BCA :: Volume #12

#1185: Spinal Soul Column

Hong Yuntian spoke these words, the vision shifts to surrounding Three Source Heavy Tablets on, tone complex say/way: Besides using fleshly body source power combat skill, you even also has this magic treasure that radiates force field.” 洪云天说完这句话,目光就转移到周围的三源重碑上,语气复杂道:“除了利用肉身源力战技,你们甚至还有这种辐射力场法宝。” path of cultivation, fight divine ability, the building up treasure system of establishing a new school, obviously the blood and flesh energy direction, is the correct path, what a pity these old fogy......” 修炼之路,战斗神通,独树一帜的炼宝体系,可见血肉能量的方向,才是正确的道路,可惜那些老家伙……” In the Hong Yuntian mouth twittering several, the vision took a fast look around to go to the surrounding person in a low voice, the sound brings several points of ice-cold say/way: this eminence is not as skillful as others, the words that you must kill begin.” 洪云天口中又低声呢喃了几句,目光向周围的人扫视而去,声音带着几分冰冷道:“本座技不如人,你们要杀的话就动手吧。” Zhao Qiming and Duan Yiyun they look at each other in blank dismay, the Li Qianfeng sound conveys from the distant place. 赵启明段依云他们面面相觑,李千峰的声音从远处传来。 Senior Hong chatted, you continuously and we fight with blood and flesh clone, if your demon zombie main body, I and other younger generations decided however am not an opponent.” 洪前辈说笑了,您一直用血肉分身和我们交手,如果是您的魔僵本体,我等晚辈定然不是对手。” Li Qianfeng demon arm has returned to normal, the above purple black scale has dissipated, but muscles was also thick, seemed like fiercer than former Little Jin Long Arm, the whole person sent out a different aggressive imposing manner. 李千峰魔臂已经恢复正常,上面的紫黑色鳞片已然消散,不过肌肉又粗大了一圈,看上去比之前小金通臂还要狰狞,整个人散发出一股不一样的凶悍气势。 Dugu Yiming several sword cultivator, still in cultivation actually same place, in qi-blood demon sword some residual blood and flesh essence, to them, is not easy to refine. 倒是独孤一鸣几名剑修,依然在原地修炼,气血魔剑中残留的一些血肉精华,对于他们而言,不是那么容易炼化的。 Hong Yuntian following the prestige in the past, saw that strange demon arm, his pupil congealed saying: Actually your arm is anything, inside qi-blood demon power swallowing ability, is unexpectedly stronger than this eminence.” 洪云天循声望了过去,见到那古怪的魔臂,他瞳孔一凝道:“你这手臂究竟是什么东西,里面气血魔力吞噬能力,竟比本座还强。” Beforehand fight, Hong Yuntian, although was controlled by Bloodthirsty Thought, but after awakens, can find the fight in divine soul to remember, the turning point of blood and flesh clone failure, is opposite party that strange qi-blood demon power. 之前的战斗,洪云天虽然被嗜血意念控制,但苏醒后能找到神魂中的战斗记忆,血肉分身失败的转折点,就是对方那古怪的气血魔力 The Li Qianfeng figure flashed, arrived at beside Three Source Heavy Tablets, first was to the Hong Yuntian respectful ritual, this said: cultivation method that younger generation cultivates, is based on body refinement mudra, mixes in Body Refinement Demon Art that Yuntong Body Refinement Mudra forms.” 李千峰身形闪动,来到了三源重碑之外,先是对着洪云天恭敬一礼,这才说道:“晚辈修炼的功法,乃是在炼体决的基础上,混入云通炼体决形成的炼体魔功。” However this arm, demon treasure that then and other special material refinements becomes by the bone of Demon Clan, for checking qi-blood demon power, as for the energy that the younger generation just released, after is qi-blood demon power sublimates product, qi-blood demon energy.” “而这个手臂,则是以魔族之骨等特殊材料炼制而成的魔宝,用于寄存气血魔力,至于晚辈刚刚释放的能量,是气血魔力升华后的产物,气血魔能。” In the Hong Yuntian mouth muttered: Body Refinement Demon Art, demon treasure arm, qi-blood demon energy.” 洪云天口中喃喃道:“炼体魔功,魔宝手臂,气血魔能。” Black glow in his vision is sparkling, solely these words, as if to its have a big inspiration. 他目光中的黑芒闪耀着,单单这几个词,似乎就对其有着不小的启发。 Li Qianfeng sees this, the tone said sincerely: Younger generation and the others are certainly harmless to Senior Hong, as a result of school pledge, this pavilion is unable to appear externally cultivation method, hopes that the senior joins Body Refining Pavilion, can improve Demon Zombie Body Refinement Mudra with Pavilion Lord, searches body refinement dao.” 李千峰见此,语气诚恳道:“晚辈等人对洪前辈绝无恶意,由于门派誓言,本阁无法将功法外露,希望前辈加入炼体阁,能和阁主一起完善魔僵炼体决,共探炼体之道。” Hong Yuntian is silent, has not flatly refused like before. 洪云天沉默不语,并没有像之前那样一口拒绝。 The Li Qianfeng eye flashes through a happy expression, he said hastily: Senior Hong is not first anxious, we have belt/bring Pavilion Lord partitioned thought, discussed with you by his old personage personally.” 李千峰眼睛闪过一丝喜色,他连忙道:“洪前辈先不急,我们有带阁主的一丝分念,由他老人家亲自和您谈。” Afterward he turns the head to look to Little Jin: Martial Uncle Jin, troubles you to activate Spinal Soul Column.” 随后他转头看向小金:“金师叔,麻烦您激活脊神柱。” little monkey nods, single claw controls Three Source Heavy Tablets, another monkey claw moves, a pale black spinal column strip appears in the side. 小猴子点点头,单爪控制三源重碑,另一只猴爪甩动,一根淡黑色的脊柱条出现在身旁。 spinal column that this has the curve is three chi (0.33 m), in each spines, faint trace silver blood flows, a strange life feeling. 这根带着曲线的脊柱有三尺长,每一块脊骨之间,还有一丝丝银色血液流动,给人一种诡异的生命感。 Little Jin opens the mouth, puts out one group of pale silver essence and blood, then that Pill Formation Peak divine consciousness passes the body, blood disperses, separates evenly on each spine. 小金张开嘴巴,吐出一团淡银色的精血,接着那结丹巅峰神识透体而出,血液分散开来,均匀分离在每一块脊椎骨上。 The next quarter, these in blood in spines shiver, they gradually inflate muscle fibers, non-stop twisting is inflating, extrudes in the spines. 下一刻,那些在脊骨间的血液就颤动起来,它们逐渐膨胀成一根根肌肉纤维,不停扭曲膨胀着,挤压在脊骨之间。 For these years, although Lu Kun fleshly body divine consciousness cultivation method has not comprehended next phase, but characteristics that coordinated Bone Transformation Middle Stage blood and flesh to unite, studied many special treasures. 这几年,陆坤虽然肉身神识修炼之法还没参悟到下一个阶段,但配合骨变中期血肉合一的特性,研究出了不少特殊的宝物。 This Spinal Soul Column is its one. 脊神柱就是其一。 It with demon bone, Lu Kun blood and flesh essence, Monster Soul Wood and other materials, refers to the cultivation method refinement of fleshly body divine consciousness, can draw support from the spinal column structure, temporarily deposits body cultivator divine soul partitioned thought. 它是用魔骨,陆坤血肉精华,妖魂木等材料,参考肉身神识修炼之法炼制而成,能借助脊柱结构,临时寄存体修神魂分念 But the spinal column loop in Three Source Heavy Tablets, is Spinal Soul Column of simple version, the Holy City of Martial Artists force field steps, similarly mounted the loop, can therefore adjust very low level force field intensity. 三源重碑内的脊柱控制环,就是简单版的脊神柱,武者圣城力场阶梯,同样镶嵌了控制环,所以才能将力场强度调整到很低的水平。 However this Spinal Soul Column was different, held Lu Kun divine soul partitioned thought, was quite difficult its activation, little monkey bloodline and Lu Kun common origin, made the guidance by its blood divine consciousness, in can awaken divine soul partitioned thought that checked. 不过这根脊神柱有所不同,容纳了陆坤神魂分念,将其激活颇为困难,小猴子血脉陆坤同源,以其血液神识作引导,才能唤醒里面寄存的神魂分念 ...... …… In the Hong Yuntian eye brings several points of curiosity, he can feel to have powerful divine soul, but this spinal column, seems like with blood and flesh essence refines, building up treasure system of Body Refining Pavilion, should be related with their blood and flesh. 洪云天眼中带着几分好奇,他能感受到里面有着一股强大的神魂,而这个脊柱,似乎是用血肉精华炼制而成,炼体阁的炼宝体系,应该和他们自己的血肉有关。 His Demon Zombie Body Refinement Mudra, started from the meridians, looks at for quite a while unable to discover that anything, only knew in this vertebra, without qi-blood demon power existed. 他的魔僵炼体决,是从经脉开始,看了半天也发现不了什么,只知这个脊椎里面,没有气血魔力存在。 Approximately passed tea time, spinal column gradually the change is a pale silver adductor muscle, most peak gradually ascends an intermittent pale purple ray, outlined a square-featured man appearance gradually, is sending out special divine soul fluctuation, was Lu Kun. 大约过了一盏茶时间,脊柱逐渐变化为一个淡银色肉柱,最顶端逐渐升腾起一阵阵淡紫色光芒,渐渐勾勒出一个方脸男子的模样,散发着一股特殊的神魂波动,正是陆坤 Lu Kun is consuming the information that Little Jin transmits, after the moment, opens the eyes, looked that to by Hong Yuntian that Three Source Heavy Tablets surrounded, his tone had several points of respect saying: „Below Lord of the Body Refining Pavilion, Lu Kun, has seen Fellow Daoist Hong.” 陆坤正在消耗小金传来的信息,片刻后才睁开双眼,看向了被三源重碑困住的洪云天,他语气带着几分尊敬道:“在下炼体阁之主,陆坤,见过洪道友。” The Hong Yuntian eye narrows the eyes saying: This divine soul aura, is really you, has not thought that 300 years pass by, your fleshly body is in the so terrifying situation unexpectedly powerful.” 洪云天眼睛微眯道:“这股神魂气息,果然是你,没想到三百年过去,你的肉身竟然强大到如此恐怖的地步。” The purple spirit light head smile of Lu Kun said: Fellow Daoist Hong Demon Zombie Body Refinement Mudra is also impressive, not only can survive for several tens of thousands of years, blood and flesh clone this marvelous divine ability, if the success breaks through current realm, perhaps the strength has the tremendous changes.” 陆坤紫色灵光头颅微笑道:“洪道友魔僵炼体决同样令人惊叹,不但能存活数万年,还有血肉分身这种奇妙的神通,如果成功突破当前的境界,实力恐怕有天翻地覆的变化。” Hong Yuntian sighed a sound said lightly: All things have the price, if this eminence the non- deep sleep, does not have the means to control fleshly body source power truly, but the time of deep sleep is longer, is easier by the Bloodthirsty Thought corrosion of body of demon zombie, becomes the good-for-nothing.” 洪云天轻叹一声道:“万事都有代价,本座如果不沉睡,就没办法真正掌控肉身源力,可沉睡的时间越久,就越容易被魔僵之躯的嗜血意念侵蚀,成为行尸走肉。” The Lu Kun nod said: Common Silver Armored Corpse, in 2000 Bloodthirsty Thought will erupt, Fellow Daoist Hong qi-blood demon power changes to come from nether demon pill, Bloodthirsty Thought erupts is slower.” 陆坤点头道:“寻常银甲尸,两千年嗜血意念就会爆发,洪道友气血魔力是从冥魔丹变化而来,嗜血意念爆发的慢很多。” At this point, he carefully looked at Hong Yuntian this human form blood and flesh, the facial expression brought several to segregate heavily: „When Fellow Daoist Hong and Body Refining Pavilion disciple fights, continuously without the use original demon zombie main body, whether because of Bloodthirsty Intent? Or True Demon Intent in that fleshly body, has the trouble to Fellow Daoist?” 说到这里,他仔细看了一下洪云天这具人形血肉,神情带着几分凝重:“洪道友炼体阁弟子交手时,一直没有动用原先的魔僵本体,是否就是因为嗜血之意?或者说那具肉身中的真魔之意,也对道友有麻烦?” Hong Yuntian is flashing the complex color: „The body of that demon zombie is quite special, True Demon Intent has minimal impact, is mainly Bloodthirsty Intent.” 洪云天闪动着复杂之色道:“那具魔僵之躯较为特殊,真魔之意影响不大,主要是嗜血之意。” It and demon zombie body tie up in together, corrodes the divine soul speed to be astonishing, this eminence has to Human Clan blood and flesh essence and most divine soul separations, these for 300 years, depends upon the technique of blood and flesh clone, parasitic in demon beast within the body.” “它和魔僵躯体捆绑在一起,侵蚀神魂的速度惊人,本座不得不将人族血肉精华和大部分神魂分离而出,这三百年来,依靠血肉分身之术,将之寄生在魔兽体内。” On the one hand absorbs Human Clan blood and flesh essence of these demon beast within the body to resist Bloodthirsty Thought, on the one hand separates each demon beast within the body most divine soul.” “一方面吸收这些魔兽体内的人族血肉精华来抵抗嗜血意念,一方面将大半神魂分离到各个魔兽体内。” Pitifully these demon beast divine soul, cannot shoulder Bloodthirsty Thought is too long, blood and flesh will also be absorbed by qi-blood demon power, if not the demon beast quantity are many, perhaps this eminence also anti- less than now......” “可惜这些魔兽神魂,也扛不住嗜血意念太久,血肉也会被气血魔力吸收,如果不是魔兽的数量不少,恐怕本座还抗不到现在……” Hears these words, the surrounding person understands quickly, Demon Beast Garden abnormal demon beast, should be swallowed by the Hong Yuntian parasitic, but the blood-red mist in abyss, was died the withered blood and flesh volatility of demon beast. 听到这句话,周围的人很快都明白过来,魔兽园的畸形魔兽,应该都被洪云天寄生吞噬掉,而深渊内的血红色雾气,就是死去魔兽的干枯血肉挥发所化。 Lu Kun pondered that the moment said: These disciples bring many Lu's essence and blood, Fellow Daoist Hong to return to the demon zombie main body even, in a short time will not have problems, according to Lu's speculation, crossed thunder tribulation, this hidden danger should be able completely to solve.” 陆坤思考片刻道:“这几名弟子带着不少陆某的精血,洪道友就算返回魔僵本体,短时间内不会出问题,按照陆某的推测,渡过雷劫,这个隐患应该能彻底解决。” Hong Yuntian looked at surrounding Three Source Heavy Tablets, spoke after a moment of silence: Such it seems like, Hong, only then joins Body Refining Pavilion, can have the means of livelihood......” 洪云天看了一眼周围的三源重碑,沉默了下道:“这么看来,洪某只有加入炼体阁,才能有活路……” Lu Kun sighed one lightly, in the tone has several points to say exhaustedly: „The inferential reasoning of Brother Hong to body refinement mudra has the obligation, Lu does not want to force someone to do something against his will.” 陆坤轻叹一声,语气中带着几分疲惫道:“洪兄炼体决的推导有大恩,陆某也不想强人所难。” But present Body Refining Pavilion has completely exposed in Immortal Cultivation Realm, body refinement mudra broke the system of traditional immortal cultivator, the might is astonishing, that several top immortal gate that has Soul Transformation Stage cultivator to assume covets.” “可如今的炼体阁已经彻底暴露在修仙界中,炼体决打破了传统修仙者的体系,威力惊人,那几个拥有化神期修士坐镇的顶尖仙门都觊觎不已。” Although Lu uses the method, deters some people, but compared with two fists have difficulty repelling four hands, even if these three disciples successfully crossed thunder tribulation, is counted Little Jin again, this pavilion Primordial Infant-level body cultivator, still only then seven people, are facing the enormous pressure, has the destruction crisis anytime......” “虽然陆某使出手段,震慑到一些人,但比较双拳难敌四手,而且就算这三名弟子成功渡过雷劫,再算上小金,本阁元婴级体修,也只有七人,面临着极大的压力,随时有覆灭的危机……” Hong Yuntian hears here, the vision flashed, he does not doubt regarding this point, even in Provenance Sect, the survival of body refining lineage exceptionally is difficult, exposes in Immortal Cultivation Realm let alone. 洪云天听到这里,目光闪动了下,对于这一点他毫不怀疑,就算是在一元宗内部,炼体一脉的生存都异常艰难,更何况暴露在修仙界中。 Lu Kun looks at Hong Yuntian, the vision said sincerely: Brother Hong Demon Zombie Body Refinement Mudra divine ability is astonishing, if crossed thunder tribulation, solves the Bloodthirsty Intent hidden danger, the true battle efficiency, feared that is not worse than Lu many, has your joining, the Body Refining Pavilion strength increases.” 陆坤看着洪云天,目光诚恳道:“洪兄魔僵炼体决神通惊人,如果渡过雷劫,解决嗜血之意的隐患,真正战斗力,怕是不比陆某差多少,有你的加入,炼体阁实力大增。” What is more important, strength that your I display jointly, possibly is above the imagination.” “更重要的是,你我联手所发挥出来的实力,可能超乎想象。” Hears latter, Hong Yuntian stares slightly. 听到后一句,洪云天微微一愣。 In his facial expression has several points of meaningful color, said every single word or phrase: Brother Hong has thought that if your blood and flesh clone divine ability, parasites on Lu......” 他神情中带着几分意味深长之色,一字一句道:“洪兄有没有想过,如果你的血肉分身神通,寄生在陆某身上的话……” Hong Yuntian upon hearing this, the black pupil shrinks fiercely, but the surroundings Body Refining Pavilion disciple also thought of anything, mouth slightly, facial expression delay...... 洪云天闻言,黑色瞳孔猛地一缩,而周围炼体阁的弟子也想到了什么,一个个嘴巴微张,神情呆滞……
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