CCG :: Volume #27

#2632: Imperishable Heavenly Way

Song Shuhang already forgotten when was the last time he entered meditation-- is not his not diligent practice, but is he rarely has the time to sit serious, closes up practice well. 宋书航已经忘记自己上次入定修炼是什么时候的事了——并不是他不勤奋修炼,而是他很少有时间能正经八百地坐下来,好好闭关修炼 In his mind really can can be the cultivator type to close up the practice's experience, is in the Entering Dream childhood Heavenly Emperor's time, experiences with childhood Heavenly Emperor from First Stage cultivates body refining to examine the process to Fifth Stage realm's. In that Entering Dream, he closes up frequently sits in meditation practice is very long. 在他印象中真正能算得上修士式闭关修炼的经验,还是在入梦幼年天帝的时候,和幼年天帝一起经历从一品五品境界的炼体验过程。那段入梦中,他经常一闭关入定修炼就是很久。 This is a precious piece of memory! 这是弥足珍贵的一段回忆 Actually, Song Shuhang likes sitting in meditation very much practice. cultivator in sitting in meditation, consciousness can maintain spatially mysterious status. In this status, worry-free, is very great enjoys-- at least in this moment, he can abandon itself already the worry of sterilization. 其实,宋书航很喜欢入定修炼修士在入定的时候,意识能维持着‘空’的玄妙状态。在这个状态里,无忧无虑,是一种非常棒的享受——至少在这一刻,他可以抛弃自己已经绝育的烦恼。 Also has not known after how long, sits in meditation Song Shuhang mental sense to be moved by lightly. 也不知道过了多久后,入定中的宋书航神识轻轻拨动。 This time he is undertaking the function of network cable, is connecting All Heavens and Myriad Realms practitioner and [Anything Can Sell] big shot. Therefore after complete sitting in meditation, his mental sense changes into Net of Karmic Virtue a portion, infiltrated All Heavens and Myriad Realms each corner. The line of Karmic Virtue is connecting each cultivator as if became his eye. 此时的他承担着网线的作用,连接着诸天万界修炼者什么都能卖大佬。所以在完全入定后,他的神识化为功德之网一部分,渗透到了诸天万界每一个角落。功德之线连接着的每一位修士都仿佛成了他的眼。 This feeling same too wonderful for words. 这种感觉同样妙不可言 If in the future, he can grasp the Karmic Virtue Network's usage like the [Anything Can Sell] big shot thoroughly, when that and person fights, can unfold Net of Karmic Virtue, once the opposite party enters his Net of Karmic Virtue range, will fall into to the invisible spider web, becomes prey. 如果未来,他能像什么都能卖大佬这样彻底掌握功德网络的用法,那和人战斗时,就能将功德之网铺开来,对方一旦进入他的功德之网范围,就会陷入到无形的蛛网中,成为猎物 Even if can in this foundation go a step further again, that All Heavens and Myriad Realms' each corner is spreading Net of Karmic Virtue can become his net, under a thought that all living things-- in his net, go a step further based on [Anything Can Sell] big shot again, is that Heavenly Way? At least is also Nine Serenities Ruler? 甚至若能再这个基础上再进一步,那诸天万界的每一个角落铺着的功德之网都能成为他的网,一个念头之下,众生都在他的网中——不过,在什么都能卖大佬的基础上再进一步,那就是天道?或者,至少也是九幽主宰 wait, Nine Serenities Ruler?】 等下,九幽主宰?】 I now am not Nine Serenities Ruler, although is an agent.】 【我现在不就是九幽主宰嘛,虽然是个代理的。】 Can draw support from the Nine Serenities Ruler jurisdiction, give it a try contacts this Karmic Virtue Network?】 【要不要借助九幽主宰权限,试一试接触这个功德网络?】 However quick, Song Shuhang pinched out this begin to stir thought. 不过很快,宋书航就掐灭了这个蠢蠢欲动的念头。 Inflated, the Nine Serenities Ruler jurisdiction really made me inflate. This is Light of Karmic Virtue the network, to/clashes with the Nine Serenities Ruler's strength inborn. If I really contact this Karmic Virtue Network with the Nine Serenities Ruler jurisdiction, the big probability explodes again one time.】 【膨胀了,九幽主宰权限实在令我膨胀。这可是功德之光所化的网络,和九幽主宰的力量天生相冲。如果我真的用九幽主宰权限去接触这个功德网络,大概率得再爆炸一次。】 The death made him be clear-headed. 死亡令他头脑清醒。 Song 'Today Already Died Once – Especially Cautious' Shuhang. 宋?今天已经死过一次?特别谨慎?书航 With the will and powerful will, Song Shuhang successfully suppressed oneself innermost feelings begin to stir thought that keeps calm by oneself, re-enters arrives at does not have sitting in meditation status. 凭着毅力和强大的意志,宋书航成功压制了自己内心蠢蠢欲动的念头,让自己保持冷静,重新进入到‘无’的入定状态 His mental sense and physical body enter sitting in meditation status that blew off completely again. 他的神识肉身再次进入到了完全放空的入定状态 ...... ...... ...... ...... At the same time, in behind Song Shuhang's body, receives sixth Profound Sage Sermon Strength of Karmic Virtue's Fairy @#%x unceasingly, finally started the new evolution. 同一时间,在宋书航身后,不断接收第六次玄圣讲法功德之力的@#%×仙子,终于开启了新的进化。 In the All Heavens and Myriad Realms practitioner's vision, Fairy @#%x's snake tail spread out, is divided into ten, toward disperses in all directions......, but this time, her tail is not the pure furcation, but true changes the change form condition. 诸天万界修炼者的目光中,@#%×仙子的蛇尾巴扩散开来,分成十股,朝着四面八方散开......但这次,她的尾巴不是单纯的分叉,而是真正的变化形态。 After snake tail spread out, finally changes into a long skirt. 蛇尾扩散开来后,最终化为一条长裙。 A pair of newborn jade foot finds out from the snake tail long skirt, both feet flesh is similar to the baby favor, above is covering a light golden gloss. 一双初生的玉足从蛇尾长裙中探出,双足肌肤就如同婴儿般润泽,其上覆盖着一层淡淡的金色光泽。 Under the Fairy @#%x foot sharp lightly place-- enough six sermon big Karmic Virtue's irrigation, she is willing to develop transform into oneself both feet finally. @#%×仙子足尖轻轻点地——足足六次讲法功德的灌溉之下,她总算舍得将自己的双足演化出来。 After falling to the ground, Karmic Virtue Snake Beauty waist that launches to closing up wing lightly, reveals the legitimate extremely slender waist that full grasps. 落地后,功德蛇美人腰间那对合拢翅膀轻轻展开,露出那盈盈一握的正统水蛇腰。 Then she lowers the head slightly, exhibits lightly to kick the movement of leg, looking at the little feet that has just appeared-- , if not kick the leg, only lowers the head, she can't see her own toes. 接着她微微低头,摆出轻轻踢腿的动作,望着自己刚长生出来的小脚——如果不踢腿,只低头的话,她无法看到自己的脚尖 After the moment . 片刻后。 Looks the both legs that are growing finally, on the Fairy @#%x's face actually showed the exclusion expression suddenly. 望着自己终于生长出来的双腿,@#%×仙子的脸上却突然摆出了嫌弃的表情。 She felt that oneself foot absolutely does not have the convenience that the tail comes to be practical. 她感觉自己的脚完全没有尾巴来的方便实用。 Therefore she takes back the small feet that oneself on kick slightly, put out a hand lightly to pat the snake tail skirt. 于是她收回自己微微上踢的小脚,伸手轻轻拍了拍蛇尾裙。 Whish ~ 's a sound, is divided into ten snake tail skirts to return gathers together, changes into the flexible snake already close to. ~的一声,分成十股的蛇尾裙回拢,重新化为灵活的蛇已巴。 This time, Karmic Virtue Snake Beauty nods satisfied, she patted the snake tail flexibly, enters the next evolution segment-- sixth sermon's Strength of Karmic Virtue two waves, is first several sermon's two times. 这次,功德蛇美人满意地点了点头,她灵活地拍了拍蛇尾巴,进入下一个进化环节——第六次讲法的功德之力共两波,是前几次讲法的两倍之多。 In Fairy @#%x's side, Karmic Virtue Fat Whale and Karmic Virtue Thunder Tribulation Tree appears one after another. @#%×仙子的身边,功德肥鲸功德雷劫树相继显现。 Huge Strength of Karmic Virtue, falls above Karmic Virtue Snake Beauty, the fat whale and Thunder Tribulation Tree, and Song Shuhang weaves small scale's Net of Karmic Virtue between them. 庞大的功德之力,落在功德蛇美人、肥鲸、雷劫树之上,在它们和宋书航之间编织出一张小型的功德之网 Net of Karmic Virtue gets bigger and bigger, other all sixth wave of sermon Karmic Virtue, were shifted by Fairy @#%x to this Net of Karmic Virtue in completely. 功德之网越编越大,余下的所有第六波讲法功德,全部被@#%×仙子转移到这张功德之网内。 Meanwhile, under the Fairy @#%x's operation, this small scale's Karmic Virtue local area network was accommodated alongside by her above that huge Karmic Virtue Network of [Anything Can Sell] big shot. 同时,在@#%×仙子的操作下,这张小型的功德局域网被她挂靠在了什么都能卖大佬的那个巨大功德网络之上。 After completing all these, when Fairy @#%x nods-- this small scale Karmic Virtue local area network she to be at Song Shuhang first several sermon satisfied, already in knitting embryonic form. In order to weave this Karmic Virtue local area network, she even delayed her own evolution rhythm, first provides Strength of Karmic Virtue to this local area network. 做完这一切后,@#%×仙子满意地点了点头——这张小型功德局域网她在宋书航前几次讲法时,就已经在编织雏形。为了编织这张功德局域网她甚至延迟了自身进化的节奏,优先将功德之力提供给这张局域网。 Today, finally successfully accomplished. 今天,终于大功告成 ...... ...... ...... ...... With the Karmic Virtue Snake Beauty's evolution, is in blows off status Song Shuhang completely, entered in a dreamland. 随着功德蛇美人的进化,正处于完全放空状态宋书航,进入到了一个梦境之中。 Entering Dream?】 Song Shuhang stares slightly. 入梦?】宋书航微微一愣。 could it be I sit in meditation practice, practices is practicing, fell asleep? 难道我打坐修炼,练着练着,就睡着了? Heavens Above, I am in All Heavens and Myriad Realms to manifest a presence in sermon status. 望天,我可是处于诸天万界显圣讲法状态中啊。 Now only hopes oneself when sleeping, should not be mouth-watering. 现在只希望自己在睡觉时,不要流口水。 while thinking, the dreamland starts to change. 正思索间,梦境开始变化起来。 A dazzling Sun appears in Song Shuhang's at present...... The sun expanded and burned wildly in a short period of time, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, entering the final stage of its life, finally extinguishes, turned into a white dwarf star. 一个刺眼的太阳出现在宋书航的眼前......太阳在短时间内疯狂的膨胀、燃烧,并且以肉眼可见的速度,进入它人生的最后阶段,最终熄灭,化为一颗白矮星 The vision of dreamland starts the move back, picture switch to the entire starry sky. In the starry sky, like the domino effect, the innumerable stars meets in the short time one after another starts to sparkle continually, and quick withering away, extinguishes. 梦境的视觉开始拉远,画面切换到整个星空。星空中,如同骨牌效应,无数的恒星相继在短时间内接连开始闪耀,并很快消亡,熄灭。 The radiance conclusion of Sun, the star light exterminated, star death. 太阳的光辉结束,星光灭绝,恒星死亡。 The entire starry sky changes into the cemetery, is burying the star corpse of death. 整个星空化为墓场,埋葬着死亡的恒星尸体。 The picture expands again, this time all the planes of All Heavens and Myriad Realms, appears in the Song Shuhang's eye. All plane, the stars in all world starry skies in a short time, burnt through completely the death. 画面再次扩大,这一次诸天万界所有位面,出现在宋书航的眼中。所有位面,所有世界星空中的恒星全部在短时间内,燃尽死亡。 Song Shuhang: fuck! my did great world perish?” 宋书航:“卧艹!大世界亡了?” During the speeches...... last Sun extinguishes. 说话间......最后一颗太阳熄灭。 All Heavens and Myriad Realms lost the life, enters exterminates. Not having the life can evade this death, even Eternal Life Being also unable exception. Entire All Heavens and Myriad Realms is going to destroy thoroughly, all hidden spaces will be destroyed, nowhere can hide. 诸天万界都失去了生命,进入灭绝。没有生命能逃避这场死亡,连长生者无法例外。整个诸天万界将要彻底毁灭,一切隐藏空间都将被摧毁,无处可以藏身。 This is the true world exterminates. 这是真正的天地灭绝。 So long as were also defined in this All Heavens and Myriad Realms, without transcendence, on the unable avoidance. 只要还被限定在这诸天万界之中,没有超脱,就无法躲避。 At this moment, All Heavens and Myriad Realms, all living things true equality! 这一刻,诸天万界,众生真正平等! The time of this dreamland, does not seem like according to the normal speed of flow conducts. 这次梦境的时间,似乎不是按正常流速进行。 How long after has not known . 不知过了多久后。 In end of the word scene that in this collapse exterminates, there was a slender form, treads slowly. 在这崩溃灭绝的末日画面中,有一道修长的身影,缓缓踏出。 This is a man dressed as a Daoist, has compared with the star also wants dazzling Light of Karmic Virtue. He one step treads, the stars in the universe start to vibrate. 这是一位道人打扮的人类男子,身后有着比恒星还要耀眼的功德之光。他一步踏出,宇宙星空都开始震动 great tribulation that the world exterminates, actually unable affects this Daoist slightly. 天地灭绝的大劫,却丝毫无法影响到这道人 Regardless of any destruction or cataclysms, unable injures to the Daoist slightest. 无论是什么破坏和灾劫,都无法伤害到道人分毫。 The Heaven and Earth perished but I'm imperishable, Myriad Realms extinguished but I'm inextinguishable, Imperishable and Inextinguishable. 天地朽而我不朽,万界灭而我不灭,不朽不灭 Heavenly Way! 天道
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