BEC :: Volume #29

#15: Coastal exorcisms

Your several young brats, hurry to practice boxing.” side Dalong exclaimed to that group of mother's married sister's children. “你们几个小兔崽子,赶紧去练拳。”方大龙对那群姨娘身边的孩童们吼道。 Yes, father.” Immediately six children link should say loudly, could not bear see family's eldest brother curiously, the eldest brother heard, but royal government high official, was the exorcist. But father's prestige is too big, these six children ran to practice boxing as always. “是,爹。”立即有六个孩童连高声应道,还是忍不住好奇看了看家族的长兄,长兄听说可是朝廷大官,还是驱魔人。可老爹的威信太大,这六个孩童都一如往常跑去练拳了。 Qi Er, I lead you to go to your room.” side Dalong is face/color said to the eldest son. “岐儿,我带你去你的房间。”方大龙对长子却是和颜说道。 Meng Chuan understands side Dalong the increasing the family fortunes history actually. 孟川倒是了解方大龙的发家史。 side Dalong can crawl from the ordinary country folk, depended can hit. This world also has the Fist Arts, there is so-called Fist Arts big grandmaster...... to be possible Fist Arts big grandmaster, on thousand jin (0.5 kg) strength, depends the Fist Arts to be able exquisitely by an enemy hundred. As the firearm emerges, the Fist Arts position declines. After all more than ten flintlocks open fire together, Fist Arts big grandmaster also escapes distressedly, after all they are also the flesh and blood, ran slightly must slowly many several holes. 方大龙能从普通乡下人爬起来,靠的就是能打。这个世界也是有拳法的,也有所谓的拳法大宗师……可拳法大宗师,也就千斤之力,仗着拳法精妙能以一敌百罢了。随着火器兴起,拳法地位越加没落。毕竟十几杆火枪一同开枪,拳法大宗师也得狼狈而逃,毕竟他们也是血肉之躯,稍稍跑慢了身上就得多几个孔。 This courtyard is your.” side Dalong brings Meng Chuan to arrive at a yard, „the arrangement of room is like the native place.” “这个院子是你的。”方大龙带孟川来到一小院,“屋子的布置和老家一样。” Was saying pushes the door to enter. 说着推门而入。 Meng Chuan saw, the room cleans frequently, is very clean, places also and in the memory almost. Also is putting a picture, that is a couple is holding children's picture. 孟川一眼看出,屋子经常打扫,很干净,摆放也和记忆中差不多。还放着一张相片,那是一对夫妇抱着儿女的照片。 Couple, the man is side Dalong of one's youth, the woman is actually a gentle woman. 夫妇,男人是年轻时的方大龙,女人却是一位温柔的妇人。 Your thing, moved together from the native place, has not lost.” side Dalong is saying, walked to clean the picture gently, when he was young, the photography was very luxurious, he led the wife and children to go to the city to photograph initially as before jubilantly. “你的东西,都从老家一同搬过来了,一件没丢。”方大龙说着,走过去轻轻擦拭了照片,在他年轻时,照相是很奢侈的,他当初依旧带着妻子儿女兴高采烈去城里照了相。 At age 16, he just big dragon got married, wife 17, big one year old. 16岁那年,他方大龙就成亲了,妻子十七,大一岁。 He starts from scratch, created a big family property in that chaotic way of the world actually, had the contact with the rebel army influence, related excellently with the local royal government officials, periphery overawed hundred li (0.5 km), once had the local official to him start, later that official was assassinated by the rebel army. 他白手起家,在那混乱世道硬是创出了一番大家业,和叛军势力有交往,和当地朝廷官员也关系极好,威震周围百里,曾有当地官员要对他下手,之后那官员就被叛军刺杀了。 Local one group of ominous people believe him, follows him, even he also led many fellow villagers to arrive coastal. ” I most regretted that is agreed that you go to Capital City, exorcisms institute. ” side Dalong puts down the picture, sits says with a sigh on the bed, at this moment this old father is old. 当地一群凶人都信服他,追随他,甚至他也带了不少同乡来到滨海。”我最后悔的,就是同意你去京城,去驱魔院。”方大龙放下相片,坐在床上叹息道,这一刻这个老父亲苍老不少。 Was I wanted to work as the exorcist initially, did not blame you.” Meng Chuan said. “是我当初想要当驱魔人,不怪你。”孟川说道。 When young side Qi, had heard the scene that the exorcist exorcisms, is then hopeful. 年少时的方岐,听说过驱魔人驱魔的场景,便心生向往。 I did not agree how your young animal did go to result in Capital City?” side Dalong shot a look at son one eyes, said with a sigh, I the ambition was too big initially, is thinking firearm thing was too fierce, our Fang handed down from generation to generation by the Fist Arts insufficiently credibly, must study a fiercer craftsmanship. Therefore I make you go to Capital City to exorcism the institute...... in this tumultuous times, is gold and silver grain is useless, only then, can base by the fierce skill. The method of exorcist, no matter who the family/home must be in awe.” “我不同意,你一个小崽子怎么去得了京城?”方大龙瞥了儿子一眼,叹息道,“还是我当初野心太大,想着火器这玩意太厉害,我们方家靠拳法传家不够靠谱,得学更厉害的手艺。所以我才让你去京城驱魔院……在这乱世,就是金银粮食都没用,只有靠人,靠厉害的本事才能立足。驱魔人的手段,不管谁家都得敬畏三分。” Meng Chuan can see, side Dalong indeed is the fierce and ambitious character. 孟川看得出,方大龙的确是枭雄人物。 In the hometown, leading one group of ominous people to overawe hundred li (0.5 km). Arrives at now the liveliest Binhai, can buy the so big house, protects the institute then to have more than ten, obviously as before quite position. 在家乡,带领一群凶人威震百里。来到如今最繁华的滨海城,能买下如此大宅子,护院便有十几位,可见依旧颇为地位。 My shame to your mother, I had pledged before your mother grave, certainly takes care of your brother and sister, I went back on word.” side Dalong the voice is somewhat weak. “我愧对你娘,我在你娘坟前发过誓,一定照顾好你们兄妹俩,我食言了。”方大龙声音有些无力。 He is still maneating in the outside world, but 40 years old, he has been able to feel eventually before the body is inferior greatly . 在外界他依旧凶悍,可终究过四十岁了,他能感觉到身体大不如以前。 You come back well.” side Dalong the looks at son, comes back to look for several women, has several babies, lives well.” “不过你回来就好。”方大龙看着儿子,“回来就找几房女人,生几个娃娃,好好过日子。” little sister?” Meng Chuan actually shifts the topic. “小妹呢?”孟川却转移话题。 Your younger sister she in the outfield, is extremely favoring her, could not control more and more.” side Dalong shakes the head saying that although married some secondary wives afterward, there are other children, but also only Qi, the side attractive this pair of brother and sister he most love in the right way, most cannot provide lodging. “你妹妹她又在外野着呢,太过宠她,越来越管不了了。”方大龙摇头道,虽然后来娶了些姨太太,也有了其他孩子,但也只有方岐、方倩这一对兄妹他最为宠爱,也最是管不住。 Meng Chuan nods. 孟川点头。 In the memory, younger sister side Qian, is side Qi with the father's blood younger sister with mother. 在记忆中,妹妹方倩,是方岐同父同母的亲妹妹。 Inherited this fleshly body, then owed side Qi karma, the person who Meng Chuan opposite party Qi most cared about naturally also attached great importance to very much. 继承了这一肉身,便是欠了方岐因果,孟川对方岐最关心的人自然也很重视。 ...... …… Merely after half double-hour, younger sister side Qian then hurried back. 仅仅半个时辰后,妹妹方倩便赶回来了。 Elder Brother, Elder Brother.” side Qian of wave curly hair is dashing, went into the Meng Chuan yard along the corridor. “哥,哥。”波浪卷发的方倩飞奔着,沿着走廊跑到了孟川的小院。 Meng Chuan hears the sound, walked from the room, then sees a dynamic young beautiful appearance female, the younger sister side attractive appearance has in the picture mother's several points of appearance, but is younger, the look is very bright. After all practices boxing to grow up since childhood, the vigor is very full. 孟川听到声音,从屋内走了出来,一眼便看到一名活力四射的年轻美貌女子,妹妹方倩容貌有照片上母亲的几分模样,但更为年轻,眼神都很亮。毕竟是从小练拳长大,精气神很足。 side Qian looks at present cotton garment youth, the sleeve is also empty, obviously broke the arm, the aura was reserved, completely like 20 years old over, was less like 40-50 years old of older generation who has experienced the wind and frost. 方倩也看着眼前的布衣青年,袖子空荡荡,显然断臂了,气息内敛沉稳,完全不像二十岁出头,更像是40-50岁经历过风霜的老一辈。 Side attractive Elder Brother looks at the appearance, the Elder Brother leaves home is a youngster, can definitely see the initial appearance, was only maturer. 方倩看着哥哥模样,哥哥离家已是少年,完全能看出当初的模样,只是更成熟了。 This makings...... 只是这气质…… side Qian knows, breaks the attack of arm to Elder Brother is very certainly big. 方倩知道,断臂对哥哥的打击一定很大。 Elder Brother.” side Qianpao goes, closely hugged the elder brother, the tears soaked the Meng Chuan clothes. “哥。”方倩跑去,紧紧拥抱住兄长,泪水都浸湿了孟川的衣裳。 ****** ****** third sister, this eldest son comes back now, won't the master make the eldest son hold?” 三姐,如今这位大少爷回来了,老爷不会让大少爷掌家吧?” Master may favor to the brother and sister to that.” “老爷对那对兄妹可宠的很。” Five women gather together, eats the dessert to discuss. 五个妇人聚在一起,吃着点心讨论着。 Relax, if side Qi this eldest son is not the disability, there are to exorcism the skill, can hold most likely. But he is a disability, our Fang is also the rich people, making disabled palm the joke of Binhai. After I hear the disability, exorcismed the skill to abandon, was not good with the firearm, now this way of the world, simply does not have qualifications palm.” Three mother's married sisters from channel. “放心,如果方岐这位大少爷不是残疾,又有驱魔本事,十有八九是会掌家。但他是个残疾,我们方家也是大户人家,让残疾掌家会成为滨海城的笑话。我听说残疾之后,驱魔本事都废了,用火器都不行,如今这世道,根本没资格掌家。”三姨娘自信道。 Now three mother's married sisters in the Fang backyard, are the position are faintly highest, after all she is one of the dozens ominous people following the master, spear arts is also accurate very much , many human lives, after marrying the master, other mother's married sisters naturally dread her head, her experience also wants broadly many. 如今三姨娘在方家后院中,隐隐是地位最高的,毕竟她本是跟随老爷的数十位凶人之一,一手枪法也是精准的很,手下也有不少人命,嫁给老爷后,其他姨娘自然畏惧她一头,她的见识也要广不少。 Her speculation is very reasonable, is only side Qi of ordinary exorcist, several companions can cope with a crafty demon with joint forces. After breaking the arm , the strength feared that is only left over 10%...... to go to the qualifications of crafty demon with the companion not to have continually jointly. Exorcismed the skill to say abandoned, differed not far. 她的推测很有道理,原本只是普通驱魔人的方岐,数名同伴合力才能对付一头诡魔。断臂后实力怕是只剩下10%……连和同伴联手去对诡魔的资格都没有。驱魔本事说废了,也相差不远。 Meng Chuan arrives, the nature was different. 只是孟川降临,自然不同了。 ...... …… Those who let this group of mother's married sisters feel relieved, after this eldest sonside Qicomes back, does not mix in the family/home anything. The master gave him silver, the eldest sons rejected, instead put out one precious pearl in arranged mansion the person to buy conveniently exorcisms the material, this let side Dalong the serious several points, oneself this eldest son looked like these years is not white mixed, these mother's married sisters looked dumbfoundedly, most of them were shortsighted, for wealth to survive married the master. 让这群姨娘们放心的是,这位大少爷’方岐’回来后,根本不掺和家里任何事。老爷给他银子,大少爷都拒绝了,反而随手拿出一颗‘宝珠’安排府里人去买下驱魔材料,这让方大龙郑重几分,自己这长子看来这些年也不是白混的啊,那些姨娘们则是看得目瞪口呆,她们大多目光短浅,为了钱财为了生存才嫁给老爷的。 That fist big precious pearl, the value must have 10,000 tael! This eldest son stayed so many years in Capital City, very fat, immediately changed on some young mother's married sister attitudes, flattered several points. 那拳头大的宝珠,价值得有万两吧!这位大少爷在京城待了那么多年,也很‘肥’啊,当即就有些年轻姨娘态度变了,讨好了几分。 Meng Chuan naturally cannot have a liking for the accumulation of Fang, by his skill, when the imperial palace chaos, by illusory arts, pick conveniently, made a fraudulent switch some treasures of royalty, picks ‚the treasure of’ partly wrapping, surpassed Fang wealth hundred times, could be called the entire Binhai peak multimillionaire absolutely. 孟川自然看不上方家的积累,以他的本事,在皇宫大乱的时候,凭借幻术,顺手捡一捡,掉包了皇族的一些奇珍,捡了半包裹的‘宝贝’,就超方家财富百倍了,绝对称得上整个滨海城顶尖巨富。 Does not have the means that Meng Chuan to refine the Buddhist musical instrument, is the precious material, is high-cost. Even not necessarily can buy. In the value 10,000 tael precious pearl that he puts out publicly...... are he wraps the treasure merely almost cheapest. 没办法,孟川要炼法器,越是珍贵材料,越是价格高昂。甚至不一定买得到。他公开拿出的价值万两的宝珠……仅仅是他包裹内宝物几乎最便宜的了。 Now, law of cultivation, Five Elements to the boundary of head, the law of formation refiner must study diligently.” Meng Chuan sits cross-legged to sit in the room, the expression is calm. “如今,雷法、五行之法都修炼到天师之境,阵法炼器之法还需钻研。”孟川在屋内盘膝坐着,表情平静。 Divides many fight secret art and escaping method. 雷法,分诸多战斗秘法、遁法。 The method of Five Elements, divides many secret art as well as Five Elements escaping law. 五行之法,也分诸多秘法以及五行遁法。 Cannot be victorious, can escape! After all oneself present was the body of mortal, the failure lost the life, then on the transcending tribulation failure. 打不过,得能逃!毕竟自己如今是凡俗之身,失败丢了性命,那就渡劫失败了。 Therefore Meng Chuan attaches great importance to escaping law very much, quickest thunder Dun, as well as can deal with all sorts of dangerous environments Five Elements to escape law he to study, when exorcisms the institute, his achieves the head boundary! The Five Elements method relatively is much more complex, obtains imperial palace three to exorcism the valuable book, returning to Binhai cultivation a half year just now completely to achieve the head boundary. 所以孟川很重视遁法,最快的雷遁,以及能应付种种险恶环境的五行遁法他都学了,在驱魔院的时候,他雷法就达到天师境!五行法相对复杂得多,得到皇宫三本驱魔宝册,回到滨海城修炼半年方才尽皆达到天师境。 „The my cultivation first step, the law, refiner and formation exorcisming, achieves head realm. Now first step also misses much.” Meng Chuan is thinking. “我修行的第一步,是将驱魔之法、炼器、阵法,都达到天师境界。如今第一步都还差不少。”孟川想着。 Must become this world strongest, according to him plans, first following the system of this world, cultivation to the strongest situation, including refiner and formation. 要成为这个世界的最强,按照他计划,先循着这世界的体系,修炼到最强地步,包括炼器、阵法 After having the enough rich experience, the second step, founds, tries to create a stronger method. 有足够丰富经验后,第二步,进行开创,试着创出更强手段。 The third step, the refinement is most suitable own Buddhist musical instrument law. 第三步,炼制最适合自己的‘法器’‘法阵’。 The people are the person , because excels with the tool! This world's original Buddhist musical instrument and formation, the time are too first long, damages. Meng Chuan that secondly preserves cannot have a liking, after all these refiners exorcism master realm is also limited, oneself refine the strongest Buddhist musical instrument, strongest formation, coordinating oneself many to exorcism secret art, is likely to achieve the unprecedented boundary. 人之所以是人,就是因为擅长用工具!这个世界原有的法器、阵法,一来时间太久,很多都损坏。二来保存的孟川也看不上,毕竟那些炼器驱魔师境界也有限,自己去炼制出最强的法器、最强的阵法,配合自身诸多驱魔秘法,才有望达到前所未有之境。 Even such, can kill the source demon?” Meng Chuan does not know. “即便那样,能杀源魔吗?”孟川不知道。 Because the source demon has never died. 因为源魔从未死过。 Looks for several demons to practice acquiring a skill.” Meng Chuan each cultivation becomes, will look for the demon to experiment conveniently, turns the hand to take out a Buddhist musical instrument compass: Demon air/Qi seeks out the traces.” “找几头魔练练手。”孟川修炼有所成,都会顺手找魔试验一番,翻手取出一法器罗盘:“魔气寻踪。” This compass, is a Buddhist musical instrument, controls it to induce the demon air/Qi within 30 li (0.5 km) range. ” Un? ” Black light that on the looks at compass shines, Meng Chuan is surprised, strong is so demon air/Qi, the big demon? Does Binhai present the big demon?” 这罗盘,乃是法器,控制它能感应三十里范围内的魔气。”嗯?”看着罗盘上亮起的黑光,孟川惊讶,“如此强魔气,是大魔?滨海城出现大魔?” I arrive at this side world, has not bumped into the oversized demon.” Meng Chuan heart movement. “我降临这方世界,还没碰到过大魔呢。”孟川心动了。 The long years, the source demon nine heads, were actually only prohibited. Once broken prohibits a head, is the terrible disasters. 漫长岁月,源魔仅有九头,却都被封禁。一旦破封禁出来一头,都是滔天大祸。 Although the big demon is more, but as before rare incomparable, perhaps now among this time world has dozens heads, but disperses in the world...... Meng Chuan wants to bump into a head, only if deliberately looks, otherwise is very difficult. 大魔虽然要多些,可依旧罕见无比,或许如今这时代天下间有数十头,但分散在天下……孟川想要碰到一头,除非刻意去找,否则还挺难的。 In Binhai, bumps into a big demon? 待在滨海城,碰到一头大魔? In this at night, Meng Chuan left Fang Residence quietly, grasps the compass following being bewitched air/Qi, traces. 在这夜晚,孟川悄然离开了方府,手持罗盘循着魔气,一路追踪。 Walked enough more than ten li (0.5 km), arrives at a lively section, Meng Chuan looks up, before an extravagant mansion, has lots of army guards, the honored guests take the automobile to arrive, this automobile is the new things that and firearm rises almost presents simultaneously, an automobile needs over a thousand two silver, in Binhai is the symbol of position. 走了足足十余里地,来到一处繁华地段,孟川抬头看去,一座豪奢府邸前有大量军队护卫,更有一位位贵客乘坐汽车到来,这‘汽车’是和火器崛起几乎同时出现的新鲜事物,一辆汽车需上千两银子,在滨海城是身份地位的象征。 President ten thousand, please.” “万会长,请。” Horse Gang Master, the general has not invited you, you cannot go.” “马帮主,大帅没有请你,你不能进去。” Mr. witch, please.” “巫先生,请。” Young Master willow, please.” “柳少爷,请。” Binhai honored and popular characters enter the mansion one after another. 滨海城一位位有头有脸人物接连进入府邸。 Mother hopes, our blood axe list good and evil over a hundred people, my solemn Gang Master does not make me enter unexpectedly, very looked down upon the person.” Puts on the dignified man is quite not unwilling, mansion that the looks at brilliantly illuminated many honored person goes, that is Dashuaifu, now entire Binhai hottest character. “娘希匹,我们血斧榜好歹也有上百号人,我堂堂帮主竟然不让我进,忒看不起人了。”一位穿着体面的汉子颇为不甘心,看着灯火辉煌众多贵人进去的府邸,那可是大帅府,如今整个滨海城最炙手可热的人物。 Meng Chuan outside mansion distant looks at these. 孟川在府邸外遥遥看着这些。 Un?” Meng Chuan saw. “嗯?”孟川看到了。 The consecutively three automobiles arrive, in three automobiles comes out six people to move toward the mansion, in six people on the right way big dragon. 连续三辆汽车抵达,三辆汽车内出来六人走向府邸,六人中就有方大龙。 Father he also?” Meng Chuan looking pensive, side Dalong led the fellow villager to come to Binhai initially, joined the faction of good friend gold and silver help/gang, gold and silver help/gang is one of the Binhai three big factions, side Dalong is ranked fifth in gold and silver help/gang. “父亲他也去了?”孟川若有所思,方大龙当初带着同乡来到滨海城,加入了好友的帮派‘金银帮’,金银帮是滨海城三大帮派之一,方大龙在金银帮排行第五。 Meng Chuan also walked. 孟川也走了过去。 His breaks the arm youth to walk, has not actually caused all parties to pay attention slightly, as if instinct neglected him. 他这断臂青年走过去,却丝毫没引起各方注意,似乎本能的就忽略了他。 Please.” Receiving a guest before front door has not intercepted, instead puts Meng Chuan to enter in a smile. “请。”大门前的迎客也没拦截,反而笑吟吟放孟川入内。 Meng Chuan entered in the mansion, passes through the front courtyard, then goes to a brilliantly illuminated hall, in the hall had sat many guests, the hall frontline has a stage, in the stage is having the singing girl to sing, one group of dancing girls who put on several pieces of sheets merely jump are aggravating the dance. This singing girl is also the Binhai famous singing girl, many guests actually few that but under the hall sits today pay attention to her. 孟川走进了府内,走过前院,便来到一座灯火辉煌的大厅,大厅内已经坐了很多宾客,大厅最前方有一高台,高台上正有歌女在唱歌,仅仅穿着几片薄布的一群舞女跳着惹火舞蹈。这歌女也是滨海城有名的歌姬,但今天大厅下坐着的众多宾客们却没几个注意她。 General occupies most Binhai, today summons the entire Binhai honored and popular characters to come this, feared that is the future is bad.” “大帅占下大半个滨海城,今日召整个滨海城有头有脸的人物来此,怕是来者不善呐。” Snort, he has not occupied Binhai thoroughly, if provokes anger entire coastal, all joint effort, he feared where comes, where must return goes.” “哼,他也未曾彻底占下滨海城,若是惹怒整个滨海,各方合力,他怕是哪来的,得逃回哪去。” All joint effort? Where is so easy.” “各方合力?哪有那么容易。” The guests are discussing quietly. 宾客们悄然议论着。 side Dalong sits in that also brow slightly wrinkle. 方大龙坐在那,也眉头微皱。 Brother several, the general comes to Binhai not to summon our gold and silver help/gang, summoned for the first time actually sees publicly, did not feel right.” Is the thin old man sound of head gloomy and cold. “老哥几个,大帅来滨海城一直没有召见我们金银帮,第一次召见却是公开见,感觉不对劲啊。”为首的瘦削老头声音阴冷。 Looks at the situation.” The side majestic man said. “看形势吧。”旁边雄壮男子说道。 Before visited, closed door not to see, strives for really in a big way.” A skin fair men's gentle voice said. “之前拜访,都闭门不见,所求甚大啊。”一位皮肤白皙男子柔声说道。 Has a look at his appetite in a big way.” side Dalong said. “看看他胃口有多大。”方大龙说道。 ...... …… Meng Chuan sits in a corner table position, shares a table also two guests, with a smile and Meng Chuan signals by nodding, is only somewhat is slightly puzzled, as if...... does not know this person. 孟川则是坐在角落桌旁的一位置上,同桌也有两名宾客,都笑着和孟川点头示意,只是略有些困惑,似乎……不认识此人。 „A warlord, in the mansion really has 16 crafty demon and a big demon.” Meng Chuan is somewhat surprised, the short distance he has so been able to induce, that big demon aura is deep, far ultra Meng Chuan. The exorcist itself/Ben is borrows world force to oppose the enemy...... cannot determine the strength from the surface. “一位军阀,府内竟然有十六头诡魔、一头大魔。”孟川有些惊讶,如此近距离他已经能感应到了,那大魔气息深沉浩瀚,远超孟川。只是驱魔人本就是借用天地之力对敌……不能从表面来判定实力。 After the moment, the dance ended. 片刻后,歌舞结束。 Finally surrounded by two vice general, puts on the military uniform stature to be straight, the look sharp middle-aged man arrived was stage center's, under the stage all guests were immediately peaceful, at present this is the present Binhai most powerful character. 终于在两名副将簇拥下,一位穿着军服身材笔挺,眼神锐利的中年男子走到了舞台中央,顿时台下所有宾客们都安静了下来,眼前这位就是如今滨海城最有权势的人物。 „, Shi commands the army to go on an expedition for more than ten years, now Yu Wangchao is overthrown greatly finally, but in the army the brothers fall on the road, goes to war, what hit is silver, Shi cannot put out the silver money of comforting and aiding a bereaved family youngest brothers, the shame to the youngest brothers who and I have the township.” The middle-aged man sighed indignantly, Shi knows Binhai is the city of hero, is outstanding person, today looks at support silver coins, Shi is naturally deeply grateful. By multimillionaire, if parsimonious, is the enemy of my Shi.” “诸位,石某率军征战十余年,如今大虞王朝终于被推翻了,但军中兄弟很多都倒在路上,打仗,打的是银子,石某连抚恤老兄弟们的银钱都拿不出啊,愧对和我出乡的老兄弟们啊。”中年男子慨叹道,“石某知晓滨海城乃是豪杰之城,诸位更是其中佼佼者,今日望诸位支持银两,石某自然感激不尽。以诸位之巨富,若是还吝啬,便是我石某之敌人。” This middle-aged man vision looked that to a fatty who sits in the front. 这位中年男子目光看向了坐在前排的一位胖子。 The fatty continually is high the sound said: General leads the army to go on an expedition, I and others naturally obtained the strength, I am willing to have 100,000 two silver.” 那胖子连高声道:“大帅带领大军征战,我等自然得出力,我愿出十万两银子。” President ten thousand, thanked.” The general smiles to nod. “万会长,谢谢了。”大帅微笑点头。 Below many guest complexions changed. 下方许多宾客都脸色变了。 President ten thousand, is not what great person upper level Binhai, he must put out 102,000. Do't that position highest influence, can put out1.002 millionis the unit? This is not the blood sucking, is to rip the thigh! 万会长,在滨海城上层算不上什么大人物,他都要拿出十万两。那地位最高的势力,不得拿出’百万两’为单位?这不是吸血,是要割掉大腿啊! Mr. Li, you?” The general vision falls on that President ten thousand old man. “李老爷,你呢?”大帅目光落在那位万会长身旁一位老者。 I, I am willing to have......” old man to clench teeth saying that I am willing to have 30.000 two! General, this is all my flowing silver.” “我,我愿出……”老者咬牙道,“我愿出三万两!大帅,这已是我所有流动银子了。” Was too parsimonious.” “太吝啬了。” The general shakes the head. 大帅摇摇头。 Bang! 砰! The old man forehead then presents a blood hole, cluck the blood braves outward, stands in the hall in which of nearby many soldier opens fire. 老者眉心便出现一血窟窿,咕咕血往外冒,正是站在厅内边上众多军人的其中一位开枪射击。 This makes in the entire hall a piece be frightened by the slightest sound. 这让整个厅内一片风声鹤唳。 I said that parsimonious is the enemy of Shi.” In the general sharp look has killing intent, enemy, naturally must kill.” “我说了,吝啬便是石某之敌人。”大帅锐利的眼神中有着杀意,“敌人,自然得杀了。” Has many silver, looks at the respective wish. Even the general is unsatisfied, may still discuss. The opportunity of why to discussing did not give, opened fire directly?” Sits has the old man complexion of sarcoma to be cloudy in a front forehead, said indifferently. “出多少银子,看各自意愿。就算大帅不满意,也可商量。何必谈的机会都不给,直接开枪呢?”坐在前排的一位眉心有着肉瘤的老者脸色阴沉,淡然说道。 So wants silver, the general to snatch the entire Binhai, did not fear that collapses loses teeth?” The young man who another leads the madame also scoffs to say with a smile. “如此要银子,大帅是要抢整个滨海城,不怕崩掉了牙?”另一位带着夫人的年轻男子也嗤笑道。 Meng Chuan knows these two actually, these two are some quite prestige exorcisming masters, coastal Earthly World has two big to exorcism sect soul bell faction as well as sea demon faction, exorcisming sect inheritance is remote, is centered on exorcisming the master and exorcist, has some spear/gun people...... also to have all sorts to use the world force method in the tumultuous times, this is the Binhai true peak influence. 孟川倒是知晓这两位,这两位都是颇有些威名的驱魔师,滨海地界有两大驱魔宗派‘魂铃派’以及‘海魔派’,驱魔宗派传承久远,以驱魔师、驱魔人为核心,在乱世也是有枪有人……还有种种施展天地之力手段,这才是滨海城真正的顶尖势力。 General looks at that two, know that these two representative back sects, smiled: Shi admires to exorcism the sect is the contribution that innumerable people make, the soul bell sends only to put out 1 million two silver with the sea demon faction, Shi was very then satisfied.” 大帅看着那两位,知道这两位代表背后的宗派,不由笑了:“石某很是敬佩驱魔宗派为无数人们做出的贡献,魂铃派和海魔派只需拿出一百万两银子,石某便很满足了。” Depending on your several tens of thousands armies?” The young man is touching the hand of madame gently, indifferent say/way. “凭你数万军队?”年轻男子轻轻抚摸着夫人的手,淡然道。 The sea demon faction, oneself have several thousand well-equipped troops, is controls a leader sea demon, fights directly, the sea demon faction does not fear that so-called 30.000 army. The inheritance remote sect, rarely goes to the internecine strife. 海魔派,自身就有数千装备精良的人马,更是驾驭一头头‘海魔’,正面斗起来,海魔派都不惧那所谓的三万大军。只是传承久远的宗派,很少去火拼。 Fights on the hall, quantity few fights, exorcism to study under not to fear! Exorcisming the master is this world can cope with existence of demon only, even the demon can cope, let alone mortal. 论厅内战斗,数量少的战斗,驱魔师从来没怕过!驱魔师是这个世界唯一能对付魔的存在,连魔都能对付,更别说凡人了。 General goes on an expedition the four directions, the person of same belief who the sea demon faction and soul bell send, when forgives the general laborious.” A grey robe old man appears from illusory, stands in the side of general. “大帅征战四方,海魔派、魂铃派的同道当体谅大帅的辛苦啊。”一位灰袍老者从虚幻中显现,站在大帅的身旁。 Wind sovereign?” “风宗主?” Wind sovereign?” “风宗主?” The young man and sarcoma old man complexion changed. 年轻男子、肉瘤老者脸色都变了。 At present the grey robe old man, is among the world the top ten big sects refine demon sect the present age sovereign, refining up demon sect lineage, is primarily controlling the demon! Refining up the demon sect historically but refined altogether three big demon, these three big demons two have also been living, although actuates...... to actuate a big demon very difficultly, then compared favorably to exorcism the strength of head. The wind sovereign then can actuate in the sect big demon, exorcisms the true great person. 眼前灰袍老者,乃是天下间排在前十的大宗派‘炼魔宗’的当代宗主,炼魔宗一脉,以控制魔为主!炼魔宗历史上可是炼化过一共三头‘大魔’,这三头大魔至今还有两头活着,虽然驱动很难……可驱动一头大魔,便是媲美驱魔天师的实力了。风宗主便是能驱动宗派内‘大魔’的,是驱魔界真正的大人物。 „The person of same belief who soul bell faction, the sea demon sends, puts out 1 million two silver respectively, I believe that they are want.” The grey robe old man said with a smile. “魂铃派,海魔派的同道,各拿出一百万两银子,我相信他们是愿意的。”灰袍老者笑道。 The young man and sarcoma old man each other look at each other. 年轻男子、肉瘤老者彼此相视一眼。 Wind sovereign opens the mouth, we are willing to give the general this face.” The young man and sarcoma old man can only endure, after all the Binhai two big sects add, refining up the demon sects to be more inferior than it, refine the demon sect sovereign to come, refine demon sect Ding also to have other to exorcism the master also to follow. “风宗主开口,我们愿给大帅这面子。”年轻男子、肉瘤老者只能忍了,毕竟滨海城两大宗派加起来,比之炼魔宗都要逊色些,炼魔宗宗主都现身了,炼魔宗定还有其他驱魔师也跟随。 It seems like this tumultuous times, refine the demon sect to support general stone to fight for the world.” In the hall all parties also understood this. “看来这乱世,炼魔宗支持石大帅争天下啊。”厅内各方也明白了这点。 Now the world warlord rises together simultaneously, the strength of general stone is not conspicuous, cannot calculate first-class, but behind the first-class warlord also has exorcisms the influence support powerful. 如今天下军阀并起,石大帅的实力不算显眼,都算不到第一流,可第一流军阀背后同样有强大驱魔势力支持。 General stone, can make to refine the demon sect support, all idea also has the change. 石大帅,能令炼魔宗支持,各方想法也有变化。 My Li family is willing to support the general 202,000.” “我李家愿支持大帅二十万两。” My Fu Jia is willing to have 202,000.” “我傅家愿出二十万两。” All parties are comparing first President ten thousand, according to own strength clenches teeth to bid. 各方都比照着第一个的万会长,根据自身实力咬牙出价。 The army of general is not merely fearful, but if adds on among the world peak to exorcism big influence to refine demon sect, somewhat was fearful. 仅仅大帅的军队并不可怕,但若是加上天下间顶尖驱魔大势力‘炼魔宗’,就有些可怕了。 My gold and silver help/gang is willing to have 1.002 million.” Money helps Gang Master also open the mouth to say. “我金银帮愿出一百万两。”金银帮帮主也开口道。 Money help/gang, is one of the Binhai three big factions, is famous at gold and silver, 1.002 million, were too few.” General stone smiles saying that Shi felt, 5.002 million comparisons conform to the position that your gold and silver helps.” “金银帮,可是滨海城三大帮派之一,又是以金银多出名,一百万两,太少了吧。”石大帅微笑道,“石某觉得,五百万两比较符合你们金银帮的地位。” Money helps several high-level complexion big changes. 金银帮几位高层脸色大变。 Money helps the potential be indeed big, but so many gang members, consume every day is also very astonishing. Faction surface looks at is attractive, but the actual background is less than some big companies. Puts out 1.002 million, is drains the faction flowing cash, the faction following operation wants the pledge assets. As for 5.002 million? Does not shear the thigh, but awfully. 金银帮的确势大,可那么多帮众,每天消耗也很惊人。帮派表面看着光鲜亮丽,但实际底子是不及一些大商号的。拿出一百万两,已经是抽干帮派流动现银,帮派接下来运转都要抵押资产。至于五百万两?已经不是割大腿了,而是要命了。 General stone smile looks at, the look is very cold. 石大帅微笑看着,眼神却很冷。 Exorcisms the influence and background deep respected family, he can be more lenient. 驱魔势力、背景深厚的大家族,他都能手软些。 As for so-called three big factions? The faction that one crowd of rubes gather, his has not planned to let off. 至于所谓的三大帮派?一群泥腿子聚集成的帮派,他一个都没打算放过。 Three big factions, the position is equivalent, each side puts out 5.002 million, I feel good.” General stone said. “三大帮派,地位相当,每方拿出五百万两,我觉得挺好。”石大帅道。 This “这” General!” “大帅!” Another two big faction tops were also anxious. 另外两大帮派高层也急了。 Faction gang members are seemingly many, but is unable compared with several tens of thousands armies, therefore to order, three big faction tops must come, has not thought general stone is so ruthless. 帮派帮众看似多,但远无法和数万军队相比,所以一声令下,三大帮派高层都得过来,可没想到石大帅这么狠。 Your two important goods factions are anxious, I first discussed with gold and silver help/gang, believes they were loving the military love the generation of people.” General stone looked that to high level that gold and silver helped, other two big factions high-level are pale. “你们两大帮派别急,我先和金银帮谈一谈,相信他们都是爱军爱民之辈。”石大帅看向了金银帮的高层,其他两大帮派高层脸色发白。 General, is to eat our three big factions.” Money helps the Gang Master thin old man say. “大帅,是要吃掉我们三大帮派啊。”金银帮帮主瘦削老头说道。 „Isn't dog eat dog, perfectly justified?” stone general Old Man looks at. “大鱼吃小鱼,不是天经地义吗?”石大帅看着老头。 5.002 million cannot take.” The thin old man shakes the head, the side majestic man also said: „The entire gold and silver helps give the general, collects less than 5.002 million.” “五百万两拿不出来。”瘦削老头摇头,旁边雄壮男子也道:“整个金银帮都交给大帅,也凑不足五百万两啊。” In faction cannot certainly put out, after all faction silver in your family, in your family searches, sufficiently collected.” General stone said with a smile, either you, when my enemy, I killed you, dispatched troops to your family to search. When either the friend of mine, puts out 5.002 million on own initiative.” “帮派内当然拿不出,毕竟帮派银子很多都在你们家里,你们家里搜一搜,就凑够了。”石大帅笑道,“要么你们当我的敌人,我杀了你们,派兵去你们家里搜一搜。要么当我的朋友,主动拿出五百万两。” Really killed these high levels, the faction chaos, gang members brought silver to run, he was very difficult to obtain by search so many. 真的杀了这些高层,帮派大乱,帮众带着银子跑了,他还真很难搜到那么多。 Compels these high level to collect, instead can collect. 逼这些高层自己去凑,反而能凑更多。 These rubes.” “这些泥腿子。” In the hall others indifferent looks at this, the faction and respected family and big chamber of commerce, exorcism the sect to have very big difference, the faction rise from bottom level, forms such huge in the tumultuous times. 大厅内其他人们冷眼看着这幕,帮派和大家族、大商会、驱魔宗派本就有很大区别,帮派是从底层崛起,在乱世才形成如此之庞大。 Had not seen, general stone to other influences forces, although ruthless, but to three big factions simply is awfully. 没看到,石大帅对其他势力逼迫虽狠,但对三大帮派简直是要命嘛。 Money helps want, when my enemy?” General stone the looks at gold and silver helps six high levels, immediately has the soldier to lift gun to point at them. “金银帮是要当我的敌人吗?”石大帅看着金银帮六位高层,顿时有军人举枪指着他们。 side Dalong is also at this moment aggrieved. 方大龙此刻也非常憋屈。 When the revolting military power is weak, but must become friends with the place influence, initially in the hometown was so. 叛军势弱时,还要和地方势力结交,当初在家乡就是如此。 But after the royal government was finished thoroughly, the rebel army was more ominous, side Dalong smelled there is something wrong sells out all paddies early, came to Binhai whole family, went to the old friend, joined gold and silver help/gang. 可朝廷彻底完蛋后,叛军就凶多了,方大龙见势不妙早早卖掉所有田地,举家来滨海城,投奔老友,加入金银帮。 Who thinks, gold and silver helps also be forced. 谁想,金银帮也被逼迫。 Tumultuous times, dog eat dog, gold and silver helps is also the small fish.” side Dalong understands this. “乱世,大鱼吃小鱼,金银帮也是小鱼啊。”方大龙明白这点。 Un?” side Dalong suddenly has a sleep/felt, turns around to look, breaks the arm youth to arrive at side him. “嗯?”方大龙忽然有所觉,转身一看,一名断臂青年走到他身边。 Qi Er?” side Dalong is startled, did the son come this? “岐儿?”方大龙吃惊,儿子怎么来这了? Although Meng Chuan exorcisms the method to be wise, but eventually is mortal, if the distance is far, a bullet shoots towards father, he also intercepts without enough time, therefore stands in the side! He...... is the army is then many in this, was hard to threaten side Dalong. 孟川虽然驱魔手段高明,但终究是凡俗,如果距离远,一颗子弹射向父亲,他也来不及拦截,所以站在身边!他在此……便是军队再多,也难以威胁到方大龙了。 You hurry.” side Dalong even/including Disheng urged, others are the spear/gun refer to gold and silver helping the high level, this has not coped with his son, the son runs, isn't the trap hopeless situation? “你赶紧走。”方大龙连低声催促,人家是枪指金银帮高层,本没有对付他儿子,儿子跑出来,不是自陷绝境吗? All right.” “没事。” Meng Chuan comforts one, raised the head looks at that general stone, opens the mouth saying that general stone, I have doubts very much, north Capital City in the north, the royal government armies mostly gathers. You must overthrow the royal government, how the army has run toward south, but also went to Binhai?” 孟川安慰一声,抬头看着那位石大帅,开口道,“石大帅,我很疑惑,京城是在北方,朝廷大军大多汇聚北方。你要推翻朝廷,怎么大军一直往南跑,还跑到了滨海城?” In hall peaceful piece, amazed this breaks the arm youth big courage, even gold and silver helps several other high levels surprisedly incomparable. 大厅内安静一片,都惊诧这位断臂青年好大胆子,连金银帮其他几位高层都惊疑无比。 Who are you?” General stone on stage indifferent say/way, in that grey robe old man wind sovereign sleeve single-handed knot seal, the double pupil is exuding purple light looks at Meng Chuan, the complexion changes. “你是谁?”台上的石大帅冷漠道,那位灰袍老者风宗主袖内单手结印,双眸泛着紫光看着孟川,不由脸色微变。
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