BCA :: Volume #12

#1115: Five Great Corpse Kings

Corpse King Valley situated in the Central Nether Mountain center, is surrounded by five hill. 尸王谷位于中冥山中央,由五座山丘环绕而成。 On this day, in the small valley upper air of this ten li (0.5 km) range, surged massive grey yin cold winds, these spirit winds gather to come from various Central Nether Mountain places, as if has anything to attract them to be the same. 这一日,在这座十来里范围的小山谷高空,涌起了大量灰色的阴寒之风,这些灵风从中冥山各处汇聚而来,仿佛有什么东西吸引它们一般。 The yin cold winds more product more much, gradually formed piece of gray-black fog, then in the mountain valley, fiercely shoots has dark purple lightnings suddenly, rumbled the fog. 阴寒之风越积越多,逐渐形成了一片灰黑色的云雾,接着山谷中,忽然激射出一道道暗紫色闪电,轰进了云雾。 This piece of yin cold clouds boiled up probably the boiling water, ripples fiercely, a faint trace tiny lightning passes in inside, terrifying gloomy oppression sends out from inside. 这片阴寒云朵像是煮开了的沸水,剧烈荡漾起来,一丝丝细小的闪电在里面流转不已,一股恐怖的阴气威压从里面散发出来。 These gloomy and cold fog in winding around of lightning, revolving, formed one to cover several li (0.5 km) funnel to say inward. 这些阴冷至极的云雾在闪电的缭绕中,向内旋转,形成了一个笼罩数里的漏斗云。 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” With the depressed thunderous sound, the dark-gray chill/yin cold air column gushes out from that huge fog vortex together, towards the mountain valley center crashes to go. 伴随着沉闷的雷鸣声,一道深灰色的阴寒气柱从那巨大的云雾旋涡中涌出,向山谷中央坠落而去。 The mountain valley center, Silver-Winged Yaksha lies low in the ground, four fierce fearsome zombie encirclements stand in its side, except for Ice Bones Yaksha, Wu Earth Yaksha, but also were many two Corpse King. 山谷中央,银翅夜叉平躺在地面上,四名狰狞可怖的僵尸围站在其身边,除了冰骨夜叉,戊土夜叉,还多了两个尸王 And bright silver scale, the luster is in all Corpse King is an, his figure is slender, the face does not have the scale package, seems like the face that the gray wax oil constructs, both eyes and mouths collapse inward, melt three jet black cavities. 其中一头通体亮银色的鳞片,色泽是所有尸王中最明亮的,他身形修长,脸部没有鳞片包裹,看上去像是灰色蜡油浇筑成的面孔,双目和嘴巴向内坍塌,融化成了三个漆黑的空洞。 This is Central Nether Mountain Soul-Devouring Yaksha. 这是中冥山噬灵夜叉 Last Corpse King, the purple surface fang, in both eyes as if there is thunder light to surge, on the shoulder two thick spurs, a faint trace dark purple lightning is gushing out steadily, walks randomly in outside the body. 最后一头尸王,紫面獠牙,双目中仿佛有雷光涌动,肩膀上长着两根粗大的骨刺,一丝丝暗紫色闪电从中涌出,在体外游走。 The body is very strong, compared with other Corpse King wanted thick, the silver scale unable complete coverage, in the slit to squeeze out many green hair. 其身躯十分强壮,比其他尸王都要粗大一圈,银色鳞片都无法完全覆盖,缝隙中挤出了不少绿色毛发。 This is the head of Central Nether Mountain Five Great Corpse Kings, Rebuking Thunder Yaksha. 这位就是中冥山五大尸王之首,吒雷夜叉 At this time he is raising both hands, on the thick palm is winding around the dark purple lightning, aura extreme yin cold, as if contains fearsome strength of destruction, mysterious fluctuations send out, guides the gray-black spirit column that in the air is dropping. 此时他正举着双手,粗大的手掌上缭绕着暗紫色闪电,气息阴寒至极,又仿佛蕴含着可怖的毁灭之力,一股股玄奥的波动散发出去,引导着空中落下的灰黑色灵柱。 With his, the thick Yin air column gradually reduced, falls in the Silver-Winged Yaksha body, just covered it. 随着其施法,粗大的阴气柱逐渐缩小,落在了银翅夜叉的身躯上,刚好将其覆盖。 Under latter's body in rich incomparable yin cold qi pours into, shatter corpse qi armor gradually shone the gloss, blood and flesh that inside split also gradually healed. 后者的躯体在浓郁无比的阴寒之气注入下,破碎的尸气盔甲逐渐亮起了光泽,里面裂开的血肉也逐渐愈合。 Then Rebuking Thunder Yaksha mouth slightly, an octahedral crystal that is emitting the glittering and translucent carving gloss flutters, slowly float above the Silver-Winged Yaksha abdomen, by the rich yin cold qi package. 接着吒雷夜叉嘴巴微张,一颗散发着晶莹剔透光泽的八面晶体飘出,缓缓悬浮在银翅夜叉的腹部上方,被浓郁的阴寒之气包裹。 If Lu Kun here, will then discover, nether insect sacred object in this thing and his hand is exactly the same! 如果陆坤在此,便会发现,此物和他手里的冥虫圣物一模一样! Condenses strength of heart’s blood, activates nether spirit crystal!” “凝聚心血之力,激活冥灵结晶!” With the Rebuking Thunder Yaksha low and deep sound, four Great Corpse King including him, a body vibration, opens the respective fierce mouth, puts out drop of thumb big pale silver blood respectively. 随着吒雷夜叉低沉的声音,包括他在内的四大尸王,身躯一阵抖动,张开各自狰狞的嘴巴,分别吐出一滴拇指大的淡银色血液 Every time drops in blood besides profound qi and blood strength, but also has special spirit power fluctuation, they fuse mutually in together, covers above the octahedral crystal. 每滴血液中除了一股深邃的气血之力外,还有着特殊的灵力波动,它们相互融合在一起,覆盖在八面晶体之上。 Four Corpse King within the body yin cold strength surge, as if in stimulating to movement some secret technique, these blood direct melting on nether insect sacred object, seemed vanishing half, is exuding five-colors gloss spirit light fiercely shoots together, submerged the Silver-Winged Yaksha abdomen. 四头尸王体内阴寒之力涌动,仿佛在催动着某种秘术,这些血液直接融化在冥虫圣物上,仿佛消失了一半,紧接着一道泛着五彩光泽的灵光从中激射而出,没入了银翅夜叉的腹部。 Sends out the myriad things to nourish the aura strength of will to flash together not to have in within the body, an invisible consciousness fluctuation spreads, blood and flesh that these gradually heal splits. 一道散发着万物滋养气息的意志之力在其体内一闪而没,一股无形的意识波动扩散开来,那些逐渐愈合的血肉又重新裂开。 Several Great Corpse King as if had expected, another drop of pale silver blood puts out, all flooded into Silver-Winged Yaksha that to be covered in the mouth of fang, its blood and flesh trembled slightly , to continue to heal, turbulent corpse qi is spreading in within the body. 大尸王仿佛对此有所预料,又一滴淡银色的血液吐出,全都涌入了银翅夜叉那长满獠牙的嘴巴中,其血肉微微一颤,继续愈合起来,汹涌的尸气在体内蔓延着。 Before long, that dark-gray spirit qi column vanishes does not see, yin cold clouds in mountain valley upper air also diverges gradually, changed to fragmentary grey yin cold winds, from the sky circles. 不一会,那道深灰色的灵气柱消失不见,山谷高空中的阴寒云朵也渐渐散去,重新化作了零星的灰色阴寒之风,在空中盘旋。 The eye of Silver-Winged Yaksha opens fiercely, in the pale silver pupil is sending out the panic-stricken color, flesh wings opens fiercely, packages rapidly the body. 银翅夜叉的眼睛猛地睁开,淡银色的瞳孔中散发着惊恐之色,身后的肉翅猛地张开,迅速将身躯包裹起来。 But he discovered later the surrounding scene, the wing droops, expression said at a loss: Rebuking Thunder......, here is Central Nether Mountain, was you saved me?” 可随后他就发现了周围的场景,翅膀耷拉下来,神色茫然道:“吒雷……咦,这里是中冥山,是你们救了我?” Rebuking Thunder Yaksha swallows in Nether Insect Clan sacred object the entrance again, the eye narrows the eyes saying: Silver Wings, your severe wound flies, without impression?” 吒雷夜叉重新将冥虫族圣物吞入口中,眼睛一眯道:“银翅,你重伤飞回来的,没有印象?” Silver-Winged Yaksha stares slightly: „Do I come back?” 银翅夜叉微微一愣:“我自己回来的?” Nearby Ice Bones Yaksha said: One day ago you depart from Origin Returning River, are seriously injured, fell into fainting, swallowed great cultivator level Primordial Infant, fleshly body had perhaps collapsed.” 一旁的冰骨夜叉道:“一天前你从归元江飞出,身受重伤,陷入了晕厥,要不是吞噬了一个大修士级别元婴,肉身恐怕早就崩溃了。” Silver-Winged Yaksha upon hearing this, induced within the body, the facial expression is strange, mouth slightly, dim incomparable Primordial Infant miniature person float before the body, inside soul is defeated and dispersed, Primordial Infant strength also dissipation half, can see the look reluctantly. 银翅夜叉闻言,感应了体内,神情古怪,嘴巴微张,一个黯淡无比的元婴小人悬浮在身前,里面灵魂溃散,元婴之力也消散一半,勉强能看出相貌。 Green Yang Daoist Primordial Infant? This what's the matter, how do I strike to kill his?” 青阳道人元婴?这怎么回事,我怎么击杀他的?” A Silver-Winged Yaksha face ignorant however. 银翅夜叉一脸懵然。 Other Corpse King see his expression, look at each other in blank dismay, in the Ice Bones Yaksha hand presented the two storage bracelet, threw saying: This is on you discovered that” 其他尸王见到他这副表情,面面相觑,冰骨夜叉手中出现了两个储物手镯,抛了过去道:“这是在你身上发现的,” Silver-Winged Yaksha received the storage bracelet, divine consciousness sweeps, after seeing an inside thing, the pupil fiercely shrinks, in the hand spirit light flashed, presented a green bottle gourd. 银翅夜叉接过储物手镯,神识一扫,见到里面的一件东西后,瞳孔猛地一缩,手上灵光闪动,出现了一个青色葫芦。 Afterward he thought of anything, sought in the bracelet, two spirit qi abundant top grade spirit stone float before people body. 随后他想到了什么,又在手镯中寻找了下,两块灵气盎然的极品灵石悬浮在众人身前。 Silver-Winged Yaksha said dull: Universe Origin Gourd, top grade spirit stone, I really struck to kill Green Yang Daoist, this imitation spirit treasure attained.” 银翅夜叉呆呆道:“混元葫芦,极品灵石,难道我真的击杀了青阳道人,这件仿制灵宝都拿到了。” The Rebuking Thunder Yaksha tone said dignifiedly: Silver Wings, says in detail the matter that you remembered.” 吒雷夜叉语气凝重道:“银翅,把你记得的事情详细说下。” Silver-Winged Yaksha is recalling the beforehand situation, said slowly: „Before several days , I obtain Great Yuan Province Scarlet Dusk Mountain to have the phenomenon of top grade spirit stone present world, therefore......” 银翅夜叉回忆着之前的情况,缓缓道:“数日前我得到大元州赤霞山极品灵石现世的异象,于是就……” Then, he then described the following matter. 接下来,他便描述后面的事情。 Speaking of finally, Silver-Winged Yaksha has a lingering fear to look that the green bottle gourd before body said: Never expected that this imitation spirit treasure, after pouring into Soul Transformation true essence, the might is so terrifying.” 说到最后,银翅夜叉心有余悸看着身前的青色葫芦道:“没想到这个仿制灵宝,在注入化神真元之后,威力如此恐怖。” Then caused heavy losses to my divine soul sword of will, essence qi sword that afterward stimulated is the terrifying is more incomparable, if were not Bloodthirsty Thought in corpse pill resisted the moment, perhaps I used the defensive measure without enough time.” “那把意志之剑重创了我的神魂,后来激发出的元气剑更是恐怖无比,如果不是尸丹内的嗜血意念抵挡了片刻,恐怕我都来不及施展防御手段。” Later I feel dizzy, without the consciousness, woke up sees several.” “之后我就感到天旋地转,没有了意识,醒来就见到几位了。” At this time silent Soul-Devouring Yaksha has made noise suddenly, in that jet black mouth spread the intermittent spatial bright sound: Was Bloodthirsty Thought replaces your consciousness temporarily.” 这时候一直沉默的噬灵夜叉忽然出声,那漆黑的嘴巴中传出阵阵空明的声音:“难道是嗜血意念临时取代了你的意识。” Bloodthirsty Thought?” 嗜血意念?” Truth that a little Soul Devourer said that it was possibly stimulated by the Soul Transformation thought that temporarily controlled the Silver Wings body.” 噬灵说的有点道理,它可能被化神意念激发,暂时管控了银翅的身躯。” In the Rebuking Thunder Yaksha eye flashes through several thunder light, shakes the head saying: If is really Bloodthirsty Thought, the Silver Wings will had been swallowed, even if nourishes with nether spirit crystal, will not regain consciousness.” 吒雷夜叉眼中闪过几道雷光,摇头道:“如果真的是嗜血意念,银翅的意志早就被吞噬了,就算用冥灵结晶滋养,也不会苏醒。” Soul-Devouring Yaksha said: Silver Wings is among us is youngest, the consciousness awakened for more than 800 years, had long time to 2000 important pass, Bloodthirsty Thought may not successfully swallow, moreover its within the body also Soul Transformation will hindrance.” 噬灵夜叉道:“银翅是我们当中最年轻的,意识才觉醒了八百余年,离两千年的关口还有很长时间,嗜血意念不一定能成功吞噬,而且其体内还有一股化神意志阻碍。” Could not a little have convinced......” “可是还有一点说不通……” Rebuking Thunder Yaksha thought, single-handedly waved, absorbs to start Universe Origin Gourd, induced carefully, said slowly: According to the situation of Silver Wings description, in this Universe Origin Gourd has Gu Deming true essence.” 吒雷夜叉思索了下,单手一挥,将混元葫芦摄入手中,细细感应了下,缓缓道:“按照银翅描述的情况,这个混元葫芦中拥有顾德明的一道真元。” Scarlet Dusk Mountain is its Soul Transformation domain is also , the essence qi of heaven and earth degree of adaptability is extremely high, even if Silver Wings were replaced the consciousness by Bloodthirsty Thought, under the fleshly body heavy losses, possibly is not the Green Yang Daoist opponent.” 赤霞山又是其化神领域所在,天地元气的配合度极高,就算银翅嗜血意念取代了意识,肉身重创之下,也不可能是青阳道人的对手。” At this time Silver-Winged Yaksha said suddenly: Can be that wild Silver Armored Corpse acts, although I am only the startled great wild goose limp, but induces to yin cold strength of that fellow is exceptionally pure, as if there is ninth step peak strength.” 此时银翅夜叉忽然道:“会不会是那头野生的银甲尸出手,虽然我只是惊鸿一蹩,但感应到那家伙的阴寒之力异常精纯,似乎有着九级巅峰的实力。” The Rebuking Thunder Yaksha thinking said: ninth step peak Silver Armored Corpse? When Green Yang Daoist sneak attacks, this has the possibility, beside Central Nether Mountain, so higher wild Silver Armored Corpse? It is not other immortal cultivator sacrifices will build up.” 吒雷夜叉思索道:“九级巅峰银甲尸?如果趁着青阳道人施法之际偷袭,这倒有可能,不过在中冥山之外,还有如此高等的野生银甲尸?不会是其他修仙者祭炼的吧。” Silver-Winged Yaksha looks to Universe Origin Gourd, said: „If the immortal cultivator sneak attacks of other great cultivator level, how also to give up this imitation spirit treasure.” 银翅夜叉望向混元葫芦,说道:“如果是其他大修士级别修仙者偷袭,又怎么舍得这件仿制灵宝。” Rebuking Thunder Yaksha upon hearing this, the nod, this type of heavy treasure, Soul Transformation Stage cultivator is unable to neglect gently even. 吒雷夜叉闻言,轻轻点头,这种重宝,就算是化神期修士也无法忽视。 He silent meeting, said slowly: Treasure to our hands, naturally cannot also go back, Gu Deming does not come, if he dares to come, our Five Great Corpse Kings could not say that socializes with it.” 他沉默了会,缓缓道:“宝物到了我们手里,自然不会还回去,顾德明不来也就罢了,他要是敢来,我们五大尸王说不得与其周旋一番。”
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