BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13559: Response

Chapter 13575 responded 第13575章反应 The grandson did not meet although to determine the plan, but he reported this matter to white eyes, making white eyes know this matter, white eyes had not opposed, he did not meet regarding the grandson confident, the strength that the grandson did not meet also had his command(er) ability, he was also knows that the grandson did not meet is capable of assuming sole responsibility for an important task, therefore he was not worried. 孙不遇虽然已经确定下了计划,但是他还是将这件事情上报给了白眼,让白眼知道一下这件事情,白眼也没有反对,他对于孙不遇还是有信心的,孙不遇的实力还有他的指挥能力,他也都是知道的,孙不遇是有能力独当一面的,所以他并不担心。 But the grandson does not meet their there, and has no special place, they are still attacking are hating the pledge greatly, but the attention, will also put the Flying Dragon pledge and Ba Huang pledge there, they want to take a look, how these two alliances will choose. 而孙不遇他们那里,并没有什么特别的地方,他们依然在进攻着大恨盟,只不过他们同时也将注意力,放到了飞龙盟和八荒那里,他们想要看看,这两个联盟会如何的选择。 But this Flying Dragon pledge and Ba Huang pledge there, all had the sound, alliance leader of Flying Dragon pledge is convening the following elders and various Sect representatives, after people, alliance leader of Flying Dragon pledge, took the jade sword that the king defended traditional moral principles directly, later he looked at people one eyes, then said solemnly: The alliance leader king who just hated the pledge greatly defends traditional moral principles, in gave me to receive a letter one time, he said that now the person of sea watching pledge, is attacking them to hate the pledge greatly, all attention, all put hated in the pledge greatly, he thinks that this was good opportunity, he asked us to dispatch troops, from the following attack sea watching pledge, they in coordinated from inside, when the time comes inside and outside us the converging attack, will want the sea watching pledge to be attractive, regarding this matter, what view everyone had? If some words, everyone said listens.” 而这个飞龙盟和八荒那里,也全都有了动静,飞龙盟的盟主正在召集下面的长老和各宗门的代表,等到众人都到了之后,飞龙盟的盟主,就直接将王卫道的玉剑拿了出来,随后他看了众人一眼,接着沉声道:“刚刚大恨盟的盟主王卫道,在一次给我来信了,他说了,现在观海盟的人,正在进攻他们大恨盟,所有的注意力,全都放到了大恨盟上,他认为这是一个好机会,他请我们出兵,从后面攻击观海盟,他们在从里面进行配合,到时候我们内外夹击,就会要观海盟好看,对于这件事情,大家有什么看法吗?要是有的话,大家就说出来听听。” One hear of he said, the alliance leader of following these elders and various alliances, all gawked, must know that now their outside army has not come back, at this time, suddenly discover such a matter, they truly is some accidental/surprised. 一听他这么说,下面的那些长老和各联盟的盟主,全都愣了一下,要知道现在他们外面的军队还没有回来,在这个时候,突然发现了这样的一事儿,他们确实是有些意外 At this time a alliance leader stand, to alliance leader gave a salute said: of Flying Dragon pledge alliance leader, I thought that this matter we should not be involved, we from have hated the pledge in greatly army retreat, left from this matter on equal to, we did not want to participate, what style the person of sea watching pledge was, I think that alliance leader you also saw, they before coped with the Ba Huang pledge, what method using, alliance leader you also to see, our army have not come back now, if we in a big way hated the pledge together attack sea watching pledge., The sea watching pledge will certainly retaliate, what response when the time comes they can be, I think that alliance leader you should also be able to obtain, by that time, we not only offended the sea watching pledge again, but also fears cannot obtain what advantage, therefore I felt, we should not participate in this matter time.” Said that looked at people one eyes, has not been saying anything. 这时一个盟主站了起来,冲着飞龙盟的盟主行了一礼道:盟主,我觉得这件事情我们不应该参与其中,我们已经从大恨盟的大军之中退兵了,就等于是从这件事情上抽身了,我们就不要在参与进去了,观海盟的人是什么样的行事风格,我想盟主你也看到了,他们之前在对付八荒盟的时候,用了什么样的手段,盟主你也应该看到了,我们的大军现在还没有回来,如果我们在跟大恨盟一起进攻观海盟,观海盟一定会报复,到时候他们会是什么样的反应,我想盟主你也应该能想得到,到那个时候,我们不但重新的得罪了观海盟,而且怕是也得不到什么好处,所以我觉得,我们不应该在参与这一次的事情。”了说完就看了众人一眼,没有在说什么。 But in the people the has plenty people nod, at this time had a Flying Dragon pledge elder to stand got up said: alliance leader, I to felt, we should cope with the sea watching pledge, this our six pledges, with hate pledge together to dispatch troops time greatly, jointly copes with the iron bone pledge, but we have not arrived at iron bone pledge there, drew back, this lets us in Divine Beast here, does not have the face very much, but all these, all because of the reason of sea watching pledge, currently we have such opportunity, can avenge a grievance, at the same time by the Divine Beast here person, was all known our fierce . Redeems our dignity, this is good opportunity, how do we have to give up? Therefore I thought that we should make a move, asking alliance leader to decide.” After he said that but also looked at people one eyes, but his discover, supports his person is not probably many. 而众人中有很多人都点了点头,这时却是有一个飞龙盟的长老站了起来道:盟主,我到是觉得,我们应该对付观海盟,这一次我们六盟,与大恨盟一起出兵,共同对付铁骨盟,但是我们还没有到铁骨盟那里,就退了回来,这让我们在神兽这里,很没有面子,而这一切,全都是因为观海盟的原因,现在我们有了这样的一个机会,可以报仇雪恨,同时让神兽这里的人,全都知道我们的厉害,来挽回我们的尊严,这是一个好机会啊,我们怎么有放弃呢?所以我觉得我们应该出手,请盟主定夺。”他说完之后,还看了众人一眼,不过他发现,支持他的人好像并不是很多。 At this time also had a alliance leader stand, said solemnly: I thought that we do not need at this time to sea watching pledge make a move, first not to say us, the Ba Huang pledge their several pledges, all retreat, hates pledge one now now greatly also in advancing, but also is thinking must attack the iron bone pledge, I thought that they cannot ask for any advantage, at this time, we are participating in the attack, that may really be some gains don't equal the loss, therefore I thought that we should not participate in this action.” 这时又有一位盟主站了起来,沉声道:“我觉得我们没有必要在这个时候在对观海盟出手,先不说我们,八荒盟他们几盟,现在也全都退兵了,现在只有大恨盟一个还在前进,还在想着要进攻铁骨盟,我看他们也讨不到任何的好处,在这个时候,我们在参与进攻,那可就真的是有些得不偿失了,所以我觉得我们不应该参与这一次的行动。” alliance leader of Flying Dragon pledge, the look at following person, cannot help but the knitting the brows head, at this time, a person walked from out of the door, his quickly arrived at the Flying Dragon pledge alliance leader side, later near the ear of Flying Dragon pledge alliance leader, said in a low voice several words, alliance leader complexion of Flying Dragon pledge cannot help but changes, later said solemnly: „Did information confirm?” That person nods said: "Yes, Master, has confirmed. ” alliance leader of Flying Dragon pledge nods, later beckons with the hand, that person then to alliance leader gave a salute of Flying Dragon pledge, then turn around drew back, but alliance leader of Flying Dragon pledge, turned the head to look at person in a Great Hall at this time, then open the mouth and said: Just obtained information, hates the pledge greatly army, by attack, this army Commander, was even hated the pledge one time time greatly Elder Liu, died in battle, now army is continuing advancing by another an elder in Commander, must go to the attack iron bone pledge, regarding this information, how everyone to see?” 飞龙盟的盟主,看着下面的人,不由得皱了皱眉头,就在这个时候,一个人从门外走了进来,他快步的来到了飞龙盟主的身边,随后在飞龙盟主的耳边,低声的说了几句话,飞龙盟的盟主脸色不由得一变,随后沉声道:“消息证实了吗?”那个人点了点头道:“是,师父,已经证实了。”飞龙盟的盟主点了点头,随后摆了摆手,那人这才冲着飞龙盟的盟主行了一礼,接着转身退了下去,而飞龙盟的盟主,这时也转头看了一眼大殿里的人,接着开口道:“刚刚得到了消息,大恨盟的大军,在一次被攻击了,这一次连大军统领,大恨盟的刘长老,都战死了,现在由另一位长老统领大军继续前进,要去攻击铁骨盟,对于这个消息,各位怎么看?” One hear of he said, the people all stare, later their complexion all change, no one was speaking, some little time elder then open the mouth and said: alliance leader, hates pledge action evidently greatly, was doomed to be defeated, at this time, we cannot go to this turbid water, I did not agree to dispatch troops.” Others also all nod, before , approves of elder who dispatches troops, at this time was not speaking, because he also felt, at this time was saying must support hates the pledge greatly the words, could not a little be justified, hates the pledge greatly army, even Commander was given to kill, but hates the pledge greatly in this moment also not retreat, nothing because of the face, for the face, is actually bent on having to conduct the war that simply is impossible defeats, in their opinion, this purely is in courting death, at this time, if they in saying to dispatch troops to cope with the sea watching pledge, that may on be. Courted death. 一听他这么说,众人全都是一愣,随后他们的脸色全都是一变,都没有人在说话了,好一会儿一个长老这才开口道:“盟主,看样子大恨盟这一次的行动,是注定要失败了,在这个时候,我们就更不能去趟这一趟的混水了,我还是不同意出兵。”其它人也全都点了点头,就连之前赞同出兵的长老,这个时候都不在说话了,因为他也觉得,这个时候在说要支持大恨盟的话,就有点儿说不过去了,大恨盟的大军,连统领都被人给杀了,而大恨盟在这个进候还不退兵,无非就是因为面子,为了面子,却偏要去进行一场根本就不可能战胜的战争,在他们看来,这纯粹就是自己在找死,在这个时候,如果他们在说要出兵去对付观海盟,那可就是在自己找死了。 Flying Dragon pledge alliance leader nods, then said solemnly: That this we were not dispatching troops time, although such is possible will offend hates the pledge greatly, but I believe that hates the pledge after experiencing this matter greatly time, does not dare in easily provoked our, our losses were not after all heavy, but hated the pledge greatly, if in this way, their losses were certainly big, when the time comes they attended to not being able to attend, do not say that coped with us.” People all nod, alliance leader of Flying Dragon pledge looked at people one eyes, then open the mouth and said: "All right, that everyone dispersed. ” The people complied with one, later all stood, to his gave a salute, turn around walked. 飞龙盟主点了点头,接着沉声道:“那这一次我们就不在出兵了,虽然这样可能会得罪大恨盟,但是我相信大恨盟在经历这一次的事情之后,也不敢在轻易的来招惹我们的了,我们的损失毕竟不重,而大恨盟如果在这样下去的话,他们的损失一定不小,到时候他们顾自己还顾不过来呢,更不要说对付我们了。”众人全都点了点头,飞龙盟的盟主看了众人一眼,接着开口道:“行了,大家就都散了吧。”众人都应了一声,随后全都站了起来,冲着他行了一礼,转身走了。 But at the same time, close to did not speak is also meeting with the Ba Huang pledge person, in person of meeting, not only there is a Ba Huang pledge person, alliance leader of these small alliances they governed, they did not have leave, but also army that waited for them to go out comes back in here, after close to did not speak waited till everyone, he also puts out king Weidao to give his jade sword, later to people said: everyone, this was alliance leader king Weidao who in a big way hated the pledge gives our letter/believes, he said in the letter/believes, the person of sea watching pledge, will have given to tow now in their there, They make our together dispatch troops , the person who copes with the sea watching pledge, when the time comes they conduct attack from inside to the person of sea watching pledge, we conduct attack from outside to the person of sea watching pledge, the inside and outside converging attack, the person of sea watching pledge will give to rout at one fell swoop, regarding this matter, what view everyone has?” 而与此同时,巴不语也正在跟八荒盟的人开会,开会的人中,不但有八荒盟的人,还有他们治下的那些小联盟的盟主,他们并没有离开,还在这里等着他们外出的大军回来,巴不语等到所有人都到了之后,他也拿出了王卫道给他的玉剑,随后对众人道:“各位,这是大恨盟的盟主王卫道给我们的信,他在信上说了,他们现在已经将观海盟的人,给拖在了他们那里,他们让我们一起出兵,对付观海盟的人,到时候他们从里面对观海盟的人进行攻击,我们从外面对观海盟的人进行攻击,内外夹击,一举将观海盟的人给击溃,对于这件事情,大家有什么看法?” As soon as the people listened to him saying that all gawked, later alliance leader open the mouth and said of alliance: Palestinian alliance leader, we just ended a fight of sea watching pledge, already not, in participating these hates the matter of pledge time greatly with them he, Palestinian alliance leader asks us to discuss that what meaning this matter is? Palestinian can alliance leader also dispatch troops inadequately?” He said that this saying already some impolite, but in sitting many alliance leader, all the look at close to did not speak, but close to did not speak one hear of he saying that his complexion cannot help but sank. 众人一听他这么说,全都是一愣,随后一个联盟的盟主开口道:“巴盟主,我们刚刚结束了一观海盟的战斗,已经不在参与这一次大恨盟与他们之间的事情他,巴盟主又找我们商量这件事情是什么意思?难道巴盟主还要出兵不成?”他说这话已经有些不客气了,而在坐的很多盟主,全都看着巴不语,而巴不语一听他这么说,他的脸色不由得一沉。 Must know that the beforehand these people, do not dare to speak to him, but these people, actually dare to speak to him now, how this lets him is not angry, but in his opinion, all these all because of the sea watching pledge, the sea watching pledge come attack they, making them lose the serious words, these people did not dare him to speak, but he also knows, now not with these people get angry, therefore he is bearing temper open the mouth and said: Before was our independent facing sea watching pledge, but we must with hate the pledge to cope with the sea watching pledge now greatly jointly, the situation is different, moreover person who hated the pledge greatly, but also made Flying Dragon pledge together make a move, by the strength of our three pledge, coped with a sea watching pledge, couldn't have coped? Before sea watching pledge, attack we, making us have to withdraw troops, this also makes our face countenance completely lose, in this case, we cope with them, has what wrong? I to think that we should dispatch troops, we only then defeated the sea watching pledge, the ginseng/partake redeems our reputation, how does everyone think?” He spoke this saying, on look at that alliance leader. 要知道以前这些人,是不敢跟他这么说话的,但是现在这些人,却敢这么跟他说话了,这让他如何能不生气,而在他看来,这一切全都是因为观海盟,要不是观海盟来攻击他们,让他们损失惨重的话,这些人也不敢他这么说话了,不过他也知道,现在不是跟这些人翻脸的时候,所以他还是耐着性子开口道:“之前是我们单独的面对观海盟,但是现在我们是要与大恨盟联手对付观海盟,情况已经不一样了,而且大恨盟的人,还约了飞龙一起出手,以我们三盟之力,对付一个观海盟,难道还对付不了吗?观海盟之前攻击我们,让我们不得不撤兵,这也让我们颜面尽失,在这种情况下,我们对付他们,难道还有什么不对吗?我认为我们该出兵,我们只有打败了观海盟,才参找回我们的面子,各位以为如何?”他说完这话,就看着那个盟主 That alliance leader one hear of close to did not speak said that then said solemnly: Palestinian alliance leader, after I do not agree, we with the sea watching pledge and iron bone pledge they, grievances that originally also has no, this participation hates the action of pledge greatly, is in itself a mistake, the previous sea watching pledge comes attack we time, what performance they are, our everyone to be clear, such person, is not really good to cope, one, but they will really give to provoke anger, after that us, will have the inexhaustible trouble, therefore I do not agree to dispatch troops.” 那个盟主一听巴不语这么说,接着沉声道:“巴盟主,我不同意出后,我们与观海盟和铁骨盟他们,原本也没有任何的恩怨,这一次参与大恨盟的行动,本身就是一个错误,上一次观海盟来攻击我们的时候,他们是什么样的表现,我们大家可都是清楚的,这样的人,真的不好对付,一但真的将他们给惹怒了,那我们以后,会有无穷无尽的麻烦,所以我不同意出兵。” close to did not speak look at that alliance leader, complexion very difficult had looked, his said solemnly: Such good opportunity, you not to make us dispatch troops, I really suspect now, you received the sea watching pledge advantage, otherwise, why have you thought of them? You said, what meaning you are?” His saying must have no consideration for face, gave that alliance leader to pin the big hat directly. 巴不语看着那个盟主,脸色已经十分的难看了,他沉声道:“这样的一个好机会,你都不想让我们出兵,我现在真的怀疑,你是不是收了观海盟的好处,不然的话,你为什么一直为他们着想?你说,你到底是什么意思?”他这话就已经是要撕破脸了,直接就给那个盟主扣大帽子了。 That alliance leader one hear of close to did not speak said that his suddenly one stood, his look at close to did not speak said: Palestinian alliance leader, what meaning was your saying? When did I receive the sea watching pledge advantage? We dispatch troops to follow to hate the pledge with your together to act greatly, afterward we have stayed in here, when did we receive the sea watching pledge advantage? I do that is completely good for us, said it, an position of your strength has dispatched troops, that said, you did result in hated the pledge greatly the advantage? Is taking the people of all our alliance, is receiving in exchange for the benefit for your Ba Huang pledge? Palestinian alliance leader now such does not believe us, we also nothing more to be said that I am those words, I will not agree to dispatch troops, if Palestinian alliance leader must dispatch troops, we withdraw, will not dispatch troops absolutely.” 那个盟主一听巴不语这么说,他忽的一下就站了起来,他看着巴不语道:“巴盟主,你这话是什么意思?我什么时候收观海盟的好处了?我们派兵与你们一起跟着大恨盟行动,后来我们就一直呆在这里,我们什么时候收了观海盟的好处?我这么做,完全是为了我们好,在说了,你一直一力的主张出兵,那是不是说,你得了大恨盟的好处?是在拿我们所有联盟的人,在为你们八荒盟自己换取利益?巴盟主现在如此的不相信我们,那我们也没有什么好说的,我还是那句话,我是不会同意出兵的,如果巴盟主非要出兵的话,那我们就退出,绝对不会出兵。” Simultaneously several alliance leader stations, their although anything also had not said that but actually stood in that alliance leader behind , indicating must support that alliance leader, but their movements, let two eyes flash of cold light that did not speak. 同时又有几个盟主站了起来,他们虽然什么都没有说,但是却站在了那个盟主的身后,表明了是要支持那个盟主,而他们的动作,却是让巴不语的两眼寒光一闪 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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