Tian Yanglooked all around, saidwith smile on the face: „Everyone, thatjust right, Ihave the matter to announce.”天阳环顾了一圈,面带笑容说道:“大家都在,那正好,我有事情要宣布。”
The birdmostcannot idle, heard that the wordjumps for joyasks: „Whatmatter announced that askingusto have the feast?”
小鸟最是闲不住,闻言雀跃地问道:“宣布什么事,请我们吃大餐吗?”Xunholds the volume saying: „Bird, can wehave the ideal, saidagainyesterdayyoudid not complaindaily the lighteats mealnot to have the movement, fatseveraljin (0.5 kg), now do youalsodareto have the feast?”
The birdcalls out in alarmone, covers the mouth that fumigateshastily, awkwardlooks atTian Yang saying: „Iam fat, fat.”
小鸟惊呼一声,连忙捂住薰的嘴巴,一脸尴尬地看着天阳说:“我就胖一点,胖一点。”Tian Yangsmilesto shake the head, thensaid: „Ihave eradicatedEllHoyne, obtainedsomeindustries, includesthem the manorinwar-godfort.”天阳笑笑摇头,然后才道:“我已经铲除了艾尔霍因,获得了一些产业,其中就包括他们在战神堡的庄园。”„The scale of thatmanorisustwotimeshasmany, andin the fortress, is safer than here.”
“那个庄园的规模是我们这边的两倍有多,并且在堡垒内部,比这里更加安全。”„Iwantto send to the war-godfortyou, laterweliveinthatmanor, Iwantto change a newnameto the manor, buthas not thought that thereforethismatteryoumake a decision.”
“我想把你们送去战神堡,以后咱们就住在那个庄园里,我想给庄园改个新的名字,但没有想好,所以这件事你们拿主意吧。”Hangson the body of Tian Yang, the nighttidetung oil treecheers: „Good, we to change the bighouse.”
挂在天阳的身上,汐桐欢呼起来:“好耶,我们可以换大房子了。”**Covers the mouthto say with a smile: „Young ladyalwayssaid that hereplaceis too narrow, shestrolledless thanseveralto stroll, nowwas good, had a biggerplaceto makeherplay.”
**掩着嘴巴笑道:“小姐总说这里地方太窄,她逛不到几圈就逛完了,现在好了,有更大的地方让她玩耍。”Tian Yangrubbeddaughter'shead saying: „Iin the garden of new home, install a swingto playtoyou.”天阳揉了揉女儿的脑袋道:“等我在新家的花园里,给你装个秋千玩。”„Good, the fatherwas best.” The nighttidetung oil treecheersone, makes an effortto enclaspTian Yang, the meattoot toot the smallfacepushesonhisface.
“好啊,爸爸最好了。”汐桐欢呼一声,用力地抱紧天阳,肉嘟嘟的小脸挤在他的脸上。Tian Yangalsosaid: „Moreover, Iattained a biological laboratory, does Xun, youwantto go tothatwork? Iplanned that makesthemdevelop to strengthen the medicament of ordinary soldier.”天阳又道:“另外,我拿到了一座生物实验室,薰,你想去那工作吗?我打算让他们开发能够强化普通战士的药剂。”Xunthinks saying: „Iwantto go, butIhave not studiedinthisaspect.”
薰想了想说:“我是想去,但我在这方面没有研究。”„Youare willingon the line, without the researchnowto start is not late, thatprojectalsojuststartedin any case. When the time comesmust have conducts someexperiments, has your brilliance , the life of experimentersalsohas the safeguard.”Tian Yangconvincedherto say.
“你愿意就行,没有研究现在开始也不迟,反正那个项目也刚刚开始。到时候少不了得进行一些实验,有你这个光辉在,实验人员的生命也有保障。”天阳说服着她道。Xunnods saying: „Good, Ialsowantto look for something to do, otherwisestaysall dayalso is very at home bored.”
薰点点头说:“那好吧,我也想找些事情做,不然整天呆在家里也很无聊。”Tian Yangthenlooked that saidtostar: „Thenfumigatesin the laboratory, is protectedbyyou.”天阳便看向星洛说:“那么薰在实验室的时候,就由你保护。”starshows the mechanicalsmile saying: „Compliant, master.”
The birdjumped, forked the waist saying: „Thousandrainbowswent to warwithyou, fumigate have to work, I?”
小鸟跳了起来,叉着腰说:“千虹跟你去打仗,薰也有工作了,那我呢?”Tian Yanghahasaid with a smile: „Justwantsto tellyou, the trouble-free service of ournewmanor, Iwantto giveyouto be responsible. Moreover, you must helptrain the guard in manor, withoutissue?”天阳哈哈笑道:“正想跟你说,咱们新庄园的安全工作,我想交给你负责。另外,你还得帮忙训练庄园的护卫,没有问题吧?”
The birdisofficial rank6, althoughjustpromoted, butshehas the richactual combat experience, if under the charge of the manorsecuritytoher, Tian Yangcannot feel relievedagain.
小鸟已经是职级六,虽然才刚刚晋升,但她有丰富的实战经验,如果由她来负责庄园安全,天阳再放心不过。Butbesidethis, Tian Yang must addagaininsurestogether.
但在此之外,天阳还要再加一道保险。HemustmakekingLingjunalsomove to the manorto go, even ifkingLingjun the strengthin the daystepis limited, buteventuallyis the daystep, has anything to keep offorbe able to accomplish.
他要让王凌君也搬到庄园去住,哪怕王凌君在天阶里面实力有限,但终究是个天阶,有什么事情挡一挡还是办得到。„What, youmakemework as the guardleader, insipid.” The birdcurls the lip, is not glad.
“什么嘛,你就让我当个护卫头头啊,没劲。”小鸟撇撇嘴,一点也不乐意。Tian Yanghit a meaningful glancetoward the daughterat this time, the nighttidetung oil treeis understandingimmediately, plunges the bird, hugsher saying: „Birdelder sister, youhelps the father. Alsohadyouto protectourwords, wefelt relieved.”天阳这时朝女儿打了个眼色,汐桐立刻会意,扑向小鸟,抱着她道:“小鸟姐姐,你就帮帮爸爸嘛。再说有你保护我们的话,我们就放心了。”Was pestered a meetingby the nighttidetung oil tree, the bird that cannot stand off the lovableoffensive, is defeatedfinally, hasto comply.
The Tian Yangstandsaid: „Did not haveothermatter, youdid not needIto have the lunch, I must go toparliamentary. In the afternoonalsohas a conference, cancome backprobablyin the evening, weseein the evening.”天阳站了起来道:“没别的事了,你们不用等我吃午饭,我还得去议会一趟。下午还有个会议,大概晚上才能回来,我们晚上见。”
After leaving the manor, Tian Yangarrives in the headquartersbuilding of thunderparliament, todayout the buildingbeautiful womanguardedandtradedtwo. NowTian Yanginthunderparliament, eveninpicking upAraki, can be calledis a great person.
离开庄园后,天阳抵达雷霆议会的总部大楼,今天大楼门外的美女守卫又换了两个。现在天阳在雷霆议会,甚至在拾荒城里,都称得上是一个大人物。Howtwobeautiful womenguardcannot knowhim, seeshimto walkfrom afar, twoattractiveguards the throwing out the chestmouth, demonstratesimmediatelyas far as possibleowncharm, hopescansettle onbythisgreat person.
两个美女守卫怎么会不知道他这个人,见他远远走来,两个漂亮守卫立刻挺起了胸口,尽量展示自己的魅力,希望能够被这个大人物看中。ThereforeTian Yanghas not arrived at the front door, thenheardthemto have the vitalityto call outvery much: „Good afternoon, CongressmanTian Yang.”
The Tian Yangsmilenods, fromtheirsideprocess, sawTian Yanga few wordsnot to saydirectly,twobeautiful womenguardedsomewhatare disappointed, since andstartedto reviewto displaya moment ago, place whether canimprove.天阳微笑点头,径直从她们身边经过,见天阳一句话也没有说,两个美女守卫都有些失望,并开始检讨起自己刚才的表现,是否还有能够改进的地方。Comes to the office of speaker, Tian Yangknocksknocks on a door, thenheard that insidesoundremoves mines the sound of cauldron: „Come.”
来到议长的办公室,天阳敲敲门,便闻里面响起雷釜的声音:“请进。”Tian Yangopens the door, saw that thunderFuis watering flowers, inpicking upAraki, but the fresh flower the rarething, isno onecanplant the high-flying firecracker attached to a reed stalk.天阳推开门,看到雷釜正在浇花,在拾荒城里,鲜花可是罕见的事物,不是谁都能够种得起花。„Good afternoon, Speaker.”
After passing through the gate, Tian Yangrelaxes the handsto stand, the smilesent regards.
进门后,天阳垂手而立,微笑问候。„Good afternoon, CongressmanTian Yang.”thunderFuputs down the spray can, one side arrived at the receiving callersareato sayleisurely,„came, wechattedseveral.”
“中午好,天阳议员。”雷釜放下喷壶,慢条斯理地走到一边的会客区说,“来,我们聊几句。”Tian Yangnods, arrives at the receiving callersareato sit down, the thundercauldronmakes the secretarysendtwocups of tea, the access road/simply said: „Hasn't CongressmanTian Yangfromeasternlandto come, Iremembered incorrectly? Come, drinks tea.”天阳点点头,来到会客区坐下,雷釜让秘书送来两杯茶,便道:“天阳议员是从东陆来的,我没记错吧?来,喝茶。”„Yes, how did the speakeraskthis?”Tian Yangcarries the teacup, sipped the mouthlightly.
The thundercauldronhehesaid with a smile: „When Iam young went to the easternland, Istillremember, the eastern hemisphere continenthas a fortressto be impressive. Therefemaleis in the majority, the ablemaleoftencanhavemanyfemales, andis the outstandingly beautifulfemales.”
雷釜呵呵笑道:“我年轻时去过东陆,我还记得,东大陆有一座堡垒让人印象深刻。那里女性居多,有能力的男性往往能够拥有多名女性,并且都是绝色女子。”Sees the appearance that an old manfaceis charmed, the Tian Yangcorners of the mouthtwitchedslightly, thensaid: „Does speakerrefer to the eveninglightfort?”
见老头子一脸神往的模样,天阳嘴角微微抽搐了下,然后道:“议长指的是暮光堡?”„Right, isthat.”
“对对,就是那。”thunderFuhollow laughsound: „In the pastIalmostsettled down there, at that timethesewomenpledged the goodconditiontome. Iam thinkingperhaps, ifdiligently, canget marriedtheircitylordsdiligently.”
雷釜干笑了声:“当年我差点就在那里落户了,当时那些女士可是给我开出不错的条件。我在想要是努力努力,说不定还能够迎娶她们的城主。”Tian Yangwantsto ask why hehas not livedfinally, buthas words on the tip of the tongue, swallows back, in order to avoidappears itself is too curious.天阳想问他最后为什么没住下来,但话到嘴边,还是咽了回去,以免显得自己太好奇。„Just likeCongressmanTian Yang, I am not westlandpeople, Iamlandto come.”
The thundercauldronsaidlightly: „ActuallyIlike the landvery much, therepleasant weather, Iwas what a pity young and impetuousat that time, offended the person in warchurch, was compelledto be forced to leave native place, walksisdozensyears.”
雷釜淡淡地说:“其实我很喜欢中陆,那里气候宜人,可惜我当时年轻气盛,得罪了战争教会的人,被逼背井离乡,一走就是好几十年。”SomeTian Yangaccidents/surpriseslooked atspeakeroneeyes, althoughbeforeknew the thunderparliamentto disagreewith the warchurch, has not actually thought,originallywasfor this reason.天阳有些意外地看了议长一眼,之前虽知雷霆议会跟战争教会不和,却没想到,原来是因为这个原因。
The thundercauldronhehesmiles, looked that saidtoTian Yang: „I, alwayscannot put down the beforehandmatter, alwayswantsto find the opportunityto return to the landto have a lookagain, withsomepeople, something makes an understanding.”
雷釜呵呵一笑,看向天阳说:“我啊,总放不下以前的事,总想再找机会回中陆看看,跟一些人,一些事做个了解。”„Pitifullyalwayscould not find the opportunity, could not findappropriately** the person, unloads the responsibility on my shoulder.”
The old personlookedall around saying: „In the pasttosurvive, after arrivingpicked upAraki, Ibymyability, hereget a smalldomain, founded the thundercommissionarmy corps.”
老人看了看四周说:“当年为了生存,来到拾荒城后,我凭借自己的能力,在这里打下一个小小的地盘,创建了雷霆佣兵团。”„Afterwardslowlydevelopment, untilbecomingtoday'sthunderparliament. Hereinvested the painstaking care of myhalf a lifetime, ifsatit, firstIam unwilling, secondlyis also irresponsibletoeveryone.”
“后来慢慢发展,直至成为今天的雷霆议会。这里投入了我半生的心血,如果一坐了之的话,一来我不甘心,二来也对大家不负责任。”„Is now good, Ihad foundperson who canentrust.”
“不过现在好了,我已经找到可以付托的人。”Tian Yanghearshere, ifhas not known that thunderFushoutedoneself the goal, thatisidiotone.天阳听到这里,要是还不知道雷釜把自己喊来的目的,那就是蠢材一个。Heshowed a faint smile saying: „Speaker, do youwantto giveme the parliament?”
他微微一笑说:“议长,你想把议会交给我?”thunderFuvisitshim saying: „.”
雷釜看着他道:“正是。”Tian Yangheld the teacup saying: „Speaker, Ijoin the parliamentarytimeto be short, is thisinappropriate?”天阳捧着茶杯说:“议长,我加入议会时间还短,这样不合适吧?”„You, althoughjoins the time of parliament is not long, butyourability is obvious to all, butnow the shovelput downEllHoyne. NowIgive you parliament, believes that no onewill have the objection.”
The thundercauldrontook up the teacupto drink a oral account: „Let alone, ifIhave not guessed that wrong, youthink that is picking upArakito flex the muscles. Ifyoubecome the speaker, regardless ofwantsto makeanything, will be easier.”
雷釜拿起茶杯喝了一口说:“何况,如果我没猜错的话,你想在拾荒城大展拳脚。如果你成为议长的话,无论想做什么,都会容易许多。”Ownthoughtswere looked throughby the speaker, Tian Yangis not accidental/surprised, ifthunderFulianthiseyesightif no, howdoes create the thunderparliamentlike thisbigorganization?
自己的心思被议长看破,天阳一点也不意外,要是雷釜连这种眼力都没有的话,怎么创建起雷霆议会这样的大组织?Tian Yanghearswordsmilesdoes not speak.天阳闻言微笑不语。thunderFucontinues saying: „After the parliamentgivesyou, Icanfeel relieved that goes to the land, insuchparliamentwill not havewhatgossip. Actuallyyouhelpedmyold manbusy, otherwise, Iam also good, the parliament, will becomeyourstumbling obstacleone day.”
雷釜继续道:“把议会交给你后,我就可以放心去中陆,这样子议会里也不会有什么闲言闲语。其实你这是帮了我老头子一个大忙,不然的话,我也好,议会也罢,总有一天会成为你的绊脚石。”„As, when the fate of yourstumbling obstacle, Ithink that EllHoynehad fully shownthis point, myold manalsodoes not have the meansto look likekingLingjunlike thatgood nature, thereforethinks it over, thisistoyourIgoodresult.”
“至于当你绊脚石的下场,我想艾尔霍因已经充分展现了这一点,我老头子又没办法像王凌君那般好脾气,所以思来想去,这是对你我都好的结果。”Tian Yangputs down the teacup, the sinkingsound said: „If the speakeryouwants, Icanwithdraw from the parliament. So long asyoucomplyto cooperatewithme, in any event, picking upArakito have the space of thunderparliament.”天阳放下茶杯,沉声道:“如果议长你愿意的话,我可以退出议会。只要你答应跟我合作,无论如何,拾荒城都有雷霆议会的一席之地。”Thisdialogue, the bystanderlistens to be confused, butsaid that is not complex.
这番对话,外人听来可能一头雾水,但说起来并不复杂。Simply speaking, isno mountain can accommodate two tigers.
The thunderparliamentisthunderFuoneestablishes, ifhedoes not abdicate, Tian Yangdoes not withdraw, thenamongthesetwodaysteps, erupts the rightto competeinevitably.
雷霆议会是雷釜一手创立,他如果不退位,天阳又不退出的话,那么这两位天阶之间,必然爆发权利争夺。AndthunderFualso said that heis notkingLingjunthattolive on dishonorably anything can beperson, in other words , hewill not giveTian Yangto work as the subordinate.
并且雷釜也说了,他不是王凌君那种为了苟活什么事都做得出来的人,换言之,他不会给天阳当部下。Thereforeheonly hastwochoices;first, to abdicateto give up one's post to a more qualified person;second, breaks offwithTian Yang.
所以他只有两个选择,一是退位让贤,二是跟天阳决裂。Tian Yanglooks atclearthis point, will therefore havewords that is willingto withdraw from the parliament, fromthisaspect, manifestedhim the respectto the thundercauldron.天阳正是看明白这一点,所以才会有愿意退出议会的话,从这方面,也体现出了他对雷釜的尊重。
The thundercauldronnaturallyknowsthis point, hahasaid with a smile: „Has your words, the old manwalkedis willing.”
雷釜自然知道这一点,哈哈笑道:“有你这句话,老头子就走得心甘情愿了。”„Youdo not needto think that has a deficitmyanything, in fact, Ialsotake advantage.”
“你也不用觉得亏欠我什么,事实上,我还占了大便宜。”„Youthink that Imakeyouwork as the speaker, the old mantrades a freedom. Moreoverlater, the parliamentcarries forwardinyourhand, my founderalsofollowsto profit at someone's expense, howto remainstronglycompared withme.”
“你想啊,我把议长让你来当,老头子换来一身自由。而且以后,议会在你手上发扬光大,我这个创始人也跟着沾光,怎么都比我留下来强。”„Thismatter decided that in the afternoonIwill announcein the conference, andsupportsyouto become the speaker.”
“这件事就这么决定了,下午我会在会议上宣布,并且支持你当上议长。”Tian Yangsees the old gentlemanintentionto decide, is impolite, the nodsaid: „Iwill not disappoint the speakeryourexpectation, yes, I may be unable totake officeimmediately. Some of some of myalsothingsneedto process, at leastalsotakesonemonthlater, canofficiallyhold the post ofspeaker.”天阳见老爷子心意已决,也不客气,点头道:“我不会辜负议长你的期望,就是,我可能无法立刻上任。我还有一些事情需要处理,至少也要一个月后,才能够正式担任议长一职。”thunderFusmilesto nod: „Ialsoneed the timepreparation, ok, thatlets my old thing, coversspeakerchairforyouagain. A month later, thengivesyou.”
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