BDM :: Volume #13

#1264: Pleasantly surprised

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„...” “啦啦啦...” „...” “啦啦啦...” Slippery slide, slippery slide, after you first me, do not worry...” “滑滑梯,滑滑梯,你先我后别着急...” „It seems like the crawling mountain, crawled step by step...” “上去好像爬高山,爬了一级又一级...” child delicate the voice resounds in the spacious lawn, the small form, jumps together, goes in a dim light of night China , North Korea not far away log cabin. 童嫩的嗓音在空旷的草坪上响起,一道小小的身影,蹦蹦跳跳,在夜色中朝不远处一座木屋而去。 Before that log cabin, to a tall apricot tree, under the crown of cover, some people made a swing with the tire and rope. 那木屋前,冲着一棵高大的杏树,茂密的枝冠下,有人用轮胎和绳索做了一个秋千。 The swing was moved by the night wind, often sways, red and blue two color light glittering on nearby police vehicle, making the swing pull off a long shadow in the ground. 秋千被夜风吹动,不时摇晃,旁边一辆警车上的红蓝二色灯光闪烁,让秋千在地面拖出一道长长的影子。 That shadow threw into the front door of log cabin, sways on an entrance Chang An-lo chair, on that easy chair, sits a form indistinctly, in the darkness often has the fire to be luminous, resembles some people to sit above, is smoking. 那道影子投进了木屋的大门里,在门口一张安乐椅上摇晃,那安乐椅上,隐约坐着道身影,黑暗中不时有火光亮起,似是有人坐在上面,正在抽烟。 to bind the little miss of meatball head is still continue sing: „... Gets down meets the airplane probably, everyone claps to smile, smiles! Narrow the eyes! Narrows the eyes!” 扎着丸子头的小姑娘还在继续唱着:“...下来好像会飞机,大家拍手笑眯眯,笑!眯!眯!” Last character time, she stood in the entrance of that log cabin, stood , was printed with comes and goes out safe and secure on mats, a meatball miss patted the palm saying: Elder sister, you here? You definitely, flatter glass smelled your flavor here...” 最后一个字的时候,她站在了那木屋的门口,站在一张印有‘出入平安’的踏脚垫上,丸子头姑娘拍着手掌道:“姐姐,你在这里吗?你肯定在这里吧,阿璃都闻到你的味道了...” Elder sister, do not run, because of isn't together good with flatter glass?” “姐姐,你就不要跑了嘛,跟阿璃在一起不好吗?” flatter glass most liked the elder sister, this time said that anything will not make the elder sister run away again.” “阿璃最喜欢姐姐了,这次说什么也不会让姐姐再跑掉了。” Elder sister, making glass take down your hands and feet, like this you could not be inescapable, you do not reach an agreement well, is good?” “姐姐,让阿璃把你的手脚取下来,这样你就跑不了了,你说好不好呀,好不好呀?” A meatball miss hehe enters in the room with a smile, in the room the lights flickering, making on the wall flash before person's shadows. 丸子头姑娘呵呵笑着走进屋子里,屋子中灯光闪烁,让墙上闪现着一道道人影。 In the crown in room, is hanging people, some of them wear the dark blue uniform/subdue, some wear the home clothing/taking, has the man, has the child, has the old person. 就在屋子的顶部,挂着一个又一个的人,他们有的穿着深蓝色的制服,有的穿着家居服,有男人,有小孩,有老人。 Their bodies moisture content, the skin is not pale and withered, hemp rope sets on their necks, pick in the crossbeam of roof, hangs a row them. 他们身体已经没有一丝水分,皮肤青白且干枯,一条条麻绳套在他们的脖子上,捡在屋顶的横梁,将他们挂成一排。 They do not know how long here hung, hangs the eye to turn and white/in vain the summit, hangs the tongue that becomes dark to put out from the mouth, hung the neck to elongate much. 他们不知道在这里挂了多久,挂得眼睛翻白且凸处,挂得发黑的舌头从嘴里吐出,挂得脖子都拉长了不少。 Has the wind has blown time, they swing like the light wind chimes, mutual collision, the balloons of as if human form. 有风吹过的时候,他们就像轻飘飘的风铃一样摆动起来,互相碰撞,仿佛一个个人形的气球。 A meatball miss is tilting the head toward above person looked at one, one to smile: Bored thing, the body pulled out the spatial thing also to dare to be here scary, do not disturb, if dares to run away in fear my elder sister, was careful that I ate you...” 丸子头姑娘歪着头朝上面的‘人’看了一眼,噗呲一声笑出来:“无聊的东西,身体被掏空的玩意也敢在这里吓人,别捣乱哦,要是敢吓跑我姐姐,小心我吃了你们...” A naive child, after threatening above these likely person, the little miss snort/hum the lively nursery rhymes, are passing through from these things, entered in a room. 像个天真的孩子,威胁了上面那些‘人’一番后,小姑娘哼着轻快的童谣,从那些东西上面经过,钻进了一个房间里。 In the room disorderly, was placed in the bed of corner collapsed a corner/horn, let the above bed sheet quilt pillow and holds the pillow to roll, near the wall closet is opening, inside clothes lost everywhere are, in another frontier wall is hanging several picture frames, in the picture frame was the group photo of whole family, and inside picture yellowing was fuzzy, but can still look, the person on picture smiled very happily. 房间里一片杂乱,摆在角落的床塌了一角,让上面的床单被子枕头和抱枕全都滚了下来,墙边的衣柜打开着,里面的衣服丢得满地都是,另一边墙上挂着几个相框,相框里是一家子的合照,里面的相片泛黄并且模糊,但仍然能够看得出来,相片上的人笑得很开心。 Elder sister?” “姐姐呢?” Elder sister, where are you at?” “姐姐,你在哪?” „Do you want to play the peekaboo with me?” “你要跟我玩躲猫猫吗?” A meatball miss pats the palm to smile: Good good, I most liked playing the peekaboo.” 丸子头姑娘拍着手掌笑起来:“好呀好呀,我最喜欢玩躲猫猫了。” At this time, outside resounded anything to fall to the sound of ground, plop plop, one after another. 这时,外面响起什么东西掉到地上的声音,扑通扑通,一声接一声。 The little misses back up are going out of the bedroom, a head swayed, looks toward the living room. Outside the headlight of police vehicle taking advantage of the log cabin, the little miss saw, before hung above person the present fell on the ground. 小姑娘倒退着走出卧室,脑袋一摆,朝客厅看去。借着木屋外面警车的车灯,小姑娘看到,之前吊在上面的‘人’现在一个个都落在了地上。 A moment later, they start to crawl, they seem like the mollusk to be the same, the hands and feet can sway from side to side at will, their elongated neck brings the head to move on the ground, they looked to the little miss, puts out sound that the black long-tongue mouth made nearly talks during sleep. 片刻之后,他们开始爬起来,他们像是软体动物一样,手脚能够随意扭动,他们那被拉长的脖子带着脑袋在地上甩动,他们看向了小姑娘,吐出黑色长舌的嘴里发出近乎呓语的声音。 Hungry... good hungry... food, food!” “饿...好饿...食物,食物!” Some of them hover on the ground like the gecko, some chest toward on, the hands and feet reverse, climbed up the wall like the spider, they use the different stances, does not have one same crawls toward the little miss. 他们有的像壁虎一样在地上游动,有的胸口朝上,手脚反转,像蜘蛛一样爬上了墙,他们用不同的姿态,却无一相同的往小姑娘爬去。 Their cry is shocking, sees the meat bone like one crowd, and hungry very long mad dog, wishes one could to rip the fragment the present little miss, swallows the meat to bite the bone! 他们叫声震天,像一群看到肉骨头,并且饿了很久的疯狗般,恨不得把眼前的小姑娘撕成碎片,吞肉噬骨! The meatball miss face pulls down: One group of hungry ghosts, are hungry will not ponder, even was hungry I also to dare to offend?” 丸子头姑娘脸拉了下来:“一群饿鬼,饿得都不会地思考,饿得连我也敢冒犯了吗?” She smiled suddenly, and opens both hands, welcomed on own initiative toward that group of hungry ghosts: Come, hugs.” 她突然笑了起来,并且张开双手,主动朝那群饿鬼迎去:“来呀,来抱抱啊。” Wears the dark blue uniform/subdue person threw, closely grasps the little miss, mouth, bit toward the head of meatball little girl. 一个穿深蓝制服的‘人’扑了过去,紧紧地抱住小姑娘,嘴巴一张,朝丸子头小女孩的脑袋咬了过去。 The little girls raised the head, in the big eye can shine upon in that exaggerating mouth, become dark esophagus. 小女孩抬起头,大眼睛里都可以映照出那夸张的口腔里,已经发黑的食道。 Then that esophagus, that big mouth, that head, that person who’ is hungry goes crazy seems like wiped off with the rubber, the form disappears successively, the time of moment, has vanished in the air, from end has existed like him generally. 然后那个食道,那张大嘴,那个脑袋,那个饿得发疯的‘人’像是被人用橡皮擦掉般,身影节节消失,片刻的功夫,就已经消失在空气里,就像他从末存在过一般。 Other hungry ghost, the form does not disappear, is bang a body jumps broken, turns frog that only quack called, was not the body is rapid, fell down bones ....... 其它的‘饿鬼’,身影不是消失,就是砰一声身体迸碎,变成一只只‘呱呱’叫的青蛙,再不就是身体迅速腐烂,掉下一根根骨头....... The time of also blinking, these things all disappear in different ways, a meatball miss laughs is patting the small hand: Fool, the idiot, you should really not believe, I really want to hug you ........ 也就眨眼的功夫,这些东西全都以不同的方式消失,丸子头姑娘哈哈大笑地拍着小手:“笨蛋,蠢材,你们该不会真的相信,我真的想抱你们吧........” While she spoke, in the little miss behind darkness, there is a form to outline. That form still end outlined completely, the fuzzy dark red light shadow did not have a smoke anger together, has swept the neck of little miss light, making her lovable, still brought the smile head to fly ....... 在她说话的同时,小姑娘身后的黑暗里,有身影勾勒。那道身影尚末完全勾勒,一道模糊的暗红光影不带一丝烟火气,轻飘飘地扫过小姑娘的脖子,让她那颗可爱的,尚带着笑容的脑袋飞了起来....... Until this time, that form appeared completely. 直到这时,那道身影才完全显现。 Because the extreme speed movement caused silver dark green color hair almost all after the brain, the look profound man made the movement that swept away, in his hand, grasping a is huge, proliferated the fissure the breaking blade. 因为极速移动使得银苍色的头发几乎全拉向了脑后,眼神深邃的男子做出横扫的动作,在他的手上,握着一柄巨大的,遍布裂痕的断刃。 This is entangling the white cloth strip the weapon, is lending the wild aura. 这把武器缠着白色的布条,散发着蛮荒的气息。 Strikes to go well, he did not draw back, the huge rough breaking blade brandished, raises from bottom to top. 一击得手,他仍不退,巨大粗糙的断刃抡了一圈,又自下而上地扬起。 In the room jumps the firing line that serves as contrast purplish red suddenly. 屋子中突然跳起一丝紫红相映的火线。 The next second, the log cabin bang the sound, a fire dragon throws off the roof, shoots up to the sky, after climbing to the upper air, the roaring flame to all around proliferation shop assumes, turns into a giant purplish red sea of fire! 下一秒,木屋轰隆声响,一头火龙掀翻屋顶,冲天而起,升至高空后,烈焰才向四周扩散铺呈,化成一座巨大的紫红火海! In the log cabin repeatedly has the sympathatic detonation, the wooden door is blasted open, the wall was blown off, the flame gushes out from the room, forms piece by piece the hot wave, after the release the heat and energy, retracts fiercely. 木屋里不断发生殉爆,木门被炸裂,墙壁被炸飞,火焰从屋子中喷薄而出,形成片片火浪,释放出热量和能量后,才猛地缩回。 Outside the room the apricot tree, swing sudden, the wind sound/rumor howls later, the fierce air current brought nearby leave of grass. 屋外杏树,秋千突然一荡,随后风声呼啸,剧烈的气流带起了附近的草叶。 The leave of grass flutters about, holds the silver-haired form of blade to reappear. 草叶纷飞中,持断刃的银发身影浮现。 In his side not far away, on the lawn grows fresh flowers suddenly fast, in fresh flower that crowds around, the form walked together. She the pure white long gown, she holds the black umbrella. 在他旁边不远处,草地上突然飞快地长出一朵朵鲜花,拥簇的鲜花中,一道身影走了出来。她着素白长袍,她持黑色雨伞。 Like this could not kill her.” Holds the umbrella female to say. “这样杀不了她。”持伞女子说道。 Then in the room in the fire, an immature child's voice resounds: Elder sister said right, but I have not really thought that Elder Brother Tian Yang, you really acts to me unexpectedly, I am only a child.” 然后屋中大火中,一个稚嫩的童声响起:“姐姐说得没错,可是我真没想到啊,天阳哥哥,你居然真的对我出手,我只是个孩子啊。” In the flame, the form walked together, that is a headless girl, does she walks sway, probably is drunk to be the same, will seem like will throw down momentarily, actually can promptly maintain balanced. 火焰之中,一道身影走了出来,那是个无头的女孩,她走得摇摇晃晃,像是喝醉了酒一样,看起来随时会摔倒,却又总是能够及时保持住平衡。 Afterward in the brain, there is a thing to roll, originally was a head of little girl, it rolled to oneself foot near, the body bends the waist, held the head, according to neck on. 随后在脑子中,有东西滚了出来,原来是一个小女孩的脑袋,它滚到自己的脚边,身体就弯下腰去,捧起脑袋,按到了脖子上。 . 吱嘎吱嘎。 In the neck of little girl resounds several abnormal noises, then after adjusts slightly, she restores such as beginning. 小女孩的脖子中响起几声异响,接着又稍微调整后,她就恢复如初。 In the flame, her face looks under the tree simple-hearted that two forms, pats the palm saying: I like, you look for me on own initiative, really gave me a big pleasant surprise.” 火光中,她一脸天真无邪地看着树下那两道身影,拍着手掌道:“不过我喜欢,你们主动来找我,真是给了我一个大大的惊喜。” Pleasant surprise?” “惊喜?” Tian Yang gently jaw head: Under your anticipation, you will also might as well have a bigger pleasant surprise again later.” 天阳轻轻颌首:“你不妨再期待下,待会你还会有更大的惊喜。” Right?” “是吗?” „Is this real?” “这是真的吗?” Cannot deceive me, Elder Brother Tian Yang, otherwise, I hang you, pulls out the organization in light your body, but I can guarantee that you will not die, you can also live by that condition, you will become my toy!” “不许骗我哦,天阳哥哥,不然的话,我就把你吊起来,掏光你身体里的组织,但我可以保证你不会死去,你还可以以那种状态活着,你将成为我的玩具!” A meatball miss pats the small hand to say excitedly: flatter glass most liked the toy, flatter glass has for a long time very long not fun toy.” 丸子头姑娘兴奋地拍着小手道:“阿璃最喜欢玩具了,阿璃已经有很久很久没有好玩的玩具了。” Then, end and other Tian Yang responded, flatter glass hit a sound to refer. 说完,末等天阳回应,阿璃打了个响指。 On Tian Yang prairie fire, turns into a fiery red great snake suddenly, whiz on a shoulder that bit in Tian Yang, bit his blood to scatter, sways, staggers the retreat. 天阳手上的‘荒火’,突然变成一条火红的巨蛇,嗖一声咬在了天阳的肩膀上,咬得他鲜血四溅,摇摇晃晃,踉跄后退。 Ha, Elder Brother Tian Yang, you may probably support, I bit by bit will pull out the thing in light your body, you may too early do not drop down to me.” “哈哈哈,天阳哥哥,你可要撑住,我会一点一点掏光你身体里的东西,你可千万不要太早给我倒下哦。” A meatball miss patted the palm to smile, with a smile, she a little could not smile suddenly. 丸子头姑娘拍着手掌笑了起来,笑着笑着,她突然有点笑不出来。 Although Tian Yang biting the shoulder blood scatters, but on his face is actually hanging the smile of caring at all, even in the look has an unusual look, looking like him is feeling sorry to be ordinary. 天阳虽然给咬得肩膀鲜血四溅,可他脸上却挂着满不在乎的笑容,甚至眼神里带有一丝异样神色,就像是他在可怜自己一般。 Do not smile...” “别笑了...” You do not permit to smile!” “你不准笑!” On flatter glass both hands lifts. 阿璃双手上抬。 Tian Yang nearby weed dials suddenly high, turns into the long spear/gun, lance and long sword. They jab into the thigh of Tian Yang, goes into his abdomen, penetrates his chest! 天阳旁边的杂草猛然拨高,变成长枪、长矛、长剑。它们刺进天阳的大腿,扎进他的腹部,穿透他的胸口! Tian Yang by all sort of swords, was punctured in the mouth to cough up blood, but on his face, still hung is letting the glass fire big smile. 天阳被诸般刀剑,刺得嘴中咳血,可他脸上,仍挂着让阿璃火大的笑容。 I changed the mind.” “我改变主意了。” I did not want the toy.” “我不要玩具了。” I must kill you!” “我要杀了你!” The small face of flatter glass is suddenly cloudy, she extends the small hand, presses fiercely downward. 阿璃的小脸霍然阴沉,她伸出小手,猛往下压。 Tian Yang that apricot tree, on the tree trunk turns out eyes behind suddenly, later the branch dangles, their kinking revolves, forms a spiral-shaped long spear/gun, held from Tian Yang ruthlessly, the lance point breaks out from the chest, selected the midair Tian Yang. 天阳身后那棵杏树,树干上突然翻出一只只眼睛,随后枝条垂下,它们扭结旋转,形成一根螺旋状的长枪,狠狠地从天阳背后捅了进去,枪尖自胸口破出,将天阳挑上了半空。 Tian Yang hangs upside down on that spiral long spear/gun, the blood winds to scatter, but this, he was still smiling like the bystander even. 天阳倒挂在那螺旋长枪上,鲜血蜿蜒四溅,可即便这样,他仍然像个没事人一样笑着。 Why... why I cannot kill you!” flatter glass retroceded one step, on the small face flashes through one to be frightened. “为什么...为什么我杀不死你!”阿璃后退了一步,小脸上闪过一丝惊惶。 Then in this occasion, she feels a top of the head heat suddenly, on her eyeball lifts, sees only the above flame writings of field of vision, the ignition star faded and fallen under. 便在此际,她忽感头顶一热,她眼珠上抬,只见视野的上方火光大作,点点火星飘零而下。 As if Tian Yang prairie fire, divided at this moment on her head. 仿佛天阳的‘荒火’,此刻劈在了她的脑袋上。 Immediately, the field of vision of flatter glass was divided into two halves suddenly, the middle is similar to abyss jet black .......... 随即,阿璃的视野突然被分成两半,中间则是如同深渊般的漆黑..........
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