CCG :: Volume #32

#3141: The eternal eighth god plan and imperishable replacer plan

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Senior Three Waves, you passed on to Senior Skylark...... she to transmit to me and Senior White's information, we had received, invited her no need to be worried.” Song Shuhang said out loud: Moreover, we and initial Black Dragon World ninth god different. It withdraws from Position of Heavenly Way, but I and Senior White must do, is even one step further, is transcendence imperishable!” 三浪前辈,你转告云雀子前辈……她要传递给我和白前辈的信息,我们已经收到了,请她不用担心。”宋书航出声道:“况且,我们和当初的黑龙世界第九位‘神’不同。它只是从天道之位上脱身,而我和白前辈要做的,是更进一步,是超脱不朽!” Black hair Skylark must transmit to him and Senior White's information, should be makes them probably be cautious in the following action, should not be negligent, causes the All Heavens and Myriad Realms' collapse. 黑发云雀子要传达给他和白前辈的信息,应该就就是让他们在接下来的行动中要保持谨慎,不要大意,引起诸天万界的崩溃。 Yes, no need to be worried.” Nearby Senior White also makes noise the guarantee. “是的,不用担心。”边上的白前辈也出声保证。 This time Senior White, in heart has made a biggest decision. 此时的白前辈,心底里已经做了一个最大的决定。 If, Ninth Heavenly Way withdraws from Position of Heavenly Way, will cause Collapse of the World. That even one step further 'transcendence' also has certain possibility, will cause the world mutation. 假如,第九天道天道之位上脱身,会引起世界的崩溃。那更进一步‘超脱’也有一定可能,会引起天地异变。 Therefore, makes him remain! 所以,就让他留下来吧! Senior White knows own in certain aspects unique element. 白前辈知道自身在某些方面的特殊之处。 If he first transcendence Imperishable Heavenly Way, making Song Shuhang stay behind, on unable ensure 'All Heavens and Myriad Realms' can have the crisis of collapse. 如果他先超脱不朽天道,让宋书航留下的话,就无法保证‘诸天万界’会不会有崩溃的危机。 But if lets Song Shuhang first step transcendence imperishable, can prove All Heavens and Myriad Realms that will be safe and sound. 但如果让宋书航先一步超脱不朽,就可以证明下来的诸天万界,会安然无恙。 Because, so long as he stays here, is most powerful proof of Ping An! 因为,只要他留在这里,就是‘平安’的最强力证明! This point, Senior White are clearest. 这一点,白前辈自己心里最清楚不过。 He is called 'Nine Provinces (1) Group' human type lucky charm, this title, he is never proud. 他被戏称为‘九洲一号群’人型吉祥物,这个称号,他从不骄傲。 Therefore...... is assumed All Heavens and Myriad Realms by him. 所以……就由他来坐镇诸天万界吧。 Then studies lets be washed white ‚the Fourth Heavenly Way body to replace own plan. 然后再研究让被洗白的‘第四天道躯壳’顶替自己的方案。 Some Senior White's ensure I felt all of a sudden felt relieved.” The Mad Sabre Three Waves lovable nod said. “有白前辈的保证,我一下子就感觉放心了。”狂刀三浪乖巧点头道。 This saying, in the words has the words in other words, before Tyrant Song's ensure cannot make him completely relieved. 这话,话中有话也就是说,之前霸宋的保证,并不能让他完全安心。 After all at present, position of Song Shuhang in group, generally with him, Copper Trigram, Doudou in a level. 毕竟目前,宋书航在群里的地位,大抵和他、铜卦豆豆在一个层次。 Possibly because is the reason of fellow patient, Song Shuhang listened to the Three Waves words all of a sudden the words: „......” 可能因为是病友的原因,宋书航一下子听出了三浪话中话来:“……” „, I go back to pass on to Skylark.” Mad Sabre Three Waves stand. “那么,我回去转告云雀子。”狂刀三浪站了起来。 First should not be anxious, I come first to paste on the tsunami and ocean waves dragon mark sticker to you.” Senior White holds on Mad Sabre Three Waves. “先不要急,我来先给你贴上海啸和海浪的龙纹贴图。”白前辈拉住狂刀三浪 Does not use, Senior White, I now am good.” Mad Sabre Three Waves beckons with the hand again and again. “不用的,白前辈,我现在就挺好。”狂刀三浪连连摆手。 But living Heavenly Way White of his which frame? 但他哪架的住天道白 Quick, on his gold core was made up two dragon mark. 很快,他的金丹上被补了两条龙纹 Heavenly Way Tyrant Song makes up in the nearby delivers one liquid Fat Ball. 天道霸宋又在边上补送上一颗‘液态胖球’。 The entire process, looks like issues certificate + trophy. 整个过程,就像是颁发奖状奖杯 After walking the flow, a Song Shuhang stretched out his hand lightly point, returned to present world not to display own opportunity Senior Three Waves to Senior Three Waves. 走完了流程后,宋书航伸手轻轻一点,将三浪前辈送回现世没有给三浪前辈表现自己的机会。 Some virus, infect well in 'Nine Provinces (1) Group', do not infect All Heavens and Myriad Realms. 有些病毒,在‘九洲一号群’内部感染就好,还是不要去感染诸天万界 After packing off Mad Sabre Three Waves . 送走狂刀三浪后。 Who next is?” Senior White asked. “下一位是谁?”白前辈问道。 Who un...... is coming?” Song Shuhang also stares. “嗯……是谁来着?”宋书航也是一愣。 He enters inner view status, observes that Star Road Drawing on 'Fat Whale Gold Core'. 他进入内视状态,察看自己‘肥鲸金丹’上的那张星路图 But at this moment, transferred the black hair Skylark message of code by 'Cultivation Chat System' before, many some contents. 而就在这时,之前透过‘修聊系统’转码的黑发云雀子留言,又多了一些内容。 This partial content obviously wants to avoid Three Waves. 这部分内容显然是要‘避开三浪’。 Is black hair Skylark does not want to let the content that Mad Sabre Three Waves sees. 是黑发云雀子不想让狂刀三浪看到的内容。 Shuhang.” Senior White calls said. 书航。”白前辈唤道。 Saw.” Song Shuhang tacit replied. “看到了。”宋书航默契回道 Information that stays behind from black hair Skylark, starts to reappear many contents to come out one after another. 从黑发云雀子留下的信息中,开始陆续浮现更多的内容出来。 Ninth god the dislocation, will cause Collapse of the World, the world loses the order, the entire world restarts.】 【第九‘神’的离位,将会引起世界的崩溃,天地失去秩序,整个天地重启。】 Had fortune-telling the second god of theocracy, the forecast and deduction the possibility of future.】 【拥有‘预测未来’神权的第二神,预测、推演到了未来的这个可能。】 Later, the casting is pure ‚the imperishable substitute idea slide to unlock beginning project.】 【随后,铸造纯净‘不朽代替者’的计划开始立项。】 Synchronization, eternal ‚the eighth god plan, launches the arrangement.】 【同步,永恒的‘第八神’计划,展开布置。】 【The endless years pass by.】 【无尽岁月过去。】 imperishable substitute plan, until the world collapses, has not improved as before thoroughly. The imperishable replacer, is not enough to undertake generation of Heavenly Way pressure.】 不朽代替者计划,直至天地崩溃,依旧没有彻底完善。不朽替代者,不足以承担起‘代天道’的压力。】 Eternal ‚the eighth god plan, cannot prevent proved the way of ninth god. Must be the perfect eighth god, has not actually imagined is perfect it to have the huge hidden danger. Instead becomes in the child all previous generations god, reigns shortest.】 【永恒的‘第八神’计划,亦没能阻止第九神的证道。原本应当是完美的第八神,却没有想象中的完美它自身存在巨大隐患。反而成子历代神中,在位最短的一位。】 When sees these information, in Song Shuhang mind unceasing relates the information that these information and have together, corresponds. 当看到这些信息时,宋书航脑海中不断的将这些信息和自己掌握的情报联系到一起,进行对应。 The eternal eighth god? If he remember correctly...... Black Dragon World's Eighth Heavenly Way or is the eighth god, as if is also a ball? 永恒的第八神?如果他没记错的话……黑龙世界的第八天道或者说是第八神,似乎也是个球? The Black Dragon World's ball god, has the behind the scenes strength to promote it, made its proved the way's? 黑龙世界的球神,是有幕后力量推动着它,令它证道的 Is pressing the mentality , the second god may want to build one eternal online, not the sentimental eighth god, wrests away the position of Eighth Heavenly Way firmly, certainly ninth god took office path. 按着思路来看,原本,第二神可能是想打造一个永恒在线、莫得感情的第八神,牢牢霸占第八天道之位,绝了第九神上任的路子。 So long as my live is long enough, let alone my son, my grandsons do not have the opportunity to inherit my throne ! 只要我活的够久,别说我儿子,我的孙子都没机会继承我的皇位哒! Has not thought, Eighth Heavenly Way have the flaw, this ‚the eternal eighth god plan, cannot achieve wishes. 只是没想到,第八天道自身有缺陷,这个‘永恒第八神’计划,没能如愿。 this scene, somewhat is actually similar to the present world's Heavenly Way experience. 这一幕,倒是和现世的天道经历有些相似。 Present Fat Ball big shot and its counterpart's Heavenly Way, the time that also because of own flaw, cannot perfect proved the way, stay on Position of Heavenly Way does not calculate that is too long. 如今的胖球大佬和它对应的天道,也是因为自身的缺陷,没能完美证道,在天道之位上呆的时间也不算太长。 Then said that now All Heavens and Myriad Realms' can 'Heavenly Way Ball', to prevent our Ninth Heavenly Way high-rank, but birth?” Song Shuhang guessed. “那么说,如今诸天万界的‘球天道’,会不会也是为了阻止我们第九天道上位,而诞生的?”宋书航猜测道。 Un, has the possibility.” Senior White also said: But, no matter how, this has passed. Our already proved the Way Ninth Heavenly Way, is the fact that unable changes. Therefore, we only need to look forward!” “嗯,有可能。”白前辈又道:“不过,不管如何,这已经是过去了。我们已经证道第九天道,已经是无法改变的事实。所以,我们只需要向前看!” That, another ‚the imperishable replacer plan...... was Senior Skylark.” Song Shuhang said. “那么,另一个‘不朽替代者’计划……便是云雀子前辈自身了吧。”宋书航道。 This answer, is very obvious. 这个答案,已经很明显了。 Goal that Senior Skylark is born, when is for in ‚the ninth god leaves job from Position of Heavenly Way, replaces the ninth god high-rank, becomes one generation of Heavenly Way, making All Heavens and Myriad Realms continue to stabilize gets down. 云雀子前辈诞生的目的,是为了在‘第九神’从天道之位上离职时,代替第九神上位,成为一个‘代天道’,让诸天万界继续稳定下去。 Even but if success transform into 'Bone of Imperishable', Skylark thought generation of Heavenly Way, as before insufficiently. 但哪怕成功化出‘不朽之骨’,云雀子想代天道,依旧不够。 Before also at least, must achieve Song Shuhang proved the way, that type whole body lesser imperishable + perfect Imperishable Fat Whale Gold Core this degree, has the possibility to be temporarily substituting for Position of Heavenly Way, bears the imperishable strength pressure. 至少,也要达成宋书航证道前,那种‘全身亚不朽完美不朽肥鲸金丹’这种程度,才有可能暂代‘天道之位’,承受住不朽力量的压力。 Therefore, black hair Senior Skylark gives us these content pass on...... is lets us under does not have choice the information, does the choice use her?” Associates to these information, after Three Waves leaves appears, Song Shuhang guessed correctly the black hair Skylark's intention probably. “所以,黑发云雀子前辈将这些内容转述给我们……是让我们在‘没选择’的情报下,选择使用她吗?”联想到这些信息,是在‘三浪’离开后才浮现的,宋书航大概猜出了黑发云雀子的心意。 Skylark does not know in our hands has completely, pure ‚the Fourth Heavenly Way body, will therefore so consider.” Senior White said: ’ Thing that „...... this ‚ the imperishable substitute plan original case, we need.” 云雀子并不知道我们手里有完整、纯净的‘第四天道躯壳’,所以才会如此考虑吧。”白前辈道:“不过……这个‘不朽代替者’计划原案,正是我们需要的东西。” He and Song Shuhang, in thinking for one month, attacks and captures this proposition! 他和宋书航,原本就在想着一个月内,攻克这个命题! Without thinking quickly, has the perfect plan, delivers automatically. 没想到这么快,就有完善的方案,自动送上门来。
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