BC :: Volume #15

#1407: The difference treats

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Lynch and are chatting some situations that the guests are coming, but the young maid and young maid, are discussing these in behind in a low voice. 林奇和佩妮正在聊着宾客们来的一些情况,而小女佣和小小女佣,则在后面低声的讨论着这些。 How much money does this...... spend?” “这得……花多少钱?” The young maid cannot bear exclaim in surprise, she is the distantly related cousin of young maid, the young maid mixed raised one's head the news to spread in her hometown in big city. 小小女佣忍不住惊叹着,她是小女佣的远房表妹,小女佣在大城市“混出头”的消息已经在她的家乡传开了。 Can in Bupen produces the community to buy a several hundred thousand house, and is driving the expensive car, the work of dignity, this had the enormous impact on these relatives in her hometown. 能在布佩恩的中产社区买一栋几十万的房子,并且开着豪车,还有体面的工作,这对她家乡的那些亲戚造成了极大的冲击。 People always say that I know she can definitely have an achievement, hits to look slightly......”, naturally these people do not know that the work of young maid does not need to think actually, sometimes very tests the physical ability and mood management. 人们总是说“我就知道她肯定能有一番作为,打小就看得出来……”,当然这些人并不知道小女佣的工作其实不需要动脑子,就是有时候挺考验体能和情绪管理的。 After she is pregnant, the Lynch preparation asks a maid to come from the community again, he does not lack this money, simultaneously, as a rich man, he did not think tosses about a pregnant maid is any interesting matter. 当她怀孕之后,林奇准备从社区再找个女佣来,他不缺这点钱,同时嘛,作为一个有钱的男人,他不觉得折腾一个怀孕的女佣是什么有意思的事情。 This also traded the gratitude of young maid, therefore she was also yearning the cousin of big city life, introduced. 这也换来了小女佣的感激,于是她把同样向往着大城市生活的表妹,介绍了过来。 Regarding the federal person, some concepts they are very light, although goes to bed with the employer sounds a little ill, but in the final analysis, this is also their freedoms. 对于联邦人来说,有些观念他们很淡薄,尽管和雇主上床听起来有点令人不适,但说到底,这也是她们的自由。 Moreover there are cousin here, sometimes also can indeed help her. 而且有了小表妹在这里,有时候也的确能够帮助她。 At this time takes in the cousin eyes successful person cousin young maid, then sighs lightly, at least 40,000-50,000, will be perhaps more.” 此时作为小表妹眼中的“成功人士”的表姐小女佣,则轻叹了一口气,“最少40,000-50,000,也许会更多。” The young maid held breath cold air, she defers to the Bupen industrial criterion to have more than 400 money one month of wages from the community now. 小小女佣倒吸了一口凉气,她现在还是按照布佩恩的行业标准从社区拿着四百多块钱一个月的工资。 This wages are she in two times of hometown 这份工资是她在家乡的两倍 «Lowest Hourly wage Law» is not «Minimum Monthly salary Law», in other words the capitalist to providing the worker of work pays the wage according to the operating time. 《最低时薪法》不是《最低月薪法》,换句话来说资本家是根据工作时间给提供劳动的劳动者支付薪水的。 Probably some do not rely on the work of high-intensity long-enduring heavy physical strength, usually does not need the staff to do full all operating times. 像是一些不那么依赖高强度持续性重体力的工作,往往都不需要工作人员干满所有工作时间。 Possibly every day on work six hours? 可能每天就工作六个小时? Perhaps only has four hours. 也许只有四个小时。 They will not provide the wage according to the full man-hour, but was you made many, they sent many. 他们不会按照满工时发放薪水,而是你做了多少,他们发多少。 This also why deferred to the theory even the federation at present wage level lowest area one moon/month average wage still 300, but had few people only to attain 200 even less than 200 reasons. 这也就是为什么即便按照理论来说联邦目前工资水准最低的地区一个月平均薪水也有三百块了,但还是有一部分人只能拿到两百块甚至不到两百的原因。 According to the small maid beforehand pay standard, such a birthday party, used up she 20-30 years of savings.:. 按照小小女佣以前的薪资标准,这样一场生日派对,就用掉了她20-30年的积蓄。:. The rich man rich degree, with spending freely the degree, renovated the world outlook of young maid again. 有钱人有钱的程度,和挥霍的程度,再次刷新了小小女佣的世界观。 She shot a look at a cousin, she is not very clear, wages on the high point( job seniority) the cousin, how is settles down in this city. 她不由的瞥了一眼身边的表姐,她不是很明白,工资就比自己高一点(工龄)的表姐,是如何在这座城市安家的。 She has seen a bill of this villa, every month various expenses add to have 2000 dollars, the cousin lives in produces the community, are few, 200 can have? 她已经见过一次这栋别墅的账单了,每个月各种费用加起来有两千来块钱,表姐所居住的中产社区,再少,两百块总得有吧? So much money where she comes? 她哪来的这么多钱? Naturally, she does not ask immediately, but hid this matter at heart. 当然,她不会立刻问出来,只是把这件事藏在了心里。 Afterward she saw some to be attractive, lets select the girl who she linked envies unable to envy high from the third vehicle. 随后她就看见了一些非常漂亮的,让她连嫉妒无法嫉妒的高挑女孩从第三辆车上下来了。 Altogether has 20-30, more than ten charming young men. 一共有20-30个,还有十几个帅气的年轻男性。 These people have the attractive cheek, perfect stature, moreover looks that gives the person one type is very high-level the impression. 这些人都有着漂亮的脸蛋,完美的身材,而且看着就给人一种“很高级”的印象。 She does not know why will have such feeling, will have high-level feeling, but she has, and oneself also become the bright reverse side, she not that attractive, the freckle, is a little unsophisticated, is very preliminary. 她不知道为什么自己会有这样的感觉,会有“高级”的感觉,但她就是有,并且自己也成为了鲜明的反面,她不那么的漂亮,还有雀斑,有点土,很低级。 These girls and boys after admonishing of person, start to change the clothes also to put on make-up, everyone is attractive seems like the star in television. 这些女孩和男孩们在经过一个人的训话后,开始换衣服并且化妆,每个人都漂亮得像是电视中的明星。 „Are these people to do?”, The young maid cannot bear ask, she is not quite clear. “这些人是干什么的?”,小小女佣忍不住问道,她不太明白。 The young maid also sighs, how they...... said that is equivalent accompanies to play.” 小女佣又叹了一口气,“他们……怎么说呢,就相当于陪玩。” You know, we hold the party time always some people cannot let loose, we person who needs some to be able to let loose, only then such atmosphere can enliven, they are this part!” “你知道,我们开联欢会的时候总有些人放不开,我们需要一些能放得开的人,只有这样气氛才能活跃起来,他们就是这部分!” One understood speaking of the party young maid, their countryside places will have the party when the holiday, some people are very shy, will only stand on one side to look. 一说到联欢会小小女佣就懂了,他们的乡下地方在节假日时会有联欢会,有些人很腼腆,只会站在一边看。 Some people are very active, everyone's vision centralized in these active people, including these shy. 有些人则很活跃,所有人的目光都集中在这些活跃的人身上,包括那些腼腆的。 Everyone can obtain joyful this from their bodies is a very pure straightforward sentence! 大家都能从他们的身上获得快乐这是一个很单纯直白的句子! The Lynch birthday party starting from afternoon, at noon the finishing eating lunch carelessly, rested after slightly a meeting, around 3 : 00 pm to four times, the guests will draw near. 林奇的生日派对从下午开始,中午草草的吃完午饭,稍稍休息一会后,下午 3 点多到四点时候,宾客们就快到了。 At this time outside the Banshan Villa area encircled many reporters, but also somewhat had the reporter of ability to find the way to come. 此时半山别墅区外面又围了很多的记者,还有些有能耐的记者想办法进来了。 Naturally they come to be authorized, for example has inside inhabitant to agree with them to come, or their some energies. 当然他们进来都是得到授权的,比如说有里面的住户同意他们进来,或者他们本身有一些能量。 In brief today to the Banshan Villa area, is not tranquil a day! 总之今天对半山别墅区来说,又是不宁静的一天! Before some inhabitants in Banshan Villa area united to exert pressure on Lynch, hoped that he can hold the party in other places, because often he tossed about some sounds, making the Banshan Villa area lonesome and quiet environment is not lonesome and quiet. 之前半山别墅区的一些住户团结起来给林奇施压,表示希望他能在其他地方举行派对,因为动不动他就折腾一些动静,让半山别墅区幽静的环境变得不幽静了。 Valley /span > however they by Lynch strong after compelling, does not make a sound, looks like the present. 谷/span>但是他们被林奇强硬的逼回去之后,就再也不吱声了,就像是现在。 No one will telephone to the community service company, wanting that side Lynch to be able peaceful point. 没有人会打电话给社区服务公司,希望林奇那边能“安静点”。 With the arrival of first guest, the flashing light of reporters had not stood still. 随着第一名宾客的到来,记者们的闪光灯就一直都没有停歇过。 Today has lots of star politicians to attend the Lynch birthday party, this is an out of the ordinary matter, because especially has reason, many people believe that star who can attend the Lynch party, is on the star of true scale! 今天有大量的明星政要参加林奇的生日派对,这本身就是一件非比寻常的事情,特别是因为有佩妮的缘故,很多人都认为,能够参加林奇派对的明星,才是真正上档次的明星! The specification of party is very good, they can be invited, explained all. 派对的规格很好,他们能得到邀请,就说明了一切。 As the honored guests are getting more and more, Lynch also bustled about. 随着嘉宾们越来越多,林奇也忙碌了起来。 Today is his birthday, each was invited is his guest who comes, he and stand in the entrance welcomes these guests. 今天是他的生日,每一位受邀而来的都是他的客人,他和佩妮站在门口迎接这些宾客。 Basically everyone he has seen 1-2 times on the television, in addition has the list that prepares, has not made the admitting mistakes person joke. 基本上所有人他都在电视上见过1-2,加上有佩妮准备的名单,没有闹出认错人的“玩笑”来。 Yes, only then the status low person makes such mistake is joke, but person who has the status to have the position like Lynch makes, that definitely was cracking a joke. 是的,只有身份低下的人闹出这样的错误才是“笑话”,而像林奇这样有身份有地位的人闹出来的,那肯定是“开玩笑”了。 Moreover joke that he plays intentionally, Lynch is very humorous person, everyone knows...... 而且还是他故意开的玩笑,林奇是很幽默的人,大家都知道…… After beforehand director actor anything's conclusion, come is the film-makers of some academic, each of them was interpolated in various types of movie teaching materials, this is also they can after leaving the actual movie work, is grasping the reason of film and television circle evaluation power as before. 之前的导演演员什么的结束之后,来的就是一些学院派的电影人,他们每一个人都被写进了各种的电影教材里,这也是他们能在离开实际的电影工作之后,依旧掌握着影视圈评选大权的原因。 In fact now invests to them, making them film a movie, very big probability meets the box office to be dreary, because they had been eliminated by the society, but they will not acknowledge this point. 实际上现在给他们投资,让他们去拍摄一部电影,很大概率会票房惨淡,因为他们已经被社会淘汰了,但他们不会承认这一点的。 Thank your invitation, Mr. Lynch, when I heard when I also obtained the invitation, I very surprised.” “感谢你的邀请,林奇先生,当我听说我也得到了邀请时,我非常的惊讶。” Some antique also people like me likes unexpectedly, this makes me feel inconceivable, therefore I came!” “像我这样的老古董居然也有人喜欢,这让我觉得不可思议,所以我来了!” To thank you, you make me know that I had not been abandoned by this world!” “就是为了感谢你,你让我知道我没有被这个世界抛弃掉!” Lynch front old person over 70 years old is, he had seemed like some to be emaciated, but vigor very good, is also very healthy. 林奇面前的老人已经七十多岁了,他看起来有些偏瘦弱,但精神头非常的好,身体也很硬朗。 Low attitude Gempek who he displays soon could not maintain the forced smile, must know that this old person had strong human relations in the cinema world, was honored as award final difficulty. 他表现的低姿态让佩妮连假笑都快要维持不住了,要知道这位老人在电影圈中有很强的人脉关系,被誉为“大奖最后的难关”。 Because many outstanding works the producer does not have the means to flatter him, thus missed the award item! 很多优秀的作品因为制作人没办法讨好他,从而错失了奖项! In some hearsay that in hears, some first-line actresses to successfully win prize, can lead to participate in the evaluation the movie, gives the old person to explain the content of movie personally. 在佩妮所听说的一些传闻中,有些一线女演员为了成功拿奖,会带着自己参加评选的电影,去给老人亲自说明电影的内容。 Often a saying was one week, only then this had the opportunity to convince him. 往往一说就是一个星期,只有这样才有机会说服他。 He looks like...... very difficulty such that is difficult to attack and capture, keeps off on the pursue award path. 他就像是……很难攻克的难关那样,挡在追求大奖的道路上。 But, he is now base and low looks like average person such. 可现在啊,他卑微得就像是个普通人那样。 Closely blocked the arm of Lynch, the old person was shooting a look at his one eyes, Ms., I watched your movie, very splendid, you were in the new generation star most outstanding that!” 佩妮紧紧拦着林奇的胳膊,老人瞥了他一眼,“佩妮女士,我看了你的电影,非常的出色,你是新生代女星中最优秀的那个!” Corners of the mouth curled upwards quickly, copes with such little girl, some are the means. 佩妮的嘴角很快就翘了起来,对付这样的小女孩,有的是办法。 Lynch mentioned another matter, I heard now federation has every large or small more than ten awards ceremonies?” 林奇谈起了另外一件事,“我听说现在联邦的有大大小小十几种颁奖典礼?” The old person selected under one, indeed is this, besides our movie the award item of association and school, some companies also did the private awards ceremony, their rotten pieces cannot attain any award item from here, therefore oneself proclaimed to oneself......” 老人点了一下头,“的确是这样,除了我们电影公会和学院的奖项之外,有一些公司也搞了私人的颁奖典礼,他们那些烂片从我们这里拿不到任何一个奖项,所以就自己给自己颁……” Actually the Fox Pictures own awards ceremony, without the means that academic these people is not quite also good to do, sometimes did not say that spends to solve. 其实福克斯影业也有一个自己的颁奖典礼,没办法,学院派这些人不太好搞,有时候不是说花钱就能解决的。 If money can solve all problems, then non- existing problem. 如果金钱能解决所有问题,那么就不存在问题了。 The present issue is some people hopes that can profoundly exchange with these big stars, but in these big stars, except for really needs the award beside person who can put down certain dignity, who to serve these 60-70 years old old man grandmas? 现在的问题是有些人希望能和那些大明星深入交流一下,可那些大明星中,除了真的非常需要大奖以至于可以放下某些尊严的人之外,谁会为伺候这些六七十岁的老头老奶奶? Will not have, moreover these people are the big stars, they not for an award item will ride an old person, or was ridden by an old person. 不会有,而且那些人都是大明星,他们不会为了一个奖项就骑一个老人,或者被一个老人骑。 Cannot attain them to want, that proclaimed to oneself simply, this was also a very good way. 拿不到他们想要的,那就干脆自己给自己颁,这也是一个很好的办法。 The audience do not care about what award item is orthodox school, they only care about themselves to like, as well as is splendid enough! 观众们才不在乎什么奖项才是“正宗”的,他们只在乎有没有自己喜欢的,以及够不够精彩! This also made many small award items start gradual doing to be big, making the traditional award item feel the serious pressure. 这也让很多小奖项开始逐渐的做大,让传统奖项感受到了沉重的压力。 After all, what the audience want is the fair result, rather than some type by art deceiving of name. 毕竟,观众们要的是公平的结果,而不是某种以“艺术”之名的愚弄。 In addition the popularity of commercial film pattern, people did not salute in the movie like before frequently these movie founders, this also made the commercial film very difficult to win the traditional award. 加上商业片模式的流行,人们不像以前那样经常在电影中致敬那些电影奠基人,这也让商业片很难获得传统的大奖。 These words that Lynch spoke aroused old person's resonance, but he also has no means that this after all is a tidal current, a trend. 林奇说的这些话引发了老人的共鸣,但他又没什么办法,这毕竟是一种潮流,一种趋势。 Until...... 直到…… I also like the movie very much, I plan to establish a foundation, conforms with...... to provide the quickest black stone password to renew for you this aspect, 1407 differences treat free reading.:. “我也很喜欢电影,我打算成立一个基金会,把这方面整合一下……”为你提供最快的黑石密码更新,1407区别对待免费阅读。:.
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