BCA :: Volume #12

#1118: Corpse King divine ability (Last Part)

This essence qi sword explosion prestige energy terrifying is incomparable, the firm rock in Corpse King Valley ground, was exploded a several zhang (3.33 m) big hole, is merely remaining some corpse qi, that fierce big zombie, seemed rumbled the ash to fly by this fearful attack. 这道元气剑的爆炸威能恐怖无比,尸王谷地面上的坚固岩石,都被炸出一个数十丈的大坑,仅仅残余着些许尸气,那头狰狞的高大僵尸,仿佛被这股可怕的攻击轰成了灰飞。 Some are not right!” “有些不对劲!” The joy that Gu Deming has not won, instead a brow wrinkle, that contains strength of will divine consciousness to spread to all around. 顾德明没有获胜的喜悦,反而眉头一皱,那蕴含着意志之力神识向四周扩散开来。 Afterward he as if discovered anything, within the body true essence surges, a both hands magic seal knot, two green spirit balls appear in the palm, loses toward the body under fiercely. 随后他仿佛发现了什么,体内真元一阵涌动,双手法印一结,两颗青色灵球出现在手心,猛地往身下一丢。 Almost at the same time, in its below ground, emits one group of yellow spirit light, huge fierce zombie drills the ground rock, shoots up to the sky, its extremely fat body is seemingly perfect, does not seem to received anything to injure. 几乎在同一时间,其下方的地面上,冒出一团黄色灵光,一个庞大的狰狞僵尸钻出地面岩石,冲天而起,它那臃肿的身躯看上去完好无损,仿佛没有受到什么伤害。 The figure is flexible, is sideways, evades the attacks of two implication vigorous magic power, direct impact Gu Deming mystic body. 其身形灵活,一个侧身,躲过两颗蕴含浑厚法力的攻击,直冲顾德明法体 “Thump!” “砰!” But who knows, along with an intense azure light, two spirit ball distortions, changed to ten zhang (3.33 m) permits Chang thick rattan unexpectedly, above was covered with the green sharp thorn, a little selects the halo to flash faintly. 可谁知,伴随着一道强烈的青光,两颗灵球一阵扭曲,竟然化作了十来根丈许长的粗大藤条,上面长满了绿色尖刺,隐隐有点点光晕闪动。 It seems like a green and glossy octopus, is extending the tentacle, at the speed like lightning, packages this fierce one-legged zombie. 它像是一个绿油油的章鱼,伸展着触手,以闪电般的速度,将这头狰狞的独腿僵尸包裹起来。 These points puncture, simultaneously condensed grains of dark green light specks, dispersed on the scale and green wool of zombie body surface, wanted to infiltrate within the body of opposite party. 那些尖刺上,同时凝聚出了一粒粒墨绿色的光点,散在僵尸体表的鳞片和绿毛上,想要渗透进对方的体内。 The vine that presents in vain, making one-legged zombie respond without enough time, was surrounded directly, the figure stagnates in the midair, 徒然出现的藤蔓,让独腿僵尸来不及反应,直接被困住,身形停滞在半空中, However it responded is extremely quick, the fist that right hand that seemed like the wax oil construction extended, in the above three black cavities, spread the intense suction, the vine punctured light specks that congealed sharp, directly was attracted. 不过它反应极快,右手那个像是蜡油浇筑的拳头伸了出来,上面三个黑色空洞中,传出了强烈的吸力,藤蔓尖刺上凝结出来的光点,直接被吸了进去。 The spur on shoulder emitted two groups of dark purple thunder light, on single leg also exuded dark yellow flame, the aura that the strength of this thunder fire lent was astonishing, not under spirit pressure on vine. 紧接着肩膀上的骨刺冒出了两团暗紫色的雷光,独腿上也泛起了一层暗黄色的火焰,这雷火之力散发出来的气息惊人,丝毫不下于藤蔓上的灵压。 “Boom!” “轰!” One group of purple yellow thunder split irritably, ten thick vines become at the visible speed wither, later in one-legged zombie that bucket thick both arms, gushes out the fearsome brute force, a brace, these vines were easily torn into shreds outward, change to specks of spirit light to dissipate. 一团紫黄色的雷火爆裂开来,十来根粗大藤蔓以肉眼可见的速度变得枯萎起来,随后独腿僵尸那水桶般粗的双臂中,涌出可怖的蛮力,向外一撑,这些藤蔓轻易被撕碎,化作点点灵光消散开来。 Gu Deming in midair, stops after the moment of vine, before the body, were many three chi (0.33 m) dark green jade ruler, he breeds many years of life source magic treasure, Vibrant Essence Ruler. 半空中的顾德明,经过藤蔓的片刻阻拦,身前多了一把三尺长的墨绿色玉尺,正是他孕育多年的本命法宝,青元尺 In this magic treasure also integrated Great Unity Green Stone, Peng Yuanhua that imitation spirit treasure Deep Green Ruler, although the refinement technique referred to Universe Origin Sword , but its structure prototype is actually Vibrant Essence Ruler. 这件法宝中同样融入了太乙青石,彭元化的那件仿制灵宝玄青尺,虽然炼制手法参考了混元剑,但其结构原型却是青元尺 With injection of Gu Deming true essence, Vibrant Essence Ruler projects together thick green sword light, as if can tear the void aura to reappear, the bang to zombie that just got out of trouble, that dreadful momentum, not under the prestige of essence qi form transformation. 随着顾德明真元的注入,青元尺射出一道厚实的青色剑光,一股仿佛能撕裂虚空的气息浮现开来,轰向了刚刚脱困的僵尸,那滔天的声势,丝毫不下于元气化形之威。 Facing attack that fiercely shoots comes, in the one-legged zombie eye is not chaotic, a thigh rear silver flesh wings leaf, contains extreme yin cold wind attribute spirit power to flash through slightly together, huge body absent-minded, changes to together the cool breeze, vanishing on the spot. 面对激射而来的攻击,独腿僵尸眼中丝毫不乱,大腿后侧的银色肉翅微微一扇,一道蕴含着阴寒至极风属性灵力闪过,庞大的身躯恍惚了下,就化作一道清风,消失在原地。 sword light lost the goal, shells directly in the ground. 剑光失去了目标,直接轰击在地面上。 sword qi that this Great Unity Green Light forms under the stimulation of movement of Soul Transformation Stage true essence, as if must pierce in the black hole of common, continuous bellow from rock Central Nether Mountain spreads, does not know that entered deeply. 这道太乙青光形成的剑气化神期真元的催动下,仿佛要将中冥山刺穿一般,源源不断的轰鸣声从岩石中的黑洞中传出,不知打进了多深。 Wind Escape Technique?” 风遁术?” The sensation to the wind attribute aura, the Gu Deming eye narrows the eyes, on azure light protective shield in outside the body, gushes out a reunion sphere suddenly the mist, to spreads in all directions, inside also contains strength of the Endless Proliferation Will. 感知到风属性的气息,顾德明眼睛一眯,体外的青光护盾上,忽然涌出一团圆球形的雾气,向四面八方蔓延开来,里面还蕴含着一股生生不息的意志之力。 Just completed all these, beyond ten zhang (3.33 m), one-legged zombie huge body staggered, dropped from void. 刚做完这一切,身后十来丈外,独腿僵尸庞大的身躯一个踉跄,从虚空中跌落下来。 In its eye flashed through an astonished color, within the body tumbles qi and blood strength, the crystal of forehead is having colored spirit light to the body divergence, silver flesh wings after thigh stirred up together two, changed to the azure wind, vanished in the mist. 它眼中闪过一丝惊异之色,体内翻滚着一股气血之力,眉心的晶体向躯体辐散出一道彩色灵光,大腿后的银色肉翅煽动了两下,又化作了青风,消失在雾气中。 Also can stimulate to movement wind escape?” “还能催动风遁?” The Gu Deming vision concentrates, he just by the secret technique strength of will and true essence manifestation outside, in this mist range, cultivation base existence that he was smaller and weaker, could not use the method of flickering movement. 顾德明目光一凝,他刚刚以秘术将意志之力真元显化在外,在这个雾气范围内,修为比他弱小的存在,根本施展不了瞬移之法。 But this zombie, can still use Wind Escape Technique, explained that its within the body has with strength of will and energy of true essence resistance. 可这头僵尸,依然能用风遁术,说明其体内拥有与意志之力真元对抗的能量。 These ideas flash past in the Gu Deming brain, one-legged zombie that huge body, appears before his body, a row of spur on left arm, is wrapping a golden ray, has the ice-cold chill in the air, the thorn to body-protecting spirit light of its outside the body. 这些想法在顾德明脑中一闪而过,独腿僵尸那庞大的身躯,就出现在他的身前,左臂上的一排骨刺,包裹着一层金色光芒,带着冰冷的寒意,刺向了其体外的护体灵光 Although by enemy near body, but Gu Deming not flurried color, before the body, spirit light flashed, presented a circular wooden shield that is carving the pattern. 虽然被敌人近身,但顾德明并没有慌乱之色,身前灵光闪动,出现了一个雕刻着花纹的圆形木盾。 Vibrant Essence Ruler under injection of vigorous true essence, as if tears void terrifying sword qi to erupt together, bang to the chest of opposite party. 青元尺在浑厚真元的注入下,又一道仿佛撕裂虚空的恐怖剑气爆发,轰向对方的胸膛。 The one-legged zombie eye narrows the eyes, yin cold strength surges, the position of chest appeared a golden spirit light shield of pentagon. 独腿僵尸眼睛一眯,阴寒之力涌动不已,胸口的位置重新浮现出了一个五角形的金色灵光盾。 Meanwhile, on the left arm spur the cold glow puts suddenly greatly, an above golden ray is separated directly, changes to several chill/yin cold incomparable bone arrows, bypassed the wooden shield of opposite party, the bang approached body-protecting spirit light of opposite party outside the body. 与此同时,左臂骨刺上忽然寒芒大放,上面的一层金色光芒直接脱离出来,化作数道阴寒无比的骨箭,绕过了对方的木盾,轰向了对方体外的护体灵光 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” The cloud that is combining the gold/metal green halo blasts open in the midair, the heavenshaking explosive sound reverberates in the mountain, fearsome air wave complementary waves, tumble to go toward all around layer upon layer. 一朵混杂着金青色光晕的气云在半空中炸裂,震天的爆炸声在山中回荡,一层层可怖的气浪余波,向着四周翻滚而去。 The one big and one small two form from the clouds fiercely shoots, both sides respectively packages by the golden color and green halo, innumerable say/way fearful essence qi oppression, keep erupting in the middle. 一大一小两个身影从云中激射而出,双方各自被金色和青色光晕所包裹,无数道可怕的元气威压,在中间不停爆发开来。 Does not know before is, complementary waves that fights, is other what reasons, yin cold qi that was extruded massively, starts to gather to the upper air, cloud of thick gray-black chill/yin cold, gradually appears in in the air. 不知道是之前战斗的余波,还是什么其他原因,大量被挤压出去的阴寒之气,开始向高空中汇聚,一片浓厚的灰黑色阴寒之云,逐渐显现在空中。 Pentagon shield of one-legged zombie chest vanishes does not see, on the scale of its outside the body, covers a golden halo, the spur of left arm is keeping the bang to Gu Deming, but its right hand fist of that wax oil construction, actually turned into a jet black hole. 独腿僵尸胸口的五角形盾牌消失不见,其体外的鳞片上,笼罩着一层金色光晕,左臂的骨刺不停轰向顾德明,而它那蜡油浇筑的右手拳,却变成了一个漆黑的窟窿。 Inside non-stop having the suction to transmit, does not know that is what divine ability, Great Unity Green Light in Vibrant Essence Ruler can swallow about half, but these adsorbed azure light, how does not know, will revolve to the spur of zombie left arm on, counter-attacks to the opposite party. 里面不停有着吸力传来,也不知道是何神通,就连青元尺中的太乙青光都能够吞噬近半,而那些被吸附的青光,不知怎么,又会运转到僵尸左臂的骨刺上,反攻向对方。 Upper air cloud of within/inner chill/yin cold, falls once for a while together the gray-black chill/yin cold air column, falls on one-legged zombie accurate, this thick air column, makes up for yin cold strength that zombie is losing rapidly. 高空中的阴寒之云内,时不时坠下一道灰黑色阴寒气柱,精准地落在独腿僵尸身上,这股浓稠的气柱,迅速弥补着僵尸损耗的阴寒之力 The Gu Deming facial expression ten segregate heavily, in the hand magic seal is unceasing, Vibrant Essence Ruler and Wood Spirit Shield surround in the body week, but also makes together essence qi sword once for a while. 顾德明的神情十分凝重,手中法印不断,青元尺木灵盾环绕在身周,还时不时打出一道元气剑 With increase of fight, he has felt in that huge corpse qi, contains five types of different aura, explained that this strange zombie, is Five Great Corpse Kings by some secret technique fusion. 随着交手的增多,他已经感受到那庞大的尸气中,蕴含着五种不同的气息,说明这头古怪的僵尸,是五大尸王以某种秘术融合而成。 zombie after this fusion, within the body has one with the golden energy of true essence match, although divine consciousness of opposite party does not have strength of will, but inside contains one special aura, does not fear the Soul Transformation thought. 这融合后的僵尸,体内拥有着一股和真元匹配的金色能量,对方的神识虽然没有意志之力,但里面蕴含着的一种特殊气息,丝毫不惧化神意念。 In addition, this zombie also the divine ability conformity of Five Great Corpse Kings in one. 除此之外,这头僵尸还将五大尸王神通整合在了一起。 Silver flesh wings of thigh can display Wind Escape Technique, under bolstering of golden energy, the speed is astonishing, whenever he wants to depart the cloud of range chill/yin cold time, the opposite party one step will first come up by this flickering movement divine ability personal. 腿部的银色肉翅能够施展风遁术,在金色能量的加持下,速度惊人至极,每当他想飞出阴寒之云范围的时候,对方就会以这个瞬移神通先一步贴身上来。 His right arm has, is rare metal attribute swallowing power, even can swallow essence qi sword some prestige energy, but what the left arm displays is cold ice strength, the thigh except for Earth Escape Technique, but also some implication special spirit flame. 其右臂拥有的,是罕见的金属性吞噬之力,甚至能吞噬元气剑的部分威能,而左臂施展的是寒冰之力,腿部除了土遁术,还蕴含某种特殊灵焰。 These Silver Armored Corpse variation magic technique, in enduring compared with the golden energy stimulation of movement of true essence , the might is only weaker than on some essence qi form transformation. 这些银甲尸的变异术法,在堪比真元的金色能量催动下,威力仅比元气化形弱上一些。 Over time, one-legged zombie various magic technique divine ability, display even more smoothly, the offensive is continuous, as if several great cultivator, stimulate to movement imitation spirit treasure to attack continuously general. 随着时间的流逝,独腿僵尸的各种术法神通,施展得越发流畅,攻势连绵不绝,仿佛数名大修士,接连不断催动仿制灵宝攻击一般。 Gu Deming depends upon in true essence refining up essence qi, once for a while makes essence qi form transformation divine ability, is in the winning side slightly. 顾德明依靠真元中炼化的元气,时不时打出元气化形神通,才略微处于上风。 This Soul Transformation Stage cultivator complexion is serious, has received the heart of contempt, the opposite party has inexhaustible yin cold qi to assist, as if can support is very long, but essence qi in his true essence, with little. 这位化神期修士面色严肃,早已收起了轻视之心,对方有着无穷无尽阴寒之气相助,似乎能够支撑很久,可他真元内的元气,用一点少一点。 Hits again, must restore true essence with top grade spirit stone. 再打下去,恐怕就要用极品灵石恢复真元了。 No wonder can drive back Primordial Demon Sect old fogy, it seems like has to use Universe Origin Sword ......” “难怪能将元魔宗老家伙逼退,看来不得不动用混元剑了……” Gu Deming drove back the opposite party with essence qi sword again, single-handedly waved, in the hand appeared a grey small sword, its surface is densely covered mysterious rune, is winding around several green halos. 顾德明再一次用元气剑逼退了对方,单手一挥,手中浮现出了一把灰色小剑,其表面密布着玄奥符文,缭绕着数道青色光晕。 one-legged zombie of distant place, after this presents the small sword, as if feels an intense sense of crisis, the colored rays of forehead many crystals put greatly, within the body yin cold strength tumbles, gold/metal on corpse qi scale is dazzling. 远处的独腿僵尸,在这把小剑出现之后,仿佛感到一股强烈的危机感,眉心多面晶体的彩色光芒大放,体内阴寒之力翻滚,尸气鳞片上的金芒更加耀眼。 “Clang!” “铮!” Gu Deming within the body true essence surges, just prepared to stimulate to movement Grand Profound Sect sect-protecting treasure, the short sword whining noise flashes through together, Universe Origin Sword spirit connection float, sword tip aimed at the north. 顾德明体内真元涌动,刚准备催动太玄宗镇宗之宝,一道短促的剑鸣声闪过,混元剑通灵至极地悬浮起来,剑尖对准了北方。 He first stares, later realized anything, the complexion sinks, contains strength of will divine consciousness to proliferate to go toward the north: What person, spies on this stealthily!” 他先是一愣,随后就意识到了什么,脸色一沉,蕴含着意志之力神识向着北方扩散而去:“什么人,在此鬼鬼祟祟窥探!”
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