BASGS :: Volume #10

#945: They unexpectedly also here?

Did not draw back, extinguished you.” “再不退,灭了你们。” Ding Hao move of sword intent sends out, has not stimulated to movement thoroughly, under kept one, does not want to provoke this cruel race, but flushes away toward the front burrow entrance, must win the time to seek for Immortal Medicine Extract, so as to avoid had been seized the opportunity. 丁浩一招剑意散发,并未彻底催动,手下留了一线,不想招惹这个残暴的种族,而是朝着前方的地穴入口冲去,要争取时间寻找仙药药引,免得被人占了先机。 Damn, surrounds him, surrounds him! at all costs, cannot allow him to enter absolutely Small Immortal Gate.” “该死,围住他,围住他!不惜一切代价,绝对不能让他进入【小仙门】。” Sharkmen Race Head roars. 鲛人族首领怒吼。 Before burning a joss stick, dozens Sharkmen Race true powerhouse entered Underground, seeks for Immortal Item, cannot let this Human Race going in misdemeanor absolutely. 一炷香之前,已经有数十位鲛人族的真正强者进入地下,寻找仙器,绝对不能让这个人族进去坏事。 Sharkmen Race Expert screamed crazily that sends out nearly in the ultrasonic wave same shake strength, rushes ahead crazily from four sides, mixes the sea water, has tied down Ding Hao. 鲛人族高手疯狂地尖叫,发出近乎于超声波一样的震荡力量,疯狂地从四面冲杀过来,搅动海水,缠住了丁浩 Does not know the good and evil!” “不识好歹!” Ding Hao is angry. 丁浩大怒。 He and Sea Race do not have enmity without the injustice, even if sharkmen is the Seven Seas chaotic Camp evil force, he does not have at first on below Killer, does not want to become enemies with this clan, but does not fear others to look for a job, if were pestered by these things, has possibly harmed the important matter, lost Immortal Medicine Extract, mother's injury was unable to recover. 他与海族无冤无仇,即便鲛人七海混乱阵营的恶势力,他也没有一开始就下杀手,不想与这一族结仇,但也不惧怕别人找事,要是被这些东西纠缠下去,很可能误了大事,失去了仙药药引,母亲的伤势就无法复原。 Read and this, Ding Hao started, no longer was forgiving. 一念及此,丁浩下手,也不再留情。 Beginning of Spring sword intent suddenly full power eruption. 立春剑意骤然全力爆发。 xiū xiū xiū! 咻咻咻咻! East Wind and hibernation of insects insect with Ice Block and other illusions, changed to resplendent sword intent in this flash, strangles to death the four directions, sword light howls, just likes Heavenly Silk is the same, several hundred Sharkmen Race Expert have not sent including the pitiful yell, was stirred the blood fog broken bone to explode. 东风、蛰虫和冰块等幻象,在这一瞬间都化作了璀璨剑意,绞杀四方,剑光呼啸,犹如天罗地一样,数百鲛人族高手连惨叫都没有发出来,就被搅成了血雾碎骨爆炸了开来。 The deep blue sea water, in a twinkling became scarlet. 原本深蓝色的海水,霎时间成为了血色 Ding Hao figure like lightning, has crushed the blockade of Sharkmen Race easily accomplished generally, dodged to submerge in the burrow entrance of distant place. 丁浩身形闪电,摧枯拉朽一般粉碎了鲛人族的封锁,一闪没入了远处的地穴入口之中。 Pursues!” “追!” Sharkmen Race Head complexion twitches fiercely. 鲛人族首领面色狰狞抽搐。 Crazy sharkmen is the same like the gadfly, pursues toward the place that Ding Hao vanishes. 疯狂的鲛人如马蜂一样,朝着丁浩消失的地方追去。 However the next flash, sword light shoots together from the small burrow, blasts out scatters in all directions, then in Sea Domain forming domain is East Wind howls, the hibernation of insects insect appears, Ice Block collision, sealed up the front thoroughly, has blocked the only way. 但是下一瞬间,一道剑光从小地穴之中射出来,炸开四散,然后海域结界之中又是东风呼啸,蛰虫浮现,冰块撞击,彻底将前方都封闭,堵住了唯一的去路。 Beginning of Spring sword intent. 立春剑意 sharkmen stopped panic-stricken. 鲛人们惊恐地停了下来。 This Human Race is too fearful, that nearly in Divine Ability of sorcery, strangles to death them sufficiently instantaneously completely, pursues is also court death. 这个人族太可怕,那近乎于妖法的神通,足以瞬间将他们全部都绞杀,追上去也是送死 ...... …… Stone Mouth City indeed was chaotic, has mixed in these many sharkmen powerhouse unexpectedly......” 石嘴城的确是乱了,竟然混入了这么多鲛人强者……” Ding Hao enters the burrow, only thought that the terrifying purple immortal energy front surface spurts, strength of the tyrannical on request, almost flying upside down that he pushes, the naked eye can only see the thing within several hundred meters. 丁浩进入地穴,只觉得恐怖紫色仙气迎面喷来,一股强横的上托之力,几乎将他推的倒飞出去,肉眼只可以看到数百米之内的东西。 This scene is a little familiar...... Right, probably was initially Inquiring Sword Sect back side of the mountain Earth Hole Abyss Purple Dragon Qi erupted the time the scene!” “这场面有点儿熟悉……对了,好像是当初问剑宗后山地穴深渊紫色龙气爆发时候的场面!” The Ding Hao revolution strength dives, immediately has realized anything. 丁浩运转力量下潜,立刻意识到了什么。 could it be that here burrow purple qi and Endless Continent Snow Province Inquiring Sword Sect back side of the mountain that does purple have the relations? 难道这里的地穴紫气无尽大陆雪州问剑宗后山那紫色也有关系? This was too astonishing. 这太惊人了。 And is certainly hiding any fearful secret. 其中一定隐藏着什么可怕的秘密。 A Ding Hao strength slight hideaway, has not urged to send to peak, seems Nine Heavens meteorite equally crazy Underground falls, eruption purple immortal energy scratched flame on his body surrounding guard gas hood. 丁浩一身力量没有丝毫的隐藏,催发到了极致,仿佛是九天陨石一样疯狂地下坠,爆发的紫色仙气在他身体周围的护身气罩上擦出了火焰 Suddenly 突然 ! 咻! An invisible dark blade edge erupts from the side suddenly, kills Ding Hao. 一记无形的暗刃从侧下方突然爆发,袭杀丁浩 Um? Has the enemy!” Ding Hao in great surprise, the figure racing, within does not allow to send in a hurry avoids this stimulation, that terrifying the strength of tearing, scratches the Ding Hao's shoulder to interlock. “嗯?有敌人!”丁浩大惊,仓促之间身形急转,间不容发地避开这次刺激,那恐怖的撕裂之力,擦着丁浩的肩膀交错而过。 fresh blood scatters. 鲜血飞迸。 Ding Hao was injured. 丁浩受伤了。 Enters here Human Race to die!” Incisive whooshes resounds, such as the indigo cyan lightning form clashes fast. “进入这里的人族都要死!”尖锐的嘶吼响起,一个如靛青色闪电般的身影快速冲来。 Is Sharkmen Race Expert. 鲛人族高手 Here really has the ambush. 这里竟然有埋伏。 Ding Hao figure shakes, the continuous transformation position, has shunted a series of strong wind and swift rain general crazy killing, between the protothoraxes and waist abdomens, has left behind scars, 丁浩身形一震,连续变换方位,躲开了一连串疾风骤雨一般的疯狂袭杀,前胸和腰腹之间,又留下了一道道伤痕, this is extremely fearful sharkmen Expert, at least is also Half-God Realm. 这是一个极为可怕的鲛人高手,至少也是半神境界。 It seems like was before enters here Sharkmen Race true powerhouse one of them, stayed here to ambush specially, kills these to rush to sharkmen Sea Domain forming domain to come here all Expert, won the time for other same race, to obtain immortal karma, Sharkmen Race indeed has used energy the plans. 看来是之前进入这里的鲛人族真正的强者其中之一,特意留在这里埋伏,袭杀那些闯过了鲛人海域结界来到这里的各方高手,为其他同族争取时间,为了得到仙缘,鲛人族的确是费劲了心机。 Here downward every time walks a step crisis on top of crisis, by the Ding Hao's strength, just entered the mouth of burrow, was injured, walks toward inside again, absolutely is a bloody battle. 这里往下每走一步都危机重重,以丁浩的实力,刚刚进入地穴之口,就受了伤,再往里面走,绝对是一场血战。 Things have gotten to this point, Ding Hao also no longer has the slight womanly compassion. 事已至此,丁浩也不再有丝毫的妇人之仁。 The intention moves, Heaven Kills Divine Sword Grasped in the hand. 心念一动,【天杀神剑】握在了手中。 This handle sharp unparalleled Divine Sword, is he seizes from the hand of Tenth God's Child, but initially as Bronze Grimace Mask person, rather exposed the own status, therefore he has refined this handle sword in the mystique again slightly, naturally also slightly changed the sword body outward appearance, seemed like completely different from before. 这柄锋利无双的神剑,乃是他从十神子的手中夺来,不过当初以青铜鬼脸面具人的身份,未免暴露自己的身份,所以他以秘法又重新稍微炼制了这柄剑,当然也只是稍微改变了剑身外观,看起来和之前完全不一样。 A sword in hand, Ding Hao imposing manner rises. 一剑在手,丁浩气势大盛 Initially facing Half-God Realm Tenth God's Child, Ding Hao can also win, today facing sharkmen of this Half-God Realm, Ding Hao will not have slight fear, Divine Sword inspires, said innumerably the sword light wind shot. 当初面对半神境十神子,丁浩亦可以战而胜之,今日面对这个半神境界的鲛人,丁浩也不会有丝毫的畏惧,神剑一振,无数道剑光飙射而出。 sharkmen Half-God sends out incisive angry whooshing, flickering of figure in purple immortal energy, draws back rapidly, just liked the ghosts and demons glitters generally, has avoided each sword light. 鲛人半神发出一声尖锐愤怒的嘶吼,身形紫色仙气之中时隐时现,急速退开,犹如鬼魅一般闪烁,避开了每一道剑光 „Doesn't he dare with my directly war?” “他不敢和我正面一战?” Ding Hao realized that anything, had realized immediately, Sharkmen Race Half-God strength, came under the influence of strength of between Heaven and Earth that suppression, saw Ding Hao swordsmanship sword intent is exquisite, does not dare the frontage resistance, but uses the extremely fast movement continuously avoidance. 丁浩察觉到了什么,立刻意识到,鲛人族半神的力量,也受到了天地之间那种压制之力的影响,见到了丁浩剑法剑意精妙犀利,不敢正面对抗,只是利用极速身法不断地躲避。 This discovery, lets in the Ding Hao heart relaxed. 这个发现,让丁浩心中大定 It seems like even if God Realm powerhouse, must receive that between Heaven and Earth the influence of strength of fearful suppression, regarding Ding Hao, this absolutely is a good news. 看来即便是神境强者,也要受那天地之间的可怕压制之力的影响,对于丁浩来说,这绝对是一个好消息。 xiū xiū xiū! 咻咻咻 cyan dark edges shoot from purple qi. 一道道青色暗刃从紫气之中射出来。 Ding Hao stagnates in same place, the wrist|skill shakes, before the body, splits open the resplendent sword flowers, crushes all dark edges, hand method like passing clouds and flowing water, natural. 丁浩凝滞在原地,手腕一抖,身前绽开一朵朵璀璨的剑花,将所有的暗刃都击碎,手法如行云流水,潇洒至极。 Cannot tie down by him loses the time, fights a battle to force a quick decision!” “不能被他缠住耽误时间,速战速决!” The Ding Hao thought has transferred, Heaven Kills Divine Sword When chest one horizontal. 丁浩念头转过,【天杀神剑】当胸一横。 The next flash, misty sword intent fills the air immediately, the surrounding area in the space within hundred meters, got down the crash-bang rain water suddenly, one type initially strength of Spring Chill intent and vitality, excitedly eruption. 下一瞬间,蒙蒙剑意立刻弥漫出去,方圆百米之内的空间里,突然下起了哗啦啦的雨水,一种初春寒意和生机之力,勃然爆发。 Rain water sword intent. 【雨水】剑意 27 energy sword method sword intent, Ding Hao has initially become aware two moves, by this move Rain water sword intent most suits copes with opponent that this hiding hidden place sneak attack shivers. 27节气剑剑意,丁浩初悟了两招,以这一招【雨水】剑意最为适合对付这种藏身暗处偷袭颤抖的对手 The misty rain water place visited, cannot escape the Ding Hao's sensation. 蒙蒙雨水所过之处,都逃不过丁浩的感知。 Quick 很快 Caught you!” “捕捉到你了!” When fine drizzle rain water falls, immediately induces to the Sharkmen Race Half-God powerhouse position, Ding Hao stimulates to movement without hesitation immediately Rain water sword intent erupts, the fearful strength blooms, in a twinkling the entire sky rain water changed to resplendent sword glow completely, from collects in all directions, covers in which Sharkmen Race Half-God powerhouse, Luo strangles to death generally. 当蒙蒙细雨雨水落下,立刻就感应到鲛人族半神强者的位置,丁浩毫不犹豫地立刻催动【雨水】剑意爆发,可怕的力量绽放,霎时间漫天雨水全部都化作了璀璨剑芒,从四面八方汇集,将鲛人族半神强者笼罩其中,罗一般地绞杀。 „......” “啊……” In the pitiful yell sound, breaks the arm to fly horizontally. 惨叫声之中,断臂横飞。 The indigo blue blood sputtering of big piece. 大片的靛蓝色血液溅射。 Sharkmen Race Half-God simply has not seen so exquisite sword style swordsmanship, is unable to guard, at once, was almost twisted to break to pieces the body, the strength of that fearful tearing links his bone armor with ease to cut broken, this makes him frighten is frightened out of one's wits, does not dare to have the slight entanglement again, cries out strangely, ran away rapidly, vanishes in purple immortal energy. 鲛人族半神根本没有见过如此精妙的剑式剑法,根本无从防范,一时之间,几乎被绞碎了身躯,那可怕的撕裂之力连他的骨甲都轻松斩破,这让他吓得魂飞魄散,不敢再有丝毫的纠缠,怪叫一声,急速逃走,消失在了紫色仙气之中。 Ding Hao receives the sword , to continue to dive. 丁浩收剑,继续下潜。 Regarding a moment ago Rain water The sword intent victory, he is satisfied. 对于刚才【雨水】剑意的战果,他非常满意。 A move causes heavy losses to Half-God Realm powerhouse, although the opponent strength was suppressed, but was also very astonishing. 一招重创半神境强者,虽然对手的实力被压制,但也很惊人了。 The burrow is not very deep, more than 1000 meters, quick on in the end. 地穴并不是很深,大约1000多米,很快就到底 Ding Hao guesses does not have the mistake, Underground is one just likes the labyrinth same region, tunnel extend in all directions, seemed like in the ancient times dry the river bed of Underground river, had the stream erosion the trace, a vicissitudes ancient aura came, has the stalactite that hung down, under gradually influencing of purple immortal energy, all rocks already turned into Crystal Stone, the line of sight institute, completely was piece of purple. 丁浩猜的没有错,地下是一个犹如迷宫一样的区域,一条条的甬道四通八达,看起来像是古代干涸了的地下河的河床,有流水冲刷过的痕迹,一股沧桑古老的气息迎面而来,有倒垂下来的钟乳石,不过在紫色仙气的熏染之下,所有的岩石早就变成了晶石,视线所及,全部都是一片紫色 It is not able to see clearly, where that turbulent purple immortal energy comes, everywhere is one piece purple misty. 根本无法看清楚,那汹涌的紫色仙气是从哪里来,到处都是一片紫蒙蒙。 „Should these many channels, where toward walk?” “这么多的通道,该往哪里走?” Ding Hao a little knits the brows, he is directions silly, in such environment walks, only feared that is meets lost the way to dying. 丁浩有点儿皱眉,他本身就是路痴,这样的环境里走下去,只怕是会迷路到死。 He stimulated to movement gold light bead in Sea of Consciousness, the forehead split Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, golden pupil light exploded to shoot together, has cut surrounding purple immortal energy, pierced a layer upon layer Crystal Stone cliff, toward looking around to go. 他催动了识海之中的金色光珠,眉心裂开武道天眼,一道金色眸光爆射而出,划破了周围的紫色仙气,洞穿了一层层晶石石壁,朝着四处看去。 Martial Dao Heavenly Eye initially successive Connect To Heaven Buddha Divine Tower The tower wall can see through, the vision place visited, is the cliff just likes transparently is unexpectedly same, the Ding Hao vision surmounts the hindrance, can see tunnels to eight sides, has communicated the entire underground world, simply just likes spider same close and numerous. 武道天眼当初连【通天浮屠神塔】的塔壁都可以看穿,目光所过之处,竟是石壁犹如透明一样,丁浩目光跨越阻碍,可以看到一条条隧道通往八方,沟通了整个地底世界,简直犹如蜘蛛一样密密麻麻 By is the matter must unexpectedly, can see indistinctly that in tunnel of distant place has the person's shadow. 透过竟是事必,隐约可以看到,远处的甬道中有人影。 What a pity under winding around of purple immortal energy, who cannot see clearly is. 可惜在紫色仙气的缭绕之下,并不能看清楚是什么人。 A point that but can affirm is, can come here person, is Divine Ability general powerhouse. 但可以肯定的一点是,能够到达这里的人,无一不是神通广大的强者 Father will certainly not let up such opportunity, Immortal Item or immortal medicine, regarding him important, cannot fall in the hand of God's Court absolutely, does not know that what arrangement he will have? Northern Region Profound Frost War God and Great Thunder Sound Temple Buddha Lord and Central Lands Transcending Heaven fights the Divine Rank person, believes that also here will come?” “父亲一定不会放过这样的机会,不论是仙器还是仙药,对于他来说至关重要,绝对不能落在神庭的手中,不知道他会有什么样的布置?还有北域玄霜战神大雷音寺佛主中土超天神等人,相信也会在这里现身吧?” All that Ding Hao will see, memorize silently in the heart, then walks in person's shadow most directions. 丁浩将看到的一切,都默记在心中,然后朝着人影最多的方向走去。 The Underground world like is the labyrinth all twists and turns. 地下世界像是迷宫一样弯弯折折。 Ding Hao opens once for a while Martial Dao Heavenly Eye Seeks for the route. 丁浩时不时地开启【武道天眼】来寻找路线。 Immortal Item is born, the vibration four directions, the this is unprecedented chance, only feared that these arrive at this world from Endless Continent Monster Race powerhouse, is unwilling to fall behind...... Ding Tong, if his injury is not specially heavy, will appear absolutely, cannot reach an agreement to link False God Emperor also to come here!” 仙器出世,震动四方,这是亘古未有的机缘,只怕那些从无尽大陆来到这个世界的妖族强者,也不甘落后……还有丁瞳,如果他伤势不是特别重,绝对会出现,说不好连伪神帝也会现身在这里!” Ding Hao in the heart pondered over that full speed advance, while the entire gods alert. 丁浩在心中思忖,一边全速前进,一边全神戒备。 Suddenly front has broadcast sound of fight 突然前面传来了战斗的声音 Meow~, your bastards, Great Demon King do not assume an awe-inspiring pose, when you I am the sickness cat!” The familiar sound conveys in tunnel of distant place, is Xie Yue (Evil Moon) Great Demon King, roars, the sound wave surges in labyrinth tunnel. 喵了个咪的,你们这些混蛋,大魔王不发威,你当我是病猫啊!”熟悉的声音在远处的甬道之中传来,是邪月大魔王,一阵怒吼,声波激荡在迷宫甬道之中。 How is this fat cat? 怎么是这只肥猫? Wasn't it and mix-haired old guide drinks the drinking party? 它不是和杂毛老向导去喝花酒了吗? Ding Hao one dull. 丁浩一呆。 Is a sound resounds, the drake common throat, loudly shouted: Your this fat cat, saw that anything must snatch, that is Heaven and Human Temple powerhouse, you annoyed to trouble greatly...... Explained that I did not know with this fat cat, but passed by, you butchered it to consider as finished, had nothing to do with me!” 紧接着又是一个声音响起,公鸭一般的嗓子,大呼道:“你这只肥猫,怎么看到什么都要抢啊,那可是【天人殿】的强者,你惹下大麻烦了……诸位,说明一下哈,我和这只肥猫根本不认识,只是路过,你们宰了它算了,与我无关啊!” Unexpectedly is the mix-haired old guide sound. 竟然是杂毛老向导的声音。
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