BEGD :: Volume #10 古城奥秘 血色祭炼

#517: Xiuxiu where?

? ( 1 ) ?(一) clear/pain Yuedai the world fruit, had been finding Ida. Young Ida is sitting is swallowing day the body, paces back and forth in the world foot. 楚月带着世界果实,找到了艾达。小艾达正坐在吞天的身上,在世界山脚徘徊。 She holds up the fruit high, said: „ 她将果实高高举起,说:“ The great Spiritual God is immortal. 伟大的神灵永垂不朽。 Sacred altar creation myth. 神圣的祭坛创造神话。 I am willing to offer my life, making the world fruit merge into one organic whole with this clan honor or disgrace. 我愿奉上自己的生命,让世界果实与本族荣辱融为一体。 I am willing to offer my soul, making I closest partner swallow the day to share the fruit with me the supernatural power. 我愿奉上自己的灵魂,让我最亲密的伙伴吞天与我共享果实的神力。 I am willing to offer all my, making my clansman forever enjoy the peace to be peaceful. ” 我愿奉上我的一切,让我的族人永享和平安宁。” Without the altar. This probably was most primitive offering sacrifices. 没有祭坛。这大概是最原始的献祭了。 Young Ida said, the world fruit flashes through a bright, flutters two sparkling seeds from the fruit, drilled the young Ida's chest, drilled to swallow the day the mouth. Between the seed and fruit the even/including has a transparent line, flicks vanishes to disappear. 小艾达说完,世界果实闪过一道亮光,从果实里面飘出两个亮晶晶的种子,一个钻到了小艾达的胸口,一个钻到了吞天的嘴里。种子和果实之间连起一条透明的线,一闪一闪就消失不见了。 Young Ida said: Brave warriors, your misery to the end......” 小艾达说:“勇士们,你们的苦难到头了……” Was the next half a word the auspicious day must come? Really rotten to the core lines, personally being out role playing play fine NPC, letting should very serious death transcription appear some have been not quite reasonable. clear/pain moon/month so thinks. 下半句是好日子要来了么?真是糟糕透顶的台词,还有亲自下场扮演角色的戏精NPC,让本该非常严肃的死亡副本显得有些不大靠谱。楚月如此想。 What what a pity is, after young Ida not, half a word. 可惜的是,小艾达没有后半句了。 ( 2 ) (二) The flash when Sun jumps from the horizon, Wei Buer returned to formerly altar square. 当太阳从地平线跃起的一瞬间,魏不二又回到了先前的祭坛广场。 He looked around, saw familiar person's shadows, Sui Yue, clear/pain moon/month, Liu Ming xiang, changed/easy Xuan, Li Ran, Kui Mufeng, ignorant heart, Gu Yousheng, Wan'er, as well as Huo tiger/brave and his white tiger. 他举目四望,看见了一个个熟悉的人影,岁月,楚月,刘明湘,易萱,李苒,魁木峰,蚩心,古有生,婉儿,以及霍虎和他的白虎。 The people stand in the square dull, looks around. Some are patting oneself cheek. 众人呆呆地站在广场上,四下张望。有的在拍自己的脸蛋。 Wei Buer,” ignorant heart hehe said with a smile: I know that you can certainly win. Previous time I have not fought you time, I know.” 魏不二,”蚩心嘿嘿笑道:“我就知道你一定能赢。上次我没斗过你的时候,我就知道。” The joy of if being survivor of disaster is beyond description. Then, dies and is reborn to bring, was demented. 如果说,劫后余生的喜悦是难以形容的。那么,死而复生带来的,就是癫狂了。 Gu Yousheng touches own cheek, traces the nostril, determined that also braves the chummy air/Qi. Then, the whole face likes, hehe laughs foolishly, to held Wei Buer to kiss one. 古有生摸了摸自己的脸蛋,又摸了摸鼻孔,确定还冒着热乎气。然后,满脸欢喜,嘿嘿傻笑,冲上来抱着魏不二亲了一口。 Awful experience. 糟糕的体验。 Wei Buer has taken the big effort, shoves open him. 魏不二费了好大的力气,才把他推开。 Lianhuo tiger is growing a fellow of standard butcher face, has shown the silly smiling face, arrives at behind Wei Buer, anything did not say, carried on the back to pat two palm of the hand vigor to him to be really heavy. 连霍虎这个长着一张标准屠夫脸的家伙,也露出了傻乎乎的笑容,走到魏不二背后,什么也不说,给他背上拍了两巴掌手劲儿真重。 A people piece likes, gathers side Buer to ask that east asked the west, asked how he arrived at the world mountain, on the road had to meet three brains, how also to attain the world fruit. Liu Ming xiang mentioned them to meet all things all the way. 众人一片欢喜,凑到不二身旁问东问西,问他到底怎么到达世界山的,路上有没有遇见三头脑,又是怎么拿到世界果实的。刘明湘说起她们一路上所遇诸事。 In the Wei Buer top of the head red long horn, the people were seeing steadily obviously, but nobody raised this matter. A character does not have. 魏不二头顶上长着赤色长角,众人明明都看见了,但没有人提起这件事。一个字也没有。 When the tour of this old city, enters the city has more than 2000 people fully, more than ten people that now lives, when people fear somewhat rejoiced. 这次古城之行,入城之时足有2000余人,现在活下来的不过十余人,众人后怕之余又有些庆幸。 They were not acquainted, but this was not quite important. 他们原先是不相识的,但这已经不大重要了。 All dangers and misery, after the victory are the best recollections. The Li Qingyun death, making Wei Buer somewhat uncomfortable. Perhaps, this was he best result. Otherwise, he achieved wishes, dies and is reborn, returns to Hidden Clouds Sect. 所有的危险和苦难,在胜利之后都是最好的回忆。李青云的死,让魏不二有些难受。也许,这是他最好的结局了。要不然呢,他如愿以偿,死而复生,回到云隐宗 He can also bring Hidden Clouds Sect to move toward the revival. How he should face once respected to admire him, now actually knows the disciple of his despicable past events. 他还能带着云隐宗走向复兴么。他该怎么面对一个个曾经尊敬仰慕他,如今却知道他卑劣往事的弟子。 Might as well leave like this, at least in person corner/horn war heroic from exploding brave warrior. 不如就这样离开,至少还是在人角大战中英勇自爆的勇士。 More awful matter Xiuxiu has not come back. 还有一件更糟糕的事秀秀没有回来。 Xiuxiu elder sister?” 秀秀姐呢?” Passed a long time, Liu Ming xiang asked. 过了老半天,刘明湘才问道。 A while,” Buer said: After a while, she will come again back.” “一会儿,”不二道:“再过一会儿,她就会回来。” ( 3 ) (三) Wei Buer speaking the heavy responsibility of story has given Kui Mufeng and clear/pain moon/month and Gu Yousheng, oneself were drawing Sui Yue to another side. 魏不二把讲故事的重任交给了魁木峰、楚月和古有生,自己拉着岁月到了另一边。 Junior Sister Zhong?” He asked. 钟师妹呢?”他问道。 Sui Yue looked at him, I do not know.” 岁月看了看他,“我真不知道。” How to vanish does not see? She is not the soul body.” “怎么会消失不见的?她又不是魂体。” „Do you want to see her?” “你这么想见她?” She, because I will enter the old city, how I can look helplessly she does disappear does not see?” “她因为我才会进入古城,我怎么能眼睁睁看着她消失不见?” Sui Yue is staring at him, the look as deep as a well. 岁月凝望着他,眼神难以捉摸。 I a moment ago to the matter that you said that” she said, you did think?” “我刚才跟你说的事情,”她说,“你想好了没有?” What matter?” Buer was shocked. “什么事?”不二愣住了。 After a while, Sui Yue has smiled, nothing.” 过了一会儿,岁月笑了,“没什么。” She will return to here safely.” She said: After all, we are the victors.” “她会平平安安回到这里。”她说道:“毕竟,我们是胜利者。” Yes, Ida, can ask Ida. He has installed the heart temporarily. 是啊,还有艾达,可以问问艾达。他暂时安下了心。 ( 4 ) (四) Congratulates everybody,” “恭喜各位,” In the sky the red fog tumbled, has broadcast Ida's voice: You have defeated three birds, welcomed the hope for the new students of blood sacrifice clan. Then, each of you one time realizes the desire the opportunity. I read the person of name to stand from front to back, more arrange at the following name, is bigger to the contribution that this victory made, can pay less prices to realize a bigger desire.” 天空中红雾翻滚,传来了艾达的声音:“你们战胜了三头鸟,为血祭族的新生迎来了希望。接下来,你们每个人都一次实现愿望的机会。我念到名字的人请站出来从前往后,越是排在后面的名字,对这场胜利作出的贡献越大,就可以付出更少的代价实现更大的愿望。” Wei Buer said: I have an issue.” 魏不二道:“我有一个问题。” Is one's turn your time asked again, Ida said: First is Li Ran. You were mediocre and stupid, are impulsive and incompetent, are good because of you have chosen the correct team. You can realize a desire, actually must offer more sacrificial offerings.” “轮到你的时候再问罢,”艾达说:“第一个是李苒。你平庸且愚蠢,冲动而无能,好在你选择了正确的队伍。你可以实现一个愿望,却要献出更多的祭品。” I want to resurrect Li Qingyun.” Li Ran said. “我想复活李青云。”李苒说道。 He became the sacrificial offering.” “他已经成为祭品。” Li Ran silent for a long time, said: I want to make my parents resurrect.” 李苒沉默许久,又道:“我想让我爹娘复活。” You must pay your cultivation base, after your parents died all your memories.” “你要付出你的修为,和你爹娘死去之后你所有的记忆。” Good.” “太好了。” Old city to trip had ended, after offering sacrifices to be successful, you voluntarily will leave the old city.” “古城之旅已经结束,献祭成功之后,你会自行离开古城。” Li Ran has turned around, beckons to Wei Buer. 李苒转过身,冲着魏不二招了招手。 Smiling face likely child on her face. Wei Buer has never seen. 她脸上的笑容像个孩子。魏不二从未见过。 Mr. Li the couple lived. They have not recognized the Li Ran appearance, but is taking a look at looking familiar. 李老汉俩口子真的活过来了。他们已经认不出李苒的样子,只是瞅着眼熟。 Li Ran led them to leave old city. 李苒带着他们离开了古城。 Left Wei Buer, has not come back again. 离开了魏不二,再也没有回来。 ( 5 ) (五) Second,” “第二位,” Ida said: Gu Ningxiang, you used to flatter technique to mislead bear people, fled for clear/pain moon/month has won the time. You can also realize a desire.” 艾达说道:“顾凝香,你用媚术蛊惑了熊人,为楚月逃离争取了时间。你也可以实现一个愿望。” I want to return to childhood the 5 or 6-year-old time.” “我想回到小时候五六岁的时候。” You do not have enough sacrificial offering.” “你没有足够的祭品。” Just entered the Hidden Clouds Sect's time? Before entering Puppet Toad Valley?” “刚入云隐宗的时候呢?进入傀蜮谷之前呢?” All returned to the past desire, even if backed up time of tea,” Ida said: Insufficient.” “所有回到过去的愿望,哪怕倒退一盏茶的时间,”艾达说道:“都不够。” Wan'er smiles chillily long time, said suddenly: That gives Wei Buer my opportunity. Let me leave the old city to be good.” 婉儿凄笑良久,忽而说道:“那就把我的机会让给魏不二罢。让我离开古城就好了。” From now, nobody has seen again also Wan'er. Some people said that she went to Changle Village, but there already was a wild grave. 从此以后,再也没有人见过婉儿。有人说她去了长乐村,但那里早已是一片荒坟。 ( 6 ) (六) Ida process coming into the open of making a vow, nobody proposed the protest actually. This is the time of after the bitter comes the sweet. On the scene is teammates of sharing life and death. The share is very joyfully happy. 艾达把许愿的过程公开化,倒是没有谁提出抗议。这是苦尽甘来的时刻。在场的都是生死与共的队友。分享喜悦挺美好的。 changed/easy Xuanzhi wants to leave old city safely, has given the ignorant heart the opportunity. 易萱只想平平安安离开古城,把机会让给了蚩心。 Thought ignorantly knows for several million years ago exactly had anything, only sought a truth, in less than two opportunities, has given Buer another opportunity. Ida complied, together the red light is occupied by the ignorant heart and changed/easy Xuanzhao, two people both disappear. 蚩心想知道几百万年前到底发生了什么,只求一个真相,用不了两个机会,就把另一个机会也给了不二。艾达答应了,一道红光将蚩心和易萱罩住,两个人都不见了。 Wei Buer stands in a square corner/horn, looks that the people made a vow, offered sacrifices, realizes the long-cherished wish, was covered by the red light, then vanished in the square. 魏不二站在广场的一角,看着众人一个个许愿,献祭,实现夙愿,又一个个被红光笼罩,接着消失在广场上。 Resembles the life the journey, start is a person, walks is walking, were many some friends. Walked is walking is also being loose. 就好像人生的旅途,开始是一个人,走着走着,多了一些朋友。走着走着又散了。 Mu Wanfeng also lived, Huo tiger/brave actually disappeared to disappear. No one knows that Huo tiger/brave has paid what kind of price. Because he has not made other people listen. 木晚枫也活过来了,霍虎却消失不见了。谁也不知道霍虎付出了怎样的代价。因为他没让旁人听。 Wooden wan maple tree resurrecting time, puts on two people initially see that white muslin, but among the feature facial expressions has been short vividly some compared with that time. 木晩枫复活的时候,穿的还是两人初见时那一袭白纱,但是眉目神情间比那时少了些活泼。 She looked at Buer a while meaningfully, smiled to him, Wei Buer, has another chance to meet.” Then, rides white tiger disappearance red light to cover. 她意味深长的看了不二一会儿,又冲着他笑了笑,“魏不二,后会有期啊。”说完,骑着白虎消失红光笼罩中。 Before Sui Yue made a vow, suddenly grasped Buer, hugged was very long. 岁月许愿之前,忽然抱住了不二,抱了很久。 How?” Buer said. “怎么了?”不二说。 „After I fear the old city,” Sui Yue said: Our two separate.” “我怕古城以后,”岁月道:“咱们两个分开。” I will look for you,” Buer said: Moreover, certainly will find you.” “我会去找你,”不二说:“而且,一定会找到你。” Sui Yue said with a smile: That may not necessarily.” 岁月笑道:“那可未必了。” Made a vow, Sui Yue also left. She waved with him, in red light covers, left the old city. 许完愿,岁月也离开了。她跟他挥了挥手,在红光笼罩中,离开了古城。 Sky over square turbulent, only remains him. 广场上空荡荡的,只剩他自己。 Wei Buer,” 魏不二,” Ida said: You are the hero of determining the final outcome, is the young Ida's father, my completely I biggest ability will realize your desire not to forget, you have three opportunities.” 艾达说道:“你是决胜的功臣,也是小艾达的父亲,我会尽我最大的能力实现你的愿望别忘了,你有三次机会。” „Before making a vow,” Buer said, where I want issue Zhong Xiuxiu to go.” “许愿之前,”不二说道,“我想有一个问题钟秀秀去哪里了。” Ida said: I set together the topic, if Zhong Xiuxiu and Sui Yue have exchanged the body, you must have sexual intercourse with their any, they can return to the respective body. Which will you choose?” 艾达说:“我出一道题目假如钟秀秀岁月互换了身体,你必须和她们其中任何一位交欢,她们才能回到各自的身体中。你会选择哪一个?” This is truly fatal trap. 这才是真正致命的陷阱。 Wei Buer slightly makes the consideration, the whole body breaks into sweat. 魏不二略作思量,浑身直冒冷汗。 Following close on, his heart is sinking, remembers the words that Sui Yue spoke a moment ago, her manner manner. Isn't his feeling very good what meaning this saying?” 紧跟着,他心头一沉,想起了岁月刚才说的话,还有她的举止神态。他的感觉很不好“这话什么意思?” Do not want to be too many,” Ida said: I crack a joke.” “不要想太多,”艾达道:“我只是开个玩笑。” In the brain of Wei Buer is these words, if Zhong Xiuxiu and Sui Yue have exchanged the body. 魏不二的脑子里全是这句话假如钟秀秀岁月互换了身体。 You told me,” he said: „Was your supposition already to become true?” “你告诉我,”他说道:“你的假设是不是已经成真了?” Yes, is not.” “是,也不是。” What meaning?” “什么意思?” Some people made a vow, making me do not tell you this matter.” “有人许愿的时候,让我不要将这件事告诉你。” Whose permits hoping?” “谁许的愿?” You trade one type to ask law, perhaps I said.” “你换一种问法,没准儿我就说出来了。” Buer thinks, asked: Just entered forest that little while, raises to help Junior Sister Zhong Sui Yue on own initiative, is she?” 不二想了想,问道:“刚进森林那会儿,主动提出来要帮助钟师妹岁月,是不是她本人?” Yes. I in Sui Yue that the world summit sees, is she?” “是。我在世界山顶看见的岁月,是不是她本人?” You guess.” “你猜呢。” A moment ago, in the square, with Sui Yue that I spoke, was she?” “刚才,在广场上,跟我说话的岁月,是不是她本人?” You guess again.” “你再猜。” Finally with Sui Yue that I wave, is she?” “最后跟我挥手的岁月,是不是她本人?” This naturally is she.” “这个嘛当然是她本人。” The answer already very obvious Sui Yue and Xiuxiu went to the process of spirit ape country's to exchange the body. In other words, after this sees has hidden Zhong Xiuxiu in Sui Yue body! The person who requests Ida to keep secret is also Xiuxiu. But in a moment ago, after offering sacrifices had finished, Sui Yue returned to own body. 答案已经很明显了岁月秀秀去灵猿国的过程中互换了身体。也就是说,在这之后自己见到的一直是藏在岁月身体里的钟秀秀!要求艾达保密的人也就是秀秀。而就在刚才,献祭结束后,岁月又回到了自己的身体中。 Then, where did Zhong Xiuxiu go to? 那么,钟秀秀去了哪里? Talent one second remembers the home station address:. Cell phone version reading website: m. 天才一秒记住本站地址:.手机版阅读网址:m.
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