CCG :: Volume #18

#1764: Opened demon emperor true line veil

Un, that decided like this.” Song Shuhang secretly said in heart. “嗯,那就这样决定了。”宋书航心中暗道 place of legacy, if can have a scare Scarlet Pupil that little fellow, he can think legacy enough powerful, this might as well be a good deed. 传承之地’若是能将赤瞳那小家伙吓一跳,他才会觉的‘传承’足够强大,这未尝不是件好事。 demon emperor, your family legacy's outer covering, my!】 魔帝,你家传承的外壳,我的了!】 ...... ...... ...... ...... Excises the Dragon Net node the time, is longer than wanting of Song Shuhang estimate. 切除龙络节点的时间,比宋书航预计的要长很多。 Dragon Net Little Assistant in executing command, needs the demon emperor Dragon Net node with nearby Dragon Network, to cut off completely, entire digs out. 龙络小助手执行命令的时候,需要将魔帝龙络节点与边上一圈的龙络网,全部斩断,整个挖出。 Excised node region, restoring is ten years and even longer, in this long time, this place node region will not be sheltered by Dragon Net strength's, becomes the restricted area. Even if there is new external strength invasion, this region will become the fatal weakness that does not garrison. 被切除的这处节点区域,恢复起来要数十年甚至更长的时间,在这漫长的时间内,本处节点区域将不受龙络力量的庇护,成为禁地。甚至如果有新的外来力量侵入,这块区域将成为不设防的致命弱点。 Therefore, after the entire Dragon Net node unearths, Dragon Net Little Assistant in this piece of zone unfolds a defense layer upon layer, isolates this region thoroughly. 所以,将整个龙络节点挖掘出来后,龙络小助手又在这片区域上空铺开一层层的防御,将这片区域彻底隔离。 Replies Manager Tyrant Dragon, the node excision completes.】 Dragon Net Little Assistant said out loud. 【回复霸龙管理员,节点切除完成。】龙络小助手出声道 Then next step!” Song Shuhang opens both hands, assumes the posture, said: Right, had the means to reduce some Dragon Net node region?” “那么下一步!”宋书航张开双手,摆好姿势,道:“对了,有没有办法将龙络节点区域缩小一些?” After Core World experiences promoted several times, its entry position had expanded, but did not have to be able in a big way directly the degree that the entire Dragon Net node swallows. 核心世界经历了数次升级后,它的入口位置已经扩大了很多,但还没有大到能直接将整个龙络节点吞噬进去的程度。 Other day Senior White moved to his Core World entire Death Forest, is the forest continually land for building cut into scrap scrap, shifted little. 上回白前辈将整个死亡森林搬到他的核心世界,还是将森林连地皮切成小块小块,一点点转移进去的。 【The Dragon Net node is the energy materialisation product, does not need to reduce, it can pass various big or small space gates.】 Dragon Net Little Assistant replied. 龙络节点本身就是能量具现化的产物,不需要缩小,它就能通过各种大小的空间门。】龙络小助手回复道 Only issue, returned to beginning-- demon god pillar to have the method of demon emperor adds-on's restraint space force. Can demon god pillar draw in Core World is the most headachy issue. 唯一的问题,还是回到了起点——魔神柱上有魔帝附加的克制空间力量的手段。魔神柱能不能被拖入核心世界才是最让人头痛的问题。 Such being the case, I first try.” Song Shuhang said. “既然如此,我先试试。”宋书航道。 His lightly claps, Lotus Flower Projection that a transparent crystal passes appears, the lotus flower root has the innumerable root hair to extend. These root hair cling entire excised Dragon Net nodes fast. 轻轻一拍手,一朵透明水晶透的莲花投影显现,莲花根部有无数的根须伸展开来。这些根须飞快的卷住整个被切除的龙络节点。 The Song Shuhang's original intention is to let the lotus flower root hair the Dragon Net node to the cling, hauls back Core World it. 宋书航的本意是让莲花根须将龙络节点给卷住,将它拖回核心世界 However, when the lotus flower root hair contacts the Dragon Net node, then excised Dragon Net node...... by the lotus flower root hair is given the absorption. 但是,当莲花根须接触到龙络节点的时候,那被切除的龙络节点......就被莲花根须给吸收了。 It looks like will do the sponge to throw into to the water, it will start absorbing water to be the same automatically. The lotus flower root hair contacts Dragon Net, directly Dragon Net absorbing. 就像是将干海绵扔入到水中,它会自动开始吸水一样。莲花根须一接触到龙络,就直接将龙络给吸收一空。 Then, all demon god pillar lost the support of land, exposes. 如此一来,所有的魔神柱失去了土地的支撑,暴露出来。 Song Shuhang: „......” 宋书航:“......” Then, the lotus flower root hair is curling demon god pillar, draws in them to Core World in turn. 接着,莲花根须卷着一根根魔神柱,将它们分批拖入到核心世界中。 On demon god pillar has the method of restraint space force. However, when Lotus Flower Projection after the root hair their from head to tail wrapped one, the method of that restraint space force is shielded. 魔神柱上有着克制空间力量的手段。但是,当莲花投影用根须将它们从头到尾包裹了一遍后,那克制空间力量的手段就被屏蔽。 Song Shuhang: Although made a small mistake, but is generally speaking smooth.” 宋书航:“虽然出了点小差错,但总的来说还算顺利。” Then, next step! 然后,下一步 His consciousness shifts Core World. 他的意识转移到核心世界 Core Little Assistant is bustling about, it's in the middle of fine tuning Song Shuhang in chaos Core World. Through the unceasing fine tuning, looking like plays the puzzle to be the same, bit by bit movement, making Core World achieve neat and tidy and artistic effect. 核心小助手正在忙碌着,它在微调宋书航乱七八糟核心世界通过不断的微调,就像是玩拼图一样,一点点移动,令核心世界达到整整齐齐、美观的效果。 After seeing Song Shuhang's consciousness shifts, Core Little Assistant goes forward: Tyrant Dragon manages......” 宋书航的意识转移进来后,核心小助手上前:“霸龙管......” When it called half, suddenly stopped. 它叫到一半时,突然停顿了一下。 Because in the Core World's time, called Song Shuhang again is Manager Tyrant Dragon is improper. Core World belongs to the Song Shuhang's world, he is not a manager, but is the owner in the whole world. 因为在核心世界的时候,再称呼宋书航为‘霸龙管理员’已经不妥。核心世界是属于宋书航的世界,他不是管理员,而是整个世界的拥有者。 After Core Little Assistant stop moment, said: Mr. Tyrant Song, how are you going to process the batch of demon god columns you transferred in?” 核心小助手停顿片刻后,道:“霸宋先生,您转移进来的那批魔神柱要如何处理?” I must shift them to another place.” Song Shuhang said with a smile. “我要将它们转移到另一个地方。”宋书航笑道。 Core Little Assistant blinks: Shifts where?” 核心小助手眨了眨眼睛:“转移到何处?” look at my.” Song Shuhang stands in Living Spring's edge, made noise to call out: Senior White, opens a door, I have a number of things to be deposited into your Evil Lotus Dimension.” 看我的。”宋书航站在活泉的边上,出声叫道:“白前辈,开个门,我有一批东西要寄存到你的邪莲空间。” Password.” At this time, small solar #You're Busy T233's voice resounded. “口令。”这时,小太阳你忙吧T233号的声音响起。 Song Shuhang: „???” 宋书航:“???” When did Evil Lotus World have the password? 什么时候邪莲世界有口令了? What is password?” Song Shuhang asked. “口令是什么?”宋书航问道。 #You're Busy T233: „If not know that password, that spoke a joke. my lord replies like this.” 你忙吧T233号:“如果不知道口令的话,那就讲个笑话。我主是这样回复的。” „Doesn't joke have the meaning much, how about if I dance?” Song Shuhang seizes the opportunity, crazy wants to show desire-- in heart he to jump pole dance. “笑话多没意思,不如我来跳一支舞如何?”宋书航抓住机会,疯狂的想展现自己心中的欲望——他想跳钢管舞 #You're Busy T233 replied: my lord said that do not look to dance, if you can't joke, then on sing a song.” 你忙吧T233号回复道:“我主说不要看跳舞,如果你没笑话,那就唱支歌吧。” This I may excel.” Song Shuhang laughed, he just composed a song, now come in handy time...... “这个我可擅长了。”宋书航哈哈一笑,他刚谱写了一支小曲,现在正是派上用场的时候了......了个屁。 If that song sang, his Song Shuhang ends today. Core World will become his cemetery. 那首歌要是唱出来,他宋书航今天就完了。核心世界将成为他的墓场。 Right, this creativity not bad. 对了,这个创意不错啊。 Yu Jiaojiao has the seabed cemetery, in the future after his Core World will expand, must also do a stretch of luxurious tomb to come out, will provide to these specially has the person of peculiar requirement. 鱼娇娇都有海底墓场,未来他核心世界扩大后,要不要也搞片豪华墓地出来,专门提供给那些有特殊要求的人。 For example Mysterious Maiden Gate's Skylark, for example each department must construct (Number) Path Lineage of cemetery, for example likes arranging resurrection method's cultivator with the cemetery? 比如玄女门云雀子,比如每一系都要修建墓场的数字修一系,又比如喜欢用墓场布置复活手段的修士 The message he thought-- Luxurious Core World supreme VIP tomb, want to know more?】 广告词他都想好了——【豪华核心世界至尊VIP墓地,了解一下?】 #Tyrant Song, you sang, need me to dub for you?” #You're Busy T233, good at understanding others, inquired. 霸宋号,你唱歌的时候,需要我为你配音不?”你忙吧T233号,善解人意,询问道。 Good.” Song Shuhang replied: But do you know what I want to sing?” “好啊。”宋书航回道:“不过你知道我要唱什么?” Naturally, there is a consonance between us, a point passes.” #You're Busy T233 said. “当然,我们之间心有灵犀,一点就通。”你忙吧T233号道。 Then, it starts Song Shuhang to start soundtrack: dāng dāng ~~ dāng dāng dāng dāng~~ dōng dōng ~~ dīng dīng ~~ dāng dāng!!” 说罢,它开始宋书航开始配乐:“当当~~当当当当~~咚咚~~叮叮~~当当!!” The Song Shuhang's small face was immediately white. 宋书航的小脸马上就白了。 Sang, why you didn't sing?” #You're Busy T233 doubtfully asked. “唱啊,你怎么不唱了?”你忙吧T233号疑惑问道 Song Shuhang: „......” 宋书航:“......” Does not dare to sing, does not dare to sing! 不敢唱,不敢唱! This soundtrack what's the problem?” #You're Busy T233 asked: This soundtrack rhythm is my lord teaches me, said that you will definitely sing. #Tyrant Song, is your complexion so why ugly? Isn't healthy?” “这配乐有什么问题吗?”你忙吧T233号问道:“这配乐的节奏是我主教我的,说你肯定会唱。霸宋号,你的脸色为什么如此难看?身体不舒服?” right, right, right, I felt suddenly is a little uncomfortable, my possibly body a little empty, I must make up.” Song Shuhang quickly said: Matter of password we will say next time again, we will chat next time again.” 对对对,我突然感觉有点不舒服,我可能身体有点虚,我得去补补。”宋书航飞快道:“口令的事情我们下次再说,我们下次再聊。” While at this time, the Evil Lotus World's channel opened. 正当这时,邪莲世界的通道打开。 The Senior White Two's strength emerges, cling all demon god pillar, drew in them Evil Lotus World. 白前辈two的力量涌现,卷住所有魔神柱,将它们拖入到了邪莲世界中。 my lord said that cost of storage, a day a Ninth Stage spirit stone. Next time you take delivery of goods, pays in full one time.” Small Sun said with a smile. 我主说,保管费用,一天一枚九品灵石。下次你提货的时候,一次性付清。”小太阳笑道。 immediately afterwards, that thin demon god pillar was thrown. 紧接着,那根较细的魔神柱又被扔了回来。 my lord said, this is the column of legacy. Above restriction already cracked, you can play with it yourself.” Small Sun continues to say. 我主说,这根是传承之柱。其上的禁制已经被破解,你自己拿着玩。”小太阳继续道。
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