CLC :: Volume #7

#604: Finally fights a decisive battle

Fire virtue Star Lord one hear of Song Zhong this words, are surprised immediately, cannot bear say: You, do you have the assurance that must win?” 火德星君一听宋钟此言,顿时大吃一惊,忍不住道:“你,你难道还有必胜的把握?” Song Zhong sneers, said: XianTian spirit treasure catches up with Mountain Whip, is not invincible! Some although no talent, actually also strength of the war!” 宋钟冷笑一声,道:“先天灵宝山鞭,不是无敌的!某虽不才,却也有一战之力!” - Fire virtue Star Lord holds breath immediately a cold air/Qi, then whole face inconceivable [say / way]: Song Zhong, this is not jokes, XianTian spirit treasure catches up with Mountain Whip, can block including Primordial Stage Gold Immortal few, when this competition, the referee does not have the ability to be able certainly from catching up with Mountain Whip saves you to come, you may , to be clear, should not be swayed by personal feelings!” “啊-”火德星君顿时倒吸一口冷气,然后满脸不可思议的道:“宋钟,这可不是闹着玩的,先天灵宝山鞭,连混元金仙都没几个能够挡得住的,所以在此比试的时候,裁判也没有能力能够一定从赶山鞭手上救下你来,你可要想清楚,不要意气用事!” Relax!” Song Zhong light [say / way]: I am very clear I to do! Matter that has not grasped, I will not do!” “放心吧!”宋钟淡淡的道:“我很清楚我在干什么!没有把握的事情,我不会做的!” Good!” Fire virtue Star Lord hear that immediately an eye bright, excited [say / way]: Such being the case, I immediately report back Jade Emperor, lets him and others your good news!” “好!”火德星君闻言顿时眼睛一亮,兴奋的道:“既然如此,那我就马上回报玉帝,让他等你的好消息!” Um!” Song Zhong nods saying: I will not disappoint you!” “嗯!”宋钟点点头道:“我不会让你们失望的!” I understand that all take care!” Fire virtue Star Lord sincere [say / way]: „If not good, do not demand, even if lost, Jade Emperor will not blame your!” “我明白,一切保重!”火德星君诚恳的道:“万一不行,也不要强求,就算输了,玉帝也不会怪你的!” Um!” Song Zhong nods, has not said anything. Fire virtue Star Lord knows that he has not perceived, is not good to urge again, can only heave a deep sigh, bringing the thing to walk. “嗯!”宋钟点点头,没有说什么。火德星君知道他没有听进去,也不好再劝,只能长叹一声,带着东西走了。 The fire virtue Star Lord proleg just walked, Xiao Xue and Small Cha also come back. Xiao Xue passing through the gate, panting in indignation sitting on chair, discontented [say / way]: These fellows went too far, starts out 1 : 30 winning percentage to you unexpectedly, doesn't this bully the person obvious?” 火德星君前脚刚走,小雪小茶也跟着回来。小雪一进门,就气呼呼的坐在椅子上,不满的道:“这些家伙太过分了,竟然给你开出一比30的胜率,这不是明摆着欺负人吗?” What?” Song Zhong one hear of this saying, cannot bear call out in alarm said: 1 : 30? Such high?” “什么?”宋钟一听这话,忍不住惊呼道:“一比30?这么高?” Yes!” Small Cha at the same time angry [say / way]: Early knows that you lost, I definitely will press the complete family belongings!” “是啊!”小茶在一边气恼的道:“要不是早知道你输定了,我肯定会把全部家当压下去!” Xiao Xue hear that, cannot bear the forced smile say: Is because knows that he lost, such high odds that others can press!” 小雪闻言,忍不住苦笑道:“就是因为都知道他输定了,人家才会压的这么高的赔率!” Who said that the father did lose?” The Song Zhong hear this saying, that eyeball was immediately red. Does the so-called clay figurine have three points of nature of the soil? Let alone Song Zhong! Winnings of 50% winning percentage popularly, turned into 1 : 30 fearful odds greatly all of a sudden, this looks down upon him obviously? “谁说老子输定了?”宋钟听完这话,那眼珠子顿时就红了。所谓泥人也有三分土性啊?更别说宋钟了!原本五成胜率的夺冠大热门,一下子就变成了一比30的可怕赔率,这明显就是看不起他啊? Under becomes angry out of shame, Song Zhong pulls out dozens types of high level materials from this life space directly, was tople days saves, can say Song Zhong all high level materials all in this. Then he material toward Xiao Xue front one pile, gets angry: I remember that the gambling establishment is the Imperial Court name opens, the secret stock is Five Great Celestial Emperors, thinks the prestige to be outstanding, not lazy account. Since they so look down upon me, we did not use politely, pressed to me these!” 恼羞成怒之下,宋钟直接就从本命空间里啪啪啪掏出来几十样高阶材料,都是这些日子积攒的,可以说宋钟所有的高级材料全在这了。然后他把材料往小雪面前一堆,怒道:“我记得赌场是天庭的名义开的,幕后的股份是五大天帝,想必信誉卓著,不会懒帐。既然他们如此看不起我,那咱也不用客气了,把这些都给我压上!” „?” [Say / Way] that Xiao Xue one hear, is surprised immediately: Although the gambling establishment allows to want the high level material, but were your rather too also many? Little said also value 12 million Purple Jade? General Greater Gold Immortal adds completely also only then this family property! Do you want to bet really?” “啊?”小雪一听,顿时大吃一惊的道:“虽然赌场允许要高级材料,可你这些也未免太多了吧?少说也价值12百万紫玉呢?一般的大罗金仙全部加起来也就只有这点家底啦!你真要赌上?” Right!” Song Zhong sneers saying: They dare to suppose this ratio, I dare to press such in a big way! However, best not to make one to know that is I presses!” “没错!”宋钟冷笑道:“他们敢设这个比率,我就敢压这么大!不过,最好别叫人知道是我压的!” This does not have the issue, I can the face-painting, these fellows in gambling establishment definitely unable to look through!” [Say / Way] that Xiao Xue is worried about afterward: But, catches up with Mountain Whip is not a vegetarian, do you have the assurance that must win really?” “这个没问题,我会化妆术,赌场的那些家伙肯定看不破!”小雪随后担心的道:“不过,赶山鞭可不是吃素的,你真的有必胜的把握?” If that dumb kid on this subsequent party!” Song Zhong sneers saying: Even if not dare to say ninety percent sure, can not leave ten!” “如果那傻小子就这点后手的话!”宋钟冷笑道:“纵然不敢说十拿九稳,可以不离十吧!” Oh, I was really cannot completely understand you more and more!” An elementary school random eye bright [say / way]: Since this, I also with your insane, press my pin money above, don't call me to be disappointed?” “哎呀,我真是越来越看不透你了!”小学随机眼睛一亮道:“既然这样,那我也和你疯一把,把我的私房钱都压在上面,你可别叫我失望啊?” „Do you have the pin money?” After Song Zhong hears, immediately stares, before [say / way] you, did not say that has pressed on me may?” “你还有私房钱?”宋钟听到后顿时一愣,道“你以前不是说都已经压在我身上可吗?” That is only part!” Xiao Xue urgently said afterward \; Oh, you dislike, do not inquire girl's pin money casually!” Then, he then packs thing, then drew Xiao Xue to run away. “那只是一部分啦!”小雪随后急道\;“哎呀,你讨厌啦,不要随便打听女孩子的私房钱!”说完,他便收拾东西,然后拉着小雪跑掉了。 Song Zhong sees that cannot bear the forced smile say: Casually doesn't ask? As for is so sensitive?” 宋钟见状,忍不住苦笑道:“不就是随便问问吗?至于这么敏感?” Next day, is Song Zhong and day of Green Vine fairy maiden showdown. Actually must say, if has not caught up with Mountain Whip to exist, fear of Song Zhong to the dumb kid, instead is inferior to this Green Vine fairy maiden. What because Song Zhong walks is the verve path, did not fear that to dumb kid that lonely head, actually also extremely fears to on Green Vine fairy maiden like this match with mild remarks carrying harsh implications. 第二天,是宋钟青藤仙子对决的日子。其实要说起来,如果没有赶山鞭存在的话,宋钟对傻小子的畏惧,反而不如这青藤仙子。因为宋钟走的是刚猛的路子,不怕对上傻小子那种冷清头,却也极为怕对上青藤仙子这样的软中带硬的对手。 Once opposite party Green Vine pesters inexhaustibly, Song Zhong is really not good to cope. However to this step, even if not good to cope, must cope, thereupon, Song Zhong how considers to deal with these Green Vine, while on diving posture arena. 一旦对方的青藤无穷无尽纠缠过来,宋钟还真不好对付。不过到了这一步,就算再不好对付,也必须对付,于是乎,宋钟一边考虑着如何应对那些青藤,一边飞身上了擂台。 This time referee is another Imperial Court high-ranking court official, Totta Li Tianwang. After this is a very straightforward man urged their several, directly announced that the competition started. 这次的裁判是另外一位天庭重臣,托塔李天王。这是个很豪爽的汉子叮嘱两人几句之后,就直接宣布比试开始了。 Song Zhong and Green Vine fairy maiden after start, has the tacit understanding together extremely has turned around, does not have anxiously starting, but salutes mutually the regards. 宋钟青藤仙子在开始之后,一起极有默契的转过身来,没有急着开打,而是互相施礼问候。 God of Fire Heaven Song Zhong, has seen female apprentice!” Song Zhong said. 祝融天宋钟,见过师姐!”宋钟道。 „The immortal day Green Vine fairy maiden, has seen the fellow!” The Green Vine fairy maiden said. They subordinate in Imperial Court, but Jade Emperor and immortal Celestial Emperor relates well, therefore reluctantly is the whole family, is not overrated by fellow female apprentice symmetrially. “长生天青藤仙子,见过师弟!”青藤仙子道。两人都是隶属于天庭,而玉帝和长生天帝关系最好,所以勉强算是一家人,以师弟师姐相称丝毫不为过。 After introduction, they are acquainted smile, then being lost in thought in as if by prior agreement. How Song Zhong is considering to defeat the Green Vine fairy maiden inexhaustible repugnant vine, what Green Vine fairy maiden actually consideration is a different matter. 介绍过后,两人相识一笑,然后不约而同的陷入沉思之中。宋钟是在考虑怎么击败青藤仙子无穷无尽的讨厌藤子,但是青藤仙子却考虑的是另外一回事。 After the silence about half double-hour, the Green Vine fairy maiden has sighed deeply suddenly, then said: Fellow, catches up with Mountain Whip to have the countermeasure regarding XianTian spirit treasure?” 经过将近半个时辰的沉默之后,青藤仙子忽然长叹了一声,然后道:“师弟,对于先天灵宝山鞭可有应对之策?” Um?” Song Zhong has not thought that she will ask this, for a while does not know he is up to mischief, therefore then probes saying: Female apprentice asked that what this does make?” “嗯?”宋钟没想到她会问这个,一时不知道他在搞什么鬼,于是便试探道:“师姐问这个做什么?” Green Vine fairy maiden hear that, stern [say / way]: Franks, this Martial Arts Convention I did not hope, because certain special reasons, must obtain the champion to be solved, therefore I try one's luck. Kills to four with great difficulty, thinks has the opportunity to aspire to seize, who once thinks that appears, the hand grasps XianTian spirit treasure to catch up with Mountain Whip unexpectedly. If no this thing, I do not fear him, but after being many it, I did not have the tiny bit stratagem which ensures success!” 青藤仙子闻言,正色道:“实不相瞒,这演武大会我原本不愿来,只是因为某些特殊原因,必须要得到冠军才能解决,所以我才来碰碰运气。好不容易杀到四强,原本以为有机会问鼎呢,可是谁曾想那一位横空出世,竟然手握先天灵宝山鞭。要是没有这件东西,我也不怕他,但是多了它之后,我就没有一丝一毫的胜算了!” Song Zhong is not silly, from the opposite party words, faintly can listen to a special meaning, therefore then cautiously said: Female apprentice thinks that making me live with that at risk of life?” 宋钟可不傻,从对方的话里,就隐隐能听出一丝特别的意思,于是便小心翼翼道:“师姐是想,让我和那位拼死活?” Good!” The Green Vine fairy maiden shows a faint smile, said: Fellow after is Chaos Titan Clan, perhaps also has the subsequent party to hide. Perhaps you have the opportunity to win him also perhaps, how is it? Wants the female apprentice to allow to pass through to you?” “不错!”青藤仙子微微一笑,道:“师弟毕竟是混沌巨灵族,恐怕也有后手隐藏。或许你有机会赢他也说不定,怎么样?要不要师姐让路给你呢?” After Song Zhong hear, immediately at present one bright, then hurries to pursue asks: Female apprentice has the words to speak frankly, I believe that you will not allow to pass through in vain!” 宋钟听后,顿时眼前一亮,然后赶紧追问道:“师姐有话就直说吧,我相信你不会白白让路的!” He He, with from nobody in a moment is happy!” The Green Vine fairy maiden said afterward with deep veneration: I request not many, so long as a thing in Celestial Emperor treasure house, the name day that immortal fine jade, that thing cultivates to me extremely importantly, if after the fellow complies to win the championship, attains it for me, I not only will admit defeat on own initiative, but also is willing to leave the three times of purchases of market price, how?” “呵呵,和从没人说话就是痛快!”青藤仙子随后肃然道:“我要求不多,只要天帝宝库里的一件东西,名曰长生精玉,那东西对我修炼极为重要,如果师弟答应夺冠之后替我拿到它,我不仅会主动认输,而且愿意出市价的三倍购买,如何?” The thing in Celestial Emperor treasure house, is not rich can buy, for example this immortal fine jade, she looked for tens of thousands years not to find, but knew in the world treasure house to have. Was compelled the anxious words, three times of market prices that the Green Vine fairy maiden will not be willing. 天帝宝库里的东西,很多都不是有钱就能买到的,就比如这长生精玉,她找了几万年都没有找到,只是知道天地宝库里有。要不是被逼急的话,青藤仙子也不会心甘情愿的出三倍市价了。 Song Zhong hear that, little had little considered, secret passage first can take three things, except XianTian True Water that I want, but can also idle two, deliver her not to be a problem. Do not want as for money, does not lack this, would rather makes a good friend, looks that the female strength is strong, has is the seat of honor of immortal world, in the future the future will be limitless, hits to relate mistakenly!” 宋钟闻言,少少考虑了一下,暗道“第一可以拿三件东西,除去我要的先天真水,还可以空余两件,送她也不成问题。至于钱就别要了,不缺这个,倒不如交一个好朋友,看着女子实力强劲,有是长生天地的首席,日后前途不可限量,打好关系准错不了!” Thinks of this, Song Zhong shows a faint smile immediately, [say / way] female apprentice was too polite, your agree lets my this game, has helped my huge busy, how do I feel all right to collect your money?” 想到这,宋钟立马微微一笑,道“师姐太客气了,您肯让我这局,就帮了我天大的忙,我又怎么好意思收你的钱呢?” „, Said that you did comply?” Green Vine fairy maiden immediately an eye bright [say / way]. “啊,这么说,你是答应了?”青藤仙子立刻眼睛一亮道。 Good!” Song Zhong nods, then said with deep veneration: If I can win the championship, immortal fine jade inevitable both hands offer. However, you also know that XianTian spirit treasure catches up with Mountain Whip is not a vegetarian, I can only say do everything possible, cannot guarantee that must win!” “不错!”宋钟点点头,然后肃然道:“如果我可以夺冠,长生精玉必然双手奉上。不过,您也知道,先天灵宝山鞭可不是吃素的,我只能说尽力而为,可不敢保证必胜呢!” He He, this I know!” The Green Vine fairy maiden said with a smile immediately: So long as you tried hard to strive to be good, has changed me in any case, was a stratagem which ensures success does not have!” “呵呵,这个我知道!”青藤仙子马上笑道:“只要你努力争取就行了,反正换了我的话,是一点胜算都没有呢!” Many thanks the female apprentice understood!” The Song Zhong hurried expression of gratitude said. “多谢师姐理解!”宋钟急忙道谢道。 You were too polite!” The Green Vine fairy maiden said with a smile, such being the case, I first wish the fellow to win victory!” Saying, she deeply executes a ritual to Song Zhong once more. “你太客气了!”青藤仙子笑道,“既然如此,那我就先预祝师弟旗开得胜啦!”说着,她再次对宋钟深施一礼。 Many thanks, many thanks Song Zhong returns salute to say hurriedly. “多谢,多谢”宋钟急忙还礼道。 He He!” The Green Vine fairy maiden shows a faint smile, then concedes defeat to the referee. “呵呵!”青藤仙子微微一笑,然后便对裁判示意认输。 On Martial Arts Convention, so long as you can win, no matter with any way, like this backstage deal does not matter. So long as do not carry on threatens family member flagrantly and so on, will not be stopped by the referee. 演武大会上,只要你可以取胜,不管用什么方式都可以,这样的幕后交易也无所谓。只要别进行明目张胆的威胁家人之类,就不会被裁判制止。 Therefore Green Vine fairy maiden after admitting defeat, referee very simple announced that Song Zhong wins. However, when Song Zhong wants to leave, Totta Li Tianwang of vigor helmet and armor actually suddenly blocks him, passes on the tone channel in a soft voice: Song Zhong virtue nephew, tomorrow you to that dumb kid time, if really has confidence to win?” 所以青藤仙子在认输之后,裁判就很干脆的宣布宋钟获胜。但是,在宋钟想要离开的时候,一身劲盔甲的托塔李天王却忽然拦住他,轻声传音道:“宋钟贤侄,明日你对上那傻小子的时候,果真有把握获胜?” Song Zhong hear that, stares first, afterward is surprised the different way: That is natural, the winning percentage has, can't be loses?” 宋钟闻言,先是一愣,随后便诧异道:“那是当然,胜率还是有的,总不能是输定了吧?” „, I did not ask this, I want to know, some of you big assurances!” Totta Li Tianwang grinning [say / way]: Must know that your present odds are quite high!” “不不,我不是问这个,我就是想知道,你到底有多大的把握!”托塔李天王笑嘻嘻的道:“要知道,你现在的赔率可是相当高的!” Obviously, Totta Li Tianwang also wants to obtain some secret messages Song Zhong here, good to bet maliciously. 显然,托塔李天王也想在宋钟这里得到一些秘密消息,好去狠狠赌一把。 Song Zhong was made not to smile bitterly by him, he does not want to disclose own strength, but is not good to offend to this Imperial Court high-ranking court official, therefore can only say ambiguously: In any case, I do not fear him and that's the end!” 宋钟被他弄得苦笑不得,原本他是不想透露自己实力的,但是对这个天庭重臣也不好得罪,所以只能含糊道:“反正,我不怕他就是了!” Then, Song Zhong does not wait for Totta Li Tianwang to continue to ask, running that then flies to resemble hurries to cup one hand in the other across the chest to say goodbye. 说完,宋钟不等托塔李天王继续问,便赶紧拱手告辞,飞似的的跑了。 Totta Li Tianwang this time has not stopped him, but traces the beard, thought aloud: Doesn't fear him? Is that has confidence? Um, it seems like it is gains the Purple Jade good opportunity? Or, presses several hundred thousand to play?” 托塔李天王这次没有阻拦他,只是摸了摸胡子,自言自语道:“不怕他?那就是有把握咯?嗯,看来是个赚紫玉的好机会?要不,压上几十万玩玩?” Regarding Totta Li Tianwang such Imperial Court high-ranking court official, several hundred thousand Purple Jade are plays. Must know that he grasps XianTian spirit treasure, Primordial Stage Gold Immortal of 33 Huangjinta! Is the Imperial Court only marshal, in name governs all Jade Emperor celestial troops and generals! 对于托塔李天王这样的天庭重臣,几十万紫玉真的就是玩玩而已。要知道,他可是掌握先天灵宝,33层黄金塔的混元金仙啊!乃是天庭唯一的元帅,名义上掌管所有玉帝天兵天将呢! A night does not have the words, in an instant arrived at the finals time. This finals Imperial Court also abnormal attached great importance, sending out the first big high-ranking court official venus [gold/metal] of Jade Emperor subordinates to make the referee. 一夜无话,转眼间就到了决赛的时候。这次决赛天庭异常重视,派出了玉帝麾下的第一大重臣太白星金做裁判。 The venus [gold/metal] is all day with a laugh, looks like the kind feature friendly old man. But you must think really his silly good flickering, that has been completely mistaken, this old fogy strategy Jade Emperor Heaven ranks first, a lot is the schemes and tricks. Do not look that in the surface does not have what power and influence, only by the words of battle efficiency, in Jade Emperor Heaven is next to Jade Emperor and queen mother of the west, but also above Totta Li Tianwang. 太白星金是个整天笑呵呵,看起来慈眉目善的老头。可是你要真以为他傻乎乎的好忽悠,那就大错特错了,这个老家伙谋略玉皇天排名第一,一肚子都是阴谋诡计。别看表面上没有什么威势,单论战斗力的话,玉皇天里仅次于玉帝和西王母,还在托塔李天王之上。 The hearsay, Great Platinum Star grasps two XianTian spirit treasure, one is the famous Nine dragons god hot cover, but another unclear. Has been hidden by him, even many people think that he does not have from the start. 传闻,太白金星掌握两件先天灵宝,其中一件就是大名鼎鼎的九龙神火罩,而另外一件不详。一直被他隐藏着,甚至很多人都认为他压根没有。 However more people actually firmly believed that he hid the subsequent party. 但是更多人却坚持认为,他是隐藏了后手呢。 Regarding Great Platinum Star, Song Zhong has not had to do, polite after and dumb kid gave regards together, that senior officer smiled announced silently the competition started. 对于太白金星,宋钟从来没有打过交道,礼貌性的和傻小子一起问好之后,那老官就笑默默地宣布比试开始了。 Facing the powerful enemy, being critical situation of Song Zhong performance, does not dare to be negligent, has turned around, a face discrete is looking at the dumb kid several thousand zhang (3.33 m) away. 面对强敌,宋钟表现的如临大敌,丝毫不敢大意,转过身来,一脸谨慎的望着数千丈之外的傻小子。 However that dumb kid is not tense, sees only holds the fist in the other hand to salute to say to Song Zhong that he not cares a whoop: Sienna day, Huang Jixiang, has seen Fellow Daoist!” 但是那傻小子却一点不紧张,只见他毫不在意的对宋钟抱拳施礼道:“土黄天,黄吉祥,见过道友!” Song Zhong naturally cannot be disrespectful, returns salute to say hurriedly: God of Fire Heaven, Song Zhong, has seen Fellow Daoist!” Until this time, Song Zhong knows that the given name of this dumb kid called Huang Jixiang. 宋钟自然不会失礼,急忙还礼道:“祝融天,宋钟,见过道友!”直到这个时候,宋钟才知道这个傻小子的大名叫黄吉祥 Also really let alone, others this names are propitious, compared with Song Zhong broken name strong over 100 times! Song Zhong listened somewhat to be irritable. 还真别说,人家这名字就是吉祥,比宋钟的破名字强100倍以上!以至于宋钟听了都有些别扭。 After having sent regards, Huang Jixiang on grinning [say / way]: Fellow Daoist, the hearsay you are Chaos Titan Clan, before several days dates, punches to fall face down 18 the trash of Black Tortoise Armed forces, real?” 问候过之后,黄吉祥就笑嘻嘻的道:“道友,传闻你是混沌巨灵族,数日前更是把玄武军的垃圾揍趴下18个之多,是不是真的?” This Song Zhong hear that, cannot smile bitterly immediately, the heart said that this matter said in private was good, what can publicize in this? Are you afraid the Black Tortoise Armed forces insufficiently to hate me? “这个”宋钟闻言,顿时苦笑不得,心说,这事私下说说就行了,非要在这宣扬什么?你害怕玄武军不够恨我是吧? Although thinks at heart, but Song Zhong could see meaning that Huang Jixiang has not sown dissension, is only curious, therefore is not good to manifest suddenly, can only say ambiguously: Won by luck!” 虽然心里这么想,但是宋钟看得出黄吉祥并没有挑拨离间的意思,只是好奇而已,所以也不好发作,只能含糊道:“侥幸赢了而已!” Ha, is that unlucky? Person who enters the immortal intermediate stage, punches to fall face down 18 Gold Immortal peak soldiers, was too imposing!” Huang Jixiang mindless saying with a smile: If I, do not use XianTian spirit treasure to catch up with Mountain Whip, cannot achieve this degree!” “哈哈哈,那可不是侥幸啊?一个进仙中期的人,揍趴下18个金仙巅峰的战士,真实太威风了!”黄吉祥没心没肺的笑道:“要是我,不动用先天灵宝山鞭,都做不到这程度!” „” Song Zhong does not know that he wants to express any meaning, has to have nothing to say in reply, looked that he actually wants to say anything. “”宋钟不知道他想要表达什么意思,只好无言以对,看他到底想说什么。 Really, Huang Jixiang has not continued the idle talk, said directly: Fellow Daoist, I heard, you when punch them, has used an axe, is your Chaos Titan Clan unique Dragon Veins Divine Axe, real?” 果然,黄吉祥并没有继续多说废话,直接道:“道友,我听说,你在揍他们的时候,用了一把斧子,是你们混沌巨灵族特有的龙脉神斧,是真的吗?” Song Zhong nods, said: Good, is so!” In any case this is also the matter of bright pendulum, how long could not conceal, he acknowledged simply. 宋钟点点头,道:“不错,正是如此!”反正这也是明摆的事,隐瞒不了多久,他索性就承认了。 „Under that can make me experience?” Huang Jixiang hear that, immediately curious [say / way]. “那能不能让我见识下?”黄机箱闻言,立刻好奇道。 Ok!” Song Zhong rubbish, puts out a hand pulling out Dragon Veins Divine Axe, the keep flat looked to him in the hand. “可以!”宋钟也不废话,伸手就把龙脉神斧给掏了出来,平放在手上给他看。 Truly speaking, Song Zhong this on the surface looks like Dragon Veins Divine Axe, that is really ugly is not good, swarthy, but also is only the crack, sees the looks like is tattered. After Huang Jixiang looked, brow wrinkled. He cannot bear say: Fellow Daoist, haven't you played me? Chaos Titan Clan famous is Dragon Veins Divine Axe, such an appearance?” 说实在的,宋钟这把龙脉神斧在表面上看起来,那真是丑的的不行啊,黑不溜秋,还净是裂纹,怎么看像都是破烂。以至于黄吉祥看了以后,眉头都皱了起来。他忍不住道:“道友,你没玩我吧?难道混沌巨灵族大名鼎鼎的龙脉神斧,就是这么一副模样?” Right!” Song Zhong shows a faint smile, said: Dragon Veins Divine Axe that I take in any case is this appearance!” “没错!”宋钟微微一笑,道:“反正我拿到手的龙脉神斧就是这个模样!” „!” Huang Jixiang complies with one, then knits the brows: „Can you throw to make me have a look?” “哦!”黄吉祥答应一声,然后皱眉道:“那你能不能扔过来让我看看啊?” One hear of Huang Jixiang this saying, not only Song Zhong, the surrounding audience was shocked. The heart said that this boy is really silly or false silly? Others this and you compete with, do you actually want others to throw the weapon to you have a look? If this accidentally you, others didn't owe in a big way? 一听黄吉祥这话,不仅宋钟,就连周围的观众都愣住了。心说,这小子是真傻还是假傻啊?人家这和你比试呢,你却要人家把武器扔给你看看?这万一你要是不还了,人家岂不是亏大了啊? Song Zhong looks appearance that Huang Jixiang that smiles, the feeling is very interesting. Therefore, he stems from the anticipation of all people, has thrown Dragon Veins Divine Axe directly, then [say / way] with a laugh line, looks at all the way to you!” 宋钟看着黄吉祥那笑眯眯的模样,感觉很有趣。于是,他出乎所有人的意料,把龙脉神斧直接扔了过去,然后笑呵呵的道“行啊,给你看个够!” Meanwhile, Song Zhong at heart actually in pondering over, secret passage boy, you well not to play the pattern, must otherwise, I you waste here, snatch XianTian spirit treasure to catch up with Mountain Whip, affirms nobody to you over!” 与此同时,宋钟的心里却在琢磨起来,暗道“小子,你最好别玩花样,要不然的话,我就算是把你废在这里,抢了先天灵宝山鞭,也肯定没有人给你出头!” And said after Huang Jixiang received Song Zhong Dragon Veins Divine Axe, the strength transports the collection to come up, has emitted Mother Earth using Dragon Veins Divine Axe instantaneously, Qi of Sharp Gold. Sees only two intense golden light to be complicated it in the same place, just likes a small Sun is the same, making people be hard to watch intently. 且说黄吉祥接过宋钟龙脉神斧之后,力运集上去,瞬间就利用龙脉神斧放出了后土,锐金之气。只见两道强烈的金光将其交缠在一起,就犹如一个小太阳一样,让人难以逼视。 Song Zhong darkly is startled immediately, they think, this Huang Jixiang uses Dragon Veins Divine Axe time, Mother Earth and Qi of Sharp Gold that emits stronger on many. 宋钟顿时就暗吃一惊,他们有想到,这黄吉祥使用龙脉神斧的时候,放出的后土和锐金之气比自己都要强上很多。 However quick Song Zhong wants to understand, Huang Jixiang is the XianTian earth essence, the strength is the air/Qi of Mother Earth, Dragon Veins Divine Axe that in this case, he stimulates to movement, the air/Qi of Mother Earth naturally wants on strong many. 不过很快宋钟就想明白了,黄吉祥先天土精,本身的力便是后土之气,在这种情况下,他催动的龙脉神斧,后土之气自然要比自己强上许多。 Similarly is also exuberant as for Qi of Sharp Gold, then because of the reason of locally born [gold/metal], rustically is more exuberant, [gold/metal] Qi also along with it when production costs rise , prices rise too. 至于锐金之气也同样旺盛,则是因为土生金的缘故,土气越旺盛,金气也就随之水涨船高。 Thinks of this, Song Zhong cannot bear exclaims secretly: It seems like, this Dragon Veins Divine Axe on Huang Jixiang, compared with can play the might in my hand!” 想到这,宋钟忍不住暗自惊叹道:“看来,这龙脉神斧黄吉祥手上,比在我手上更能发挥威力啊!” That Huang Jixiang took about Dragon Veins Divine Axe to brandish several, shook the myriad golden rays, more played to be happier, cannot bear call: Good axe, the good axe, worthily is Chaos Titan Clan Dragon Veins Divine Axe! The reality was good!” 黄吉祥拿着龙脉神斧左右挥舞了几下,晃出万道金光,越耍越开心,忍不住叫到:“好斧子,好斧子,不愧是混沌巨灵族龙脉神斧啊!真实太好了!” Huang Jixiang falls Dragon Veins Divine Axe to receive afterward, is waiting for Song Zhong: I said the friend, you such directly throw the weapon to me, didn't fear my not also you?” 黄吉祥随后降龙脉神斧一收,然后等着宋钟:“我说老兄,你这么直接把武器扔给我,就不怕我不还你了吗?”
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