BCA :: Volume #12

#1113: Central Nether Mountain

The Great Yuan Province upper air, Lu Kun is speeding along somewhere rapidly, at heart supposing, Grand Profound Sect should start to take action. 大元州某处高空,陆坤急速飞驰着,心里估摸着,太玄宗应该开始行动了。 Some time ago, after he Green Yang Daoist Primordial Infant searched for the soul, forced in the belly of Silver-Winged Yaksha, with the digestion of Primordial Infant, its divine soul also dissipated gradually, this Grand Profound Sect great cultivator, thorough death. 不久前,他将青阳道人元婴搜魂后,就塞进了银翅夜叉的肚子,随着元婴的消化,其神魂也渐渐消散,这名太玄宗大修士,彻底死亡。 That Silver-Winged Yaksha in rib, cannot obtain nourishing of yin cold strength, the injury even more deteriorates, Lu Kun must hide in secret, naturally cannot help him therapy with own essence and blood, to shift blame well to Central Nether Mountain, used Green Yang Daoist Primordial Infant simply. 肋骨中的那头银翅夜叉,得不到阴寒之力的滋养,伤势越发恶化,陆坤要藏在暗中,自然不会用自己的精血助其疗伤,为了更好地嫁祸给中冥山,索性把青阳道人元婴利用了。 tenth step Silver Armored Corpse corpse pill, can easily absorb great cultivator Primordial Infant strength, transforms it as the succinct energy, restores the injury, Silver-Winged Yaksha fleshly body, as digestion of Primordial Infant, changed for the better gradually, but its divine soul wound is not easy to restore. 十级银甲尸尸丹,能轻易吸收大修士元婴之力,将其转化为精粹能量,修复伤势,银翅夜叉肉身随着元婴的消化,也渐渐好转了起来,不过其神魂的创伤没那么容易恢复。 Guaranteed the Silver-Winged Yaksha life, Lu Kun then locks jade slip in storage bracelet, examines carefully. 保证了银翅夜叉的生命,陆坤便锁定储物手镯中的一件玉简,仔细查看起来。 Great Yuan Province is extremely broad, is the long linearity region, by its escape speed, flies the middle section also to require all day time, during this, he diverted attention two to use, to inspect under the spoils of war. 大元州极其广阔,还是长条形地域,以其遁速,飞到中间地段也要一整天的时间,这期间他分心二用,检查了下战利品。 Several Primordial Infant Stage cultivator storage bracelets, great cultivator, regarding other immortal cultivator, this simply is an unexpected wealth, the non- over-carriage in the Lu Kun angle, inside magic treasure and medicinal pill has no big using, these record secret technique anecdote jade slip, help be bigger him on the contrary. 数名元婴期修士的储物手镯,还有一名大修士,对于其他修仙者而言,这简直是一笔横财,不过站在陆坤的角度,里面的法宝丹药没有什么大用,反倒那些记载秘术奇闻玉简,对他帮助大一些。 The jade slip that he looks at now, strikes loose cultivator that kills from Green Yang Daoist, what told was the top grade spirit stone related wondrous use. 他现在看的这枚玉简,来自青阳道人击杀的一名散修,讲述的是极品灵石相关妙用。 After a while, in Lu Kun heart some suddenly: No wonder that several loose cultivator take risk to rob top grade spirit stone, originally inside contains essence qi of heaven and earth, can make Primordial Infant Stage cultivator refine the absorption.” 过了一会,陆坤心中有些恍然:“难怪那几名散修冒险抢夺极品灵石,原来里面蕴含着的天地元气,能让元婴期修士炼化吸收。” Normal, only then Soul Transformation Stage cultivator, can absorb to refine essence qi of heaven and earth.” “正常而言,只有化神期修士,才能够吸收炼化天地元气。” In jade slip to the description of top grade spirit stone essence qi, searches for few information that the soul comes out from Green Yang Daoist Primordial Infant in addition, making Lu Kun have a deeper understanding of Soul Transformation Stage cultivator. 玉简中对极品灵石元气的描述,加上从青阳道人元婴搜魂出来的少量信息,让陆坤化神期修士有了更深的了解。 Primordial Infant Late Stage Peak immortal cultivator, the comprehension or mixed will strength, making it with Primordial Infant accommodating, form strength of primordial soul, this is one sublimation of Primordial Infant strength. 元婴后期巅峰修仙者,领悟或者融合意志之力,使之与元婴相容,形成元神之力,这是元婴之力的一种升华。 After achievement primordial soul, Soul Transformation Stage cultivator can control essence qi of heaven and earth truly, initiates essence qi offensive divine ability during raising hand, but can also direct it to enter the body to refine, transforms true essence that magic power Soul Transformation Stage is in sole possession. 成就元神后,化神期修士才能真正掌控天地元气,除了举手间引发元气攻击神通外,还能引之入体炼化,将一身法力转化成化神期独有的真元 true essence compared with a magic power even higher energy, seems Primordial Infant strength to cope with Pill Formation Stage such, has the steamroll advantage to the low level energy. 真元是比法力更加高等的能量,就好像元婴之力对付结丹期那样,对着低级能量有着碾压般的优势。 The Soul Transformation Stage cultivator cultivation and restores true essence, besides absorption pure spirit qi, but must refine essence qi of heaven and earth, but essence qi in top grade spirit stone does not need to refine, can directly absorb, saved the time greatly. 化神期修士修炼和恢复真元,除了吸收精纯灵气外,还需炼化天地元气,而极品灵石内的元气无需炼化,能直接吸收,大大节约了时间。 However present Immortal Cultivation Realm, top grade spirit stone is scarce, even Soul Transformation Stage still barely uses. 不过如今的修仙界,极品灵石稀少,就算是化神期也很少使用。 In this jade slip told, Soul Transformation Stage cultivator at a time of the breakthrough, fleshly body will receive the essence qi of heaven and earth baptism, no matter intensity or the meridians, promoted one section. 这个玉简中讲述,化神期修士在突破之际,肉身会受到天地元气的洗礼,不管是强度还是经脉,都提升了一截。 If Primordial Infant Stage cultivator absorbed essence qi through top grade spirit stone, although does not have strength of primordial soul, could not form true essence, but these essence qi can nourish mystic body, slightly neat fleshly body. 如果元婴期修士通过极品灵石吸收了元气,虽然没有元神之力,形成不了真元,但这些元气能滋养法体,轻微地洗炼肉身 Besides treating the fleshly body internal injury, but can also strengthen to essence qi of heaven and earth compatible, Primordial Infant Middle Stage Peak cultivator, under assisting of top grade spirit stone, the breakthrough probability is much higher. 除了治疗肉身的暗伤外,还能加强对天地元气的亲和度,元婴中期巅峰修士,在极品灵石的相助下,突破几率会高出不少。 This loose cultivator because of the battle, within the body had many internal injuries year to year, cultivation base the card in Primordial Infant Middle Stage Peak, incomparably earnestly seeks to top grade spirit stone, what a pity met Green Yang Daoist, essence qi form transformation prestige energy, is not ordinary Primordial Infant Stage can resist. 这名散修就是因为常年争斗,体内出现了不少暗伤,修为又卡在了元婴中期顶峰,对极品灵石无比渴求,可惜遇到了青阳道人,元气化形威能,不是普通元婴期能抵挡的。 Looked at this jade slip, Lu Kun revealed the color of ponder. 看完这个玉简,陆坤露出了沉思之色。 essence qi of heaven and earth has the effect of nourishing to fleshly body, I have not attempted, now after recovery period of viscera situated in therapy, pouring to try to absorb top grade spirit stone, looks at the effect.” 天地元气肉身有滋养之效,我还没有尝试过,如今内脏处于疗伤后的恢复期,倒可以试试吸收极品灵石,看有没有效果。” Lu Kun in that tenth step turtle monster hand, has obtained together top grade spirit stone, although sees inside has existence of essence qi of heaven and earth, but has not made anything to attempt, now obtains two, can definitely experiment. 陆坤在那头十级龟妖手中,就获得过一块极品灵石,虽然看出里面有天地元气的存在,但没有做什么尝试,如今又获得了两块,完全可以试验一番。 First rushed to Central Nether Mountain to say again.” “先赶到中冥山再说。” Lu Kun receives the thought that flies, while examines other jade slip. 陆坤收起念头,一边飞行,一边查看其它的玉简 ...... …… Central Nether Mountain neighbor Origin Returning River, is a be continuous several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) low hill, no greens, everywhere are the gray-black soil sand and crushed stone, highest hill less than 50 zhang (3.33 m). 中冥山比邻归元江,是一片绵延数万里的低矮山丘,没有一片绿色,到处都是灰黑色的泥土砂石,最高的山丘不足五十丈。 In these several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) upper air, has many tiny spatial rift, once for a while blows gray-black yin cold winds, inside spatial strength are extremely few, contains massive yin cold strength, is circling sky over Central Nether Mountain, making here be in the gloomy tone year to year. 这数万里的高空中,有着不少细小的空间裂缝,时不时刮出灰黑色阴寒之风,里面空间之力极少,蕴含着大量阴寒之力,在中冥山上空盘旋着,使得这里常年处在灰暗的色调中。 Over time, these yin cold winds will gradually gather, to the certain extent, then drops the rain of chill/yin cold richly, supplements yin cold strength to this stretch of the world. 随着时间的流逝,这些阴寒之风会逐渐汇聚,浓郁到一定程度,便落下阴寒之雨,给这片天地补充阴寒之力 Central Nether Mountain is quite tranquil close to the Origin Returning River position, except for river Tao's spray sound, only then shouting of some death lifeform, appearing the gloom are dense. 中冥山靠近归元江的位置颇为宁静,除了江涛的浪花声,只有一些死亡生物的嘶吼,显得阴气森森。 On this day, near Origin Returning River, ran out of a pale silver form suddenly, has the unequalled speed, charged into the Central Nether Mountain deep place. 这一日,在归元江边,忽然冲出了一个淡银色的身影,带着无与伦比的速度,冲向了中冥山深处。 In this form covered entirely the shatter silver scale, revealed the zombie green wool, on its behind pair of flesh wings, is blood and flesh is fuzzier, although it is seriously injured, but also has the consciousness flight probably. 这个身影上布满了破碎的银色鳞片,露出了僵尸绿毛,其背后一对肉翅上,更是血肉模糊,它虽然身受重伤,但好像还有意识飞行。 In outside the body covers a pale silver ray, the place visited, yin cold strength is stirred gray whirlpools by an invisible strength, many death lifeform were startled by this giant sound. 其体外笼罩着一层淡银色的光芒,所过之处,阴寒之力都被一股无形的力量搅成一道道灰色旋涡,不少死亡生物被这个巨大的动静惊到。 After they feel in the familiar Silver-Winged Yaksha aura, revealed the color of fear, the individual cultivation base profound lifeform, detected several points of unusual place. 当它们感受到里面熟悉的银翅夜叉气息后,都露出了畏惧之色,只有个别修为高深的生物,察觉了几分不寻常的地方。 As it flies rapidly, severely wounded Silver-Winged Yaksha fell on the yin cold qi richest core region, as if could not receive the strength, planted in the gray ground. 随着其急速飞行,重伤的银翅夜叉落在了阴寒之气最为浓郁的核心区域,仿佛收不住力道,一头栽在了灰色地面上。 Passed the moment merely, along with ice-cold aura, is slender, by the silver scale is wrapping zombie, appears side Silver-Winged Yaksha. 仅仅过了片刻,伴随着一股冰冷的气息,一头体型纤细,被银色鳞片包裹着的僵尸,出现在银翅夜叉身边。 This zombie build is slightly smaller than Silver-Winged Yaksha, the back does not have flesh wings, but is growing a row of sharp spur, these spurs become the ice crystal color, above is sending out the astonishing cold air. 这头僵尸的体型比银翅夜叉略小一点,后背没有肉翅,而是长着一排尖锐的骨刺,这些骨刺成冰晶色,上面散发着惊人的寒气。 The cold ice mist flows out from the spur, fills the air on his silver scale, as if tied an ice crystal, this zombie is one of the Central Nether Mountain Corpse King, Ice Bones Yaksha. 寒冰雾气从骨刺中流出,弥漫在其银色鳞片上,仿佛结了一层冰晶,这头僵尸就是中冥山尸王之一,冰骨夜叉 Almost at the same time, in nearby ground gushes out together the dark yellow ray, drills huge zombie, the fiendish features, the body is hanging scales that is covered with the rusty stain, the body is lending the aura is very vigorous, is another Corpse King, Wu Earth Yaksha. 几乎在同时,旁边的地面上涌出一道暗黄色光芒,钻出一个体型庞大的僵尸,青面獠牙,身上挂着一层长满锈斑的鳞甲,身上散发着的气息无比浑厚,乃是另一头尸王,戊土夜叉 How Silver Wings receives the so heavy wound, even divine soul fell into the deep sleep......” Wu Earth Yaksha to see the Silver-Winged Yaksha body, in the thick crazy sound filled astonishedly. 银翅怎么受到如此重的伤,连神魂都陷入了沉睡……”戊土夜叉见到银翅夜叉的身躯,粗狂的声音中充满了惊异。 Nearby Ice Bones Yaksha stretched out the silver claw, according to the back of Silver-Winged Yaksha, together the clear female voice from covering entirely the mouth of fang spreads: Silver Wings within the body is digesting great cultivator Primordial Infant, if not this energy nourishes, perhaps his fleshly body has collapsed.” 旁边冰骨夜叉伸出了银色手爪,按在银翅夜叉的后背,一道清脆的女声从布满獠牙的口中传出:“银翅体内在消化着一个大修士元婴,如果不是这股能量滋养,他的肉身恐怕早就崩溃了。” Afterward her vision, looked to its wrist/skill place, there is hanging the two storage bracelet, has not waited for her to make anything, dark yellow spirit light flashed through together, the bracelet fluttered. 随后她的目光,看向了其手腕处,那里挂着两个储物手镯,还没等她做什么,一道暗黄色的灵光闪过,手镯飘了出去。 Ice Bones Yaksha vision one cold: Wu Earth, your anything meaning!” 冰骨夜叉目光一寒:“戊土,你什么意思!” Wu Earth Yaksha takes the bracelet, said indifferently: What to be anxious, among our Corpse King never competes mutually, this king first looked that suddenly isn't good?” 戊土夜叉拿着手镯,无所谓道:“急什么,我们尸王之间从不相互争夺,本王先看一下不行吗?” During the speeches, his divine consciousness searched into, later the scale on face twitched, threw directly. 说话间,他的神识就探入了其中,随后脸上的鳞片抽搐了下,直接抛了出去。 Some Ice Bones Yaksha also spunks, after detectable bracelet, in the eye flashes through the color of shock. 冰骨夜叉还有些怒意,可探查了手镯后,眼中闪过震惊之色。 Green Yang Daoist, Grand Profound Sect Third Elder! Primordial Infant of Silver Wings within the body, is not Green Yang Daoist.” 青阳道人,太玄宗三长老银翅体内的元婴,不会就是青阳道人吧。” The Wu Earth Yaksha tone sinks saying: Grand Profound Sect has Soul Transformation Stage cultivator now, is no comparison between them, we first convene several Great Corpse King , helping Silver Wings therapy, when he wakes up, then ascertaining long and short of the story.” 戊土夜叉语气一沉道:“太玄宗如今有了化神期修士,不可同日而语,我们先召集几大尸王,助银翅疗伤,等他醒来,再问清楚来龙去脉。” Good.” “好。” Then Wu Earth Yaksha Silver-Winged Yaksha anti- on the shoulder, these two Corpse King changes to two spirit light, flies to the Central Nether Mountain deep place...... 接着戊土夜叉银翅夜叉抗在肩膀上,这两头尸王化作两道灵光,向中冥山深处飞去……
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