C09 :: Volume #4

#381: Returns to the source

Floating island. 浮岛。 Resting big snake sudden shivers, returns to the main body. 正在休息的大蛇突然一个颤抖,回归本尊。 ! 噗! A blood spouts. 一口鲜血喷出。 Big snake some do not dare to believe looks at own both hands, because that sword is terrifying, even if he returns to the main body, feels the fierce pain...... 大蛇有些不敢置信的看着自己的双手,因为那一剑过于恐怖,他纵然回归本尊,也感觉到剧烈的疼痛…… He was injured unexpectedly. 他居然受伤了。 Han Feng that fellow......” 韩峰那家伙……” How possibly?” “怎么可能?” His some do not dare to believe. 他有些不敢置信。 However. 不过。 At this time. 此时。 He remembers the macronucleus to organize the investigation of that crowd of waste firewood suddenly, therefore, he peruses the material of macronucleus organization, found one in that innumerable rumor. 他突然想起大核组织那群废柴的调查,于是,他重新翻起大核组织的资料,在那无数谣言中找到了一条。 Han Feng, doubtful 09!!! 韩峰,疑似09!!! This is the rumor. 这条是谣言。 He noticed initially Han Feng first determined, Han Feng is not 09, his solemn S level, but also is insufficient even the Han Feng true strength unable to see through. 他当初看到韩峰的第一眼就确定,韩峰不是09,他堂堂S级,还不至于连韩峰的真正力量都看不穿。 However now...... 但是现在…… He has a look at somewhat stiff both hands. 他看看有些僵硬的双手。 Han Feng indeed is not 09, but 09, possibly hide in Han Feng within the body. 韩峰的确不是09,但是09,可能隐藏在韩峰体内。 But he...... 而他…… Because is negligent, severe wound. 因为过于大意,重伤了。 Also, the deduction of that everywhere purple light, he also wants to understand another matter, reverses in the future the war person, possibly is not Han Feng, but is 09! 还有,那漫天紫光的推演,他也想明白了另一件事,扭转未来战局的人,可能不是韩峰,而是09! That conceals in 09 of Han Feng within the body!!! 那个藏在韩峰体内的09!!! Good 09......” “好一个09……” The big snake makes a determined effort secretly. 大蛇暗自发狠。 I...... 我…… Certainly will revenge!!! 一定会报仇的!!! Fortunately, this plan fail, however his 1 million human also. 还好,这次计划失败了,但是他的百万人类还在。 Therefore. 于是。 The big snake starts the low-key keeping in good health. 大蛇开始低调的养生。 ...... …… But at this time. 而此时。 Han Feng returned to own room. 韩峰回到了自己的房间。 ! 噗! A blood spits, Han Feng felt own body pressed out to do quickly, the strength of that sword is extremely terrifying, he is unable to withstand. 一口鲜血吐出来,韩峰感觉自己身体都快被榨干了,那一剑的力量太过恐怖,以至于他根本无法承受。 That the first time is he displayed the world-class Barbara small demon sword. 那是他第一次施展世界级的芭芭拉小魔剑。 Right. 没错。 World-class. 世界级。 People that soldiers and all ancient times kings who contained all princesses, even that S level talent of old man's time...... 一个包含了所有公主的士兵、所有远古国王的子民,甚至那位S级的老头的天赋的时候…… The Barbara small demon sword talent of Han Feng within the body finally achieved 1000. 韩峰体内的芭芭拉小魔剑天赋终于达到了1000名。 When the big snake cuts everyone kills, Han Feng, Shen Jiang and the others in the collection state of mind diligently, finally everyone collect within the body. 在大蛇将所有人斩杀的时候,韩峰沈河等人就在努力的收集神魂,终于将所有人收集到了体内。 Therefore. 因此。 The Barbara small demon sword transforms. 芭芭拉小魔剑蜕变。 Accomplishment. 大成。 The Barbara small demon sword of village level can span the boundary, that...... 乡村级的芭芭拉小魔剑就可以跨越境界,那…… World-class? 世界级的呢? That sword...... 那一剑…… Merely only then Han Feng of B level, depends on this sword, cut the strength of S level, spanned two big boundaries!!! 仅仅只有B级的韩峰,靠着这一剑,生生的斩出了S级的力量,足足跨越了两个大境界!!! Even...... 甚至…… Goes far beyond ultimate load that Han Feng can bear. 远远超过了韩峰所能够承受的极限负荷。 ! 噗! The Han Feng mouth spits the blood again. 韩峰再次口吐鲜血。 At this moment, he can the clear feeling, oneself five internal organs entirely cracks, the whole body be the blood, stimulates to movement the S level the consequence so to be terrifying forcefully! 这一刻,他能清晰的感觉到,自己的五脏俱裂,浑身是血,强行催动S级的后果就如此恐怖! If the normal person, feared that the body dies at the scene. 如果正常人,怕是当场身死。 Even...... 甚至…… Living is about one day. 活不过一天。 At that moment, Han Feng felt oneself are the steel hero, fired the unlimited glove forcefully...... 那一刻,韩峰感觉自己就是钢铁侠,强行打响了无限手套…… Is good because. 好在。 The talent was successful. 自研天赋成功了。 Buzz- 嗡- The endless strength floods into, the body of Han Feng is recovering. 无尽的力量涌入,韩峰的身体正在复苏。 Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! The fearful strength is still destroying the body, however the Han Feng talent is curing the body unceasingly, after the innumerable confrontation, cures the body finally perfectly. 可怕的力量还在摧毁身体,但是韩峰的天赋又在不断治愈身体,经过无数次的交锋,最终才将身体完美治愈。 Became......” “成了……” Han Feng relaxes. 韩峰松了口气。 Finally...... 终于…… Success!!! 成功了!!! The sudden appearance of big snake, making him be unexpected, but also because of the appearance of big snake, making him harvest the magnanimous talent, and researches and develops successfully under the huge oppression. 大蛇的突然出现,让他始料未及,但也正因为大蛇的出现,让他收获海量的天赋,并在巨大的压迫下研发成功。 What is my talent strength?” “我的天赋力量是什么?” Han Feng is excited. 韩峰兴奋。 What can also be?” “还能是什么?” Shen Jiang light saying, we were impossible the thing that researches and develops not to have, therefore...... studies the union of divine sense and sand dust with it, might as well start from the root directly, therefore in the coordination of several thousand ancient times mystique, we raced to the source, all return sources.” 沈河淡淡的说道,“我们本就不可能研发出不存在的东西,所以……与其研究出神念和沙尘的结合,不如直接从根源入手,因此在数千种远古秘法的配合,我们追本溯源,将一切回归本源。” Source......” “本源……” The Han Feng mind shakes. 韩峰心神一震。 He is feeling in within the body familiar strength, suddenly was somewhat clear. 他感受着体内熟悉的力量,突然有些明白了。 This is...... 这是…… The strength of life. 生命之力。 Originates from the code of superpower code page 9. 来源于超能代码表的代码零九。 At this moment, the strength of life no longer is the fusions of another two abilities, but proceeds from the soul truly is his Han Feng own strength!!! 这一刻,生命之力不再是另外两个能力的融合,而是真正发自灵魂的属于他韩峰自己的力量!!! From now on, does not have the strength of divine sense again. 从现在开始,再也没有神念之力。 From now on, does not have the strength of sand dust again. 从现在开始,再也没有沙尘之力。 Has. 有的。 Only has strength of the life. 只有一个生命之力。 His Han Feng talent and small Han Feng talent, fuses in this moment finally, becomes one, becomes the legend level talent of true legend. 韩峰的天赋和小韩峰的天赋,终于在这一刻融合,成为一个,成为真正传奇的传说级天赋。 Brush! 刷! The Han Feng double fist grips tightly, can feel strength that within the body rushes. 韩峰双拳紧握,能感觉到体内澎湃的力量。 This is the vastness of life. 这是生命的浩瀚。 This was the ancient times strength. 这是远古的力量。 Thanks.” “谢谢。” Han Feng was full of the gratitude to the life sand table, only then the strength of life, can make him after display the S level forcefully the strength, but can also live! 韩峰对生命沙盘诸位充满了感激,也只有生命之力,才能让他在强行施展S级的力量以后,还能够活着回来! Although...... 虽然…… Drove away the big snake merely. 仅仅只是驱赶了大蛇。 Thanked anything.” “谢什么。” Zhao Zihang shakes the head, big snake discovered your secret, feared will not give up.” 赵梓航摇摇头,“大蛇发现了你的秘密,怕是不会善罢甘休。” Might as well.” “无妨。” The Han Feng self-confidence rushes. 韩峰自信心澎湃。 Was defeated one time, the big snake does not dare to come again for the second time. 失败了一次,大蛇绝不敢再来第二次了。 ...... 还有…… The floating island 1 million population have replaced to be completed, to kill, they can cut to kill the big snake momentarily, reason that has not begun, merely is only the waiting. 浮岛百万人口已经替换完成,若是想杀,他们随时可以斩杀大蛇,之所以没有动手,仅仅只是等待。 Who?” “等谁?” Enemy.” “敌人。” Also who?” “还有谁?” Enemy of recovery.” “更多复苏的敌人。” The Han Feng sinking sound said that making a move of scientific research institute, only then an opportunity, therefore, must awakening more enemies as far as possible, strive to handle one time.” 韩峰沉声说道,“科研所的出手只有一次机会,因此,就要尽可能的唤醒更多的敌人,争取一次搞定。” Also?” “还有吗?” Shen Jiang scratches the head. 沈河挠挠头。 „Did you say?” “你说呢?” Han Feng shows a faint smile. 韩峰微微一笑。 Brushing. 刷。 He lifted the hand, in the hand the strength of that purest life condenses a lotus flower. 他抬起手,手中那最纯粹的生命之力凝聚成了一朵莲花。 Buzz- 嗡- The lotus flower blooms. 莲花绽放。 Endless life aura twinkle. 无尽的生命气息闪烁。 At this moment. 此刻。 In all over the world. 在世界各处。 Some graves shivered suddenly, scared the aunt who is dancing the square dance in the grave mound. 一些坟墓突然颤动,吓坏了正在坟头跳广场舞的大妈。 Some mountains crack suddenly. 一些大山突然崩裂。 Some seabeds suddenly present the vortex. 一些海底突然出现漩涡。 ...... …… „The aura of life......” “生命的气息……” Life appeared.” “生命出现了。” Spicy chicken that unlike a that manual synthesis, this time, is the true life...... the prediction, realized......” “跟上次那个人工合成的辣鸡不一样,这一次,是真正的生命啊……预言,实现了啊……” Sleep talking are appearing void. 一声声梦呓在虚空出现。 Next second. 下一秒。 They focused on, air-splitting however comes, finally, arrived at the floating island. 他们锁定了方向,破空而来,最终,降临到了浮岛。 But at this time. 而此时。 The scientific research institute had received the final order: The preparation begins. 科研所已经收到了最后的命令:准备动手。 ...... …… At this moment. 此刻。 In floating island. 浮岛中。 The big snake felt suddenly some were not quite right. 大蛇突然感觉有些不太对劲了。 Although he is rampant, but is not silly, as one for a series world, rather the incarnation woman goes by the Han Feng that anything's ruthless person...... 他虽然嚣张,但是不傻,作为一个为了一统世界,宁愿化身女人去被韩峰那啥的狠人…… He felt not quite right. 他感觉不太对劲。 It is strange. 就很奇怪。 The big shot continuously appeared ancient times obviously, after he cuts kills, swallows opposite party strength to promote! 明明远古大佬不断出现,他斩杀以后吞噬对方力量自己能提升! Oneself have 1 million human obviously, he can absorb these 1 million population to promote oneself strength at any time! 明明自己坐拥百万人类,他可以随时吸收这百万人口提升自己的力量! These 1 million population are the hostage, the scientific research institute does not dare to begin obviously! 明明这百万人口是人质,科研所根本不敢动手! He discovered obviously the Han Feng secret, was prepared. 明明他发现了韩峰秘密,有了准备。 Obviously...... 明明…… All are help oneself, but he still felt too right not...... 一切都是有利于自己的,但是他仍旧感觉不太对劲…… Unlike idiot who that crowd just regained consciousness, understands the human history as one, understood person who Han Hao, he feels all too commonly not...... 跟那群刚苏醒的蠢货不一样,作为一个非常了解人类历史,了解韩浩的人,他感觉一切都不太寻常…… Always felt that can have anything......” “总感觉会发生什么……” Therefore. 于是。 The big snake sets out. 大蛇起身。 The purple brilliance and thunder fill the entire floating island again. 紫色的光辉和雷霆再一次弥漫整个浮岛。 If...... 如果…… Some really such pair of big hands...... 真有那么一双大手……
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