BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13594: Arrangement

Anyan one hear of brave feather asked, his slightly smiled said: today takes the liberty visit, two things, first, clarifies misunderstanding between me and your alliance, second is to discuss, between your alliance and our three pledges forming an Alliance is possible.” 安岩一听英羽这么问,他就微微一笑道:“今天冒昧来访,是有两件事情,第一,来澄清一下我与贵盟之间的误会,第二就是想要商量一下,贵盟与我们三盟之间结盟可能的。” Anyan not polite, came up to say own goal, but brave feather listened to Anyan saying that on the face cannot help but showed a smile, his look at Anyan said: “Really? you said that should be two people in our alliance, with the iron two fingers of together attack your things, you thinks that this was a misunderstanding? ” The British feather said that this saying, continuously in the look at Anyan, after all initially by attack is Anyan, he wants to see the Anyan most real response, if Anyan thinks that this matter is they incites the person to do, on his face will certainly show the unusual facial expression, brave feather believes oneself can certainly look. 安岩也没有客气,上来就将自己的目地说了出来,而英羽一听安岩这么说,脸上不由得露出了一丝笑容,他看着安岩道:“是吗?你所说的,应该是我们联盟里的两个人,与铁二指一起攻击你的事情吧,你认为这是一个误会?”英羽在说这话的时候,一直在看着安岩,毕竟当初攻击的就是安岩,他想要看到安岩最真实的反应,如果安岩认为这件事情就是他们指使人干的,那他的脸上一定会露出异样的神情的,英羽相信自己一定可以看得出来。 Anyan is smiling said: naturally, this matter certainly is a misunderstanding, regarding this I believe, because your three pledges have not wanted attack my reason, our three pledge forming an Alliance, had no threat to you, because the discerning people can look, our three pledge forming an Alliance go to whom, therefore some is impossible really people believe, we come to you, between we and you does not have any conflicts of interest, then you have no reason to send for attack we, therefore we believe that this matter certain and you irrelevant.” 安岩笑着道:“当然,这件事情一定是一个误会,对此我是十分坚信的,因为你们三盟并没有要攻击我的理由,我们三盟结盟了,对你们并没有什么威胁,因为明眼人都看得出来,我们三盟结盟是冲着谁去的,所以不可能真的有人认为,我们是冲着你们来的,我们跟你们之间没有任何的利益冲突,那么你们就没有理由派人来攻击我们了,所以我们认为,这件事情一定与你们无关。” British feather one hear of Anyan said, he cannot help but stares, later on the face showed the smile, good that his look at Anyan said: "OK, said that really has not thought, you will really have so the experience, correct/pretty good, correct/pretty good, that matter is not we are truly done very much, that two people said at that time they have the matter to go out, you should also know, our is only an alliance, is not the prison, had not said that does not let the truth that the person goes out, no one has thought that they can unexpectedly attack you, before me , because this matter, and Gold Sword pledge alliance leader golds male. Through the letter/believes, their situations are also similar, I know that I said that probably you do not have the persuasive power, but I said actually real. ” 英羽一听安岩这么说,他不由得一愣,随后脸上露出了笑容,他看着安岩道:“好,说的好,真是没有想到,你竟然会有如此了见识,不错,很不错,那件事情确实不是我们做的,那两个人当时只是说他们有事儿外出,你也应该知道,我们这只是一个联盟,又不是监狱,没有说不让人外出的道理,谁也没有想到,他们竟然会去攻击你们,我之前因为这件事情,与金剑盟的盟主雄通过信,他们的情况也差不多,我知道我这么说,好像是你没有说服力,但是我说的却是真的。” Anyan is smiling said: I to believe British alliance leader, this matter we used our methods to confirm, can definitely some people frame you, regarding what method that we used, this did not tell you, because of this method, so far, was in the security, is no more than who is framing you, we can actually be able to imagine, only looked who profited at this matter, that should be whose moving hand, regarding the performance of Iron Hand pledge alliance leader nearest/recent, we also can only say, he was in making your relative pain, the enmity quick matter.” 安岩笑着道:“我相信英盟主,这件事情我们用我们的方法证实过了,可以肯定有人在陷害你们,至于说我们用的什么方法,这个就不跟你们说了,因为这种方法,到目前为止,还是在保密的,不过是谁在陷害你们,我们却是可以想像得到,只看谁在这件事情上受益,那应该就是谁动的手了,至于说铁手盟主最近的表现,我们也只能说,他是在做令亲者痛,仇者快的事情罢了。” British feather one hear of Anyan said that what is also not saying, he nods, later he looked at a Anyan, then in the opens the mouth said: "OK, you said, my he is not asking you, we say forming an Alliance matter, regarding the forming an Alliance matter, how you to think? I am very curious, I believe that you also saw, the person who hates the pledge greatly also came, they must with our forming an Alliance, therefore I want to know why you believe that we with your forming an Alliance, but with won't hate pledge forming an Alliance greatly? ” 英羽一听安岩这么说,也就不在说什么了,他点了点头,随后他看了一眼安岩,接着开口中道:“好,你这么说,那我他就不在多问你们了,我们还是来说一说结盟的事情吧,对于结盟的事情,你们是怎么想的?我很是好奇,我相信你们也看到了,大恨盟的人也来了,他们也要与我们结盟,所以我很想知道,你们为什么会认为,我们会跟你们结盟,而不会跟大恨盟结盟呢?” Whose Anyan shakes the head said:our don’t know you with forming an Alliance, whose because of forming an Alliance, that is the British alliance leader person own decision , did we say to you formidable, the Iron Hand pledge with do not hate pledge forming an Alliance greatly? However actually I believe, Iron Hand pledge choice is wrong, so many years, our several pledges, because to hates pledge quite near relationship greatly, has been receiving the association that hates the pledge greatly to compel, they must do, we must follow to do, otherwise, they will find the way to suppress us, these years, hate the pledge to plan our several pledge many times greatly, I think that British alliance leader you should also know, but this time our several pledges, reason that must form the alliance, is in a big way hates pledge weak, gets rid of his cooperation to compel, is, before . The matter of defeat, hates the pledge and doesn't blame greatly we, even the comfort of good words we, but that is because hated the pledge to defeat greatly at that time, they do not want to offend our several pledges, 安岩摇了摇头道:“我们不知道你们会跟谁结盟,因为跟谁结盟,那是英盟主人自己的决定,我们只是跟你说一下这其中的利害,铁手盟不就是跟大恨盟结盟了吗?但是其实我认为,铁手盟这一次的选择是错误的,这么多年了,我们几盟因为离大恨盟比较近的关系,一直都在受大恨盟的协迫,他们要干什么,我们就必须要跟着干什么,不然的话,他们就会想办法打压我们,这些年明里暗里,大恨盟算计我们几盟多少次,我想英盟主你也应该知道,而这一次我们几盟,之所以要组成联盟,就是要在大恨盟虚弱的时候,摆脱他的协迫,是,之前战败的事情,大恨盟并没有怪我们,甚至好言的安慰了我们,但是那是因为大恨盟当时战败了,他们不想得罪我们几盟, One but when they recovered consciousness, will they be so polite to us? Because has such idea, therefore our several pledges, this when hates greatly the pledge is weak, alliance, after did not let hates the pledge greatly in having opportunity control we, I believe that British alliance leader you will make the correct decision, naturally, if British alliance leader you must with hate pledge forming an Alliance greatly, we, with hate pledge forming an Alliance nothing more to be said after all greatly, has with hates the pledge forming an Alliance advantage greatly, in a big way hates the pledge strength formidable, moreover is possible also formidable continuously, and their forming an Alliance, will obtain many advantage certainly, but our forming an Alliance, is possible must faced with hate the pledge greatly attack, these with our forming an Alliance fault, whose therefore British alliance leader you are willing with forming an Alliance, that to look at how you chose. ” brave feather listened to Anyan saying that he cannot help but shocked, later he laughed good that said: "OK, said that although said that with hated pledge forming an Alliance greatly, had this and that advantage, but with getting rid to hate the pledge to compare greatly, even if that a little advantage anything, how others elected, we cannot control, but our Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge, has actually wanted with your forming an Alliance, today you do not come, I must send people to contact with you, had a look whether with your forming an Alliance, if I really must in a big way hate pledge forming an Alliance, I had also announced that does not need when continuously now., Good, I decided that our Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge with your forming an Alliance, what kind of writing is actually don’t know this written pledge of sworn brothers wants? ” 一但等到他们缓过来了,他们还会对我们那么客气吗?正是因为有这样的想法,所以我们几盟,这才在大恨盟虚弱的时候,联合了起来,就是为了不让大恨盟以后在有机会控制我们,我相信英盟主你会做出正确的决定的,当然,如果英盟主你要跟大恨盟结盟,那我们也没有什么好说的,毕竟与大恨盟结盟,有与大恨盟结盟的好处,大恨盟的实力强悍,而且可能还会一直的强悍下去,与他们结盟,一定会得到很多的好处,而与我们结盟,可能就要面临大恨盟的攻击,这些都是与我们结盟的坏处,所以英盟主你愿意与谁结盟,那就要看你如何的选择了。”英羽一听安岩这么说,他不由得愣住了,随后他哈哈大笑道:“好,说的好,虽然说与大恨盟结盟,有这样那样的好处,但是跟摆脱大恨盟比起来,那一点儿好处就算是得什么了,别人如何选,我们是管不了的,但是我们铁鹰盟,却是一直想要与你们结盟的,今天你们不来,我也要派人去与你们接触一下,看看是不是能跟你们结盟的,如果我真的要跟大恨盟结盟,我也早就宣布了,没有必要一直等到现在,好,我决定我们铁鹰盟与你们结盟,却是不知道这盟书要如何的写?” One hear of brave feather said, Anyan and Han Zuosheng is the great happiness, Anyan immediately open the mouth and said: "OK, fantastic, British alliance leader, alliance leader we have brought, you only needed to leave behind the mark above to be OK. ” Said that Anyan put out four written pledges of sworn brothers, gave brave feather, these four written pledges of sworn brothers, on, all had close to not to speak their marks, waited for brave feather to leave behind own mark above. 一听英羽这么说,安岩和韩左生全都是大喜,安岩马上就开口道:“好,太好了,英盟主,盟主我们已经带来了,你只需要在上面留下印记就可以了。”说完安岩就拿出了四份盟书,递给了英羽,这四份盟书,上,全都有了巴不语他们的印记,就等着英羽在上面留下自己的印记了。 The British feather sees this situation, on his face cannot help but showed the smile, his open the mouth and said: „, You have prepared unexpectedly, good, then on bamboo slip.” Said that he left behind oneself mark in four written pledges of sworn brothers, after writing, brave feather gave back to two people the written pledge of sworn brothers, then your next step prepares there to two people said:? Can go to Gold Sword pledge there? If you go to Gold Sword pledge there, then gold/metal hero will have is possible to agree very much with your forming an Alliance, if you must go, that wanted to prepare a written pledge of sworn brothers.” 英羽一看到这种情况,他的脸上不由得露出了笑容,他开口道:“没想到,你们竟然已经准备好了,好,那就签吧。”说完他就在四张盟书上留下了自己的印记,写好之后,英羽就将盟书还给了两人,接着对两人道:“你们下一步准备去那里?是不是要去金剑那里?如果你们去金剑那里,那么金雄很有可能会同意与你们结盟的,如果你们要去的话,那就要在准备一张盟书了。” Anyan and Han Zuosheng listened to brave feather saying that two people cannot help but looked at one mutually, later Anyan put out written pledge of sworn brothers said: „, if were really such, that paid respects alliance leader, is signing a written pledge of sworn brothers.” Said that he gave brave feather the written pledge of sworn brothers. 安岩和韩左生一听英羽这么说,两人不由得互望了一眼,随后安岩就又拿出了一张盟书道:“如果真的是那样的话,那就请安盟主,在签一张盟书吧。”说完他就将盟书给了英羽。 The British feather sees the movement of Anyan, he cannot help but laughed, later he received that written pledge of sworn brothers, then left behind the mark in the written pledge of sworn brothers directly, then gave back to two people the written pledge of sworn brothers, then open the mouth and said: Clarity that very you consider, this I am very a little happy, but stretch/open land in here, you is also knows that now, stretch/open land, if knows, you and I tied the pledge, he will certainly rush to Gold Sword pledge there to go immediately, in that case, gold/metal male is possible will feel embarrassed, after all now we do not want to offend hate the pledge greatly, therefore I look to be inferior to this, we decide an idea, we first do not announce that our forming an Alliance matter, I take off/escape land several days in here, your as soon as possible goes to Gold Sword pledge there, with Gold Sword pledge forming an Alliance, so long as you. Gold Sword pledge forming an Alliance, our two pledges announced in together when the time comes, with your three pledge forming an Alliance, how you looks?” The British feather said on the look at Anyan and Han Zuosheng. 英羽一看到安岩的动作,他不由得哈哈大笑了起来,随后他接过了那份盟书,接着直接就在盟书上留下了印记,接着将盟书还给了两人,接着开口道:“你们考虑的很清楚,这一点儿我很开心,不过现在张陆在这里,你们也是知道的,张陆要是知道,你们与我结了盟,他一定会在第一时间就赶到金剑那里去,那样的话,金雄可能会为难,毕竟现在我们都不太想得罪大恨盟,所以我看不如这样吧,我们双方定一个计呀,我们先不要公布我们结盟的事情,我在这里脱上张陆几天,你们尽快的去金剑那里,跟金剑结盟,只要你们与金剑结盟了,到时候我们两盟在一起宣布,与你们三盟结盟,你们看如何?”英羽说完就看着安岩和韩左生。 Anyan and Han left live two people, as soon as listened to him saying that actually looked at one mutually, on the face showed the hesitant facial expression, this arrived is to make the British feather somewhat curious, British feather puzzled look at their said: what issue did what happened? have?” 安岩和韩左生两人一听他这么说,却是互望了一眼,脸上都露出犹豫的神情,这到是让英羽有些好奇,英羽不解的看着他们道:怎么了?有什么问题?” Anyan open the mouth and said: British alliance leader, your means to are very good, but the here surface has an issue, you one, but did that arrives at the person who big time hates the pledge, knows, you are playing them, when the time comes he will certainly hate you, this to you disadvantageous, you determined that really can do that?” Anyan and Han left live look at brave feather, said own worry. 安岩开口道:“英盟主,你的这个办法到是很好,但是这里面有一个问题,你一但这么做了,那到时候大恨盟的人,就会知道,你是在耍他们了,到时候他一定会恨上你的,这对你会更加的不利,你确定真的要这么做吗?”安岩和韩左生都看着英羽,说出了自己的担心。 British feather one hear of two people said, he cannot help but stares, later laughs said: one, but we announced forming an Alliance, we were a person of alliance, if when the time comes some people felt embarrassed me, that not in awkward giving people a hard time alliance? Can you look at not manage? Therefore I offended hate the pledge to offend greatly, no big deal, so long as can make the alliance gain the benefit to be OK, you did feel?” 英羽一听两人这么说,他不由得一愣,随后哈哈大笑道:“一但我们公布结盟,那我们就是一个联盟的人了,到时候如果有人来为难我,那不就是在为难整人联盟吗?难道你们会看着不管吗?所以我得罪大恨盟就得罪了,没有什么了不起的,只要能让联盟得到利益就可以了,你们觉得呢?” One hear of brave feather said, Anyan and Han Zuosheng stare, later two people facial expression is one positive, then two people stood simultaneously, salutes said: to the British feather British alliance leader esteemed friendship, I and others admired.” Two people are the sincerity, can achieve the person like brave feather, is really not many, they really admire very much, must know that brave feather just join their alliance, can achieve this degree, made one admire. 一听英羽这么说,安岩和韩左生都是一愣,随后两人神情都是一正,接着两人同时站了起来,冲着英羽行礼道:“英盟主高义,我等佩服。”两人是真心的,能做到像英羽这样的人,实在是不多,他们真的很佩服,要知道英羽可是刚刚加入他们联盟,就能做到这种成度,太让人佩服了。 The British feather beckons with the hand said: „, is not no need saying that this originally is I should do, ok, this, you walk now, remembered, goes out, must do with the face indignant appearance, then on returned to own Divine Beast, immediately leave, I will not send people to deliver you directly, simultaneously I please open the land to come, will scold you a few words, then told him, the elder in I as soon as possible convincing Sect, will let the elder in Sect, agreed that with hates the pledge forming an Alliance matter greatly, when the time comes he on will keep here.” 英羽摆了摆手道:“罢了,不必这么说,这本就是我应该做的,行了,就这样吧,你们现在就走,记住了,出去的时候,要做了同脸气愤的样子,然后直接就回到自己的神兽里,马上就离开,我也不会派人去送你们,同时我会请张陆过来,会骂你们两句,然后跟他说,我会尽快的说服宗门里的长老,让宗门里的长老,同意与大恨盟结盟的事儿,到时候他就会留在这里了。” Anyan two people all complied with one, later brave feather let two people leave, two people in leave, all were an indignation of face, although do not have crack cursed, but could look, two people were not quite happy, two people were later direct returned to in oneself Divine Beast, is harnessing Divine Beast leave directly, but has been paying attention to their stretch/open land, saw two people appearances, his was happier. 安岩两人全都应了一声,随后英羽就让两人离开了,两人在离开的时候,全都是一脸的气愤,虽然没有破口大骂,但是看得出来,两人的心情都不太好,随后两人就直接回到了自己的神兽里,直接就驾着神兽离开了,而一直注意着他们的张陆,一看到两人的样子,他的心情就更好了。 At this time, brave feather sent people to invite stretch/open land, on stretch/open land the face cannot help but showed the smile, later he arrived in brave feather small Space directly, brave feather also only complexion gloomy sitting in there, saw him to come, brave feather also arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest, later to opening land said: „an elder, please sit down.” stretch/open land not polite, said after thanked, took a seat. 就在这个时候,英羽就派人来请张陆了,张陆的脸上不由得露出了笑容,随后他就直接来到了英羽的小空间里,英羽也只脸色阴沉的坐在那里,看到他来了,英羽也只是拱了拱手,随后对张陆道:“张长老,请坐。”张陆也没有客气,道了一声谢之后,就坐了下来。 After stretch/open land sits down, brave feather on look at land said: „an elder, I basically agrees with your forming an Alliance, but this matter truly was not I alone can say locates, some elders in our alliance, wanted with the giant stone pledge their forming an Alliance, therefore please give me the several days time, I will convince them, making them also agree that with hated pledge forming an Alliance greatly, didn't know your what do you think?”( This chapter ends) 等到张陆坐下之后,英羽就看着张陆道:“张长老,我基本上同意与你们结盟,但是这件事情确实不是我一个人能说得处的,我们联盟里的一些长老,是想要与巨石盟他们结盟的,所以请给我几天时间,我会说服他们,让他们也同意与大恨盟结盟,不知你意下如何?”(本章完)
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