CSR :: Volume #7

#664: Seven monster gods

Yue He!” 岳河!” Old Ox!” 老牛!” Be careful!” The people call out in alarm, stared in a big way the eye suddenly, saw that Yue He will soon fall into an independent space, Holy Conservatory big Senior Brother and the others ya zi wants to crack, acted crazily, wants to block the Demon Race seven monster gods. “小心!”众人惊呼,猛然瞪大了眼睛,眼看着岳河即将落入一个单独空间,圣院大师兄等人睚眦欲裂,疯狂出手,想要拦住妖族七位妖神。 But in an instant, their surrounding spaces solidified suddenly, as if fell into mud Ze, the speed sharply falls, even if they spell to try, but was late half step. 可刹那间,他们周围的空间陡然间凝固了,仿佛陷入了泥泽中,速度锐减,即便他们拼尽了全力,可还是晚了半步。 Do not manage me!” In the Yue He eye pupil revealed color decidedly, killed and seven monster gods to attack itself simultaneously, if resisted hardly, oneself did not die also meets the severe wound. “不要管我!”岳河眼眸中流露出了决然之色,杀阵、七位妖神同时攻击自己,若是硬抗,自己不死也会重伤。 But if hides, only then enters independent space road! 可若是躲,只有进入身旁的单独空间这一条路! Wants my Old Ox life? Snort, even the death, I must draw the pad back!” The Yue He form in a flash, half treadonned into an independent space, in the form became fuzzy, suddenly puts out a hand, the palm bloomed jet black such as the dim light of black ink, strength of the fearful swallowing erupted suddenly, drags to entrain is being away from oneself recent monster god expert, dragged into that monster god level expert that independent space forcefully. “想要我老牛的命?哼,就算死,我也要拉个垫背的!”岳河身影一晃,半只脚踏入了单独的一片空间中,就在身影变得模糊时,突然一伸手,掌心绽放漆黑如墨的幽光,一股可怕的吞噬之力陡然爆发,拖拽着距离自己最近的一位妖神强者,强行把那位妖神级强者也拉入了那片单独空间中。 Buzz! 嗡! The void shake, Yue He vanishes with that monster god level expert in the people simultaneously at present. 虚空震荡,岳河与那位妖神级强者同时消失在众人眼前。 Falls into the independent space, Yue He knows oneself very possible to fall from the sky, the surrounding independent space has several tens of thousands, and has been transforming the position, even if Demon Race another six monster gods pursue immediately, must since the independent space that oneself are at estimate that still requires some time. 陷入单独空间中,岳河知道自己很可能要陨落了,不过周围的单独空间有数万个,而且一直在变换位置,妖族另外六位妖神即便立刻追上来,要进入自己所在的单独空间估计也需要一些时间。 This is own opportunity! 这是自己的机会! Yue He planned that with this time gap, with own life, trades the life of that monster god, perishes together! A Azure Ox clan has the technique of secret skill Nirvana in any case, perhaps can also have a slim chance of survival. 岳河打算用这个时间间隙,用自己的命,换那位妖神的命,同归于尽!反正青牛一族藏有涅槃之术秘技,说不定还能有一线生机。 Laughable!” “可笑!” Yue He. You are having a dream!” 岳河。你是在做梦!” My gold/metal controls town/subdues seal, several tens of thousands independent spaces under my control!” Sees this, void transmits sneering that gold/metal god disdained. “我金古掌控镇封印阵,数万个单独空间都在我的掌控之下!”看到这一幕,虚空中传来了金古蛮神不屑的冷笑。 Here!” “这里!” gold/metal god waves, an independent space splits suddenly. 金古蛮神一挥手,一处单独空间突然裂开。 Clash/To!” “冲!” Kills!” Another six monster gods are looking at that say/way sudden space fissure, at present suddenly one bright. The form in a flash, the extreme velocity grazes. “杀!”另外六位妖神望着那道突然出现的空间裂痕,眼前猛然一亮。身影一晃,极速飞掠过去。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Pursues!” “追!” Blocks them!” The Holy Conservatory big Senior Brother, two Senior Brother, three Senior Brother and flame tribulation and Su Yuan complexion suddenly changes, erupts the complete strength, pursues crazily. “拦住他们!”圣院大师兄、二师兄、三师兄以及炎劫、苏元脸色猛然一变,爆发全部力量,疯狂追去。 If makes Demon Race these six monster god level expert also enter that independent space that Yue He was , the Yue He almost ten tenths ten will fall from the sky, seven monster god expert collaborate. In addition kills a threat, perhaps except for Ye Wei this Six Layers of Heaven invincible expert, entire Holy Primal Continent any Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert cannot block. 若是让妖族这六位妖神级强者也进入了岳河所在的那片单独空间,岳河几乎十成十会陨落,七位妖神强者联手。再加上杀阵的威胁,除了叶维这个六重天无敌强者,整个圣元大陆任何一位六重天大圆满强者恐怕都挡不住。 Snow shadow, suppresses them!” gold/metal god and snow shadow god stimulates to movement Mystic Rune seal full power, a town/subdues seals void. Controls trillion sword glow, simultaneously bang to Holy Conservatory big Senior Brother five people. “雪影,压制他们!”金古蛮神、雪影蛮神全力催动神纹印阵,一个镇封虚空。一个操控亿万剑芒,同时轰向圣院大师兄五人。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Next instantly, the space crack vanishes, Holy Conservatory big Senior Brother five expert were also slow half step. 下一个刹那,空间裂缝消失,圣院大师兄五位强者又慢了半步。 „!” “啊!” No!” Five people of eyes were red, the crazy attack, the invincible might is dreadful, tearing independent spaces, they are very forcefully clear. If oneself acted slowly, Yue He ended. “不!”五人眼睛等红了,疯狂攻击,神威滔天,强行撕裂一个又一个单独空间,他们都很清楚。若是自己动作慢了,岳河就完了。 Pure Mystic Rune seal, can only affect their five people. Is impossible to block their five completely! 单纯的神纹印阵,只能影响他们五人。却不可能完全拦住他们五个! Hehe, this independent space altogether 36,000, truly are only impossible unable to block you by our two people strengths completely, but you tore spaces, Yue He that Old Ox, it is estimated that also fell from the sky as before!” Void transmits sneering that gold/metal god and snow shadow god takes pleasure in others' misfortunes. “嘿嘿,这单独空间一共有三万六千个,仅凭我们两人的力量确实不可能完全拦不住你们,不过等你们撕裂了一个个空间,岳河那头老牛,估计也依旧陨落了!”虚空中传来金古蛮神、雪影蛮神幸灾乐祸的冷笑。 Matter. They imagine is smoother, they have not thought that is so unexpectedly quick. Then can extinguish kills Human Race alliance Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert. 事情。比他们想象中的还要顺利,他们也没想到竟然这么快。便能灭杀人族联盟一位六重天大圆满强者 Because in the result compared with estimate is better, gold/metal god and smiling face of snow shadow god is wilder and self-satisfied! 正是因为比预想中的结局更好,金古蛮神、雪影蛮神的笑容才更加的猖狂、得意! The surrounding area is about in a ten thousand li (0.5 km) space. Is one piece is exuding the blood-color desolated mainland all over the body, facing the death threat, the Azure Ox bloodlines that the Yue He unretentive stimulation of movement within the body flowed, changes to huge Azure Ox, the head is going against two bend angles, four hooves tread suddenly, the entire mainland is shivering. 方圆不过万里的一片空间中。通体是一片泛着血色的荒芜大陆,面对死亡威胁,岳河毫无保留的催动了体内流淌的青牛血脉,化作一头巨大的青牛,头上顶着两根弯角,四蹄猛然一踏,整个大陆都在颤抖。 Roar!” “吼!” Yue He face upwards the long and loud cry, the huge body changes to together the azure lightning, the head bend angle punctures the giant sickle of vault of heaven like two handles, charges into ruthlessly with the monster god who he enters this independent space together. 岳河仰天长啸,庞大的身躯化作一道青色闪电,头上弯角如同两柄刺破苍穹的巨大弯刀,狠狠冲向与他一同进入这片单独空间的妖神。 Yue He does not defend completely, the complete strength used in the attack, did not allow a leeway! 岳河完全不防御,全部的力量都用在了攻击上,不留一丝余地! „It is not good!” “不好!” This monster god looks is exploding to Yue He, paleness that the complexion suddenly changes, facing going all out Yue He, in the surrounding area is about in ten thousand li (0.5 km) region, his fundamental cannot avoid. 这位妖神望着爆冲过来的岳河,脸色猛然间变的苍白,面对拼命的岳河,在方圆不过万里的区域内,他根本避不开。 Divergent opinions ending in harmonious agreement!” Monster god level expert after all is monster god level expert, he quickly then restored calmly, both hands trade to make the remnant shadow, the vast strength gushes out crazily, ten fingers flash again and again, rivers and streams phantom of galloping appear suddenly, in an instant then covered entirely the trim to be void. “万流归宗!”妖神级强者毕竟是妖神级强者,他很快便恢复了镇静,双手换做残影,浩瀚的力量疯狂涌出,十指连连闪动,一道道奔腾的江河虚影陡然出现,刹那间便布满了整片虚空。 Trillion rivers and streams, gather toward this monster god at the visible speed, change to the vast expanse of water, kept off before the body! 亿万道江河,以肉眼可见的速度朝着这位妖神汇聚,化作一片汪洋,挡在了身前! Bang!” “轰!” Yue He that huge just like the sickle sharp bull horn hit on the vastness, battered, cuts the myriad things, like the boat of cleaving the waves, breaks open the numerous rivers and streams, kills to the monster god after vastness. 岳河那巨大的宛如弯刀般的锋利牛角撞击在了汪洋上,横冲直撞,切割万物,如同破浪之舟,破开重重江河,杀向汪洋后的妖神。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦!” The rivers and streams turn well up, saw that Yue He must break open the defense of this monster god, at this time, another six monster gods arrived suddenly, acted directly. 江河翻涌,眼看着岳河就要破开这位妖神的防御,就在这个时候,另外六位妖神突然降临,直接出手。 Yue He spells very much, even does not want the life, is facing seven battle efficiencies not he is weaker than many monster god, was then pressed to suppress instantaneously. 岳河很拼,甚至连命都不要了,可是面对七位战斗力并不比他弱多少的妖神,瞬间便被压压制住了。 The curved bull horn cut off by the simultaneous/uniform root, the body covered entirely shocking bloodstains, but is still fierce, even seven monster gods collaborate, the short time could not kill him. 弯弯的牛角被齐根斩断,身上布满了一道道触目惊心的血痕,但却依旧非常凶猛,即便七位妖神联手,短时间也杀不了他。 gold/metal god and snow shadow monster god, first do not manage Human Race alliance another five expert, extinguishes jointly kills Yue He!” Three monster god brow slightly wrinkles, toward void drink greatly. “金古蛮神、雪影妖神,先不要管人族联盟另外五位强者,联手灭杀岳河!”三眼妖神眉头微皱,朝着虚空大喝。 Good!” gold/metal god and snow shadow monster god, a control suppresses Yue He void, another stimulation of movement kills, trillion gray sword glow cover Yue He. “好!”金古蛮神、雪影妖神,一个掌控虚空镇压岳河,另外一个催动杀阵,亿万灰色剑芒笼罩岳河 Acts!” “出手!” Extinguishes at one fell swoop kills!” “一举灭杀!” Meanwhile, seven monster gods make a move together, crazy attack. 与此同时,七位妖神一起出手,疯狂攻击。 Yue He is surrounded by perils immediately, so gets down, he could not insist on ten breath, the Holy Conservatory big Senior Brother five people, although spelled to try, but ten time of breath, their fundamental was impossible to break open more than 30,000 spaces. 岳河顿时险象环生,这般下去,他坚持不了十个呼吸,外界圣院大师兄五人虽然拼尽了全力,可十个呼吸的时间,他们根本不可能破开三万多个空间。 A breath, two breath, three breath...... 一个呼吸,两个呼吸,三个呼吸…… Yue He injury was getting more and more serious, the look became somewhat dim! 岳河身上的伤势越来越重了,眼神都变得有些黯淡了! My Yue He is unwilling!” “我岳河不甘心啊!” Yue He face upwards to roar, eye blood red, gave out low and deep hoarse angry roaring. 岳河仰天咆哮,眼睛血红,发出了低沉嘶哑的怒吼。 The fifth breath, sky over the day empty mountain, exudes together the ripple ripples void, a silver triangle battleship suddenly appears, is the Ye Wei void battleship. 第五个呼吸,天虚山上空,虚空泛起一道波纹涟漪,一艘银色三角形战舰突然出现,正是叶维的虚空战舰。 Kunpeng mystic stance, the free shuttle is void!” The Ye Wei complexion is ugly, in the eye pupil is surging the water of all corners of the country the angry flame that is hard to wash out, in the void battleship, he then knew all. “鲲鹏神通,自由穿梭虚空!”叶维的脸色非常难看,眼眸中涌动着五湖四海之水都难以冲刷的愤怒火焰,在虚空战舰中,他便知道了一切。 Blames me, was I too underestimates Demon Race!” Ye Wei pinched the fist ruthlessly, the back golden light wing shakes suddenly, broke in this beast clan four Saint boundary expert to collaborate Mystic Rune seal of arrangement without hesitation. “都怪我,是我太低估妖族了!”叶维狠狠捏了捏拳头,背后金光羽翼猛然一震,毫不犹豫的冲入了这座蛮兽一族四位圣境强者联手布置的神纹印阵。 Ye Wei rebukes oneself very much, has not thought that Human Race alliance six Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert face can be present the unexpectedly. 叶维很自责,万万没想到,人族联盟六位六重天大圆满强者面对的竟然会是如今的这个局面。 Six seniors were surrounded completely, the Yue He senior even soon fell from the sky! 六位前辈全部都被困住了,岳河前辈甚至都快要陨落了! Ha, Yue He this Old Ox could not insist!” “哈哈哈,岳河这头老牛坚持不住了!” Brothers, tried harder, extinguished this Old Ox!” Seven monster gods look to creaky, stood Yue He that continually could not come to a stop, the corners of the mouth reveals sneering of fierce bloodthirsty. “兄弟们,加把劲,灭了这头老牛!”七位妖神看着摇摇欲坠,连站都站不稳的岳河,嘴角流露出了狰狞嗜血的冷笑。 Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert, in expert of present Holy Conservatory mainland most peak, extinguishes kills Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert, to the significance of war of this ethnic group, was as good as the wartime of antiquity period's first ethnic group to extinguish kills Saint boundary expert! 六重天大圆满强者,在如今的圣院大陆可是最巅峰的强者,灭杀一位六重天大圆满强者,对这次族群之战的意义,不亚于上古时期第一次族群之战时灭杀一位圣境强者 Saw that Yue He must die in own hand, Demon Race these seven monster gods are very naturally excited, Human Race alliance few Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert, won the hope at least to increase 10%! 眼看着岳河就要死在自己手中,妖族的这七位妖神自然很兴奋,人族联盟少一位六重天大圆满强者,赢得希望至少又增加了10%! Hehe, matter imagines us is smoother than!” “嘿嘿,事情比我们想象中的还要顺利啊!” Gets down, Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert of Human Race alliance, all defeats, it is estimated that does not need ten years, the war of this second ethnic group can end.” “这么下去,把人族联盟的六重天大圆满强者,个个击破,估计不要十年,这第二次族群之战就可以落幕了。” When the time comes, entire Holy Primal Continent was our!” “到时候,整个圣元大陆就是咱们的了!” Perhaps with the aid of the entire Holy Primal Continent strength, we can take that step, becomes does not die continuous, Saint boundary expert that eternal does not extinguish!” “借助整个圣元大陆的力量,说不定我们就能迈出那一步,成为不死不休,万古不灭的圣境强者!” The snow shadow god is very excited, the corners of the mouth hold the smiling face that is unable to conceal. 雪影蛮神很兴奋,嘴角噙着无法掩饰的笑容。 It seems like, fundamental does not need to use the Saint strength that the old ancestor leaves behind, won very with ease!” On gold/metal god face is hanging the self-satisfied smiling face, an antiquity war, beast clan two Saint boundary old ancestors fell from the sky, left behind very vast Saint strength, but the Saint strength uses a point little. “看来,根本不需要动用老祖留下的圣力,赢得很轻松嘛!”金古蛮神脸上挂着得意笑容,上古一战,蛮兽一族两位圣境老祖都陨落了,留下了非常浩瀚的圣力,不过圣力用一点就少一点。 Unless it is absolutely essential, they do not hate to urge Mystic Rune seal with the Saint! 不到万不得已,他们也舍不得用圣力催动神纹印阵! The seventh breath! 第七个呼吸! Yue He could not insist that completely, along with bang a loud sound, the huge body dropped down loudly, is scarred, the blood flowed, was incarnadine this surrounding area ten thousand li (0.5 km) desolated mainland. 岳河完全坚持不住了,伴随着轰隆一声巨响,庞大的身躯轰然倒下,伤痕累累,鲜血流淌,把这片方圆万里的荒芜大陆都染红了。 When Yue He think oneself must fall from the sky, in the independent space of seal, breeze has stroked, the person's shadow that wears the clothes suddenly appears in void. 就在岳河自己都以为自己要陨落的时候,封闭的单独空间中,一阵微风拂过,一位身穿青衫的人影突然出现在虚空中。 The clothes person's shadow long gown wielded, shakes disperses killed the condensing trillion sword glow, vision one cold, the space of god light/only rumbling broken solidification, directed, blocked the attacks of seven monster gods. ( to be continued ) 青衫人影长袍一挥,震散了杀阵凝聚的亿万剑芒,目光一寒,神光轰碎凝固的空间,一指点出,挡住了七位妖神的攻击。(未完待续)
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