BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13528: Conspiracy

Chapter 13544 conspiracy 第13544章阴谋 In Divine Beast here, the conflict is has plenty, if two alliances conflicts, in the general situation is also divided into two types, one type of is two pledges does not die to fight, in other words, cannot die one just now to calculate, in this case, two pledges will not go to the person who manages other to watch the fun generally, you like looking on looking, our two hit and that's the end, but the conflict, general will be will not have Island Lord dead in battle, even had Island Lord dead in battle, will not be many, cannot go to the situation of having a fracture. 神兽这里,冲突是有很多的,如果是两个联盟冲突,一般的情况下也分为两种,一种就是两盟不是死斗,也就是说,不是非得死一方才算完,这种情况下,两盟一般是不会去管其它看热闹的人的,你爱看就看,我们两个打就是了,而像这样的冲突,一般是不会有岛主战死的,就算是有岛主战死,也不会太多,达不到伤筋动骨的地步。 But another one type of situation is actually, both sides must die to fight, dying to fight did not mean that takes a side dead to be good, but must decide a victory and defeat to come out, a side first drawing back, is the defeat, but such fight, often the casualty is very many, the character of Island Lord level dies several is not is impossible, this on the situation that appears will have a fracture, but dies general fights, both sides will clear, in other words, will be is looked in one side, will clear also on direct watches the fun the person to kill to these, But all around will first send people to go to shout propaganda, told these me, we must clear, in the general situation, was both sides of fight, will send people to shout that the previous time, will not then be shouting, if you did not walk, that also no one can manage you, but after a double-hour, both sides of fight, will send , conducted attack to all around, one, but discover you also stayed in there, that was embarrassed, will kill you certainly. 而另一种情况却是,双方要死斗,死斗并不是说一定要一方死完才行,而是一定要分出一个胜负出来,一方先退者,为败,而这样的战斗,往往死伤是十分多的,岛主级的人物死上几个也不是不可能的,这就会出现伤筋动骨的情况了,而一般死斗的时候,双方会进行清场,也就是说,是不会让人在一旁看的,清场也并不上来就直接对那些看热闹的人进行打死,而是会先派人去四周进行喊话,告诉那些我,我们要清场了,一般的情况下,是战斗的双方,都会派人喊上一次,然后就不会在喊了,如果你还是不走,那也没有人会管你,但是一个时辰之后,战斗的双方,都会派人来,对四周进行攻击,一但发现你还呆在那里,那不好意思,一定会杀了你的。 The matter that now the sea watching pledge and three mountains pledge handle is this, all around the sea watching pledge and three mountains pledge, send out the person to go to shout propaganda respectively, tell look for missing people, they must clear, if these people have not walked, that later killed them, no one dares to manage. 现在观海盟和三山盟做的事情就是这样的,观海盟和三山盟,各派出人去四周喊话,告诉寻人,他们要清场了,如果那些人还不走的话,那以后打杀了他们,也没有人敢管。 The person who these watch the fun, looked the sea watching pledge and three mountains pledge conducted to clear, knows that this their war feared time was small, if they did not walk, feared on the danger, therefore they all ran, after a double-hour, all around the sea watching pledge and three mountains pledge sent people to go to look, without discover had the person, returned to this respectively. 那些看热闹的人,一看观海盟和三山盟进行清场了,就知道这一次他们双方的大战怕是小不了,如果他们不走的话,怕是就危险了,所以他们全都跑了,一个时辰之后,观海盟和三山盟都派人去四周看了看,没有发现有人,就各回本阵了。 The person who however these watch the fun, has plenty really does not watch the fun, they to collect the information, noticed that the person of three mountains pledge and sea watching pledge all drew back, their immediately returned to original position, when their returned to the original position, the war of three mountains pledge and sea watching pledge had started, this three mountains pledge has not really kept the hand, coming up on was the forms of combat that they most became famous, on was that type trades the life fighting method by the life, under these battle soldier, almost will be will not defend, on was trades the life with you by the life, he died even . Must draw in one to make scapegoat surely, such forms of combat, anybody will feel fearful and apprehensive. 但是那些看热闹的人,有很多可不是真的看热闹,他们是为了收集情报的,看到三山盟和观海盟的人全都退回去了,他们马上就回到了原来的位置,等到他们回到了原来的位置,三山盟和观海盟的大战已经开始了,这一次三山盟可是真的没有留手,上来就是他们最出名的战斗方式,就是那种以命换命打法,下面那些战兵,几乎都是不会防御的,就是跟你以命换命,他就算是死,也必定要拉上一个做垫背的,这样的战斗方式,任何人都会感到心惊肉跳。 What is most fearful, these Island Lord of three mountains pledge are so dry/does, they are also come up to go all out, they also trade the life by the life, their experiences often are just richer, they when trade the life by the life, often with oneself wound, trades your life, naturally, if some people have not done well, that is really trades the life by the life. 最可怕的是,三山盟的那些岛主都是如此干的,他们也是上来就拼命,他们也是以命换命,只不过他们的经验往往更加的丰富一些,他们在以命换命的时候,往往是用自己身上的伤,换你的命,当然,如果有人没有弄好,那就真的是以命换命。 Their such forms of combat, any influence, saw will have, but at this time another weakness of sea watching pledge, appeared, that is they are a big alliance, is not a unified alliance, unlike the three mountains pledge, this three mountains pledge and old tree pledge compose an alliance, but this alliance calculation that only then the three mountains pledge said that the old tree pledge was almost merges into the three mountains pledge on equal to, but military strategy of three mountains pledge on was like this, they were an alliance, therefore under these Island Lord also all obeying orders, Coming up is trades the life by the life like this fighting method, but the sea watching pledge alliance is different, they actually comprised of the innumerable small alliances, these small alliances, some own plans, their very clear, even if they really defeat the three mountains pledge today, if their alliance loses is too big, is a little advantage does not have to them, when the time comes they will also perhaps be destroyed completely, therefore they when meeting three mountains pledge such fighting method, is really does not dare full power, therefore was given to press hitting by the three mountains pledge at once. 他们这样的战斗方式,任何一个势力,看到了都会感到头痛,而这时观海盟的另一个弱点,也显现了出来,那就是他们是一个大联盟,并不是一个统一的联盟,跟三山盟不同,这一次三山盟与古树盟组成的了一个联盟,但是这个联盟只有三山盟说的算,古树盟几乎就等于是并入到了三山盟里,而三山盟的战法就是这样的,他们是一个联盟,所以下面的那些岛主也全都十分的听令,上来就是这样子以命换命的打法,但是观海盟联盟却不一样,他们却是由无数的小联盟组成的,这些小联盟,都有自己的打算,他们十分的清楚,就算是他们今天真的战胜了三山盟,如果他们联盟损失太大的话,那对他们也是一点儿好处都没有,到时候他们说不定还会被灭掉,所以他们在遇到三山盟这样的打法时,是真的不敢出全力,所以一时之间被三山盟给压着打。 Naturally, these all are the people who these watch the fun, oneself analyze, naturally, this is also white eyes they want to make them analyze, therefore this loss even bigger some that fights the sea watching pledge, but loss although of three mountains pledge is also big, but they actually fight against odds, by a person few side, presses the person many side to hit . Moreover the meaning without stopped. 当然,这些全都是那些看热闹的人,自己分析出来的,当然,这也是白眼他们想让他们分析出来的,所以这本战观海盟的损失更大一些,而三山盟的损失虽然也不小,但是他们却是以少打多,以人少的一方,压着人多的一方打,而且一点儿也没有停的意思。 At this time, suddenly had a small alliance first to run, their speed very fast, among in the blink of an eye ran, saw them to run, other alliances also had the thoughts, later several alliances, all followed to run, this entire sea watching pledge alliance, all chaotic, the sea watching pledge wanted to send out the supervising combat army to repress , these alliance bang have actually dispersed late, all ran, saw this situation, the sea watching pledge also knows, situation by going, they were also direct on running, the three mountains pledge pursued in behind. A while, was not pursuing, this fought is actually the person few three mountains pledge side of won, this was everyone in has not thought beforehand. 就在这个时候,突然就有一个小联盟先跑了,他们的速度十分的快,转眼之间就跑了,一看到他们跑了,其它的联盟也动了心思,随后又有几个联盟,也全都跟着跑了,这一下整个观海盟联盟,全都乱了起来,观海盟想要派出督战军进行弹压,却是已经晚了,那些联盟一轰而散,全都跑了,一看到这种情况,观海盟也知道,大势以去,他们也直接就跑了,三山盟在后面追了一会儿,也就不在追了,这一战却是人少的三山盟一方胜了,这是所有人在事先都没有想到的。 The three mountains pledge saw the sea watching pledge alliance defeated, they in have not chased down the person of sea watching pledge alliance, but all around sends people to go to sweep directly, the person who these watch the fun, looks at three mountains pledge appearance, knows that three mountains pledge this was must conduct to clean up to all around, if they in did not run, by person discover of three mountains pledge, the person of that three mountains pledge, will be certain will not really let off their, but the strength of three mountains pledge was placed in there, in adding on their aggressive incomparable fighting method, they were really feared, therefore these watch the fun the person, immediately ran, no one dares to remain, but they after escaping from the three mountains pursuit range, was not running, they also want to take a look, how the three mountains pledge handles the damage control, this is very important. 三山盟一看到观海盟联盟败了,他们也没有在去追杀观海盟联盟的人,而是直接就派人去四周进行扫荡,那些看热闹的人,一看三山盟这个样子,就知道三山盟这是要对四周进行清理了,如果他们在不跑,真的被三山盟的人发现,那三山盟的人,是一定不会放过他们的,三山盟的实力可是摆在那里呢,在加上他们那种凶悍无比的打法,他们真的是怕了,所以那些看热闹的人,马上就跑了,没有一个人敢留下来的,不过他们在逃出了三山的追击范围之后,也就不在跑了,他们还想要看看,三山盟是如何处理善后的,这是十分重要的。 The three mountains pledge in all corpses the battlefield all concentrated later, then the together fire burnt, simultaneously they also conducted worshipping, such processing mode, the person who even if these watch the fun, could not say anything to come, later the three mountains pledge retreated, has not occupied the sea watching pledge domain not to put, but this war, regarding the prestige of sea watching pledge the attack is actually being very enormous, sea watching pledge originally was in this piece of region, a biggest alliance, the strength of three mountains pledge must in them, they want to suppress the three mountains pledge afterward strongly, finally then turned into today's appearance, on. A sea watching pledge plans the three mountains pledge and colored glaze pledge alliance, lets this two clans is loses big, at that time, the prestige of sea watching pledge achieved high, but this three mountains pledge goes all out with them, they actually defeated. 三山盟随后将战场上所有尸体全都集中了起来,然后一起大火烧了,同时他们还进行了祭拜,这样的处理方式,就算是那些看热闹的人,也说不出什么来,随后三山盟就退走了,并没有占着观海盟的地盘不放,但是这一次大战,对于观海盟的声望着打击却是十分巨大的,观海盟原本是这一片区域里,最大的一个联盟,后来三山盟的实力要强于他们,他们想要打压三山盟,最后这才变成了今天的样子,上一次观海盟算计三山盟和琉璃盟联盟,让这两家都是损失不小,那个时候,观海盟的声望达到了最高,而这一次三山盟与他们拼命,他们却是败了。 The person who however these watch the fun also looked at understand, this three mountains pledge the loss was also big, naturally, loss even bigger of sea watching pledge, they have planned, the sea watching pledge these was only Island Lord level Expert time, died about 400 people, but sea watching pledge there, their Island Lord level Expert, died also about 300 people, battle soldier loss not even bigger, they processed the corpse before time, but the corpse will give the pile, that may really be can be called the corpse to accumulate such as the mountain, the sea watching pledge had such big loss, they could not withstand no wonder, after all. They are an alliance, is not a unified organization, the three mountains pledge can bear such loss, they actually cannot withstand. 不过那些看热闹的人也看明白了,这一次三山盟的的损失也不小,当然,观海盟的损失更大,他们计划过,观海盟这一次光是岛主高手,就死了近四百人,而观海盟那里,他们的岛主高手,死了也有近三百人,战兵的损失不更大了,他们之前处理尸体的时候,可是将尸体给堆了起来的,那可真的是称得上尸积如山了,观海盟有这么大的损失,也怪不得他们顶不住了,毕竟他们是一个联盟,并不是一个统一的组织,三山盟能承受得了这样的损失,他们却承受不了。 The person who these watch the fun, wants to have a look, how the three mountains pledge then must do, but the three mountains pledge following approach, is to make them stare, the person who sees the three mountains pledge, gathered, returned to in the domain of three mountains pledge, had not been conducting attack to the sea watching pledge, but these small alliances of sea watching pledge alliance, their all returned to oneself Encampment, sea watching pledge also returned to oneself Encampment, sea watching pledge this piece of region, actually restoration slowly calm, this were also startled very much, they have not really thought can unexpectedly like this. 那些看热闹的人,都想要看看,三山盟接下来要如何做,而三山盟接下来的做法,却是让他们一愣,就见三山盟的人,集合了起来,回到三山盟的地盘上,并没有在对观海盟进行攻击,而观海盟联盟的那些小联盟,他们也全都回到了自己的驻地,观海盟也回到了自己的驻地,观海盟这片区域,竟然又慢慢的恢复了平静,这让人很是吃惊,他们是真的没有想到竟然会这样。 However everyone also knows, the sea watching pledge and three mountains pledge, these it can be said that had a fracture time, therefore they display like this, to is also normal, no one will say anything, but at this time, had/left the matter, several small alliances in sea watching pledge alliance, by attack, such attack were let these small alliances of sea watching pledge alliance one after another, each and every one was everybody feels insecure, simultaneously the person of sea watching pledge, will also give to calculate on this pen tent/account when one to the three mountains pledge head, but at this time three mountains pledge probably also discover not right place. 但是所有人也都知道,观海盟和三山盟,这一次可以说是伤筋动骨了,所以他们这样的表现,到也是正常的,也没有人会多说什么,但是就在这个时候,又出事儿了,观海盟联盟里的几个小联盟,接连被攻击,这样的攻击让观海盟联盟的那些小联盟,一个个是人人自危,同时观海盟的人,也在第一时候就将这笔帐给算到了三山盟的头上,而这时三山盟好像也发现了不对劲的地方。 three mountains pledge immediately sent out the person, relates sea watching pledge, the person but who they send, was given to intercept on the halfway unexpectedly, the although has plenty person watches the fun, person but who these watch the fun, is impossible everyone follows, such their simply cannot follow, therefore the person of three mountains pledge, can intercept by whom, their simply don’t know, many person's first response, is possible is the three mountains pledge person by the sea watching pledge person to the interception, but the three mountains pledge actually immediately has not sent for the attack sea watching pledge, but one time was in sent out the person, to sea watching pledge. there, this they sent out 50 Island Lord time, moreover by one person, but the elder team leader, this action, has certainly watching the fun followed, but is quick, these factions person, by person attack, but attack their people, actually don’t know is what status, the person but who this three mountains pledge sends is Elite, they will intercept their people to give to repel, but they actually not returned to three mountains pledge there, but was direct on sea watching pledge there. 三山马上就派出了人,去联系观海盟,但是他们派出去的人,竟然在半路上被人给截杀了,虽然有很多人看热闹,但是那些看热闹的人,也不可能每一个人都跟着,那样他们根本就跟不过来,所以三山盟的人,被谁能截杀的,他们根本就不知道,很多人第一个反应,可能三山盟的人是被观海盟的人给截杀的,但是三山盟却并没有马上就派人去进攻观海盟,而是在一次派出了人,去往观海盟那里,这一次他们足足派出了五十个岛主,而且还是由一但长老领队,这一次的行动,当然也就有看热闹的人跟着了,但是很快的,这些派出去的人,就又被人攻击了,而攻击他们的人,却不知道是什么身份,不过这一次三山盟派出来的人全都是精锐,他们将截杀他们的人给击退了,但是他们却并没有回到三山那里,而是直接就去了观海盟那里 When they arrived at sea watching pledge there, sea watching pledge person, immediately is critical situation, but the person of three mountains pledge, these does not have attack time they, but delivered invitation card honestly, interview sea watching pledge person, their such approaches, to sea watching pledge person making not, their don’t know these people are what meanings, they stemming from the politeness, these person will give please going, what the sea watching pledge person and three mountains pledge person don’t know say, in brief three mountains pledge person quickly on leave, then sea watching pledge person, on immediately/on horseback Gives them in the alliance, other small alliances sent the letter/believes, in the letter/believes said anything no one knows. 等到他们到了观海盟那里,观海盟的人,也马上就是如临大敌,但是三山盟的人,这一次却并没有攻击他们,而是老老实实的送上了拜帖,求见观海盟的人,他们这样的做法,到是将观海盟的人给弄的不会了,他们不知道这些人是什么意思,不过他们还是出于礼貌,将这些人给请了进去,观海盟的人与三山盟的人不知道说了什么,总之三山盟的人很快就离开了,而后观海盟的人,就马上给他们联盟里,其它的小联盟去了信,信上说了什么没有人知道。 When the person returned to three mountains pledge of three mountains pledge, not long after, the sea watching pledge and three mountains pledge, declare war to the colored glaze pledge simultaneously, claimed that was colored glaze pledge attack a river pledge , the attack sea watching pledge, instigated the sea watching pledge and colored glaze pledge relationship, therefore they must declare war to the colored glaze pledge, but this information, everyone all understand what's the matter, destroyed completely a river pledge before, was not the sea watching pledge, but was the colored glaze pledge, the colored glaze pledge gave the crops the calamity to give the sea watching pledge this matter, by the sea watching pledge and three mountains pledge war, this move may really be enough bad, watched the sea no wonder. The pledge and three mountains pledge, will declare war to them simultaneously. 等到三山盟的人回到三山盟,没过多长时间,观海盟和三山盟,同时对琉璃盟宣战,声称是琉璃盟攻击了一河盟,又攻击观海盟,从中挑拨观海盟和琉璃盟的关系,所以他们要对琉璃盟宣战,而这个消息一出,所有人全都明白是怎么回事儿了,原来之前灭掉一河盟的,并不是观海盟,而是琉璃盟,琉璃盟将这件事情给稼祸给了观海盟,让观海盟与三山盟大战,这一招可真的是够坏的,也怪不得观海盟和三山盟,会同时对他们宣战。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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