BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13540: Planning

Chapter 13556 plans 第13556章算计 Person were in attendance, that said a matter, just old Pan told me, the person who that two hate the pledge greatly, arrives at the iron bone pledge in Encampment, directly from breaking the meridians committed suicide, before them, old Pan has measured at the point of death, they are the Shadow Clansman spies, old Pan believes, entire hates the pledge greatly, is possible has become Shadow Clan Stronghold of spy, otherwise also is impossible that skillful, the directness on sending out two Shadow Clansman spies comes out, moreover Shadow Clansman spy, only if their people on one's own side orders, otherwise, they. Will not commit suicide, in adding on the matter of iron lion, therefore our some reasons believe, iron lion is possible in study hates the pledge greatly, wants to turn into the Shadow Clansman spy the iron bone pledge, but he has not succeeded, but hated pledge is possible to succeed greatly, but these hated the pledge time greatly, has been able to determine, we had certainly the means to know in them, these people were the Shadow Clansman spies, these people were not, therefore they certainly full power coped with us, must we give to destroy completely, because we were too big to their threats.” The projection opens the mouth of white eyes look at people, he introduced the matter directly simply. “人都到齐了,那就说一下事情,刚刚老潘跟我说了,那两个大恨盟的人,一到铁骨盟的驻地里面,直接就自断经脉自杀了,不过在他们临死之前,老潘已经测过了,他们是影族人的奸细,老潘认为,整个大恨盟,可能已经成了影族的奸细的一个据点了,不然的话也不可能会那么巧的,直接就派出两个影族人的奸细出来,而且影族人的奸细,除非是他们自己人命令,不然的话,他们也不会自杀,在加上铁狮的事情,所以我们有理由相信,铁狮可能就是在学大恨盟,想要把铁骨盟全都变成影族人的奸细,只不过他并没有成功,而大恨盟可能已经成功了,而这一次大恨盟,已经能确定了,我们一定有办法知道他们中,那些人是影族人的奸细,那些人不是,所以他们一定会全力的来对付我们,要将我们给灭掉,因为我们对他们的威胁太大了。”白眼看着众人的投影开口,他直接就将事情简单的介绍了一下。 The people all nod, complexion was also dignified, white eyes then open the mouth and said: Then we must prepare for with hate of pledge to war greatly, starts from tomorrow, iron bone pledge there all alliances, all assemble to iron bone pledge there, must concentrate to together goes, simultaneously our three pledges must issue a statement, our four pledges from now on, form an alliance simultaneously, facing all enemies, this is to tell everyone together, our several pledges wanted together to act, these people had also guessed correctly in any case, we forming an Alliance, we have not needed to cover-up, didn't everyone have the opinion?” The people all shake the head, said solemnly: No.” 众人全都点了点头,脸色也同时凝重了起来,白眼接着开口道:“接下来我们就必须要做好与大恨盟对战的准备了,从明天开始,铁骨盟那里所有的联盟,全都向铁骨盟那里集结,要集中到一起去,同时我们三盟也要同时发表声明,我们四盟从现在开始,结成联盟,共同面对一切敌人,这就是要告诉所有人,我们几盟要一起行动了,反正那些人也早就猜到,我们早就已经结盟了,我们也没有必要藏着掖着的,大家没有意见吧?”众人全都摇了摇头,沉声道:“没有。” white eyes nods said: "OK, this we do not play time empty, don't they want to eliminate us? We well fights with them, how having a look at them to want. ” The people all complied with one, white eyes then open the mouth and said: Action.” The people in complied with one one time, later they ended this conference directly time. 白眼点了点头道:“好,这一次我们也不玩虚的了,他们不是想要消灭我们吗?那我们就好好的跟他们斗上一场,看看他们到底想要怎么样。”众人全都应了一声,白眼接着开口道:“行动吧。”众人在一次应了一声,随后他们就直接结束了这一次的会议。 But the person who these watch the fun, still in the change of look at iron bone pledge here, the next day, other iron bone pledge here small alliances, all moved, starts to assemble to iron bone pledge here, simultaneously the iron bone pledge, the sea watching pledge, the three mountains pledge, the colored glaze pledge issue a statement, their four pledges starting today, will form an alliance simultaneously, together facing all challenges, everyone, as soon as listened to this saying on all understand is what meaning, their four pledges from now on forming an Alliance, if some people of attack their pledge, on equal to were the attack four pledges, they can together oppose the enemy. 而那些看热闹的人,依然在看着铁骨盟这里的变化,就在第二天,铁骨盟这里其它的小联盟,就全都动了起来,开始向铁骨盟这里集结,同时铁骨盟,观海盟,三山盟,琉璃盟同时发表声明,他们四盟将从今天开始,结成联盟,共同面对一切挑战,所有人一听这话就全都明白是什么意思了,他们四盟从现在开始结盟,如果有人攻击他们一盟,就等于攻击四盟,他们会一起对敌的。 At this time, how everyone wanted to have a look to hate the pledge to think greatly, but hated the pledge greatly also at this time, directly on announce a manifesto: The shameless iron bone pledge, in the name of eliminating Shadow Clansman spy, the line eradicates the matter of dissident, despicable and shameless, person god altogether indignant, presently I hate the pledge greatly, the will of Chengtian, crusades against the wicked thief, looks at the gentleman of square hero, with me and other together, eliminates the wicked thief, but also Divine Beast by ringing cloudless day! 这个时候,所有人都想要看看大恨盟是怎么想的,而大恨盟也在这个时候,直接就发表了一份檄文:无耻铁骨盟,以消灭影族人奸细为名,行铲除异己之事,卑鄙无耻,人神共愤,现我大恨盟,承天之志,讨伐恶贼,望四方豪杰之士,与我等一起,消灭恶贼,还神兽界以朗朗晴天! This manifesto is very interesting, scolded the wicked thief the iron bone pledge directly, said that they by eliminating the name of Shadow Clansman spy, dry/does was actually the deal that eradicated the dissident, therefore they wanted representative Divine Beast, eliminated the iron bone pledge, moreover hopes that everyone can dispatch troops with their together. 这份檄文很有意思,直接就将铁骨盟骂成了恶贼,说他们是以消灭影族人奸细之名,干的却是铲除异己的勾当,所以他们要代表神兽界,消灭铁骨盟,而且希望所有人都能跟他们一起出兵。 They after announce this manifesto, but also sends out the envoy, invites the people of other alliances, dispatches troops with their together, hated the pledge that piece of region alliance greatly with saying greatly, did not need them to summon, their order was OK, what they were main was invites other big alliances, hopes that these big alliances can follow their together to dispatch troops, copes iron bone pledge. 他们在发表了这份檄文之后,还派出使者,去请其它联盟的人,跟他们一起出兵,大恨盟那片区域的联盟就大用说了,不用他们去号召,他们一个命令就可以了,他们主要的是去请其它的大联盟,希望那些大联盟能跟着他们一起出兵,去对付铁骨盟。 In these big alliances, some accepted the invitation, some have not actually accepted, king Weidao is listening to his disciple report, there are these alliances to accept their invitation, listened to that disciple said: Master, so far, the Flying Dragon pledge, the Ba Huang pledge, the giant stone pledge, the Gold Sword pledge, the Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge, Iron Hand pledge these six big alliances, had agreed, must send out with our together, however other alliances, had not actually agreed must leave after our together he, but rejected.” He said that looked at the one-eyed person to defend traditional moral principles. 那些大联盟中,有一些接受了邀请,有的些却并没有接受,王卫道在听着他弟子汇报,有那些联盟接受了他们的邀请,就听那弟子道:师父,到目前为止,飞龙盟,八荒盟,巨石盟,金剑盟,铁鹰盟,铁手盟这六个大联盟,都已经同意,要与我们一起出动了,但是其它的联盟,却并没有同意要与我们一起出后他,而是拒绝了。”他说完就看了一眼王卫道。 king Weidao nods, then to sitting this I asked these person of together to dispatch troops with me in nearby Old Liu said: time, two meanings ; first, to try, had a look in these big alliances, having these listens to our verbal commands, now this tried to try, but another meaning, wanted to drag down these alliances, our these not necessarily can their several pledges give to annihilate the iron bone pledge time, their strengths were also very strong, in adding on them could not be victorious even, can still run, after all their population were also many, ran by them, they on can. Has one day of counter-attacking, so long as these people ran, they will counter-attack us, when the time comes they really must ask us to do accounts, will not only look for us, moreover there is this matter, we later are wanting the people of these alliances, draws to our side, easy, because they acted with our together, if later our genuine identity were exposed, even if they want to explain, feared could not explain, when the time comes we in winning over them, on will be easy, so long as can win over with these alliance to our side., Then our strengths will be stronger, but accordingly, their strengths will be weaker, such later we handle affairs, convenient, when clansman really hits, we can display doing of even bigger to use.” 王卫道点了点头,接着对坐在一旁的老刘道:“这一次我请这些人一起跟我出兵,有两个意思,一是试一试,看看这些大联盟之中,有那些是听我们的号令的,现在这一试就试出来了,而另一个意思,就是想要将这些联盟拉下水,我们这一次不见得就能将铁骨盟他们几盟给消灭掉,他们的实力也很强,在加上他们就算是打不过,也可以跑,毕竟他们的人数也不少,让他们跑了,他们就会有反攻的一天,这些人只要是跑了,他们就会反击我们,到时候他们真的要找我们算帐,就不会只找我们了,而且有了这件事情,我们以后在想要将那些联盟的人,拉到我们这一方,就会更加的容易,因为他们跟我们一起行动了,以后如果我们真正的身份被人暴光了,他们就算是想要跟人解释,怕是也解释不清楚了,到时候我们在拉拢他们,就会更加的容易了,只要能跟这些联盟拉拢到我们这一方,那么我们的实力就会更强,而相应的,他们的实力就会更弱,这样以后我们行事,就会更加的方便,等到族人真的打过来,那我们就可以发挥出更大的做用了。” Old Liu nods said: „, more people will tie up on our war chariot/tank, later we can borrow many strength, the matter of this iron bone pledge, is the best a piece touchstone, having a look at these people willing to stand with us on a road, there is who not to want with us to walk in together, like this after us, on having the direction, is willing then we to walk, we win over many , with their relationship can getting better and better, if not want with our together, after us, can try winning over, look can they give to win over., If really cannot win over, forget about it, we in let us not try to find the solution, is really not good suppresses, we now already all alliances in our piece of region, to control, these people, even if not our clansman, should still walk with us in together, our next step should more people, draw to our sides, these these alliances, I looked that time on is very good, they are willing to act with our together, after that us, on gives them many some advantage, was followed us by them is nearer.” 老刘点了点头道:“是啊,将更多的人绑在我们的战车上,以后我们就可以借更多的力了,这一次铁骨盟的事情,就是最好的一块试金石,看看有那些人愿意与我们站在一条路上,有什么人不想与我们走在一起,这样我们以后也就有了方向了,愿意跟着我们走的,我们多多拉拢,以后跟他们关系可以越来越好,如果不想跟我们一起的,我们以后也可以试着拉拢,看看能不能将他们给拉拢过来,如果实在是拉拢不过来的话,那就算了,我们在别想办法,实在不行就进行打压,我们现在已经将我们这片区域里的所有联盟,全都给控制了,那些人就算不是我们的族人,也会跟我们走在一起,那我们下一步就应该将更多的人,拉到我们的身边,这一次这几个联盟,我看就很好,他们愿意跟我们一起行动,那我们以后就多给他们一些好处,让他们跟我们走的更近。” king Weidao nods, then open the mouth and said: Does that this our action is certainly attractive, although said that now iron bone pledge there, gathers the strength of four pledge, if really said, there actually is also the strengths of two alliances, sea watching pledge and iron bone pledge, but we actually gather the strengths of seven alliances now, I have not really believed that could not defeat them, even if our time cannot all give to extinguish them, must be known our fierce by them.” 王卫道点了点头,接着开口道:“就这么做,这一次我们的行动一定要漂亮,虽然说现在铁骨盟那里,集合了四盟之力,但是要是真的说起来,那里其实也不过就是两个联盟的力量罢了,观海盟和铁骨盟,而我们现在却是集中了七个联盟的实力,我还真的就不相信打败不了他们,我们这一次就算是不能将他们全都给灭了,也必须要让他们知道知道我们的厉害。” Elder Liu nods, later Elder Liu open the mouth and said: How many people that this alliance leader did you prepare to lead in the past? In our families/home can keep the person?” Elder Liu knows, they must act even, must be ready to be good ahead of time, therefore they must make the arrangement ahead of time, only then they quite conduct the next step arrangement like this. disciple also look at that the kings defend traditional moral principles he. 刘长老点了点头,随后刘长老开口道:“那这一次盟主你准备带多少人过去?我们的家里要不要留人?”刘长老知道,他们就算是要行动,也必须要提前做好准备才行,所以他们必须要提前就做出安排,只有这样他们好进行下一步的安排。王卫道的弟子看着他。 The kings defend traditional moral principles said solemnly: This I led half of people time in the past, kept half of people, look at our Encampment, informed the following various alliances, making them have half of people, told them, don't worry, in Divine Beast here, so long as if we did not cope with them, some that people will not cope with them, did not need to be worried about the security of their alliance, rest assured.” Elder Liu and that disciple all complied with one. 王卫道沉声道:“这一次我带一半的人过去,留一半的人,看着我们的驻地,通知下面的各联盟,让他们也出一半的人,告诉他们,不用担心,在神兽这里,如果只要我们不去对付他们,那就不会有人对付他们,不用担心他们联盟的安全,放心好了。”刘长老和那个弟子全都应了一声。 The kings defend traditional moral principles then open the mouth and said: Contacts with six big alliances, having a look at their time to have many people, asks them, they want anything, so long as they put forward requirement, no matter what request, all promises them, goes.” 王卫道接着开口道:“与六大联盟联系一下,看看他们这一次能出多少人,同时也问一问他们,他们想要得到什么,只要他们提要求,不管是什么样的要求,全都答应他们,去吧。” Elder Liu and that disciple all complied with one, later two people defend traditional moral principles gave a salute to the king, then turn around leave, but with their leave, hated pledge here also to move greatly, hated under pledge these alliance friends also to move greatly, these alliances were all are truly hated the pledge now greatly to control, in these alliances, supported to listen to hate some people of many that the pledge ordered greatly, even if their alliance leader does not want to listen to hate the pledge greatly the words, the people in these alliances, will still listen in a big way to hate the pledge the words, therefore alliance leader of these alliance, is really does not dare now. Does not listen to hate the pledge greatly the words, if they dare not to listen, then alliance leader at any time of their alliance must exchange the person, when hated the order of pledge greatly, the people of these alliances, immediately started the set person immediately, they all gathered half of people, then in the important elder by Sect brings, went to hate the pledge Encampment there to go greatly, gathers with the person who hated the pledge greatly, their alliance leader remained, is defending own alliance, this was also normal, alliance leader of alliance, cannot move after all lightly, in a big way hated the pledge on these likely time. The matter is the same, hates the pledge these to go to battle greatly time, they lead is not the king defends traditional moral principles, but is led by Elder Liu, king Weidao is what status, he is is impossible leave easily hates the pledge greatly, going to battle enabled Elder Liu to be OK, the king will defend traditional moral principles will not go personally. 刘长老和那个弟子全都应了一声,随后两人冲着王卫道行了一礼,接着转身离开了,而随着他们离开,大恨盟这里也动了起来,大恨盟下面的那些联盟友也全都动了起来,那些联盟现在也确实是全都被大恨盟给控制了,那些联盟里,支持听大恨盟命令的有人很多,就算是他们盟主不想听大恨盟的话,那些联盟里的人,也会听大恨盟的话,所以那些联盟的盟主,现在真的是不敢不听大恨盟的话,如果他们敢不听,那么他们联盟的盟主分分钟就得换人,所以当大恨盟的命令下来了,那些联盟的人,也马上就在第一时间开始集合人,他们全都集合了一半的人,然后由宗门里的重要长老带着,前往大恨盟的驻地那里去,与大恨盟的人集合,他们的盟主留下来,守着自己的联盟,这也是正常的,一个联盟的盟主,毕竟不能轻动的,就像这一次大恨盟的事情一样,大恨盟这一次出征,他们带队的就不是王卫道,而是由刘长老带队,王卫道是什么身份,他是不可能轻易的离开大恨盟的,出征让刘长老去就可以了,王卫道可不会亲自去。 The people of quick these small alliances, all centralized to hated pledge here greatly, they arrived hated pledge here greatly, was even/including Dahen pledge Encampment has not actually gone, only then the elders of various alliance team leaders, entered to hate in the pledge greatly, these people of various alliances, were all dull are hating the pledge greatly outside, Divine Beast that but so, their these gathered even time, still surpassed 10,000 heads, does not calculate person who in a big way hated the pledge, the light was various small alliance sets Divine Beast, on achieving about 12,000, this is a very fearful number. Decided, must know this each number the back, but also is representative several hundred thousand battle soldier, like this, this set the battle soldier quantity, is very astonishing, do not say that also has the person who big hates the pledge, the people of six big alliances, hate the pledge greatly already with six big alliances, all reached an agreement, six big alliances will follow to hate pledge together to send out greatly, but also under will let the small alliance that they govern, then together sends out, they will not dispatch troops too many, six big alliance each pledges can hundred Divine Beast . In addition population that the person who they govern, six big alliance each pledges dispatches troops, will not be less than 1000, this already very correct/pretty good. 很快的那些小联盟的人,全都集中到了大恨盟这里,他们到了大恨盟这里,却是连大恨盟的驻地都没有进去,只有各联盟领队的长老,进入到了大恨盟里,各联盟的那些人,全都呆在大恨盟的外面,但是就算是如此,他们这一次集合起来的神兽,也超过了一万头,不算大恨盟的人,光是各小联盟集合起的神兽,就达到了一万两千头左右,这已经是一个十分可怕的数定了,要知道这每一个数字的背后,还都代表着几十万战兵,这样算起来,这集合起来的战兵数量,就已经十分的惊人了,更不要说还有大恨盟的人,还有六大联盟的人,大恨盟已经与六大联盟,全都商量好了,六大联盟会跟着大恨盟一起出动,还会让他们治下的小联盟,也跟着一起出动,不过他们并不会出兵太多,六大联盟每一盟会出一百神兽,在加上他们治下的人,六大联盟每一盟出兵的人数,都不会少于一千,这已经很不错了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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