CCG :: Volume #20

#1953: Discredit!

It is not right, Senior White. 不对啊,白前辈 My this was without the freedom to act independently, body's Lord of Inextinguishable shadow obsession and recklessly running around! 我这是身不由己,身上的不灭之主阴影执念又又又暴走了! Lord of Inextinguishable's unique skill « reincarnation destroys », explodes from the Song Shuhang hand, bang to Fat Ball. 不灭之主的绝招轮回毁灭,从宋书航手中爆开,轰向胖球 Song Shuhang body all strength of Lord of Inextinguishable, change into two vortex, among each vortex is hiding one universe. universe life force is vigorous, another universe death qi is steaming, constitutes Life and Death Reincarnation. 宋书航身上所有不灭之主之力,化为两个漩涡,每一个漩涡之间都隐藏着一个‘宇宙’。一个宇宙生机勃勃,另一个宇宙死气腾腾,构成生死轮回 Two entirely different universe were compressed forcefully in together, reincarnation is shattered, myriad things deathly stillness, space and time collapse. 两个截然不同宇宙被强行压缩在一起,轮回破灭,万物死寂,时空崩溃。 This is one of the Lord of Inextinguishable most attack magecraft. 这是不灭之主攻击法术之一。 Even if displays taking advantage of Song Shuhang body's strength of obsession shadow, the might cannot be passed over. 即使是借着宋书航身上的执念阴影之力施展出来,威力也不容小看。 Fat Ball also unable on throne maintains the posture that sits in meditation again, it stood from the throne. 王座上的胖球无法再保持静坐的姿势,它从王座上站了起来。 In it behind, the Nine Serenities' strength was transferred. 在它身后,九幽的力量被调动起来。 Here is the Nine Serenities World's channel interface, I am backing on entire Nine Serenities World.” The Fat Ball big shot puts out a hand to wield, huge incomparable Nine Serenities strength, imaginary transform into a black hole before its body. “这里是九幽世界的通道接口,我背靠着整个九幽世界。”胖球大佬伸手一挥,庞大无比的九幽力量,在它身前幻化出一个黑洞来。 All around all, was swallowed the absorption by the black hole. 四周所有的一切,都被黑洞吞噬吸收。 By elite Demon of the Nine Serenities that it summoned, the complete avoidance, after falling back on the throne,-- otherwise, they will also even be inhaled in this black hole. 之前被它召唤出来的精锐九幽邪魔,全部退避,退到王座之后——否则,连它们也会被吸入到这个黑洞中。 « reincarnation destroys » and this black hole formal contact. 轮回毁灭和这黑洞正式接触。 Pēng~ 砰~ When « reincarnation destroys the »'s strength runs upon the black hole, the larger part strength directly is swallowed the absorption. 轮回毁灭》的力量撞上黑洞时,一大半力量被直接吞噬吸收。 But the strength of other half actually explodes on own initiative. 但另一半的力量却主动爆炸开来。 The strength of exploding, completely to Fat Ball near space goes. 爆炸开来的力量,全部冲着胖球边上的‘空间’而去。 Fat Ball big shot body side space channel totally was destroyed, collapse. Sank with Lord of Inextinguishable the place of dormancy the channel of connection, separates completely. 胖球大佬身侧的‘空间通道’全部被摧毁,崩溃。原本和‘不灭之主沉眠之地’连接的通道,全部断开。 The fat man extends to Lord of Inextinguishable sinks the place of dormancy the strength, was interrupted. 胖佬延伸到‘不灭之主沉眠之地’的力量,也被截断。 When « reincarnation destroys the »'s explosion power to vanish, after the shock-wave of collapse space subsides, Fat Ball first reconnects Lord of Inextinguishable to sink the place of dormancy, tries to dig again Lord of Inextinguishable's. 轮回毁灭》的爆炸威力消失,崩溃空间的冲击波平息后,胖球第一时间重新连接‘不灭之主沉眠之地’,试图重新将不灭之主的挖出来。 But when it and keep Lord of Inextinguishable to sink the place of dormancy the strength reconnect, actually discovered that own strength was shifted in strange universe starry sky. 但当它和自己留在‘不灭之主沉眠之地’的力量重新连接时,却发现自己的力量被转移到了一个陌生的宇宙星空中。 Lord of Inextinguishable and its sinking dormancy place, vanish to disappear. 不灭之主和它的沉眠之地,都消失不见了。 Was escaped? 被逃掉了? Lord of Inextinguishable and his sinking dormancy place, are not one fixed world space. 不灭之主和他的沉眠之地,并不是一个‘固定’的世界空间。 After creating confusion, he like snail, even the home was transferred away. 在制造混乱后,他就像蜗牛一样,连家带身体都转移了 The Fat Ball big shot is unwilling, attempts the trace that seeks for Lord of Inextinguishable to escape......, but Lord of Inextinguishable has not left a trace. The Fat Ball big shot wants to catch Lord of Inextinguishable's to plan to fail. 胖球大佬不甘心,试图寻找不灭之主逃跑的痕迹......但不灭之主没有留下一丝的痕迹。胖球大佬想捕捉不灭之主的计划破产。 It only then regret own strength recover. 它只有遗憾的将自己的力量回收 Then, its vision shifts to front Profound Sage Tyrant Song body. 然后,它的目光转移到面前的霸宋玄圣身上 Profound Sage Tyrant Song body that Lord of Inextinguishable's strength, vanished does not see-- all strengths to be used to display « reincarnation to destroy ». 霸宋玄圣身上不灭之主的力量,也消失不见——所有的力量都用来施展刚才的轮回毁灭 Present Profound Sage Tyrant Song is unwrapped status. 现在的霸宋玄圣是裸装状态 hē hē hē hē.” The Fat Ball big shot smiles-- this to contain Bone of Imperishable's avatar strangely, lets it can make finally some for example smiles and grins fiendishly strangely and so on movement, does not use again manual illustration own smile way. 呵呵呵呵。”胖球大佬怪笑起来——这具蕴含着不朽之骨的化身,让它终于能做出一些例如‘怪笑、狞笑’之类的动作,不用再手动解说自己的笑容方式。 This also made it strengthen own guess. 这也让它更加坚定了自己的猜测。 So long as analyzes this Bone of Imperishable's to constitute, perhaps in the future, it can also like the white that fellow, in Nine Serenities World permanent wrests away a Nine Serenities Ruler's quota. 只要分析出这块不朽之骨的构成,说不定未来,它也能像白那个家伙一样,在九幽世界永久的霸占一个九幽主宰的名额。 At the appointed time, even if the main body retired, it can still continue to exist. 到时,就算本体退役了,它也能继续存在。 When next new Nine Serenities Ruler took office, will discover with amazement, Nine Serenities World also has two original Nine Serenities Ruler! 下次的新任九幽主宰上任时,就会惊讶的发现,九幽世界还有两个原九幽主宰 ...... ...... ...... ...... Under, a Song Shuhang face friendly is waving to the Fat Ball big shot: „The Fat Ball big shot, here did not have my anything matter probably, we said goodbye.” 下方,宋书航一脸友善的对着胖球大佬挥了挥手:“胖球大佬,这里好像也没我什么事了,我们再见吧。” Fat Ball big shot: Hehe.” 胖球大佬:“呵呵。” Song Shuhang patted the buttocks, is in front of Fat Ball big shot’s, summoned Cuttlefish Despot Double Sabres. 宋书航拍了拍屁股,然后当着胖球大佬的面,召唤出乌贼暴君双刀 He steps on a treasured sabre, the both legs does splits, whiz ~, starts to run toward Nine Serenities Passage's another end. 他一脚踩一柄宝刀,双腿劈叉开来,‘嗖~’的一下,就开始朝着九幽通道的另一端跑去。 Installs to compel to run, was too exciting. 装完逼就跑,太刺激了。 Who you think run?” The Fat Ball big shot said. “你觉的自己跑的了吗?”胖球大佬道。 It puts out a hand to wield, originally by that crowd of elite Demon of the Nine Serenities that he summoned, pursued Song Shuhang to go. 它伸手一挥,原本被他召唤出来的那群精英九幽邪魔,追着宋书航而去。 Meanwhile, it puts out a hand a finger/refers, the Song Shuhang's road stopping up. 同时,它伸手一指,就将宋书航的路给堵了。 Nine Serenities Passage, is it opened. 九幽通道,本来就是它开启的。 Opening or the closure, are only its instant matter. 开启或关闭,只是它一念之间的事。 „It is not good, must be caught up.” Heart Demon Scarlet Firmament Sword hangs after the Song Shuhang waist, called out. “不好,要被追上了。”心魔赤霄剑挂在宋书航腰后,叫道。 Karmic Virtue Snake Beauty: Your this small insect pinches also somewhat to press the hand.” 功德蛇美人:“你这只小虫子捏起来还真有点硌手。” Let alone the words, will divert my attention.” Song Shuhang called out. “别说话,会分散我注意力的。”宋书航叫道。 while speaking...... 正说话间...... That crowd of elite Demon of the Nine Serenities, have rushed to behind Song Shuhang. 那群精锐九幽邪魔,已经冲到宋书航背后。 A frontline werewolf shape demon sharp claw, will soon catch Song Shuhang to conduct the back. 最前方的一只狼人形态邪魔锋利的爪子,即将抓到宋书航背上。 Even if Profound Demon Tyrant Ru, were hit the back by its claw, does not feel better absolutely. So long as comes on a claw to Profound Demon Tyrant Ru, constrains him, behind flowing endlessly Demon of the Nine Serenities can rip the fragment him. 就算是霸儒玄魔,被它一爪击中背部,也绝对不好受。只要给霸儒玄魔来上一爪,将他拖住,后面源源不绝九幽邪魔就能将他撕成碎片。 It has been able to resemble Profound Demon Tyrant Ru by the scene that they besiege. 它已经能相像出霸儒玄魔被它们围攻的场面。 But when the claw of werewolf demon, will soon hit the target...... 但就在狼人邪魔的爪子,即将击中目标之时...... Appears an illusory form from Song Shuhang. 宋书航背后浮现一个虚幻的身影。 That form, has the unsurpassed dignity. 那身影,拥有无上的威严。 He is Nine Serenities World's ruler, all Nine Serenities creature, absolute submitting to under his will. 他是九幽世界的主宰者,所有的九幽生物,绝对的臣服于他的意志之下。 Even the werewolf demon is the Fat Ball's subordinate, when facing another Nine Serenities Ruler, its same unable resistance. 就算狼人邪魔是胖球的手下,但面对另一位九幽主宰时,它同样无法反抗。 Nine Serenities creature, no means wield the claw to Nine Serenities Ruler forever. 九幽生物,永远没有办法向一位九幽主宰挥动爪子。 Even is vertical to the day spits the saliva instead to fall to own body is the same, if really attacks to Nine Serenities Ruler, injured can only be demon. 甚至垂直向天吐唾沫反而会落到自己身上一样,若真的攻击到一位九幽主宰,受伤的只会是邪魔自身。 The attack of werewolf demon, the brake, stops forcefully. 狼人邪魔的攻击,强行刹车,停顿。 Its body was drained the strength all of a sudden, falls to the ground softly. 它的身体一下子被抽干了力气,软倒在地。 Not is only it, its side that crowd pursues Song Shuhang's Demon of the Nine Serenities, falling to the ground one after another. 不仅是它,它身边那一群追击宋书航的九幽邪魔,一个接一个的倒地。 “White!” Fat Ball big shot angrily said. “白!”胖球大佬怒道 It knows, Tyrant Song comes out, White certainly will hide somewhere to pit it. 它就知道,霸宋出来的时候,白就一定会隐藏在暗处坑它 Before, it had not detected that existence of 'White', never expected that he will hide in Tyrant Song's body unexpectedly. 之前,它没有察觉到‘白’的存在,没想到他竟然会隐藏在霸宋的身上 simply did not want the Nine Serenities Ruler's face! 简直一点都不要九幽主宰的面子了! Solemn Nine Serenities Ruler, takes possession unexpectedly in a back of human, this simply discredits to all Nine Serenities Ruler. 堂堂一位九幽主宰,竟然附身在一个人类的背后,这简直给所有的九幽主宰抹黑。 However today, you gave up any idea of that protects Tyrant Song. 但是今天,你休想守护住霸宋 The Fat Ball big shot hit a sound to refer. 胖球大佬打了个响指。 pā ~ 啪~ Is doing splits is flying Song Shuhang, body cross over space. 正劈叉飞着的宋书航,身体穿越了一层‘空间’。 the next moment, Song Shuhang appeared in front of Fat Ball big shot’s directly. 下一刻,宋书航直接出现在了胖球大佬的面前。 This space channel is the Fat Ball big shot makes, it not only can seal off the space channel, can the intention move, turns around the space channel. 这个空间通道是胖球大佬制造出来的,它不仅能封堵了空间的通道,更是能心念一动,就将空间通道扭转过来。 This time looked where you toward run!” The Fat Ball big shot said. “这次看你往哪里跑!”胖球大佬道。 He puts out a hand, seizes the Song Shuhang's neck, hangs to pinch him. 他伸手,掐住宋书航的脖子,将他吊掐起来。 This only presses the insect of hand, today it must die his thorough pinching, no longer gives him the opportunity! 这只硌手的虫子,今天它就要将他彻底的捏死,不再给他机会!
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