Is raisingold man of lantern, thisMinistry of Ritesancestral halloffers a sacrifice to the doctor of Chinese medicineSir of honest officialsdivision, selects the secludedstreet, finallyarrives atred candletown/subduesCity God Pavilion, before bridges overdoorstep, in the old manhand the lanterntakes the leadto cross the threshold the time, likeacrossrippleripples, with isolate the ripples of Yin-Yangandwell water not interfering with river water, disappearing, is onlyin the old manbigred lantern, appearsfluttering fireflies that onegrazed the impingementcontinuouslyeverywhere, shining.
提着灯笼的老人,这位礼部祠祭清吏司的郎中大人,拣选僻静街道,最后来到红烛镇城隍阁,一脚跨过门槛之前,老人手中灯笼率先进入门内的时候,如同穿过一阵水纹涟漪,用以隔绝阴阳、井水不犯河水的涟漪,转瞬即逝,只是老人的大红灯笼内,出现了一缕缕四处飞掠撞壁的流萤,流光溢彩。Thelantern in old manhand, somepeoplewritewith the red ink brushonfourplainsmall characters, the soulgo and come.老人手中的这盏灯笼,有人以朱笔写就四个古朴小字,魂去来兮。This and county administrationdivides the palmYin-Yanggeneral affairsinCity God Pavilion, a potential surfacesuch as the confucian garmentold man of red jujubealwaysbows in salute, brightsound said: „Red candletown/subduescity god, pays a visit the doctor of Chinese medicineSir.”
这座与县衙分掌阴阳庶务的城隍阁内,一位面如红枣的儒衫老者向来者作揖,朗声道:“红烛镇城隍,拜见郎中大人。”confucian garmentold manZuo You/aboutalsostands a handto hold the civil officialman of jadetablet held by officials during imperial audience, wears armoron the saberandshoulderto squat a military commander of leopard cat, allcanbe included within the Yin thingcategorygodshero soul, threephysiqueappearances, withherehonored city godclay sculptureidol, the civil and militarytwoidols that Prosperous Culture PavilionMartial Saint Templeconsecrates, exactly the same.儒衫老者左右还站着一位手捧玉笏的文官男子,一个披甲佩剑、肩上蹲着一只狸猫的武将,俱是可以划入阴物范畴的神祇英灵,三位的身姿容貌,与此处城隍爷的泥塑神像,文昌阁武圣庙供奉的文武两神像,一模一样。Raises the old mannod of lanternto return salute, the complexionsaiddignifiedly: „Yourthreealreadyreceive the secret order of Imperial Court, in the surrounding areathousand li (500 km), gods that every large or smallsceneryRighteous God, landandRiver Matron, as well asCity God Pavilion and civil and militarytwotemplesconsecrate, mustintercept a wearing a swordmannamedA'Liang, east, south, west, and northfourdirections, inthatperson of retreatingsomeroute, if before there is a anybodydaresto fear the enemynot, orintentionallyhidden the strength, afterwardalldestroys the golden body, the Water Godgolden bodyfragmentburiesinmountain root, the Mountain Godfragmentsinks toriverbottom, yourpaviliontwotemplescome , is almost thisfate, when the time comesremovesfrom the placecounty annalscompletely.”
提着灯笼的老人点头还礼,脸色凝重道:“想必你们三位已经收到朝廷的密令,方圆千里之内,大大小小的山水正神、土地、河婆,以及城隍阁和文武两庙供奉的神祇,都要截杀一个名叫阿良的佩刀男子,东南西北四个方向,在那人撤退的某条路线上,如果有任何人胆敢畏敌不前,或是故意隐藏实力,事后一律打碎金身,水神金身碎片埋于山根,山神碎片沉入江底,你们一阁两庙出身的,也差不多是这个下场,到时候全部从地方县志除名。”old manshows a smile, eases up the atmosphere, „does not wantyouto go, butdetainsfull power, your majestymaps out strategic plans in an army tentpersonally, therefore is also the golden opportunity that everyoneperforms good deeds, now the going southfootsteps of myGreat Licavalry, irresistible, once the domainexpands, on the territory of perishingcountry's, will then vacatemanybetterhigherposition, to youmeansanything, knowledgeway, youfor a long timeoccupy the god position, wantsto cometo understand.”老人露出一丝笑容,缓和一下气氛,“不是要你们争相赴死,只是全力拦阻而已,陛下亲自运筹帷幄,所以也是各位建功立业的大好时机,如今我大骊铁骑的南下脚步,势不可挡,一旦版图扩张,亡国的疆土上,便会空出许多更好更高的位置来,对于你们来说意味着什么,这其中的学问门道,你们久居神位,想来都明白。”ThreeplaceSpiritual Godmake noiserespectivelygenerously.
三位地方神灵分别慷慨出声。„Subordinatedoes not dareto scuffle!”
“定当全力以赴!”„Before deathisGreat Lihad died in battleonetime, must enjoy the burning incenseseveral hundredyears, from, whenput together the golden bodydisruption, mustmakethatdoggutswickedliaogiveinthis!”
“生前就已为大骊战死过一次,如今得享香火数百年,自当拼了金身碎裂,也要让那狗胆恶獠授首于此!”old mangratifiednod, „southbeautiful country, after Great Li, surelyneedsto rely uponeveryone , helping assume the mountains and riversdestiny, in brief, ourlustrengthconcentric, joins together to accomplish a great task.”老人欣慰点头,“南边的大好河山,大骊以后肯定需要仰仗各位,帮着坐镇山河气运,总之,我们勠力同心,共襄盛举。”
--Slightlyclose to the fine winerivershrine in red candletown/subdues,
稍稍靠近红烛镇的玉液江神祠内,Oncepresented the tall and strongmaninviewShuijiewithlanternold mantogether, the realstatusis the Ministry of WarmilitaryelectsinShiro, cansay that thisrobust man, is runninglife-and-death power of Great Lidynastymostrivers and lakespeople, butoffered a sacrifice to the honest officialsdivisioncompared with the old manMinistry of Ritesancestral hall, the formerwas describedin the mixedfishtortoisewithboghad to do, latteractuallyinpersonjokelong lifematterwithdaoist immortal.
曾经和灯笼老人一起出现在观水街的魁梧汉子,真实身份是兵部武选司郎中,可以说这位壮汉,掌管着大骊王朝大部分江湖人士的生杀大权,只不过比起老人的礼部祠祭清吏司,前者被形容成跟泥塘里的杂鱼王八打交道,后者却是跟神仙中人笑谈长生事。In the rivershrine, is standingtwoimposing mannergoodriver waterRighteous God, a manpowerholds the shiny blackironspear/gun, once for a whilehas the goldenengraved inscriptiontwinkleto shine, an azure snakewindingarm, the nimble and resourcefulazure snakeintermittenceopens the smallmouth, puts outsnowwhiteaura.
江神祠内,站着两位气势不俗的江水正神,一人手持黑黝黝铁枪,时不时有金色铭文闪烁亮起,一位青蛇缠绕手臂,灵动青蛇间歇性张开小嘴,吐出一口口雪白色的气息。Tworivergodwhole bodiesare fillingfogmistysteam.
两位江神浑身弥漫着雾蒙蒙的水气。Robust mansinkingsound said: „Oncedraws in a net, thatblade mastermustrun awaytoward the southmostly, thereforewantsyouto meet here, when the time comesIcanfirstmake a moveto detain, the deadfellow daoist not deadpoor daoistmatter, Iwantto doactually, perhapsbutYour Majesty Emperoris staring atusnow, thereforelendsmytencouragenot to dareto do, hopes that yourtwo, similarlydo not disappointYour Majesty Emperor.”
The menspeakthengo out of the rivershrinein big strides, to the northernred candletown/subdues, takes off the coatsimply, revealsvigorousmuscle and fiercetattoo, commonthick patch of grassmartial artistabsolutelynot the shoulderdragon that dares the markto carve, the backmarkhas a Chulinhu.
汉子说完话便大踏步走出江神祠,面向北方的红烛镇,干脆脱去上衣,露出一身雄健肌肉和狰狞的纹身,一条寻常草莽武人绝对不敢纹刻的过肩龙,背部则纹有一头出林虎。Under the moonlight, the mandoublebraceletchest, motionless like a mountain, the imposing mannersurges upward.
--To that long street of pillowpostfront dooron, thattriesto persuadeLin Shouyito return to the Forever Spring Palacewomanalong withhertogether, has not gone far away, butchoseby the street a wineshop, has the youngprettyfemalestorekeeperto buy wine, was sayingwith the guestmeatjoke that cannot withstandvulgarly, the femaleis without turning a hair, hershrinkinghusband, butworksearnestly.
通向枕头驿大门的那条长街上,那名试图劝说林守一随她一起返回长春宫的妇人,并没有远去,而是挑选了街旁一家酒肆,有年轻貌美的女子掌柜沽酒,与客人说着粗鄙不堪的荤腥笑话,女子面不改色,她那个畏畏缩缩的丈夫,只是埋头做事。ThisForever Spring Palaceremote antiquityelder, the sidesitsgirl that on the gorgeous boatrowed a boatinitially, sheis the generationinexpensiveJi'sboatmenfemalefamily background, butthistimeobtains the hugeluckyreason, was pickedbysidemaster, mustbe taken away the immortal technique in Forever Spring Palacecultivatedlegend. According to the view of masterthisheavens abovefalls, the girltalentis good, it is estimated thatis the generationaccording to the relations that the wateroccupies , with peacefulriverbad karmaentanglement, therefore the inbornwater affinity, belongsto be likelyto advance into the Middle Five Floorsgoodaptitude.
这位长春宫的太上长老,身边坐着当初画舫上划船的少女,她是世代贱籍的船家女出身,只是这次得到天大的福缘,被身边这个师父相中,要被带去长春宫修行传说中的仙术。按照这个天上掉下来的师父的说法,少女天赋不错,估计是世代依水而居的关系,又与冲澹江孽缘纠缠,故而天生亲水,属于有望跻身中五楼的不俗资质。girldoes not know that whatisMiddle Five Floors, at this moment, studieshermasteronesmallto drink the strong liquor, is notbecausefearsto be drunk, the boatmenfemalewill not havenot to drink, butwill beon the master the bearing of thatunusual conditions, makinggirlcannot help butwantto imitate.少女不知道什么叫中五楼,此时此刻,学她师父一小口喝着烈酒,不是因为怕醉,船家女就没有不会喝酒的,而是师父身上那种浑然天成的气度,让少女不由自主就想要去模仿。girlaskedin a soft voice: „Master, why doesn't the youngsterhopealong withustoForever Spring Palace?”少女轻声问道:“师父,那少年为何不愿随我们去往长春宫啊?”
The woman who the realage is almost close totwoThisadvanced ages, gives a calm smile, „but actuallycannotsayhimnot to know good from bad, can only say that the fatehas not arrived. cultivatedis certainly repairing the strength, thislooks like the constructionhouse, needsto tamp down a firm foundation, butdecidesfinallyhighlyhigh, was still looksto cultivate the mind, cultivateswhatsituation. ThatLin Shouyi, the dispositionis firm, is the inborncultivating Daogoodembryo, even if not entermyForever Spring Palace, samecanwalk. Thereforeyoumusttry hard, has the opportunitywhen the nextreunion, does not needto thinkagainfeels inferior.”
真实岁数几乎接近两甲子高龄的妇人,淡然一笑,“倒也不能说他不知好歹,只能说缘分未到吧。修行当然是在修力,这就像是建造房子,需要夯实地基,可是决定最终高度有多高,仍是看修心,修到了什么地步。那个林守一,心性坚定,是个天生修道的好胚子,哪怕不入我长春宫,一样可以走得很远。所以你要努力,才有机会在下一次重逢之时,不用再觉得自惭形秽。”girlun, lowered the headto drink a liquor.少女嗯了一声,低头喝了口酒。Has saying that the woman of thislasting youthfulness, the bearingmind is quite as if good.
The red candletown/subdueswelcomed the vibration for the first time.
红烛镇第一次迎来震动。Is goodis very bigbecause of the imposing manner, butaffects the small townbuildingsoundtruly, is actually very small, butinashorefurnitureshakingandriver the gorgeous boatsways.
The womancomplexionchanges, „is really Upper Five FloorsQi Refiner.”
The womenhave a heavy heart, saidin a soft voice: „Only the hope should not be tensecond floor in legend, orSchool of MilitaryQi Refiner of 11buildings.”
妇人心情沉重,轻声道:“只希望不要是传说中的十二楼,或是十一楼的兵家练气士。”Shesaidtogirl: „Under after Ileave, no matterhasanything, should not be startled, remainssame placeand that's the end.”
她对少女说道:“等下我离开之后,不管发生什么,不要惊慌,留在原地就是了。”Oncefoughtto their realmdaoist immortal, the mortalmet with a disasterdid not say, even ifknew the disasterto be imminent, not necessarilycould run.
一旦到了他们这个境界的神仙打架,凡人遭殃不说,哪怕知道灾祸临头,也未必跑得掉。Reallyis unable to imagine, ifworld72academyhave not assumed a side, besidestrongestSchool of MilitarycultivatorwithoutThree Doctrines, has to the innateattachmentdynasty, withoutso manymountains and rivers gods, helping the dynastymonarchiesfollow closelyandimpede the mountain topinfluence, thenthisworld, randomlytowhatsituation?
实在无法想象,如果天下没有七十二座书院坐镇一方,没有三教之外最强势的兵家修士,不得不先天依附王朝,没有那么多山水神祇,帮着王朝君主们盯梢、掣肘山上势力,那么这个天下,到底会乱到什么地步?Shedoes not dareto imagine.
她不敢想象。Even ifwomanaremountain topdaoist immortal.
--A'Liangarrives at the open area outside corridor, the sleevesflap flap, both handsdistinctionholding downgreenbamboo blade and slenderbladeXiangfu, the bigmouthbreathed, probablydid not have the camouflagesecret of bamboo hat, did not havesometypedesirablyforitsuppression, thismancanstretch the physiquefinally, does not useagaintimid and hesitant.阿良来到廊道外的空地,衣袖猎猎,双手分别按住绿色竹刀和狭刀祥符,大口呼吸了一下,好像没有了斗笠的遮蔽天机,没有了某种刻意为之的压制,这个男人终于能够舒展身姿,不用再束手束脚。A'Liangas ifdid not feel relieved,lookstosomewhere, urged: „You, althoughis the Yingod who cultivating Daohas, butGreat Li the national strengthprogresses day by daynow, eachstrategic passbigcity, Yang Qiis often staunch, innaterestrains your kind of ghosts and demonsYin thing, youcanmakeLin Shouyiattemptto refineseveralPure Yangsymbols in thatpack of talisman, asyourEntry Writ.”阿良似乎不太放心,望向某处,又叮嘱道:“你虽是一尊修道有成的阴神,但是大骊如今国势蒸蒸日上,每座雄关大城,往往阳气刚烈,先天克制你们这类鬼魅阴物,你可以让林守一尝试着炼化那叠符箓里的几张纯阳符,作为你的通关文牒。”Corridornot far away, afterA'Liangmakes noise, presentsonegroup of shadows, the personappearsslowly, appearsin the Chen Ping'anfourpeople of fields of vision, the blackfogwinds around, the blackfogwinds around, except for a clearly discerniblehead, the facial featuresis distinct, snowsupercilious lookpupil that a pairdoes not have the pupil, the strangeto terrifyperson, the tallfigureis indistinct, fuzzy, such asenterssaysFlood Dragon, seesnot to see the tail.
这尊所谓的阴神点了点头。A'Liangsaid with a smile: „Igaveyouthesechildren, escorted after at least the Great Licountrymanclosed/pass, laterlooks attheirgood fortunes. Alwayssuchold mother henprotects the bastard, eventuallyis not a matter. Thousandpeople of Nono, is inferior toplainspoken of the gentleman, Ibelieveyou.”阿良笑道:“那我就把这些孩子交给你了,最少护送到大骊野夫关之后,之后就看他们自己的造化吧。总这么老母鸡护崽子,终究不是个事。千人之诺诺,不如一士之谔谔,我相信你。”ThatYingodwith the typicalsmall towndialect, the hoarseopens the mouthasked: „Does senior, whyliketo believehistoryunclearYin thing?”
那尊阴神用地地道道的小镇方言,沙哑开口问道:“前辈,为何愿意相信一个来历不明的阴物?”A'Liangwas happy, straightmoon's orbit: „Looks atyourappearance, looksis so unreasonable, looksis the cold-heartedhotchivalryfeelings.”阿良乐了,直白道:“看你的面相啊,长得这么不近人情,一看就是面冷心热侠义心肠的。”Yingodhesitant, „because oflikelysenior?”
阴神犹豫了一下,“是因为像前辈吗?”A'Liangchokestothese words, „your non-person not ghostbastard...... the speechis very funny.”阿良给这句话噎得不行,“你这个不人不鬼的王八蛋……说话挺逗啊。”Yin thinggrins, did not speak.阴物咧咧嘴,不说话。Li Huaihas hiddeninLi Baopingbehind, the sleeve of twitchedredcotton-wadded jacketlittle miss, saidfearful and apprehensive: „BaopingBaoping, is a ghost, is really a ghost.”李槐早已躲在李宝瓶身后,扯了扯红棉袄小姑娘的袖子,胆战心惊道:“宝瓶宝瓶,是鬼,真的是鬼。”
The Lin Shouyiwhole faceis curious, but the restraintcuriosity, in order to avoidextremelydirectsizing uplook, annoysthatYingodas far as possible, «Tinkling Jade above Clouds Book»has introducedsketchily, Yin thingto becomeShenyiis correct;first, hopes the strengthbyburning incense of follower;second, to parasitein the School of Militarycourage;third, such asQi Refinercultivated, thispathmost ruggeddifficultline, ifto becomepotential, the Yingodsoulis also stablest, is the hot suninsolation, the astral windsways, the singing in praise of the Buddhabatheswait/etc, canin turnbecome the shortcutmethod of steelingcultivation base.林守一满脸好奇,但是尽量克制好奇心,以免太过直接的打量眼神,惹到那尊阴神,《云上琅琅书》粗略介绍过,阴物成神亦有道,一是凭借信徒的香火愿力,二是寄生于兵家的胆魄之中,三是如练气士修行,这条道路最为崎岖难行,但是一旦成势,阴神魂魄也最为稳固,便是烈日曝晒,罡风吹拂,梵音沐浴等等,都能够反过来成为砥砺自家修为的捷径法门。ThatYingodlooked atChen Ping'an, thenlookstohidinginrearcowardLi Huai.
那尊阴神看了眼陈平安,然后望向躲在最后边的胆小鬼李槐。Li Huaiputs on a long face, „youleavelook atme, looks atLin Shouyi, looks atChen Ping'an, otherwiselooked that A'Liangis also good.”李槐哭丧着脸,“你别一个劲看我啊,看林守一,看陈平安,要不然看阿良也行。”Thattags along after the strangeYingod who actuallybalances the discretion, diverges the formslowly, the Yin Qidensecorridoralsoreturns tonormal.
那尊一路尾随却拿捏分寸的奇怪阴神,缓缓散去身影,阴气森森的廊道随之恢复正常。A'Liangraised eyesto look into a northdistance, has not departedeagerly, hehesaid with a smile: „A littlesmallaccident/surprise, thereforeouralsoa littletimecanchat, everyonehas the words that anythingwantsto speak, without delay, numbslip, flatters, is flattery, althoughcome, latermeets, does not knowYear of the Oxhorsemoon/month.”阿良举目眺望了一眼北边的远方,没有急于离去,嘿嘿笑道:“有点小意外,所以咱们还有点时间可以聊聊,大伙儿有什么想说的话,赶紧的,麻溜的,阿谀奉承,溜须拍马,尽管来,以后再见面,就不知道牛年马月喽。”
The Li Baopingfirstopens the mouth, „A'Liang, if the bladewent bad, does not usealsome, becauseIwithyouam a friend!”李宝瓶第一个开口,“阿良,如果刀坏了,就不用还我,因为我跟你是朋友!”A'Lianggives birth for the first timeto smile, gives the thumbs-uptoward the little miss, said: „Thissayingwarmpit of the stomach, Ilike! Butdefinitelyis then left intactXiangfualsoyou, felt relieved.”阿良开怀而笑,朝小姑娘伸出大拇指,道:“这话暖心窝,我喜欢!可是回头肯定把祥符原封不动还你,放心好了。”Lin Shouyiaskedearnestly: „A'Liang, mylaterbody and spiritquenchings, needscompared withpurelyMartial Artist, orin the middle ofQi RefinerSchool of Militarycultivator, is more tenacious?”林守一认真问道:“阿良,我以后的体魄淬炼,需不需要比纯粹武夫,或是练气士当中的兵家修士,更加坚韧?”A'Liangshakes the head the sinkingsound said: „Does not use, somepeoplesuitdo that for exampleI, someare not suitable, for exampleyou, yourLin Shouyi the road of cultivated, can only work hardin the profoundtwocharacters, may not the wastephysical strengthin the heterogeneoustwocharacters.”阿良摇头沉声道:“不用,有些人适合这么做,比如我,有些就不适合,比如你,你林守一的修行之路,只能在精深二字上下苦功夫,不可在驳杂二字上浪费气力。”alreadydid not have the man of bamboo hat, these wordsto sayvery muchseriouslyearnest.已经没了斗笠的汉子,这番话说得很严肃认真。
The ambitioussolemnfewyounglightnod, hinted itselfto understand.
志向高远的冷峻少年轻轻点头,示意自己明白了。Li HuaiwhisperedA'Liang your daynot to boaston the whole bodyis uncomfortable, the childjust about togoes outforwardonestep, is thinkingran up to the A'Liangsideto approach the speech, bythatYin thing of mysteriously appearing and disappearing, the only one handpalmwas actually pressedlayer on layer/heavilyon the shoulder, „do not wander about aimlessly, the A'Liangsenior...... was too powerful, if not the seniorkept the domainforusintentionally, onlycongealeddepending ononetruthfully the qualitativeimposing manner, in several feet, canlet my grade of Yin thingrelationship of form and spiritentirelyto extinguish. Let alone a waris about to begin, the mind of A'Liangsenior, already in the north of beside, is not surely goodto divert attentionto take care ofus.”李槐嘀咕着阿良你一天不吹牛就浑身不舒服,孩子刚要向前走出一步,想着跑到阿良身边去凑近了说话,却被神出鬼没的那尊阴物,一只手掌重重按在了肩膀上,“不要乱走,阿良前辈实在……太强大了,若非前辈故意为我们留出地盘,仅凭一身凝如实质的气势,数丈之内,就能够让我这等阴物形神俱灭。何况一场大战在即,阿良前辈的心神,已经远在千万里之外的北方,不好分心照顾我们这边。”Li Huaigawkedstaring, isthesewords is extremely probably frightenedincredible, making the childnot dreadaboutsideYin thing, „youare cracking a joke, was heA'Liang? EvenI can also expelhimto hit. Should younot beyouwill oweA'Liang much money?”李槐愣了愣,大概是这些话太过惊悚荒诞,使得孩子对身旁阴物都没那么畏惧了,“你在开玩笑吗,他是阿良唉?连我也能撵着他打。你该不会是你欠了阿良很多银子吧?”Thisalmostmustcondense a golden bodysymptomYin thing, the smileis stiff, tothatbig-mouthyoungbastard, false smilesay/way: „Youcanlongbe so big, is not really easy.”
这尊几乎就要凝聚出一点金身苗头的阴物,笑容僵硬,对着那个口无遮拦的小王八蛋,皮笑肉不笑道:“你能长这么大,真不容易。”A'Liangtakes backsomemindeasely, lookstoChen Ping'an, Li Baoping, Li Huai, Lin Shouyi, suddenlythought that thisevensaidmeeting by chance of not upwardtravel through the rivers and lakes, performingissomenonsensehave a stroke of bad luck the goose bumpsgathersshortly, being near the feelingwas good. Thisalreadyconstrainsoutward the man who thatflows out the imposing mannerto say with a smilewith every effort: „Ok, was similar.”阿良悠悠然收回些许心神,望向陈平安,李宝瓶,李槐,林守一,突然觉得这场甚至称不上行走江湖的相逢,尽是一些狗屁倒灶鸡毛蒜皮的短暂相聚,临了感觉还不错。这个已经尽力压抑那股向外流泻气势的男人笑道:“好了,差不多了。”Hiswith overpowering momentum, such as the waterfallfalls, heis unable to covercompletely, beforethattoplooked for the personspecially-madethin bamboo stripbamboo hatspecially, is in order tosuppresses the manicimposing manner of thissurging forward.
他的气势磅礴,如瀑布直坠,他根本无法完全掩盖起来,之前那顶专门找人特制的竹篾斗笠,便是为了能够镇压住这股汹涌澎湃的狂躁气势。WorldQi Refiner, onlyhates the magical treasureutensilto growcultivation baseto be not enough.
世间练气士,只恨法宝器物增长修为不够多。A'Liangis notthis.阿良不是这样。That sidethatGreat Wall, hecanstop at nothing, therehadto depositten thousandyears of Sword Qiswordintent, helpeddepressthisaggressiveessence, qi and spirit.
After cuttingkillsthatbigmonster, firstin the city wallcarves a character, thenthroughthatbut actuallyHanging Mountain, after arriving atthisworld, A'Liangthenhas towearbamboo hat„to lower the headto cultivate the behavior”, in order to avoid being extremely dazzling, by the Heaven beyond the Heaventop dogoverlooksworldMilky Waytime, catchesowntrend, A'Liangdoes not fearto fight, butfears the trouble.
斩杀那名大妖后,先在城墙上刻下了一个字,再通过那座倒悬山,来到这座天下后,阿良便不得不戴着斗笠“低头做人”,以免太过耀眼,被天外天的人上人俯瞰人间这条银河的时候,一眼就捕捉到自己的动向,阿良不是怕打架,而是怕麻烦。A'Liangthis whole lifehas not fearedanything.阿良这辈子就没怕过什么。In that incomparablebarbarianbleakworld, 18matter that the ancient timesbigmonster that is majestically located a side, A'Liangmostlikedhandling, wasonepersonholds a swordtravelling far, thoroughcenter, with11, hitto liveto killface-to-face, a longestframe, hit for enoughtwomonths, the thing, finallyhitthat sideSword Qi Great Wallvertically and horizontally/able to move unhinderedten million/countless, has toset outfourGreat Sword Immortalto gohand in hand, coordinatingA'Liangto cope withsixbigmonsters.
在那座无比蛮夷荒凉的天下,十八位雄踞一方的远古大妖,阿良最喜欢做的事情,就是一人仗剑远游,深入腹地,与其中十一位,面对面打生打死,最长的一场架,打了足足两个月,东西纵横千万里,打得最后剑气长城那边,不得不出动了四位大剑仙联袂而去,配合阿良对付六尊大妖。A'Liangsaid with a smileheroically: „Yourfour, mustremembers, the freedom of eachpowerhouse, shouldbe the boundaryby the freedom of weak one! The truepowerhouse, hisopponent, isin the world the invisiblecustom, the strong inertia of secular forces, is the personallhasbirth and deathunshakeable law, isexistence that thesecannot see. A powerhouse, because ofnot trampling the weak oneis powerful, inevitablywithstrong, is bolder with each setback.”阿良豪迈笑道:“你们四个,一定要记住,每一个强者的自由,都应该以弱者的自由作为边界!真正的强者,他的对手,是天地间无形的规矩,世俗力量的强大惯性,是人皆有生老病死的铁律,是这些看不见的存在。从来没有一个强者,因为践踏弱者而强大,必然是遇强则强,愈挫愈勇。”A'Lianggives the thumbs-up, aims at itself, „for examplemyA'Liang, fires offGreat Lithisgroup, mustgo tootherplace, fights all overthesemostpowerhouses.”阿良伸出大拇指,指向自己,“比如我阿良,打完大骊这拨,就要去别的地方,打遍那些个最强者。”Li Baopingraises the fist, is in high spirits, „A'Liang, great!”李宝瓶扬起拳头,神采飞扬,“阿良,好样的!”Li Huaicriesnasal mucustears, is thincrash-bang.李槐哭得一把鼻涕一把泪,稀里哗啦。
The Lin Shouyiwhole facebecomes flushed, the life of youngster, had the goal and direction of chasefinally.林守一满脸涨红,少年的人生,终于有了追赶的目标和方向。Chen Ping'anlooks atA'Liang, when leaves, cannot speakunexpectedly.陈平安看着阿良,离别之际,竟是说不出话来。A'Liangsends the straw sandalyoungster of otherjade hairpinto the bunchfinally, blinks, „smallage, the thoughtsare so heavy, is not good. Chen Ping'an, youarehandsomeyoung man, come, smilesonetoUncleA'Liang.”阿良最后对束发别玉簪的草鞋少年,眨了眨眼,“小小年纪,心思这么重,可不好。陈平安,你是翩翩少年郎唉,来,给阿良大爷笑一个。”Chen Ping'ansqueezes out a smile.陈平安挤出一个笑脸。„Musthithitsin a big way, small fishsmallshrimpboring. Walked!”
“要打就打大的,小鱼小虾没意思。走了!”In the biglaughter, the A'Liangfigurerises straight from the groundin an instant, in the sky, resoundsoneintermittentlyrumble the thunderclapsound.
The thunderclapresoundsonetime, the upper airalsopresentsonegroup of giantfog.
The entirered candletown/subduesshakesloudlygreatly, raiseshiding the sky and covering the earthdust.
整座红烛镇轰然巨震,扬起一阵遮天蔽日的尘土。ThatYingodlookis absent-minded, standsin the corridorpeak, raises headto looktothesestrangescenes, muttered: „Toowas really strong, unreasonable......”
--Great LiCapital City.大骊京城。Middle-aged man who wears the brightyellowroyal robesclothing/taking, undershowing the way that inSiLijiantwobigDiaosiconcentrate all one's attention on, arrives at a stage of sacrificial offeringstate, Great Liin the easternTreasure Bottle Continentdynastyeye, is the northernbarbarian of savageness, regarding the rites and musicincident, cannot withstandvulgarly, thisdoes not calculateundeservedGreat LiSong Clanactually.
一位身穿明黄色衮服的中年男子,在司礼监两大貂寺屏气凝神的领路下,来到一座祭祀社稷的高台,大骊在东宝瓶洲王朝眼中,属于未开化的北方蛮子,对于礼乐一事,粗鄙不堪,这其实不算冤枉大骊宋氏。Under the stage, is standing a staturetallwhiterobeman, rushes to the Capital CityGreat LiarmygodfromBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heaven, seigniorSong Changjing.
高台底下,站着一位身材高大的白袍男子,正是从骊珠洞天赶赴京城的大骊军神,藩王宋长镜。Royal robesclothing/takingman who Song Changjing and front surfacewalk, in the facial features, somewhatis vaguely similar.宋长镜与迎面走来的衮服男子,在眉眼之间,依稀有几分相似。LikeSong Changjing, stilllowers the headunrulyslightly, cups a fist and says: „Your majesty.”
After the middle-aged manseesSong Changjing, put out a handto patwith a smiletwoin the lattershoulder, happilysaid: „tenth boundary, goodgood. Worthilyismyyounger brother, whenadvances into the 11 th boundary? When the time comesIset off firecrackerstoyoupersonally, celebrating, ifyouthought that the sceneis not very big, Icanunder the aimmake the government and peopleset off firecrackersup and downtogether, un, then, Icanfirststore up the firecrackermaterialsecretly......”
中年男子见到宋长镜后,笑着伸手在后者肩头拍了两下,欣慰道:“第十境了啊,不错不错。不愧是我的弟弟,啥时候跻身第十一境?到时候我亲自给你放爆竹,庆祝庆祝,你要是觉得场面不够大,我可以下旨让朝野上下一起放爆竹,嗯,如此一来,我可以先偷偷囤积爆竹材料……”Song Changjinglooks at presentthisgodYou Wanli'sGreat LiYour Majesty Emperor, was somewhat helpless, traded a name, „sovereignbrother, can is or isn'tmake the proper business? Finishes the proper business, did wechatagain?”宋长镜看着眼前这位神游万里的大骊皇帝陛下,有些无奈,换了一个称呼,“皇兄,是不是可以做正事了?忙完正事,咱们再闲聊?”
The middle-aged mannodswith a smile, „right, the proper businessis important, making money to go lower.”
中年男子笑着点头,“哦对,正事要紧,赚钱可以靠后。”Heputs downseigniorSong Changjing, moves toward the stagealone, ascends the stepon, suddenlyturns the headasked with a smile: „Wants the same place?”
他撂下藩王宋长镜,独自走向高台,拾阶而上,突然转头笑问道:“要不要一起?”Song Changjingsaidill-humoredly: „Impatientis togetherwiththattwostrangetemperamentold men, feared that a worddoes not hitat earliest convenience.”宋长镜没好气道:“不耐烦跟那两个怪脾气老头相处,怕一言不合就打起来。”Manlaughs heartily , to continue to climb upat the same time, simultaneouslyturns headto tease: „Reached an agreement, the small scale, Idefinitelyhelpyou, reallymustfight tooth and nailwiththem, Ido not helpyou.”
男人哈哈大笑,一边继续登高,同时扭头打趣道:“说好了,小打小闹,我肯定帮你,真要跟他们搏命,我可不帮你。”Song Changjingrestrainssmilling expression, sincereasked: „Sovereignbrother, this is mustsonoisily big? IfImorning a pointknow that personis notWind and Snow TempleWei Jin, butisonehas the possibility11buildingsextremely, evenistensecond floordangerousfellows, Iwill certainly stopyouto exhibit such bigweaponry.”宋长镜收敛笑意,正色问道:“皇兄,这次一定要闹这么大?如果我更早一点知道,那人根本就不是什么风雪庙魏晋,而是一个极有可能十一楼、甚至是十二楼的危险家伙,我一定会阻拦你摆出这么大的阵仗。”Manalreadyturns around, saidindifferently: „MyGreat Lineedsto telleastentireTreasure Bottle Continent, undertenthird boundary, allmaykill.”
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