BCA :: Volume #15

#1498: Dead Soul Soldier

The gray mist deep place, a whole body by the grandiose body that pale gold bone armor packages concealment in, in the helmet is revealed the eyes that two golds glow flashes, in secret the fight of observation distant place. 灰色雾气深处,一个全身被淡金色骨质盔甲包裹的壮硕身躯正隐匿其中,头盔中露出两个芒闪动的双眼,暗中观察远处的战斗。 Restrained bloodline aura, that Dead Souls River monster lost the induction temporarily, it seems like it earnestly seeks to some bloodline strength types......” “收敛了血脉气息,那个死魂河的怪物就暂时失去了感应,看来它对血脉之力有些某种渴求……” This looks with the dead soul monster similar appearance, is Lu Kun. 这个看上去和死魂怪物差不多模样的,正是陆坤 Some time ago, he in that altar that Wood Spirit Clan offered sacrifices, attempted to study dead souls water, who knew the deathly stillness energy of that thorough marrow, made its powerful incomparable arm muscles pass out unexpectedly, almost froze his blood and flesh nerves. 不久前,他在木灵族献祭的那座祭坛中,尝试研究死魂之水,谁知那种深入骨髓的死寂能量,竟让其强大无比的手臂肌肉失去知觉,几乎冻结了他的血肉神经 When the berserk bloodline aura gushes out, the dead souls water energy probably cold ice encounters the raging fire, was pursued fleshly body by powerful bloodline directly, making the arm restore such as beginning. 狂暴血脉的气息涌出时,死魂之水的能量像是寒冰遭遇烈火般,被强大的血脉直接驱逐出了肉身,使手臂恢复如初。 But that exuberant incomparable bloodline aura, alarmed a monster in Dead Souls River, in this forbidden land edge, the Lu Kun heart dreaded, the idea of slightly not having fought, tries to escape. 而那旺盛无比的血脉气息,也惊动了死魂河内的一个怪物,在这种禁地边缘,陆坤心有忌惮,丝毫没有交手的想法,试图远遁。 But who knows the speed of opposite party to be extremely astonishing, achieved fourfold spirit speed, Lu Kun has to draw support from berserk divine ability, spread out certain. 可谁知对方的速度极其惊人,达到了四倍灵速,陆坤不得不借助狂暴神通,才拉开了一定距离。 „The armor of opposite party body surface seems like one set of powerful magic treasure, Thousand Li Eyes does not have the means to penetrate, but from the situation of fight, fleshly body of opposite party is not weak.” “对方体表的盔甲似乎是一套强大的法宝,千里眼没办法穿透,不过从战斗的情况看,对方的肉身不弱。” In the Lu Kun eye gold/metal flashes, looks at the distant place and monster of Wood Spirit Clan battle, from the beginning he discovered this monster appearance time, gets a sudden inspiration, through blood-to-bone transformation, turned round to suffuse bone armor own fleshly body’s surface. 陆坤眼中金芒闪动,看着远处和木灵族交战的怪物,一开始他发现这个怪物模样的时候,就灵机一动,通过血骨转化,将自己的肉身体表覆盖满了骨质甲。 Although the color is different, but under these Wood Spirit Clan fight hastily, treated as the Dead Souls River monster him. 虽然颜色有所不同,但这些木灵族仓促交手下,也将他当作了死魂河的怪物。 This fellow except for fleshly body strength, the energy in within the body is also very powerful, that Soul Transformation Late Stage named Mu Lan is at a disadvantage completely.” “这家伙除了肉身力量,体内的能量也十分强大,那名叫做木岚化神后期完全处于下风。” These Wood Spirit Clan prepare sufficiently, that formation as well as Mu Lan that filling deathly still aura long spear, aimed at the dead soul monster.” “不过这些木灵族准备充足,那个法阵以及木岚那把充满死寂气息长枪,都针对了死魂怪物。” At this time, the Little Jin sound resounded from its bloodline suddenly: Lu Kun, they called that monster Dead Soul Soldier, treated as the dead soul lifeform you, the words such being the case, were inferior to us......” 这时候,小金的声音忽然从其血脉中响起:“陆坤,他们称呼那个怪物死魂兵,也把你当作了死魂生物,既然如此的话,不如我们……” Knew, but the fellow used flight divine ability, we begin immediately!” Lu Kun broke the Little Jin words, the vision is dignified. “知道了,不过那家伙又用了飞行神通,我们立马动手!”陆坤打断了小金的话语,目光凝重。 Saw only the distant place to pursue the armor monster of Wood Spirit Clan attack to have the new movement, the gray mist of his under foot condensed a clouds shape, this clouds seemed like special flight magic treasure, making its speed promote fourfold spirit speed. 只见远处追着木灵族进攻的盔甲怪物有了新的动作,其脚下的灰色雾气凝聚成一个云朵状,这个云朵像是一件特殊的飞行法宝,使其速度提升到了四倍灵速 Even if Lu Kun, wants to be such speed, still can only draw support from berserk divine ability, even the two heads and four arms shape, still can only achieve three-and-a-half-fold spirit speed. 就算是陆坤,想要达到这样的速度,也只能借助狂暴神通,就算是双头四臂的形态,也只能达到三倍半灵速 Strange divine ability, fearful dead souls energy, this is also only a monster in Dead Souls River, here is the mist edge, can attempt its capture......” “怪异的神通,可怕的死魂能量,这还只是死魂河内的一头怪物,这里是雾气边缘,可以尝试将其捕捉……” During the Lu Kun consideration, the head of Little Jin braved from another end of shoulder, above interwove golden bone layer, quick is changing to a helmet to wrap the head , its side grew other two similarly by the arm that golden bone armor wrapped. 陆坤思量间,小金的头颅从肩膀的另一端冒了出来,上面交织着一层金色骨质层,很快就化作了一个头盔包裹住了头颅,紧接着,其身侧长出了另外两条同样被金色骨质盔甲包裹的手臂。 Afterward the gray mist of this two-headed and four-armed monster under foot trod out a curve of distortion, fiercely shoots in the bursting sound of air. 随后这个双头四臂怪物脚下的灰色雾气被踩出一个扭曲的弧度,在空气的爆裂声中激射而出。 ...... …… ...... …… Mu Lan is pale, her lower part changes to tree state, fuses together with the deck before, outside the body is surrounding shield of wooden lump appearance, aquamarine long spear float in its behind, its spear head non-stop shivering, every time shivers one time, wisp of deep green spirit light depart, falls, in her non-stop pinching on both hands of mudra. 木岚脸色苍白,她下半身化作树木状态,与甲板前端融为一体,体外环绕着一件木疙瘩模样的盾牌,一把碧绿色的长枪悬浮在其背后,其枪头不停颤动着,每颤动一次,就有一缕深绿色的灵光从中飞出,落在她那不停掐动法决的双手上。 Another under control that long spear that is flooding deathly still aura in her mysterious mudra, non-stop glittering outside spirit boat, tries to block the attack of that Dead Soul Soldier. 另一把充斥着死寂气息长枪在她那玄奥法决的操控下,在灵舟外不停闪烁,试图挡住那头死魂兵的攻击。 But the foot steps on the gray clouds Dead Soul Soldier, organizes the speed to increase, flashing of body also achieved fourfold spirit speed, Mu Lan blocked half attack reluctantly. 可脚踩灰色云朵的死魂兵,腾挪速度大增,身躯的闪动也达到了四倍灵速,木岚勉强挡住其中的一半攻击。 In addition, Dead Soul Soldier another hand stimulates to movement one once for a while dead soul sword light, is shelling spirit boat surface dry yellow protective barrier continuously. 除此之外,死魂兵另一只手时不时催动出一把把死魂剑光,源源不断轰击着灵舟表面的枯黄色护罩 This protective barrier has become gloomy, but also presented by the fissure that the axe blade chops to cut, appearance that must break momentarily. 这道护罩已经变得暗淡不已,还出现了一道道被斧刃劈砍的裂痕,一副随时都要破碎的模样。 Several other Wood Spirit Clan cultivator, the four limbs vine graceful shape, turned into the trees from the beginning, the lower part completely and spirit boat fusion in one, that formation precious pearl mounts in the chest of trees body, is sending out the aquamarine ray. 其余几名木灵族修士,从一开始四肢藤曼状,变成了树木,下半身完全和灵舟融合在了一起,那枚阵法宝珠则镶嵌在树木身躯的胸口,散发着碧绿色的光芒。 These spirit light as if contained some vitality, is repairing breakage protective barrier continuously, maintains the defense of spirit boat is not eradicated reluctantly. 这些灵光仿佛蕴含了某种生机,源源不断修复着破损的护罩,勉强保持灵舟的防御不被破除。 Hang there, we must leave the dead souls fog range!” “坚持住,我们就要离开死魂雾的范围了!” Outside Mu Lan said in a sinking voice, she looks at more and more thin gray mist, the facial expression actually becomes even more dignified. 木岚沉声道,她看着外面越来越稀薄的灰色雾气,神情却变得越发凝重。 Although quick can escape, but Dead Soul Soldier had not appeared, she heard the doubtful fivefold spirit speed fearful air-splitting sound from the beginning obviously, but this Dead Soul Soldier has not been this speed at present. 虽然很快就能逃出去,但还有一头死魂兵一直没有出现,她一开始明明听到了疑似五倍灵速的可怕破空声,但眼前这头死魂兵没有达到这个速度。 In other words, enemy who that hidden, perhaps is stronger, is fermenting what divine ability, with the aid of some methods that fivefold spirit speed uses, perhaps was close to Void Refining. 也就是说,那头隐藏起来的敌人,实力更强,说不定在酝酿什么神通,借助五倍灵速施展的一些手段,恐怕接近了炼虚 In her brain flashes through these ideas, in the front thin mist, suddenly presented a huge strange form. 就在她脑中闪过这些想法之际,前方稀薄的雾气中,忽然出现了一个庞大怪异的身影。 The body of opposite party by a pale gold bone armor package, but also two heads, four arms, are seeing only the monster steadily a four fist fuzziness, along with a dazzling golden ray, dry yellow protective barrier that outside flying boat that could not withstand gloomily is broken open a cave entrance. 对方的身躯被一种淡金色的骨质盔甲包裹,还长着两颗头颅,四条手臂,只见怪物的四个拳头一阵模糊,伴随着一道刺眼的金色光芒,飞舟外那一层暗淡不堪的枯黄色护罩就被破开了一个洞口。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Mu Lan has been staying the vigilant condition, first discovered this strange Dead Soul Soldier, she takes out a wood/blockhead bead without hesitation. 木岚一直保持着警惕状态,第一时间就发现了这个怪异的死魂兵,她毫不犹豫取出一颗木头珠子。 This wooden bead has the fist size, above is densely covered lightning shapes thunder mark, destruction aura fills the air. 这颗木珠有着拳头大小,上面密布着一道道闪电形状的雷纹,一股毁灭般的气息从中弥漫开来。 As its mudra flashes, this wooden Thunder Pearl on fiercely shoots, two-headed and four-armed monster responded forward is extremely quick, a body revolution, must avoid this attack, who knew the wooden bead as if to have some special flickering movement divine ability, flashed, appeared in the chest of monster directly. 随着其法决闪动,这颗木雷珠就向前激射而出,双头四臂的怪物反应极快,身子一转,就要躲开这道攻击,谁知木珠仿佛拥有某种特殊的瞬移神通,一个闪动,就直接出现在怪物的胸口。 Bang......” “轰隆……” Thick thick thunder and lightning strength, that crowded lightning gathered the plasma turbulently, this two-headed and four-armed monster body package, the aura of destruction surged crazily. 浓稠的雷电之力汹涌而出,那密集的闪电聚集成了电浆,将这个双头四臂怪物的身躯包裹,毁灭的气息疯狂涌动。 But this monster stopped slightly, continued, as if these thunder and lightning strength had no injury to be the same to him. 可这个怪物只是略微停顿了下,就继续冲了过来,仿佛这些雷电之力对他没有任何伤害一般。 This contains thunder tribulation aura strength of heavenly thunder, is the Dead Soul Soldier difficult adversary, how possibly......” “这可是蕴含雷劫气息天雷之力,是死魂兵的克星,怎么可能……” In the Mu Lan eye filled inconceivable, she clenches teeth to transfer true essence in within the body, wooden lump shield horizontally before body, simultaneously behind long spear buzz fiercely shoots. 木岚眼中充满了不可思议,她咬牙调动体内的真元,木疙瘩般的盾牌横在了身前,同时身后的长枪嗡一声激射而出。 Next quarter, two palm that covered the armor, as if catches the chicken, held two magic treasure, Mu Lan felt that in the palm of opposite party, contains fearful strength that is unable to be a worthy opponent, her magic treasure was controlled forcefully. 下一刻,两只覆盖了盔甲的手掌,仿佛抓小鸡般,一把抓住了两件法宝,木岚就感到对方的手掌中,蕴含着一股无法匹敌的可怕力量,她的法宝就这么被硬生生控制住。 The other two palm palm of monster is the fist, the front surface hammers to come to her. 紧接着,怪物的另外两个手掌化掌为拳,迎面对她锤击而来。 No!” “不!” In the Mu Lan mouth sends out shouts together, the entire body instantaneous lignification, turned into the hard wood/blockhead appearance, but the right chest ray puts greatly, an aquamarine halo passes the whole body. 木岚口中发出一道嘶吼,整个身躯瞬间木化,变成了坚硬的木头模样,而右胸口光芒大放,一层碧绿色光晕流转全身。 “Boom!” “轰!” The two fist direct bang in the chest of its lignification, Mu Lan felt hit by indestructible magic treasure, inside also contains her not unimaginable terrifying power. 两个拳头直接轰在了其木化的胸口,木岚就感到被一个坚不可摧的法宝击中,里面还蕴含着一股她无法想象的恐怖力量。 “Kacha……” “咔嚓……” Almost in the flash of fist contact, the chest of Mu Lan lignification had/left a pothole on the direct disintegration, this Soul Transformation Late Stage powerhouse, felt oneself had fallen into the death, this powerless feeling, faces Void Refining existence probably. 几乎在拳头接触的一瞬间,木岚木化的胸口就直接崩碎出了一个坑洞,这位化神后期的强者,感觉自己已经陷入了死亡,这种无力感,就好像面对一名炼虚存在 Roar!” “吼!” At this moment, desperate Mu Lan hears together the angry shouting sound suddenly, at present this body also by the plasma is wrapping two heads and four arms Dead Soul Soldier, turns the head fiercely, that two poors point extinguishes kills her palm to extract from his chest, holds one a giant axe blade that flies to shoot to come. 就在这时,绝望的木岚忽然听到一道愤怒的嘶吼声,眼前这头身躯还被电浆包裹着的双头四臂死魂兵,猛地转头,那双差点灭杀她的手掌从其胸口抽出,一把抓住一把飞射而来的巨大斧刃。 This Dead Soul Soldier seems to be angry exceptionally, his body flashes, flushes away to spirit boat, simultaneously holds up the axe in hand, pounds ruthlessly to another Dead Soul Soldier. 这头死魂兵似乎愤怒异常,他身子一闪,向灵舟外冲去,同时将手中的斧头举起,狠狠砸向另一头死魂兵 Mu Lan sees this, reveals the color of great happiness, she cannot attend to being seriously battered the body, within the body true essence floods into spirit boat of under foot crazily, this protective barrier total wreck flying boat, the speed raises fiercely, runs away to the thin mist. 木岚见此,露出大喜之色,她顾不得受重创的身躯,体内真元疯狂涌入脚下的灵舟,这艘护罩破烂不堪的飞舟,速度猛地一提,向稀薄的雾气外逃窜。 ...... …… ...... …… The “Dong……” clear sound ripples together in the gray mist. “当……”一道清脆的声音荡漾在灰色雾气中。 The axe that Lu Kun throws cut in the chest of Dead Soul Soldier, but cut into merely inward little, has not eradicated the defense of armor, moreover this Dead Soul Soldier only retroceded several feet, probably returned safe and sound. 陆坤丢出的斧头砍在了死魂兵的胸口,但仅仅向内切入了少许,并没有破除盔甲的防御,而且这头死魂兵只后退了数丈,好像毫发无损。 So the scene, making Lu Kun feel surprised, must know his present two heads and four arms form strength, is no less than Ten Essences, Mu Lan such Soul Transformation Late Stage cultivator, even could not meet his fist. 如此场景,让陆坤感到惊奇不已,要知道他现在双头四臂形态的力量,足足有十元,木岚那样的化神后期修士,甚至接不了他一拳。 But at present the armor of this Dead Soul Soldier outside the body, can block carrying/sustaining Ten Essences strength unexpectedly strikes, obviously its armor is firm, absolutely is the powerful defense rare treasure. 而眼前这个死魂兵体外的盔甲,居然能挡住承载十元之力的一击,可见其盔甲坚固无比,绝对是件强大的防御异宝。 The Lu Kun corner of the eye swept one to escape from the mist Wood Spirit Clan, looked to bind its body as before the purple plasma. 陆坤眼角扫了一眼已经逃出雾气的木灵族,又看了看依旧裹住其身躯的紫色电浆。 These thunder light might are big, under its thunder and lightning resistant weakening and defense of bone armor, the injury to fleshly body ignores. 这些雷光威力不小,不过在其雷电抗性的削弱和骨质盔甲的防御下,对肉身的伤害忽略不计。 Thunder Pearl seems like Wood Spirit Clan trump card, should aims at these dead soul lifeform.” 雷珠似乎是木灵族的杀手锏,应该是针对那些死魂生物的。” No matter he simply these plasmas, the body flashes, rushes over to Dead Soul Soldier of not far away. 他索性不管身上的这些电浆,身子一闪,向不远处的死魂兵冲了过去。 That dead soul monster also sensation to bloodline aura of Lu Kun within the body, that hid the eye in helmet sends out the bright white ray, the right hand is working on the chest front the axe blade, on the left hand spirit light flashes, five short sword surround above, similarly flushed. 那头死魂怪物也感知到了陆坤体内的血脉气息,那隐藏在头盔中的眼睛散发着亮白色光芒,右手抓起胸前的斧刃,左手上灵光闪动,五把短剑环绕在其上,同样冲了过来。 Thump thump thump......” “咚咚咚……” The depressed junction engine knock transmits, has Lu Kun of four arms, holds the absolute advantage in the close combat, both sides just a contact, his two palms pressed firmly between the fingers the wrist/skill of enemy, another two fists go to the opposite party chest front bang ruthlessly. 沉闷的交击声传来,有着四条手臂的陆坤,在近战中占有绝对的优势,双方刚一接触,他两只手掌捏住了敌人的手腕,另外两只拳头向对方胸前狠狠轰去。 “Dong!” “当!” The clear sound spreads from the armor, Dead Soul Soldier eats the pain to issue the intermittent angry roaring sound, although the arm was pressed firmly between the fingers, but sword light of his left hand trembles, directly shoots. 清脆的响声从盔甲上传出,死魂兵吃痛下发出阵阵怒吼声,尽管手臂被捏住,但其左手的剑光一颤,直射而出。 The Lu Kun complexion changes, dead souls strength is strange, just that struck, his fist feels one intermittent ice-cold, some nerves freezes, are good because of bloodline strength spread the whole body, scattered the negative role of dead souls energy, dead soul sword light that therefore comes facing this fiercely shoots, he does not think that the upfront meets hardly. 陆坤脸色微变,死魂之力诡异无比,刚刚那一击,他的拳头就感到一阵阵冰冷,神经都些冻结,好在血脉之力遍及全身,驱散了死魂能量的这种负面作用,所以面对这激射而来的死魂剑光,他不想正面硬接。 But at this moment, wrapped the remaining plasma of his body as if to discover anything, electric lights gushed out on own initiative. 可就在这时,包裹着他身躯的残余电浆仿佛发现了什么,一道道电光主动涌出。 „......” “劈里啪啦……” In resounding sounds, sword light of that several dead souls energy constitutions was disappeared directly, later these electric lights, all left the Lu Kun body excitedly turbulently, changed to one group of plasmas to wrap this Dead Soul Soldier body. 一道道脆响声中,那几道死魂能量构成的剑光直接被泯灭一空,随后这些电光兴奋地汹涌而出,全都离开了陆坤地身躯,化作一团电浆包裹住了这头死魂兵地身躯。 Roar......” “吼……” In the Dead Soul Soldier mouth made the painful and frightened sound, electric lights drill toward the slit of armor, dead soul aura of opposite party, is reducing at the visible speed. 死魂兵口中发出了痛苦和恐惧的声音,一道道电光往盔甲的缝隙中钻去,对方的死魂气息,以肉眼可见的速度降低着。 Really, these thunder and lightning restrain dead souls energy specially.” “果然,这些雷电专门克制死魂能量。” Lu Kun grasps opportunity for victory immediately, loosens presses firmly between the fingers the palm of opposite party arm, four palms are revolving Essence-Subduing Palm divine ability, have invisible vibrating strength and illusory image, pats forward. 陆坤立马把握战机,松开捏住对方手臂的手掌,四只手掌运转着镇元掌神通,一股股带着无形的震荡之力和幻影,向前拍去。 „The energy of opposite party is dead souls attribute energy, contended with fleshly body source power did not say, but can also corrode fleshly body, only then ensure bloodline aura in within the body was abundant, can avoid the influence.” “对方的能量是死魂属性能量,与肉身源力抗衡不说,还能侵蚀肉身,只有保证体内的血脉气息充沛,才能免除影响。” The Lu Kun whole body qi and blood surges, he and Little Jin berserk bloodline blends mutually, is sending out thick and terrifying bloodline aura, this exuberant incomparable qi and blood, is incompatible with the surrounding deathly stillness aura, making their four palms not be affected by dead souls energy completely. 陆坤全身气血翻腾不已,他和小金狂暴血脉相互交融,散发着浓稠而又恐怖的血脉气息,这股旺盛无比的气血,与周围死寂般的气息格格不入,使得他们四只手掌完全不受死魂能量影响。 Does not know that is the specialness of Essence-Subduing Palm, was before the functions of these thunder and lightning strength, the energy of this Dead Soul Soldier within the body was chaotic, the body was stiff in same place, as if became a target, dead soul aura in within the body was getting more and more weak. 不知道是镇元掌的特殊,还是之前那些雷电之力的作用,这头死魂兵体内的能量混乱不堪,身躯更是僵在了原地,仿佛成了一个靶子,体内的死魂气息越来越弱。 As last dead souls energy vanishes, the armor of monster outside the body disperses loudly, but except for these armor and an axe, be only one sends out dead soul aura grey spirit light to overflow continuously. 随着最后一丝死魂能量消失,怪物体外的盔甲轰然而散,而除了这些盔甲和一把斧头,只有一缕缕散发着死魂气息的灰色灵光四溢而出。 Under armor, not only without fleshly body, divine soul body does not have...... 盔甲之下,不但没有肉身,就连神魂体也没有…… Doesn't have fleshly body?” “没有肉身?” Lu Kun looks dull before the body , the armor that scatters, he also wants to study Dead Soul Soldier fleshly body, who knows that the opposite party simply does not have the body. 陆坤呆呆看着身前散落的盔甲,他还想研究死魂兵肉身,可谁知道对方根本没有躯体。 Roar...... roar......” “吼……吼……” At this moment, howling continuously transmits from the mist deep place, but also along with rupturing incomparable air tearing sounds, even there is endures to compare fivefold spirit speed sound air-splitting together. 就在这时,此起彼伏的吼叫声从雾气深处传来,还伴随着一道道爆裂无比的空气撕裂声,甚至有一道堪比五倍灵速的破空声。 „It is not good, had not just covered up berserk bloodline, had dead soul lifeform to be attracted......” “不好,刚刚没有遮掩狂暴血脉,有更多死魂生物被吸引了……” Lu Kun within the body blood surges, the berserk bloodline aura was received instantaneously, then single-handedly waved, receives these armor and axes, then the fluctuation of Grand Pure Talisman has welled up, changes to together the vague astral wind, fiercely shoots goes outward. 陆坤体内血液涌动,狂暴血脉的气息瞬间被收了起来,接着单手一挥,将这些盔甲和斧头收起,接着太清符的波动涌过,化作一道若有若无的罡风,向外激射而去。 As a result in the mist edge, he departed the range of gray mist quickly, after a while, Lu Kun seems like the heart to have a feeling, turned the head to look to the mist. 由于就在雾气边缘,他很快就飞出了灰色雾气的范围,过了一会,陆坤似乎心有所感,转头看向了雾气。 In his eye gold/metal flashes, seizes dozens form that reluctantly wears the armor appears in the gray mist. 他眼中金芒闪动,勉强捉到数十个身穿盔甲的身影出现在灰色雾气。 What is most striking is one -ten feet huge body, the opposite party as if can the sensation to Lu Kun, that pair of eyes that are sending out quiet however white glow, are looking out his flight direction. 最为醒目的是一具高达一丈的庞大身躯,对方似乎能感知到陆坤,那双散发着幽然白芒的双眼,遥望着他的飞行方向。 These monsters do not have the means to leave the gray mist probably, gives out intermittent unwilling angry roaring after the edge, returned to the mist deep place...... 这些怪物好像没办法离开灰色雾气,在边缘发出阵阵不甘的怒吼后,就返回了雾气深处……
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