CCG :: Volume #23

#2274: Both hands grasp the sword, does not need to withdraw

After arriving in the destination, Song Shuhang's spiritual body is situated in in the sky, under staring. 抵达目的地后,宋书航的元神立于虚空中,凝视下方。 At this time, this residential area was covered by a layer of rich and dense mist-- however, ordinary people outside this residential area, actually paid no regards to the mist, passes through from the nearby calm. 此时,这片居民区被一层浓郁的雾气所笼罩——不过,经过这片居民区外的普通人,却对这片雾气视若无物,淡定地从边上经过。 They cannot see this mist. 他们看不到这片雾气。 voice in inhabited area, was blocked by the mist, unable transmits the outside world. 就连居民区内的声音,都被雾气封锁,无法传递到外界。 „The world really must change......” Song Shuhang to say in a soft voice. “世界真的要变了......”宋书航轻声道。 Within one day, Jiangnan area many explodes evil pestilence-- using Senior Three Waves' words, this at least is G cups of big ominous trillions. 一天之内,江南地区多地暴发邪妄——用三浪前辈的话来说,这至少是G杯的大凶之兆。 Must go to have a look.” Thirty Three Beasts' Combined Magical Item, is revolving in beside Song Shuhang. “得进去看看。”三十三兽组合法器,在宋书航身边旋转着。 Nine Paths Phoenix Sabre similarly came from far behind, joins the Thirty Three Beasts' Combined Magical Item army, gathers round the Song Shuhang spiritual body cheerful rotation. 九修凤凰刀同样远远跟来,加入三十三兽组合法器大军,围着宋书航元神欢快转动。 You came.” Song Shuhang spiritual body lightly touched Nine Paths Phoenix Sabre. “你怎么也来了。”宋书航元神轻轻摸了摸九修凤凰刀 Nine Paths Phoenix Sabre exudes a cheerful light ling sound. 九修凤凰刀发出一阵欢快的轻呤声。 Walks, escapes to have a look, otherwise unable guesses correctly the evil pestilence's true body.” Song Shuhang said out loud. “走吧,遁进去看看,否则无法猜出邪妄的真身。”宋书航出声道 Under mist, are the camouflage that evil pestilence releases, is not the evil pestilence main body. 下方这片雾气,是邪妄所释放出来的障眼法,并非邪妄本体。 This evil pestilence is newborn, is not powerful. 邪妄初生,并不强大。 By his Seventh Stage Venerable's realm + huge Strength of Karmic Virtue protection, naturally does not fear this newborn evil pestilence. 以他七品尊者的境界庞大功德之力护体,自然不惧这种初生的邪妄 Under Nine Paths Phoenix Sabre and Thirty Three Beasts' Combined Magical Item's protection, he steps into the mist, locks beforehand slightly weak holy light the eruption position. 九修凤凰刀三十三兽组合法器的守护下,他踏入雾气,锁定之前微弱圣光’爆发的位置。 Meanwhile, in the Song Shuhang mind recalls Senior White Two to give his content on that « Evil Pestilence Science Treasure Manuscript » fast, the under 'evil pestilence' information, in the content one by one comparison with book, hopes that can determine the evil pestilence's true body. 同时,宋书航脑海中快速回忆白前辈two给他的那本邪妄科普宝典上的内容,将下方这‘邪妄’的信息,和书上的内容一一对照,希望能确定邪妄的真身。 ...... ...... ...... ...... After spiritual body enters, plunders slightly weak holy light has sparkled the coordinates place fast. 元神入阵后,快速掠到微弱圣光闪耀过的坐标处。 the next moment, Song Shuhang's spiritual body stares slightly. 下一刻,宋书航的元神微微一愣。 Under that familiar golden hair middle-aged man, both hands grabs great sword, honorable mouth respite. 下方那位熟悉的金发中年男子,双手抓着大剑,正大口喘息。 Unexpectedly is his seat of honor anonymous disciple, Joseph Guy Maupassant. 竟然是他的首席‘记名弟子’,约瑟夫?居伊?莫伯桑 【did holy light, explode from Joseph body?】 Song Shuhang is looking at Joseph surprisedly. 【刚才的圣光,是从约瑟夫身上暴发的?】宋书航惊讶地望着约瑟夫 He indeed have taught him a move of « Holy Light Sword Art »-- «Holy Light Slashing the Evil Sword». 自己的确教导过他一招圣光剑术——《圣光斩恶剑》 However Joseph's age already very old, has missed the practice's age. «Holy Light Slashing the Evil Sword» in his hands, most practices a rack, properly speaking basic impossible practice has the energy. 但是约瑟夫的年龄已经很大,早就错过了修炼的年龄。《圣光斩恶剑》在他手中,最多练个架子,按理说根本不可能修炼出能量。 Whether its the holy light or the cultivator Foundation Building's qi and blood, is not the thing that 40-year-old Joseph can practice. 无论是圣光、修士筑基的气血,都不是40多岁的约瑟夫能练出来的东西。 But Joseph cut holy light actually. 约瑟夫硬是斩出了‘圣光’。 Reality type of thing, always unabledefines withtheory.” Song Shuhang said with a smile. “现实这种东西,总是无法用‘理论’去下定义。”宋书航笑道。 After Joseph cuts strikes «Holy Light Slashing the Evil Sword», the consumption is very big. Can see the strength of qi and blood in his body stockpiles to be consumed all of a sudden cleanly, even was also overdrawn. 约瑟夫斩出一击《圣光斩恶剑》后,消耗很大。可以看出他身体中储备的气血之力一下子被消耗干净,甚至还被透支。 If qi and blood cannot obtain to supplement, then Joseph must get sick one is not possible greatly. 若是气血得不到补充的话,接下来约瑟夫非得大病一场不可。 But in front of Joseph's, the fierce shadows, is rolling up in the front gate place, is looking at him vigilantly. 而在约瑟夫的面前,有一只狰狞的黑影,正蜷缩在院门处,警惕望着他。 This shadow, looks like the hair bulb, has two giant sharp claws. 这只黑影,看上去如同毛球,却拥有两只巨大的利爪。 Has a scar in its body, in the scar has holy light the aura remains. 在它身上有一道伤痕,伤痕中有‘圣光’的气息残留。 sharp clawed evil pestilence paces back and forth in the front gate, is staring at prey like the hungry wolf. 利爪邪妄在院门中徘徊,如同饿狼在盯着猎物 The thick fog camouflage, covered its figure, Joseph unable locked its position clearly. 浓雾障眼法,掩盖了它的身形,约瑟夫无法清晰锁定它的位置。 However this low level camouflage, basic unable confuses Song Shuhang. 不过这种低级的障眼法,根本无法迷惑宋书航 Squeak ~ sharp clawed evil pestilence first loudly calls out, throws toward Joseph......, but throws to half of times, it transformed a position silently, circles to Joseph's side. “吱~利爪邪妄先大叫一声,向着约瑟夫扑去......但是扑到一半的时候,它又悄然无声的转换了一个位置,绕到约瑟夫的侧面。 This evil pestilence also understands to use diversionary tactics unexpectedly. 邪妄竟然还懂得声东击西。 Weak Joseph squeak sound was really attracted by former that the vision is staring at the sharp clawed evil pestilence original position, knows nothing about sharp clawed evil pestilence to raid from one side to him. 虚弱的约瑟夫果然被之前那一声‘吱’声吸引,目光盯着利爪邪妄原先的位置,浑然不知利爪邪妄从侧面向他袭来。 Sharp evil claw, cruel pulls out to the Joseph waist. 锋利的邪恶爪子,残忍的向约瑟夫腰部掏去。 Excessive!” Song Shuhang's spiritual body complexion one stiff. “过分了啊!”宋书航的元神脸色一僵。 hit people don't slap the face, holds the person not to hold the kidney. 打人不打脸,捅人不捅肾。 This quality does not have, what evil pestilence but also works as? 这点素质都没有,还当什么邪妄 Therefore, the Song Shuhang spiritual body's left eye shines, ray sweeps rapidly to evil pestilence. 于是,宋书航元神的左眼亮起,一道光线迅速扫向邪妄 Although does not have physical body Eye of the Ruism Holy Man's buff, but his currently already is Seventh Stage Venerable Realm, this round of «Powerhouse Appraisal Art» gets down, lower than Seventh Stage's to existence must experience a wave of maternal love. 虽然没有肉身儒家圣人之眼的加持,但他现在已经七品尊者境界,这一发《强者鉴定术》下去,低于七品的存在都要体验一波母爱 But this newborn evil pestilence, the single body quality also on Second Stage about, supported Third Stage. 而这初生的邪妄,单体素质也就二品左右,撑死了三品 After «Powerhouse Appraisal Art» hits evil pestilence, this evil pestilence fall to ground with a 'pa~'. 《强者鉴定术》击中邪妄后,这只邪妄‘啪~’的一下坠落于地 Its spherical body inflated, sways back and forth in the ground pain. 它球状的身体膨胀了一圈,在地上痛苦打滚。 But Joseph hears voice that sharp clawed evil pestilence fell to the ground keenly, he is brandishing great sword, makes an effort to resound it to sentence to beheading toward voice. 约瑟夫敏锐地听到了利爪邪妄落地的声音,他挥舞着大剑,用力朝着声音响起之处斩去。 This sword happen to cuts on the body that evil pestilence inflates. 这一剑正好斩在邪妄膨胀的身体上。 squeak squeak squeak squeak ~ the sharp clawed evil pestilence pitiful yell again and again, retrocedes again crazily. 吱吱吱吱~利爪邪妄惨叫连连,再次疯狂后退。 Its raise head looks upwardly. 抬头向上望去。 However, detects Song Shuhang Seventh Stage's spiritual body by its realm basic unable. 但是,以它的境界根本无法察觉到宋书航七品的元神 After inspecting one, it has not discovered any object, doubts lowering the head-- newborn evil pestilence, the intelligence is not too then high. 巡视一圈后,它没有发现任何物体,便疑惑的低下头——初生的邪妄,智力并不是太高。 squeak squeak squeak ~ at this time, the surroundings resounded a cry. 吱吱吱~”这时,周围响起一阵叫声。 From the next door, more than ten sharp clawed evil pestilence flew, drills into the Joseph family's courtyard. 从隔壁,有十余只利爪邪妄飞了过来,钻入到约瑟夫家的院子。 These sharp clawed evil pestilence, are all living things status. 这些利爪邪妄,是群生状态 In small courtyard. 小院子中。 Rich mist break-up-- is Song Shuhang that strikes the «Powerhouse Appraisal Art»'s effect. 浓郁的雾气退散——宋书航那一击《强者鉴定术》的效果。 The «Powerhouse Appraisal Art»'s effect is extremely overbearing, not only lets the pain that sharp clawed evil pestilence bears to love, the camouflage thick fog within five meters the surrounding area scatters directly. 《强者鉴定术》的效果极其霸道,不仅让利爪邪妄承受爱的痛苦,更直接将方圆五米内的障眼法浓雾驱散。 After mist dispersing, Joseph complexion one stiff: Fuck~You~, died.” 雾气散开后,约瑟夫脸色一僵:“法~Q~,死定了。” He saw 11 monsters, glaring like a tiger watching his prey at him. 他看到了十一只怪物,正虎视眈眈望着他 Oneself go all out to cut a sword, has not killed a monster. But similarly powerful monster, unexpectedly still have ten. 自己拼命斩出一剑,都没干掉一只怪物。而同样强大的怪物,竟然还有十只 How does this also play? 这还怎么玩? Joseph looked at the eye bitterly and astringently behind. 约瑟夫苦涩地望了眼身后。 His family/home, his wife, his daughter, in his life most important all, in back. 他的家,他的妻子,他的女儿,他人生中最重要的一切,都在背后。 Has drawn back does not have to draw back. 已经退无可退。 Cannot retrocede. 不能后退。 Even if dies, cannot retrocede. 哪怕是死,也不能后退。 Joseph grabs great sword stubbornly, but in within the body weak feeling upwells unceasingly, imposing great sword that usually in flings, now actually changes incomparable heavy. 约瑟夫死死抓着大剑,但体内虚弱感不断上涌,平日里甩的虎虎生威的大剑,现在却变的无比沉重。 Even the eyelids began to get heavy. 连眼皮子都开始沉重起来 Pitifully, if can learn a half move more from the master...... if can be as powerful as the master......” Joseph muttered. “可惜了,如果能向师父再多学一招半式......如果能像师父那么强大......”约瑟夫喃喃道。 At present, 11 sharp clawed evil pestilence saw Joseph's is weak. 眼前,十一只利爪邪妄看出了约瑟夫的虚弱。 In the flash, they simultaneously attacked Joseph...... 11 pairs of sharp claw, must rip the fragment Joseph. 在一刹那,它们同步向约瑟夫发起攻击......十一对锋利的爪子,要将约瑟夫撕成碎片。 Aaaah!” Joseph is bellowing, exhausts all strengths to lift up high great sword. 啊啊啊啊!”约瑟夫大吼着,用尽所有力气高举大剑 Got hold, grips your sword firmly.】 Possibly was on the verge of death, presented hallucinations, near the Joseph ear actually heard voice of master. 【握紧了,牢牢握住你的剑。】可能是濒死了,出现了幻听,约瑟夫耳边竟然听到了师父的声音 Near the split lip, drop water falls, following his throat, flows in the body. 干裂的嘴唇边,有一滴‘水’落下,顺着他的喉咙,流入身体。 As if new strengths, gush out from within his body unceasingly. 仿佛有一股新生的力量,从他体内不断涌出。 Wields a sword voice of master resounds again. 【挥剑】师父的声音再次响起。 Meanwhile, has the invisible strength to tow his body, lets he exhibits a brand-new wielding a sword posture. 同时,有无形的力量在牵引着他的身体,让他摆出一个全新的‘挥剑’姿势。 Joseph takes advantage of opportunity, makes an effort to cut the sword. 约瑟夫顺势,用力将剑斩出。 Arrived dazzling holy light, rises suddenly from his sword dazzlingly. 耀眼到刺目的圣光,从他的剑上暴涨。 holy light changes into the giant cross, covers the body first 11 sharp claws demons in the sword glow completely. 圣光化为巨大的十字架,将身前十一只利爪邪魔全部笼罩于剑芒中。 « Holy Light Sword Art » second move: « Holy Light Cross Sword ». 圣光剑术第二式:圣光十字剑 Sword Art: Fights for the glory! 剑诀:为荣耀而战!
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