C09 :: Volume #4

#378: The joy of fostering talent elder brother

Next day. 次日。 The big snake clone to submerge the human region. 大蛇分身潜入人类区域。 Clone as a big snake of A level peak, he does not seem to be worried oneself were seen through an affair, he defers to plan the position that found Han Feng to be. 作为一个A级巅峰的大蛇分身,他似乎不担心自己被拆穿,他只是按照计划找到了韩峰所在的位置。 . 只是。 He just approached sees in some room, Han Feng just and a clothing actually filled the miss of magnificent and expensive aura frailly, is conducting some event. 他刚刚靠近就看到某个房间内,韩峰正和一个衣衫单薄却充满了华贵气息的姑娘,在进行某种活动。 ? The big snake clone to be shocked. 大蛇分身愣住了。 This who? 这谁? This aura...... 这气息…… This clothes...... 这衣服…… Wait. 等等。 Now does the hotel also provide this service?! 现在酒店还提供这种服务?! However, this is at least showed that he analyzed is right, the person in Han Feng this small city was really curious, oneself about the princess as ancient times princess...... 不过,这是至少证明他判断是对的,韩峰这种小城市的人果然对公主充满好奇,那自己作为远古公主…… Therefore. 于是。 The big snake clone to visit officially. 大蛇分身正式拜访。 Hello.” “你好。” This young master, I was ancient times princess, just recovered, you whether......” “这位公子,我是远古公主,刚刚复苏,您可否……” The big snake clone to say. 大蛇分身说道。 Hello.” “你好。” Han Feng really roused, my name was Qin Shi Huang, We have not actually died, We need a sum of money now, so long as you transferred 500 Yuan to Our account, helping Our turning round country was successful, to you a great merit, after seizing the world, seals place of province to be the prince to you.” 韩峰果然振奋起来了,“我叫秦始皇,朕其实没有死,朕现在需要一笔钱,只要你转五百元到朕的账户,助朕复国成功,就给你记一个大功,占领世界后封一个省的地给你做王爷。” The big snake clone:??? 大蛇分身:??? Grass? 草? How can like this? 怎么会这样? It is not right. 不对啊。 The matter that ancient times princess recovered just happened obviously...... 远古公主复苏的事儿明明是刚发生…… Brush! 刷! He puts out the cell phone to look, immediately was scared, as ancient times the aura emerged one after another incessantly recently, short two days, people had seen several hundred cheating repertoires. 他拿出手机一看,顿时傻眼了,随着最近远古气息层出不穷,短短两天,人们已经看到了数百种诈骗套路。 Even. 甚至。 Had almost perfect template- I called xxx, because I xxx needed a sum of money, you only needed xxx, I later decided however seal you to make xxx 有了几乎完美的模板-“我叫xxx,我因为xxx需要一笔钱,你只需要xxx,我以后定然封你做xxx” The big snake clone:??? 大蛇分身:??? Your human is the real dog. 你们人类是真的狗。 I really am a princess.” “我真是公主。” Big snake clone answered. 大蛇分身解释道。 How to show?” “如何证明?” The Han Feng eye narrows the eyes. 韩峰眼睛一眯。 Brush! 刷! The big snake clone to lift the hand, the ancient times vast aura shake, the Han Feng expression finally became serious, this aura...... 大蛇分身抬手,一道道远古浩瀚的气息震荡,韩峰的表情终于变得郑重起来,这气息…… „Really are you a princess?” “你真是公主?” Yes.” “是的。” The big snake clone proudly. 大蛇分身骄傲。 But at this time. 而这时。 The snow country princess's voice floats from the distant place, high antiquity, although vast huge, but princess also such several, who I am very curious your excellency am.” 雪国公主的声音从远处飘来,“远古时代虽浩瀚巨大,但公主也就那么几个,我很好奇阁下是谁。” Who are you?” “你又是谁?” The big snake clone to have doubts. 大蛇分身疑惑。 I?” “我?” Snow country princess.” “雪国公主。” Princess light saying. 公主淡淡的说道。 Snow country......” “雪国……” The big snake clone pupil shrinks suddenly. 大蛇分身瞳孔猛然一缩。 That legend...... 那个传说…… Unexpectedly real!!! 居然是真的!!! However, she should not go to the floating island the same as slaughter with that group of idiots......, moved, this intelligent princess was like oneself, chose the circuitous tactics. 不过,她不是应该去浮岛跟那群蠢货一样厮杀……哦,动了,这位聪明的公主跟自己一样,选择了迂回战术。 Contacts Han Feng, close to Han Hao, thus controls the general situation. 接触韩峰,靠近韩浩,从而掌控大局。 Interesting. 有趣。 It seems like the high antiquity was not the idiot...... 看来远古时代也不都是蠢货啊…… Therefore. 于是。 Two people look at each other one, the spark jump shoot. 两人对视一眼,火花迸射。 Hehe.” “呵呵。” Hello, Princess.” “你好,公主。” The big snake clone to show a faint smile. 大蛇分身微微一笑。 Hello, this not well-known princess.” “你好,这位不知名公主。” The snow country princesses also sneer. 雪国公主也是冷笑。 Really...... 果然…… Not only oneself looked. 不仅仅自己找来了。 It seems like the high antiquity also had with explicitly the person who oneself same can catch the Han Feng status, but looked at his appearance, as if did not know a more detailed content. 看来远古时代也有跟自己一样能明确捕捉到韩峰身份的人,不过看他的样子,似乎并不知道更详细的内容。 ...... 唔…… In view of this. 既如此。 That makes her look slowly. 那就让她慢慢找吧。 As for Han Feng...... 至于韩峰…… Oneself have had the initiative, how also possibly to give him the opportunity? 自己已经掌握了主动权,怎么还可能给他机会? Therefore. 因此。 The snow country princesses also aroused the effort. 雪国公主也激起了好胜心。 ...... …… Therefore. 于是。 Matter becomes odd. 事情就变得离谱起来。 Han Feng was thirsty, two cups of water deliver...... one cup suddenly is the princesses, another cup is also a princess. 韩峰渴了,两杯水突然送上来……一杯是公主的,另一杯也是公主的。 Han Feng was hungry, two set meals deliver...... one cup suddenly are the princesses, another cup is also a princess. 韩峰饿了,两份饭突然送上来……一杯是公主的,另一杯也是公主的。 In the evening. 晚上。 Han Feng sleeps, the sudden two bed quilts came...... a bed are the princesses, another bed was also a princess. 韩峰睡觉,突然两床被子过来了……一床是公主的,另一床也是公主的。 The Han Feng people were silly. 韩峰人都傻了。 He realizes Lu Xun suddenly joyful...... 他突然体会到鲁迅的快乐了…… It is subtle. 就很微妙。 ...... …… Han Feng actually to this mysterious princess's status is some suspicions, after all without the upholstery, with you looked in novel time airborne is the same. 韩峰其实对这位神秘公主的身份是有些怀疑的,毕竟没有铺垫,就跟你看小说中的时候空降的一样。 Either the author adds the play temporarily. 要么作者临时加戏。 Either moe with the waistcoat that the silver pledge pounds greatly. 要么是大萌用白银盟砸的马甲。 But in reality...... 而现实中嘛…… Basically has the issue. 基本上都有问题。 However, pitifully, this time does not have the opportunity that Han Feng investigates very much, because our great princess Sirs make a move, reduced the low point all threats. 不过,很可惜,这次没有韩峰调查的机会,因为我们伟大的公主大人出手,将一切威胁压缩到了低点。 Has the mysterious princess's place, the snow country princesses inevitably also. 有神秘公主的地方,雪国公主必然也在。 Two princesses are in sharp opposition. 两位公主针锋相对。 Investigation? 调查? Does not need to check. 根本不用查啊。 Therefore. 于是。 Han Feng welcomed in history the most comfortable sunlight, but the original plan conquered the Han Feng big snake clone, at this moment the been mad whole body shivered. 韩峰就迎来了有史以来最舒适的一段日光,而原计划征服韩峰的大蛇分身,此刻已经气的浑身颤抖了。 Mental illness! 神经病啊! He wants to find the opportunity to approach Han Feng then to make alone...... 他只是想找机会单独靠近韩峰然后弄走…… Who once thinks? 谁曾想? Absolutely does not have the opportunity!!! 完全没机会!!! This seemingly soft snow country princess, now to hitting the chicken blood was the same, is defending Han Feng, is sick? Aren't you solemn princess? 这个看似柔软的雪国公主,现在跟打了鸡血一样,守着韩峰,有病啊?你不是堂堂公主么? How now to lick dog with! 现在怎么跟个舔狗似的! It is not good. 不行。 Must try to find the solution. 得想想办法。 ...... Was right, does she as if have the emperor's son-in-law to come? 啊……对了,她似乎有驸马来着? Therefore. 于是。 The big snake clone close to the emperor's son-in-law, started to chew the root of the tongue, this big brother, heard Han Feng to be able every night with the princess in the same place......” 大蛇分身靠近了驸马,开始嚼舌根,“这位大哥,听说韩峰每晚都会和公主在一起啊……” Yes.” “是啊。” The emperor's son-in-laws seem like the mood is not high. 驸马看上去情绪不高。 Un un.” “嗯嗯。” Big snake clone supple sound said, „is big brother very disappointed?” 大蛇分身柔声道,“大哥是不是很失望?” What is the man most intolerable matter? 男人最不能容忍的事情是什么? Is this. 就是这个。 Therefore...... 所以…… A little.” “有点。” An emperor's son-in-law sigh, filled disappointedly, so many days, in...... had not looked like Han Feng is not really willing to become two emperor's son-in-laws unexpectedly together!” 驸马一声叹息,充满了失望,“都这么多天了,居然还没在一起……看来韩峰是真的不愿意成为二驸马啊!” The big snake clone:??? 大蛇分身:??? Second, two emperor's son-in-laws? 二、二驸马? Mental illness! 神经病啊! You look at others room daily eagerly, on and other? 你天天眼巴巴的看着人家房间,就等这个? Are you sick? 你是不是有病? The big snake clone to walk panting in indignation. 大蛇分身气呼呼的走了。 However. 然而。 He does not know, regarding the emperor's son-in-law, the princess and Han Feng can in together be best. 他不知道,对于驸马而言,公主和韩峰能在一起才是最好的。 Now Han Feng is only a Grandmaster, if Han Feng also becomes the emperor's son-in-law, will naturally offer for the snow country with the vitality wholeheartedly, their country could really be saved! 现在韩峰只是大师,如果韩峰也成为了驸马,自然会全心全意的用生命力为雪国奉献,他们国家才是真的有救了! Also. 还有。 With is the emperor's son-in-law...... 同为驸马…… Two people relate are really intimate. 两人关系可是真亲密的。 What a pity. 可惜。 Without this opportunity. 没这机会。 ...... …… The big snake is still looking for the opportunity. 大蛇还在寻找机会。 Without the means. 没办法。 Snow state-owned S level, one crowd of A levels...... 雪国有一个S级,一群A级…… He must be discrete. 他必须谨慎。 He believes that so long as is like this good to Han Feng, looks for the opportunity, sooner or later, he can be together with Han Feng alone, even if only has one minute merely, when the time comes...... 他相信,只要这样对韩峰好,寻找机会,早晚有一天,他能和韩峰单独相处,哪怕仅仅只有一分钟,到时候…… Hehe. 嘿嘿。 However. 然而。 Regardless of what how he has not thought that in two days, will appear from the ancient times aura merely together, a beautiful young girl appears in the hotel entrance. 他无论如何也没想到的是,仅仅过了两天,一道来自远古的气息出现,一名美丽的少女出现在酒店门口。 Han Feng??” 韩峰??” You are......” “你是……” Hello, I come from the princess in hot country's.” “你好,我是来自火国的公主。” Han Feng: „???” 韩峰:“???” Big snake: „???” 大蛇:“???” Naturally, the consecutively two princesses, the snow country princesses have to suspect, therefore verified personally, the princess in this hot country's, unexpectedly real...... 当然,连续两个公主,雪国公主不得不怀疑了,于是亲自查证了一下,这个火国的公主,居然是真的…… Why do you look for Han Feng?” “你为何找韩峰?” The big snake asked in a low voice. 大蛇低声问道。 Because he in the future is to affect the war key.” “因为他在未来是影响战局的关键。” The hot country princesses smile, you are not therefore comes?” 火国公主微笑,“你不也是因此来的?” The big snake is silent. 大蛇默然。 Really...... 果然…… Everyone is for the same reason. 大家都是因为同样的原因。 Therefore. 于是。 In history oddest matter happened. 有史以来最离谱的事情发生了。 Late at night. 深夜。 Han Feng prepares to sleep, suddenly came three bed quilts, a bed is a princess, another bed is also a princess, the third bed...... also TM is a princess. 韩峰准备睡觉,突然来了三床被子,一床是公主的,另一床也是公主的,第三床……还TM是公主的。
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