一帆早就跨入乾坤境,根本不是傅恒这废物能比的,若是不敌,不妨先让一步,以你的天赋,用不了几年王一帆就不是你的对手了!” magnificence immortal far sincere gave comment saying that he initially defeated in the hand of Chu Yunfan, cannot capture interior door Disciple greatly compared with champion, although also promoted finally became elite Disciple, but he actually also wanted to draw a city from the hand of Chu Yunfan, before snow, shame. 华仙远诚恳的提出意见道,他当初败在楚云凡的手上,未能夺取内门弟子大比的冠军,虽然最后也晋升成为了精英弟子,但是他却还想要从楚云凡的手上扳回一城,一雪前耻。 But if Chu Yunfan died in a hand of king sail, he forever did not have this opportunity. 但是如果楚云凡死在了王一帆的手上,他就永远没有这个机会了。 By his vision, even if a king sail, in his eyes is not anything, so long as gives his several years time again, surpasses a King of Yue sail is sooner or later issue, even if genius also divides the rank, but he without a doubt is most Top Level, but a king sail in his eyes, is only the ordinary goods. 以他的眼界,哪怕是王一帆,在他眼里也不算什么,只要再给他数年的时间,超越王一帆是迟早的问题,就算是天才也分等级,而他毫无疑问是最顶级的,而王一帆在他的眼里,只是普通货色。 But can only with his mention on equal terms, even also suppresses his head, only had Chu Yunfan. 而唯一能够与他相提并论,甚至还压制他一头的,也只有楚云凡了。 Such match, many youngster are not necessarily able to bump into again, this is the reason that he spoke to persuade. 这样的对手,再过多少年都未必能碰到,这才是他出言相劝的原因。 Might as well, today I must go to one year, if some interests looked how a king sail dies, can observe!” “无妨,今天我就要来赴一年之约,诸位如果有兴趣看王一帆怎么死的,都可以来观战!” Chu Yunfan shook the head said. 楚云凡摇了摇头说道。 In this year, magnificence Xianyuan the progress is truly astonishing, worthily is the titled as King physique, one year has achieved hole Void Territory Peak, it seems like that the Breakthrough universe boundary is only the issue of time. 这一年之中,华仙远的进步确实惊人,不愧是封王体质,一年就已经达到了洞虚境巅峰,看来突破乾坤境只是时间的问题。 Trades to be the average person only to fear that frightened must scare to death, however his progress must be faster compared with the magnificence immortal, magnificence Xianyuan the advice, for him, did not need. 换做一般人只怕吓都要吓死了,但是他的进步比起华仙远还要更快,华仙远的劝告,对他来说,根本没有必要。
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