BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13538: Waiting

Chapter 13554 waits for 第13554章等待 Pan Wanfang complied with one, white eyes then open the mouth and said: We must complete the worst plan, if hates the pledge really to us begin greatly, we will also help, now we do not fear that makes one know, our several pledges were the alliances, right, your there Divine Beast level up conducted how?” This is the matter of primary importance, they, all level up ended Divine Beast, to be honest, after Divine Beast level up, real very formidable, until now, by not fighting to see often white eyes, the present fighting strength no small matter, just his forms of combat very special, wants to kill to a person, needed time is possible will be very long. 潘万方就应了一声,白眼接着开口道:“我们也必须要做好最坏的打算,如果大恨盟真的要对我们动手的话,那我们也会帮忙,现在我们也不怕让人知道,我们几盟就是联盟了,对了,你那里神兽升级进行的怎么样了?”这才是最重要的事情,他们这些人,全都升级完了神兽,说实话,神兽升级之后,真的十分的强悍,就连一直以来,都不是以战斗见常的白眼,现在的战斗力都非同小可,只不过他的战斗方式十分的特别,想要杀对一个人,需要的时间可能会很长。 Pan Wanfang immediately open the mouth and said: Has completed, invited Elder Bai rest assured.” Divine Beast level up although requires some time, however in Black Tortoise Space, is quick, is adding on afterward Blood Slaughter Sect person discover, wants to conduct level up to Divine Beast, but can also take some Divine Light to Divine Beast, in that case, Divine Beast level up will be quicker, as the matter stands, their Divine Beast level up speed was quicker. 潘万方马上就开口道:“已经完成了,请白长老放心好了。”神兽升级虽然需要一些时间,但是在玄武空间里,还是很快的,在加上后来血杀宗的人发现,想要对神兽进行升级,还可以给神兽服用一些神光,那样的话,神兽升级的会更快,这样一来,他们的神兽升级速度就更快了。 white eyes one hear of Pan Wanfang said, he nods said: that to be good, lets everyone as soon as possible familiar level up later Divine Beast strength, when fights time, will not be thrown into confusion, simultaneously told everyone, prepared fight.” The people all complied with one, white eyes then declared the meeting adjourned, the people then withdrew from the communication. 白眼一听潘万方这么说,他就点了点头道:“那就好,让所有人尽快的熟悉一下升级之后的神兽力量,等到战斗的时候,才不会手忙脚乱的,同时告诉所有人,做好战斗的准备。”众人全都应了一声,白眼这才宣布散会,众人这才退出了通信。 In the afterward several days time, iron bone pledge there is also good, sea watching pledge in also good, is a peace, does not have any sound, this lets look at their these people, feels very bored, but these people were also quick on discover an issue, plan that these three pledge although have not begun, but they have not started region market that restored several pledges to be, this on was interesting. 随后的几天时间里,铁骨盟那里也好,观海盟地里也好,全都是一片的安静,没有任何的动静,这让看着他们的那些人,都感到十分的无聊,不过那些人也很快就发现了一个问题,这三盟虽然没有动手的打算,但是他们也没有开始着手恢复几盟所在的区域坊市,这就有意思了。 In Divine Beast here, market is existence of very special, in jurisdiction region of any alliance, will have market, market of some big alliances return more than one, you can trade, collects the information and so on matter in here, but, market actually another does to use as we all know, region that in other words bright this alliance is, is at the battle condition. 神兽这里,坊市是一个十分特别的存在,任何一个联盟的管辖区域内,都会有坊市,有的一些大联盟的坊市不只一个,在这里你可以进行交易,收集情报之类的事情,但是所有人都知道,坊市其实还是另一个做用,那就是说明这个联盟所在的区域,到底是不是处于战斗状态。 If an alliance, had the conflict with other alliances, then this alliance immediately the market field closing, this is the customs of Divine Beast here all alliances, almost all alliances will all do that had the conflict like it top three mountain Meng and sea watching pledge, the three mountains pledge and sea watching pledge there market, all closed up, this in Divine Beast here, is the normal situation. 如果一个联盟,跟其它的联盟起了冲突,那么这个联盟会在第一时间将坊市场给关闭了,这是神兽这里所有联盟的规矩,几乎所有联盟全都会这么做,就像之前三山盟与观海盟起了冲突,三山盟和观海盟那里坊市,就全都闭关了,这在神兽这里,是属于正常的情况。 If the alliances of two conflicts stopped the fight, however their market have not restored, that is representing, their battle condition complete relieving, they have not had is possible to have the conflict anytime, if market restored, that is representing, this alliance is not at the battle condition, their conflicts ended, goal that a custom that such for these years, the Divine Beast here person, has honored , helping, on is for by some Rogue Cultivator, will not be involved to the conflict during. 如果两个冲突的联盟停止了战斗,但是他们的坊市没有恢复,那就代表着,他们的战斗状态并没有完全的解除,他们还随时都有可能会在起冲突,如果坊市恢复了,那就代表着,这个联盟已经不在处于战斗状态了,他们的冲突结束了,这么这么多年以来,神兽这里的人,一直都尊守的一个规矩,这么帮的目地,就是为了让一些散修,不会被卷入到冲突之中。 Before Divine Beast here, did not have so many alliances, Rogue Cultivator is Divine Beast here many existences, actually now is also, now Divine Beast here Rogue Cultivator is also most, but in the Rogue Cultivator general situation, will separate many years to go to market there, normally they will also loaf in Divine Beast here all around, they will look for some vestiges, wanted to enhance own strength, these were these Rogue Cultivator the matter that liked handling, therefore your sometimes in market there, how many could not see Rogue Cultivator, but Rogue Cultivator was Divine Beast here most people, but. Closes market, is actually reminding Rogue Cultivator, their here in the occur war, if you do not want to be curled come, immediately leave, but one, but market opened, that is representing, the conflict had ended, can the feel relieved transaction. 以前神兽这里,是没有那么多的联盟的,散修才是神兽这里最多的存在,其实现在也是,现在神兽这里散修也是最多的,只不过散修一般的情况下,会隔上很多年才会去坊市那里一趟,平时他们也会在神兽这里的四周游荡,他们会去找一些遗迹,想要提升自己的实力,这些都是那些散修喜欢做的事情,所以你有的时候坊市那里,都看不到多少散修,但是散修才是神兽这里最多的人,而关闭坊市,其实就是在提醒散修,他们这里正在发生战争,如果你不想被卷进来,马上就离开,而一但坊市开了,那就代表着,冲突已经结束了,可以放心交易。 But the present situation is, the sea watching pledge, the three mountains pledge, the colored glaze pledge, the iron bone pledge, their these alliance, without is all having the conflict, but market of these alliances, have not actually opened, this appeared very strange, they are not getting up to conflict obviously, why hasn't market opened? Do they also prepare to hit? Who fights whom? Can the colored glaze pledge also hits with the three mountains pledge and sea watching pledge? Doesn't examine the sea watching pledge also to be able with the three mountains pledge to hit? The sea watching pledge do they prepare to attack the iron bone pledge? The person who all these let these look at several pledges, feels very curious, they really want to know, these alliances can also have the conflict. 而现在的情况是,观海盟,三山盟,琉璃盟,铁骨盟,他们这几个联盟,全都没有在起冲突,但是这几个联盟的坊市,却又没有开,这就显得十分的奇怪了,他们明明已经不在起冲突了,那为什么坊市还不开呢?难道他们还准备打吗?谁跟谁打?琉璃盟还会与三山盟和观海盟打?不审观海盟还会与三山盟打?还是观海盟他们准备进攻铁骨盟?这一切都让那些看着几盟的人,感到十分的好奇,他们真的很想知道,这几个联盟还会不会在起冲突。 Person who in fact these watch the fun, but also the hope they are really having the conflict, if at this time, they are having the conflict, that will be certainly more interesting, because these will hate the pledge to have is possible to be involved time greatly, how this will let them not excited. 事实上那些看热闹的人,还真的希望他们在起冲突,因为如果在这个时候,他们在起冲突的话,那一定会更有意思,因为这一次就连大恨盟都有可能会参与其中,这让他们如何能不兴奋 Hates the pledge greatly, that was the Divine Beast largest pledge, although said that now the strength of three mountains pledge is also very strong, before without losing so many people, they were also single Meng the Island Lord numbers, can with hate the alliance that the pledge compared fully greatly, but no one will feel, the opponent who the three mountains pledge hated the pledge greatly, did not say other, was only an influence, the three mountains pledge on the opponent who is impossible in a big way hates the pledge, therefore all in a big way hated the pledge is still the recognized largest pledge, but in the three mountains pledge Island Lord quantity although were many, but actually no one thinks., They are the Divine Beast largest pledge, in people opinion, the three mountains pledge compared with hates the pledge greatly, missed far, hated the pledge to be able greatly, when experienced the matter, all small alliances in command their piece of region, but can the three mountains pledge achieve? Their simply cannot achieve, how does that also with hate the pledge to compare greatly? Disparity of both sides was too big, therefore hates the pledge to send people to go to the iron bone pledge greatly, will bring to the attention of so many people. 大恨盟啊,那可是神兽界第一大盟,虽然说现在三山盟的实力也很强,之前在没有损失那么多人的时候,他们也是单盟的岛主数量,足可以跟大恨盟相比的联盟,但是没有人会觉得,三山盟是大恨盟的对手,不说别的,就光是一个影响力,三山盟就不可能是大恨盟的对手,所以所有大恨盟依然是公认的第一大盟,而三山盟里岛主的数量虽然不少,但是却没有人会认为,他们是神兽界第一大盟,在人们看来,三山盟比起大恨盟,差得太远了,大恨盟可以在遇到事儿的时候,号令他们那片区域内的所有小联盟,而三山盟能做到吗?他们根本就做不到,那还怎么跟大恨盟比?双方的差距太大了,所以大恨盟派人前往铁骨盟,才会引起那么多人的注意。 Person of watching the fun slowly, all responded, these alliances have not opened market, with hates the arrival of pledge also to have relationship greatly, they want, when hates pledge leave greatly, then in market? If this is really the case, that explained that their how many pledges also know, hates pledge is possible greatly is the future is bad, are they preparing for the worst? 慢慢的看热闹的人,也全都反应了过来,这几个联盟之所以没有开坊市,是不是跟大恨盟的到来也有关系,他们想要等到大恨盟离开,然后在开坊市?如果真的是这样的话,那就说明他们几盟也知道,大恨盟这一次可能是来者不善,他们是在做最坏的打算? Thinks of these, person who these watch the fun, cannot help but is two eyes shines, they are want to take a look, the person who hates the pledge greatly, to iron bone pledge there, how will do, moreover from this matter, they also saw another point, that is the iron bone pledge and sea watching pledge between their several alliances, feared that has become the ally, among them is impossible conflicted in occur anything. 一想到这些,那些看热闹的人,不由得全都是两眼放光,他们都是想要看看,大恨盟的人,到了铁骨盟那里,到底会如何做,而且从这件事情上,他们也看到了另一点,那就是铁骨盟与观海盟他们几个联盟之间,怕是已经成了盟友了,他们之间不可能发生什么冲突了。 Thinks of these, these people cannot help but somewhat lose, to be honest, when the sea watching pledge and three mountains pledge have the colored glaze pledge they conflict, they have not thought, finally can be such one type of result unexpectedly, this really stems from their unexpected, but what performance even if now hated the pledge greatly is, if hated the pledge really to look for the iron bone pledge to be troublesome greatly, that feared that was the conflict of even bigger on must appears , one thought of here, some these person cannot help but excited, they also are really want to take a look, what matter will reach situation, one thought of here, Everyone's vision, all centralized to iron bone pledge there. 一想到这些,那些人都不由得有些失落,说实话,当观海盟与三山盟还有琉璃盟他们冲突的时候,他们这些人怎么也没有想到,最后竟然会是这样的一种结果,这真的是出乎他们的意料之外,不过现在就算大恨盟是什么样的表现了,如果大恨盟是真的来找铁骨盟麻烦的,那怕是更大的冲突就要出现了,一想到这里,那些人都不由得有些兴奋了起来,他们还真的是很想看看,事情到底会走到什么地步,一想到这里,所有人的目光,全都集中到了铁骨盟那里 Arrived hates the pledge from the iron bone pledge greatly, there is a very long distance, even if you use Divine Beast, flying not to stop, still takes one month, if you also rest in the evening, that minimum takes two months, this in Divine Beast here, is the normal state, they use Divine Beast in any case, does not need to be worried place that has not rested, Divine Beast is an island, belongs to their island, therefore they walk how long no problem outside, two months is not very long, everyone and other. 从铁骨盟到大恨盟,还是有很长一段距离的,就算是你用神兽,一刻不停的飞,也要一个月的时间,要是你晚上还休息的话,那最少就要两个月的时间,这在神兽这里,是属于常态,反正他们都用神兽,也不用担心没有休息的地方,神兽就是一座岛,还是属于他们的岛,所以他们在外面走多长时间没有问题,两个月的时间也并不是很长,大家还是等得起的。 But these two months, the sea watching pledge they, all have not really opened market, during several pledges also very honest, does not have any conflict, in sea watching pledge there, you rarely will even see that has Divine Beast to walk randomly outside, entire sea watching pledge region, seems like a stretch of deathtrap to be the same, but iron bone pledge there, actually also similar, in iron bone pledge that piece of region, no one walks outside, various alliances all closed/pass the gate, simply not and outside world have any contact, on the iron bone pledge, related these alliance, relation sea watching pledge they, this on by. Sea watching pledge region with iron bone pledge region, fell into the one type of very strange condition, probably these two pieces of region time, have stopped being same, very fearful, are staring at their several pledges except for these, beside person who collected the information, in no one easily went to their several pledge there, you think that in other place, you walks some time outside every time, is possible will also meet other Divine Beast, however in there, you, only if entered to Encampment of these alliance, otherwise your one person could not meet, a that feeling, was very fearful, therefore in that several alliances. there, really does not have who to take a walk, seems the deathtrap to be the same. 而这两个月的时间,观海盟他们,真的全都没有开坊市,几盟之间也十分的老实,没有任何的冲突,甚至在观海盟那里,你都很少会看到有神兽在外面游走,整个观海盟区域,就好像是一片死地一样,而铁骨盟那里,其实也差不多,铁骨盟那片区域里,也没有人在外面走去,各联盟全都关起了门,根本就不与外界有任何的接触,就连铁骨盟,都没有去联系那些联盟,也没有联系观海盟他们,这就让观海盟区域和铁骨盟区域,陷入到了一种十分诡异的状态,好像这两片区域的时间,都已经停止了一样,十分的可怕,除了那些盯着他们几盟,收集情报的人之外,在没有人会轻易的去他们几盟那里了,你想啊,在别的地方,你每在外面走一段时间,可能还会遇到其它的神兽,但是在那里,你除非是进入到那些联盟的驻地,不然的话你一个人都遇不到,那种感觉,也是挺可怕的,所以在那几个联盟那里,真的没有什么人走动,就好像死地一样。 Time 1 0.1 point past, two months quick on the past, these two months, Blood Slaughter Sect all disciple, have all completed Divine Beast level up, but after Divine Beast level up, is huge to the benefit that Blood Slaughter Sect disciple provides, first, all disciple strengths were promoted, second, all disciple in the practice, Divine Beast to their help even bigger, Divine Beast met the sorption they to absorb Spiritual Qi, lets their practice speed, becomes quickly, third, all disciple can use Magic in Divine Beast Gold Core, this Magic Might very enormous, moreover is almost. Can use infinitely, is very small regarding the consumption of Spiritual Qi, but most Divine Beast, they first Magic on Gold Core, all defend Magic generally, these Divine Beast also very clear, first protect own life, is most important, therefore their first Magic, defends Magic generally, but this regarding Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, is very important, naturally, regarding these Undead Race disciple, was not so important, because regarding Undead Race disciple, they fights and the enemy, often is must and enemy perishes together, naturally this is. Develops, but comes one like this, this Magic could not use, naturally, if later they fought with true Shadow Clansman, then this Magic was useful, fourth was, their discover, oneself had some Divine Beast innate skill probably, for example the Divine Beast strength was big, their strengths will also increase, before this little, has had, but the present is not so obvious, now this innate skill already very obvious, therefore this by these disciple, all excited, they also familiar the change of body, following they were at the actual combat. In, well tries this change to the benefit that they provide. 时间一点一点的过去,两个月的时间很快就过去了,这两个月,血杀宗所有的弟子,全都已经完成神兽升级,而神兽升级之后,给血杀宗弟子带来的好处是巨大的,第一,所有弟子的实力都得到了提升,第二,所有弟子在修练的时候,神兽对他们的帮助更大了,神兽会吸着他们吸收灵气,让他们的修练速度,变得更快,第三,所有弟子都可以使用神兽金丹里的术法了,这种术法威力十分的巨大,而且几乎是可以无限使用的,对于灵气的消耗十分的小,而大多数的神兽,他们在金丹上的第一个术法,一般全都是防御术法,那些神兽十分的清楚,先保住自己的生命,才是最重要的,所以他们的第一个术法,一般都是防御术法,而这对于血杀宗弟子来说,也是很重要的,当然,对于那些死灵一族弟子来说,就不那么重要了,因为对于死灵一族弟子来说,他们在与敌人战斗的时候,往往是要与敌人同归于尽的,当然这是演的,但是这样来一,这种术法也就用不上了,当然,如果以后他们跟真正的影族人交手的话,那么这种术法就有用了,第四就是,他们发现,自己好像有了一些神兽天赋,就比如说神兽的力量大,他们的力量也会变大,这一点儿以前也有过,但是并没有现在这么明显,现在这种天赋已经十分的明显了,所以这让那些弟子,全都十分的兴奋,他们也已经熟悉了自己身体的变化,接下来他们就是要在实战之中,好好的试一试这种变化给他们带来的好处了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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