CCG :: Volume #12

#1105: You said you want to... try?

After the conclusion and Senior White's exchanged, happen to finished class. 结束和白前辈的交流后,正好下课。 That Younger Sister Chu Chu has not come back, she also with Doudou telephone hot pot? Luckily the buddy my prepaid credit are many, before changing into, prepaid credit of my cell phone, but also really cannot support Doudou and this Younger Sister Chu Chu chat time. 那位楚楚妹子还没有回来,她还在和豆豆电话煲?幸亏哥们我话费多,换成以前我手机的话费,还真撑不住豆豆和这位楚楚妹子的聊天时间。 „Can Shuhang bring the food?” Tubo quietly asked, but he himself just asked that also self-examines replies: oh was right, today does not need to be the Shuhang belt/bring food evidently. This fellow must entertain several younger sisters.” 书航要带饭吗?”土波出声问道,不过他自己刚问完,又自问自答道:“对了,今天看样子也不用为书航带饭。这家伙还要招待好几位妹子。” Gao Moumou: Ha Ha Ha Ha.” 高某某:“哈哈哈哈。” Song Shuhang: „......” Words made you say, What can I say? 宋书航:“......”话都让你说完了,我还能说什么 Yangde: That Shuhang, several of us first ate meal. give a call if anything came up.” 阳德:“那书航,我们几个先去吃饭了。有事的话电话联系。” Good. Recently has had the matter, another day I will ask everyone to rub.” Song Shuhang said with a smile. “好吧。最近一直有事,改天我请大家搓一顿。”宋书航笑道。 Recently, he had not returned to the dormitory to pass the night, are also few with the time that the roommate ate meal. Another day, can look subscribe immortal culinary feast that one set of average person can also eat from Fairy Lady Separated Snow that finds time to ask the good friends to enjoy. 最近,他一直没回宿舍过夜,和室友一起吃饭的时间也少了。改天,看看能不能从别雪仙姬那订一套普通人也能食用的仙珍宴,抽空请好友们享用一顿。 ...... ...... ...... ...... After finishing class, Song Shuhang following that Miss Chu Chu's aura, seeks for her trail. 下课后,宋书航是顺着那位楚楚姑娘的气息,寻找她的踪迹。 Looks for an average person to be very easy to present Song Shuhang, even cannot use aura search and so on ability, only with him the powerful sense of smell, can find Chu Chu now with ease. 寻找一位普通人对现在的宋书航来说很容易,甚至不需使用‘气息搜索’之类能力,只凭着他现在强大的嗅觉,就能轻松找到楚楚 On the sense of smell, Shuhang also wants fierce several times compared with the police dog, moreover this sense of smell can also control freely. 论嗅觉,书航比警犬还要厉害数倍,而且这嗅觉还能控制自如。 Song Shuhang seeks following the smell that Chu Chu leaves behind, discovered her trail in the spatial classroom in next door. She squats in the rear area of classroom, but also with Doudou conversation. 宋书航顺着楚楚留下的气味一路寻找,在隔壁的一间空教室中发现了她的踪迹。她蹲在教室的后方,还在和豆豆通话 Song Shuhang rubbed the brow , lets her and Doudou again chats a while. To be honest, his really unable understood, what topic between Doudou and this Young Miss Chu Chu have, can chat is so long? 宋书航揉了揉眉头,罢了,再让她和豆豆聊一会儿吧。说实话,他实在无法理解,豆豆和这位楚楚小姑娘间到底有什么话题,能聊这么久? Wants, Song Shuhang turns around to go toward the roof line of classroom building, first goes to bring Fairy Floating Life to go downstairs. 想罢,宋书航转身往教学楼的房顶行去,先去带浮生仙子下楼。 When Song Shuhang upward goes toward the roof, suddenly, his figure slightly paused. 正当宋书航往楼顶上行去时,突然,他身形微微一顿 He induces to having the powerful aura arrives together in Fairy Floating Life's side, this form body's aura, has the Seventh Stage's level. 他感应到有一道强大的气息降临在浮生仙子的身边,这身影身上的气息,拥有七品的水准。 Song Shuhang not long ago continuously and Venerable White lives together, to the aura of Seventh Stage Venerable rank, understood very much, will not induce the mistake. 宋书航前不久一直和白尊者生活在一起,对七品尊者等级的气息,很是了解,不会感应错误。 Seventh Stage Venerable, arrives suddenly. Is the Fairy Floating Life's elder friend? 七品尊者,突然降临。是浮生仙子的长辈朋友? It is not right, this Seventh Stage Venerable's aura dispersing, does not have the friendly meaning, even has the meaning of chill/yin cold faintly. 不对,这位七品尊者的气息散开,其中却没有友善之意,甚至隐隐带着阴寒之意。 Song Shuhang after a slight pause, picks up the speed, goes toward the roof line. 宋书航略一停顿后,加快速度,往楼顶行去。 ...... ...... ...... ...... At this time, the roof in classroom building 此时,教学楼的楼顶 Fairy Floating Life vigilant is looking at that form of not far away. 浮生仙子警惕的望着不远处的那道身影。 That form whole body covers in the spacious white robe, on the face wears an ice-cold metal mask, the whole body is sending out the meaning of cold ice. 那身影全身笼罩在宽大的白袍中,脸上则戴着一张冰冷的金属面具,浑身散发着寒冰之意。 This is Seventh Stage Venerable, she does not know the opposite party, but the opposite party suddenly appears in her front, is away from about five meters distance, coldly is staring at her. 这是一尊七品尊者,她并不认识对方,但对方却突然出现在她的面前,隔着五米左右的距离,冷冷的盯着她。 All around air, because this Venerable comes, starts to congeal. Was the weather of September, in the sky actually condenses ice slag obviously actually. In the ground, was on duplicate a glazed frost. 四周的空气,都因为这位尊者现身,开始凝结起来。明明是九月份的天气,虚空中却硬是凝聚出了冰渣子。地面上,更是覆上了一层薄冰。 These not this Seventh Stage Venerable for it, is only he stands intentionally here, the aura that oneself cultivation's technique disperses causes. 这些并不是这位七品尊者故意为之,仅是他站在这里,自身修炼的功法散开来的气息所导致。 This Seventh Stage Venerable did not say a word, such coldly is staring at Fairy Floating Life. 这位七品尊者一言不发,就这样冷冷盯着浮生仙子 But is this, is discomforting. 但越是这样,越是让人不安。 Fairy Floating Life only felt that the whole body sends coldly, she also only has Fifth Stage cultivation base now. The opposite party as Seventh Stage Venerable, only need put out a hand, can pat her. 浮生仙子只感觉浑身发寒,她如今也只有五品修为。对方身为七品尊者,只需伸手,就能将她拍死。 She does not know the status and purpose in coming of opposite party, does not dare to inquire. Instinct is protecting box under the body, inside thinks of her disciple fox monster. 她不知道对方的身份和来意,也不敢询问。只是本能的护着自己身下的箱子,里面装着她的弟子狐妖 She hopes actually this Seventh Stage Venerable passed by...... but looking back now, the opposite party seems like newcomer to be bad. 她倒是希望这位七品尊者只是路过......但现在看来,对方似乎来者不善。 The opposite party after appearance, coldly has been staring at her, did not speak does not act, what exactly is it meaning? 只是,对方从现身后,就一直冷冷盯着她,不说话也不行动,到底是什么意思? Must kill to hack also gives happily. 要杀要剐也给个痛快呀。 Also or, what is the opposite party waiting for? 又或者,对方在等着什么? Suddenly, in the Fairy Floating Life heart moves. If in this classroom building who is worth a Seventh Stage Venerable waiting, as if also only had 'Thousand Years' First Sage' Senior Tyrant Song? 突然,浮生仙子心中一动。如果说这栋教学楼里有谁值得一位七品尊者等待,似乎也只有‘千年第一圣’霸宋前辈了吧? Opposite party is could it be waiting for Senior Tyrant Song to come? 对方难道在等着霸宋前辈现身? When is thinking, she hears the sound of footsteps that corridor heard. 正思索之际,她听到了楼道处传来的脚步声。 Sound of footsteps, not anxiously not slow, calm powerful. 脚步声,不急不缓,沉稳有力。 Meanwhile, serious dignified feelings release, that is the Eighth Stage Profound Sage's pressure. Is Senior Tyrant Song, he came! 同时,有一种沉重的威严感释放开来,那是八品玄圣的威压。是霸宋前辈,他过来了! But at this time, that Seventh Stage Venerable opened the mouth suddenly: Thirty Three Beasts God Sect's remnant, never expected that you also dare to come.” 而这时,那位七品尊者突然开口了:“三十三兽神宗的余孽,没想到你还敢现身。” When Fairy Floating Life hears these words, the pupil shrinks. 浮生仙子听到这几个词时,瞳孔一缩。 Opposite party, with destroying the Thirty Three Beasts God Sect's influence, related? 对方,和毁灭三十三兽神宗的势力,有关吗? Since were found by the old man, you leave behind the life today.” Then, that Seventh Stage Venerable suddenly take action. “既然被老夫找到了,那你今天就将命留下吧。”说罢,那位七品尊者突然出手 Together cold air toward Fairy Floating Life, that chill in the air, sufficiently Fairy Floating Life direct frozen. 一道寒气朝着浮生仙子袭来,那寒意,足以将浮生仙子直接冰封。 Fairy Floating Life was affected by the cold air, the whole body is stiff, even finger unable moves unexpectedly, can only looks at that cold air cover her helplessly. This way, she by sealed into cold ice, destroy both body and soul. 浮生仙子受寒气影响,浑身僵硬,竟连手指无法挪动,只能眼睁睁看着那寒气将她笼罩。再这样下去,她将被封入寒冰中,神形俱灭 But at this moment, one group of shining rays prompt cover her. That golden ray, scattered her body's chill in the air, warms her body rapidly, making her body no longer stiff. 而就在这时,一团金灿灿的光芒及时将她笼罩。那金色的光芒,驱散了她身上的寒意,迅速温暖她的身躯,让她的身体不再僵硬。 Then, the golden ray moves slightly, changes into golden Beautiful Snakewoman. 接着,金色的光芒微微一动,化为一尊金色的蛇美人之相。 Beautiful Snakewoman corner of the eye tear-marked, Graceful Wind ten thousand types. She is crooked the head, is looking at that Seventh Stage Venerable. This rarity, she has not feigned death. 蛇美人眼角一颗泪痣,风情万种。她歪着脑袋,望着那七品尊者。这次难得,她没有装死。 This does fellow daoist, how give me a face?” Song Shuhang treads gradually, said solemnly. “这位道友,给我一个面子如何?”宋书航缓步踏出,沉声道 That Seventh Stage Venerable does not voice, but closely is staring at Song Shuhang: „, Profound Sage Tyrant Song is also Thirty Three Beasts God Sect's remnant.” 七品尊者并不发声,只是紧紧盯着宋书航:“没想到,霸宋玄圣也是三十三兽神宗的余孽。” Hehe.” Song Shuhang shows a faint smile, were not many said. “呵呵。”宋书航微微一笑,也不多说。 But, even you are Thousand Years' First Sage, however your Thirty Three Beasts God Sect remnant status, was doomed your result.” That Seventh Stage Venerable coldly said: Thousand Years' First Sage will become the past, your future only a dead end.” “但是,就算你是千年第一圣,然而你三十三兽神宗余孽的身份,就注定了你的结局。”那七品尊者冷冷道:“千年第一圣将成为过去,你的未来只有死路一条。” Dead your younger sister! 死你妹啊! Profound Sage so what, in the past Thirty Three Beasts God Sect, there is Profound Sage, a night was put down as before.” Seventh Stage Venerable said, bends/bow the body slowly: My really unable understood, Profound Sage Tyrant Song you just promoted Eighth Stage, does not go to stable consolidated realm unexpectedly. Unexpectedly when weak status, conducts experiencing the world of mortals. However, this is also good. Cuts to kill the Thousand Years' First Sage's merit and reputation, thinks to make me one's blood bubbles up to the brim.” 玄圣又如何,当年三十三兽神宗,也有玄圣,依旧一夜被平。”七品尊者说罢,缓缓弓起身体:“我实在无法理解,霸宋玄圣你刚晋升八品,竟然不去稳定巩固境界。竟然在虚弱状态的时候,进行红尘历练。不过,这样也好。斩杀千年第一圣的功劳和名声,想想就让我热血沸腾。” This Seventh Stage Venerable, after knowing the Song Shuhang Eighth Stage Profound Sage's status, wants to attack to him unexpectedly. In his hand as if has does not fear Eighth Stage Profound Sage's hidden trump. 七品尊者,在知道宋书航八品玄圣的身份后,竟然还想向他进攻。他手中似乎有不惧八品玄圣的底牌 The Song Shuhang pupil sinks, he first puts out a hand to wield, Core World opens, and thinks of fox monster's big box income in which Fairy Floating Life. 宋书航眸子一沉,他先伸手一挥,核心世界开启,将浮生仙子和装着狐妖的大箱子收入其中。 Afterward, Karmic Virtue Snake Beauty returns, covers Song Shuhang. 随后,功德蛇美人回归,将宋书航笼罩。 „Do you want to fight me?” Song Shuhang said solemnly. “你想战我?”宋书航沉声道 Can fight, tries to know.” That Seventh Stage Venerable cold sound said. “能不能战,试试才知道。”那七品尊者冷声道。 The Song Shuhang single arm thoughts...... this posture was too irritable. Therefore he changed a posture, inserts the arm in the pocket. 宋书航单臂抱怀......这姿势太别扭了。于是他换了个姿势,将手臂插在口袋中。 Then, behind him, Core World opens again. 接着,在他背后,核心世界再次开启。 The warhead of Heavenly Tribulation missile, drills...... the Heavenly Tribulation missile all not to come from Core World one after another slowly, only reveals a warhead merely, aims at that Seventh Stage Venerable. 一枚又一枚天劫导弹的弹头,缓缓从核心世界中钻出......天劫导弹没有全部现身,仅仅只露出一个弹头,对准那七品尊者 Altogether ten, various models. 一共十枚,各种型号。 You said you want to... try?” Song Shuhang coldly said. 你说你想......试试?”宋书航冷冷道。 Each Heavenly Tribulation missile, has the Seventh Stage + might. Moreover, but also has the Heavenly Tribulation's aura. Regarding practitioner, the power to injure doubles. 每一枚天劫导弹,都拥有着七品的威力。而且,还有着天劫的气息。对于修炼者来说,伤害力加倍。 That Seventh Stage Venerable saw ten Heavenly Tribulation missiles are locking him the time, the pupil under mask shrinks. 七品尊者看到十枚天劫导弹锁定着他的时候,面具下的瞳孔一缩。 About the Heavenly Tribulation missile might, All Heavens and Myriad Realms' practitioner is not strange. Venerable White live broadcast transcends tribulation that making All Heavens and Myriad Realms' practitioner feel a might of Heavenly Tribulation missile. 关于天劫导弹的威力,诸天万界的修炼者并不陌生。白尊者直播渡劫那一段,让诸天万界的修炼者都感受了一把天劫导弹的威力。 This thing, could not threaten me.” Seventh Stage Venerable clenches teeth to say. “这东西,威胁不了我。”七品尊者咬牙道。 Each Heavenly Tribulation missile has the Seventh Stage + destructive power, so long as he is more careful, ten Heavenly Tribulation missiles most make him be selected the severe wound. 每一枚天劫导弹都拥有着七品的破坏力,但只要他小心一些,十枚天劫导弹最多让他受点重伤。 His unable understood, this Heavenly Tribulation missile isn't Heavenly Tribulation? Why this can Profound Sage Tyrant Song, operate Heavenly Tribulation? 只是他无法理解,这天劫导弹不是天劫吗?为何这位霸宋玄圣,能操纵天劫 Only Seventh Stage, the tone is not small.” Song Shuhang raises head slightly. “区区一个七品,口气倒不小。”宋书航微微仰头。 the next moment, another warhead squeezes out from Core World slowly. 下一刻,又一枚弹头从核心世界缓缓挤出。 Is completely different from the previous Heavenly Tribulation missile, on this warhead, is sending out the Eighth Stage + destructive power and might. 和之前的天劫导弹完全不同,这枚弹头上,散发着八品的破坏力和威力。 This is the Heavenly Tribulation atomic bomb. 这是天劫原子弹。 Nothing was a round of nuclear bomb cannot be solved, if there is...... a that is the equivalent is certainly insufficient. 正所谓,没有什么是一发核弹解决不了的,如果有......那一定是当量不够。 The nuclear weapon deterrent, this is not the thing of cracking a joke. 核武威慑,这可不是开玩笑的东西。 The Heavenly Tribulation nuclear bomb, locks Seventh Stage Venerable. Above the Eighth Stage + constriction, presses in his heart, making him feel that the both legs become tender. 天劫核弹,锁定七品尊者。其上八品的压迫感,压在他心头,让他感觉双腿发软。 Profound Sage Tyrant Song, can you detonate it here?” Seventh Stage Venerable said solemnly: You do not dare! If you detonate it here, the consequence yourself cannot undertake!” 霸宋玄圣,你要在这里引爆它?”七品尊者沉声道:“你不敢!你若是在这里引爆它,后果你自己承担不起!” Consequence? Ha Ha Ha Ha.” Song Shuhang smiled, he puts out a hand little a stroke, the ball body of Heavenly Tribulation atomic bomb drills from Core World: Only does Seventh Stage, attempt to estimate this Saint unexpectedly the thoughts?” “后果?哈哈哈哈。”宋书航笑了,他伸手一划,天劫原子弹的弹躯一点点从核心世界钻出:“区区一个七品,竟然妄图揣摩本圣的心思?” Death.” The Song Shuhang right hand lifts up high, the Heavenly Tribulation atomic bomb comes out from Core World thoroughly. Then, under the Song Shuhang's operation, on the Heavenly Tribulation atomic bomb, a seal, started to open. “死吧。”宋书航右手高举,天劫原子弹彻底从核心世界中出来。然后,在宋书航的操作下,天劫原子弹上,一圈的封印,开始揭开。 “Fuck!” Seventh Stage Venerable cannot bear scold. “日!”七品尊者忍不住骂道。 His figure leaps, shoots up to the sky, prepares to run away. 他身形一跃,冲天而起,就准备逃遁。 But when he leaps high, in the sky splits an opening suddenly, then he leapt forward to this opening. 但就在他高高一跃的时候,虚空中突然裂开一道口子,然后他就跃入到这口子里去了。 That is the Core World entrance that Song Shuhang opens, the entered position is a Hall of Winter's corner/horn. 那是宋书航开启的核心世界入口,进入的位置则是冬之殿的一角。 Seventh Stage Venerable leaps, was absorbed by Core World. 七品尊者一跃,就被核心世界吸收。 Then, he fell into the Hall of Winter's range. 接着,他就落入到了冬之殿的范围。 Space force?” In his heart moves. “空间力量?”他心中一动。 while thinking, his body was transferred a-- at will Song Shuhang's thought that he was shifted in a Hall of Winter's enclosed palace. 正思索间,他的身体又被挪移——随意宋书航的一个念头,他被转移到了冬之殿的一座封闭式的宫殿中。 Hall of Winter, is the Ancient Heavenly Court Northern Great Emperor's palace. Overall is magical treasure, the rank approximately in Ninth Stage or higher. 冬之殿,乃是远古天庭北方大帝的宫殿。整体上是一件法宝,等级约在九品以上
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