BCA :: Volume #12

#1181: Struggles hard (Last Part)

Li Qianfeng and the others, including Little Jin, although half step strided in Bone Transformation Early Stage, but divine consciousness has not transformed truly, has not achieved Primordial Infant level, the surrounding blood-red mist has a big isolation function. 李千峰等人,包括小金在内,虽然半步跨入了骨变初期,但神识还没有真正蜕变,尚未达到元婴级别,周围的血红色雾气有着不小的隔绝作用。 little monkey in flight is shutting the eyes, the ear is shivering slightly, the surrounding area air vibration within dozens li (0.5 km), the air current tumbles, even the flying sand and rocks of ground, in the air human form blood and flesh, seal in the mind, is forming unique pictures. 飞行中的小猴子正闭着双眼,耳朵微微颤动,方圆数十里内的空气震动,气流翻滚,甚至地面的飞沙走石,还有空中的人形血肉,都在印在脑海中,形成一个个独特的画面。 Strange, we do not have Slaughter Intent, why does he want to escape? Was really swallowed by Bloodthirsty Thought, handles affairs in the by instinct?” “奇怪,我们并没有杀意,他为什么要逃?难道真的被嗜血意念吞噬,在以本能行事?” The both sides speed is extremely fast, quick approached the ground. 双方速度极快,很快就靠近了地面。 The stone forest that covers entirely the blood-red mist, enters the little monkey view, in the ground outside stone forest, is scattering many shatter restriction spirit light. 一个布满血红色雾气的石林,进入小猴子视野,石林外的地面上,散落着不少破碎的禁制灵光 In these shatter restriction, lies down to cover entirely the purple black scale, the whole body is covered with the body of spur. 在这些破碎禁制中,躺着一个布满紫黑色鳞片,全身长满骨刺的躯体。 demon zombie! It is not good!” 魔僵!不好!” little monkey as if thought of anything, the complexion changes, although distance of both sides pulls closer, but 67 zhang (3.33 m) far, by demon energy of its half fusion, void strength did not have the means to affect. 小猴子仿佛想到了什么,脸色不禁一变,双方的距离虽然拉近很多,但还有六七丈之远,以其半融合的魔能,虚空之力没办法波及。 It can only see this human form blood and flesh helplessly, crashes on the body of demon zombie, as if the blood dissolves in the water, integrated in the scale. 它只能眼睁睁看见这个人形血肉,坠落在魔僵的躯体上,仿佛血溶于水般,融入了鳞片之中。 muscle fibers of demon zombie within the body, all the ballooning gets up, the build inflated one less than half, the body is hanging the spur and muscles lump simultaneously, looks incomparably fierce. 紧接着魔僵体内的肌肉纤维,全都鼓胀起来,体型膨胀了一小半,身上同时挂着骨刺和肌肉疙瘩,看上去无比狰狞。 demon zombie opens the eyes fiercely, inside sends out the red ray, the body surface is reappearing black light membrane, invisible force field surges in its whole body. 魔僵猛地睁开双眼,里面散发着通红的光芒,体表浮现出一层黑色光膜,无形的力场在其周身涌动。 With rich putrid stench, the purple black huge form soars from the ground. 伴随着一股浓郁的尸臭,紫黑色庞大身影从地面上腾空而起。 The little monkey ear is listening to the fulmination sound of air, the both arms shake, within the body essence and blood surges, revolved again Long Armed Divine Ability, turned into the long arm ape appearance 小猴子耳边听着空气的爆鸣声,双臂一抖,体内精血涌动,再次运转起了通臂神通,变成了长臂猿猴的模样 It just completed all these, a pair of fingertip is growing the spur, covered entirely the palm of scale to its racket, above also has a fuzzy palm illusory image, is sending out inexplicable oppression. 它刚做完这一切,一双指尖长着骨刺,布满鳞片的手掌对其拍了过来,上面还有着一层模糊的手掌幻影,散发着一股莫名的威压 Essence-Shaking Palm!” 震元掌!” The Little Jin pupil shrinks, the gigantic monkey palm revolved similarly Essence-Shaking Palm divine ability. 小金瞳孔一缩,硕大的猴掌同样运转了震元掌神通 “Bzz……” “嗡……” little monkey felt that wilder vibrating strength comes, distorted force field outside monkey palm is shivering fiercely, seems bearing the enormous pressure. 小猴子就感到一股更加狂暴的震荡之力汹涌而至,猴掌外的扭曲力场剧烈颤抖着,仿佛承受着极大的压力。 This strength......” “这股力量……” Its pupil shrinks, without with it forcefully to spelling, but explodes following the impulse of opposite party backward draws back, who knows this demon zombie to follow, personal on. 它瞳孔一缩,没有与之强行对拼,而是顺着对方的冲击力向后爆退,谁知这头魔僵紧随其后,贴身而上。 The evil clutches that pair contains Essence-Shaking Palm divine ability, keep the bang to source power field of little monkey outside the body, sphere body and spirit waves, are centered on them, to tumbles to go in all directions, formed a blood-red mist vacuum region. 那双蕴含着震元掌神通的魔掌,不停轰向小猴子体外的源力场,一道道圆球形气浪,以他们为核心,向四面八方翻滚而去,形成了一片血红色雾气的真空区域。 The Little Jin complexion is ugly, the opposite party strength was 1 million jin (0.5 kg), can display Essence-Shaking Palm not saying that outside the scale in outside the body also ascends whirlpools, its monkey palm cannot break source power field of opposite party. 小金脸色难看,对方力量达到了一百万斤,能施展震元掌不说,体外的鳞片外还升腾起一道道旋涡,它的猴掌根本破不了对方的源力场 On the contrary is it, was infiltrated within the body by these vibrating strength, although by the Bone Transformation Stage body cultivator defensive power, could not cause too many damage, but these vibrating strength stagnated the blood circulation, will cause the related spot muscles numb moment. 反倒是它,被那些震荡之力打入体内,虽然以骨变期体修的防御力,造成不了太多的伤害,但这些震荡之力凝滞了血液流通,会使相关部位的肌肉酥麻片刻。 little monkey organizing translational velocity therefore slow, before this time fight, is entirely opposite, it was suppressed in leeward. 小猴子的腾挪转移速度因此慢了下来,此时的战斗和之前完全相反,它被压制在下风。 ...... …… Li Qianfeng and the others escape light are following closely Little Jin, just all fell in the eye, stared in a big way the eyes. 李千峰等人的遁光紧随着小金,刚刚的一幕全都落在眼中,一个个瞪大了双眼。 Lies down here, is the demon zombie body of Senior Hong?” “躺在这里的,是洪前辈魔僵躯体?” „It is not right, Pavilion Lord has said that the body of its demon zombie as high as nine feet, the spur is longer, is not this.” “不对,阁主说过,其魔僵之躯高达九尺,骨刺更长,不是这只。” demon zombie of appearance aura and record is different, right, possibly was that head of Blood Refinement Sect!” “模样气息和记载的魔僵不同,对了,可能是血炼宗的那头!” This demon zombie good terrifying strength, even is higher than Martial Uncle Jin Long Armed Divine Ability, feared that does not have 1 million jin (0.5 kg)!” “这头魔僵好恐怖的力量,甚至高于金师叔通臂神通,怕不是有一百万斤!” Li Qianfeng is listening to the fellow apprentice words, looks at own arm, in the eye flashed through a clear(ly) to grasp principles: I understood, that human form blood and flesh, is Senior Hong qi-blood demon power source, condensed his that Human Clan fleshly body complete essence.” 李千峰听着师兄弟的话语,又看着自己的手臂,眼中闪过一丝明悟道:“我明白了,那人形血肉,就是洪前辈气血魔力本源,凝聚了他那人族肉身的全部精华。” This source, the carrying/sustaining fleshly body source power of 500,000 jin (0.5 kg) rank, can through attachment entity fleshly body, display this strength.” “这个本源,承载着五十万斤级别的肉身源力,可以通过依附实体肉身,将这股力量施展开来。” Others hear these words, in the eye bring several points of puzzled. 其他人听到这句话,眼中带着几分不解。 Li Qianfeng closely is staring at the fight in field , to continue saying: That half-human, half-beast, should be Senior Hong forcefully several seventh step peak demon beast fleshly body, uses qi-blood demon power source as the bridge, condenses forcefully.” 李千峰紧紧盯着场中的战斗,继续道:“那具半人半兽,应该就是洪前辈强行把数种七级巅峰魔兽肉身,以气血魔力本源为桥梁,强行凝聚起来。” These demon beast strengths, as most as 300,000 jin (0.5 kg), with the qi-blood demon power source fusion of Senior Hong, achieves 800,000 jin (0.5 kg) rank.” “这些魔兽本身的力量,最多到三十万斤,与洪前辈气血魔力本源融合,才达到八十万斤的级别。” Blood Refinement Sect demon zombie, itself has 500,000 jin (0.5 kg) strength of fleshly body, under both unify, erupted 1 million jin (0.5 kg) strength directly.” 血炼宗魔僵,本身拥有五十万斤肉身之力,两者结合之下,直接爆发出了百万斤之力。” blood and flesh clone that senior said that should by the body that his blood demon power source takes possession......” “前辈所说的血肉分身,应该就是被他血魔力本源附体的躯壳……” Li Qianfeng was saying to be saying, even more believes that own judgment, his demon arm is also qi-blood demon power one carrier, can pour into massive blood and flesh essence, makes the explosive strength. 李千峰说着说着,越发相信自己的判断,他的魔臂也是气血魔力的一种载体,能把大量血肉精华注入其中,打出爆发性的力量。 Hong Yuntian qi-blood demon power is also liquid, must attach to the entity, can display the true strength, what Li Qianfeng uses is demon arm, this senior treats as the carrier other fleshly body. 洪云天气血魔力也是液态,必须要依附实体,才能发挥出真正的力量,李千峰用的是魔臂,这位前辈则把其他肉身当做载体。 The people also understood at this time, at present under the scale of this demon zombie, that exceptionally fierce muscles lumps, are Hong Yuntian qi-blood demon power source, pushes in the demon zombie body formation, both unify, erupted the terrifying strength. 众人这时候也都明白过来,眼前这个魔僵的鳞片下,那一块块异常狰狞的肌肉疙瘩,就是洪云天气血魔力本源,挤入魔僵躯壳形成的,两者结合,才爆发出了恐怖的力量。 Zhao Qiming somewhat worries saying: „The opposite party strength is too strong, but also learned two combat skill, the strength that we display is limited, Martial Uncle Jin Long Armed Divine Ability, is impossible to insist.” 赵启明有些担忧道:“对方力量太强,还学会了两个战技,我们发挥的实力有限,金师叔通臂神通,也不可能一直坚持下去。” The Li Qianfeng eye narrows the eyes saying: You forgot scene that half-human, half-beast fleshly body reduces? If I do not expect badly, the technique of this blood and flesh clone, displaying of its source power needs to consume the carrier fleshly body essence.” 李千峰眼睛一眯道:“你们忘记半人半兽肉身缩小的场景了?如果我所料不差,这种血肉分身之术,其源力的施展需要消耗载体的肉身精华。” This demon zombie perhaps is also so.” “这个魔僵恐怕也是如此。” Duan Yiyun somewhat said scruple: Senior Brother, this body is Blood Refinement Sect demon zombie, the strength, only then 500,000 jin (0.5 kg), but Pavilion Lord has said that Hong Yuntian true demon zombie child body, was antiquity period most top step Demon General.” 段依云有些迟疑道:“师兄,这头躯壳是血炼宗魔僵,力量只有五十万斤,可阁主说过,洪云天真正的魔僵子体,是上古时期最顶级魔将。” If they link......” “如果它们结合在一起的话……” Hears these words, complexion one blanches of others, this demon zombie unifies a 1 million jin (0.5 kg) strength with it at present, if changes into top step Demon General, the strength and Pavilion Lord was similar. 听到这句话,其他人的脸色都一阵发白,眼前这头魔僵与之结合都一百万斤之力,要是换成顶级魔将,力量岂不是和阁主差不多了。 Li Qianfeng shakes the head saying: Should not be easy, you pay attention not to have, beast person clone swallowed Martial Uncle Jin several blood and flesh, the bloodthirsty red light reduced.” 李千峰摇了摇头道:“应该没那么容易,你们注意没,兽人分身吞噬金师叔的几丝血肉,嗜血红光减少了一些。” But changes into the demon zombie body after now, the red light compared with before, showed that really the demon zombie body is easier to result in the corrosion of Bloodthirsty Intent.” “可现在换成魔僵躯壳后,红光比之前更甚了,说明魔僵躯体更容易引发嗜血之意的侵蚀。” Duan Yiyun upon hearing this, said after a moment of hesitation: Since Martial Uncle Jin fine blood energy reduces its bloodthirsty thought that that Pavilion Lord leaves our essence and blood, the role is definitely bigger, could awaken consciousness of senior directly.” 段依云闻言,犹豫了下道:“既然金师叔的精血能消减其嗜血念头,那阁主留给我们的精血,肯定作用更大,说不定能直接唤醒前辈的神志。” Li Qianfeng sighed a sound said: qi-blood demon power of opposite party is strange, if swallowed to absorb Pavilion Lord essence and blood, what to do the strength became.” 李千峰叹息一声道:“对方的气血魔力怪异无比,如果吞噬吸收了阁主精血,实力变得更强怎么办。” At this point, he said looking pensive: Or we first consume this demon zombie body, catches Senior Hong qi-blood demon power source, then awakens its consciousness with Pavilion Lord essence and blood.” 说到这里,他若有所思道:“或者我们先耗死这具魔僵躯壳,捕捉到洪前辈气血魔力本源,再用阁主精血唤醒其神志。” qi-blood demon power does not have the entity to attach , the strength that displays limitedly......” 气血魔力没有实体依附,发挥出来的实力有限……” Manages!” “就这么办!” The people at once, cannot think of other strategies. 众人一时之间,想不到其他策略。 Senior Brother, we help Martial Uncle Jin.” 师兄,我们去帮金师叔。” Then, Zhao Qiming and Duan Yiyun then figure flashes, charged into the battlefield directly. 说完,赵启明段依云便身形闪动,直接冲向了战场。 Li Qianfeng treats as same place, among expression is somewhat annoying, although Body Refinement Demon Art can display source power field most wide scope, that but he can perform presently, is only 250,000 jin (0.5 kg). 李千峰依旧待在原地,神色间有些懊恼,炼体魔功虽然能发挥出源力场的最大范围,但他当前能发挥的力量,只有二十五万斤。 Other two body cultivator collaborate, but can also help Little Jin reluctantly busily, his past words, were useless, the disparity was too big. 其他两名体修联手,还能勉强帮小金一点忙,他过去的话,根本没用,差距太大。 1 million jin (0.5 kg), are not the essence qi of heaven and earth words, is similar to Primordial Infant Late Stage, Hong Yuntian blood and flesh clone divine ability, was too abnormal. 一百万斤啊,不算天地元气的话,已经和元婴后期差不多了,洪云天血肉分身神通,也太变态了。 At this moment, the Dugu Yiming sound from conveys suddenly behind: Senior Brother Li, this demon zombie blood and flesh spending rate is extremely slow, not necessarily consumes, might as well try to swallow this body fleshly body essence?” 就在这时,独孤一鸣的声音忽然从身后传来:“李师兄,这头魔僵血肉消耗速度极慢,不一定耗得过,不如试试吞噬这个躯壳的肉身精华?” Li Qianfeng expression moves said: „Does the meaning of Junior Brother, swallow demon zombie blood and flesh by your qi-blood demon sword? But qi-blood demon power in demon sword only has Pill Formation level, perhaps cannot do to the demon zombie body.” 李千峰神色一动道:“师弟的意思,是以你们的气血魔剑去吞噬魔僵血肉?可魔剑中的气血魔力只有结丹级别,恐怕奈何不了魔僵躯体。” The Dugu Yiming vision shifts to its demon arm, the eye narrows the eyes saying: „The Junior Brother nature is not good, but Senior Brother your?” 独孤一鸣的目光转向其魔臂,眼睛一眯道:“师弟的自然不行,可师兄你的呢?” Li Qianfeng gawked, later responded, muttered: My within the body formed true demon energy, will pour into to demon arm on own initiative, inside qi-blood demon power will promote the pinnacle in the short time. Is called qi-blood demon energy.” 李千峰愣了下,随后就反应过来,喃喃道:“我体内形成了真正的魔能,将之主动注入到魔臂中,里面的气血魔力会在短时间提升到极致。或者叫做气血魔能。” It my Bone Treasure can swallow, let alone body of demon zombie! Attaches to these qi-blood demon energy on qi-blood demon sword again, with the aid of sword cultivator divine ability, swallows its blood and flesh.” “它连我的骨宝都能吞噬,更何况魔僵的躯体!再把这些气血魔能依附在气血魔剑上,借助剑修神通,吞噬其血肉。” At this point, he knits the brows: Separating to be not difficult, consumption essence and blood and demon power can also supplement, Junior Brother qi-blood demon sword, not necessarily can shoulder swallowing of qi-blood demon energy!” 说到这里,他又皱了皱眉道:“分离出去不算难,消耗的精血魔力也能补充,不过师弟气血魔剑,不一定扛得住气血魔能的吞噬啊!” In the Dugu Yiming eye flashes through several points of frantic color: Senior Brother, I and other people have realized simplified Four Forms Sword Formation, strength of sharpness of Junior Brother within the body have been able to strengthen in a short time, protects and sustains qi-blood demon sword by it, in addition demon zombie fleshly body has attractive force, can definitely try.” 独孤一鸣眼中闪过几分狂热之色道:“师兄,我等四人已练成了简化的四象剑阵,师弟体内的锋利之力能在短时间内强化,以其护持气血魔剑,再加上魔僵肉身更具吸引力,完全可以一试。” And......” “而且……” He licked licked lips saying: This demon zombie blood and flesh essence, if can be built up several points by qi-blood demon sword, to me and other strengthening of meridians, has the astonishing effect.” 他舔了舔嘴道:“这魔僵血肉精华,如果能被气血魔剑炼化几分,对我等经脉的强化,有着惊人的效果。” Li Qianfeng sees Dugu Yiming to insist, looked reluctantly and Hong Yuntian fights to a draw three people that to the distant place, deeply inspires saying: Good, we try with every effort!” 李千峰独孤一鸣坚持,又看向远处勉强和洪云天打成平手的三人,深深吸了一口气道:“好,我们尽力一试!”
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