CCG :: Volume #22

#2132: Dragon Liver Phoenix Gall

If is really resembles crystal room that consciousness projected to in the past the time magecraft experience, that this time had the opportunity to contact youngster Senior White's era? 若真是像‘水晶屋’中那种意识投影到‘过去’的时光法术体验,那这次是不是有机会接触到少年白前辈的时代 Should very be interesting? 应该会很有趣吧? When thinking, Song Shuhang's consciousness falls into dark stupor status. 思索之际,宋书航的意识陷入黑暗昏迷状态 ...... ...... ...... ...... Gars Holy Mountain, general outline legacy crystal room. 加尔圣山,总纲传承‘水晶屋’中。 Crystal room that tall homeowner, just with smile on the face, joyfully involving time the energy ball, sticks on a beast cultivator's face. 水晶屋那位身材高大的屋主,正面带微笑,愉悦地将涉及到‘时光’的能量球,糊在一位兽修的脸上。 The face sticking feeling is very cool, simply unstoppable. 糊脸的感觉真爽,根本停不下来 The crystal homeowner person heart deep place, start blessing the trialists-- hopes this can have much beast cultivator completes the front trial, arrives at his crystal room smoothly. 水晶屋主人内心深处,开始为试炼者们祝福——希望这一届能有更多的‘兽修’完成前面的试炼,顺利来到他的水晶屋。 Thus, he can stick more faces. 这样,他就可以糊更多的脸。 But suddenly, the arm of crystal homeowner person slightly one stiff. 但突然,水晶屋主人的手臂微微一僵。 He is frowning, is inducing Holy Mountain Land of Smelting Trials' condition. 他皱着眉头,感应着圣山试炼之地的状况。 Way of Time...... time principle. Moreover, was too abstruse.” The crystal homeowner person muttered. 时光之道......时间法则。而且,太深奥了。”水晶屋主人喃喃道。 Is, in Holy Mountain Land of Smelting Trials, displayed such powerful time class magecraft? 是谁,在圣山试炼之地,施展了这么强大的时光类法术 He transfers oneself trial officer jurisdiction, examined back and forth Land of Smelting Trials. 他调动自己的试炼官权限,将试炼之地来回检验了一遍。 But actually has achieved nothing. 但却一无所获。 However...... that time strength's fluctuation, so clear! 然而......那时光力量的波动,又如此的清晰! could it be Land of Smelting Trials' deep place, have a secret map that even they don't know? 难道试炼之地的深处,有着连他们也不清楚的隐藏地图 Shouldn't be ah, Land of Smelting Trials is their domain, will how can it be have secret map that they do not know? 不应该啊,试炼之地可是他们的地盘,怎么可能会有连他们也不知道的隐藏地图 Thinks of here, crystal homeowner person through trial officer the insider information channel, sent a message to Divine Dragon and Holy Apes, reported this matter, and enclosed own guess. 想到这里,水晶屋主人通过‘试炼官’的内部信息通道,给神龙圣猿们发送了一条消息,报告了这件事,并附上自己的猜测。 ...... ...... ...... ...... The second trial place. 第二试炼地。 When Divine Dragon receives crystal homeowner person message, heart and liver twitches, severe pain. 神龙收到水晶屋主人这条消息时,心肝一阵抽搐,剧痛。 Was space restrictions gripped screen just forget about it, now there is someone who has hidden a secret map in the Holy Mountain's Land of Smelting Trials? 空间禁锢被人扎成筛子就算了,现在竟然还有人在圣山试炼之地搞隐藏地图 Bastards, where when our Holy Mountain Land of Smelting Trials are? 混蛋,当我们的圣山试炼之地是什么地方啊? Mother, liver painful. 妈呀,肝好痛 Divine Dragon feels own liver if now picks, can definitely manufacture most top-notch's 'Dragon Liver Phoenix Gall' feast-- because of it is said that Dragon Liver Phoenix Gall feast, when the dragon is most painful takes out the liver, freshest delicacy. 神龙感觉自己的肝现在要是摘出来,肯定能制作成最顶级的‘龙肝凤胆’大餐——因为据说,龙肝凤胆大餐,在龙最痛苦的时候将肝取出,才最新鲜美味。 Once in the cultivation world market, for sometime once flowed out massively dragon liver, moreover each dragon liver is the best quality goods. 曾经修真界市面上,有段时间曾流出大量的‘龙肝’,而且每枚龙肝都是极品。 Afterward according to investigation, there was a stupid dragon who likes to be abused, every time when it in its most painful time, took out its own liver, put into auction. 后来据调查,那就是一条喜欢被虐的蠢龙,每回在自己最痛苦的时候,将自己肝摘出,拿出去拍卖 In any case to certain realm's dragon class, only liver, can grow back after a nap. 反正对一定境界的龙类来说,区区一个肝,睡一觉就能重新长回来了 It is not wonderful, thinks this Dragon Clan shame, Divine Dragon felt own liver explodes the pain. 不妙,一想到这种龙族耻辱,神龙就感觉自己的肝更炸痛起来。 ********** ********** Nine Serenities World. 九幽世界 Ruler Fatball issued an instruction to Beast Realm's Black Big Tablet: Spares nothing, activates rare treasure that previous Heavenly Way leaves behind, understands, obtains the secret the previous Heavenly Way has hidden in the 'secret treasure'.】 胖球主宰兽修界的黑色大碑发了一条指令:【不惜一切代价,激活上任天道留下的秘宝,参透进去,得到‘秘宝’中隐藏的上任天道秘密。】 Meanwhile, Ruler Fatball a special demon pet that trained recently, delivered to the Black Big Tablet position. Let this demon pet assist Black Big Tablet. 同时,胖球主宰将自己最近培养的一个特殊邪魔宠物,送到了黑色大碑位置。让这只邪魔宠物来协助黑色大碑 This demon pet, was Ruler Fatball unified the 'Bone of Imperishable's Research Results' + 'Tyrant Song Necrosis' Kidney Research Result' product. 这只邪魔宠物,是胖球主宰结合了‘不朽之骨的研究成果’‘霸宋坏死的腰子研究成果’的产物。 This is one catches some imperishable aura's metal small ball pet, to a certain extent, is Ruler Fatball can remote control doppelgänger. 这是一个染上部分不朽气息的金属小球宠物,在某种程度上来说,是胖球主宰可以远程控制的分身 The critical moment, this pet demon can guide the Ruler Fatball's energy directly, in a short time erupts powerful battle strength...... the price after eruption, this precious pet doppelgänger will change into the flying ash under Heavenly Punishment. 关键时刻,这只宠物邪魔可以直接引导胖球主宰的能量,短时间内爆发强大的战力......代价就是爆发完后,这只珍贵的宠物分身会在天罚下化为飞灰。 After completing all these, the Ruler Fatball's main body bridges over the space, arrived at outside Evil Lotus World. 做完这一切后,胖球主宰的本体跨过空间,来到了邪莲世界外。 It clears throat. 它清了清嗓子。 Spooky White ~~ Spooky White, get your ass out! I know you can hear me shouting. get your ass out, have guts then get your ass out ah!” The Fat Ball big shot’s body, is jumping in the ground. 白幽幽~~白幽幽,你给我出来我知道你有办法能听到我喊话给我出来,有种就给我出来啊!”胖球大佬的身体,在地面上蹦跳着。 Squats twitches in Evil Lotus World entrance hamster demon corner of the mouth. 蹲在邪莲世界入口的仓鼠邪魔嘴角抽搐。 Spooky White, do not feign death to me. Comes out return a message, I told you, today I am not pick a quarrel, I just want to have a chat with you.” Ruler Fatball on jumps to jump as before. 白幽幽,别给我装死。出来回个话,我告诉你,今天我不是来找碴的,我只是想和你聊聊。”胖球主宰依旧上蹦下跳。 I didn't hear anything.” The hamster demon covers own ear, muttered. 我什么都没听到。”仓鼠邪魔捂住自己的耳朵,喃喃道。 Never expected that your patient not bad, [Sneers], didn't you acknowledge Spooky White this name evidently? doesn't matter, I still have a name, you definitely like. White Two is right, is this pronunciation? Compared with Spooky White, you likes White Two this pronunciation evidently?” Fat Ball big shot cheerfully said. “没想到你的耐心不错啊,【冷笑】,看样子你是不承认白幽幽这个名字了?没关系,我这里还有一款名字,你肯定喜欢。白two对吧,是这个发音吧?看样子比起白幽幽,你更喜欢白two这个发音?”胖球大佬乐呵道 The hamster demon sighed. 仓鼠邪魔叹了口气。 It knows, #Tyrant Song unfathomable mystery was a scapegoat. 它知道,霸宋号莫名其妙背锅了。 #Tyrant Song is cool. 霸宋号要凉。 The words saying why White Two this title, will pass to the Fat Ball big shot ear? 话说,为什么白two这个称号,会传到胖球大佬耳中了? Outside Evil Lotus World. 邪莲世界外。 On the Fat Ball big shot jumped to jump to toss about the long time, after seeing Spooky White did not pay attention to it, it somewhat is then senseless, opens the spatial teleportation door to leave. 胖球大佬上蹦下跳折腾了半晌,见白幽幽一直不理会它后,它便有些无趣,开了空间传送门离开了。 After all it is a busy person. 毕竟它可是大忙人。 In order to fight for the 'fail to live up to expectations' Heavenly Way Fat Ball before the disappearance, can wrest away the Nine Serenities Ruler throne by oneself like Spooky White, it will launch big plans one after another. 为了争取在‘不争气’的胖球天道消失前,让自身能像白幽幽一样霸占九幽主宰王位,它还要展开一个又一个的大计划 After seeing the Fat Ball big shot leaves, hamster demon silently through the Gold Core QR Code function, to #Tyrant Song teleportation a drop of energy. 胖球大佬离开后,仓鼠邪魔默默的通过金丹二维码功能,给霸宋号传送了一滴能量。 And to the Song Shuhang message: Strove for fortunately, #Tyrant Song. 并给宋书航留言:自求多福吧,霸宋号 Dīng~ energy teleportation failure, #Tyrant Song not in service area.】 叮~能量传送失败,霸宋号不在服务区。】 Hamster demon a confused face: „???” 仓鼠邪魔一脸懵逼:“???” WTF is not in the service area? 不在服务区是什么鬼 The Profound Sage Tyrant Song cross over space and time? 霸宋玄圣穿越时空去了? ********** ********** Another side. 另一边。 Song Shuhang's consciousness, reviving slowly. 宋书航的意识,缓缓的苏醒过来。 already arrived?” Song Shuhang said in a soft voice. 已经到了吗?”宋书航轻声道。 time reversal, returned to consciousness teleportation in the past, the speed was quick. 逆回时光,将意识传送回‘过去’,速度都很快。 The eye shuts, the eye opens the eyes, can arrive. 眼睛一闭,眼睛一睁,就能抵达。 No, but also no.” side, transmitted Scarlet Firmament Sword's voice. “不,还没有。”身边,传来了赤霄剑的声音 Song Shuhang turns the head, then discovered that Heart Demon Scarlet Firmament Sword is protecting at his side, the nearby is time principle strength, they are also in the 'Time Reversal' process at this time. 宋书航一转头,便发现心魔赤霄剑正守护在他身边,边上是‘时光法则’的力量,他们此时还处于‘时光逆转’的过程中。 Thanks Senior Scarlet Firmament Sword.” Song Shuhang thanks said. “谢谢赤霄剑前辈。”宋书航感谢道。 Heart Demon Scarlet Firmament Sword, ill-speaking but soft-hearted. 心魔赤霄剑,刀子嘴豆腐心。 Although its heart gripping people, but every time at a critical time, it will protect Song Shuhang and the others silently. 它的嘴巴虽然扎人,但每回在关键时候,它都会默默守护宋书航等人 ? Fellow Daoist Stone Tablet ne?” Song Shuhang turned the head to look, discovered, only then he and Scarlet Firmament Sword, has not seen stone tablet. 石碑道友呢?”宋书航转头望了一圈,发现只有他和赤霄剑,没看到石碑 It has not come.” Heart Demon Scarlet Firmament Sword said. “它没进来。”心魔赤霄剑道。 Song Shuhang: Ha?” 宋书航:“哈?” That desert after time magecraft revolution, although the magecraft effect also covered Fellow Daoist Stone Tablet, but its consciousness was eventually left in place. It became a coordinates, for our return. This should be the dao technique master establishes good program very early in the morning.” Heart Demon Scarlet Firmament Sword guessed. “那个沙漠所化的时光道术运转后,虽然法术效果也笼罩了石碑道友,但它的意识最终被留在了原地。它成了一个坐标,供我们回归所用。这应该是道术主人一早设定好的程序。”心魔赤霄剑猜测道。 Song Shuhang nodded slightly, evidently is the Heavenly Way's arrangement. 宋书航微微点头,看样子是天道的安排。 Words said how long we also do want to be able from time status to be separated?” Song Shuhang spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “话说,我们还要多久才能从‘时光状态’中脱离出来?”宋书航随口问道。 „To listen to the truth or the lie?” Senior Scarlet Firmament Sword asked. “想听真话还是假话?”赤霄剑前辈问道。 In Song Shuhang heart one cool, has to plant not the good premonition: Naturally truth.” 宋书航心中一凉,有种不好的预感:“当然真话。”
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