BTFTLIAW :: Volume #90

#8908: Paragenesis

Actually the body of person also has the magnetic field, the magnetic field of not excellent body, is very weak, moreover is the one type of hidden magnetic field, the ordinary person could not feel, but the magnetic field of person body, will come under the influence of big earth magnetic field, in other words, if Zhao Hai really complete control the big earth magnetic field, he can definitely affect other person, this magnetic field attack, even is possible is invisible, true very fearful attack. 其实人的身体也是有磁场的,不过人身体的磁场,是十分微弱的,而且是一种隐性的磁场,一般的人是感觉不到了,但是人身体的磁场,也是会受到大地磁场的影响的,也就是说,如果赵海真的完全的控制了大地磁场,那他是完全可以影响到其它人的,这种磁场攻击,甚至可能是无形的,真正的十分可怕的攻击 However Zhao Hai now to that step is very far, how can I say, now Zhao Hai like young them, young they many Magic, Magic that but grasps truly are not many, Magic that especially completely grasps, young they now so-called Magic that completely grasps, is actually many practices, practice makes perfect, you make them go to complete understanding this Magic, passes this Magic, went to the say/way of Xie Tian place, that is almost is impossible. 不过赵海现在离那一步还很远,怎么说呢,现在赵海就像小蛮他们一样,小蛮他们会很多的术法,但是真正掌握的术法却并不是很多,特别是完全掌握的术法,小蛮他们现在所谓的完全掌握的术法,其实就是多加练习,熟能生巧,你让他们去完全的了解这种术法,通过这个术法,去了解天地之道,那几乎是不可能的。 Zhao Hai now is this, he understood the say/way of land, but he regarding magnetic field, will use, but also really cannot achieve the complete understanding, at least he has not caused a magnetic field saying that this is the disparity, therefore Zhao Hai wants to achieve, with the magnetic field silent attack others' magnetic field, cannot achieve now. 赵海现在就是这样,他理解了大地之道,但是他对于磁场,也只是会使用,还真的达不到完全的理解,最起码他没有弄出一个磁场之道来,这就是差距,所以赵海想要做到,用磁场无声无息的攻击别人的磁场,现在还是做不到的。 However had this idea, Zhao Hai had started to turn toward this direction to try hard, this absolutely was the good matter, after the darkness, Zhao Hai in a rest, his body now is too weak, the everyday enough relaxation time must guarantee that matter occur that on this day also had no, is possible was because their aura grown stronger, general animal does not dare to annoy them, therefore they such relaxedness. 不过有了这种想法,赵海已经开始向着这个方向努力了,这绝对是好事儿,等到天黑之后,赵海在一次的休息了,他的身体现在还是太弱了,每天充足的休息时间还是必须要保证的,这一天也没有任何的事情发生,可能是因为他们身上的气息变强了,一般的动物都不敢来惹他们,所以他们才会如此的轻松。 Next morning, after dawn, they advancing about four double-hour, at this time, Zhao Hai they felt that finally some feelings of climbing mountains, because of appears the gradient, this made Zhao Hai they also feel very delighted finally, but they only walked about four double-hour, later found a place to rest directly, because this time had the gradient, therefore Zhao Hai caused cavern, they can arrive in cavern to rest, so long as sealed up with Magic cave entrance, they can rest in well. 第二天一早,天亮之后,他们又前进了四个时辰左右,这个时候,赵海他们终于感觉到了一些上山的感觉了,因为终于出现了坡度,这让赵海他们也感到十分的开心,不过他们还是只走了四个时辰左右,随后就直接找了一个地方休息,这一次因为有了坡度,所以赵海弄出了一个山洞,他们可以到山洞里去休息了,只要把洞口用术法封住,他们就可以在里面好好的休息了。 Zhao Hai now also in the comprehend magnetic field, therefore small their time freedom, young they have not given up practicing, training that starts to keep, what are more is the live operational training, Sherrill now understand, the small their strengths are so also strong because of anything, because of this training, Sherrill now regarding this training, being interested of ten points. 赵海现在还在参悟磁场,所以小蛮他们的时间都十分的自由,小蛮他们也没有放弃练习,开始不停的训练,更多的是实战训练,谢莉尔现在也才明白,小蛮他们的实力那么强是因为什么,就是因为这种训练,谢莉尔现在对于这种训练,也十分的感兴趣。 However they have not trained too long time, to the darkness also four double-hour about, in their returned to cavern rested, they must maintain by themselves the optimum condition, was good to enter to spirit earth there, after all in spirit earth there, anything had is possible occur, small just did not suffer a loss. 不过他们也没有训练太长时间,在离天黑还有四个时辰左右的时候,他们就回到山洞里去休息去了,他们必须要让自己保持在最佳状态,好进入到灵土界那里,毕竟在灵土界那里,什么事情都有可能发生,小蛮不是刚刚吃了亏了吗。 When day quick black, Zhao Hai they were also ready one time, Zhao Hai to small conducting the back, just completed all these, sees flash of white light, next quarter they already appears in spirit earth there, after spirit earth there, their immediately sized up one, without other discover animal, they then relaxes. 就在天快的黑的时候,赵海他们也做好了准备,赵海在一次到了小蛮的背上,刚刚做好这一切,就见白光一闪,下一刻他们就已经出现在了灵土界那里了,到了灵土界那里之后,他们马上就四下打量了一眼,没有发现别的动物,他们这才松了口气。 Afterward their immediately felt all around aura, they looked at a direction finally, because there had two aura, moreover unusual near two aura that left, this made them very curious, must know before them, arrived at spirit earth here time, generally only will feel that the aura, can feel together even two aura, that two aura can still leave very far, but they feel to two aura today is actually very near, probably was same. 随后他们马上就感觉了一下四周的气息,最后他们都把目光对准了一个方向,因为那里有两条气息,而且还是离的非常近的两道气息,这让他们都非常的好奇,要知道他们以前到灵土界这里的时候,一般都是只会感觉到一道气息,就算是可以感觉到两道气息,那两道气息也会离的非常的远,但是今天他们感觉到了两道气息却是非常的近,好像挨着一样。 This situation Zhao Hai they are the first time meet, why that two aura can leave is so near? They are together appears in spirit earth here, is the coincidence? Should not be the coincidence, Void World here Law of the Heaven and Earth, will not have such coincidence, he will not let two animal, appears in a place, no matter what, will have certain distance, the strength is strong, from will be farther. 这种情况赵海他们还是头一次遇到,为什么那两道气息会离的那么近?他们是一起出现在灵土界这里的,还是巧合?应该不是巧合,虚界这里天地法则,是不会有这样的巧合的,他是不会让两只动物,同时出现在一个地点的,不管怎么样,都会有一定的距离,实力越是强,距离就越是会远一些。 Naturally, them the situation like Zhao Hai, is unique, because young they are the Zhao Hai slaves, equal to is Zhao Hai weapon, therefore they meet together appears in a place, but other animal, do not have appears this situation. although said that beforehand Zhao Hai they, has seen the swift and violent dragon of together action in dinosaur there, they seemed like on appears in together, but was actually not this, at that time was Law of the Heaven and Earth, these swift and violent dragons, all delivered to spirit earth here, because they left was quite near, after spirit earth here, their immediately gathered together, therefore seemed like the together action, but strength strong animal, they have not really seen have had the together action. 当然,像赵海他们这样的情况,是绝无仅有的,因为小蛮他们是赵海的奴隶,等于赵海武器,所以他们才会一起出现在一个地方,而其它的动物,却是没有出现过这种情况。虽然说以前赵海他们,在恐龙界那里见到过一起行动的迅猛龙,他们好像是就出现在了一起,但是其实并不是这样的,当时是天地法则,把那些迅猛龙,全都送到了灵土界这里,只是因为他们离的比较近,在到了灵土界这里之后,他们马上就聚到了一起,所以看起来好像是一起行动的,但实力强的动物,他们还真的没有看到过有一起行动的。 If Zhao Hai they feel now the aura that is not the one type of coincidence, that was Law of the Heaven and Earth is intentional, then that two animal were the enemies? Can they fight now? This made Zhao Hai they more curious, therefore young their immediately ran in that direction. 如果现在赵海他们感觉到的气息并不是一种巧合的话,那就是天地法则有意为之了,那么那两只动物是敌人吗?他们现在会不会就在战斗?这让赵海他们更加的好奇了,所以小蛮他们马上就向着那个方向跑了过去。 When they hurry along, Zhao Hai also looked at a Sherrill specially, Sherrill, when enters to spirit earth for the first time, she in hurrying along, has to use Wind element Blessing Formation to add speed to oneself, moreover after place, she is tired gasps for breath. 在他们赶路的时候,赵海还特意的看了一眼谢莉尔,谢莉尔在第一次进入到灵土界的时候,她在赶路的时候,不得不用了风系加持法阵给自己加速度,而且到了地方之后,她已经累得直喘气了。 However now she runs, actually appears very relaxed, without using Wind element formation carry out additional support, even now such compelling, probably his complete is not serious, is taking a walk probably the same relaxedness, this also lets Zhao Hai very satisfied, this explained that Sherrill's progress is really very fast. 但是现在她跑的时候,却显得十分的轻松,也没有用风系法阵进行加持,甚至现在这样的逼度,好像他完全的不当回事儿,就好像在散步一样的轻松,这也让赵海十分的满意,这说明谢莉尔的进步真的是十分的快 This they ran time forward less than half double-hour, had arrived at that two aura surrounding, their immediately stopped, Zhao Hai on release the scout technique, he wanted to have a look directly, in place is what animal, why they can leave is so near. 这一次他们向前跑了不到半个时辰,就已经到了那两道气息的外围,他们马上就停了下来,赵海直接就放出侦察术,他想要看看,在地里的到底是什么动物,为什么他们会离的那么近。 When sees clearly that two animal time, Zhao Hai cannot help but gawked, because these two animal also really stemmed from unexpected of Zhao Hai, in the there station two animal, animal like horse, but another is actually a big bird, this only animal like horse, looks is a bit like the zebra, but body twists not black actually, but is the grey and green mixed together one type of color. 等到看清那两只动物的时候,赵海不由得愣了一下,因为这两只动物还真的是出乎了赵海的意料之外,在那里站着两只动物,一只像马一样的动物,而另一只却是一只大鸟,这只像马一样的动物,看起来有点儿像斑马,不过身上条绞却并不是黑色的,而是灰色和绿色相杂的一种颜色。 But that bird looks is a bit like the ostrich, is very big, but also very attractive feather, even is steadily bigger than that zebra, this makes Zhao Hai feel very curious, he also real don’t know, how these two animal gathered together to go, moreover they seemed like also nature, is eating the spirit earth of ground. 而那种鸟看起来有点像驼鸟,个头很大,还长着十分漂亮的羽毛,个头甚至比那斑马还要大,这让赵海感到十分的好奇,他还真的不知道,这两种动物怎么就凑到一起去了,而且他们看起来还十分的自然,都在吃着地上的灵土。 Sees these two animal, small immediately nods to the An wolf and Sherrill, the An wolf and Sherrill also all nod, later they ran off one on the left and other on the right, small has not actually moved, he , still has waited for about the quarter of an hour, small stand forth, small very clear, he is then walking forward, must enter to that two animal vigilance encircles, they will certainly feel that own aura, will not do well will run away, lets the An wolf and Sherrill first outflanks from about twice, when the time comes their three together will start, believes that two only animal on will unable to be inescapable.. 一看到这两种动物,小蛮马上就冲着安氏狼和谢莉尔点了点头,安氏狼和谢莉尔也全都点了点头,随后他们一左一右的跑开了,小蛮却是没有动,他还在等,一直等了一刻钟左右,小蛮这才向前走去,小蛮十分的清楚,他在向前走,就要进入到那两只动物的警觉圈了,他们一定会感觉到自己的气息,一个弄不好就会跑掉,让安氏狼和谢莉尔先从左右两次进行包抄,到时候他们三面一起发动,相信那两只动物就跑不了了。 Really, when small just entered to that two animal vigilant circle, that two animal all moved, their immediately was vigilant, that ostrich lifted the head, four look at, but that zebra also stood, is hearing, but slightly has not actually stopped, then walks forward. 果然,就在小蛮刚刚进入到那两只动物的警觉圈的时候,那两只动物就全都动了起来,他们马上就警惕了起来,那只驼鸟抬起了头,四下的看着,而那只斑马也站了起来,不停的闻着,而小蛮却没有停,接着向前走。 This so-called vigilant circle, actually very simple, is a aura vigilant distance, can enter to spirit earth here, moreover to animal of this place, they is some strength not weak animal, they can feel that other animal aura, but some animal, their brave, oneself thought that oneself strength is also very strong, therefore the aura vigilant distance, will regard their domains, so long as some people enter to their domains, their immediately can attack, but there are some animal, actually not like this, their timidness, their discover has the person to enter. Arrived their aura vigilant circles, immediately will conduct attack to the enemy, why before this is, these animal that Zhao Hai they meet, all will take the initiative attack their reasons, because of these animal, they they regard Zhao Hai invade the people in their domain, therefore they can attack, not escape, but they overestimated oneself strength, underestimated Zhao Hai their strength. 这个所谓的警觉圈,其实十分的简单,就是一个气息警惕距离罢了,能进入到灵土界这里,而且到了这个地方的动物,他们全都是一些实力不弱的动物,他们都可以感觉到其它动物的气息,而一些动物,他们的胆子大,自己觉得自己的实力也很强,所以他们就会把气息警惕距离,当成他们的地盘,只要有人进入到他们的地盘,他们马上就攻击,而有一些动物,却并不是这样的,他们的胆子很小,他们发现有人进入到他们的气息警惕圈,马上就会对敌人进行攻击,这就是为什么之前赵海他们遇到的那些动物,全都会主动攻击他们的原因,因为那些动物,他们都把赵海他们当成是入侵他们的地盘的人,所以他们会攻击,不会逃跑,只不过他们高估了自己的这力,低估了赵海他们的实力罢了。 The aura vigilant distance, is actually the same as animal that vigilant distance, even ordinary animal, they will still have the one type of vigilant distance, looks like some herbivorous animal, they have a vigilant distance, they when discover old tiger, is possible immediately will not run, because old tiger has not entered to their vigilant distances, they think that old tiger in that distance, to them is no danger. 气息警惕距离,其实就跟动物那种警惕距离是一样的,就算是普通的动物,他们也是会有一种警惕距离的,就像是一些食草动物,他们是有一个警惕距离的,他们在发现老虎的时候,可能不会马上就跑,因为老虎还没有进入到他们的警惕距离之内,他们认为老虎在那个距离,对他们来说是没有什么危险的。 But if old tiger entered their vigilant distance, their immediately ran to escape, this was the vigilant distance, but here was Cultivation World, animal can feel the aura, therefore they will have a vigilant distance of aura, if there is animal to move beyond this distance, they will not escape, but if these animal, entered their aura vigilant distance, their immediately will escape, or met head-on, this was the aura vigilant distance, but small on was enters to that two only animal aura vigilant distances now, therefore their immediately vigilance. 但是如果老虎进入到了他们的警惕距离,他们马上就跑逃跑,这就就是警惕距离,而这里修真界,动物是可以感觉到气息的,所以他们会有一个气息的警惕距离,如果有动物在这个距离之外活动,他们是不会逃跑的,但是如果那些动物,进入到了他们的气息警惕距离,他们马上就会逃跑,或是迎战,这个就是气息警惕距离,而小蛮现在就是进入到了那两只动物的气息警惕距离了,所以他们马上就警觉了起来。 discover that two animal have been vigilant, small is not slowing down speed, but is an acceleration, rushes over to there. But that two animal are actually turn around, immediately runs forward, speed returns very fast, but small speed is not slow, he pursued in behind crazily. 发现那两只动物已经警惕起来了,小蛮也就不在放慢速度了,而是一个加速,直向那里冲了过去。而那两只动物却是一转身,马上就向前跑去,速度十分的快,但是小蛮的速度也不慢,他在后面狂追了过去。 When that two animal run forward, suddenly their front appears two animal, one on the left and other on the right, threw to them, these two animal Sherrill and An wolf, Sherrill and An wolf now also all speed raising, moreover their speed very fast, among in the blink of an eye had arrived at front of that horse bird, caught a way of that horse bird directly, a that horse bird also has to stop, but at this time slightly had pursued from behind. 就在那两只动物向前跑的时候,突然他们的前方出现了两只动物,一左一右,直向他们扑了过来,这两只动物正是谢莉尔和安氏狼,谢莉尔和安氏狼现在也全都把速度给提了起来,而且他们的速度十分的快,转眼之间就已经到了那一马一鸟的前面,直接就接住了那一马一鸟的去路,那一马一鸟也不得不停了下来,而这时小蛮已经从后面追了上来。
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