„Real? Has been ableto eat meal? Toogood!”
The little missesare patting the small handexcitedly, hercheekbecause ofhappy, buttimeobviouslyruddy, sherunsjubilantlyto the elder sister, enters the room. Enters the room, shewas brought back the gluttonby the fragrance of food.
小姑娘兴奋地拍着小手,她的脸蛋因为高兴而倍显红润,她兴高采烈地跑向姐姐,走进屋子。一进屋,她就被食物的香气勾起了馋虫。„Heard that quitefragrant, the elder sisteryoumadeanythingto be delicious!” The little missesplungeimpatientlyare setting out the table of food.
“闻起来好香啊,姐姐你都做了什么好吃的!”小姑娘迫不及待地扑向摆着食物的桌子。Herelder sister, thatgentlefemaleactuallyseizesherlattercollarto say with a smile: „Yourthisclay doll, firstwashes the hands, thenchanges the clothes, canon the tableeat meal.”
她的姐姐,那个温柔的女子却捉住她的后衣领笑道:“你这个泥娃娃,先去洗手,再把衣服换下来,才能上桌吃饭。”Little misses‚’called: „Elder sisteryouare really strict.”
小姑娘‘啊’一声叫起来:“姐姐你真严格。”Althoughsaid,in the little misseyesholds the happy expressioncompletely, shedashesto depart, waitscomes backagain, has changedcleanclothes.
The two sisterssitto the tableon, looks that on the tablethesefry the golden yellowfish, stillin the thick soup of bubbling, slivered the diced meatto stir fry the chicken of mushroom, as well assends out the cooked rice of steam, the little missis cheeringoneslightly, carries the tableware, the bulkmakes chewing motions.
姐妹俩坐到桌上,看着桌子上那些煎得金黄的鱼肉,仍在冒泡的浓汤,切成肉丁炒着蘑菇的鸡肉,以及散发着微微热气的白米饭,小姑娘欢呼一声,端起碗筷,大块朵颐。„Yourslowpointeats, the elder sisterwill not snatchwithyou.” The female of gentleaswatercovers the mouthchuckle, clamped a fishto the little miss, picks upherto hanggrain of riceonface.
After finishing eating, the elder sisteralsobroughttwoapples, the little misseyesillumination, heldelder sister'slegto beg: „Elder sister, givingmyoneis good?”
The elder sistersmiles, thentakes up an applebit the mouth.
The little missesgawked, then the line of sightmovestoward the remainingthatapples, shethinks that the elder sisterthisappletooneself, the elder sister will also actually nipon the secondappleunexpectedly.
小姑娘愣了下,然后视线移往剩下的那个苹果,她以为姐姐会把这个苹果给自己,却不料姐姐又在第二个苹果上也咬了一下。Immediately, the little missinnermost feelingssurgeinexplicablelosing, thinking the elder sistermustassume full responsibility oftwoapples.
顿时,小姑娘内心涌起莫名的失落,以为姐姐要包揽两个苹果。Butat this time, elder sister an applegaveher: „To, metried, thissweetest.”
The somewhatdimeye, glowed the appearanceagain, the little miss‚un’ the sound, receivedthatapple that happilylacked an corner/horn, bitone, onlythinks that the mouthfulis sweet.
原本有些黯淡的眼睛,再次焕发出神彩,小姑娘高兴地‘嗯’了声,接过那个缺了一角的苹果,咬了一口,只觉满嘴甘甜。Butis sweet, might as wellbe at heart sweet.
可再甜,也不如心里甜。At night, as usual, the little missliesononeselfsmallbed, is covering with the softlevant cottonquilt. Herelder sister and clothes by her, toldrested the storybeforeher.
到了晚上,和往常一样,小姑娘躺在自己的小床上,盖着松软的小棉被。她的姐姐和衣靠在她旁边,为她讲了一个睡前故事。Shelistenedis gradually listeningto be stranded, the smallmouthis yawning, the small handis hugging the elder sister, saidambiguously: „Elder sister, you why so goodtoflatterglass...”
她听着听着逐渐的困了,小嘴打着呵欠,小手抱着姐姐,含糊地说道:“姐姐,你为什么对阿璃这么好呀...”„Fool, becauseIam your older sister.” The femalevisionis gentle, opens outon the little missfaceseveralwispsto send the silkgently.
“傻瓜,因为我是你的姐姐啊。”女子目光温柔,轻轻拨开着小姑娘脸上几缕发丝。„Elder sister, will weseparatedlybe never good?”
The little missesclose one's eyes, the corners of the mouthoutlined the happy expression, fell asleep.
小姑娘闭着眼睛,嘴角勾勒笑意,进入了梦乡。In the morningcomes in time, whenout of the windowresounds the sound that the cockerelcrows, shestretches oneself, is yawning, sitson the bed.
早晨如期而至,当窗外响起公鸡打鸣的声音时,她伸了个懒腰,打着呵欠,在床上坐起来。Sideis completely empty, where the elder sisterdid not know.
The little missesdiscovered, on the bedhas a paper, aboveisline of beautifulhandwriting: Remembersputting on clothes, todayitis cold. In the morningIhave completed, yourselfeat. Ithing that goes to the cityto buyto selectyouto like, in the afternooncomes back.
The little misseslook at the paper, on the faceexude the smile, sheputs on clothes, oneselfeat meal, oneselfplay.
小姑娘看完纸条,脸上又泛起笑容,她自己穿衣,自己吃饭,自己玩耍。Timequicklyin the past, in an instantalreadytoafternoon, buton the fieldtraildoes not havethatsay/wayslenderform.
时间很快过去,转眼已经到了下午,但田间小径上却没有那道修长的身影。„How hasn't elder sistercome back?”
“姐姐怎么还不回来?”„Perhapswalked until tired, on the roadrests, Iwaitagain.”
“兴许是走累了,路上歇一歇吧,我再等等。”Thisfirst-grade, waited tillsun set, the setting sunis hanging the horizon, pulls out the longshadow the thing of land, butonthatfieldtrail, does not seeelder sister'sformas before.
The little misseswent to the roomto addclothes, thenlayin the windowwaits, waited till the sunset, waited till the night, did not see the elder sisterto returnas before.
小姑娘回房间多添了一件衣裳,然后趴在窗户等候,等到了日落,等到了夜晚,依旧不见姐姐归来。„Whyelder sisterhas not come back...”
“姐姐为什么还不回来呀...”Shehasto eat a thing, is selecting a smalllamp, lieswaitsin the windowwith hardship.
她只好自己吃了点东西,然后挑着一盏小灯,趴在窗户苦苦等候。When, shefell asleep, whenhears the chickenwhining noise, shewakes up, discoveredoneselfrestto pournear the window, butElder sister, all nightendturns over.
等啊等,她睡着了,当听到鸡鸣声时,她才醒来,发现自己睡倒在窗户边上,而姐姐,彻夜末归。Shewaited for threedays, waited for a month, waitedyear by year.
她等了三天,等了一个月,等了一年又一年。However, the elder sisterdid not haveagain.
然而,姐姐却再也没有回来了。On the face of little missdoes not have the smile, herclothesbecomedirtyandbroken, hertenfingersare all dirty.
The bright and cleanroom, currentlyhas the dusteverywhere, the spidersettles downin the roofcorner, on the tabledoes not have the deliciousmealagain, is spreadingspiritlessash, the eyes of little miss, did not havebeforehandlimpidbright, is only left over a duskycolor.
原本窗明几净的屋子,现在到处都有灰尘,蜘蛛在屋顶的角落安了家,桌子上也再没有可口的饭菜,所有的一切都涂着一层死气沉沉的灰,就连小姑娘的眼睛,也没有了以前的清澈明亮,只剩下一片灰蒙蒙的颜色。„Elder sister...”
“姐姐...”„Elder sisterdid not wantme...”
The little miss of dishevelled hairfilthyfacecovers the faceby the hand, at firstsobs, quickturned intowailing, shecriesearthly-shaking, criedunder the palmto flow offtwolines of tears of blood, the dropdroppedin the floor, splashedbright redplum blossoms.
蓬头垢脸的小姑娘以手掩面,起初只是抽泣,很快就变成了嚎啕大哭,她哭得惊天动地,哭得掌下流下了两行血泪,滴滴落在了地板,溅出了一朵朵鲜红的梅花。„Elder sister, which the elder sisteryouare, whereyouare at!”
The body of little missrose suddenlyfiercely, broke open the clothing, hit the roof, herhairdanced in the air, sends the tree topto growheads, eachheadwasshe, eachheadis sobbing, eachheadflowed off the bright redtears!
The roomcollapsed, the groundsplit, an onlygrotesque, indescribablethingcrawledfrom the crack, theygrasp the both legs of little misscompetitively, crawlsdiligentlyupward, attemptscloselyto be hangingonherbody, does not makeherleave.
屋子垮塌了,地面裂开了,一只只奇形怪状,难以描述的东西从裂缝里爬了出来,它们争先恐后地抱住小姑娘的双腿,努力地往上爬,企图将自己紧紧地悬挂在她的身上,不让她离开。„Imustlook for the elder sister!”
“我要去找姐姐!”„Imustlook for the elder sister!”
The little misseslet loose the hand, onherface, emits another eye, theseeyeslook to all directions, are searching forelder sister'sformprobably.
小姑娘放开了手,她的脸上,冒出一只又一只的眼睛,这些眼睛看向四面八方,像是在搜寻着姐姐的身影。Intheseeyes, passed the scene of field, flashed through the picture of city, leapsperson's shadowone after another.
在那些眼睛里,晃过了田野的场景,闪过了城市的画面,跃出一道又一道的人影。„Elder sisternothere...”
“姐姐不在这里...”„Elder sisternotincity...”
“姐姐不在城里...”„Elder sisternotonmountain...”
“姐姐没在山上...”„Whereelder sisteryouare at!”
“姐姐你在哪!”Sheloses one's voice the scream, sheis afraidlonely, after sheis unable to imagine, does not haveday that the elder sisteraccompanies, howshemustcross.
她失声尖叫,她害怕孤独,她无法想像以后没有姐姐陪伴的日子,她要如何渡过。Suddenly, sheraised the head, looksto the sky.
突然,她抬起头,看向了天空。„Can elder sister... in the space?”
“姐姐...会不会在天上?”Thereforesheextendsboth hands, the taking bearingsky, shewantsto flyto ascend the sky, sheflew the day.
于是她伸出双手,探向天空,她想飞上天去,她就飞上了天。Mayingroundthatslit, stillhave the innumerablelifeformto crawl, theyentangledto hugmutually, build a hill, the hillturned into the mountain, turned into the peak.
可在地面那条缝隙里,仍有数不清的生物爬了出来,它们互相缠抱,堆砌出一座小山,小山又变成了高山,化成了高峰。Millions , the countlesslifeform, theyare sharp howling, theyare shouting wildly, theyare pulling, is not willingto make‚little miss’leave.
千千万万,无以数计的生物,它们尖嚎着,它们狂叫着,它们拉扯着,不愿意让‘小姑娘’离开。But the little missleft, sheis dragging the innumerablelives, is withstandingtheirhate, flewto the starry sky, departed the starry sky.
但小姑娘还是离开了,她拖着无数生灵,承受着它们的怨恨,飞向了星空,飞出了星空。Shestartsto seek forelder sister'sformin the universe, shelooked for 100years, in 1000and10,000years!
她开始在宇宙里寻找着姐姐的身影,她找了一百年、一千年、一万年!In order tolook forelder sister, toseemoreplacesas far as possible, a fartherplace, shebesides the faceon, otherplaces, whole bodygrew the every large or smalleye.
为了寻找姐姐,为了尽可能看到更多的地方,更远的地方,她除了脸上之外,其它的地方,全身上下都长出了大大小小的眼睛。Thousands, variousshapeseyes, every large or small, proliferates the whole body, theyare taking a fast look around the universealways.
数以万计,各种形状的眼睛,大大小小,遍布全身,它们无时无刻地扫视着宇宙。Howevershinesintheseeyes, wasdeadstars, wasgloomy and cold, darkandsilent, as ifhad forgottendoes not have the universe of half a pointvitalityagain.
The universeissospacious, howeversheactuallycannot see a life, these for ten millionyears, biguniverse, only thenshe.
宇宙是如此空旷,然而她却看不到一个生命,这千万年来,偌大一个宇宙,只有她自己。Lonelysoclear, theylikegraygauzeslayer by layer, tight, the strictsilktight seampackagesher.
孤独是如此的清晰,它们如同一层一层的灰色纱布,紧紧的,严丝密缝地包裹住她。Finally, shestopped.
终于有一天,她停了下来。Herinnumerableeyeballs, gush out the tears of blood together, butshewill not sob, ten thousandyears of lonely, has letherheart.
星都。Sulooksfiercely all around stand rigidlymotionless, thenstartsto melt, turns into a beachbeachmud, silentcollapsing.
苏烈看着四周一个个自己僵立不动,接着开始融化,化成一滩滩烂泥,无声垮塌。Several hundredSuLiedisappeared.
数百个苏烈消失了。Several hundredTian Yangalsovanished.
数百个天阳也消失了。Aboveopen area, only then the smallformis also standingtogether.
空地之上,只有一道小小的身影还站着。Thatis the little miss of 7 or 8-year-oldsize, hereyesare empty, the skinloses the glossrapidly, andpresentsslightcrevasses.
那是七八岁大小的小姑娘,她双眼空洞,皮肤迅速失去光泽,并且出现一条条细微的裂隙。Fromthesecrevasses, some darkaura of distortiongraduallyseparate out, theydrift the liquidprobablyinouter space, the creeping motionis upward, oftenappearsintheseblackauradark red, in the dark redrayflashes before the terrifyingfaces of distortions.
从那些裂隙里,一些扭曲的黑暗气息逐渐析出,它们像是飘浮在太空里的液体,蠕动向上,在那些黑色的气息里不时浮现暗红,暗红的光芒里闪现出一张张扭曲的恐怖脸孔。At this time, blackband of lighttentaclesextendedlikely, searchedintheseaura, pulledpiece by piecedark red, anditsabsorption.
这时,一根根黑色的光带像触手般伸来,探进那些气息里,扯出了片片暗红,并将其吸收。Sulooksfiercelyfollowingthesebands of light,thensawownson, Tian Yang.
苏烈顺着这些光带看去,便见到了自己的儿子,天阳。Tian Yanghas put down the left hand, seesnot far awaythatsay/waysmallform, on the facedoes not have anyexpression.天阳已经放下了左手,看着不远处那道小小的身影,脸上没有任何表情。By the essence of flatterglass, henaturallyalsoknows, a moment agowhatflatterglassmadeone‚nightmare’.
透过阿璃的本质,他自然也知道,刚才阿璃做了一个什么样的‘噩梦’。After all, this‚nightmare’ the content, isTian Yangdesignsin view ofher.
毕竟,这个‘噩梦’的内容,是天阳针对她而设计的。Firstgivesflatterglassto be warm, gives the thing that inherheartmostlongs, thenbrutallyruins, and thing that shemostis afraid, suspendstoherbloodyat present.
先给予阿璃温暖,给予她心中最渴望的事物,然后再无情地毁掉,并将她最害怕的东西,血淋淋地摆到她眼前。And, regardingTian Yang, that‚nightmare’perhapswinks the time of eye. Buttoflatterglass, actuallycontinuedten millionyearspain.
并且,对于天阳来说,那个‘噩梦’或许只是眨下眼的功夫。但对阿璃来说,却是持续了千万年的痛苦。Finallyis very successful.
The heart of flatterglass, died.
阿璃的心,死了。Shealsodissipates , butTian Yangdoes not have the pleasant sensation of defeating the powerful enemy, even ifseesnowoneselfare capturingflatterglass the essence, will then obtainflatterglasspart of essencespermanently, enhancesownstrengthimperceptibly.
她也消散在既,可天阳却没有一丝战胜强敌的快感,哪怕现在看到自己正在夺取阿璃的本质,接下来自己将会永久地获得阿璃一部分本质,无形中提升自己的实力。ButTian Yanghappy, if unable to preventthisnearlyinstinctplundering, heratherdoes not wantflatterglass the essence.
可天阳还是高兴不起来,如果不是无法阻止这种近乎本能地掠夺,他宁愿不要阿璃的本质。Possiblybecauseflatterglass‚losing hope’ the reason, heressenceseparates outveryrapidly, making the time of blackband absorptiongreatlyreduce.
可能因为阿璃‘心死’的缘故,她的本质析出得非常迅速,使得黑色光带吸收的时间大大缩短。Alsoon the time of moment, Tian Yangobtainedone not completely‚nightmare’essence.
也就片刻的功夫,天阳就获得了一个不完整的‘梦魇’本质。At this time, the azureluansilentline, put down the umbrella, the squatting downbody.
The little miss of dissipation, the eyeballmovedabout togently, as ifwithallstrengths, looksfullyto the azureluan.
行将消散的小姑娘,眼珠轻轻动了下,仿佛用足所有力气,看向青鸾。Herhandliftslittle, wantsto touchto bump into and get a bruise the luan, butonlyliftedlittle, was incapable offalling.
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