BCA :: Volume #15

#1490: The prestige of divine ability

“Boom……” “轰……” The dazzling golden flowing light instantaneous and gray-blue palm hits in together, exudes the deafening bellow, the surrounding pond water evaporates instantaneously a big piece. 耀眼的金色流光瞬间和灰蓝色手掌撞击在一起,发出震耳欲聋的轰鸣声,周围的潭水瞬间蒸发掉一大片。 The gray-blue essence qi hand imprint only insisted the moment, was been loose by the thorough bang, in that gold/metal blue chaotic spirit light, a strange huge form, strides from long, purple-black banner. 灰蓝色的元气手印仅仅坚持了片刻,就被彻底轰散,在那金蓝色的混乱灵光中,一头诡异的庞大身影,从紫黑色长幡中跨步而出。 This is strange ape that has the two head four arms, the height zhang (3.33 m), gold/metal black two-colors hair, the build is extremely grandiose, particularly that four arms, the two black, the two golden color, above is interweaving the thick muscles block, the dimension is even thicker than the bucket, each arm has let fall the knee position, looks like four supporting-heaven pillar, was full of the explosion strength. 这是一头拥有两个头颅四条手臂的怪异猿猴,身高丈许,一身金黑双色的毛发,体型极其壮硕,尤其是那四条手臂,两条黑色,两条金色,上面交织着粗大的肌肉块,维度甚至比水桶还要粗大,每条手臂一直垂落到了膝盖位置,就像是四根擎天柱,充满了爆炸般的力量。 Under the hair of body surface, blue veins stick out, coil around on thick muscles, two ape face, covered entirely the blood threads, is flooding wild incomparable will aura. 体表的毛发下面,一根根青筋隆起,盘绕在粗大的肌肉上,两个猿猴面孔,也都布满了血丝,充斥着一股狂暴无比的意志气息。 When three Void Refining bodies see clearly this strange ape appearance, all reveals the surprised uncertain color, they can feel a fearful pressure on come. 当三名炼虚体看清这个怪异猿猴模样的时候,全都露出惊疑不定之色,他们能感受到一股可怕的压力迎面而来。 In heaven connecting spirit treasure that Jian Chen that has space attribute, unexpectedly is also hiding so fearful vicious beast. 剑尘那件带有空间属性通天灵宝中,居然还隐藏着一头如此可怕的凶兽 Although Soul Fiend that essence qi hand imprint is but conveniently is, but also is Void Refining level prestige energy, finally was been broken by the opposite party direct bang, obviously this vicious beast, has the strength of same level. 虽然魂煞那一记元气手印是随手而为,但也是炼虚级别威能,结果被对方直接轰碎,显然这头凶兽,也有着同层次的战力。 However these Void Refining responses are not slow, in the Li Yuanzong hand presented a five colors feather fan, above has five types of fine feathers, on each feather is sparkling mysterious rune, is lending aura of burning hot. 不过这些炼虚反应也不慢,李元宗手中出现了一把五色羽扇,上面有着五种精致的羽毛,每个羽毛上闪耀着神秘的符文,散发着一股炙热的气息。 But before two Star Soul Clan Void Refining body, presented several jade talisman, their spirit light sparkle, changed to several weapon shapes rapidly, simultaneously back of star source beast under its splits. 两名星魂族炼虚身前出现了数张玉符,它们灵光闪耀,迅速化作了几个武器形状,同时其身下的星原兽背部裂开。 But when this two Star Soul Clan Void Refining plans to enter combat stance, that two heads and four arms ape four limbs arm brandishes, a fearsome invisible strength gushes out suddenly. 可就在这两名星魂族炼虚打算进入战斗姿态的时候,那头双头四臂猿猴四肢手臂一阵挥舞,一股可怖的无形之力骤然涌出。 The surrounding pond water seemed frozen generally, the fearsome strength that is unable to resist from came in all directions, suppresses Hun Sha their soul body and source body, jade talisman before body also stagnated in the water, transformed entity weapon shape card in half. 周围的潭水仿佛都被冻结了一般,一股无法抵御的可怖力量从四面八方汹涌而来,压制住了魂沙他们的魂体原体,就连身前的玉符也停滞在水中,幻化的实体武器形态卡在了一半。 „The strength of Demon Monarch! This is impossible!” 魔君之力!这不可能!” Hun Sha and Hun Xi felt that this strength, lost one's voice to call out simultaneously , the quite calm facial expression, immediately became panic-stricken. 魂沙魂曦感到到这股力量,同时失声叫道,原先还颇为从容的神情,顿时变得惊恐起来。 Afterward a dim blue light gushes out from the gem of their chest front, the scales ray that soul body puts on puts greatly, restored for several points to act reluctantly, was eager to sneak below star source beast back, entered combat stance. 随后一股朦胧的蓝光从他们胸前的宝石涌出,魂体穿着的鳞甲光芒大放,勉强恢复了几分行动,急切地想要钻进下方的星原兽背脊,进入战斗姿态 Nearby Li Yuanzong, equally felt that an invisible strength extrudes itself, in hearing two star soul Void Refining called „when the strength of Demon Monarch, the complexion suddenly changed. 一旁的李元宗,同样感到一股无形力量挤压自己,在听到两名星魂炼虚叫出的“魔君之力”时,脸色骤然一变。 Then his wrist/skill, the ankle area, and flame mark on neck blooms five different color rays, five streams light/only gush out from these marks respectively, interweaves in the body surface five-colored light barrier that is sticking to the body. 接着其手腕,脚踝,以及脖子上的火焰印记绽放出五种不同颜色的光芒,五道流光分别从这些印记中涌出,在体表交织成一個紧贴着身躯的五色光罩 He then resumed the action of body reluctantly, then both hands grasp to stop together the five colors feather fan, within the body true essence turbulently, to front ruthlessly one leaf. 他这才勉强恢复了身体的行动,然后双手一同握住手中的五色羽扇,体内真元汹涌而出,对着前方狠狠一扇。 With the clear cry, gorgeous five colors fire bird appears in pond water together, his body by the different color mysterious rune constitutions, contains strength of the extremely strong scalding hot essence qi. 伴随着一道清脆的鸣叫声,一只绚丽的五色火鸟出现在潭水中,其身子由不同颜色的神秘符文构成,蕴含着一股极强灼热的元气之力。 However the speed of this fire bird flight is very forward slow, as if invisible barriers kept off in the front, had the hindrance of this fire bird, the surrounding invisible strength dissipated finally much, Li Yuanzong resisted this strength strongly, the body while flew upside down backward, wanted to spread out. 不过这道火鸟向前飞行的速度十分缓慢,仿佛有一股无形屏障挡在了前方,有了这个火鸟的阻碍,周围的无形之力终于消散了不少,李元宗一边竭力对抗这种力量,身子一边向后倒飞,想要拉开距离。 Who knew this moment, the ape monster also had the new movement, its within the body ascended extremely terrifying aura, surrounding essence qi of heaven and earth was absorbed by some strength forcefully, formed body phantom of gold/metal black two giant ape in the back, as if two palatial mountains, are sending out the serious pressure. 谁知这一刻,猿猴怪物又有了新的动作,它体内升腾了一股极其恐怖的气息,周围的天地元气被某种力量强行摄取了过来,在背后形成了一金一黑两头巨猿的身躯虚影,仿佛两座巍峨的高山,散发着沉重的压力。 two heads and four arms ape that fills the two head of blood threads, simultaneously opened the mouth. 双头四臂猿猴那充满血丝的两个头颅,同时张开了嘴巴。 “Roar!!!” “吼!!!” “Roar!!!” “吼!!!” Two dark golden sound waves, along with the heavenshaking angry roaring sound , assume fan-shaped the direction impacts on three Void Refining to go turbulently. 两道暗金色的音波,伴随着震天的怒吼声,汹涌而出,呈扇形向三名炼虚的方向冲击而去。 Hun Xi and Hun Sha, felt immediately own star source beast body stiff, as if lost the control of fleshly body, but their soul body are similar to the boiling water to boil, within the body star essence is unable to transfer. 魂曦魂沙,顿时感到自己的星原兽身躯僵硬了起来,仿佛失去了肉身的控制,而他们的魂体则如同沸水般沸腾起来,体内星元无法调动。 These two sound waves in tandem each other blend, hits on Li Yuanzong front five colors fire bird, the flame rune tremor of latter within the body, the fire bird body surface presented a faint trace fissure, in addition the strength of surroundings invisible extrusion, as if there is trend of disintegration. 这两道音波一前一后彼此交融,又撞击在李元宗前方的五色火鸟上,后者体内的火焰符文颤动不已,火鸟体表出现了一丝丝裂痕,加上周围无形的挤压之力,仿佛有崩解的趋势。 Although the sound wave was undertaken part by fire bird, Li Yuanzong also spread out certain, but the remaining some sound waves affected Li Yuanzong as before. 虽然音波被火鸟承担了一部分,李元宗也拉开了一定的距离,但剩下一部分音波依旧波及到了李元宗 Sees only his body to shiver fiercely, five-colored light barrier of body surface had been extruded the body surface, formed a light membrane, magical robe also changed to scales, the two layers defense protected fleshly body stubbornly. 只见其身子剧烈颤抖着,体表的五色光罩已经被挤压到了体表,形成了一道光膜,法袍也化作了一层鳞甲,两层防御死死护住了肉身 Several Void Refining seem like can resist this divine ability, may in their behind three Soul Transformation, but is not good. 几名炼虚看起来能抵挡这种神通,可在他们身后的三名化神,可就不行了。 Xiao Linsheng when the sound wave comes, fleshly body trembles slightly, changed to one group of blood fog directly, his several magic treasure, have not played any protection completely. 萧林生在音波过来的时候,肉身微微一颤,直接化作了一团血雾,他的几件法宝,完全没有起到任何防护作用。 Afterward four color Primordial Infant panic-stricken incomparable is looking at the front, his within the body true essence ebullition, could not make anything, crossed a breath merely, Primordial Infant miniature person was similar to boiling water blasting open, dissipated in pond water. 随后一枚四色元婴惊恐无比的望着前方,他体内真元沸腾,根本做不了什么,仅仅过了一息,元婴小人就如同沸水般炸裂开来,消散在潭水中。 In the eyes of two clairvoyant golden eyes beast surges the color of fear, the tail is clamping in the hind legs, the body is unable to move same place, the rock body surface, overflowed massive blood, the body was been incarnadine by blood. 两头三眼金睛兽的眼中涌动着恐惧之色,尾巴夹在后腿之间,身子也在原地无法动弹,岩石般的体表,溢出了大量血液,身子被血液染红。 Hun Kai and Hun Feng soul body and star source beast stop stiffly in same place, although before the body, had two Void Refining to block the sound wave, but the complementary waves contain terrifying incomparable prestige energy as before. 魂铠魂凤魂体星原兽僵硬停在原地,尽管身前有两名炼虚挡住了音波,可余波依旧蕴含着恐怖无比的威能 Their star source beast that smooth body surface, presented fissures, fleshly body caused heavy losses instantaneously, soul body like boiling water vibration. 他们星原兽那光滑的体表,出现了一道道裂痕,肉身瞬间被重创,魂体如同沸水般震动。 This condition continued two breaths merely, its soul body and source body also blasted open, change to the nihility, two Soul Transformation Peak Star Soul Clan cultivator, divine soul completely extinguished. 这种状态仅仅持续了两息,其魂体原体就同时炸裂,化作了虚无,两名化神巅峰星魂族修士,神魂尽灭。 But to the third breath that the sound wave presents, clairvoyant golden eyes beast is unable to support again, fleshly body explodes two groups of blood fog. 而到音波出现的第三息,三眼金睛兽再也无法支撑下去,肉身爆裂成两团血雾。 Three Void Refining discovered that the deaths of other Soul Transformation cultivator, all revealed the serious color, although their fleshly body and true essence received the suppression, but divine soul will can rotate as before. 三名炼虚发现其余化神修士的死亡,全都露出了沉重之色,虽然他们的肉身真元受到了压制,但神魂意志依旧可以转动。 The big eyeball of Hun Sha and Hun Xi shone the ray, a stars will ascension, two giant grey phantom appeared on them, star essence that within the body stagnated revolved again, body first several jade talisman also flashed slightly. 魂沙魂曦的大眼珠子亮起了光芒,一股星辰般的意志升腾而起,两道巨型的灰色虚影在他们身上出现,体内凝滞的星元再次运转起来,身前几个玉符也微微闪动。 Another side, Li Yuanzong presented five colors flame phantom behind, inside contains special aura, wrapped its body, magic power in within the body also resumed the revolution. 另一边,李元宗身后出现了一个五色火焰的虚影,里面蕴含着一股特殊的气息,将其身躯包裹了起来,体内的法力也恢复了运转。 However at this time, that say/way fearful angry roaring sound stopped suddenly, the strength of three Void Refining surrounding extrusions also dissipated. 不过这个时候,那道可怕的怒吼声戛然而止,三名炼虚周围的挤压之力也随之消散。 Sees only the ape body of that two heads and four arms to squat, the sturdy thigh steps on fiercely, a golden ripple of distortion ripples in the under foot, the huge body at the back of long, purple-black banner, goes to Myriad Poisons Pool exit|to speak fiercely shoots. 只见那双头四臂猿猴身子微蹲,粗壮的大腿猛地一踩,一阵扭曲的金色波纹在脚下荡漾,庞大的身躯背着一把紫黑色长幡,向万毒潭的出口激射而去。 Afterward, Hun Sha and Hun Xi source body restored the action, soul body integrated the star source beast back smoothly, entered combat stance, the two big eyeball looks form that above ape vanished, is flashing the weak color. 随后,魂沙魂曦原体都恢复了行动力,魂体顺利融入星原兽背脊,进入了战斗姿态,两个大眼珠子看着上方猿猴消失的身影,闪动着犹豫不定之色。 Actually is this what monster? Sound wave divine ability is so unexpectedly terrifying!” “这究竟是什么怪物?音波神通竟如此恐怖!” Moreover it also used Demon Monarch divine ability's power.” “而且它还用出了魔君神通之力。” This two Star Soul Clan Void Refining, was recalling just in a minute fight, revealed the color of lingering fear, that fleshly body was decided in divine ability that is unable to move same place, was too simply fearful. 两名星魂族炼虚,回想着刚刚片刻间的交手,露出后怕之色,那种肉身被定在原地无法动弹的神通,简直太可怕了。 Looking from just situation, the time that this divine ability displays is limited, or is enormous to the consumption of energy, otherwise this strange ape will not run away directly. 从刚刚的情形看,这个神通施展的时间有限,或者说对能量的消耗极大,否则这头怪异猿猴也不会直接逃走。 Even but if sound wave divine ability of opposite party can only display one time, Hun Sha and Hun Xi do not dare to pursue, after all the opposite party also meets Demon Clan Demon Monarch strength divine ability, pursues rashly, the risk is enormous. 可就算对方的音波神通只能施展一次,魂沙魂曦也不敢追上去,毕竟对方还会魔族魔君的力量神通,贸然追上去,风险极大。 Five colors fire bird before Li Yuanzong body has also dissipated, the five colors light membrane of body surface had the crowded crack, changes to point spirit light to dissipate. 李元宗身前的五色火鸟也已消散,体表的五色光膜出现了密集的裂缝,化作点点灵光消散。 He was recalling just sound wave divine ability, as if remembered anything, the complexion is somewhat serious. 他回想着刚刚的音波神通,仿佛想起了什么,脸色有些沉重。 Fellow Daoist Li, looks at your expression, as if knows this ape monster?” Hun Xi discovered that the facial expression change of this Human Clan Void Refining, makes noise to ask. 李道友,看你的神色,似乎认识这个猿猴怪物?”魂曦发现这位人族炼虚的神情变化,不禁出声问道。 Li Yuanzong has several points of weak color: Similar sound wave divine ability, Li has had the impression, stems from special ape.” 李元宗带着几分犹豫不定之色道:“类似的音波神通,李某有过印象,也是出自一种特殊猿猴。” He is frowning, seems searching for own memory, crossed some little time, said slowly: As if called Long Armed Demon Ape, displayed sound wave divine ability is Heaven Connecting Roar.” 他皱着眉头,似乎在搜寻自己的记忆,过了好一会,才缓缓道:“似乎叫做通臂魔猿,施展的音波神通通天吼。” Long Armed Demon Ape? Heaven Connecting Roar?” 通臂魔猿通天吼?” Has never listened to this grade of wasteland beast, Demon Ape, is demon beast?” “从未听过这等荒兽,魔猿,难道是魔兽?” Li Yuanzong shakes the head saying: Li only knows that more than 700 years ago, Long Armed Demon Ape has appeared in the Human Clan region, afterward does not know why vanished.” 李元宗摇头道:“李某只知道在七百余年前,通臂魔猿人族地域出现过,后来不知为何消失了。” The Hun Xi eye narrows the eyes saying: Has such special divine ability monster beast in Human Clan, Fellow Daoist Li should not only know this point information, memory about Long Armed Demon Ape, in that wisp of divine soul of Fellow Daoist Li defect?” 魂曦眼睛一眯道:“在人族境内拥有如此特殊神通妖兽,李道友不应该只知道这一点信息,难道关于通臂魔猿的记忆,是在李道友缺失的那一缕神魂中?” Li Yuanzong deeply frowned saying: Should so.” 李元宗眉头紧锁道:“应该如此。” Hun Sha said after a moment of hesitation: This strange Demon Ape, from Jian Chen that in heaven connecting spirit treasure that has space attribute appears, such heaven connecting spirit treasure is extremely difficult to refine, whether Fellow Daoist Li does know the origin?” 魂沙沉吟片刻道:“这头怪异魔猿,是从剑尘那件带有空间属性通天灵宝中出现的,这样的通天灵宝极难炼制,李道友是否知道来历?” Li Yuanzong shakes the head: Li never heard that Human Clan has such treasure.” 李元宗摇了摇头:“李某从未听说人族有这样的宝物。” The Hun Xi eye narrows the eyes saying: Before that two gold/metal blade? I ambush, when the deep pool bottom the short distance has felt, in that two gold/metal blade magic treasure, contains and this two heads and four arms ape similar divine soul aura.” 魂曦眼睛一眯道:“之前那两把金刀呢?我潜伏在潭底的时候近距离感受过,那两把金刀法宝中,都蕴含着和这个双头四臂猿猴类似的神魂气息。” Should has the tool spirit special treasure, although does not know how Hun Kai they obtain, but is certain, that two gold/metal blade magic treasure and some two-headed and four-armed monster relations.” “应该是拥有器灵的特殊宝物,虽然不知道魂铠他们怎么得到的,不过可以肯定,那两把金刀法宝双头四臂的怪物有些关系。” Has tool spirit magic treasure, my Human Clan has many, but like that two gold/metal blade appearances, Li and has never listened......” “拥有器灵法宝,我人族有不少,但像那两把金刀模样的,李某并从未听过……” Hears here, two Star Soul Clan Void Refining looked only to have the bloody liquid two disciple behind, the facial expression became ugly. 听到这里,两名星魂族炼虚看了看身后只剩下血水两名弟子,神情变得难看起来。 This time is really a double loss, never expected that in Jian Chen hand also Void Refining level terrifying demon beast, not only lost Spirit Extermination remnant sword, but also fell from the sky two Soul Transformation Peak. 这次真是赔了夫人又折兵,没想到剑尘手中还有一头炼虚级别的恐怖魔兽,不但丢失了灭灵残剑,还陨落了两名化神巅峰 Li Yuanzong looked to not far away, the complexion was also serious, his disciple Xiao Linsheng has died in just Heaven Connecting Roar, two clairvoyant golden eyes beast were also so, can make divine ability that Void Refining resisted strenuously, Soul Transformation Peak meet only had the dead end. 李元宗看向了不远处,脸色同样沉重,他的弟子萧林生已经死在了刚刚的通天吼中,两头三眼金睛兽也是如此,能让炼虚都吃力抵挡的神通,化神巅峰遇到了只有死路一条。 Is hiding Human Clan Void Refining, has strange Demon Ape of Void Refining strength, strength that special heaven connecting spirit treasure, Li Yuanzong, your Human Clan hidden, but are really many.” “隐藏着的人族炼虚,拥有炼虚实力的怪异魔猿,特殊的通天灵宝,李元宗,你们人族隐藏的实力,可真不少啊。” „The thing that Jian Chen knows, your Human Clan Void Refining Old Ancestor does not know the circumstances of the matter unexpectedly, obviously Xue Provenance and Old Monster Mo, concealed your many secrets.” “不过剑尘都知道的东西,你这名人族炼虚老祖居然丝毫不知情,可见薛一元莫老怪,隐瞒了你不少秘密。” Listens sound that Hun Xi is taunting, the Li Yuanzong complexion becomes very ugly...... 听着魂曦冷嘲热讽的声音,李元宗的脸色变得十分难看…… …… ……
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