CLS :: Volume #27

#2603: Turning out in full strength

The time on the past few months time, the tranquil time, has not welcomed in an instant is too long. 时间转眼就过去数个月时间,平静的时光,并没有迎来太久。 Finally in No. 22 battlefield, kills large quantities of Expert suddenly, almost does not have the least bit omen, kills toward here. 终于在22号战场中,忽然间就杀过来一大批强者,几乎没有半点预兆,就往这边杀过来。 Enemy raids!” “敌袭!” The guards cry, is crazy pounds the clock in city wall fiercely, the sound transmission all around, is transmits in the battlefield main hall, making all people know that had the enemy to raid. 守卫大叫一声,然后疯狂猛砸城墙上的钟,把声音传递到四周,更是传递回战场大殿里面,让所有人知道有敌袭了。 „Does enemy raid?” “敌袭?” The people raised the head shocking, no one has thought that will raid in this time enemy, all do not have the omen, even including a news not to receive, the enemy killed. 众人震惊地抬起头来,谁都没想到会在这个时候敌袭,一切都没有预兆,甚至连一点消息都没有收到,敌人就杀过来了。 This means that the enemy has the ability that anything hidden, oneself hiding, then quietly kills. Can achieve this, has several formidable star emperors to cover up surely, can play this effect. 这意味着敌人有什么隐藏的能力,把自己给隐藏起来,然后悄悄地杀过来。能做到这一步的,必定有着好几位强大的星帝遮掩,才能起到这个效果。 Otherwise, their scouts of arrangement, can examine absolutely rapidly the enemy raids the situation, but is not kills outside City gate, knew the news. 要不然,他们的安排的探子,绝对能迅速查看到敌袭情况,而不是杀到城门外面,才知道消息了。 Although is very sudden, but they responded that speed is not slow, to/clashes all of a sudden from the major bases, charges into near the city wall by quickest speed, prepares fight. 虽说很突然,但他们反应速度并不慢,一下子都从各大驻扎地里冲出来,都以最快速度冲向城墙边上,做好战斗的准备。 When they approach the city wall, immediately saw outside the city wall has dense and numerous foreign country Cultivator(s), takes a broad view to look at least to have over ten thousand. Has Great Star Venerable Rank lowly, most takes a higher position is the star emperor of head! 待他们靠近城墙时,立即看到城墙外面有着密密麻麻的外域修炼者,放眼望去至少有着上万之多。最低都有着大星尊级别,最高就是为首的星帝! star emperor Rank are not many, but also has three! 星帝级别不多,但也有个三位! This quantity was very astonishing, moreover three star emperors collaborate to cover up Aura / breath, indeed makes people be hard to realize the situation. Only if them, has sent out the star emperor to investigate, otherwise could not discover that the enemy raided the situation. 这数量很惊人了,而且三位星帝联手遮掩气息,的确让人难以察觉情况。除非他们这边,也一直派出星帝探查,否则根本发现不了敌袭情况。 But star emperor where will have free time, making them go on patrol, that in waste resources. 可是星帝哪里会那么有空,让他们一直巡逻,那就是在浪费资源。 However in each city, the star emperor will assume personal command, for this reason other star emperors temporarily cannot catch up, can have the star emperor to withstand/top immediately. 不过每座城市里面,都会有一位星帝坐镇,为此其他星帝就算暂时赶不过来,也能马上有星帝顶上。 Is spatial semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate City Lord and Vice City Lord, not a well-known star emperor......” stands the star emperor complexion in city wall sinks, who he recognized the opposite party immediately the star emperor is. “是空月城的城主副城主,还有一位不知名的星帝……”站在城墙上的星帝脸色一沉,他立即就认出来对方的星帝是谁了。 Does not know besides one, other two were spatial semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate City Lord, this means that the spatial semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate sent out, moreover sent out that many Expert to come out all of a sudden, was turns out in full strength. 除了一个不认识之外,其余两位就是空月城的城主了,这意味着空月城出动了,而且一下子就派出那么多强者出来,算是倾巢出动了。 Means after here person dies, the spatial semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate also discarded. Most essential Expert here, after dying, spatial semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate remaining these people, what significance also there is? 意味着这里的人死光后,空月城也就废掉了。最关键的强者都在这里,死光了之后,空月城剩下的那些子民,又有什么意义? But when the people think on this Power, suddenly has large quantities of foreign country Cultivator(s), wells up from four sides Eight Sides. 可在众人以为就这点力量时,忽然间就有着一大批外域修炼者,从四面八方涌过来。 Here guard fixes the eyes on looked, discovered threatens to kill, is not other people, but is the spatial semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate people. Their cultivation base is not high, in Star Venerable, even Star Monarch Rank. 这边的守卫定睛一看,发现气势汹汹杀过来的,并不是其他人,而是空月城的子民。他们修为都不高,都是在星尊,甚至星君级别 So long as the strength can also accept, will send, this is true turning out in full strength. But these Star Monarch, here were really the cannon fodders, was affected slightly, has one large quantities of person to be extinguished. 只要战力还能接受的,都会派出来,这才是真正的倾巢出动。可是这些星君,在这里就真的是炮灰了,稍微被波及一点,就有着一大批人被灭。 But they have been ready for any sacrifice, all are unafraid of death. Actually they do not want to enter the war, generally speaking, will little have this situation, was continually this Rank sends. 可他们已经豁出去了,一切视死如归。其实他们也不想来参战的,一般来说,很少会出现这种情况,也就是连这个级别都派出来了。 This means that does not win Rank that does not turn over, either dies, either wins! 这就意味着不赢不归的级别,要么就死,要么就胜利! Sees this, the guards complexion changed, what this truly was the comprehensive big general attack, was ready for any sacrifice a city. 看到这一幕,守卫们脸色都变了,这真的是全面大总攻了,豁出去一座城市了。 Generally speaking, in a battlefield, most 2-3 cities, here actually set out strength of the city now. If destroys completely this city, the danger of this battlefield large scale will weaken. 一般来说,一个战场之中,最多两三座城市而已,现在这边却是出动一城之力。要是灭掉这一城的话,这个战场的危险就会大幅度削弱。 After all did not have a city, remaining another cities, no doubt there is a danger, but will want compared with before on absolutely weakly many. 毕竟都没了一座城市,剩下另外一座城市,固然有危险,但绝对会比之前要弱上很多。 The war of this beautiful woman, that risk was too but big, simply is a disaster. Not only that side meeting casualty are innumerable, them the meeting casualty is also numerous. 可是这倾城之战,那危险性就太大了,简直就是个灾难。不光那边会死伤无数,他们这边也会死伤众多。 Therefore becomes discrete incomparable, must cling to tenaciously here, does not make them capture! If captures, their meeting casualty are more, after all these foreign country Cultivator(s) killed past tense, the strength will be significantly increased, when the time comes they did not have to be so easy to cope. 为此一个个都变得谨慎无比,必须死守住这里,不让他们攻陷!要是攻陷的话,那他们会死伤更多,毕竟这些外域修炼者杀过去时,战力会大幅度提升,到时候他们就没有那么容易对付了。 Really starts to counter-attack, wants to give the dozen to set up the prestige us remnantly? It is not simple!” The star emperor of this defense lowers roars, jumps to fly, the putting out a hand rapid proceeding heavy bombing gets up, aims at the enemy crazy bang that approaches first, coming many dead many. “果然开始反击,想要把我们给打残立威么?没那么简单!”这位守城的星帝低吼一声,纵身就飞出去,伸手迅速往前猛轰起来,对准最先靠近的敌人狂轰,来多少就死多少。 However most predeceases, is these cannon fodders. 不过最先死的,还是那些炮灰。 Looks that many people drop down, following spatial moon/month City Lord surface expressionless: Kills, kills to me! Who dares to retrocede, I directly destroy completely him, his family member, must die!” 看着不少子民纷纷倒下,后面的空月城主无表情:“杀吧,都给我杀!谁敢后退,我就直接灭掉他,就连他家人,都得死!” All in compulsory make them fight, who is not willing to fight, finally is the dead end. Not only dies, the family member, must result in dies! 一切都在强制性地让他们战斗,谁不愿意战斗,结果就是死路一条。不光自己死,就连自己家人,都必须得死! In this case, they can only brace oneself, got angry to fiercely attack toward the city wall that side. 在这种情况下,他们只能硬着头皮上,红了眼往城墙那边猛攻上去。 In nearby guard, is rapid attacks toward outside, is starting Star Rune Great Array unceasingly, toward outside crazy bang. Foreign country Cultivator(s) that approaches outside, gives strikes to kill. 在边上的守卫,也是迅速往外面攻击,更是不断启动着星纹大阵,往外面狂轰而出。把外面靠近的外域修炼者,都给纷纷击杀。 But might also good, but has no way foreign country Cultivator(s) that prevents that many to besiege. Under crazy besieging, the city wall starts to be rumbled the crack, Star Rune starts to be cracked , to continue such to get down, the city wall was broken through surely. 可是威力就算还行,但也没法阻止那么多围攻过来的外域修炼者。在疯狂围攻之下,城墙开始被轰出裂缝,星纹开始龟裂,继续这么下去,城墙必定被攻破。 When the time comes both sides on formally entered direct engagement, but likely is not the present so, can maintain the quite safe condition is attacking. 到时候双方就正式进入正面交战了,而不像是现在这般,能保持着比较安全的状态攻击了。 However they not when the city wall damages attacks, they had a group of people, after settling on the situation, flies rapidly from the city wall, slaughtered with foreign country Cultivator(s) crazily in one. 不过他们不会等到城墙破损才进攻,他们已经有一批人,看准情况之后,迅速从城墙上面飞下去,跟外域修炼者疯狂厮杀在一块了。 Quick has Cultivator(s) to produce the casualties, this is very normal matter, once starts the upfront conflict, is very easy to present the casualty. 很快就有修炼者产生伤亡,这是很正常的事情,一旦开始正面冲突,就很容易出现死伤。 Kills!” The people kill to get angry, upper boundary, is the opposite camp, thoroughly kills to get angry. “杀!”众人杀红了眼,无论是界上界这边,还是对面的阵营,都彻底杀红了眼。 The upper boundary must protect the person on one's own side, opposite must protect oneself family member, both's goal is similar, but leads all, is actually the idea of opposite party leader. 界上界要保护自己人,对面也是要保护自己家人,两者的目的都差不多,但主导一切的,却是对方头领的想法。 The people in many foreign countries, do not want to enter the upper boundary, this has nothing to do with them. They thought that treats very well here, the environment, is the resources also good. 有不少外域的子民,根本不想杀入界上界的,这跟他们无关。他们觉得待在这里就挺好的,无论是环境,还是资源都还行。 But under the force, they can only choose to enter the war! 可是在强迫之下,他们只能选择参战! Under the short battle, many casualties appear immediately, at this time had many people to fondly remember the previous that war. 在短短交战之下,立即就有不少死伤出现,这时候就有不少人怀念上次那一战。 If Yi Tianyun appears , to continue to restore city wall, does not dare saying that can like the previous time, can persevere thoroughly, at least can little dying many people. 要是易天云出现,继续修复城墙,不敢说能像上次那样,能彻底坚守下来,至少能少死很多人。 However nobody will go to strange Yi Tianyun, after all Yi Tianyun has oneself matter to do. But they in heart, hopes, Yi Tianyun can come to aid, creates the miracle again! 不过没人会去怪易天云,毕竟易天云是有自己事情要做的。可他们在心底,还是非常希望,易天云能过来援助一把,再创造奇迹! All returns, attack in the city!” “全体归来,在城里攻击!” At this time the sound conveyed from the sky together, sees only the familiar form from airborne to arrive together, when the people fixed the eyes on looked, immediately the great happiness is incomparable. 这时候一道声音从上空传来,只见一道熟悉的身影从空中降临,众人定睛一看时,顿时大喜无比。 Comes is not Yi Tianyun, but who can also? 前来的不是易天云,还能有谁?
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