CCG :: Volume #21

#2069: Senior, I finished closing up

To be honest, regardless of this clam dragon pearl turns into clam dragon patriarch directly the appearance, or turns into the 'Senior Little White' appearance directly, Song Shuhang will not be accidental. 说实话,无论这颗蜃龙珠直接变成‘蜃龙族长’的模样,或者直接变成‘小白前辈’的模样,宋书航都不会意外。 However...... 但是...... Looks at this gently such as water Jiangnan beauty, Song Shuhang is starting to suspect at present. 望着眼前这个温婉如水的江南美人,宋书航都开始怀疑起自己来。 He starts to suspect oneself had unrequited loved the bookstore Boss mother, otherwise does she appear today? 他开始怀疑自己曾经是不是暗恋过书店老板娘,否则她今儿怎么又出现了? But Song Shuhang is certain, oneself has not thought ‚the Boss mother becomes love object matter. 宋书航可以肯定,自己从来没有想过‘老板娘’成为恋爱对象这种事。 Therefore, how must operate, clam dragon patriarch's will dragon pearl, turn into the Boss mother's appearance?” Song Shuhang engages in introspection, oneself have not thought recently can go to bookstore freeloading books? “所以,到底要怎么样的操作,蜃龙族长的龙珠,才会变成老板娘的模样?”宋书航扪心自问,自己最近也没想过要去租书店蹭书吧? „Under discussed that traded an appearance?” Song Shuhang said out loud. “商量下,换个模样?”宋书航出声道 This appearance, how does he also fuse? 这个模样,他还怎么融合啊? The total feeling is taking others bookstore Boss mother's advantage. 总感觉在占人家书店老板娘的便宜。 At least changes me to fuse not to have the appearance of pressure. 至少换个我融合起来不会有压力的模样啊。 As if after is induced the Song Shuhang's thought that clam dragon small dragon pearl similarly jumps for joy accepted referred to reading. 仿佛是感应到了宋书航的意念后,蜃龙小龙珠同样雀跃的接受了指念。 the next moment, the present bookstore Boss mother shape starts to change. 下一刻,眼前的书店老板娘形态开始变化起来。 to be more precise is her figure starts to dissipate, finally condenses is Dragon Claw. 准确来说是她的身形开始消散起来,最终重新凝聚为一只‘龙爪’。 This is the clam dragon patriarch's claw. 这是蜃龙族长的爪子。 As the corresponding clam dragon's dragon pearl, this dragon pearl has the ever changing nature inborn. How when doesn't know its change form rule to calculate? 身为对应蜃龙的龙珠,这颗龙珠天生就具有千变万化的性质。就是不知道它化形时的规律是怎么计算的? After turning into clam Dragon Claw, Song Shuhang relaxes finally. 变成蜃龙爪子后,宋书航总算松了口气。 He puts out a hand with the clam dragon patriarch's claw grip. 他伸手和蜃龙族长的爪子握爪。 The grave handshake, feeling the ceremony feeling was but always feeling that this Dragon Claw feel not only right. 庄重的握手,充满着仪式感但总感觉这只龙爪手感不对。 the next moment, seven life wheel under various types of milk and various auxiliary buff, áo áo are calling, killed from the next door, enters in the second dantian. 下一刻,七个命轮在各种奶、各种辅助的加持下,嗷嗷叫着,从隔壁杀了过来,杀入第二丹田中。 On!” Song Shuhang simple issuing refers to reading. “上!”宋书航简单的下达指念。 The Seven Great Life Wheels energy is full, marches forward courageously. 七大命轮精力十足,勇往直前。 The Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten Layers of Heaven's checkpoint in second dantian, throws the street one after another. 第二丹田内的七、八、九、十重天的关卡,相继扑街。 Compared with the first dantian also quick two breath. 比第一丹田还快了两个呼吸。 Practice makes perfect, the ancient does not bully me honestly! 熟能生巧,古人诚不欺我也! ...... ...... ...... ...... next station!” After Song Shuhang made an effort to grasp the clam dragon patriarch's claw, unrelentingly klling to the rear. 下一站!”宋书航用力握了握蜃龙族长的爪子后,马不停蹄向后方杀去 Today, being doomed is the night of rivers of blood! 今天,注定是血流成河之夜! The third stand, Elder Sister White Dragon's dragon pearl. 第三站,白龙姐姐的龙珠 This station was relatively normal, does not have what lousy idea. What Elder Sister White Dragon's dragon pearl is little white dragon, Song Shuhang only with ceremonial grasps a claw to be good with her. 这一站比较正常,没出什么幺蛾子白龙姐姐的龙珠所化的是小白龙,宋书航只用仪式性的和她握个爪子就好。 The handshake and Seven Great Life Wheels áo áo kills, the third dantian rivers of blood, the protection checkpoint was broken to pieces one after another, field littered with corpses. 握手、七大命轮嗷嗷杀来,第三丹田血流成河,守护关卡相继被碎,尸横遍野。 ...... ...... ...... ...... Go!” The Song Shuhang big hand wields, enters the fourth stand. “go!”宋书航大手一挥,杀入第四站。 This stand is Senior White Two's that dragon pearl. 这一站是白前辈two的那颗龙珠 This dragon pearl counterpart's, should be Dragon Demon, that dragon pearl change form should also be Dragon Demon. 这颗龙珠对应的,应该是‘龙魔’,那龙珠化形的应该也是龙魔 Song Shuhang's mental energy cling 'Dragon Demon's dragon pearl'. 宋书航的精神力卷住‘龙魔龙珠’ Afterward, a cocoon appears in his mental induction. 随后,一只茧子出现在他的精神感应中。 In imagination Dragon Demon has not appeared. 想象中的‘龙魔’却并没有出现。 Song Shuhang stares slightly. 宋书航微微一愣。 His mental energy, puts out a hand according to the cocoon. 他的精神力,伸手按在茧子上。 Fluctuation that in the cocoon transmits, seems like Senior White Two's. 茧子里传来的波动,似乎是白前辈two的 Isn't Dragon Demon? Where that does Dragon Demon's dragon pearl come? Also or...... is the dragon pearl change form image, related with my will?” In Song Shuhang heart doubts. “不是龙魔?那龙魔龙珠哪来的?又或者......龙珠化形的形象,和我的意志有关?”宋书航心中一阵疑惑。 But at this time, already have no time to think about it. 但这个时候,已经来不及多想了 Seven Great Life Wheels kills again, Song Shuhang only needs the thought to move, already red-eyed with killing's Seven Great Life Wheels, fiercely pounced on the bottleneck checkpoint, with a quicker speed and efficiency, Seventh with Eighth, Ninth and Tenth the three great VIP bottleneck checkpoints were sent to see the Heavenly Way. 七大命轮再次杀来,宋书航只需念头一动,已经杀红眼的七大命轮,凶残的扑向瓶颈关卡,用更快的速度和效率,将七和八、九、十三大vip瓶颈关卡送去见天道 The Song Shuhang's palm, loosens from the cocoon. 宋书航的手掌,从茧子上松开。 In his mind appears bold guess this dragon pearl, won't be Senior White Two's? 他脑海里浮现一个大胆的猜测这龙珠,不会是白前辈two的吧? wait goes back to see the Senior White Two's time, do oneself want the side blow side to knock consults? 等下回去见白前辈two的时候,自己要不要旁击侧敲地咨询一下? Ok, no need to think so much for now. next station .” Song Shuhang first bears in mind this matter, turns around the arrives to fifth stand. “算了,先不想这么多了下一站,出发。”宋书航先将这事记在心里,转身杀向第五站。 ...... ...... ...... ...... dragon pearl of fifth stand, is 'dragon child's dragon pearl' that the Striped Dragon Two big shot bestows. 第五站的龙珠,是斑纹龙two大佬赠送的‘龙子龙珠’ Also does not know that what appearance Striped Dragon Two's dragon child is, how whether is All Heavens and Myriad Realms' a regional big shot? What's the specific identity? 也不知道斑纹龙two的龙子是什么模样,如何是否是诸天万界的一方大佬具体身份又是谁 Song Shuhang with the curious mentality, contacts this dragon pearl. 宋书航怀着好奇的心态,接触这枚龙珠 the next moment, presented several forms in his mental induction world. 下一刻,在他的精神感应世界中出现了数道身影。 Has to brandish the Nine Paths Phoenix Sabre's illusory form. 有挥舞着九修凤凰刀的虚幻身影。 Has to pinch the illusory form of lotus flower smile. 有捏着莲花微笑的虚幻身影。 Has to lift the form that the fan is dancing. 有举着扇子跳舞的身影。 These forms, gathered one completely, ultimately formed the Fairy Cheng Lin's appearance. 这些身影,全部汇聚到了一起,最终形成了程琳仙子的模样。 „It is not dragon child, but is the Fairy Cheng Lin's appearance?” Song Shuhang feels Fairy Cheng Lin, does not meet the 'dragon child' condition. “不是龙子,而是程琳仙子的模样?”宋书航感觉程琳仙子,并不符合‘龙子’条件。 Grasps Nine Paths Phoenix Sabre, to pinch the lotus flower, or lifts the fan to dance, is incompatible with Fairy Cheng Lin. 无论是手持九修凤凰刀、捏着莲花、或是举着扇子跳舞,都和程琳仙子不符。 The total feeling is the Striped Dragon Two big shot, is covering up the truth. 总感觉是斑纹龙two大佬,在掩盖真相。 Finally, draws to keep off the spear/gun Fairy Cheng Lin. 最后,将程琳仙子拉出来挡枪。 However ok. 不过算了。 Should know that will would the opportunity knowing in the future. 应该知道的,未来总会有机会知道。 Moreover, the appearance is the Fairy Cheng Lin's words, it's also less stressful to integrate. 而且,外貌是程琳仙子的话,融合起来也比较没压力 Song Shuhang stretched out his hand and this 'dragon child' Fairy Cheng Lin applaud. 宋书航伸手和这位‘龙子’程琳仙子击掌。 He and 'Can't be Dead Again's Dead' Fairy Cheng Lin also familiar. 他和‘死的不能再死’程琳仙子老熟了。 pā~~ 啪~~ After two people applaud, the dragon strength fusion is completed. 两人击掌后,龙力融合完成。 Seven Great Life Wheels comes in waves again, Song Shuhang's fifth dantian changed into a battlefield. 七大命轮再次滚滚而来,将宋书航的第五丹田化为战场 ...... ...... ...... ...... Sixth, seventh stations' Divine Dragon dragon pearl, as well as dragon mark Fairy Kunna dragon pearl, can be regarded as relatively normal. 第六、第七站的神龙龙珠,以及龙纹昆那仙子龙珠,都算比较正常 Song Shuhang and Divine Dragon grip, claps with Fairy Kunna, completes the handing-over ceremony. 宋书航神龙握爪,和昆那仙子击掌,完成交接仪式。 As Seven Great Life Wheels attacks for the last time furiously, Tenth Layer of Heaven of seventh dantian, was broken open. 随着七大命轮最后一次奋力冲击,第七丹田的第十重天,被破开。 Seven Great Life Wheels initiates sound of resonance. 七大命轮发起共鸣之声 In the cocoon, Song Shuhang's body, spreads the ocean waves voice. 茧子中,宋书航的身上,传出海浪的声音 Has world extraordinary image that Golden Lotus and Dragon Shadow compose, emits from the cocoon. 金莲龙影组成的天地异像,从茧子中冒出。 The entire cocoon, seemed dyed the golden color. 整个茧子,都仿佛被染成了金色。 A nearby Divine Dragon face is calm, innermost feelings actually a confused face. 边上的神龙一脸镇定,内心却一脸懵逼 What is this operates? 这是什么操作? Has not listened to warm and nourish dragon pearl in process, will present such vast momentum. Also is ocean waves Sound of Heaven and Earth, is world extraordinary image accompanying. 从没听过‘温养龙珠’的过程中,会出现这么浩大的声势啊。又是海浪的天地之音,又是天地异像相伴。 What lousy idea is Profound Sage Tyrant Song putting in order? 霸宋玄圣又在整什么幺蛾子 „The Shuhang's aura, has been promoting.” Su Clan's The Sixteenth said out loud. 书航的气息,一直在提升。”苏氏阿十六出声道 The Elder Sister White Dragon small claw grasps the chin saying: „Is this Tenth Layers of Heaven After the Wheel's feeling?” 白龙姐姐小爪子抓了抓下巴道:“这是轮后第十重天的感觉吧?” And, more than once. 而且,不止是一次 Enough seven times. 足足七次。 Did Shuhang attack 'Ten Layers of Heaven After the Wheel' seven small dantians? 书航将七个小丹田都冲击到了‘轮后十重天’ Senior White putting out a hand point to these Golden Lotus world extraordinary image. 白前辈伸手点向那些金莲天地异像 His finger point, the Golden Lotus then dissipation does not see. 手指一点,金莲便消散不见。 Was a pity...... seems to be unedible.】 In the Senior White heart wants to say regrettably. 【可惜了......似乎不能吃。】白前辈心中遗憾地想道。 Whish ~~ ~~ At this time, the cocoon broke open. 这时,茧子破开。 A lot of green branches rise suddenly, fast extends. 大量绿色的枝条暴涨而出,飞快的延伸开来。 Is the Song Shuhang's wooden body. 宋书航的木身躯。 Comes under the influence of Shuhang strength promotion, the wooden body was expedited childbirth again. 受到书航实力晋升的影响,木身躯再次被催生。 The branch germinates, the green leaf safflower, fresh and tender fruits hang in the branch. 枝条发芽,绿叶红花,一颗颗鲜嫩的果实挂在枝头。 Senior, I finished closing up.” Song Shuhang is without turning a hair saying: How next step do we do?” 前辈,我闭关结束了。”宋书航面不改色道:“下一步我们怎么做?”
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