CLS :: Volume #24

#2336: Purple Dragon Mountain

The Purple Flame Star situation, is similar to the outside world description, all around completely is in a purple space. The ground, is nearby rock, is purple existences. 紫炎星的情况,如同外界描述的一样,四周完全处在一个紫色空间中。无论是地面,还是边上的山石,均是紫色的存在。 Here is whirling around in all directions the terrifying purple flame, this purple flame is very cold, slightly in words by volume, even if Divine Star Venerable Expert feared that will be injured. Dies is insufficient actually, but by this purple words of flame to volume, the purple flame will be deflagrated, person freezing! 在这里四处都翻卷着恐怖的紫炎,这紫炎十分寒冷,稍微被卷中的话,就算是神星尊强者怕是都会受伤。死倒是不至于,但被这紫炎给卷中的话,紫炎就会迅速燃烧过来,把人给冻住! If there is been fired by the purple flame, that must die without doubt. In the present region, will have once for a while a huge purple large flame, from ground spraying. They looked like steadily eye, threw unceasingly toward Yi Tianyun. 要是一直被紫炎所灼烧,那肯定必死无疑了。眼前的区域中,时不时就会有一条巨大的紫色火舌,从地面喷射而出。它们就像是长了眼睛似的,不断往易天云这边扑上来。 Yi Tianyun is avoiding this purple flame with ease, the current situation is good, not special hazard. Purple flame that curls, might can only be general, by no means strongest might. The true purple flame attacks, let alone was Divine Star Venerable Initial Stage cultivation base, Late Stage cultivation base feared that sufficed to drink a pot. 易天云轻松躲避着这紫炎,目前的情况还算良好,并没有特别危险。卷出来的紫炎,威力只能算是一般,并非最强的威力。真正的紫炎攻击过来,别说是神星尊前期修为了,就连后期修为怕是都够喝一壶的。 Here also is really the danger, Purple Flame Clan can treat here, it seems like all around is the physique occupies the purple flame that superior......” Yi Tianyun looks at wreaks havoc, is quite frightened. “这里还真是危险,紫炎族能一直待在这里,看来都是体质占优啊……”易天云看着四周肆虐的紫炎,还是比较惊悚的。 Only then some regions do not have the matter, the majority of regions will emit the purple flame once for a while. Some regions seem like tranquil, this has not stood there how long, feared that will have the purple flame to sweep across, person embezzling. 只有少部分区域没有事情,大部分区域都会时不时冒出紫炎来。有些区域看似平静,这都没站在那里多久,怕是就会有紫炎席卷上来,把人给吞没掉了。 Purple Flame Clan can treat here, is they can control the purple flame purely, has the body of that purple flame! Under the body of this purple flame, they not only can control the purple flame, but can also resist the attack of this purple flame, and can absorb! 紫炎族能一直待在这里,纯粹就是他们能控制紫炎,有着那紫炎之躯!在这紫炎之躯下,他们不光能掌控紫炎,还能抵挡这紫炎的攻击,并且能吸收! Naturally, the cultivation base too low words, these purple inflammations cannot absorb at will, even if Purple Flame Clan, does not have the rhodopsin flame completely. The cultivation base low words, will be frozen in the same old way become the ice sculpture. 当然,修为太低的话,这些紫炎就不能随意吸收了,就算是紫炎族,也不是完全无视紫炎的。修为低的话,照样会被冻成冰雕。 Here has not seen any Demon Beast really and so on, the plant is the purple. Can survive the plant here, is not the common plant. Naturally, these plant by no means anything precious Divine Medicine, but where to will not go similarly simply, picks, can sell the good price. 在这里还真的没见到什么妖兽之类的,就连植物都是紫色的。能生存在这里的植物,都不是一般的植物。当然,这些植物并非什么珍贵神药,但同样不会简单到哪里去,采摘回去,也能卖不错的价钱。 If counted on that these can sell book, that is the impossible matter. Although these amethyst tree prices are not bad, but will not be valuable, feared that the amethyst tree of most mountainside digging, could not obtain half Star Venerable level treasure money. The key once for a while will have purple flame to brave, feared that has not pulled out many amethyst trees, must be frozen several times. 如果指望这些能卖回本的话,那是不可能的事情。虽说这些紫晶树价格不差,但也不会很值钱,怕是把大半山腰的紫晶树给挖了,都得不到半件星尊宝物的钱吧。关键还时不时会有紫炎冒出来,怕是没有拔多少棵紫晶树,就要被冻住好几次了。 Meanwhile, the puppet of Yi Tianyun control, suffered several times to attack. Was good to make the puppet avoid reluctantly, if died quickly here, definitely will cause some suspicions. Therefore temporarily cannot make puppet die, otherwise definitely will realize. 同时,易天云控制的傀儡,已经遭受到好几次攻击了。好在都让傀儡勉强躲避了,要是那么快就死在这里,肯定会引起一些怀疑。因此还是暂时不能让傀儡死掉,否则肯定会有所察觉。 Puppet cultivation base was too low, almost died......” Yi Tianyun to shake the head, this piece of region purple flame by no means was very fortunately frequent, otherwise that may really very be troublesome. “傀儡的修为太低了,差点就死了……”易天云摇了摇头,还好这片区域紫炎并非很频繁,不然那可就真的很麻烦了。 At this time Yi Tianyun starts the position that goes to the supreme grass to be, concealment Aura / breath, flies all the way quietly toward the destination. After all the destination in the forbidden area, on the road very much may meet Purple Flame Clan. If had been discovered by the opposite party, that may really be a hundred mouths cannot explain it away. 此时易天云开始前往至尊草所在的方位,一路上隐匿气息,悄悄地往目的地飞去。毕竟目的地是在禁区之中,路上就很有可能遇到紫炎族。要是被对方发现了,那可就真的是百口莫辩了。 As narrows the distance rapidly, quick Yi Tianyun arrives at an unusual region. This region, with other regions, does not have the purple flame, the purple flame exists, once for a while will ascend, goes to the volume outside living thing. 随着迅速缩短距离,很快易天云就来到一个奇特的区域。这片区域,跟其他区域不一样,并非没有紫炎,紫炎还是存在的,时不时会升腾出来,把外面的生物给卷进去。 The disparity lies here environment becomes colder, the purple flame of twinkle becomes more dangerous! Once braves, is similar to Purple Dragon, toward here swallows crazily, wants to give to swallow in the entrance all! 差距在于这里的环境变得更加寒冷,闪烁的紫炎变得更加危险!一旦冒出来,就如同一条紫龙般,往这边疯狂吞噬上来,想把一切都给吞噬入口中! Without a doubt, here situation wants the danger more than outside. Worthily is the forbidden area, feared not actually the Foreign Race person will rush dead, but will be here environment is different, the amethyst tree will become more. Under so crowded amethyst tree, means that will be easier to find some precious Spirit Medicine. 毫无疑问,这里的情况比外面要危险很多。不愧是禁区,倒不是怕外族人闯进来会死,而是这里的环境都不一样了,紫晶树变得更多。在如此密集的紫晶树之下,就意味着会更容易找到一些珍贵的灵药了。 Yi Tianyun disregards these strengthened many time of purple inflammations, then sneaks in the amethyst tree, is quietly the position that goes to the supreme grass to be. In the above flight, was discovered extremely easily, can only move through the amethyst tree under. 易天云无视这些强化很多倍的紫炎,然后潜入紫晶树内,悄无声息地前往至尊草所在的方位。在上空飞行,极为容易被发现,只能通过紫晶树下面行动了。 In following motion, meets in danger without doubt many. He just moved a distance, suddenly the purple flame wells up together from the under foot, gave the cling him. 在下面行动,无疑会危险上很多。他才刚刚移动一段距离,忽然间一道紫炎就从脚下涌上来,把他给卷住了。 The extremely cold flame, such sneaks into his within the body, has the blood of within the body his physique rapidly, gives to freeze. However Yi Tianyun had already prepared, within the body crazy revolution Power, fiercely the purple flame that this wells up pushing. 极为寒冷的火焰,就这么窜入他体内,迅速把他的体魄还有体内的血液,都给冻结起来。不过易天云早就有所准备,体内疯狂运转力量,猛地把这股涌进来的紫炎给挤出去。 , the might was really astonishing, hid fortunately quickly, otherwise was injured.” Yi Tianyun flung the leg, the purple ice sheet of under foot he flinging to fly. “呼,威力果然惊人,还好躲得快一点,否则就受伤了。”易天云甩了甩腿,脚下的紫冰被他给甩飞了。 cultivation base is too low, definitely frozen became the ice sculpture by a moment ago that purple flame, the effect was really too astonishing. 修为太低的,肯定被刚才那紫炎给冻成冰雕了,效果实在是太惊人了。 This is just the first time, quick presents the second attack, the third attack. Yi Tianyun has shouldered all the way this purple flame to go toward the forward-swept, has saying that also is really very uncomfortable. 这只不过是第一次罢了,很快就出现第二次攻击,还有第三次攻击。一路上易天云就一直扛住这紫炎往前掠去,不得不说还真是挺难受。 For the supreme grass, he can only be ready for any sacrifice. 为了至尊草,他只能豁出去了。 Draws near......” Yi Tianyun at present one brightly, soon arrived in the region that the supreme grass was at finally. “快到了……”易天云眼前一亮,总算快要抵达至尊草所在的区域了。 When he after this piece of amethyst tree, heaving in sight is a giant incomparable amethyst mountain! This amethyst mountain just like Giant Dragon, circles, surrounds dozens. Probably really words of careful observation, are Giant Dragon turn into. 当他穿过这片紫晶树之后,映入眼帘的便是一座巨大无比的紫晶山!这座紫晶山犹如一条巨龙,盘旋上去,环绕好几十圈。仔细观察的话,好像真的是一条巨龙所化成的。 All around the supreme grass in this amethyst mountain, no wonder from Investigating Eye, sees is the close amethyst, put in order a mountain being stranded in inside, definitely is the quite troublesome matter. 至尊草就在这座紫晶山内部,难怪从探查之眼中,看到四周都是封闭的紫晶,被整座山给困在里面,肯定是比较麻烦的事情。 When he just wants to look a position goes, suddenly the nearby broadcasts together the sound: This Purple Dragon Mountain, was Seal a little probably loose?” 当他刚想找个方位进去时,忽然间边上就传来一道声音:“这座紫龙山,好像封印有点松动了吧?” Yes, listening to Elder saying that Purple Dragon Mountain Seal was a little loose, continued such to get down, by Seal Purple Dragon, was feared will work loose Seal to come out, when the time comes our Purple Flame Clan, suffered to attack surely.” “是啊,听长老是这么说的,紫龙山封印有点松动了,继续这么下去,被封印紫龙,怕是会挣脱封印出来,到时候我们紫炎族,必定遭受到攻击了。” That what to do?” “那怎么办?” What to do can have, not to make outside Cultivator(s) come in now , helping to absorb the purple flame, this can continuing Seal gets down this Purple Dragon!” “能有怎么办,现在还不是让外面的修炼者进来,帮忙多吸收一点紫炎,这样能把这紫龙给继续封印下去!” What speech is two Purple Flame Clan Young Lady, they at the back of the small back-basket, as if prepared to climb mountains. Their cultivation base is not high, only then Great Star Venerable Initial Stage cultivation base, but deals with these purple inflammations not to have what issue, can suppress these effects, some might not big purple inflammations, look like wash to them hot bath. 说话的是两位紫炎族少女,她们背着个小背篓,似乎准备上山了。她们俩修为并不高,只有大星尊前期修为,但应付这些紫炎没有什么问题,本来就能压制这些效果,一些威力不大的紫炎,对她们来讲就像是洗热水澡似的。 Originally is what is all about......” the Yi Tianyun vision to dodge continually, no wonder they will open Purple Flame Star to come to numerous Foreign Race, originally is the help absorbs the purple flame! “原来是这么一回事……”易天云目光连闪,难怪他们会开放紫炎星给众多外族进来,原来是帮忙吸收紫炎! Absorbs the purple flame, for strengthens Seal, does not let be worked loose by Seal Purple Dragon. 吸收紫炎,为的就是加强封印,不让被封印紫龙挣脱出来。
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