CCG :: Volume #20

#1949: The words saying, now where Heavenly Emperor is at?

nowadays, the big shot like borrowing a thing from little sprout body forcefully. 这年头,大佬们都喜欢强行从小萌新身上借走点东西。 Has taking advantage of spirit ghost's, has taking advantage of avatar's, has taking advantage of the head. 有借灵鬼的,有借化身的,有借脑袋的。 Song Shuhang that pitiful Steel Avatar, wasn't long after its birth, has not come and with the ontology construct deep affection, with the Black Dragon World's 'solar barge' same place, carried off by Heavenly Emperor. 宋书航那可怜的钢铁化身,才刚诞生没多久,都还没来的及和本体建立深厚的感情,就和黑龙世界的‘太阳船’一起,被天帝带走了。 Pavilion Lord Chu Two replied: Right, that steel you suddenly appear, pricks that monster hunter Eternal Life Being's forehead a short blade, within his body's another strength seal, trampled into him my seal.” 楚阁主two回道:“对,那个钢铁的你突然出现,将一柄短刃刺入那个捉妖人长生者的额头,将他体内的另一种力量封印,又将他踹入到了我的封印中。” Steel Song Shuhang appears under the cover of monster hunter Eternal Life Being's light beam attack, when the light beam vanishes vanishes fast. But Clear Water Pavilion is her world, anything that here has, cannot escape her eye. 钢铁宋书航捉妖人长生者的光束攻击掩护下出现,又在光束消失之时飞快消失。但碧水阁是她的世界,在这里发生的任何事情,都逃不过她的眼睛。 „It is not right, it does not make sense ah.” Song Shuhang said. “不对,讲不通啊。”宋书航道。 Pavilion Lord Chu Two: What?” 楚阁主two:“什么?” „If steel I, must be my Steel Avatar. However...... my Steel Avatar in the Heavenly Emperor's hand, is still used the secret technique to control by her now, my unable summoned radically it.” Song Shuhang said out loud. “如果是钢铁的我,应当是我的钢铁化身。但是......我的钢铁化身现在还在天帝的手中,被她用秘术控制着,我根本无法将它召唤回来。”宋书航出声道 If is really his Steel Avatar, is Heavenly Emperor is controlling it, comes quietly, assistance Pavilion Lord Chu Two the both arms covered with eyes' Eternal Life Being seal? 如果真是他的钢铁化身,那么是天帝控制着它,悄然过来,协助楚阁主two双臂长眼睛的长生者封印? But the issue is, monster hunter Eternal Life Being is the Heavenly Emperor's subordinate, is loyal and devoted to her. After Ancient Heavenly Court is shattered, he also crazy chases down Cheng Lin to come. 但问题是,捉妖人长生者天帝的下属,对她忠心耿耿。远古天庭破灭后,他还疯狂的去追杀程琳来着。 Does Heavenly Emperor hold true by must help the enemy, falls to the seal own top cowboy? 天帝有什么理由要帮着敌人,将自己的头号马仔给封印掉? Only if she were insane. 除非她疯了。 A moment ago also or, appeared actually isn't his Steel Avatar? 又或者,刚才出现的其实并非他的钢铁化身 while thinking. 正思索间 Dīng~~ your 『Scoundrel Friend』 Heavenly Emperor to your long-distance transmission 10 seconds of skill, in the skill transfer process the consumption is 90%, please note to search and collect.】 叮~~你的‘狐朋狗友’天帝向你远程传递十秒钟功力,功力传递过程中消耗为90%,请注意查收。】 additional message: , Senior Song, first congratulates you, successfully my Heavenly Court Great General of the Vanguard's avatar seal. This battle was very interesting, showed the momentum of Eternal Life Being level. However, Ruism outside Heavenly Court fragment, I'm recovering them all.】 附加消息:,宋前辈,首先恭喜你,成功将我天庭先锋大将的化身封印。这一战打的非常漂亮,打出了长生者级的气势。但是,儒家外面的天庭碎片,我还是大量回收啦。】 Is that Gold Core QR Code Friend function. 是那个金丹二维码好友功能。 What this function most lets Song Shuhang heart stopper is, Fairy Cheng Lin and big shot can conduct various show operations, because he realm is insufficient, can only stare dry/does. 这个功能最让宋书航心塞的是,程琳仙子和大佬们能进行各种骚操作,而他因为境界不足,只能干瞪眼。 Song Shuhang: „......” 宋书航:“......” Also is really Heavenly Emperor! 还真是天帝 Her brain finally entered the water la? 她脑子终于瓦特啦 It is not right, with the Heavenly Emperor's character, every step contains extremely deep plans. 不对,以天帝的性格,每走一步都蕴含着极深的心机 She lets monster hunter Eternal Life Being's avatar intentionally by the Pavilion Lord Chu Two seal, what conspiracy can have? 她故意让捉妖人长生者的化身楚阁主two封印,会不会有什么阴谋? wait...... 等下...... could it be she must use this monster hunter Eternal Life Being's avatar, seeks Pavilion Lord Chu Two's Clear Water Pavilion? 难道她要用这捉妖人长生者的化身,谋取楚阁主two的碧水阁 Before, when Pavilion Lord Chu has not trod own way, had the Beast Realm's Ancient Heavenly Court survivor, wanted to capture Pavilion Lord Chu's Clear Water Pavilion, must reconstruct Heavenly Court with Clear Water Pavilion. 之前,楚阁主还没踏出自己的道时,就有兽修界的远古天庭幸存者,想要夺取楚阁主的碧水阁,要用碧水阁重建天庭 Now the Heavenly Emperor rebirth, must reconstruct Heavenly Court, might be staring at Clear Water Pavilion! 现在天帝重生,要重建天庭,很可能会盯着碧水阁 Dīng~ your 『Scoundrel Friend』 Heavenly Emperor transmits 10 seconds of skill to you once again, additional message: Senior Song, let me take a guess, you are thinking, did our brain shattered? But we must tell you, we are not insane, we are very good. As for what we want to do, do you guess? Guesses, but can also give you a reward.】 叮~你的‘狐朋狗友’天帝又一次向你传递十秒功力,附加消息:宋前辈,让我猜一猜,你是不是在想着,朕的脑子是不是坏掉了但朕要告诉你,朕没疯,朕好的很至于朕到底想干什么,你猜?猜出来,还可以给你一个奖励。】 Also the information, appears in the Song Shuhang's mind together. 又一道信息,出现在宋书航的脑海中。 Senior Chu, under the inspection the seal, has a look at status in seal again, has a look to have what loophole.” Song Shuhang raised his head quickly said: A moment ago that metal me, indeed was my Steel Avatar, moreover was Heavenly Emperor is operating it.” 楚前辈,再次检查下封印,看看封印中的状态,看看有没有什么漏洞。”宋书航抬头飞快道:“刚才那金属的我,的确是我的钢铁化身,而且就是天帝在操作着它。” Pavilion Lord Chu Two nods, again the repeated examination own seal, and from head to tail operated carefully. Pavilion Lord Chu's antenna hair also joins to the examination team, assistance Chu Two. 楚阁主two点了点头,再次反复的检测起自己的封印,并从头到尾仔细运算了一遍。楚阁主的呆毛也加入到检测队伍中,协助楚two After the moment . 片刻后。 Does not have the loophole, seal no problem!” Pavilion Lord Chu Two said. “没有漏洞,封印没问题!”楚阁主two道。 monster hunter Eternal Life Being's avatar by the seal, abdomen's long spear and forehead's shot blade had shut off within his body's all source strengths stubbornly, opportunity that it has not overturned completely. 捉妖人长生者的化身已经被死死封印,腹部的长枪和额头的短刃更是将他体内的所有本源力量切断,它完全没有翻盘的机会。 Taking advantage of the Clear Water Pavilion's prestige energy, most one year, we can in Eternal Life Being avatar the seal weaken thoroughly, cuts to kill it.” Pavilion Lord Chu added. “借着碧水阁的威能,最多一年时间,我们就能将封印中长生者化身彻底削弱,将它斩杀。”楚阁主补充道。 Song Shuhang reminded: short blade on monster hunter Eternal Life Being head is Heavenly Emperor inserts, can she have the means long-distance to untie the short blade's function, making monster hunter work loose the seal?” 宋书航提醒道:“捉妖人长生者头颅上的短刃天帝插进去的,她会不会有办法远程解开短刃的功能,让捉妖人挣脱封印?” monster hunter within the body has the information of second source strength, I have the information.” Pavilion Lord Chu Two said slowly: In the seal that I designed, has considered this situation. Even now his short blade expiration on head, will not affect the effect of seal.” 捉妖人体内拥有第二种本源力量的信息,我也有情报。”楚阁主two缓缓道:“我设计的封印中,早就考虑过这种情况。就算现在他头颅上的短刃失效,也不会影响封印的效果。” Song Shuhang rubbed the temples. 宋书航揉了揉太阳穴。 Does not know completely Heavenly Emperor wants to take advantage anything. 完全不知道天帝想打什么算盘。 The information is insufficient, lacks the clue. 情报不足,缺少线索。 Even if he is the detective is reincarnated, still unable discovers that truth. 就算他是神探转世,也无法找出那个真相来。 I must first leave, my unable in the present world dull too long time.” Pavilion Lord Chu Two said, after this was she fused ‚the Skylark head the price. “我要先离开了,我无法现世呆太长的时间。”楚阁主two道,这是她融合了‘云雀子头颅’后的代价。 Careful Nine Serenities' that Fat Ball.” The Song Shuhang reminder said. “小心九幽的那位胖球。”宋书航提醒道。 Relax, I now the Clear Water Pavilion card between Nine Serenities and present world's gaps, so long as I do not do the matter, there will be no problem.” Pavilion Lord Chu Two replied. “放心吧,我现在将碧水阁卡在九幽现世的间隙间,只要我自己别搞事,就不会有问题。”楚阁主two答道。 Then, entire Clear Water Pavilion and she, disappears completely does not see. 说罢,整个碧水阁和她,全部消失不见。 The Song Shuhang's figure, reappears sky over Ruism that big rift valley. 宋书航的身形,重新出现在儒家那大裂谷上空。 But the senior you have been doing the matter today.” Song Shuhang sighed. “但是前辈你今天一直在搞事啊。”宋书航叹了口气。 Pavilion Lord Chu's antenna hair lightly rocks: No need to be worried about her, If it's not enough...... she can also turn to another ruler.” 楚阁主的呆毛轻轻晃动:“不用为她担心,真不行的话......她还可以去投靠另一位主宰。” Also right.” Song Shuhang figure from in the air landing. “也对。”宋书航身形从空中降落。 Nine Paths Phoenix Sabre returns to Core World, returns to Scallion Lady side. 九修凤凰刀回归核心世界,回到葱娘身边 True Monarch White Crane asked: Shuhang, that both hands covered with eyes' big shot?” 白鹤真君问道:“书航,那个双手长满眼睛的大佬呢?” Successfully sealed by Pavilion Lord Chu and me.” Song Shuhang replied. 成功被我和楚阁主封印了。”宋书航回道 Elder Sister White Dragon sighed slightly. 白龙姐姐微微叹了口气。 Was right, Elder Sister White Dragon. We in the seal monster hunter Eternal Life Being avatar's time, Heavenly Emperor controlled my Steel Avatar to appear, held a monster hunter Eternal Life Being head blade, one foot kicked him into the seal. Elder Sister White Dragon your, have any clues or hints?】 Song Shuhang secret voice transmission said. 【对了,白龙姐姐。我们在封印捉妖人长生者化身的时候,天帝控制着我的钢铁化身出现,捅了捉妖人长生者脑袋一刀,一脚将他踢入到了封印中白龙姐姐你这,有没有什么头绪或线索?】宋书航传音入密道。 Elder Sister White Dragon: ( 白龙姐姐:∑(っ …… …… …… …… This news simply explosive. 这个消息简直爆炸 Elder Sister White Dragon brain crash. 白龙姐姐脑子都当机了。 In her mind, monster hunter Eternal Life Being, but Heavenly Court's pioneer, establishes Heavenly Court Era he to strive very big. Heavenly Court foreign expedition time, his always first going to battle. 在她的印象中,捉妖人长生者可是天庭的急先锋,建立天庭时他出力非常大天庭对外征战的时候,他总是第一个出战。 In all Eternal Life Being, he is most loyal to Heavenly Emperor's. 所有长生者中,他对天帝的最忠心。 Now, did a Heavenly Emperor blade grip the most loyal great general unexpectedly? 现在,天帝竟然一刀扎了自己最忠心的大将? Her brain finally water penetration?” Elder Sister White Dragon quite a while squeezes out such words. “她脑子终于进水了?”白龙姐姐半天挤出这么句话来。 Song Shuhang: I think so too.” 宋书航:“我也是这么想的。”
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