CCG :: Volume #24

#2380: You can do it, believe in yourself!

Loved is deeper, hit is more poisonous. 爱的越深,打的越毒。 Is the responsibility.】 Unknown White 1 – 30 replied. 【是责任。】未知白1-30回道 Song Shuhang: „???” 宋书航:“???” Each time after the reincarnation was activated, we will arrive, by the Ancient God's stance action, activates and maintains this world life to the Ancient God's concept, making them not forget Ancient God-- This is the meaning of our existence.】 Unknown White replied. 每次的轮回开启后,我们会降临,以古神的姿态行动,激活并维持这个世界生灵对古神的概念,让他们不会遗忘古神——这就是我们存在的意义。】未知白回复道 They look like one thorn, using pain to keep the creatures of the world in a certain state. 他们就像是一根‘刺’,用痛苦让世界的生物们保持着某种状态 Song Shuhang is silent. 宋书航不由沉默起来。 Each time reincarnation? In other words, more than once reincarnation? 每次轮回?也就是说,不止一次轮回 Thinks again Unknown Whites fills huge to him that data packet, contains this world all information. 再想到未知白们灌给他的那庞大‘数据包’中,包含着这个世界所有的信息。 Song Shuhang asked: 【The life of this world, continuously in reincarnation?】 宋书航问道:【这个世界的生命,一直在轮回?】 【.】 Unknown White replied. 【是的。】未知白回复道 Song Shuhang: Now, how many reincarnation is?】 宋书航:【现在,已经是第几次轮回了?】 We... can no longer remember.】 Unknown White replied. 我们......已经记不清楚了。】未知白回复道 In his reply, there is an indescribable exhaustion. This world's living beings have been in continuous reincarnations, Unknown Whites has not participated in reincarnation. 他的回复中,有种无法形容的疲惫这个世界上的生灵一直在轮回,未知白们并没有参与轮回中。 ...... ...... ...... ...... Senior Song, what did you ask ma?” Black Skinned Soft Feather asked that she saw seriously get up that the Song Shuhang's complexion changed, could it be what bad news? 宋前辈,问到什么了吗?”黑皮羽柔子问道,她看到宋书航的脸色变的严肃起来,难道是什么坏消息? Song Shuhang a moment ago and Unknown White's talked and pendants repeated. 宋书航将刚才自己和未知白的对话和挂件们复述了一遍。 The Antenna Hair Chu point moves slightly said: „Obviously, besides these Unknown White, all creatures of this world are also a part of the seal.” 楚呆毛微微点动道:“很显然,除了这些未知白外,这个世界的所有生灵也是封印的一环。” Actually in this world is Ancient God of seal what thing? Need to pay such a big price to seal it? Even Master White of the past can't handle it?” Fellow Daoist Stone Tablet doubtfully said. “这世界中封印的古神究竟是什么东西?需要付出这么大的代价去封印它连当年的白主人都无法解决它?”石碑道友疑惑道 Also or this Ancient God has the very important existence significance, therefore then Heavenly Way White has not chosen it cancels, but thinks of every means that leaves behind 33 Unknown White to coordinate Artificial World all living things, comes seal Ancient God? 又或者这个古神拥有非常重要的存在意义,所以当时的天道白都没有选择将它抹去,而是费尽心思,留下33个未知白来配合着人造世界的众生,来封印这个古神 if this is the case, isn't the life of this world very pitiful?” Scallion Lady said silently. 这么一来的话,这个世界的生灵不是很可怜吗?”葱娘小声道 Innumerable reincarnation, the innumerable rebirths, life-long are coping with Ancient God that Unknown Whites develops to play the part of busily, from the birth to the death lived, in had been arranged script. 无数次的轮回,无数的重生,终生都在忙碌地对付未知白们所演饰的古神,从出生到死亡都活在早就被安排好的‘剧本’之中。 Scallion Lady felt oneself can experience this sorrow. 葱娘感觉自己能体验到这种悲哀。 They are voluntarily... to be part of the seal, fall into the endless cycle of reincarnations, its their own choice.】 Unknown White replied a Song Shuhang news suddenly. 他们是自愿的......成为封印的一环,落入没有尽头的轮回,都是他们自己的选择。】未知白突然回复了宋书航一条消息。 -- Unknown Whites, unexpectedly can hear the exchange between Song Shuhang and pendants. ——未知白们,竟能听到宋书航和挂件们的交流 Their seems to be everywhere. 他们仿佛无处不在 Voluntary?” Since Song Shuhang nodded his head-- is the choice that make, fruit that even if has again how bitter and astringent, must clench teeth to gnaw. “自愿?”宋书航点了点头——既然是自己做出的选择,那哪怕结出的果实再怎么苦涩,也要咬牙啃下去。 The people must be responsible for oneself behavior, for example seeking death will die, this is Karma. 人要为自己的行为负责,比如作死就会死,这就是因果 Senior White, why will you choose to contact me? Is fate that dark is doomed?】 Song Shuhang sent a message to inquire. 【那么白前辈,你们为什么会选择接触我?是冥冥中注定的缘分吗?】宋书航又发送了一条消息询问道。 Since Unknown White is a part of the seal, why they must contact him, furthermore help him to upgrade the «Thirty Three Beasts Inborn Qi Art»'s realm? 既然未知白是封印的一环,为什么他们要接触自己,并帮助自己提升《三十三兽先天一气功》的境界 Is the fate? 是缘分? Possibly was contact 'White' were too many, Song Shuhang had self-confidence of the fan, always felt that in All Heavens and Myriad Realms all 'Senior White' and were predestined friends. 可能是接触的‘白’太多了,宋书航有种迷之自信,总感觉诸天万界中所有的‘白前辈’都和自己有缘。 Exhaustion, we're tired... or I'm tired.】 Unknown White #23 suddenly replied. 是疲惫,我们累了......或者说是我累了。】未知白23号突然回复道 Song Shuhang: „......” 宋书航:“......” The face was hit, will be painful. 脸被打,就会痛。 Therefore, Senior Whites does want the seal Ancient God's duty, leave it to me? Let me replace you to stimulate the life in reincarnation?】 Song Shuhang asked. 【所以,白前辈们是想将封印古神的任务,交给我?让我来代替你们来刺激轮回中的生灵?】宋书航问道。 #23 think so, in us has some members, possibly also has such idea.】 Unknown White 1 – 30 replied. 23号是这么想的,我们中有部分成员,可能也有这样的想法。】未知白1-30回复道 But I have a nobler idea.】 Unknown White #1 replied. 【但我有更高尚的想法。】未知白1号回复道 If not for replies time, the Unknown White following number can conduct switch, Song Shuhang must feel oneself Senior White is chatting with has schizophrenia. 若不是回复的时候,未知白后面的数字会进行切换,宋书航都要感觉自己在跟一个拥有‘精神分裂’的白前辈在聊天。 Senior White please say.】 Song Shuhang replied. 白前辈请讲。】宋书航回道 Only then I can feel, Ancient God's seal already reached the limit. reincarnation's life quantity is reducing, after previous reincarnation finished, many lives fell into forever deep sleep, has not woken up again. We have been unable to stop its recovery.】 Unknown White #1 said. 【只有我能感觉到,古神的封印已经到了极限轮回的‘生灵’数量在减少,上一次轮回结束后,有许多生灵陷入到了永远的沉睡,没有再醒来。我们已经无法阻止它的复苏。】未知白1号道。 Why we don't know about this matter?】 Unknown White #2 – 30 said. 这事情为什么我们不知道?】未知白2-30号道。 Which is why I'm 1, and you guys are 2 – 30.】 Unknown White #1 said. 所以我是1,而你们是2-30。】未知白1号道。 Song Shuhang: Indeed, Ancient God will soon regain consciousness.】 宋书航:【的确,古神即将苏醒。】 When he entered this world, 'White Two Automatic Divination System' gives him an explicit prompt. 他在进入这个世界的时候,‘白two自动算卦系统’就给他一个明确的提示。 In minor world sinks Ancient God of dormancy soon to regain consciousness, but the life of the whole world will become the sacrifice for its recovery-- Song Shuhang wants to be used to cope with the Fat Ball big shot bot doppelgänger's method, is hidden in the minor world. 小世界中沉眠的古神即将苏醒,整个世界的生灵都会成为它复苏的祭品——宋书航想要用来对付胖球大佬小号分身的手段,就藏在小世界中 At present it seems like, Unknown White #1 – 33 likely is his chance. 目前看来,未知白1-33号很可能就是他的机缘。 Ancient God's recovery unable to be avoided...... it since the immemorial deep sleep, waiting until now. I do not know that the outside world will soon have anything to change, but the turning point of Ancient God waiting must already approaching or will soon approach.】 Unknown White #1 said. 古神的复苏无法避免......它从太古沉睡至今,等的就是现在。我不知道外界即将发生什么变化,但古神等待的契机应当已经来临或是即将来临。】未知白1号道。 In the Song Shuhang heart moves. 宋书航心中一动。 Must say that forthcoming most sweeping change-- Heavenly Way Ball will soon collapse? 要说外界即将发生的最大变化——天道球即将崩溃? Moreover, Heavenly Way White once thought of every means to leave a message: Following Heavenly Way, is very important segment. 而且,天道白曾经费尽心思留言:接下来的一任天道,是非常重要环节 If, two different individuals, simultaneously proving the Way, inherits Mandate of Heaven, will become the Heavenly Way's words...... that to become the key!’ ‘如果,有两个不同的个体,同时证道,继承天命,成为天道的话......那将成为钥匙!’ This is Heavenly Way White leaves the Senior White Two's important information in the Beast Realm restricted area Gars Holy Mountain. 这是天道白兽修界禁地加尔圣山中留给白前辈two的重要信息。 This from immemorial continuously deep sleep until now Ancient God, waiting for this generation? 这从太古一直沉睡至今的古神,等的就是这一世 It wants to prove the way in this generation, grasps the true detached key? 它要在这一世证道,掌握真正超脱的钥匙 That, Senior White #1 you contact me, is thinks that what I do make?】 Song Shuhang asked. 【那,白前辈1号你接触我,是想我做什么吗?】宋书航问道。 Ancient God recovery already unable to be prevented, that seal already has no meaning...... I want to fall into reincarnation's all lives the world to shift completely. Their sacrifices are enough, it's time to get liberated.】 Unknown White #1 said. 古神复苏已经无法避免,那封印就没有意义......我想要将世界陷入轮回的所有生灵全部转移。他们的牺牲已经足够了,是时候获得解脱。】未知白1号道。 Sounds...... reasonable and fair. 听起来......合情合理 But in the Song Shuhang mind appears suddenly a thought. 宋书航脑海中突然浮现一个念头。 non-linear thinking person, sometimes can think of some weird things. 思维跳跃的人,有时候就是能想到一些古怪的东西 What if Unknown White #1, is the Ancient God?’ 如果未知白1号,是古神的话?’ This thought reverberates in the Song Shuhang mind, impossible to get rid of. 这个念头在宋书航脑海中回荡,挥之不去 If shifts this world all lives completely, that Ancient God's seal will vanish, then Ancient God can come out with ease...... 如果将这个世界所有生灵全部转移,那古神的封印就会消失,然后古神就能轻松的出来了...... Reading avatar in mind only got up the tension frog of spiral spring, stomps in the Song Shuhang's mind. 脑海中的念头像是只上了发条的弹力蛙,在宋书航的脑海中蹦来蹦去。 That Senior White, what can I do? My strength is mean, take away all the creatures of the world, I can't do it at all.】 Song Shuhang calm reply. 【那白前辈,我能做什么?我的实力低微,带走整个世界生灵的事情,我根本办不到。】宋书航冷静回复。 No, you can do it.】 Unknown White #1 definitely replies. 不,你能办的到。】未知白1号肯定地回复。 Song Shuhang: 【?】 宋书航:【?】 These data, are all life reincarnation's roots. You only need to obtain the complete data packet, can pack and take away all the creatures.】 Unknown White #1 said. 【那些数据,就是所有生灵轮回的根源。你只需要获得完整的数据包,就能打包带走所有的生灵。】未知白1号道。 When Song Shuhang hears this saying, suddenly the brain hole opens greatly. 宋书航听到这话时,突然脑洞大开。 someday in the future, Heavenly Tribulation arrives. 未来的某一天,天劫降临。 Then a university student named Song Shuhang, bravely steps forward...... with a whole world behind him, children by a previous marriage of ten hundreds of millions quantities, hard resentment Heavenly Tribulation. 然后一位名叫宋书航的大学生,挺身而出......在他身后带着整整一个世界,十几亿数量的拖油瓶,硬怼天劫 Group transcends tribulation is crisp for a while, body dies and Way disappears crematory. If transcends tribulation group the population Gundam/reaches as high as ten hundreds of millions, what kind of change will Uncle Heavenly Tribulation have? 组团渡劫一时爽,身死道消火葬场。若‘渡劫团’的人数高达十几亿的话,天劫大爷会发生怎么样的变化? When the brain makes up the picture, the Song Shuhang heart and liver is shivering. 脑补画面时,宋书航心肝都在颤抖。 He tries hard to maintain the facial paralysis appearance, replied: But isn't #31 – 33 the last point of seal?】 他努力保持面瘫模样,回复道:【但31-33号不是封印的最后一环吗?】 We have the means to let you and #31 – 33 contact.】 Unknown White #1 replied. 【我们有办法让你和31-33号接触。】未知白1号答道。
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