CCG :: Volume #17

#1608: Cannot fire fireball's mage, not a good cleric

This is Black Dragon World, most powerful eleven existences, has in Dragon Net the maximum jurisdiction. In each dragon scale minor world has their legends. 这是黑龙世界,最强大的十一位存在,拥有着龙络中最高的权限。每一个龙鳞小世界中都有着他们的传说。 These 11, are raises hand to be possible move mountains and drain seas and destroying city's to exist, is in entire Black Dragon World summit's supreme powerhouse. 这十一位,是举手间可移山倒海毁灭城市的存在,是处于整个黑龙世界顶端的至强者 Each, was topped Saint honourific title. 每一位,都被冠上‘圣’的尊称 These 11 supreme powerhouse Saint in Black Dragon World faced with the most fearful enemy, meets take action, saves Black Dragon World. 这十一位至强者的‘圣’只有在黑龙世界面临最可怕的敌人时,才会出手,挽救黑龙世界 This is Black Dragon World's hidden trump, 这是黑龙世界的底牌, The Black Pupil XIII's goal, becomes like these 11 Saint powerful existence. He hoped the own lifetime, can be built on the entire Black Dragon World's peak, became 12 th Black Dragon World's Saint. 黑瞳十三世的目标,就是成为像这十一位‘圣’一样强大的存在。他希望自己有生之年,也能立于整个黑龙世界的顶端,成为第十二位黑龙世界的‘圣’。 Not is only Black Pupil XIII, in fact entire Black Dragon World's practitioner, heart of everyone has such a goal. 不仅是黑瞳十三世,事实上整个黑龙世界的修炼者,每一个人的心底都有着这么一个目标。 In first through magical energy recharge machine formal contact Dragon Net, saw when core locates existence that 11 such as in the legend star equally dazzling cannot look straight ahead, in each Black Dragon World's practitioner heart, will well up such a heroic feelings. 在初次通过魔力充值机正式接触龙络,看到核心处十一位如传说中‘恒星’一样耀眼不可直视的存在时,每一位黑龙世界的修炼者心中,都会涌上这么一种豪情。 Young really good.” Song Shuhang said after a sigh, why always felt were oneself old same? “年轻真好啊。”宋书航感叹道,为什么总感觉自己老了一样? magical energy recharge machine spies on the core's time, be only such a flickers. 魔力充值机窥探核心的时间只有那么一瞬。 After the moment, that feeling will vanish. 片刻后,那种感觉就会消失。 But Black Pupil XIII can also use own magical energy recharge machine. 黑瞳十三世也可以使用自己的魔力充值机 First, the most important thing is recharge function. 首先,最重要的是充值功能 On magical energy recharge machine's interface, ten symbols, translate, is corresponding 0-9 numbers. 魔力充值机的界面上,有十个符号,翻译过来,正对应0-9的数字。 Then a five pointed star and a six pointed star's mark. 然后还有一个五芒星一个六芒星的标记。 Selects six pointed star to mark lightly, paddling, is enters Black Dragon spirit stone to recharge program. Then in the hand has the Black Dragon spirit stone's words, its crumb, the strength in Dragon Net automatic reception Black Dragon spirit stone, the transformation will be magical energy current capacities will recharge to account of user. 轻点六芒星标记,划动,就是进入‘黑龙灵石充值’程序。接下来手中有黑龙灵石的话,将它捏碎,龙络会自动接收黑龙灵石里的力量,转化为魔力流量充值到使用者的账号中。 magical energy current capacities in account, is coordinating mental energy of user, transforms through magical energy recharge machine again, can directly from pressing the jurisdiction in Dragon Net, produces magecraft, the release. 账号中的魔力流量,配合着使用者的精神力,再通过魔力充值机转化,可以直接从按龙络中的权限,生成法术,释放出来。 mental energy + magical energy current capacities + magical energy recharge machine + Dragon Net jurisdiction = magecraft of corresponding rank. 精神力魔力流量魔力充值机龙络权限=相应等级的法术 By Black Pupil XIII now LV 1's mental energy, as well as LV 1's jurisdiction position in Dragon Net, so long as there is magical energy current capacities, can release the corresponding rank directly magecraft. 黑瞳十三世现在一级的精神力,以及在龙络一级的权限位置,只要有魔力流量,就可以直接释放出相应等级的法术来。 Moreover...... the Black Dragon World's general public, without contacting Dragon Net's aptitude, they must recharge, needs to arrive at the temple, asking staff member of temple to conduct magical energy to recharge for their account, with the aim of using to need daily. 另外......黑龙世界的普通民众,没有接触龙络的资质,他们要充值的时候,需要到神殿,请神殿的工作人员为他们的账号进行魔力充值,以便日常使用所需。 This process, needs to gather few service charge. 这个过程,需要收取少量的手续费 However, service charge is short to letting the person had almost not felt that-- so for the temple that the people serve, simply is the business biggest conscience! 不过,手续费少到让人几乎没感觉——如此为人民服务的神殿,简直业务最大的良心! Truth sometimes is such simple, present issue is, where does Black Dragon spirit stone from come?】 Song Shuhang secretly said in heart. 【真相有时候就是这么简单,现在的问题就是,黑龙灵石是从哪来的?】宋书航心中暗道 ...... ...... ...... ...... After function understanding of recharging, is that five pointed star marks. 充值的功能理解后,接着是那个五芒星标记。 This effect is pre-saved magecraft, beforehand adopts the above magecraft production formula, condenses the formation in Dragon Net magecraft. However, at this time did not release magecraft, but saves to magical energy recharge machine. 这个效果是‘预存法术’,事先通过上面的法术生成公式,将法术龙络中凝聚成型。不过,这时候不将法术释放出去,而是存储到魔力充值机中。 Has magecraft in magical energy recharge machine in advance, to prepare emergency requirement. 预存在魔力充值机中的法术,是为了以备不时之需。 In the mental energy consumption completely, or magical energy current capacities insufficient time, but can also, conduct the attack or the defense in this way. 精神力消耗殆尽,或魔力流量不足的时候,还可以通过这种方式,进行攻击或防御。 Moreover, sometimes met some extreme conditions, the user temporarily and Dragon Net separated the connection, can through have magecraft in magical energy recharge machine in advance, helped oneself. 另外,有时候遇上一些极端情况,使用者暂时和龙络断开了连接,也能通过预存在魔力充值机中的法术,进行自救。 so that's how it is...... at that time, after Black Pupil XIII's magical energy recharge machine fell present world, without the connection of Dragon Network, in the #Tyrant Tyrant Steel Avatar's hand, can actually release many magecraft as before, depended was this saved magecraft effect?】 原来如此......那么当时,黑瞳十三世的魔力充值机落到了现世后,没有了龙络网络的连接,在霸霸号钢铁化身的手中,却依旧能释放许多的法术,靠的就是这个‘存储法术’的效果吧?】 Song Shuhang understands finally. 宋书航总算明白过来。 Before also felt the doubts, in present world does not have Dragon Net, before that why magical energy recharge machine in the #Tyrant Tyrant avatar hand can also release magecraft? 之前还感觉疑惑,现世中没有龙络,那之前,在霸霸号化身手中魔力充值机为什么还能释放法术 Originally also has such user-friendly function. 原来还有这么人性化的功能。 Generally speaking, the Black Dragon World's magical energy recharge machine system, quite sensitive to people's needs, a meticulous feeling, experiences the feeling to exploding well. 总体上来说,黑龙世界的魔力充值机体系,相当的亲民,给人一种无微不至的感觉,体验感好到爆。 ...... ...... ...... ...... The Entering Dream plot continues to launch. 入梦剧情继续展开。 Child, you can experience the magical energy recharge machine's effect now. Do you have to carry Black Dragon spirit stone?” That old man expert asking with a slight smile. “孩子,你现在可以体验一下魔力充值机的效果。你有携带黑龙灵石吗?”那位老者专家微笑着问道 This work, was he himself felt recently very satisfactory, he also wants to have a look at this work effect. 这件作品,是他自己最近感觉很满意的一件,他也想看看这件作品的施法效果。 My body has a small scale's Black Dragon spirit stone.” Black Pupil XIII lovable replied. “我身上一颗小型的黑龙灵石。”黑瞳十三世乖巧回道 Then, he from oneself body pulls out together only then crystal stone of thumb size. 说罢,他从自己身上掏出一块只有拇指大小的晶石 He first puts out a hand according to the magical energy recharge machine's six pointed star mark, a lightly stroke...... in the sky, Dragon Net appears the tip of the iceberg, twines in the Black Pupil XIII's whole body. 他先是伸手按在魔力充值机的六芒星标记上,轻轻一划......虚空中,龙络显现冰山一角,缠绕在黑瞳十三世的周身。 Black Pupil XIII lightly grasps, pinches the smashing thumb big crystal stone. 黑瞳十三世轻轻一握,将拇指大的晶石捏成粉碎。 in the sky, the Dragon Net's big net cling crystal stone powder, absorbs cleanly them. 虚空中,龙络的大网卷住晶石的粉末,将它们吸收干净。 After the moment, in Black Pupil XIII's magical energy recharge machine, in the magical energy option presented the magical energy values of 6 units. 片刻后,黑瞳十三世的魔力充值机中,魔力选项上出现了六个单位的魔力值。 Has understood process?” The old man expert continues to ask. “有了解过施法的过程吗?”老者专家继续问道。 Originally, guiding the children to use magical energy recharge machine is other temple staff member duties, but the old man expert favors Black Pupil XIII very much, therefore goes forth to battle personally, holds the post to illustrate guide. 本来,引导孩子们使用魔力充值机是神殿其他工作人员的任务,不过老者专家很看好黑瞳十三世,于是亲自上阵,担任解说引导员 Black Pupil XIII shakes the head. 黑瞳十三世摇了摇头。 The senior expert smiles to explain: you now are LV 1's level, when this rank, you have not been able to conduct Class Transfer. Therefore, LV 1's several magecraft you can use and display. Your finger long presses in rune 1, coordinates the meditation technique, connects Dragon Net to try through magical energy recharge machine.” 老专家微笑着解释道:“你现在是一级的水准,在这个等级的时候,你还不能进行转职。所以,一级的几个法术你都可以使用并施展。你的手指符文一上长按,配合冥想术,通过魔力充值机连接龙络试试。” Black Pupil XIII finger according to-- on 1 rune here one is the Song Shuhang's translation, in fact in Black Dragon World, it has an irritable name to call guru strength. 黑瞳十三世手指按在一的符文——这里的一是宋书航的翻译,事实上在黑龙世界,它有一个别扭的称呼叫‘古鲁力’。 Long according to rune, revolution meditation technique, mental energy through magical energy recharge machine and Dragon Net synchronization. 长按符文,运转冥想法,精神力通过魔力充值机龙络同步。 Dragon Net extracts magical energy current capacities, unifies 1 the magecraft position of representative, produces complete magecraft in Dragon Net. 龙络抽取魔力流量,结合‘一’代表的法术位,在龙络中生成一个完整的法术 «Small Dragon Flame»!” A Black Pupil XIII finger stroke. 《小龙焰》!”黑瞳十三世手指一划。 Fist big flame condenses the formation before him, the flame changes into together dragon flame, spurts forward. 一个拳头大的火焰在他面前凝聚成型,火焰又化为一道龙焰,向前喷去。 Before the body, that senior expert's satisfactory nod, he puts out a hand lightly to grasp, grasps dragon flame in the hand. 身前,那位老专家满意的点头,他伸手轻轻一抓,将龙焰抓在手中。 This senior expert is rank very high practitioner, his physique under Dragon Net's feedback, strengthened the extremely high level. 这老专家还是一位等级很高的修炼者,他的体质在龙络的反馈下,强化到了极高的水准。 Black Pupil XIII closes one's eyes, is enjoying this wonderful feeling. 黑瞳十三世闭着眼睛,享受着这种施法的美妙感觉。 First magecraft unexpectedly is not fireball art, evil cult!】 The Song Shuhang innermost feelings critique said. 【第一个法术竟然不是火球术,邪教!】宋书航内心批判道。 Cannot fire fireball's mage, not a good cleric. 不会撸火球的法师,不是一个好牧师 However «Small Dragon Flame» had come out, then many other magecraft, in catching up on road? 不过《小龙焰》已经出来了,接下来其它更多的法术,也在赶来的路上吧? Perhaps, can I depend on magical energy recharge machine to become Sorcerer? 或许,我能靠着魔力充值机成为施法者 In Song Shuhang heart very happy when is thinking...... 宋书航心中正美滋滋的想着时...... The dream awoke suddenly. 梦突然就醒了。 Shuhang, you and Little Yinzhu come, I reorganized with great difficulty language package. I send one to both of you.” Senior White Doppelgänger tranquily said. 书航,你和小音竹过来,我好不容易将语言包整理出来了。我给你们俩发一份。”白前辈分身恬静道
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