Seesthissituation, White Eyesonopen the mouth and said: „Shadow Clansmanhas not been idlingevidently, but alsoreallymadethemcausesomething, thesebonebeastswere usedto copeto bitething of spiritinsect, probablyone type ofMagic, the vortextechnique, coped withAlientime, usedprobably was also thisMagic, but why this can Magicappears intheirmouths?”At this timeSheng Siopen the mouth and said: „Cansomecommand(er)Heavenly Maiden Scattering Flowersballsenterto the mouths of thesebonebeasts, like thiswecansee the situation of mouth, eventheirmouthanythingdo not have, we can still make the smallpoxfalling to piecesballexplodedirectly, destroy the situations of theirmouth.” The Sheng Siwordsmake the peoplestare, latertheyallnod, White Eyesimmediatelyarranged, the nextquarter, theynotice, severalHeavenly Maiden Scattering Flowersballs, when the boneunites the beastopens mouthto attract, directlyenters the boneto unite the beastmouth, laterthatseveralHeavenly Maiden Scattering Flowersballsstoppedintheirmouths, butimmediatelyhaddisciple, the projectioncontent, switch over the boneto unite the beastmouth, had the Heavenly Maiden Scattering Flowersball, theycansee clearly the boneto unite the situation of beastmouth. Sees the boneto unite the situation of beastmouth, White Eyesonsaid solemnly: „Isformation, ontheirteeth, makingHeavenly Maiden Scattering Flowersshootself-exploding, can lookdestroytheirformation.”Thatdisciplecomplied withone, laterunderhiscommand(er), thatseveralHeavenly Maiden Scattering Flowersballs, stoppeddirectlyinside of tooth, laterdirectlyonself-exploding. AfterthatHeavenly Maiden Scattering Flowersshootsself-exploding, White Eyestheysawthatboneunited the beastmouth, suddenlyemitted a fire, a nextdeeply ingrainedassociationbeastheadwas blown offhalf, thatboneunited the beast dead directly. Seesthissituation, White Eyestoistwo eyes shined, thisarrivesis a goodmethod, hisimmediatelysaid loudly: „Quickly, usesthismethodto cope withtheseassociationbeasts, cannotletthesebonebeastsabsolutely, copesto bite the spiritinsect.”Thesedisciplecomplied withone, immediatelystartedto arrange, theseHeavenly Maiden Scattering Flowersballsallinlawin the formation, undertheircommand(er), theseHeavenly Maiden Scattering Flowersballsencircledinthesebonesunited the beastside, thesebonesunited the beast, so long asopened mouthattack, theseHeavenly Maiden Scattering Flowersballswill entertotheirmouths, thenself-exploding, united the beastto giveto killthesebones, the Shadow ClansmanformationthereHeavenly Maiden Scattering Flowersballhas been increasing, thereforetheirsimplydid not needto be worried that the Heavenly Maiden Scattering Flowersballdid not meetsufficiently, thereforesuchattackunited the beastto the boneabsolutelyis the most effectivemethod. ButSheng Silook atthissituation, hissaid solemnly: „KnowswhatShadow Clansmanuseswaswhatmethodwas also OK, wecanfind the waybrokento go totheirformation, theirformationin the mouth, thiswantedbrokento go is not easy, moreoverIthoughtthemto makethisbonebeast, mainlytocopeourbit the spiritinsect, moreovertheirinspirations, did not do wellobtainfromourAlienthere, Uncle Bai, yousaid that wewere can also in this way? OurAliencantransformation, the one close behind the othersnakealsobe abletransformation, wewhether to letAlienandin the body of one close behind the othersnake, allin additionsimilar does formation, increasetheirattackstrength?”White Eyesthinks, thensaid solemnly: „One close behind the othersnake said fortunately,theybyspreading out a day of beadcomecontrol, wantsto add onwhatformation above, does not have anyissue, butAliensomewhatwas difficult, youalsoknow,AlienSpiritual Wisdomhas not openednow, makingthemhavenowsuchability, alreadyverycorrect/pretty good, theseabilities, theythroughabsorbingotherthinginnate skill, thishas the ability that thisis the one type ofinnate skillability, is not the formationstrength, thereforeAlienwantsto achieve this little, feared that is not easy, do not wantto manage the line, ifreally the incorrectwords, on can only try to find another way, oron. Theyeat, hasthisattackinnate skillMonster Beast? Do youfeel?”White Eyesvery clear, Aliensituation, unlikeone close behind the othersnake, but, thereforeAlienwantsto havethisability, is not an easymatter, butmeans that hethinks ofnow, is to make Alienthrougheatingthing, hassuchability, howeverpresentAlien, butthere is a self-duplicationability, ifthey want suchability, thatthings to eat were too many, thisprobablynottooreality, after thereforethissaying, White Eyesshakes the head, thought that this methodis not feasible. Sheng Sisaid solemnly: „Does Alienhavethisability, actually said fortunately, Alienattackstrength, itselfonvery formidable, moreoverAlienfightinnate skillisverystrong, whatpleasant surprisestheylaterperhapstoour, to be the one close behind the othersnakes, ifthere is such a ability, thatusemayonvery enormous, youthink that if the one close behind the othersnakewill open mouth, caninnumerableShadow ClansmanandAlien, allattracting the mouth, thenmakesthemturn intohisenergy, what can thatbe the one type ofeffect?”White Eyesstares, laterhenodssaid:„truly, good, thatmanages, making one experiment the one close behind the othersnake, oursuchlong time, with the one close behind the othersnake, had not preparedactually, whenlatergeneral attacktimeis using, now is also notuses, butfirstimproves the ability of one close behind the othersnake, whengeneral attacktime, making the one close behind the othersnakestronger, thatis.” The peopleallnod, complied withone, White Eyesthenopen the mouth and said: „Alsoisnow, after a period of time, ourBuddha Forceblessing/additional supportability, after that wemustcope withShadow Clansman, was simpler, do not sayShadow Clansman, isthesegiant tree, feared that cannot blockourbulletattack, mustknowinthatbullet, latermaybe ableto produceBuddha Forcecontinuously, suchattack, will lettheseShadow Clansmanheadachesveryabsolutely, is not good, IgiveOld Wen a letter/believes, saidunderonetoOld Wen, bytheminbullet, inadding onsomemagnetic fieldformation, ifourbullets, cannotunderoneonbreakingShadow Clansman The defense, thatbulletwill flyotherplace, hadmagnetic fieldformation, thatbulletwill havecertainattackstrength, no mattertheirattackanything, so long asthere isBuddha Force, will bring the harmtoShadow Clansman, must therefore makethemaddQiang'zimissile-bornemagnetic fieldformation.”Said that White Eyesput outCommunication Formationdirectly, wroteownopinion, thengaveWen Yumingto senddirectly, theirthesein the person of frontlinefight, actuallymosthad the right to speak, howMagical Artifactcanbe easy-to-use, was easier-to-use, thesetheywereclearest, thereforeWen Yumingalsoattached great importance totheiropinions , and has toldthem, theyhadwhatopinion, toldhimdirectly. Wen Yumingafterreceiving the White Eyesletter/believes, hisimmediatelyfoundwas improving these people of bullet, toldthem the opinion of White Eyes, thesepeopleafterlistening, todid not haveto sayanything, this someabilities of Heavenly Maiden Scattering Flowersball, added to the newbullet, no big deal, thereforetheircomplied, lateronstartingto conduct the design in thisaspect, theirbullets were actually verycomplex, inhas plentyformation, self-duplicatedformationfor example, inadding onbrokenagainstformation, Buddha Forcemagnetic fieldRunes, inadding onnowthismagnetic fieldRunes, But alsowantsto add onabsorbsformation, thishasto absorbformation, is actually absorbstheseStrength of Law of blessing/additional supportonbullet, withouttheseStrength of Law, Might of thisseedballwill sell at a discountgreatly, thereforeformation in thisyoungsterballalsoreallymany, wants to installtheseformationto not the bigbulleton, needsto plantheseformationpositions, not only under mustformationallinstall, at the same timecould nothave the influencebyformation, evenis influential, must be the goodeffect, cannotbe the badinfluence, therefore the improvement of thisyoungsterball, not. An easymatter. Is goodbecause ofpresentDivine Machine Hallhere, specificallysomepeopleare responsible forthismatter, theydo is also familiar and easy, thereforeimprovementalsorealdidn't use a long time of bullet, onlyusedtwodays of times, the bullet of improvementhas done well, laterissuedalldiscipledirectly, toldthem, later the bullet must withthisaddingmagnetic fieldformation and Buddha Forcemagnetic fieldRunesbullet. Blood Slaughter Sectdisciplewill not certainly oppose, regardingthing that Sectmakesnewly, theyanticipated that , because oftheirvery clear, thesething that Lane Sectcomes out, Mightonlymeetsgetting bigger and bigger, totheirhelp is also getting bigger and bigger, thereforetheirnaturallyvery delighted, mustknow that nowtheyactuallyobtainsomeadvantage, becauseontheirDivine BeasthasBuddha Forcemagnetic fieldRunesrelationship, inadding onafterthisseveral days the revolution of Buddha Forcemagnetic fieldRunes, onWar Armor that Lane Divine Beastcomes out, Buddha Forceoriginalonstrongbe more, butthisBuddha Forceblessing/additional supporttobulleton, bullet. Mightalsoonbigmany, the most direct-viewingfeelingis, after the bulletprojectsingiant tree, ongiant tree the bulletby the place that hits, combustiona while, will then vanish, thisalreadyvery fierce, butcurrentlySectalsohas the Mighteven biggerbullet, theynaturallywerevery delighted. But the Divine Machine Hallthereperson, is also testingthisseedball, howtheymustknowthisseedballMight, but alsothere is a place that anythingcanimprove, becausenowis the wartime, thereforetheyimprovethistype, has not conducted the bullet that excessivelyexperiments, madethesediscipleuse, thereforetheyregarding the performance of thisyoungsterball, did not havecompleteclarifying, thereforethey must conduct the experiment in thisaspect, having a look atthisseedballMightto havemanybig, wherehadiscanimprove. The quicktest resultcame out, Might of thisseedball, letstheirvery satisfied, the attackstrengthwas stronger, moreoverBuddha Forcewill producecontinuously, thisregardingShadow Clansman, the lethality was really big, whatmost importantwas, thisseedmissile-bornemagnetic fieldformation, displayedverybigdoingto use, afternot being able to break through the defense of opposite party, will directly form the transition, but after the transition, the lethality of bullet, will also increase, ifinshootingdon'tonthing, in conducting the ejection, Might of thatbullet can also even biggersome, in other words, thisyoungster The ejection that the ballpasses throughare more, Mightis bigger, thisistheseimproves the people of bulletnot to think. Whentheirhappy, theyquicklyondiscover another characteristics of thisyoungsterball, thataremagnetic fieldformation on bullet, will have the influence on Buddha Forcemagnetic fieldRunesunexpectedly, butthisinfluenceone type ofgoodinfluence, canmakeBuddha ForceBlessing Formation on bullet, rapidness of revolution, speed that Buddha Forceincreasesalsoquickerunexpectedly, the attackstrength of bullet was also certainly stronger.( This chapterends) please: ;New bookrecommendation: Has not shot the window, the renewalis prompt!
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