CCG :: Volume #14

#1390: Because Song Two sounds very silly

Made the operation that the human understanding extinguished suffocatingly. 令人窒息、更令人智熄的操作。 Do you think I'm an idiot?” Heavenly Emperor said. 你当我白痴吗?”天帝道。 When I am the monkey am equally good to deceive? 当我是猴子一样好欺骗? golden refined scholar shows a faint smile, said: I know that you definitely do not believe that but this is the brutal reality. I am you, you are me. We are a body.” 金色儒生微微一笑,道:“我知道你肯定是不信的,但这就是残酷的现实。我就是你,你就是我。我们是一体的。” Heavenly Emperor: „......” 天帝:“......” I have the evidence, come, making you have a look at us is an evidence of body.” golden refined scholar said. “我有证据的,来,让你看看我们本是一体的证据。”金色儒生道。 Then, he stretches out single-handedly, exhibits to pick flowers the posture. 说罢,他一手伸出,摆出拈花姿势。 Emperor Pearl, presently!” golden refined scholar said solemnly. 帝珠,现!”金色儒生沉声道 the next moment, a named Emperor Pearl thing appears in his referring, sparkles to shine, disclosed the powerful vitality aura. 下一刻,一枚名为帝珠的东西出现在他的指间,闪闪发亮,透露出强大的生命力气息。 the emperor exists the pearl exists, the emperor perished and the pearl perished.” golden refined scholar said dignifiedly: I exist then the pearl exist, I perish and the pearl perish.” 帝在珠在,帝亡珠亡。”金色儒生威严道:“我在珠在,我亡珠亡。” Emperor Pearl is the Lord of the Ancient Heavenly Court Heavenly Emperor's symbol, treasure that only then Heavenly Emperor can condense with his special 'Way'. 帝珠远古天庭之主天帝的象征,只有天帝凭着他那特殊的‘道’能凝聚出来的宝物。 So long as the Emperor Pearl still exists world, is representing Heavenly Emperor also, but also living. Even if the Ancient Heavenly Court destruction, Heavenly Emperor one day will stage a comeback as before, recast Heavenly Palace. 只要帝珠还在世,就代表着天帝还在,还活着。哪怕远古天庭毁灭,天帝依旧会有一天卷土重来,重铸天宫 In All Heavens and Myriad Realms, is remaining now many Ancient Heavenly Court's survivors, they are still waiting for Heavenly Emperor to return, Ancient Heavenly Court reconstruction. 诸天万界中,如今还残余着不少远古天庭的幸存者,他们还在等待着天帝重归,远古天庭重建。 Now, the history has opened the new chapter. In after the destruction of Ancient Heavenly Court so many years, I and you meet finally. Now, we are time fuse into one, to All Heavens and Myriad Realms announced that Heavenly Emperor returns, to all Ancient Heavenly Court's members announced matter that Ancient Heavenly Court must reconstruct.” golden refined scholar is on the one hand grasping the Heavenly Emperor's shoulder, another hand makes a fist, impassionedly said. “现在,历史已经掀开了新的篇章。在远古天庭破灭之后这么多年,我和你终于相遇。如今,我们是时候合二为一,向诸天万界宣告‘天帝重归’,向所有远古天庭的成员宣告远古天庭要重建的事。”金色儒生一手抓着天帝的肩膀,另一只手握拳,慷慨激昂道 „Do you want to fuse me?” Heavenly Emperor said. “你想融合我?”天帝道。 Does not fuse you, but is our fuse into one. Because we are a body.” golden refined scholar said. “不是融合你,而是我们合二为一。因为我们本来就是一体。”金色儒生道。 Then, he stretches out the arms: Lets loose the mind, you will feel, between you and me have mutual attraction attribute. Because we are the fragments, but today, will unite finally.” 说罢,他张开双臂:“放开心神,你就会感觉到,你和我之间有着相互吸引的属性。因为我们都是碎片,而今天,终将合一。” Then, golden refined scholar and Heavenly Emperor's body, floats off a resonance strength. 说罢,金色儒生天帝的身上,浮起一种共鸣的力量。 Both unexpectedly real from the same source. 两者竟真的同出一源 what a joke!” Heavenly Emperor body has several hundred Emperor [帝] Character to reappear, Emperor [帝] Character like blade, forcefully cuts off this resonance. 开什么玩笑!”天帝身上有数百枚帝文浮现,帝文如刀,硬生生的斩断这种共鸣 , is really troublesome, I know that is not so relaxed.” The golden Confucian scholar muttered. ,真是麻烦,我就知道没这么轻松。”金色的儒生喃喃道。 Heavenly Emperor said solemnly: Who are you?” 天帝沉声道:“你到底是谁?” Who am I? This issue your good question.” golden refined scholar both hands hold the Heavenly Emperor's shoulder, preventing her to escape. Then, he said in the Heavenly Emperor's ear in a soft voice: I only told you alone, do not tell others, actually...... I was Song ONE.” “我是谁?这个问题你问的好。”金色儒生双手抓住天帝的肩膀,防止她逃跑。然后,他在天帝的耳边轻声道:“我只告诉你一个人,你不要告诉别人,其实......我是宋壹。” Death Seeker Song?” Heavenly Emperor frowns to stare at golden refined scholar. 作死宋?”天帝皱起眉头盯着金色儒生 She had suspected at present this golden refined scholar status, in the mind has thought many suspects. But she has not thought of that completely in Ancient Heavenly Court seeking death's Blockhead Song. 她怀疑过眼前这金色儒生的身份,脑海中想过了很多怀疑对象。但她完全没想到那个在远古天庭作死的宋木头 „Very happy, Heavenly Emperor you still remember me. Evidently, after resurrecting, your memory has not lost too.” golden refined scholar Blockhead Song said with a smile. “很高兴,天帝你还记得我。看样子,复活后,您的记忆并没有丢失太多。”金色儒生宋木头微笑道 Heavenly Emperor is frowning...... the careful recollection words, she indeed lost remembers. And some memories seem important. 天帝皱着眉头......仔细回想的话,她的确失去了很多记忆。其中有些记忆似乎很重要。 What do you want to do? Or what do you want from me?” Heavenly Emperor is staring at present golden refined scholar. 你想要干什么?或者说,你想从我身上得到什么?”天帝盯着眼前的金色儒生 I have said that I must with your fuse into one.” golden refined scholar calmly said. “我说过了,我要和你合二为一。”金色儒生平静道 „Do you also want to become Our harem?” Heavenly Emperor smiles suddenly tenderly. “你也想成为朕的后宫吗?”天帝突然娇笑起来。 Harem? Too naive, Heavenly Emperor , opens the front door of new world by me for you today.” golden refined scholar said. “后宫?太天真了,天帝,今天就由我为你打开新世界的大门吧。”金色儒生道。 Then, he put out a hand to let loose the Heavenly Emperor's shoulder. 说罢,他伸手放开了天帝的肩膀。 Heavenly Emperor retrocedes again and again, pulls open distance with golden refined scholar. However, when she withdraws from about ten meters, felt that ran upon invisible barrier. 天帝连连后退,和金色儒生拉开距离。不过,当她退出十米左右的时候,感觉撞上了一层无形的障壁 Avoidance is useless, when I come, the surroundings lay out has blocked great array, that is one specifically aims at your array. Then, look at my method.” golden refined scholar putting out a hand both hands, in chest exhibits one affection the hand signal: Loves your , Heavenly Emperor.” “躲避是没用的,在我现身的时候,周围已经布下了封锁大阵,那是一个专门针对你的阵法。接下来,看我的手段吧。”金色儒生伸手双手,在胸前摆出一个‘爱心’的手势:“爱你,天帝。” Heavenly Emperor: „......” 天帝:“......” She subconsciously gathered ‚the Emperor [帝] Character defense a moment ago, finally nothing happened. 她刚才下意识的聚起‘帝文防御’,结果什么都没发生。 Death Seeker Song, after Ancient Heavenly Court destroys in these years, what on earth happened? Her memory harms, as if forgot many things. 作死宋,在远古天庭毁灭后的这些年里,到底发生了什么?她的记忆有损,似乎忘记了很多事。 Always felt that at present this fellow, the brain is less easy-to-use. 总感觉眼前这家伙,脑子越来越不好使了。 After long time,...... 半晌后...... golden refined scholar is maintaining that as before affection posture: ? no response?” 金色儒生依旧维持着那个‘爱心’的姿势:“没反应?” Heavenly Emperor: „......” 天帝:“......” You think what actually We do have to respond? 你倒是想朕有什么反应? Excuse me, the signal was not good a moment ago. After all I have in the world now status is very special. Sometimes enters the present world's time forcefully, the signal will be quite weak.” golden refined scholar said, said that he affection the hand signal transferred to the left chest: Loves your , Heavenly Emperor.” “不好意思,刚才信号不好。毕竟我如今‘存在于世’的状态很特殊。有时候强行进入现世的时候,信号会比较薄弱。”金色儒生道,说罢,他又将‘爱心’的手势移到了自己左胸口:“爱你,天帝。” This time, Heavenly Emperor body had the response. 这一次,天帝身上产生了反应。 Her heartbeat starts to accelerate, body unceasing and body of golden refined scholar produces resonance. 她的心跳开始加速,身体不断的和金色儒生的身体产生共鸣 This time, even Emperor [帝] Character unable isolates between both sides altogether shakes. 这次,连帝文无法隔绝双方之间的共震。 The golden refined scholar stride approaches to Heavenly Emperor. 金色儒生大步向天帝逼近。 He puts out a hand according to Emperor [帝] Character, Emperor [帝] Character seemed the sheep that obeyed, moving of lovable to one side, has not resisted golden refined scholar. 他伸手按在帝文上,帝文就仿佛是顺服的绵羊,乖巧的挪到了一边,没有抵挡金色儒生 Heavenly Emperor both eyes is blurred, consciousness starts to be absent-minded. 天帝双眼迷离,意识开始恍惚起来。 I have said that we are a body.” golden refined scholar hehe said with a smile. “我说过,我们是一体的。”金色儒生呵呵笑道。 what did you do to me?” Heavenly Emperor breathing rapidly. 你对我做了什么?”天帝呼吸急促起来。 „Before Ancient Heavenly Court falls from the sky, I and Heavenly Emperor body fusion. that's right, is you before resurrecting.” golden refined scholar shows a faint smile. 远古天庭陨落之前,我和天帝合体了。没错,就是复活前的你。”金色儒生微微一笑。 Depends on you?” Heavenly Emperor said solemnly. “就凭你?”天帝沉声道 Does not dare to believe right? But this is the fact. I have been waiting for you resurrection body appearance, so long as again with your body fusion, we are true complete form. Heavenly Emperor and Song ONE were past tense.” golden refined scholar puts out a hand a move. “很不敢置信对吗?但这就是事实。我一直在等待着你的‘复活体’出现,只要再和你合体,我们才是真正的完整体。‘天帝宋壹’都是过去式。”金色儒生伸手一招。 Has form together to be forced to summon from Soft Feather within the body. 羽柔子体内有一道身影被强制召唤出来。 starting from today, we are Supernatural Song Three.” golden refined scholar said with a smile. 从今天起,我们便是‘鬼神宋三’。”金色儒生笑道。 Why is Song Three?” Present Soft Feather is blurry, quietly asked. “为什么是宋三?”眼前的羽柔子迷迷糊糊间,出声问道 consciousness that Heavenly Emperor's takes possession from her body peeling, her consciousness restores gradually. In the restoration, hears Supernatural Song Three this name. Therefore, her subconsciously inquiry. 天帝的附身的意识从她身上剥离,她的意识渐渐恢复。在恢复的时候,听到‘鬼神宋三’这个名字。于是,她下意识的询问。 Because Song Two sounds very silly.” golden refined scholar replied. “因为宋二听起来很傻。”金色儒生回道 He puts out a hand at a Soft Feather forehead lightly point, Soft Feather to close the eye, falls into deep sleep status. 他伸手在羽柔子眉心轻轻一点,羽柔子闭上眼睛,重新陷入沉睡状态 ...... ...... ...... ...... As Heavenly Emperor was fused in within the body, the golden refined scholar build rose in a big way a section, changed into four meters high status. 随着天帝被融合于体内,金色儒生的体型又涨大了一截,化为四米高的状态 „On October 4, was really my lucky day. Plans successfully, was final step.” golden refined scholar said in a soft voice. “10月4号,果然是我的幸运日。计划成功,接下来是最后一步了。”金色儒生轻声道。 He puts out a hand to wield , presented a scarlet golden space. 他伸手一挥,身后,出现了一片赤金色的空间。 That space extends, is too deep to see the bottom, was opened like a front door of new world. 那片空间延伸开来,深不见底,如同一个新世界的大门被开启。 In the front door, several tens of thousands of golden armoured soldier arrange. These golden armoured officers and soldiers do not say a word, their body's imposing manner concentrates, the world is moved. 大门内,有数万的金甲战士排列成阵。这些金甲将士不发一言,他们身上的气势凝成一股,天地都为之动容。 The golden armoured soldier dead ahead, seven aura tyrannical incomparable existences stand abreast in row. 金甲战士的正前方,有七位气息强横无比的存在并排而立。 These seven foreheads have the light wheel to reappear, cover their appearance. 这七位头部有光轮浮现,笼罩他们的面目。 Seven Eternal Life Being great expert. 七尊长生者大能 Leftmost, is Northern Great Emperor. 最左边,是北方大帝 Northern Great Emperor or the same as usual, he does not smile, looks specially callous. The cool resembles ices, extremely cool. 北方大帝还是老样子,他不笑的时候,看起来特别冷酷。酷的像冰,贼帅 Third that dispels in turn, is Western Great Emperor, he wears scarlet red royal robe, the sleeve cuff seems hiding two rising suns. 依次排开的第三位,则是西方大帝,他身披赤红色王袍,袖口仿佛隐藏着两轮旭日 Western Great Emperor goes forward one step: „Did your majesty, succeed?” 西方大帝上前一步:“陛下,成功了?” Success.” golden refined scholar shows a faint smile: Waited so many years, finally she waiting. The time is limited, we enter the final step. Prepared, I must make up your 'Way'.” “成功了。”金色儒生微微一笑:“等了这么多年,终于将‘她’给等了出来。时间有限,我们进入最后的步骤。准备好了,我要将你们的‘道’补完。” Besides Northern Great Emperor, other six Eternal Life Being all go forward one step, is waiting for the action of golden refined scholar. 除了北方大帝外,其余六位长生者全都上前一步,等着金色儒生的行动。 I'll protect everybody.” Northern Great Emperor said in a soft voice. 我为大家护法。”北方大帝轻声道。 He is special existence. 他是特殊的存在。 Taking advantage of array of resurrection that Song Shuhang activated initially, now in present world has Northern Great Emperor. He had gotten rid of Heavenly Emperor's 'Way'. 借着当初宋书航激活的复活之阵,如今现世中已经有一尊北方大帝。他已经摆脱了天帝的‘道’ golden refined scholar uses finger as the pen, in the sky draws Emperor [帝] Character fast. 金色儒生手指为笔,在虚空中飞快画起一枚枚帝文 Whether the Emperor Pearl nor the Emperor [帝] Character, he grasps perfectly. 无论是帝珠还是帝文,他都完美掌握。 This Emperor [帝] Character is very long, fully more than ten thousand rune compose. 这篇帝文很长,足有近万多枚符文组成。 When golden refined scholar writes, the body's golden color was dim, the consumption is enormous. 金色儒生书写完毕时,身上的金色黯淡了许多,消耗极大。 Signature.” golden refined scholar said. “签字吧。”金色儒生道。 On second mysterious Eternal Life Being comes, his extend the hand palm, on wrist is two gold chain. 第二位神秘的长生者上前来,他伸出手掌,手腕上系着两条黄金链子 After he goes forward one step, under of Emperor [帝] Character contract, signed own Dao name-- Soul Reaping Great Emperor. 他上前一步后,在帝文契约的下方,签上了自己的道号——勾魂大帝 Then is Western Great Emperor goes forward, extends the arm that oneself burn from the sleeve cuff, signs Western Great Emperor character. 接着是西方大帝上前,从袖口中伸出自己燃烧的手臂,签上‘西方大帝’的字符。 When they sign the instance that the character signs, two Eternal Life Being back bright moonlight change are more complete. As if their body's flaw, was made up. 当他们签下字签的瞬间,两位长生者背后的明月变的更加圆满。就仿佛是他们身上的缺陷,被补上。 Their 'Way', changed complete. 他们的‘道’,变的无缺。 After Western Great Emperor, fourth Eternal Life Being took a deep breath, goes forward one step, stretches out own finger from royal robe: The day, we have waited for a long time.” 西方大帝后,第四位长生者深吸一口气,上前一步,从王袍中伸出自己的手指:“这一天,我们等的太久了。” Not is too long, regarding Eternal Life Being, what this time is?” golden refined scholar shows a faint smile: Quick signature, then sells into servitude to me.” “也不算太久,对于长生者而言,这点时间算什么?”金色儒生微微一笑:“快签字,然后卖身给我吧。” Thinks me to sell into servitude, you'd better sort out your own feeling threads.” Fourth Eternal Life Being signs own Dao name-- True Person Peach of Immortality in the contract. “想我卖身,你还是先撸好你自己的感情线吧。”第四位长生者在契约上签下自己的道号——蟠桃果真人 After Dao name signs, fourth Eternal Life Being behind moon wheel changes is complete. 道号签下后,第四位长生者身后的月轮变的圆满起来。 When wait for you processes Pavilion Lord Chu and gold/metal Elder Sister Dragon and Fairy Cheng Lin, to have assorted Younger Sister White Bone, wait/etc and so on after the sentiment, chats the matter that sells into servitude with me again.” Fourth Eternal Life Being said out loud. 等你什么时候处理完楚阁主、金龙姐姐程琳仙子、还有杂七杂八的白骨妹妹啊,等等之类的感情后,再和我聊聊卖身的事吧。”第四位长生者出声道 voice is low and deep, this is the Eternal Life Being fairy maiden. 声音低沉温婉,这是位长生者仙子。 golden refined scholar: „......” 金色儒生:“......” Hehe.” After True Person Peach of Immortality signs, drew back. “呵呵。”蟠桃果真人签完字后,退了下来。 Fifth Eternal Life Being goes forward, stretches out own finger, prepares to sign. 第五位长生者上前,伸出自己的手指,准备签字。 When fifth mysterious Eternal Life Being starts to write the Dao name's time, spreads dignified voice from the body of golden refined scholar. 当第五位神秘长生者开始书写道号的时候,从金色儒生的身体内传出一个威严的声音 Way of Time, I'm the emperor, the light wheel reverses.】 时光之道,我为帝,光轮逆转。】 the next moment, the golden refined scholar side space starts to twist. 下一刻,金色儒生身边的空间开始扭曲起来。
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