BTFTLIAW :: Volume #84

#8335: Closing off a mountain area

Zhao Hai sits in Yu Xu Sanren study room, Yu Xu Sanren they all stood in there, Zhao Hai looked at Yu Xu Sanren their eyes, said solemnly: Now other Heavenly Talisman Sect several peaks disciple, has plenty, has fallen our in hand, but the people and don’t know of other peaks, but we were also the time acted, can the jade must, you order to block entire Heavenly Talisman Sect, look find these Shadow Clansman, if can find these Shadow Clansman, we began to them directly, if could not find them, forget about it, later will have opportunity to tidy up them, this matter, occur suddenly too, I have not thought that time Shadow Clansman will be involved unexpectedly, turned into Undead Race you, is I conceives a plan temporarily, therefore this matter was done some careless. But said no matter how, finally succeeded, later will say our matter to you in detail, now first does the matter.” 赵海坐在玉须散人书房里,玉须散人他们全都站在那里,赵海看了玉须散人他们一眼,沉声道:“现在天符宗其它几峰的弟子,也有很多,已经落到了我们手里,而其它峰的人并不知道,不过我们也是时候行动了,玉须,你下令封锁整个天符宗,看看能不能找到那些影族人,要是能找到那些影族人的话,我们直接就对他们动手,要是找不到他们的话,那就算了,以后会有机会收拾他们,这一次的事情,发生的太突然了,我没有想到影族人竟然会参与其中,把你们变成死灵一族,也是我临时起意,所以这件事情做的有些草率了,但是不管怎么说,最后还是成功了,以后会跟你们详细的说一下我们的事情,现在先去做事儿吧。” Yu Xu Sanren they all complied with one, later immediately ordered, to pass on various police mountains, Heavenly Talisman Sect closed off a mountain area, later ordering of this order, Heavenly Talisman Sect main peak here, spread sound of the intermittent alarm, the ding was melodious, spread over entire Heavenly Talisman Sect, various Heavenly Talisman Sect peaks also spread the intermittent alarm sound, Heavenly Talisman Sect official closing off a mountain area. 玉须散人他们全都应了一声,随后马上就下令,传警各山,天符宗封山了,随后这个命令的下令,天符宗主峰这里,传出了一阵阵的警钟之声,钟声悠扬,传遍了整个天符宗,天符宗各峰也传出了阵阵的警钟声,天符宗正式的封山了。 Afterward Heavenly Talisman Sect closes off a mountain area, Heavenly Talisman Sect all Elite disciple were all sent, they are divided into a squad squad, in Heavenly Talisman Sect, examination in all directions, look can find Shadow Clansman, but they were disappointed, they had not found Shadow Clansman, but they were under an order from Zhao Hai there, started to deal with the people on other Heavenly Talisman Sect peaks. 随后天符宗封山,天符宗所有精锐弟子全都被派了出去,他们分成一小队一小队的,在天符宗里,四处的查看,看看能不能找到影族人,但是他们失望了,他们并没有找到影族人,不过他们却是从赵海那里得到了一个命令,开始对付天符宗其它峰上的人了。 Heavenly Talisman Sect closes off a mountain area for a month, but this month, Heavenly Talisman Sect also complete falling to Zhao Hai in hand, although they and don’t know what's the matter, but they truly became Zhao Hai under the hand/subordinate, became Zhao Hai Undead Race, but this matter in Myriad Mountains Realm, caused a great disturbance. 天符宗封山一个月的时间,而这一个月的时间里,天符宗也完全的落入到了赵海手里,虽然他们并不知道是怎么回事儿,但是他们确实是成了赵海手下,成了赵海死灵一族,而这件事情在万山界里,也引起了宣然大波 Various the Myriad Mountains Realm Sect people, without thinking, Spirit Phoenix Sect these rebels, will really have the courage attacks of Heavenly Talisman Sect Myriad Mountains Realm three Big Shot, moreover almost makes them go well, words that or Hundred Sects Alliance make a move helps one another, the loss of this Heavenly Talisman Sect feared that is big. 万山界宗门的人,怎么也没有想到,灵凤宗的那些叛徒,竟然会有胆子进攻万山界巨头之一的天符宗,而且还差一点儿让他们得手,要不百宗联盟出手相助的话,这一次天符宗的损失怕是就大。 This lets Tian Cangzi and nine accumulated Buddhist Master felt that incomparable being startled, although they know the potentials of nearest/recent these year of Heavenly Talisman Sect, but an extremely thin camel is bigger than a horse, the Heavenly Talisman Sect mastery is still placed in there, even Heavenly Profound Sect, does not dare easily makes war with Heavenly Talisman Sect, but this Shadow Clansman actually Heavenly Talisman Sect making dirtily, how this lets them is not surprised. 这让天苍子和九蕴禅师都感到无比的吃惊,虽然他们知道最近这些年天符宗的势微,但是瘦死的骆驼比马大,天符宗的底蕴还在那里摆着呢,就算是天玄宗,也不敢轻易的与天符宗开战,但是这一次影族人却把天符宗给弄得灰头土脸的,这让他们如何能不吃惊。 However what regarding this matter is time, information that they receive are not many, they have certainly oneself spy in Heavenly Talisman Sect there, received some information, but these information are actually not entire, they only know, this matter, actually the adjustment of Yu Xu Sanren to Heavenly Talisman Sect causes time, his adjustment caused some Clan disaffection, these Clan on wanting to retaliate Yu Xu Sanren. 但是对于这一次的事情到底是什么样的,他们收到的消息却并不是很多,他们在天符宗那里当然也有自己的暗间,也收到了一些消息,但是这些消息却是并不全,他们只知道,这一次的事情,其实玉须散人天符宗的调整而引起的,他的调整引起了一些家族的不满,那些家族就想要报复玉须散人 However these Clan Old Ancestor, is Heavenly Talisman Sect these by Supreme Elder that Hundred Sects Alliance deducts, does not want a falling out with Yu Xu Sanren, but wants to negotiate, what they have not thought that the person in their Clan, has colluded with Shadow Clansman unexpectedly, unexpectedly directly Shadow Clansman getting so far as Heavenly Talisman Sect main peak there, while these Supreme Elder and Yu Xu Sanren negotiated the time, suddenly make a move, moreover they also gave Yu Xu Sanren to intoxicate ahead of time, by the ability of jade poisonous worthless person, unexpectedly a short time not means Detoxification, therefore fighting strength in a big way reduced. 但是那些家族老祖,也就是天符宗的那些被百宗联盟扣下的太上长老,并不想与玉须散人闹翻,而是想要谈判,但是他们没有想到的是,他们家族里的人,竟然早就与影族人有勾结,竟然直接就把影族人给弄到了天符宗主峰那里,趁着那些太上长老玉须散人谈判的时候,突然出手,而且他们还提前给玉须散人下了毒,以玉毒散人的能力,竟然一时半会儿的没有办法解毒,所以战斗力大减。 Hundred Sects Alliance Expert, in Heavenly Talisman Sect, they have not happen to been poisoned, by their prompt make a move words, feared that was the Heavenly Talisman Sect really danger, even if not be extinguished, feared that still met strength/Origin Qi to damage severely, very dangerous, Hundred Sects Alliance alliance leader Zhao Hai, rushed to the support finally, this repelled these Shadow Clansman. 要不是百宗联盟高手,正好在天符宗里,他们没有中毒,由他们及时出手的话,怕是天符宗就真的危险了,就算是不会被灭,怕是也会元气大伤,十分的危险,最后百宗联盟盟主赵海,赶到支援,这才击退了那些影族人 After Shadow Clansman to repelling, Heavenly Talisman Sect immediately blocked Sect, starts to trace the Shadow Clansman matter, finally finds out, is under these Clan some Clan, willing does not lose the in hand benefit, they colluded with Shadow Clansman unexpectedly, must disperse their make a move to the jade. The attention, they collude with Shadow Clansman, is actually not Shadow Clansman, they do not do obeisance the god of Shadow Clan, therefore on them does not have the Shadow Clan aura. 影族人给击退之后,天符宗马上就封锁了宗门,开始追查影族人的事情,最后查出,是那些家族下面的一些家族,不甘心失去手里的利益,他们竟然与影族人勾结了起来,对玉须散他们出手的。注意,他们是与影族人有勾结,却并不是影族人,他们不拜影族之神,所以他们身上没有影族的气息。 Heavenly Talisman Sect also has thing that can the discover Shadow Clan aura, because of Shadow Clansman attack, they discover Shadow Clan aura thing opening, but that thing does not have discover these people, after all on them does not have the Shadow Clan aura, therefore made their suddenly initiate attack, making Heavenly Talisman Sect lose is very serious. 天符宗也有可以发现影族气息的东西,因为影族人攻击,他们已经把发现影族气息的东西给打开了,但是那东西却没有发现那些人,毕竟他们身上没有影族气息,所以才让他们突然发起了攻击,让天符宗损失很是惨重。 Heavenly Talisman Sect this Elite disciple loses many, immortal level Expert lost several, although had not had a fracture, but was actually big lost a face, but this matter also let Myriad Mountains Realm all Sect, one was awakened, not only Shadow Clansman can turn into Shadow Clansman you, he can some people with ulterior motives cooperation similarly with, but such cooperation, only danger, this will be most awfully. 天符宗这一次精锐弟子损失很多,仙级高手都损失了好几位,虽然没有伤筋动骨,但是却是大大的丢了一次面子,而这次事情也让万山界所有宗门,一下就被惊醒了,影族人不只是可以把你变成影族人,他同样可以与一些别有用心的人合作,而这样的合作,只会更加的危险,这才是最要命的。 Heavenly Talisman Sect Sect Master is still blocking now, when unseals no one to know, but Heavenly Talisman Sect was actually conducts to their within the boundaries combed repeatedly, Heavenly Profound Sect and Thunder Sound Zen Temple some spy were looked, therefore now Heavenly Profound Sect and information of thunder Yinxuan Temple to Heavenly Talisman Sect there, know was few. 天符宗宗主现在还在封锁着,什么时候解封没有人知道,不过天符宗却是对他们境内进行了多次的梳理了,就连天玄宗雷音禅寺的一些暗间都被找了出来,所以现在天玄宗和雷音玄寺对天符宗那里消息,也知道的很少了。 No one knows, the Heavenly Talisman Sect there matter, has actually been solved, reason that had not de-archived , because they are entering to Black Tortoise Space there in turn study, is goes to Black Tortoise Space there to receive all benefits that Blood Slaughter Sect disciple earns. 没有人知道,天符宗那里的事情,其实早就已经解决了,之所以一直没有解封,就是因为他们正在分批的进入到玄武空间那里去学习,同时也是去玄武空间那里去领取血杀宗弟子应得的一切福利。 After one month of rotation, all Heavenly Talisman Sect disciple, all receives all that they earned, simultaneously they regarding the disaffection of Zhao Hai at heart that faint trace, complete vanish from sight, reason that said that they to Zhao Hai at heart faint trace not full , because they felt, Zhao Hai somewhat takes advantage of somebody, because they are Undead Race, is the Zhao Hai servant race, therefore they do not dare to have too big discontented to Zhao Hai, only then a faint trace. 经过一个月的轮换,所有天符宗弟子,也全都领到了他们应得的一切,同时他们对于赵海心里那一丝丝的不满,也完全的消失不见了,之所以说他们对赵海的心里有一丝丝不的满,就是因为他们觉得,赵海是有些趁人之危的,但是因为他们都是死灵一族,是赵海仆从种族,所以他们对赵海不敢有太大的不满,所以只有一丝丝。 Zhao Hai at this time, in arrived at Heavenly Talisman Sect here one time, took a seat directly on the Heavenly Talisman Sect Great Hall seat of honor, Yu Xu Sanren, Wen Wenhai, Ding Chunming they all below, after all Heavenly Talisman Sect Great Hall, but too be greatly more than Qing-Yang Sect Great Hall, people simultaneously saluted said: to pay a visit Sect Master to Zhao Hai.” 赵海这个时候,在一次来到了天符宗这里,直接就坐到了天符宗大殿的主位上,玉须散人,温文海,丁春明他们全都在下面,毕竟天符宗大殿,可是要比青扬宗大殿大太多了,众人齐齐的冲着赵海行礼道:“拜见宗主。” Zhao Hai nods, beckons with the hand said: "All right, to sit. ” The people were worth one, later they all sat, Zhao Hai saw after they sit down, this to Yu Xu Sanren open the mouth and said: „Can jade, Heavenly Talisman Sect now be possible the complete stability? Is all disciple, all received their benefits?” 赵海点了点头,摆了摆手道:“行了,都坐吧。”众人值得了一声,随后他们全都坐了下来,赵海看到他们都坐下之后,这才对玉须散人开口道:“玉须,天符宗现在可已经完全的稳定了?是不是所有弟子,全都领到了他们的福利?” The Yu Xu Sanren immediately station, to Zhao Hai gave a salute said: "Yes, Sect Master, all disciple had all received the benefits, inviting Sect Master does not need to be worried. ” Yu Xu Sanren to Zhao Hai spoke the time, but respected, he after knowing Blood Slaughter Sect what's the matter, he to the Zhao Hai heart in only then respected, must know that he now almost equal to was Everlasting, the person wanted Zhao Hai also to live, they could not die, how this let him not to respect Zhao Hai. 玉须散人马上就站了起来,冲着赵海行了一礼道:“是,宗主,所有弟子全都已经领到了福利,请宗主不必担心。”玉须散人赵海说话的时候,可是十分尊重的,他在知道了血杀宗是怎么回事儿之后,他对赵海心中就只有尊敬了,要知道他现在几乎等于长生了,人要赵海还活着,他们就死不了,这让他如何能不尊敬赵海呢。 Zhao Hai nods, then said solemnly: This matter reminded us time, Shadow Clansman has not lost heart absolutely, I went back to think, that Colourful Phoenix was Spirit Phoenix Sect internal space Magical Artifact that Spirit Phoenix Sect these rebels carried off, that Dagger is possible was surpasses internal space Magical Artifact of person, but surpassed the person is also Myriad Mountains Realm here super Great Sect, they naturally also had oneself internal space Magical Artifact, perhaps returned more than one, therefore we later must be careful a little.” 赵海点了点头,接着沉声道:“这一次的事情提醒了我们,影族人绝对没有死心,我回去想了一下,那彩凤灵凤宗那些叛徒带走的灵凤宗内空间法器,那匕首可能就是超度人的内空间法器了,而超度人也是万山界这里的超级大宗,他们自然也有自己的内空间法器,说不定还不只一个,所以我们以后还是要小心一点儿。” Yu Xu Sanren said solemnly: Sect Master, my Heavenly Talisman Sect has three internal space Magical Artifact, moreover five internal space Magical Artifact the semifinished product, I thought that we can definitely come out in Refining several internal space Magical Artifact, later we outside, these internal space Magical Artifact that uses our Refining to come out, some people will not suspect.” 玉须散人沉声道:“宗主,我天符宗有三件内空间法器,而且还有五件内空间法器的器坯,我觉得我们完全可以在炼制几件内空间法器出来,以后我们在外面,就用我们炼制出来的这些内空间法器,也不会有人怀疑。” Zhao Hai nods, said solemnly: Ok, after a period of time, you take these semifinished product, I become internal space Magical Artifact their Refining , after Heavenly Talisman Sect here unseals, you announce to the public directly, my Hundred Sects Alliance and Heavenly Talisman Sect became the life and death union, like this our contacts will be denser, some people will not say anything.” 赵海点了点头,沉声道:“可以,过一段时间,你就把那些器坯都拿出来,我把他们炼制内空间法器,还有,等到天符宗这里解封之后,你就直接对外宣布,我百宗联盟天符宗成了生死同盟,这样我们双方的交往就算是密了一些,也不会有人说什么了。” Yu Xu Sanren complied with one, Zhao Hai beckoned with the hand, Yu Xu Sanren then sat, Zhao Hai look at people open the mouth and said: This time can make Heavenly Talisman Sect merge into our Blood Slaughter Sect, is purely is accidental/surprised, no one has thought, Shadow Clansman meets suddenly to meddle the Heavenly Talisman Sect matter, finally resulted in a small advantage by us, suddenly that a little although this matter makes time, but said no matter how, we have succeeded, Heavenly Talisman Sect now is our one, later everyone all was a person on one's own side, Heavenly Talisman Sect amended the practice method, all merged into our Blood Slaughter Sect, now has also improved to complete, this regarding our Blood Slaughter Sect, the help was very big, Old Wen, your there how?” 玉须散人应了一声,赵海摆了摆手,玉须散人这才坐了下来,赵海看着众人开口道:“这一次能让天符宗并入到我们血杀宗,纯属是一件意外,谁都没有想到,影族人突然插手天符宗的事情,最后被我们得了一个便宜,虽然这一次的事情做的有点儿突然,但是不管怎么说,我们已经成功了,天符宗现在已经是我们的一员,以后大家就全都是自己人了,天符宗的修练功法,也全都并入到了我们血杀宗里了,现在也已经改良完成了,这对于我们血杀宗来说,帮助还是很大,老闻,你那里如何?” The Wen Yuming immediately station, returned to the Sect Master words to Zhao Hai gave a salute said:, Heavenly Talisman Sect Cultivation Method, regarding our help was very big, we can also speed up formation, Cultivation Method to speed that the Runes direction transformed, moreover we can also use more symbols, this to us, helped is really big.” 闻于名马上就站了起来,冲着赵海行了一礼道:“回宗主的话,天符宗功法,对于我们的帮助是很大了,我们也可以加快把法阵,功法符文方向转变的速度了,而且我们也可以使用更多的符了,这对于我们来说,帮助真的是太大了。” Zhao Hai nods said: "OK, this to be good, the jade must, after this matter, you can make Heavenly Talisman Sect disciple speed up practicing speed, lets some Heavenly Talisman Sect also appears talent disciple, later Heavenly Talisman Sect unexpectedly also performance domineering a little, but do not threaten Heavenly Profound Sect and Thunder Sound Zen Temple, but actually must suspend to me three Big Shot power and prestige. ” 赵海点了点头道:“好,这就好,玉须,这一次事情之后,你就可以让天符宗弟子加快修练速度,让天符宗出现一些天才弟子,以后天符宗不防也表现的强势一点儿,但是不要威胁天玄宗雷音禅寺,但是却要把三巨头的威风给我摆出来。” Yu Xu Sanren stood, complied with one, Zhao Hai beckoned with the hand said: "All right, to sit down, later met, does not need to stand, sits replies is OK. ” Speaking of here Zhao Hai slightly, later then open the mouth and said: These accepts Heavenly Talisman Sect time is accidental/surprised, I am the preparation slowly merges into Heavenly Talisman Sect our Blood Slaughter Sect, but Heavenly Talisman Sect merges into Blood Slaughter Sect now, we also saved many matters, we can conduct our next step plans, that was began to Demon Sect, I prepared Demon Sect all Sect, all merged into my Blood Slaughter Sect, gave us Blood Slaughter Sect, caused a rear, increased our strategic depths , if really and Shadow Clansman to, the Demon Sect domain, on can become us and Shadow Clansman deal with qualification..” 玉须散人又站了起来,应了一声,赵海摆了摆手道:“行了,坐下吧,以后开会的时候,不需要站起来,坐着答话就可以了。”说到这里赵海微微一顿,随后这才开口道:“这一次收下天符宗是一个意外,我本来是准备慢慢的把天符宗并入到我们血杀宗里的,不过现在天符宗并入到了血杀宗里,我们也省了很多的事儿,那我们就可以进行我们下一步的计划了,那就是对魔门动手了,我准备把魔门所有的宗门,全都并入到我血杀宗里,给我们血杀宗,弄出一个大后方来了,同时也增加我们的战略纵深,以后要是真的与影族人对上,魔门的地盘,就可以成为我们与影族人周旋的本钱了。”
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