BC :: Volume #8

#729: Three requests

After the circle financing itself/Ben put out some more detailed material, the finance department no longer stopped this company to go on the market. 在圆融资本拿出了一些更加详实的资料之后,财务部就不再阻拦这家公司上市了。 Their all aptitude conformed to the lowest standard of listing, and behind also has the aristocrat to promote, after the finance department was only the meaning one next, the decision agreed that the circle financed this listing. 他们所有的资质都符合了上市的最低标准,并且后面还有贵族推动,财务部只是意思了一下之后,就决定同意圆融资本上市。 Although the circle finances this business model...... is not quite a little right, but has not so far presented any operation accident. 尽管圆融资本的经营模式有一点……不太对劲,可到目前为止并没有出现任何的经营事故。 The first batch of last batch purchase the person who the circle melted gold/metal Quan, is enjoying the continuous dividend. 无论是第一批还是最后一批购买了圆融金券的人,都在享受着源源不断的红利。 Moreover gradual unfolding of some bricks-and-motars, as well as they organized a group of customers to go to gold ore experience miner life, lets people saw in their mouth truly gold ore. 而且一些实体店的逐渐铺开,以及他们组织了一批客户去金矿体验“矿工”生活,让人们真正的见到了他们口中的“金矿”。 Each visited the gold/metal ticket holder who experienced the miner profession also to receive some souvenirs, for example they practiced nepotism the picture that in the mine tunnel the hoe is mining, for example was printed with circle financing itself/Ben various gold/metal ores of inscription. 每位去参观体验矿工生涯的金券持有者还获赠了一些纪念品,比如说他们在矿洞内举着锄头挖矿的相片,比如说印有“圆融资本”字样的各种金矿石。 In addition unfolding and business of jeweller, this company handled the last project. 加上珠宝店的铺开和营业,这家公司搞定了最后一个项目。 Lynch looked at final of report, exactly tomorrow is the day that they license officially. 林奇看了看报道的最后,恰好明天就是他们正式挂牌的日子。 He put down the newspaper, by sitting on sofa, looks at the wall to ponder something. 他放下了报纸,靠坐在沙发上,看着墙壁思考着一些事情。 Has to say Richard is one very outstanding clerk, knows Richard to start from him, understood this point profoundly. 不得不说理查德是一个非常优秀的“业务员”,从他认识理查德开始,就深刻的明白了这一点。 Richard has distantly is higher than everyone's desire, and he always does not conceal oneself desire, he worships the desire, obeys in the desire, therefore he has compared with others more fearful power supports him to go to forward unceasingly. 理查德有远远高于所有人的欲望,并且他从来都不掩饰自己的欲望,他崇拜欲望,服从于欲望,所以他才有比别人更可怕的动力支撑他去不断向前。 For money, can abandon the person in any bottom line, a pure receive desire ruler. 一个为了钱,可以抛弃任何底线的人,一个纯粹的受到欲望的支配者。 In other clerk how also in considering to maintain with the relations between customers, Richard has started to recognize these old points customers is parents, and maintains the improper relations the methods of no lower limit to maintain the relations with some females. 在别的业务员还在考虑如何维持和客户之间的关系时,理查德已经开始认那些年纪大一点的客户为父母,并和一些女性保持不正当的关系等毫无下限的方法来维持关系。 His client base loyalty is highest, because he does not have the lower limit, because he while without lower limit, can meet the needs of most customers. 他的客户群体忠诚度是最高的,因为他没有下限,因为他在没有下限的同时,也能满足大多数客户的需求。 What makes Lynch a little unable to think, he wants to promote the circle to finance unexpectedly this listing, but also success. 只是让林奇有点想不到的是,他居然想要推动圆融资本上市,还成功了。 Originally the idea of Lynch is to let him finances this game to do the urious interest here, in the financial economic market of Frat native place the right to control proportion of aristocrat is very high, in addition post-war aristocrat not expected income. 本来林奇的想法是让他在这边把高息融资这种游戏搞出来,盖弗拉本土的金融经济市场中贵族的支配权比重很高,加上战后贵族没有得到预期的收益。 Once the aristocrats discovered that can the wealth of simple relaxed harvesting lower class, they can unscrupulous takes carry back the thing that they discard from this aspect. 一旦贵族们发现可以简单轻松的收割社会底层的财富,他们就能肆无忌惮的从这方面把他们丢掉的东西拿回来。 When the time comes aristocrat the fund of on spokesman crazy absorbing society, then sudden and violent thunders. 到时候一个个贵族的代言人疯狂的吸纳社会上的资金,然后再一个个暴雷。 Nothing but discards 1-2 own trusted aides regarding aristocrats them, will not cause harm in what reputation/honorary, can so much funds, even is a little dangerous, they will still throw into. 对于贵族们而言他们无非就是丢掉1-2自己的心腹,甚至都不会造成什么名誉上的损害,就能够得到大量的资金,即便有一点危险,他们也会一头扎进去。 The person starts to do, will have second, has third. 有一个人开始那么做,就会有第二个,有第三个。 When the leadership in Frat empire, Emperor, the ministers responded the time , the economy of entire national floor has collapsed! 等盖弗拉帝国的高层,皇帝,大臣们反应过来的时候,整个国家底层的经济已经崩溃了! Large fund inflows to the hand of aristocrats , the aristocrats will only admit in the treasury to save these money, they will not spend freely in a short time. 大量的资金流入到贵族们的手里,贵族们只会把这些钱放进金库里存起来,他们不会短时间里挥霍掉。 Flowing of wealth will enter to the record low in an unprecedented move, the new round bankruptcy tide must appear, Frat's economy will be quickly frail seems like a paper, bumps rottenly! 财富的流动将会史无前例的进入到历史最低点,新一轮的倒闭潮就要出现,盖弗拉的经济很快就会脆弱得像是一层纸,一碰就烂! This is the plan of Lynch, he must intoxicate to Frat, then harvests these wealth through the international finance. 这就是林奇的计划,他要给盖弗拉下毒,然后通过国际金融来收割这些财富。 He has not really thought that Richard has the courage to promote the circle to finance unexpectedly this listing, should not be exposed to the sun the thing under sunlight to take the exposure one. 只是他真的没有想到理查德居然有勇气推动圆融资本上市,把一个本不应该被晒在阳光下的东西拿出来曝光。 This will make some people see some issues, does not favor the Lynch original idea. 这样会让一些人看出其中的一些问题,不利于林奇原本的想法。 Harvests Frat not to base on patriotically this concept, when most appropriate chooses the rightest way to gain for oneself to more wealth and prestige. 收割盖弗拉并不是完全基于“爱国”这种概念,只是在最合适的时候选择最合适的方式为自己赚到更多的财富和声望而已。 Harvests Frat to become national hero, this advantage is much higher than the income that money brings, harvests other countries not to have this performance, will be regarded as virulent jackal. 收割盖弗拉会成为“国家英雄”,这种好处远比金钱带来的收益高得多,收割其他国家就没有这种表现,甚至会被人当作是“恶毒的豺狗”。 Shot a look in a newspaper high-spirited Richard, Lynch sighing of silently, this fellow...... 瞥了一眼报纸上意气风发的理查德,林奇默默的叹了一口气,这个家伙…… Helps me book the president of Royal Bank, I want to see him as soon as possible.”, Lynch looks at the steward, told one. “帮我预约一下皇家银行的行长,我想尽快见到他。”,林奇看着管家,吩咐了一句。 Imperial Hotel can be the Frat highest grade hotels, that is because the wrights and present operators in hotel are the royal family members. 帝国酒店之所以算得上是盖弗拉档次最高的酒店,那是因为酒店的建造者和现在的经营者都是皇室成员。 Does not have imperial family this word to be easy-to-use in this national anything, even some low-grade not valuable things, so long as hangs up imperial family special-purpose the reputation, can very easy harvests a wealth from the social middle and lower level. 在这个国家什么都没有“皇室”这个词好用,即便是一些低档的不值钱的东西,只要挂上“皇室专用”的名头,就能很容易的从社会中下层收割一笔财富。 The background of hotel is deep enough, the relations in society is broad enough, temporarily the steward raises slightly, turns around to leave. 酒店的背景足够深厚,在社会上的关系就足够广,临时管家欠了欠身,转身离开。 Soon, he returned in the room, Baron, the presidents of Royal Bank in 3 : 15 pm, 20 minutes of relaxation times, he will meet with you in oneself office.” 不多时,他重新回到了房间里,“男爵阁下,皇家银行的行长会在下午 3 点15分,有二十分钟的休息时间,他将会在自己的办公室与您会面。” The stewards with have not awaited respectfully your visit in this case, explained that this bank manager is also an aristocrat, Frat's social class system is stern, among the different social classes has the different turns of expression, this is the federal person does not like one of their reasons- they are always regarded as the lowest person the federal person. 管家没有用“恭候您的莅临”这样的话,说明这位银行行长本人也是贵族,盖弗拉的社会阶级制度森严,不同的阶级之间有不同的表达方式,这也是联邦人不喜欢他们的原因之一-他们总是把联邦人看作是最低等的人。 Although this is the fact, they indeed are the ordinary civilians, but this will also make people indignant. 虽然这是事实,他们的确都是普通平民,但这也会让人气愤。 At noon rested simply the moment, ate local feature, and after not delicious lunch, when 2 : 30, Lynch rides the motorcade that the hotel is providing, went to Royal Bank this. 中午简单的休息了片刻,吃了一点本土特色且不好吃的午餐后,等到两点半时,林奇乘坐着酒店提供的车队,前往了皇家银行本部。 Frat's bank has, as numerous as the hairs of an ox, but can take three that acts truly. 盖弗拉的银行有很多,多如牛毛,但真正能够拿得出手的就三家。 First the bank that is the empire imperial family was established, the shareholder is the imperial families and some big aristocrats, has very glorious history. 第一个是帝国皇室成立的银行,持股人是皇室和一些大贵族,有非常悠久的历史。 Second is Allied Banking Corp., the shareholder in this bank is many aristocrats. 第二个是联盟银行,这家银行的持股人是众多的贵族。 In Frat before the modern age, they are also practicing the feudal lord fiefdom system, each feudal lord has own bank in own fiefdom, this also caused Frat to have dozens over a hundred all kinds of aristocrat banks. 在盖弗拉进入现代之前,他们还实行着领主采邑制度,每一个领主在自己的采邑都有自己的银行,这也导致了盖弗拉有几十上百家各种各样的贵族银行。 After the modern age, the power of aristocrat by maximum weakening to the bottom of history, these every large or small aristocrat banks underwent rounds transformations, finally becomes Allied Banking Corp . 在进入现代之后,贵族的权力被最大限度的削弱到历史的最低点,这些大大小小的贵族银行经过一轮轮的变革,最终成为了联盟银行。 Third gold/metal sail bank that” is the capitalists establishes, some shareholder also many aristocrats in this bank, most stockholder's rights in every large or small capitalist hand. 第三则是资本家们成立的“金帆银行”,这家银行的持股人也有不少贵族,不过大多数的股权都在大大小小的资本家手里。 The bank is born in the wharf, at first its business scope lends some merchants is engaged in the trade, must gather certain deducting a percentage besides the interest. 银行诞生于码头,最初它的营业范围就是借钱给一些商人从事贸易,除了利息之外还要收取一定的提成。 This is also only one grasps the bank in non- aristocrat hand. 这也是唯一一家掌握在非贵族手中的银行。 In addition, other banks, the family bank also exist, but does not have with the qualifications of these three bank competitions obviously, gradual becomes a historical symbol. 除此之外,一些个人银行,家族银行也还存在,但显然不具备和这三家银行竞争的本钱,逐渐的成为了一种历史符号。 In the federation, any financial activity cannot leave the support of these three banks, anything. 在联邦,任何金融活动都离不开这三家银行的支持,无论是什么。 3 : 12 pm, Lynch has appeared in the hall of Royal Bank, covered native of Flat's cognition to the time to be able accurately to the agreement time the minute before. 下午 3 点12分,林奇已经出现在皇家银行的大厅里,盖弗拉人对时间的认知可以准确到约定时间的前一分钟。 They will not appear prematurely, but will not be late absolutely, the federal person was very once surprised in covering being punctual of native of Flat. 他们不会过早的出现,但也绝对不会迟到,联邦人曾经很惊讶于盖弗拉人的守时。 The person who these are punctual in the agreement time first dozens seconds of emergence, will often never have the exception. 那些守时的人往往会在约定时间前几十秒出现,从来都没有例外。 Naturally, the person who these do not observe the time is not one of them. 当然,那些不遵守时间的人不在此列。 This is also a custom, the custom of nationality. 这也是一种习惯,民族的习惯。 From downstairs to the building , the interim steward stands, when outside the president office sounded the office door, not far away is hanging the wall clock demonstration leaves 3 : 15 also to have just right one minute now. 从楼下到楼上,临时的管家站在行长办公室外敲响了办公室房门的时候,不远处挂着的壁钟显示现在离开三点十五分还有正好一分钟。 The second hand moved, fifty seconds. 秒针动了一下,还有五十几秒。 Please enter......” “请进……” The door was opened by the steward, but he has not gone, but stood in one side. 门被管家推开,但他没有进去,只是站在了一边。 The president stands on own seat, he is a Count, standing is the aristocrat among the respect of the aristocrats expressing, he has not circled, or approach, because his aristocrat title was much higher than Lynch. 行长站在自己的座位上,他是一名伯爵,站起来是贵族对贵族之间表达的尊敬,他没有绕出来,或者迎上来,因为他的贵族爵位比林奇高得多。 Mr. Lynch, you are very punctual!”, He Lynch that put out a hand and walks grasped grasping, then invited him to sit down, please sit down.” 林奇先生,你很准时!”,他伸出手和走过来的林奇握了握,然后邀请他坐下,“请坐。” Two people take a seat respectively, the middle is away from a low key to be reserved, but the extremely luxurious desk, the president lifted the hand to press a button on the telephone, delivered two cups of coffee and some cakes and pastries comes in......”, he looked up to Lynch, can add the milk and sugar?” 两人分别落座,中间隔着一张低调内敛但极为奢华的办公桌,行长抬手在电话上按了一个按钮,“送两杯咖啡和一些糕点进来……”,他抬头看向林奇,“要加牛奶和糖吗?” Lynch shakes the head, on the good long face were many some smile, does not want the milk and sugar.” 林奇摇了摇头,行长脸上多了一些笑容,“不要奶和糖。” After he loosens the hand, corrected a sitting posture, I heard that the federal person likes in coffee Riga many milk and many sugar, until completely changes the coffee original flavor.” 他松开手后端正了一下坐姿,“我听说联邦人喜欢在咖啡里加很多奶和很多糖,直到完全改变咖啡原有的味道。” This seems like explaining, in fact is an arrogant and even arrogant satire, covers a native of Flat and federal person's struggle in ideology is long-standing, this also becomes an international culture. 这看上去像是在解释,实际上是一种高傲乃至傲慢的讽刺,盖弗拉人和联邦人在意识形态上的斗争由来已久,这也成为了一种国际文化。 Saying that Lynch maintains composure, it looks like our life, happy, happy.” 林奇不动声色的说道,“它就像是我们的生活,甜蜜,幸福。” The president smiles, has not continued to discuss that this issue, his satire slight anger, the counter-attack of Lynch is not same. 行长笑了笑,没有继续讨论这个问题,他的讽刺没有丝毫的火气,林奇的反击也一样。 Each other to each other a preliminary understanding, was named the first impression. 彼此对彼此都有了一个初步的认识,俗称第一印象。 At this time, a girl is almost also carrying the coffee and cakes and pastries walked. 差不多也就在这个时候,一个女孩端着咖啡和糕点走了进来。 The coffee is very thick, bitter taste heavy, the greasiness is also heavy, but does not have the astringency, the temperature and time of coffee bean when baking must surpass the processing of federal coffee to the coffee bean. 咖啡很浓,苦味重一点,油性也重,但没有涩味,咖啡豆在烘焙时温度与时间要超过联邦咖啡对咖啡豆的处理。 Therefore the cakes and pastries of Frat afternoon tea are very sweet, sometimes to the federal person thought sweetly a little greasy degree, is used to neutralize the coffee the pain. 所以盖弗拉下午茶的糕点都很甜,甜到联邦人有时候都觉得有点腻的程度,就是用来中和咖啡的苦。 Covering a native of Flat is not does not sweeten, but way of sweetening not too same- they advance the mouth directly. 盖弗拉人不是不加糖,只是加糖的方式不太一样-他们直接加进嘴里。 After the girl leaves, the president is carrying the coffee, takes the dolly to mix, „does Mr. Lynch, have the place that what need I help?” 等女孩离开后,行长端着咖啡,拿着搅拌棒搅动着,“林奇先生,有什么需要我帮忙的地方吗?” Lynch also gets out of trouble, directly set own request. 林奇也兜兜转转,直接提出了自己的要求。 Has such several matters.” “有那么几件事。” First, I need to open a bank account and exchange account.” “第一,我需要开一个银行账户和交易所账户。” Second, I need to cash in half my bond, stores in the transaction account, another part continues to place in the bank.” “第二,我需要把我的债券兑现一半,存入交易账户中,另外一部分则继续放在银行里。” Third, I need to match the capital!” “第三,我需要配资!”
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