CLS :: Volume #26

#2539: Seeking

People were many, will have the ghost to be very normal. However this type in ghost, does not represent stands that side foreign country Cultivator(s), may be , the choice betrays here person, is good to receive in exchange for the large amounts of resources. 人多了,会有内鬼很正常。不过这类型的内鬼,不代表是站在外域修炼者那边,有可能是为了自己,选择出卖这边的人,好换取大量的资源。 Which regardless of stands in one side, since betraying, is a wrong decision! What a pity cannot grasp, otherwise definitely will receive the extremely severe penalty! 无论站在哪一边,既然出卖这边,就是个错误的决定!可惜抓不出来,否则肯定会受到极为严厉的惩罚! Emperor dragon Yanxing they after understanding situation roughly, knew what's the matter, nothing but attacks and occupies some cities of surrounding. When seizes a battlefield newly, will sweep a great-circle, making here safe. 龙炎星帝他们在了解大致上的情况之后,知道怎么回事了,无非就是攻占外围的一些城市。新占领一个战场时,都会扫荡一大圈,让这里变得安全一点。 If all around has many villages or the cities, obviously is quite dangerous. cultivation base high spot did not say that cultivation base is quite low, then in the nearby activity obviously is quite difficult. 要是四周有着不少村落或者城镇,明显是比较危险的。修为高点的就不说了,修为比较低的,那在附近活动明显是比较困难的。 Therefore will send out Expert to sweep the surrounding cities, makes a space. This time sends out two star emperors, other ten stars exit to sweep supremely, was actually the quite safe procedure. 因此都会派出强者来扫荡周边的城镇,腾出一个空间来。这次派出两位星帝,还有其他十星至尊出去扫荡,其实是相当安全的做法了。 Before sweeping, definitely sends for investigating, knows that the situation of enemy, will send for sweeping on the whole. Is always impossible to send for sweeping directly, that without doubt was too dangerous. 在扫荡之前,肯定是派人出去探查一圈,知道大体上敌人的情况,才会派人去扫荡的。总不可能直接派人出去扫荡,那无疑是太危险了。 After all does not know the situation of opposite party, sends for sweeping, how when the time comes dead does not know. 毕竟不知道对方的情况,就派人出去扫荡,到时候怎么死都不知道。 The present is to know in the situation, will send for sweeping, has this mistake, means that definitely disclosed secret information, otherwise knows that has two star emperors? 现在是知道情况下,才会派人去扫荡,却是出现这种差错,意味着肯定被通风报信了,否则怎么会知道有两位星帝呢? In the ghost as for the fixed star emperor, this difficulty is not similarly low, although the star emperor are not many, but said that also has over a hundred, in this does lock the ghost? 至于锁定星帝内鬼,这个难度同样不低,星帝虽说不多,但怎么说也有个上百位,这个怎么锁定内鬼? Investigations in the past? The difficulty is quite high, is on the contrary easy to cause the repugnance. Especially some loyal, was actually investigated, definitely somewhat is not feeling well. 难道一位位调查过去?难度还是比较高的,反倒容易引起反感。尤其是一些忠心的,却被调查,肯定有几分不爽的。 This they know, for this reason Emperor dragon Yanxing from the beginning, does not have to report the above investigation first, but begins to save purple Emperor Yun Xing first, this is most important. 这点他们都知道,为此龙炎星帝一开始,就没有先去报告上面调查,而是先动手去救紫云星帝,这才是最重要的。 I understood roughly, is which city?” Emperor dragon Yanxing inquired. “大体我明白了,是哪一座城市?”龙炎星帝询问道。 Is the Tianmen city, but that will have fled in all directions, definitely will not continue to treat in the Tianmen city...... I think the position, should be here!” “是天门城,不过那会都四处逃窜了,肯定不会继续待在天门城了……我觉得方位,应该是这边!” Here!” “这边!” The similar hand signal, lifts to aim at the front direction basically together, exactly the same. 同样的手势,基本一起抬起指向前面的方向,一模一样。 Fire Qi Xingdi looks to Yi Tianyun, some surprise, she has not thought that Yi Tianyun will be the same with the position that oneself will refer to! Two people definitely have not exchanged, Yi Tianyun does not know the position, but was actually to refer to now right. 火麒星帝看向易天云,有些诧异,她没想到易天云会跟自己指的方位一样!两人肯定是没有交流过,易天云是不知道方位的,可现在却是指对了。 I can feel purple Emperor Yun Xing in the front position.” The Yi Tianyun vision brilliant is staring front, his Investigating Eye saw clearly, range that purple Emperor Yun Xing is, even the surrounding situation looks clear. “我能感觉到紫云星帝就在前面的方位。”易天云目光灼灼地盯着前面,他的探查之眼已经清楚地看出来,紫云星帝所在的范围了,甚至就连周边的情况都看得一清二楚。 Present purple Emperor Yun Xing the situation is quite dangerous, even can say at a condition of being on the verge of death, moreover was given to hold! Did not think caught words, on good many. 现在的紫云星帝情况相当危险,甚至可以说处在一个濒死的状态,而且还被人给抓住了!本来以为不被抓到的话,会好上很多。 Who knew is held, belonged to the most awful result. Was caught, means that wants to intrude in the enemy camp, the difficulty can say that rose doubled and re-doubled. 谁知还是被抓住了,属于最为糟糕的结果。被抓到,就意味着想要闯入敌方阵营之中,难度可以说成倍上升了。 „Can you feel the front situation?” Fire Emperor Qi Xing they feel some surprise, thought that is unlikely. “你能感受到前面的情况?”火麒星帝她们感到有些诧异,觉得不太可能。 Direction that fire Qi Xingdi refers, is a direction roughly, after all separates from that side, therefore plans to start from that side first. To put it bluntly, is a speculation, has not thought of this speculation, actually correct position. 火麒星帝所指的方向,就是一个大致上的方向,毕竟是从那边分开的,因此打算先从那边入手。说白了,就是个推测,没想到这个推测,倒是个正确的方位。 Said, I have one type inborn sentences the feeling in advance, particularly looks for person, has the little induction, why does not know.” The Yi Tianyun expression explained indifferently, this inborn induction ability, basic having no way learned , can only explain like this. “怎么说呢,我有一种天生的预判感,尤其是找人方面,有一点点感应,不知为何。”易天云表情淡然地解释一番,这种天生感应能力,根本没法学会,也只能这样解释。 If he said that oneself has system Investigating Eye, can see that side clearly, that by these star emperors dissecting? 要是他说自己有系统探查之眼,能够清楚地看到那边,那还不被这些星帝给解剖了? This induction ability, actually some Cultivator(s) have, is only the relations of strong and weak. For example some twins, can the mutual induction to existence of opposite party, even the sense of direction, can feel. 这种感应能力,其实一些修炼者都有,只是强弱的关系罢了。例如一些双胞胎,都能够互相感应到对方的存在,甚至方向感,都能够感觉出来。 This is not very strange ability, but if can induce the unknown person, this was very unusual. How may be again unusual, this is also own one special capability, others want to study having no way to learn. 这并不是什么很古怪的能力,但如果是能感应未知的人,这点就很奇特了。可再怎么奇特,这也是自己的一种特殊能力,别人想学都没法学会。 No wonder so self-confident, but you have not seen purple Emperor Yun Xing, induces?” Emperor dragon Yanxing inquired. “难怪会有这般自信,可是你没见过紫云星帝,怎么感应出来?”龙炎星帝询问道。 This simplicity, is before very long, I in the purple cloud god pavilion, meet Divine Sense of purple Emperor Yun Xing, finally during Divine Sense integrates me to remember, I had the induction of purple Emperor Yun Xing.” Yi Tianyun had already prepared, says not the doubtable explanation. “这个简单,很久以前我在个紫云神阁里面,遇见紫云星帝的神念,最后神念融入我记忆之中,我就有紫云星帝的感应了。”易天云早就已经有所准备,说出不令人怀疑的解释来。 Originally is this...... Does that hurry to look to try?” Emperor dragon Yanxing at present one bright, words that can find, that was relaxed on are many. “原来是这样……那就赶紧找来试试?”龙炎星帝眼前一亮,真的是能找到的话,那就轻松上很多了。 „Is this induction ability, very accurate?” Fire Qi Xingdi to this said does not believe that after all the situation is so complex, but can also that clearly induce? “这种感应能力,很准确么?”火麒星帝对这表示不太相信,毕竟情况那么复杂,还能那么清楚地感应到? This did not say, but I thought that at least compared seeks at will, is better on many, not?” Yi Tianyun gives a calm smile. “这个不好说,但我觉得至少比随意寻找,要好上不少,不是么?”易天云淡然一笑。 Fire Qi Xingdi is at a loss for words immediately, thinks indeed so, after trading is her is leads them to reach the destination first, other roads are not quite clear how walked, can only feel some fight traces and so on, then seeks for other roads. 火麒星帝顿时语塞,想想的确如此,换做她先是带他们到达目的地之后,其余的路就不太清楚怎么走了,只能摸着一些战斗痕迹之类的,然后寻找其他路。 Snort, hopes that you can find, found your great merit one!” Fire Qi Xingdi thinks or listens to Yi Tianyun's to try, now she is confused, obeyed the Yi Tianyun's guidance to try, was really is not good said again. “哼,希望你真的能找到了,找到就记你大功一件!”火麒星帝觉得还是听易天云的试试,现在她都是一头雾水,还是听从易天云的引导试一试了,实在是不行再说。 Then is not suitable on the matter late, goes by quickest speed, I felt that the fluctuation of purple Emperor Yun Xing is somewhat weak, should have any danger evidently!” Yi Tianyun makes out of whole cloth several, said believes including oneself. “那就事不宜迟,以最快速度前往,我感觉紫云星帝的波动有些弱,看样子应该是有什么危险!”易天云瞎编几句,说得连自己都信了。 At once Emperor dragon Yanxing is leading them, plunders toward front by extremely quick speed, making a star emperor guide, without doubt own speed wanted on to be too many quickly. 旋即龙炎星帝带着他们俩,以极快的速度往前面掠去,让一位星帝带路,无疑比自己的速度要快上太多了。 Under the Yi Tianyun's direction, they proceed to fly rapidly, after thorough, Emperor dragon Yanxing is leading them quite low-key, went forward from below forest. 易天云的指引之下,他们迅速往前飞行,在深入之后,龙炎星帝就带着他们比较低调一点,从下方的森林前进了。 How here said that is the domains of others family/home, words that bursts at will, even if star Imperial City meets the dead end. 这里怎么说都是别人家的地盘,随意乱闯的话,就算是星帝都会死路一条。 Under continue sneak, speed of Emperor dragon Yanxing is quick, under the Yi Tianyun's instruction, approaches the destination more and more. 在持续潜入之下,龙炎星帝的速度很快,在易天云的指示之下,越来越靠近目的地。 Quickly under continual going over hill and dale, they arrive at a city, front can see by far has a giant city, has many guards to be stationed outside this city, looks at all around situation. 很快在连续翻山越岭之下,他们来到一座城市边上,远远地就能看到前面有着一座巨大的城市,在这城市外边有着不少守卫在驻扎着,看着四周的情况。 Purple Emperor Yun Xing was grasped in this city, I can feel that......” Yi Tianyun kept a serious look, this may quite be thorny. “紫云星帝就被抓进这个城市里了,我能感觉到……”易天云表情严肃,这可就相当棘手了。 Words that they want to submerge, is not that simple matter. This city is not obviously simple, feared that is star Imperial City has several, goes in? Watches zui to be new 他们想要潜入的话,可不是那么简单的事情。这座城市明显不简单,怕是星帝都有着好几位,怎么进去?观看zui新 Chapter Festival Welcome to-- cell phone address. 请到——手机地址.
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