CCG :: Volume #14

#1330: Today my getting out of the bed posture wasn't quite right?

The tongue of this fellow with frog is the same, is long and flexible. Such long tongue, simply loses the dignity of turtle. At this time, this tongue ejection comes out, the tip of tongue changes slender like rope, cling Song Shuhang. 这家伙的舌头就跟青蛙的一样,又长又灵活。这么长的舌头,简直丢龟的尊严。此时,这根舌头弹射出来,舌尖变的纤细如绳,卷住宋书航 Ah~~ Song Shuhang dragged away: „It is not good, my waist...... must be forced.” 啊~~宋书航被拖走了:“不行了,我的腰......要被勒断了。” When giant turtle the effort on tongue is very full, is curling the Song Shuhang's waist, almost must his waist give to cut off, making person unable breath. 巨龟的舌头上的力度很足,卷着宋书航的腰部时,几乎要将他的腰给掐断,勒的令人无法呼吸。 Towering that very disaster giant turtle presents, its body no longer institute breath. The way of giant turtle cross over space also is very simultaneously strange, without the space channel fluctuates. 灾难巨龟出现的很突兀,它身上不再一丝所息。同时巨龟穿越空间的方式也很诡异,没有空间通道波动。 Before it appeared bit Senior White's immortal boat, Senior White Doppelgänger also before immortal boat was soon bitten the instance, detected the unusual condition. 之前它出现一口咬碎白前辈的仙舟时,白前辈分身也是在仙舟快要被咬碎前的瞬间,才察觉到异状。 This time is also so, the Song Shuhang whirled away instance, Senior White is inducing disaster giant turtle. 这次也是如此,宋书航被卷走的瞬间,白前辈在才感应到灾难巨龟 The disaster giant turtle not only tongue looks like the frog, the elasticity of the tongue is also not weaker than a frog's. After cling Song Shuhang, tongue retraction like lightning. 灾难巨龟不仅舌头长的像青蛙,舌头的弹性同样不弱于蛙断。卷住宋书航后,舌头闪电般的回缩。 This fellow retaliates the heart to be very strong.” Senior White said out loud. “这家伙报复心很强嘛。”白前辈出声道 During the speeches, the Senior White's form changes is transparent, vanishes in same place. 说话间,白前辈的身影变的透明起来,消失于原地。 It is not the space ability, but before resembles , when disaster giant turtle leaves the Heavenly Way small black room Status #1 type, the Senior White's figure melts in this Heavenly Way small black room, changed transparent. 不是空间能力,而是像之前灾难巨龟离开天道小黑屋时的状态一样,白前辈的身形‘融于’这座天道小黑屋,变的透明。 Afterward, Senior White suddenly appears in the disaster giant turtle's lower jaw. 随后,白前辈突然在灾难巨龟的下颚出现。 Mysteriously appears and disappears, no aura. 神出鬼没,没有一丝的气息。 Similarly, disaster giant turtle has not induced Senior White. 同样的,灾难巨龟也没有感应到白前辈 In the Senior White hand, Karmic Virtue Great Tree appears again. 白前辈手中,功德巨树再次浮现。 He brandishes Karmic Virtue Great Tree, is sweeping off to the giant turtle lower jaw ruthlessly. 他抡起功德巨树,对着巨龟下颚狠狠扫去。 Pēng~ 砰~ The tongue of giant turtle has not come and takes back Song Shuhang, the chin was hit hard, the great mouth goes out of business forcefully. 巨龟的舌头还没来的及将宋书航收回,下巴就被重击,巨嘴强行倒闭。 Song Shuhang was hung in the midair. 宋书航被吊在半空中。 At this time, Karmic Virtue Snake Beauty appeared from the Song Shuhang body, her open mouth took out Scarlet Firmament Sword, cut in the snake point of giant turtle. 这时,功德蛇美人宋书航身体浮现,她张口祭出赤霄剑,斩在巨龟的蛇尖。 On Scarlet Firmament Sword sabre intent vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, the eruption endures compared with the temperature of Sun. 赤霄剑刀意纵横,爆发堪比太阳的温度。 The disaster giant turtle's tongue was burnt, collapsed straight. 灾难巨龟的舌头受烫,崩的笔直。 Song Shuhang seizes the chance to get out of trouble, foot treads the black lotus to stand firm the figure. The Karmic Virtue Snake Beauty protection in his side, facial expression grim is looking at the giant turtle. 宋书航趁机脱困,脚踏黑莲稳住身形。功德蛇美人守护在他的身边,神情凝重望着巨龟。 At the same time, Fairy Good Fortune comes together. 同一时间,造化仙子一同现身。 Because Karmic Virtue Snake Beauty was above the Song Shuhang back position, float in Song Shuhang's behind. Fairy Good Fortune did not have the position, was pushed under Song Shuhang. 由于功德蛇美人占据了宋书航背后上方的位置,悬浮于宋书航的身后。造化仙子没位置了,被挤到了宋书航下方。 When Fairy Good Fortune appears, both hands are holding the Song Shuhang's waist, collects the head to look to disaster giant turtle of distant place: Bunch of ~ big ~ big ~ 造化仙子出现时,双手抱着宋书航的腰,凑出脑袋望向远处的灾难巨龟:“嘟噜~~~ Fairy Good Fortune does not force my waist, must break.” Song Shuhang said. 造化仙子不要勒我的腰,要断了。”宋书航道。 The disaster giant turtle sneak attack failure, steps back, opens mouth withdraw own tongue. Afterward, it observes closely Senior White. 灾难巨龟偷袭失败,退后一步,张嘴收起自己的舌头。随后,它盯住白前辈 【Can who are you, why the my Heaven tax, conduct «Super Time and Space Wander»?】 The giant turtle made noise. 你是谁,为何会我的天赋,进行《超时空漫步》?】巨龟出声了。 Before this fellow , is really playing the fool. 这家伙之前果然是在装傻。 Originally is the talent, is not magecraft. No wonder I simulate somewhat strangely, when conducting «Super Time and Space Wander» is seriously limited very......” Senior White Doppelgänger to carry Karmic Virtue Great Tree. “原来是天赋,不是法术。难怪我模拟起来有些怪异,进行《超时空漫步》时受到很大的限制......”白前辈分身扛着功德巨树 Simulation?】 disaster giant turtle's voice cannot help but promoted two scales. 【模拟?】灾难巨龟的声音不由自主提升了两个档次。 Un, you when display talent «Super Time and Space Wander», after I have carefully observed one time, approximately can understand the magecraft principle. Then in the brain analyzes, can simulate similar effect easily. Your within the body should have any special organ structure, I too had not understood, talent «Super Time and Space Wander» that therefore the simulation displays is seriously limited, at least also unable breaks through the small black room's blockade.” Senior White calmly said. “嗯,你在施展天赋《超时空漫步》的时候,我仔细观察过一次后,大约就能理解法术原理了。然后再脑内进行解析,很容易就能模拟出类似的效果来。你的体内应该有什么特殊的器官构造,我还不太了解,所以模拟施展的天赋《超时空漫步》受到很大的限制,至少还无法突破小黑屋的封锁。”白前辈平静道 how can it be, when do you see me to display this talent?” disaster giant turtle said solemnly. 怎么可能,你什么时候见过我施展这种天赋?”灾难巨龟沉声道 Song Shuhang floats in the midair, said: You left before, did not display this transparence, leaves the small black room's method?” 宋书航浮在半空中,道:“你之前离开的时候,不是施展了这种透明化,离开小黑屋的手段嘛?” „Do I leave?...... I have not left. I just now arrive in this place.” disaster giant turtle said, said it also said: I understood, had my clansman first step to arrive evidently before. However, since my companion already left, why doesn't he have to receive the imperishable aura influence object to carry off?” “我离开?不......我并没有离开。我才刚抵达此地。”灾难巨龟道,说罢它又道:“我明白了,看样子之前有我的族人先一步抵达。但是,既然我的同伴已经离开,为什么他没有将受到不朽气息影响的物体带走?” Before this only disaster giant turtle is not, that? 这只灾难巨龟不是之前那只? disaster giant turtle is not one, but is a ethnic group? 灾难巨龟不是一只,而是一个族群? „Are you saying the Fairy Skylark's eye? Had carried off, you're late.” Song Shuhang shakes, the long blue long hair dances in the breeze with the wind. “你在说云雀子仙子的眼睛吗?已经被带走了,你来迟了。”宋书航一甩头,长长的蓝色长发随风飘舞。 Eye?” disaster giant turtle is staring at Song Shuhang: Receives the imperishable aura influence object, is you. I must carry off is also you, what relations has with the eye?” “眼睛?”灾难巨龟盯着宋书航:“受到不朽气息影响的物体,是你。我要带走的也是你,和眼睛有什么关系?” Ha?” Song Shuhang a confused face. “哈?”宋书航一脸懵逼 I understood.” Senior White secret voice transmission, said: 【Before Shuhang you, used Eye of Skylark, and activates it. In the process of activation, your body also received the infection. Although you dug out the eyeball, but your body received the infection.】 “我明白了。”白前辈传音入密,道:【书航你之前使用了云雀子之眼,并将它激活。在激活的过程中,你的身体也受到了感染。虽然你将眼珠子抠出来了,但你的身体还是受到了感染。】 This troubled, even Song Shuhang main body also becomes the disaster giant turtles recover object. 这就麻烦了,连宋书航‘本体’也成为了灾难巨龟们回收的对象。 Moreover disaster giant turtle not only. 而且灾难巨龟不只一只。 Even if this only disaster giant turtle repels at present, but will have other disaster giant turtle to seek along ‚the Skylark aura, recover Song Shuhang. 就算将眼前这只灾难巨龟击退,但还是会有其它灾难巨龟沿着‘云雀子气息’寻找过来,回收宋书航 This simply is the disaster...... is more fearful than the Sea Urchin Warrior's curse. 简直是灾难......比海胆战士的诅咒还要可怕。 wait, I have the variation the place, only then head hair. Hair...... eyebrow as well as eyelash. Perhaps we have solution.” Song Shuhang said. 等下,我发生变异的地方只有头上的毛发。头发......眉毛以及睫毛。说不定我们有解决的办法。”宋书航道。 disaster giant turtle looked at Song Shuhang one carefully, the nod said: You said it right, the aura infects the richest place in your head hair. I must take also only then they.” 灾难巨龟仔细望了宋书航一眼,点头道:“你说的对,气息感染最浓郁的地方就在你头部的毛发。我要取走的也只有它们。” This easy to do.” Song Shuhang relaxes. “这好办。”宋书航松了口气。 This dark violet long hair he prepared to rip, he does not want to keep such dazzling blue hair. 这头蓝色的长发他本来就准备割掉的,他可不想留着这么耀眼的蓝发 And, he has «Hair Growing Art», hair a fraction of a minute can grow back that shaves. 并且,他身怀《增发术》,剃掉的头发分分钟就能长回来 Thinks of here, Song Shuhang stretched out his hand holds thickly such as the blue long hair of cloak, prepares to shave it. 想到这里,宋书航伸手抓住厚实如披风的蓝色长发,准备将它剃掉。 But in the instance of tonsure, his hand stops. 但在剃发的瞬间,他的手又顿停下来。 Always felt a little uncomfortable. 总感觉有点不舒服。 Own hair, White White gives the giant turtle always to feel a little unwilling. The eyeball is Fairy Skylark stays behind, was also speechless by disaster giant turtle recover. But the hair are long! 自己的头发,白白交给巨龟总感觉有点不甘心。眼珠子是云雀子仙子留下的,被灾难巨龟回收也无话可说。头发可是自己长出来的! No, these are not the key points. 不,这些都不是重点。 Song Shuhang examines own innermost feelings, discovered in own heart being unwilling source not here. 宋书航审查自己的内心,发现自己心中的‘不甘’源头并不是这里。 Although he wanted the tonsure, but has a haircut now is not he is voluntary, has to plant by the feeling that disaster giant turtle forces. 虽然他本来就要剃发,但现在被剃头不是他自愿的,有种被灾难巨龟胁迫的感觉。 If I have turn the disaster giant turtle's strength dry/does, this dark violet long hair master is willing to remain long remains is long, wants to grip ponytail on hit/prick ponytail, wants to tie up the braid to tie up the braid, wants to disperse is dispersing, thinks that visual kei on visual kei, is priceless I to want.】 【如果我有干翻灾难巨龟的实力,这一头蓝色的长发爷愿意留多长就留多长,想扎马尾就扎马尾,想绑辫子就绑辫子,想散着就散着,想杀马特杀马特,千金难买我愿意。】 After all, is the issue of strength. 终归到底,还是实力的问题。 Song Shuhang sighed. The reason, he worked as several hundred years of green scallion, withstands the man of windblown and sunburnt above the summit alone. Ripping the hair can eliminate innumerable disaster giant turtle to come to deliver the trouble of concern in the future, when the shed abandons. 宋书航叹了口气。理智点,他可是当了几百年大葱,独自在山巅之上承受风吹日晒的男人。割掉头发可以消除未来无数灾难巨龟上门送关怀的麻烦,当舍则舍。 The-- words saying, shears a hair to think so many, Today my getting out of the bed posture wasn't quite right? Changed was sentimental? Also or is takes possession chatterbox attribute after Doudou not to completely vanish? ——话说,割个头发都能想这么多,今天的我是不是起床姿势有点不对?变的多愁善感起来了?又或者是附身豆豆后的话唠属性还没有完全消失? Song Shuhang shakes the head, puts out a hand to shear to approach own blue long hair again. 宋书航摇了摇头,再次伸手割向自己的蓝色长发。 Karmic Virtue Snake Beauty induces to the Song Shuhang's mood, in the hand Scarlet Firmament Sword lifts slowly, the vision locks disaster giant turtle. 身后,功德蛇美人感应到宋书航的情绪,手中赤霄剑缓缓抬起,目光锁定灾难巨龟 wait.” At this time, Senior White wielded Karmic Virtue Great Tree, said: Hair is Shuhang you are long, why should give this fellow for free?” 等下。”这时,白前辈挥动功德巨树,道:“头发是书航你自己长出来的,凭什么要白白交给这家伙?” yīng yīng yīng ~~ resentment ~~ Fairy Good Fortune sang. 嘤嘤嘤~~~~造化仙子唱道。 disaster giant turtle replied: My mission receiving the thing of imperishable aura influence carries off, moreover now what I want is only the hair.” 灾难巨龟回道:“我的使命就是将受到不朽气息影响之物带走,而且我现在要的只是头发。” Hair is our family/home Senior Song is also long, why should give you for free? If infects is not the hair, but is the head, is the head also wants white free of charge to give you? What gangster logic?” Soft Feather called out loudly. “头发也是我们家宋前辈自己长的,凭什么要白白给你?如果感染的不是头发,而是头颅的话,是不是脑袋也要白白送给你?什么强盗逻辑?”身后羽柔子大声叫道。 Su Clan's The Sixteenth has not made noise, short sabre in her hand comes out of the sheath, took a deep breath, has golden ray faintly discernible in her eyeground. She is also staring at disaster giant turtle stubbornly. 苏氏阿十六没有出声,她手中的短刀出鞘,深吸一口气,在她的眼底有金色的光芒若隐若现。她同样死死盯着灾难巨龟 disaster giant turtle is silent, after the moment, its said solemnly: I must carry off his hair.” 灾难巨龟沉默起来,片刻后,它沉声道:“我必须带走他的头发。” That takes the thing to trade, fair trade is the All Heavens and Myriad Realms most popular truth.” Senior White grabs huge Tree of Karmic Virtue single-handed, aims at disaster giant turtle: If you must seize, fights.” “那就拿东西来换,公平交易是诸天万界最受欢迎的真理。”白前辈单手抓着巨大的功德之树,对准灾难巨龟:“如果你要强抢的话,就来战吧。” What special organ structure disaster giant turtle within the body has, making them when conducting «Super Time and Space Wander», even can disregard Heavenly Way's small black room? 灾难巨龟体内到底有什么特殊的器官构造,让它们在进行《超时空漫步》时,甚至能无视天道的小黑屋 Senior White is very curious. 白前辈很好奇。 He wants to open disaster giant turtle to study. 他想要拆一只灾难巨龟研究一下。 disaster giant turtle's battle efficiency unknown, they simply do not have realm division. Perhaps they can erupt the Ninth Stage even stronger battle efficiency. 灾难巨龟的战斗力未知,它们根本没有‘境界’划分。说不定它们能爆发出九品甚至更强的战斗力。 But this unable prevents Senior White to study the thought of disaster giant turtle within the body structure. 但这都无法阻止白前辈想要研究一下灾难巨龟体内构造的念头。 Gets rid of it, the dissection analyzes it, studies the within its body's special structure, perhaps oneself can simulate complete «Super Time and Space Wander» according to the principle. 干掉它,解剖拆分它,研究它体内的特殊构造,说不定自己就能按照原理模拟出完整的《超时空漫步》来。 The Senior White's eye changes is bright. 白前辈的眼睛变的明亮起来。 Desire of seeking knowledge, wants to go all out an impulsion. 久违的求知的欲望,久违的想大干一场的冲动。 Senior White let loose to own suppression. 白前辈放开了对自身的压制。 At this moment, Song Shuhang, Su Clan's The Sixteenth and Soft Feather discovered that the Senior White body's charm starts to proliferate. 这一刻,身后的宋书航苏氏阿十六羽柔子发现白前辈身上的魅力开始扩散。 Changed unable neglects. 变的无法忽视。 Three people of vision cannot help but will be attracted, falls on Senior White body. 三人的目光不由自主的会被吸引,落在白前辈身上 Because is doppelgänger status, the charm value will not achieve main body that type world Black White, only Senior White is colored degree. 由于是分身状态,魅力值不会达到本体那种‘天地黑白,唯白前辈是彩色’的程度。 However, when doppelgänger lets loose after own suppression, charm value same wind promotes to terrifying degree. 但是,当分身放开对自身的压制后,魅力值同样飙升到恐怖的程度。 disaster giant turtle's vision, cannot help but was attracted. 就连灾难巨龟的目光,都不由自主的被吸引。 Fair trade or is fights, will accompany to the end.” Senior White Doppelgänger said slowly. “公平交易或者是大战一场,奉陪到底。”白前辈分身缓缓道。 Do not instigate, comes the resentment! 别怂,来怼! After the resentment ends, making me study you! 怼完后,让我研究一下你! disaster giant turtle discovered oneself actually had the «Mind Reading Art» same ability, it understands in the human heart that opposite this did not make sense attractively thinks. 灾难巨龟发现自己竟然拥有了《读心术》一样的能力,它读懂了对面这位漂亮不像话的人类心中的所想。
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