CLS :: Volume #25

#2438: Feat of arms!

Bud clouds that now detonates within the body Strength of Bloodline truly, after stimulating within the body eight Yuan Old Ancestor Strength of Bloodline, its look too has not changed much, but the Power large scale promotion, by visible speed, inflates crazily. 巴德云现在才是真正引爆体内血脉之力,在激发自己体内八元老祖血脉之力后,它的相貌没有太多变化,但力量大幅度提升,以肉眼可见的速度,疯狂膨胀起来。 Does not calculate that in big body, contains extremely terrifying Power, was compressed to a degree of comparison limit! 并不算大的躯体中,却蕴含着极为恐怖的力量,被压缩到一个比较极限的程度! Yi Tianyun's Investigating Eye flashes, this Bud clouds that after stimulating eight Yuan Old Ancestor Bloodline , to promote seven eight 10 Times Power unexpectedly, Defense Power, significantly promotes. 易天云的探查之眼一闪,这巴德云在激发八元老祖血脉之后,竟然提升七八十倍力量,就连防御力,都大幅度提升起来。 These eight Yuan Old Ancestor Bloodline, but also is really enough Heaven Defying ! 这八元老祖血脉,还真是够逆天 Stimulates Bloodline Power, the might also is really astonishing Yi Tianyun vision twinkle, really Bud clouds that is not simple can be suppressed. “激发血脉力量,威力还真是惊人”易天云目光闪烁,果然巴德云不是简简单单就能被压制住的。 Light is the Level 6 Smelting Trial ten thousand beast marks, to me, but is not meaningful!” “光是六级试炼的万兽印记,对我来讲,可没有什么意义!” Bud cloud coldly snort, here kills especially toward ancient star, Power that erupts instantaneously, were too many compared with beforehand stronger on. Almost is suddenly, kills ancient star especially front, starts one crazily to punch fiercely! 巴德云冷哼一声,就往古星特这边杀过来,瞬间爆发的力量,比起之前要强上太多了。几乎是眨眼间,就杀到古星特面前,开始一顿疯狂猛揍! ancient star here vision shrinks especially, puts out a hand to resist rapidly, fist to fist, sincerely to the meat! 古星特这边目光一缩,迅速伸手抵挡起来,拳头对拳头,拳拳到肉! Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” Terrifying Power mutually to bang, without magnificent style, has no cunning skill, is the fist pounds fiercely! Fight of giant beast so, went all out/spelled is the fist and physique, will not say that with any scheme, is very direct. 恐怖的力量互相对轰,没有华丽的招式,也没有什么刁钻的技巧,就是拳头猛砸!巨兽的战斗就是如此,拼的就是拳头和体魄,不会说用什么计谋,就是非常直接。 But is so direct, can hit to explode all in the same old way. Their physique and speed, were really Heaven Defying , light depends upon this difference, suppressed all sufficiently. 可就是如此直接,照样能打爆一切。它们的体魄速度,真的是太逆天了,光是依靠这两样,就足以镇压一切了。 Yi Tianyun speculated that this Power and speed, facing normal Heavenly Star Supreme Late Stage Cultivator(s), can definitely hitting to explode the opposite party. For example that nine clouds are supreme, similarly touches to the situations of nine star supreme thresholds, by Bud will be said surely hitting to explode! 易天云推测这力量速度,面对正常的天星至尊后期修炼者,肯定能把对方给打爆了。例如那九云至尊,同样摸到九星至尊门槛的情况下,必定会被巴德云给打爆! The however nine stars can use array supremely, or is day of star-level treasure and so on resists hardly, this can support actually. If no, will be hit to explode surely with ease. 不过九星至尊能用阵法,或者是天星级宝物之类的硬抗,这个倒是能撑下来。要是没有的话,必定会被轻松打爆。 In the situation of same level, the giant beast clan basically is invincible existence! 同层次的情况下,巨兽族基本是无敌的存在! ancient star under this Power suppression, retrocedes especially again and again, injury all of a sudden were much many, seemed quite distressed compared with before. Effect that ten thousand beast marks bring, all of a sudden by Bloodline Power of opposite party suppressing. 古星特在这股力量镇压下,连连后退,身上的伤势一下子多了不少,比起之前显得相当狼狈。万兽印记所带来的效果,一下子就被对方的血脉力量给压制住了。 If Bud did not say that ten thousand beast marks, ancient Xingte can also suppress actually, or clouds impartially with Bud. Now was different, Bud clouds that in having the situations of ten thousand beast marks, stimulates own Bloodline Power again, the achieved effect is quite astonishing, is almost all -around suppression! 要是巴德云没有万兽印记的话,古星特倒是还能压制住,或者是跟巴德云持平。现在不同了,巴德云在有万兽印记的情况下,再激发自己的血脉力量,达到的效果就相当惊人,几乎是全方位的压制! Punches crazily fiercely, hits ancient Xingte to retreat in defeat again and again, keeps off cannot block. 一路疯狂猛揍,打得古星特节节败退,挡都挡不住。 Ha, I said that Bud clouds cannot lose!” When Third Elder sees this, laughs happily, the Level 6 difficulty Smelting Trial ten thousand beast marks are quite precious, but under the dual overlay, ancient Xingte counter-attacked in the same old way. “哈哈哈,我就说巴德云不会输!”三长老看到这一幕时,开心大笑起来,六级难度试炼的万兽印记是相当珍贵,但在双重叠加之下,古星特照样被反扑。 When other giant beast clans see this situation, shakes the head in abundance, clouds to say like Bud, if ancient Xingte only depended upon these ten thousand beast marks, that must lose without doubt. 其他巨兽族看到这情况时,都纷纷摇了摇头,如同巴德云所说,要是古星特就只依靠这万兽印记的话,那就是必输无疑了。 It, if absorbs eight Yuan Old Ancestor Blood Essence, will not definitely have this situation.” “它要是吸收八元老祖精血,肯定不会出现这种情况了。” If absorbs eight Yuan Old Ancestor Blood Essence, Bud clouds that can put out Primal Chaos to crystallize with it bets?” “要是吸收掉八元老祖精血,巴德云会拿出混沌结晶跟它赌?” Really does not think clearly, but also wants the Primal Chaos crystallization to make anything, ancient Xingte the situation, touched to nine star supreme thresholds, wanted Primal Chaos to crystallize wastes.” “真是想不明白,还要混沌结晶做什么,古星特的情况,都摸到九星至尊门槛了,要混沌结晶都是浪费。” Yes, if absorbs eight Yuan Old Ancestor Blood Essence, Bud cloud Kending was suppressed. Now was difficult.” “就是,要是吸收八元老祖精血,巴德云肯定被压制。现在难了。” They are whooping, thought that the ancient star unique point is silly. Before does not know that it touched to nine star supreme thresholds, now after fight, was knows that ancient Xingte has traced to nine star supreme thresholds, the help that in this case, Primal Chaos crystallized is not big, most can only bring cultivation. 它们议论纷纷着,觉得古星特有点傻。之前不知道它摸到九星至尊门槛了,现在经过战斗之后,便是知道古星特已经摸到九星至尊门槛了,在这种情况下,混沌结晶的帮助就不大了,最多只能拿来修炼而已了。 Because the Primal Chaos crystallization obtains eight Yuan Old Ancestor Power in addition to hold, therefore is very precious, general treasure, but also really does not hate to take to take the gambling stake. This is a symbol, rather than weighed by the ordinary crystallization. 由于混沌结晶得到过八元老祖力量的加持,因此还是十分珍贵的,一般的宝物,还真的是不舍得拿出来作为赌注。这可是一种象征,而不是以普通的结晶来衡量了。 However essentially is ordinary crystallization treasure, does not have too many highlights. Eight Yuan Old Ancestor in addition hold, but also really does not have the precious view. 不过本质上就是普通的结晶宝物,没有太多的亮点。要不是有八元老祖的加持,还真是没有珍贵的说法。 Therefore they thought that is not quite cost-effective, 因此它们觉得相当不划算, What's wrong, your beforehand imposing manner? How now to have?” Bud clouds sneers, before it was suppressed, felt uncomfortable, is one's turn it to overturn very now finally. “怎么,你之前的气势呢?现在怎么都没了?”巴德云冷笑不已,之前它被压制时,感到十分不爽,现在总算轮到它翻盘了。 ancient star was hit in the situation of retreating in defeat again and again especially, bites the jaw tightly, the situation indeed is quite bad. Ten thousand beast mark previous advantages, have not continued to get down, it will definitely be made outside, when the time comes is not it cannot shoulder, but lost directly. 古星特被打得节节败退的情况下,紧咬牙关,情况的确是比较糟糕。万兽印记都没有先前的优势了,继续这么下去,它肯定会被打出场外的,到时候不是它扛不住,而是直接输了。 At this time, ancient Xingte looked at one toward Lena that side, then clenches teeth to get angry tightly exclaims: Do not think, only then you, have killing move, I have!” 在这时候,古星特往扎丽娜那边看了一眼,然后紧咬牙怒吼道:“别以为只有你,才有杀招,我也有!” ancient star angrily roars especially, within the body Bloodline Power is stimulated similarly, Bloodline Power surges crazily, fur becomes the light golden color. 古星特怒吼一声,体内血脉力量同样被激发出来,血脉力量疯狂涌动起来,皮毛变为淡淡的金色。 Follows to continue with Bud saying that to rumbling, both's Power increases crazily. ancient star after the promotion, had not then been suppressed especially was so fierce, is more or less flat with Power that Bud clouds. 跟着继续跟巴德云对轰起来,两者的力量都疯狂攀升起来。古星特在提升之后,便是没有被压制那么厉害了,基本跟巴德云的力量持平。 Two giant beast hit is heavily engaged, no one falls behind are too many, is seemingly evenly matched. 两头巨兽打得不可开交,没有谁落后太多,看起来势均力敌。 Under unceasingly the crazy bang, on two giant beast the dripping with blood, looks quite terrifying. However ancient Xingte the situation was much better, it had half Undead Body , Recovery speed was quite astonishing, compared with Bud clouds that was astonishing. 在不断狂轰之下,两头巨兽身上鲜血淋漓,看起来相当恐怖。不过古星特的情况就好多了,它拥有半不死之躯,恢复速度相当惊人,比起巴德云都要惊人。 Bud cloud can/but does not have this half Undead Body , therefore does not have the ancient star anti- to punch especially. Has saying that this was also one of the ancient Xingte advantages, that was anti- punches! 巴德云可没有这种半不死之躯,因此没有古星特那么抗揍。不得不说,这也是古星特的优势之一了,那就是抗揍! Words that continues to get down, Bud cloud Kending will be consumed. Power that only if Bud clouds increased significantly, that other said. 继续这么下去的话,巴德云肯定会被耗死。除非巴德云的力量大幅度攀升,那就另外说了。 This also called killing move, you were too naive!” “这也叫杀招,那你就太天真了!” Bud clouds to laugh, both hands pulled fiercely, extremely terrifying Power, burst out from its palm, changed into five divine light to shell. 巴德云大笑起来,双手猛地一阵拉扯,一股极为恐怖的力量,从它手掌上迸发而出,化为五道神光轰击过来。 Bang!” “轰!” ancient star was blown off especially, after withdrawing a distance, stops reluctantly. At this time its chest place blasted out a big opening, now naked eye obvious speed, has been healing rapidly. 古星特被炸飞了出去,在退后一段距离之后,才勉强停下来。此时它胸膛处被炸开一个大口子,现在已肉眼可见的速度,迅速愈合着。 This is the Cultivator(s) feat of arms!” The ancient star special vision shrinks, they have no way to use any feat of arms, never expected that Bud clouds that can show the feat of arms unexpectedly! “这是修炼者的武技!”古星特目光一缩,它们是没法使用什么武技的,没想到巴德云竟然能施展武技! This made it feel inconceivable, giant beast with Cultivator(s) most wide difference, lay in having no way to use the feat of arms. Now Bud clouds that can use unexpectedly! 这就让它感到不可思议了,巨兽修炼者的最大差别,就在于没法使用武技。现在巴德云竟然能使用! The Yi Tianyun vision concentrates, Bud who this has not conducted the evolution clouds, can use the feat of arms unexpectedly, but also is really not as he expected. 易天云目光一凝,这没有进行演化的巴德云,竟然能使用武技,还真是出乎他的预料。 This interesting “这有点意思了” Yi Tianyun touches the chin, evidently ancient star unique danger. 易天云摸了摸下巴,看样子古星特有危险了。
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