BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13563: Launches a psychological attack ( 2 )

The technique of fiercest place launching a psychological attack is, he in your at heart on suspicion various seed, but one seed that but suspects plants, you before wanting returned to, not too is possible, now the Ba Huang pledge here situation is this, although said that close to non people were retreating in a tone with, but the people of these small alliances, did not speak regarding close to the matter that these handled time, be very discontented, if were not the Palestinian not language insisted that must in a big way hate pledge here, they on will not have like this fight, they cannot. Has such big loss, it is for this reason that therefore the people of some small alliances, did not speak regarding close to are very discontented. 攻心之术最厉害的地方就在于,他会在你的心里各上一颗怀疑的种子,而一但怀疑的种子种下,那你在想要回到以前,就不太可能了,现在八荒这里的情况就是这样,虽然说巴不语带着众人撤退了,但是那些小联盟的人,对于巴不语这一次的所做的事情,还是十分不满的,如果不是巴不语坚持要来大恨盟这里,他们就不会有这样一次的战斗,他们更加不会有这么大的损失,正是因为如此,所以些小联盟的人,对于巴不语是十分的不满 The people of these small alliances have forgotten, initially they actually have the power of choice, but they chose followed close to not to speak, but they chose to follow close to not to speak, reason also has plenty, they also wanted to follow close to not to speak, from hated pledge there to obtain some advantage greatly, this was the first point, second was, they do not dare to offend close to not to speak, they did not have leave the guts of these alliance, does not dare to offend the Palestinian not language, therefore their then close to not language, but if their initially choice with these leave alliance together leave, they on cannot. Was lost like this, therefore they have the power of choice, but they chose close to not to speak. 那些小联盟的人已经忘了,当初他们其实是有选择的权力的,只不过他们选择了跟着巴不语罢了,而他们之所以选择跟着巴不语,原因也有很多,他们也想要跟着巴不语,从大恨盟那里得到一些好处,这是第一点,第二就是,他们不敢得罪巴不语,他们没有离开的那些联盟的胆量,不敢得罪巴不语,所以他们跟着巴不语来了,但是如果他们当初选择跟那些离开的联盟一起离开,他们也就不会受这样的损失了,所以他们是有选择的权力的,只不过他们选择了巴不语罢了。 However the person in making mistakes, will often not seek the reason on own body, they can first, advance others' body this mistake, true makes mistakes in the person who on oneself seeks the reason, very few, most average people, cannot achieve this point, but alliance leader of these small alliances, their although is alliance leader of alliance, is cultivator, but they actually are also the person, will be the person on will have idea like this, therefore they this wrong as strange as the head of Palestinian not language, on feeling emotion to be possible original. 但是人在犯了错之后,往往不会在自己的身上找原因,他们会第一时间,将这个错误推到别人的身上,真正的一犯错就在自己身上找原因的人,少之又少,大多数的普通人,是做不到这一点的,而那些小联盟的盟主,他们虽然是一个联盟的盟主,还是一个修士,但是他们其实也是人,是人就会有这样的想法,所以他们将这个错误怪到巴不语的头上,也就有情可原了。 close to did not speak also heard certainly these words, his complexion was also very difficult looked, he knows certainly the grandson did not meet them to do, but he did not have the means to prevent, he knows, before the grandson did not meet , reason that to him a spear/gun, moreover broke his guarding, was wants to tell him, they did not fear him, because of that spear/gun, making him not meet dreading very to the grandson. 巴不语当然也听到了这些话,他的脸色也是十分的难看,他当然知道孙不遇他们在干什么,但是他却没有办法去阻止,他知道,孙不遇之前之所以会给他一枪,而且还破了他的防,就是想要告诉他,他们并不怕他,也正是因为那一枪,让他对孙不遇十分的忌惮。 The wound on although his hand, is now good, moreover close to did not speak also believes that if he in did not meet with the grandson to, the grandson did not meet is wanting the wound to him, very difficult, his strength will not meet the difference compared with the grandson, his former all one did not meet to give the wound by the grandson , the most important reason on was, he had a low opinion of the enemy at that time, this did not meet to give the wound by the grandson, when he did not meet and the grandson to, he naturally without a low opinion of the enemy, in this case, in wanting the wound that the grandson did not meet. He, that almost did not have is possible. 虽然他手上的伤,现在已经好了,而且巴不语也相信,如果他在与孙不遇对上,孙不遇在想要伤到他,就会十分的困难了,他的实力并不比孙不遇差,他之前之所有一下就被孙不遇给伤到了,最主要的原因就是,他当时轻敌了,这才被孙不遇给伤到了,等到他在与孙不遇对上,他当然不会在轻敌了,在这种情况下,孙不遇的在想要伤到他,那就几乎没有可能了。 However close to did not speak also has to acknowledge, the grandson did not encounter was he has truly run into the powerful enemy, the strength that the grandson did not meet, was not absolutely worse than him, it is for this reason that therefore close to does not speak does not meet regarding the grandson now, was dreading, they wanted not to meet them to eliminate the grandson, almost did not have is possible, this was also Palestinian not language most headache place, he really wants to know now, this grandson did not meet is who, was braves to come out from there, his strength so will be why strong. 但是巴不语也不得不承认,孙不遇确实是他遇到过的劲敌,孙不遇的实力,绝对不比他差,正是因为如此,所以巴不语现在对于孙不遇,也是十分的忌惮,他们想要将孙不遇他们消灭,也几乎是没可能的,这也正是巴不语最为头痛的地方,他现在真的很想知道,这孙不遇到底是什么人,到底是从那里冒出来的,他的实力为什么会这么强。 Now close to does not speak does not have the means to cope with the grandson not to meet them, even if knows that the grandson does not meet them to use to launch a psychological attack the technique to them, they do not have the good way, the grandson does not meet their speed them be quicker , the strength is not weaker than them, in this case, they facing the grandson does not meet, really does not have the good way, therefore they do not meet their launching a psychological attack technique regarding the grandson , can only be lets matters drift, but their performance like this, by the person of these small alliance, to their disappointments. 现在巴不语也没有办法对付孙不遇他们,所以就算是知道孙不遇他们在对他们用攻心之术,他们也没有太好的办法,孙不遇他们的速度要比他们快,实力还不比他们弱,在这种情况下,他们面对孙不遇的时候,真的是没有太好的办法,所以他们对于孙不遇他们的这种攻心之术,也只能是听之任之,而他们这样的表现,也让那些小联盟的人,对他们更加的失望。 army forwarded about half double-hour, sound that the grandson did not meet in one time people who transmitted said: all Ba Huang pledge alliances are listening, we after a double-hour, will conduct attack to the Ba Huang pledge, if present leave, we think you wanted to withdraw from this action, will not be helping the Ba Huang pledge, we will not conduct attack to you, if within a double-hour, you did not have leave, that we will regard you for the Ba Huang pledge ally, to all of you, conducted not to have difference attack, please remember.” 大军又向前走了半个时辰左右,孙不遇的声音在一次传来道:“所有八荒盟联盟的人听着,我们将在一个时辰之后,对八荒盟进行攻击,如果各位现在离开,我们将认为你们想要退出这一次的行动,不会在帮八荒盟了,我们将不会对你们进行攻击,如果一个时辰之内,你们还没有离开,那我们将视你们为八荒盟的盟友,对你们所有人,进行无差别攻击,请你们记住了。” One hear of grandsons did not meet said, close to did not speak their complexion one changes, did not speak in close to just prepared to send their elders to go out, the when people of appease these alliances, saw has dozens Divine Beast, was separated from their teams to fly away directly, did not have including a moment stay, this let complexion that did not speak in a big change, his very clear, there is one on to have two, if no one leave, that he can also appease under one these person, after having person leave, he in wanting the appease good these person, that may on be difficult., Therefore was really a little means does not have now, now he is wanting to send for appease these people, already late. 一听孙不遇这么说,巴不语他们的脸色一下就变,就在巴不语刚准备派他们的长老出去,安扶那些联盟的人时,就见到已经有几十头神兽,直接就脱离他们的队伍飞走了,连一刻的停留都没有,这让巴不语的脸色在一次大变,他十分的清楚,有一就会有二,要是没有人离开,那他还可以安扶一下这些人,但是当有人离开之后,他在想要安扶好这些人,那可就困难了,所以现在真的是一点儿办法也没有了,现在他在想要派人去安扶那些人,也已经晚了。 Really if close to did not speak to think, he is wanting to send for appease these people, truly was late, because of some people of leave, later increasing number of people leave, after a double-hour, the Ba Huang pledge here remaining people, had been short, only then less than 1000 Divine Beast, but these Divine Beast, with them also really not necessarily were a heart, they did not have leave, was because their Divine Beast, and Divine Beast of Ba Huang pledge, entangled to investigate in together, but the person of Ba Huang pledge, they will have given to encircle, they want leave also leave not., This lets these person headaches of , but complexion that close to did not speak was actually very difficult looked, he has not really thought that these people actually all wanted leave, this indicated, these people completely have given up them, this was close to does not speak beforehand never expected. 果然如巴不语所想,他在想要派人去安扶那些人,确实是晚了,因为又有人离开了,随后越来越多的人离开,一个时辰之后,八荒这里剩下的人,已经十分的少了,只有不到一千的神兽,而这些神兽,跟他们还真的不见得就是一条心,他们之所以没有离开,是因为他们的神兽,与八荒盟的神兽,缠纠在一起,而八荒盟的人,已经将他们给围了起来,他们想离开离开不了,这让那些人十分的头痛,而巴不语的脸色却是十分的难看,他是真的没有想到,那些人竟然全都要离开,这就表示,那些人已经完全的放弃他们了,这是巴不语之前万没有想到的。 The person of small alliance these cannot walk, their present complexion are very difficult looked, but they cannot move now, they really do not want to follow close to not to speak their together dead, but they also do not have the means that close to did not speak their strengths to be placed in there, they were not the opponents, therefore can only remain. However actually they have means leave, their unite population, be more than Ba Huang pledge person, they can definitely defeat the Ba Huang pledge, the person who at least can also let the Ba Huang pledge does not dare to annoy them. 那些没能走成的小联盟的人,他们现在的脸色都是十分的难看,但是他们现在又动不了,他们真的不想跟着巴不语他们一起死,但是他们又没有办法,巴不语他们的实力在那里摆着呢,他们不是对手,所以就只能留下来了。但是其实他们是有办法离开的,他们联合起来的人数,要比八荒盟的人还要多,他们是完全可以打败八荒盟的,最起码也可以让八荒盟的人不敢惹他们。 However they do not have to do that actually a most important reason is, no takes the lead, if really some people can raise arm in a call for action, they certainly follow to do that because has not taken the lead, therefore they cannot do that. 但是他们没有这么做,其实最主要的一个原因就是,没有一个领头的,要是真的有人能振臂一呼,那他们这些人一定会跟着这么做的,但是因为没有领头的,所以他们才不能这么做。 But at this time the grandson did not meet their also appears in Ba Huang pledge front, does not meet in the grandson their behind, is their Divine Beast, to let did not speak they to believe, they were the Divine Beast people, they also caused some Divine Beast, these Divine Beast were under these disciple, therefore what had, looked also really likely the matter, after all their Divine Beast were can be either big or small. 而这时孙不遇他们也出现在了八荒盟的前面,在孙不遇他们的身后,就是他们的神兽,为了让巴不语他们相信,他们这些人就是神兽界的人,他们也弄出了一些神兽,这些神兽就是下面的那些弟子的,所以什么样的都有,看起来还真的像那么回事儿,毕竟他们的神兽都是可大可小的。 Grandson not meeting stood in there, look at Ba Huang pledge army, close to does not speak also to lead the person to fly at this time, in them some people, although was a face did not prefer, but followed to fly, close to did not speak to fly the grandson not to meet the front about hundred meters places to stop, later his look at grandson did not meet said: „is really has not thought, you used several words, on by our only remaining a little people? what? do you really want to give to destroy completely today inadequately us?” close to did not speak , said that this saying, complexion to was very calm, but everyone could look, in his calm, has the dreadful anger, he cannot not meet them to give obviously ruthlessly to tear to shreds the grandson, after all they fall to today's this situation, all was pays respects the grandson does not meet them to bestow, he can have good complexion to be strange. 孙不遇站在那里,看着八荒盟的大军,巴不语这时也带着人飞了出来,他们中有一些人,虽然是一脸的不情愿,但还是跟着飞了出来,巴不语飞到了孙不遇前面百米左右的地方就停了下来,随后他就看着孙不遇道:“真是没有想到,你只是用了几句话,就让我们只剩下这么一点儿人了?怎么?今天你真的想要将我们给灭掉不成?”巴不语在说这话的时候,脸色到是十分的平静,但是所有人都看得出来,他那平静之中,是带着滔天的怒气的,很显然他狠不得将孙不遇他们给碎尸万段,毕竟他们落到今天这种地步,全都是拜孙不遇他们所赐,他能有好脸色才怪呢。 The grandson does not meet the appearance that the look at close to did not speak, slightly smiled said: why not, I have said that you wanted to cope with us, that must prepare for paying a price, I will be impolite with you, your Ba Huang pledge made such choice, then on do not blame me for being rude.” The grandson does not meet these really to want close to not to speak time they to give to destroy completely, originally he did not have such thoughts, he thinks that oneself does not have the means to destroy completely the Ba Huang pledge, but before his idea of launching a psychological attack, then unexpectedly is successful, the Ba Huang pledge here person, majority all ran, but in the remaining these people, the has plenty person, complexion is not quite also attractive, the grandson did not meet immediately understand what's the matter, therefore he to be really wants the Ba Huang pledge to give to destroy completely now, this absolutely was good opportunity. 孙不遇看着巴不语的样子,微微一笑道:“有何不可,我早就说过了,你们想要来对付我们,那就要做好付出代价的准备,我是不会跟你们客气的,你们八荒盟做出了这样的选择,那就不要怪我不客气。”孙不遇这一次是真的想要将巴不语他们给灭掉,原本他还没有这样的心思,他以为自己是没有办法灭掉八荒盟的,但是之前他的攻心之计,竟然那么成功,八荒这里的人,大部分全都跑了,而剩下的那些人中,也有很多的人,脸色不太好看,孙不遇马上就明白是怎么回事儿了,所以他现在到是真的想要将八荒盟给灭掉了,这绝对是一个好机会了。 close to did not speak the look at grandson not to meet, later coldly snorted said: I am certain now, you were not the sea watching pledge person, sea watching pledge there are definitely competent, can one concentrate so many Island Lord to come out? Are you who?” 巴不语看着孙不遇,随后冷哼了一声道:“我现在可以肯定,你们绝对不是观海盟的人,观海盟那里还有实力,可以一下就集中起这么多的岛主出来?你们到底是什么人?” The grandson did not meet one hear of him saying that cannot help but laughed said: „we are the sea watching pledge person, you think, the sea watching pledge was only an alliance? You forgot, the sea watching pledge is also a big alliance, below also has the innumerable small alliances, although our there is grasping by three big alliances now, but the population of three big alliances concentrate, that quantity are also many, evidently also was really underestimated we?”, but the grandson did not meet naturally is is impossible close to that did not speak to speak the truth with close to does not speak one hear of grandsons not to meet said that also silent, he then thought, the sea watching pledge was a strength is not weak in the Ba Huang pledge big alliance, although sea watching pledge there also has the three mountains pledge and colored glaze pledge, the strength that but the sea watching pledge can gather was also big, do not say that currently the three mountains pledge, the colored glaze pledge, has the sea watching pledge, their three alliances, official alliance to together, this must one, the strength that they can use on even bigger, before them, truly. Was underestimated the sea watching pledge, underestimated iron bone pledge, will therefore eat such big one to owe. 孙不遇一听他这么说,不由得哈哈大笑道:“我们就是观海盟的人,你是不是以为,观海盟就只是一个联盟呢?你是不是忘记,观海盟也是一个大联盟,下面也有无数的小联盟,虽然现在我们那里是由三大联盟把握着,但是三大联盟的人数都集中起来,那数量也不少,看样子还真的是小看我们了?”孙不遇当然是不可能跟巴不语说实话的而巴不语一听孙不遇这么说,也沉默了下来,他这才想起来,观海盟可是一个实力不弱于八荒盟的大联盟,虽然观海盟那里还有三山盟和琉璃盟,但是观海盟可以集合起来的力量也是不小的,更不要说现在三山盟,琉璃盟,还有观海盟,他们三个联盟,已经正式的联合一起了,这要一来,他们可以动用的力量就更大了,他们之前确实是小看了观海盟了,也小看了铁骨盟了,所以才会吃了这么大的一个亏。 The grandson does not meet noticed close to did not speak does not speak, his then open the mouth and said: Good close to did not speak, now the matter had been in this situation, we were also the time make one to mediate, everyone is listening, if I am giving you finally a choice opportunity, if you do not want to follow the Ba Huang pledge, can follow our together to attack the Ba Huang pledge, so long as you followed our together to attack the Ba Huang pledge, we recognized, you did not have evil intention to us, when the time comes our attack you, Start! will not say absolutely the grandson did not meet rushes over to the Palestinian non- language directly, the Alien cavalry other person, then the grandson did not meet toward the Ba Huang pledge person rushes over, But close to did not speak one hear of grandsons not to meet said, his complexion cannot help but changed, his suddenly on discover, oneself made a mistake probably, he is only thinking these people staying behind, actually forgot, these people with them have not been a heart, left behind them forcefully, had no advantage to them, will have the danger. 孙不遇一看到巴不语不说话,他这才开口道:“行了巴不语,现在事情已经到了这种地步了,我们也是时候做一个了断了,所有人听着,如果我最后在给你们一个选择的机会,如果你们不想跟着八荒盟的,可以跟着我们一起进攻八荒盟,只要你们跟着我们一起进攻八荒盟,我们就认定,你们对我们没有恶意,到时候我们绝对不会攻击你们,动手!”说完孙不遇直接就向巴不语冲了过去,异形骑兵的其它人,也跟着孙不遇向着八荒盟的人冲了过去,而巴不语一听孙不遇这么说,他的脸色不由得一变,他突然发现,自己好像犯了一个错误,他只想着将这些人给留下了,却忘了,这些人早就跟他们不是一条心了,强行将他们留下,对他们可是没有任何好处的,甚至还会有危险。
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