BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13596: Announced

severe Rufeng after sitting down, first told two people these words, Anyan and Han Zuosheng also all nods, their although was Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, but their same was also the giant stone pledge and Ba Huang pledge person, how hated the pledge to bully greatly their, but they were clear, because knew these, therefore they regarding severe Rufeng, that were the shall be gratefuls as a personal favor. 厉如锋在坐下之后,先是跟两人说了这些话,安岩和韩左生也全都点了点头,他们虽然血杀宗弟子了,但是他们同样的也是巨石盟和八荒盟的人,大恨盟是如何欺负他们的,他们可是一清二楚的,正是因为知道这些,所以他们对于厉如锋的话,那是感同身受。 severe Rufeng look at two people, then said solemnly: I said these to two, is not suspending the merit to two, but wants to tell two, our Gold Sword pledge join the determination of your alliance, if in fact does not have matter occur of previous attack Anyan elder, we have contacted with you, wanted join you, but previous matter occur, we somewhat hesitated time, had our people to participate to attack the Anyan elder, but that matter with our real it doesn't matter.” severe Rufeng when spoke this saying, continuously look at Anyan. 厉如锋看着两人,接着沉声道:“我跟两位说这些,并不是在向两位摆功,而是想要告诉两位,我们金剑加入你们联盟的决心,事实上如果不是有上一次攻击安岩长老的事情发生,我们早就联系你们,想要加入你们了,但是上一次的事情一发生,我们就有些犹豫了,有我们的人参与进攻安岩长老,但是那件事情跟我们真的没有关系。”厉如锋在说这话的时候,一直看着安岩。 Anyan listened to severe Rufeng, is slightly smiled said: severe elder does not need to explain, actually that matter what's the matter, I am clear, we also know, attacks our people are who, therefore I this matter, have not calculated that in the head of Gold Sword pledge, do not live the Gold Sword pledge the air/Qi, I want somewhat not to figure out besides the Iron Hand pledge person, others all know that what's the matter, but the Iron Hand pledge must with hate pledge forming an Alliance unexpectedly greatly, how I really don’t know they are want, in my opinion, their is possible leaves hapless was not far.” Anyan said own idea, but severe Rufeng listens to Anyan, he also cannot help but nods, so long as Anyan does not calculate their heads this matter, he also on feel relieved, because one, but Anyan calculates their heads this matter, then on equal to in their alliance, laid down a land mine, when explodes, that may on don’t know. 安岩听了厉如锋的话,也是微微一笑道:“厉长老不必解释,其实那件事情到底是怎么回事儿,我是一清二楚的,我们也知道,进攻我们的人到底是什么人,所以我从来都没有将这件事情,算在金剑盟的头上,更不要生金剑盟的气,我想除了铁手盟的人有些拎不清之外,其它的人全都知道是怎么回事儿,而铁手盟竟然还要与大恨盟结盟,我真的不知道他们是怎么想的,在我看来,他们可能离倒楣也不远了。”安岩说出了自己的想法,而厉如锋一听安岩的话,他也不由得点了点头,只要安岩不将这件事情算到他们的头上,那他也就放心了,因为一但安岩将这件事情算到他们的头上,那就等于是在他们的这个联盟里,埋下了一颗地雷,什么时候炸,那可就不知道了。 severe Rufeng thinks of here, he carried wine glass, has spoken with two to two people said:, does not have respect two one glass of liquor well, come, we do one cup, for us can forming an Alliance, celebration well.” Anyan and Han Zuosheng will not certainly agree, several people of together raise glass, the liquor in cup doing, after they did the liquor in cup, Han Zuosheng is actually good that very slightly smiled said: severe Elder entertains, but this liquor actually missed a little meaning, happen, I brought several jug nice wines, gives severe Chang old, in any case we are the people on one's own side, I was impolite with severe Elder.” Said that he put out several jug liquor, put side. 厉如锋一想到这里,他就端起了酒杯,冲着两人道:“一直跟两位说话了,却没有好好的敬两位一杯酒,来,我们干一杯,为我们能结盟,好好的庆祝一下。”安岩和韩左生当然也不会不同意,几人一起举杯,将杯里的酒给干了,等到他们将杯里的酒都干了之后,韩左生却是微微一笑道:“厉长老招待的很好,但是这酒却是差了一点儿意思,正好,我带来了几坛子好酒,就送给厉长老了,反正我们是自己人,我也就不跟厉长老客气了。”说完他就拿出了几坛子酒,放到了旁边。 severe Rufeng the in the room, only then their three, other disciple, all by severe Rufeng dispatching, therefore naturally also gives them to pour the liquor on no one, but this arrives cannot baffle them, sees Han Zuosheng to take up jug liquor, patted the balling up, later the racket of hand on toward liquor jug, in next quarter liquor jug departed three liquor arrows, these three liquor arrows, to severe Rufeng, Anyan and his wine glass there flew, when the liquor arrow flew there, directness on falling to wine glass, one. The drop has not sprinkled outward. 厉如锋的这个房间里,只有他们三位在,其它的弟子,全都被厉如锋给遣出去了,所以自然也就没有人给他们倒酒,但是这到是难不倒他们,就见韩左生拿起一坛子酒,拍开了泥封,随后手往酒坛子上一拍,下一刻酒坛子里就飞出了三股酒箭,这三股酒箭,直向厉如锋,安岩和他的酒杯那里飞去,等到酒箭飞到了那里,直接就落到了酒杯里,一滴都没有往外洒。 severe Rufeng and Anyan all called good, Han left lives this, demonstrated that he regarding control of oneself strength, went to how accurate situation, this is very rare, Han Zuosheng also laughs, later he held up wine glass, comes to severe Rufeng and Anyan said:, two, we are doing one cup.” severe Rufeng and Anyan two people all held up wine glass, three people of the liquor in cup doing, after when severe Rufeng liquor doing, when wine glass puts downward, suddenly was motionless, but to he quite near Anyan, is actually the figure moves, directly on appears in severe Rufeng , the one of the hand on his arm wipes, later on returned to on own seat, then he looked at an own palm, in his palm, there is one small metal bottle, there. Thinks of a drop of blood, but also only then a drop of blood, does not see dark mist to brave, Anyan also relaxes, later he turned the head to look at Han Zuosheng, shakes the head, Han Zuosheng also relaxes, later two people pretended the appearance that wine glass put down, but severe Rufeng at this time, 厉如锋和安岩全都叫了一声好,韩左生这一手,显示出了他对于自己力量的控制,达到了多么精准的地步,这可是十分难得的,韩左生也是哈哈大笑,随后他举起了酒杯,冲着厉如锋和安岩道:“来,两位,我们在干一杯。”厉如锋和安岩两人全都举起了酒杯,三人一口就将杯里的酒给干了,不过等到厉如锋将酒给干了之后,在酒杯往下放的时候,却突然就不动了,而离他比较近的安岩,却是身形一动,直接就出现在了厉如锋的跟前,手在他的手臂上一抹,随后就回到了自己的坐位上,接着他看了一眼自己的手心,在他的手心里,有一个小小的金属瓶,那里面装着一滴血,不过也只有一滴血,并不见黑雾冒出来,安岩也松了口气,随后他转头看了一眼韩左生,摇了摇头,韩左生也松了口气,随后两人就装做将酒杯放下的样子,而厉如锋这个时候, Probably also suddenly recovers to be the same , wine glass putting on table, later laughs said: nice wine.” Han left lives slightly smiled said: these jug liquor, gives severe Chang old, originally I am want to give gold/metal alliance leader, but we had not said that with gold/metal alliance leader several words, this liquor has not delivered, gives to the severe elder, the severe elder be please giving gold/metal alliance leader several altars/jars for us.” The nod that severe Rufeng laughs complied, three people then drink, chat the alliance to establish the later matter, unconscious jug liquor has drunk light/only, Han Zuosheng and Anyan also said goodbye leave, severe Rufeng has sent out his Divine Beast small Space two people, this went to gold/metal hero Divine Beast Space there, when he arrived at gold/metal hero Divine Beast Space, discover golds hero is sitting in oneself study room, in hand takes one long sword, keeping cleaning, severe Rufeng has not been giving the gold/metal male to salute, but was takes a seat to the gold/metal. The male front, to gold/metal male said: Senior Brother, I have probed, they truly are sincerity forming an Alliance, truly must get rid hates the pledge greatly control, what most important is, they truly know, the matter of previous attack Anyan, is not we are done, I listen to the meaning in their words, probably knows that is who does, moreover inside also has the secret facts, but I had not asked many, what to do Senior Brother you do look following?” 好像也突然就又回过神来一样,也将酒杯给放到了桌子上,随后哈哈大笑道:“好酒。”韩左生微微一笑道:“这几坛子酒,就送给厉长老了,本来我是想要送给金盟主的,但是我们与金盟主也没有说上几句话,这酒也没有送出去,就送给厉长老吧,请厉长老代我们在送给金盟主几坛。”厉如锋哈哈大笑的点头答应了,三人接着喝酒,聊着联盟成立之后的事情,不知不觉的一坛子酒就已经喝光了,韩左生和安岩也就告辞离开了,厉如锋一直将两人送出了他的神兽空间,这才去了金雄的神兽空间那里,等到他到了金雄的神兽空间,发现雄正坐在自己的书房里,手里拿着一把长剑,正在不停的擦拭着,厉如锋也没有给金雄行礼,而是一屁股就坐到了金雄的面前,对金雄道:师兄,我试探过了,他们确实是真心结盟的,也确实是要摆脱大恨盟的控制,最主要的是,他们确实是知道,上一次攻击安岩的事情,不是我们做的,我听他们话里的意思,好像是知道是谁做的,而且里面还另有隐情,不过我却没有多问,师兄你看接下来怎么办?” look at in hand long sword that gold/metal Xiongtou have not lifted, then said solemnly: What to do? Waits to hate the pledge greatly attack, hates the pledge to know that greatly our five pledges form an alliance, they are is impossible can sit still, certainly will have the movement, we must be ready that deals with, I will cross several days to send the letter/believes to them, proposed that alliance leader of our several pledges gathering, together discusses, what kind of manipulation will hate the pledge greatly, will hate the pledge attack should quick to come greatly, we must be ready that will deal with.” 金雄头都没抬的看着自己手里的长剑,接着沉声道:“怎么办?等着大恨盟的攻击吧,大恨盟在知道我们五盟结成了联盟,他们是不可能坐得住的,一定会有动作,我们必须要做好应对的准备,我过几天会给他们去信,提议我们几盟的盟主聚一下,一起商量一下,如何的应付大恨盟,大恨盟的攻击应该很快就会来,我们必须要做好应付的准备。” severe Rufeng listened to gold/metal hero saying that he also cannot help but nods, later his open the mouth and said: If hates the pledge really to conduct attack to us greatly, what to do we should?” Some severe Rufeng actually worries, hate the pledge the prestige to be placed in there after all greatly. 厉如锋一听金雄这么说,他也不由得点了点头,随后他开口道:“如果大恨盟真的对我们进行攻击,那我们该怎么办呢?”厉如锋其实还是有些担心的,毕竟大恨盟的威名在那里摆着呢。 Gold/Metal male said solemnly: Hates the pledge to cope greatly, but our five big alliances, no matter his attack anyone, several other big alliances will certainly help, otherwise, we establish this alliance to do, when the time comes must look who was fiercer, moreover from opening land this point can look, hates the pledge to be actually worried greatly our things, he was worried about us to be able forming an Alliance, but he was the worry, we more must do, he worried that we can forming an Alliance, we need forming an Alliance, only then we can true getting rid in a big way hate the pledge like this.” 金雄沉声道:“大恨盟要对付的,可果我们五大联盟,不管他攻击谁,其它几大联盟都一定会去帮忙的,不然的话,我们成立这个联盟干什么,到时候就要看谁更厉害了,而且从张陆这一点上就可以看得出来,大恨盟其实已经在担心我们的事情了,他担心我们会结盟,但是他越是担心,我们就越是要做,他担心我们会结盟,我们就必须要结盟,只有这样我们才能真正的摆脱大恨盟。” severe Rufeng look at golds hero, then said solemnly: Ok, you make a decision on the line, I was not saying, ok, I rested.” Said that stood directly got up to walk outward, severe Rufeng in gold/metal male here, was such optional, gold/metal hero also and did not care. 厉如锋看着雄,接着沉声道:“行,你拿主意就行,我就不在多说了,行了,我去休息去了。”说完就直接站了起来往外走去,厉如锋在金雄这里,一直都是如此的随意,金雄也并不在意。 But other aspect Anyan and Han Zuosheng also all arrived in Divine Beast Space of Anyan, after two people sit well, Anyan then open the mouth and said: Now is certain, severe Rufeng is not the Shadow Clansman spy, gold/metal hero evidently is not, like this we can also feel relieved, their two pledges, if can also drag into Blood Slaughter Sect, our strengths will increase many.” 而另一面安岩和韩左生也全都到了安岩的神兽空间里,两人坐定之后,安岩这才开口道:“现在可以肯定了,厉如锋并不是影族人的奸细,金雄看样子也不是,这样我们也就可以放心了,将他们两盟,要是也能拉入到血杀宗里,那我们的实力就会增加很多了。” Han left lives said solemnly: This is not an easy matter, we evidently, have not been contacting severe Rufeng opportunity, moreover severe Rufeng the strength is also very strong, do not forget, he is sword cultivator, we want to turn into Undead Race him, is not a simple matter, evidently what kind of receives our Sect the Gold Sword pledge, must look at Elder Bai they.” 韩左生沉声道:“这并不是一件容易的事情,我们看样子,已经没有在接触厉如锋的机会了,而且厉如锋的实力也很强,不要忘了,他可是一个剑修,我们想要将他变成死灵一族,并不是一件简单的事儿,看样子如何的将金剑盟收入我们宗门,也是要看白长老他们的了。” Anyan nods, later said solemnly: tomorrow they must announce that join our alliance, what don’t know stretch/open land can be mad when the time comes, you said that hates the pledge to the Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge to begin greatly? If he begins to the Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge, we with hate the pledges greatly, will have a war?” Anyan compares this issue that cares now, if they really with hate the pledge to make war greatly, no matter that Sect certainly not look at, among them, feared when the time comes was must make war comprehensively, by that time, thinks that did not destroy completely hates pledge also is impossible greatly, although hated the pledge to govern greatly, is possible met has plenty true cultivator, when the time comes also has to destroy completely. 安岩点了点头,随后沉声道:“明天他们就要宣布加入我们联盟了,到时候不知道张陆会气成什么样,你说大恨盟会不会对铁鹰盟动手?如果他对铁鹰盟动手,那我们与大恨盟之间,是不是就会有一场大战了?”安岩现在比较关心的还是这个问题,要是他们真的与大恨盟开战的话,那宗门一定不会看着不管,到时候他们之间,怕是就要全面开战了,到那个时候,想不灭掉大恨盟也不可能了,虽然大恨盟治下,可能有很多真正的修士,到时候也不得不灭掉了。 Han left lives said solemnly: Fought to fight, matter that did not have the means that ok, we did not need to worry about this, all they were decided by Elder Bai, we only needed to complete our duty to be OK, coped hates the pledge not to have nothing greatly well, I have wanted to cope hate the pledge greatly, what a pity was did not have opportunity, currently finally has this opportunity, must tidying up well in a big way hate the pledge.” Anyan nods, to be honest, he has also wanted to cope hates the pledge greatly, if really can with hate the pledge to make war greatly, to them, is not the bad matter, present they, but did not fear that hates the pledge greatly, but also wants with hate the pledge to make war greatly. 韩左生沉声道:“战就战好了,那也是没有办法的事儿,行了,我们就不用操心这个了,一切由白长老他们决定,我们只需要完成自己的任务就可以了,对付大恨盟也没有什么不好的,我早就想要对付大恨盟了,可惜的是一直没有机会,现在终于有这个机会了,一定要好好的收拾大恨盟。”安岩点了点头,说实话,他也早就想要对付大恨盟了,要是真的能跟大恨盟开战,对于他们来说,也不是什么坏事儿,现在的他们,可是一点儿也不怕大恨盟,还想要与大恨盟开战呢。 A night does not have the words, next day Han Zuosheng and Anyan, on leave Gold Sword pledge here, hurried to Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge there, simultaneously Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge and Gold Sword pledge, issue a statement, they already with giant stone pledge their three pledges, official forming an Alliance, but this information, Divine Beast here, at a stir, stretch/open land after hearing this information, is such as was struck by lightning, his immediately understand, before brave feather to these words that he spoke, all in deceiving him, on was to stand firm him, gave Anyan their whipping time. 一夜无话,第二天韩左生和安岩,就离开金剑这里,直向铁鹰那里赶去,同时铁鹰盟和金剑盟,也同时发表声明,他们已经与巨石盟他们三盟,正式结盟了,而这个消息一出,神兽这里,在一次的轰动了起来,张陆在听到这个消息之后,更是如遭雷击,他马上就明白了,之前英羽对他所说的那些话,全都是在骗他,就是为了稳住他,给安岩他们急取时间。 Thinks of here, stretch/open land the eyes are red, his immediately/on horseback looked for brave feather very politely, brave feather still stretch/open land welcome to own Divine Beast Space, look at brave feather who opened the land two eyes spit fire, then said solemnly: "OK, good brave feather, really not to have thought, you will really have such method, your method may really be enough despicable, you did not fear that we in a big way did hate the retaliation of pledge? ” 一想到这里,张陆的眼睛都已经红了,他马上找上了英羽,英羽依然十分客气的将张陆给请到了自己的神兽空间里,张陆两眼喷火的看着英羽,接着沉声道:“好,好个英羽,真是没有想到,你竟然会有这样的手段,不过你的手段可真的是够卑鄙的,你难道就不怕我们大恨盟的报复吗?” stretch/open Luzhen was been angry, his discover playing had not known by the British feather, this regarding opening land, is really unacceptable, from making a debut to the present, he had not been played, must know the elder who he hates the pledge greatly, plays his equal to to play hates the pledge greatly, in the general situation, is no one dares to do that but stretch/open land is also wants, therefore he has not noticed to the British feather not right place, now his discover were played, how he can not air/Qi, He does not have one to meet begins with the British feather, has been suppressing own temperament, if before, he feared that has begun.( This chapter ends) 张陆真的是被气坏了,他发现自己被英羽给耍了还不自知,这对于张陆来说,真的是不能接受的,从出道到现在,他可是从来都没有被人这么耍过了,要知道他可是大恨盟的长老,耍他就等于是在耍大恨盟,一般的情况下,是没有人敢这么做的,而张陆也是这么想的,所以他才没有注意到英羽不对劲儿的地方,现在他发现自己被耍了,他如何能不气,他没有一见面就跟英羽动手,已经是在压制自己的脾气了,要是以前,他怕是早就动手了。(本章完)
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