BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13561: Excuse

Chapter 13577 gave a pretext 第13577章借口 Palestinian not speaking stands on own Divine Beast, look at front, in his side, but also is standing several people, that several people are not other, is his under the hand/subordinate elder, close to did not speak said solemnly: I have sent the letter/believes to king Weidao, told the king to defend traditional moral principles our depart, king Weidao also replied in writing to me, he said that so long as we arrived at their surrounding, is giving him a letter/believes, when the time comes we collaborated from outside with the inside, together dealt with the Blood Slaughter Sect person.” The people all complied with one, close to did not speak then said: „the matter, I must talk clearly with you, you must have a psychology to prepare, the person of this Flying Dragon pledge has not dispatched troops, in other words, person who the person who only then we with hated the pledge greatly, together dispatched troops to cope with the sea watching pledge, but I believe that person who our two pledges can also cope with the sea watching pledge fully.” 巴不语站在自己的神兽头上,看着前方,在他的身边,还站着几个人,那几个人不是别的,正是他手下的长老,巴不语沉声道:“我已经给王卫道去信了,告诉王卫道我们出发了,王卫道也给我回信了,他说了,只要我们到了他们外围,在给他一次信,到时候我们里应外合,一起对付血杀宗的人。”众人全都应了一声,巴不语接着道:“不过有一件事情,我要跟你们说清楚,你们也要有一个心理准备,这一次飞龙盟的人并没有出兵,也就是说,只有我们与大恨盟的人,一起出兵对付观海盟的人了,不过我相信,我们两盟也足可以对付观海盟的人了。” As soon as his elder listened to him saying that cannot help but gawked, later complied with one, close to did not speak then open the mouth and said: „The people of Flying Dragon pledge their these alliance, this time was hates the pledge to offend greatly completely, your look at, after this time matter, the person who hated the pledge greatly, will certainly not let off their, perhaps when the time comes, we can also seize the chance to follow to fish some advantage, our strengths might as well hate the pledge, the rallying point also to might as well hate the pledge greatly greatly, we wanted in Divine Beast here develop(ment), needed relying on one compared with our strength stronger alliance belt/bring in front of us, in a big way hated the pledge naturally on is the best choice, therefore our these must time. Follows to hate the pledge greatly, tackled sea watching pledge well they, so long as the sea watching pledge they will repel, after that the advantage meets has plenty.” 他身边的长老一听他这么说,不由得一愣,随后应了一声,巴不语接着开口道:“飞龙盟他们这些联盟的人,这一次算是将大恨盟给完全的得罪了,你们看着吧,这一次的事情之后,大恨盟的人,一定不会放过他们的,到时候,我们说不定还能趁机跟着捞到一些好处,我们的实力不如大恨盟,号召力也不如大恨盟,我们想要在神兽这里发展,就必须要靠着一个比我们的实力更强的联盟带着我们前面,大恨盟当然就是最好的选择,所以我们这一次一定要跟着大恨盟,好好的对付观海盟他们,只要将观海盟他们击退,那以后我们的好处会有很多。” The people in complied with one one time, the each and every one facial expression somewhat is excited, close to did not speak look at their appearance, cannot help but slightly smiled, later open the mouth and said: This person, even if hates the pledge greatly failed, that still does not have any, hates the pledge the overall strength is still placed in there greatly, these small alliances that they govern, all listen their, they want to supplement the manpower, was too easy, therefore our simply does not have any to be worried that do not look at now the iron bone pledge, the sea watching pledge their several alliances, seem like scenery very probably, if, their war-making potentials, compared in a big way hate the pledge, difference too far, in a big way hates the pledge, when the so many year of Divine Beast largest alliances, you think are. white light? Their rallying points, that is not the iron bone pledge their several alliances can compare, this am why I have also helped hate the pledge reason greatly, because seems like in me, hates the fight between pledges and iron bone pledges greatly, actually the victory and defeat has decided that hates the pledge to be able greatly failure several times, but the iron bone pledge is not good, hates the pledge greatly, no matter failure several times, will not have any issue, they can also comeback, but the iron bone pledge may on not line, the iron bone pledge they be defeated several times, they on, stood in also is impossible, therefore we must. Stands is hating the pledge greatly side, because from the long-term perspective, hates pledge is impossible to lose greatly.” 众人在一次应了一声,一个个的神情都有些激动,巴不语看着他们的样子,不由得微微一笑,随后开口道:“这一次就算是大恨盟的人失败了,那也没有什么,大恨盟的总体实力还在那里摆着呢,他们治下的那些小联盟,全都听他们的,他们想要补充人手,太容易了,所以我们根本就没有什么好担心的,你们别看现在铁骨盟,观海盟他们几个联盟,好像看起来十分的风光,但是要是真的算起来,他们的战争潜力,比起大恨盟来,差得太远了,大恨盟当了这么多年神兽界第一大联盟,你们以为是白光的吗?他们的号召力,那可不是铁骨盟他们几个联盟所能相比的,这也是为什么我一直帮着大恨盟的原因,因为在我看起来,大恨盟与铁骨盟之间的战斗,其实胜负早就定了,大恨盟可以失败几次,但是铁骨盟却不行,大恨盟不管失败几次,都不会有任何的问题,他们还可以东山在起,但是铁骨盟可就不行了,铁骨盟他们失败几次,他们就完了,在也不可能站起来了,所以我们才要站在大恨盟的一边,因为从长远的角度来看,大恨盟不可能输。” These elders of Ba Huang pledge, one hear of close to did not speak said, reason that their then understand, close to did not speak must stand is hating pledge side greatly, originally so many considerations, they did not speak to think close to them also to think evidently simply simultaneously these with the person of small alliance they had a falling out, they cannot help but sighed, the people of these small alliances, were really shortsighted, simply did not have the means with the Palestinian not language compared with, matter that the Palestinian not language can think, they were actually simply cannot think, this differed was too far. 八荒盟的那些长老,一听巴不语这么说,他们这才明白,巴不语之所以一定要站在大恨盟这一面,原来是有这么多的考虑,看样子他们都将巴不语想得简单了同时他们也想到了那些跟他们闹翻的小联盟的人,他们都不由得感叹,那些小联盟的人,果然鼠目寸光,根本就没有办法跟巴不语比,巴不语能想到的事情,他们却是根本就想不到,这相差的太远了。 At this time close to did not speak suddenly to ask said: we soon did enter to hate the pledge greatly within the boundaries?” Among their these alliance, actually has explicit borderline division, although said that Divine Beast here, does not have plants, the rivers also to do now, but these mountains still , the rivers lost river bed still, these can become the mark, therefore among various alliances, will have the respective mark, differentiates own domain, said that the Divine Beast here each every big alliance, like Ba Huang pledge such alliance, their equivalent to each and every one country, belongs to the kingdom, but the domain of these small alliance these big alliances govern, leads on equivalent to each and every one Noble . Duchy and so on place, in their domains, their powers is very big, even can say that equivalent to independent existence, however in the general situation, they must listen to this domain the command of biggest alliance, if dares not to listen, these big alliance attack they, but between countries, how is possible does not have border, just in the general situation, they do not care about this border very much also and that's the end, Divine Beast here, can in any case now the land, what is also unworthy money, what thing type does not come out, almost on equal to is useless, they are true. Cares, is some places that have output, for example mine, for example vestige and so on place. 这时巴不语突然开口问道:“我们是不是快要进入到大恨盟的境内了?”他们这些联盟之间,其实是有着十分明确的界线划分的,虽然神兽这里,现在没有了植物,河流也全都干了,但是那些山还在,河流干河床还在,这些都可以成为标记,所以各联盟之间,都会有各自的标记,来区分自己的地盘,这么说吧,神兽这里的各各大联盟,就像八荒盟这样的联盟,他们就相当于一个个的国家,是属于王国,而这些大联盟治下的那些小联盟的地盘,就相当于一个个贵族领,或是公国之类的地方,在他们的地盘上,他们的权力很大,甚至可以说相当于独立的存在,但是一般的情况下,他们还是要听这个地盘上最大联盟的号令的,要是敢不听,那些大联盟就会攻击他们,而国与国之间,怎么可能没有边界呢,只不过一般的情况下,他们并不是很在意这个边界也就是了,反正现在神兽这里,普能的土地,也不值什么钱,什么东西也种不出来,几乎就等于是无用之物,他们真正在意的,是一些有产出的地方,比如矿山,比如遗迹之类的地方。 However in the general situation, such border division, is very explicit, without that big alliance will invade the domains of other big alliances at will, such words on equal to are to the provocation of another big alliance, that will lead to the war. 但是一般的情况下,这样的边界划分,还是十分明确的,也没有那个大联盟会随意的侵入到其它大联盟的地盘,那样的话就等于是对另一个大联盟的挑衅,那是会引起战争的。 Did not speak to ask after close to words, an elder on open the mouth and said: "Yes, alliance leader, we have entered to hate the pledge greatly the domain, that mountain that just we passed through, known as Elephant Mountain, heard that beforehand there had the wild elephant in groups, therefore however acquired fame, we with hated the border division between pledges greatly, took Elephant Mountain as. ” That elder to very clear that the matter spoke, moreover referred to their behind mountain, that mountain truly was very high, but the above mountain does not have now, bare, seemed like very difficult to look, but close to did not speak is is very satisfied with his words, he nods said: correct/pretty good, we must make the best use of the time to hurry along.” The people all complied with one, later some people ordered, speed of entire only team, one sped up. 在巴不语问完句话之后,一个长老就开口道:“是,盟主,我们已经进入到大恨盟的地盘了,刚刚我们经过的那座山,名为象山,听说以前那里有野象成群,因此而得名,我们与大恨盟之间的边界划分,就是以象山为界的。”那个长老到是将事情讲的十分的清楚,而且还指了指他们身后的一座高山,那座高山确实是很高,不过现在上面一颗山都没有,光秃秃的,看起来十分的难看,而巴不语却是对他的话十分满意,他点了点头道:不错,我们要抓紧时间赶路了。”众人全都应了一声,随后就有人下令去了,整只队伍的速度,一下就加快了很多。 Just sped up in their speed, when without completely the leave Elephant Mountain range, suddenly ran out of one group of people from underground, speed very fast of this group of people, among in the blink of an eye had rushed to the Ba Huang pledge under from underground their army, later a rush, killed several Divine Beast directly, later they then conduct attack to other Divine Beast, and speed very fast. 就在他们的速度刚刚加快,还没有完全离开象山的范围时,突然地下冲出了一群人,这群人的速度十分的快,转眼之间就已经从地下冲到了八荒盟他们的大军下面,随后一个冲杀,直接就杀死了几头神兽,随后他们就接着对其它的神兽进行攻击,而且速度十分的快 close to did not speak their eyes to look, to these people, were not others, was former attack their these people, because he saw the grandson did not meet, the grandson did not meet also saw close to did not speak, close to did not speak to angrily roar, did not meet to rush over to the grandson, the grandson did not meet the appearance that the look at close to did not speak, coldly smiled, later his hand one moved, in his hand on were many pole long spear, later his in hand long spear one suspended, punctured the past to the Palestinian not language straight, appearance that Palestinian not language look at grandson did not meet, was actually. coldly snorted, his fist pounded to long spear later, another hand also round trip receives, after is prepares a fist evidently long spear pounding to be crooked, another fist immediately ejects. 巴不语他们一眼就看出来了,冲出来的这些人,不是别人,正是之前攻击他们的那些人,因为他看到了孙不遇,孙不遇也看到了巴不语,巴不语怒吼了一声,直向孙不遇冲了过去,孙不遇看着巴不语的样子,冷冷一笑,随后他手一动,他的手里就多出了一杆长枪,随后他手里长枪一摆,直向巴不语刺了过去,巴不语看着孙不遇的样子,却是冷哼了一声,随后他一拳就向长枪砸了过去,另一只手也往回一收,看样子是准备一拳将长枪给砸歪之后,另一拳马上就击出。 Very simple style, but he uses, actually represented to own absolute self-confident, he believes that an own fist can certainly long spear that the grandson does not meet pounding, because of him to own strength and defense confidence. 很简单的招式,但是他用出来,却是代表了对自己的绝对自信,他相信自己一拳一定可以将孙不遇的长枪给砸偏,因为他对自己的力量和防御都十分的信心。 The grandson does not meet look at his appearance, two eyes is actually twinkling brightly, his in hand long spear fierce trembles, the next quarter on appears the innumerable spear/gun flowers, his long spear lance point one became drifts from place to place, your don’t know his long spear must puncture from what position. 孙不遇看着他的样子,两眼却是精光一闪,他手里长枪猛的一颤,下一刻就出现了无数的枪花,这一下他的长枪的枪尖一下就变得飘忽不定,你不知道他的长枪要从什么位置刺过来。 Looked the grandson does not meet this long spear appearance, complexion that close to did not speak cannot help but changed, the movement on his hand also changed, next quarter his both hands fierce received toward the chest front, will first give to protect, simultaneously the figure proceeded to clash, prepares the side that rushed to the grandson not to meet, then in did not meet to conduct attack to the grandson, the grandson does not meet look at his movement, on the face cannot help but showed a silk smile, later his long spear fierce spear pierces, that long spear lance point, the directness on punctured to the chest of Palestinian not language, this spear/gun evidently was. No change the maneuver, is full power strikes, close to did not speak sees this move, in his two eyes cannot help but twinkling brightly, close to did not speak later fierce waving, his right hand grasped to the long spear lance point, but at this time, the grandson did not meet is actually the fierce acceleration, long spear one on thorn on palm that in close to did not speak, on a sound that hearing to throw, the palm of Palestinian not language unexpectedly by this long spear under one on giving to pierce, Palestinian not language mouth also discover a sound called out pitifully, in addition an only hand fierce grasped to spear shaft/gun barrel. In the past. 一看孙不遇这长枪的样子,巴不语的脸色不由得一变,他手上的动作也随之一变,下一刻他的双手猛的往胸前一收,先将自己给保护了起来,同时身形往前冲,准备冲到孙不遇的身边,然后在对孙不遇进行攻击,孙不遇看着他的动作,脸上不由得露出了一丝笑容,随后他的长枪猛的一枪刺出,那长枪的枪尖,直接就向巴不语的胸口刺去,这一枪看样子是没有任何的变招了,是全力的一击,巴不语一看到这一招,他的两眼之中不由得精光一闪,随后巴不语猛的一挥手,他的右手直向长枪的枪尖上抓了过去,但是就在这个时候,孙不遇却是猛的加速,长枪一下就刺在了巴不语的手掌上,就听到扑的一声,巴不语的手掌竟然被这长枪一下就给刺穿了,巴不语嘴里也发现了一声惨叫,另一只手猛的向枪杆上抓了过去。 close to did not speak is Body Cultivator, his body for defending and strength was famous, general Magical Artifact, simply did not have the means wound to him, but he has not thought, the grandson did not meet a spear/gun to pierce his hand unexpectedly, actually close to did not speak does not know, Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, each was Body Cultivator, no matter how the strength, must practice some Body Cultivator Cultivation Method, it is for this reason that therefore they regarding Body Cultivator Cultivation Method, but incomparable familiar, it is for this reason that Blood Slaughter Sect regarding how broken Body Cultivator Cultivation Method, was very familiar with, the grandson did not meet them is knows. What kind of coping should not speak like close to Body Cultivator, therefore he only strikes, breaks guarding that close to did not speak. 巴不语是体修,他的身体是以防御和力量而著称的,一般的法器,根本就没有办法伤到他,但是他没有想到,孙不遇竟然一枪就刺穿了他的手,其实巴不语并不是知道,血杀宗弟子,每一个都是体修,他们不管实力如何,都是要修练一些体修功法的,正是因为如此,所以他们对于体修功法,可是无比熟悉的,正是因为如此,血杀宗对于如何的破去体修功法,也是十分熟悉的,孙不遇他们更是知道该如何的对付像巴不语这样的体修,所以他只一击,就破了巴不语的防。 The grandson did not meet after extracting long spear, did not speak on the look at close to, close to did not speak the look at grandson not to meet, he was a startled anger of face, he has not really thought that strength such that the grandson did not meet, will strike unexpectedly broke his guarding, must know that his defense, that lets existence of Divine Beast here many very headache, how didn't the grandson meet is possible one to strike on him broken against? Like a character, why hadn't he heard before? Thinks of here, close to does not speak on the look at grandson does not meet said: who you are? If your such character, in Divine Beast here, the generation of is impossible nameless, you are who?” 孙不遇在抽出了长枪之后,就看着巴不语,巴不语也看着孙不遇,他是一脸的惊怒,他是真的没有想到,孙不遇的实力竟然会如此之强,一击就破了他的防,要知道他的防御,那可是让神兽这里很多人都十分头痛的存在,孙不遇怎么可能一击就破了他的防呢?像这样的一个人物,为什么他以前就没有听说过呢?一想到这里,巴不语就看着孙不遇道:你是什么人?如你这样的人物,在神兽这里,不可能籍籍无名之辈,你到底是什么人?” The grandson does not meet the appearance that the look at close to did not speak, who cannot help but slightly smiled said: I was, said you not to know, close to did not speak, I remember that I have reminded you, you, in meddling hated the matter of pledge greatly with us, if you in meddling, we will not let off your, you have not cared us evidently completely, what? thought now opportunity comes, did you on want to come out to occupy some were cheap? I told you, the small advantage is not good to occupy, that was must pay the price.” 孙不遇看着巴不语的样子,不由得微微一笑道:“我是谁,说出来你也不认识,巴不语,我记得我提醒过你,记你不要在插手大恨盟与我们之间的事情了,如果你在插手的话,我们是不会放过你们的,看样子你是完全没有将我们的话放在心上啊,怎么?是不是觉得现在机会又来了,你就又想要出来占一些便宜了?我告诉你,便宜没有那么好占的,那是要付出代价的。” close to did not speak the appearance that the look at grandson did not meet, said solemnly: We have not wanted to meddle your things, our only is no more than must by way of here, go to other places to handle the matter, this matter do you also want to manage?” close to did not speak does not want to acknowledge that he and king defended traditional moral principles the alliance matter, therefore he will say, he really somewhat regrets now, he has not really thought, the grandson does not meet their strength unexpectedly such, this truly somewhat surpassed him to be unexpected, therefore he wanted retreat, but must find an excuse to be good. 巴不语看着孙不遇的样子,沉声道:“我们并没有想要插手你们的事情,我们只不过是要经由这里,去其它的地方办事儿罢了,这种事儿你们也要管吗?”巴不语不想承认他与王卫道联合的事情,所以他才会如此说,他现在真的是有些后悔了,他是真的没有想到,孙不遇他们的实力竟然会如此之强,这确实是有些超出了他的预料之外,所以他想要退兵了,但是必须要找一个借口才行。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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